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A little bit of everything, just faster



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Saturday 11km recovery at 4.48min/km.

    Regular route, just bumbling along.

    Monday 20km LS(M)R at 4.33 min/km

    Hit the trails of the Phoenix park that skirt around by the walls. They were bone dry, almost dusty. Great running in the sun, lots of stags and squirells, and an easy undulating route. Some of the trail is great, particuarly up high near s bends, single track. Really enjoyable until 14km when the legs felt a bit wobbly. The trails around the monument and by the s bends have some nice little climbs. They took the wind out of my sails and over 1km, I went from skipping down the trail to slogging it. It was about 4 hours since breakfast but was running low of fuel and was getting a bit light headed. Grinded it out back to car and was too fupped to tack on 1km to bring it to hm distance. Usually run the lsrs a bit slower but 4.33 pace felt easy until I got tired. Decided to try and hold the pace then.

    Week total 60km - 5 runs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Week 13 JD session

    Phrase 3 of the plan begins today. Supposedly most stressful part with emphasis on long intervals. Not strictly following the plan tho, replacing some workouts with club sessions. So tonight's 400s are actually next week in the plan.

    12 * 400s

    Legs were tired on the warm up. First 3 reps were roughly on target of 79 secs. Started to drop to around 81/82s. Pushing hard from the 4th rep. Hung on to lads in front and hit 80s again. Slowest 2nd last rep and all out for last. Wrecked afterwards.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Wednesday recovery run 11km

    Ticktock trails. Usual route up bone shaker, Fairycastle, onto Tibradden and back. Cool run as it was very foggy, about 40 metre visibility. I was listening to Thom Yorke's new project, Atoms for Peace mix which made for a very atmospheric run. Place was deserted so with all the weird sounds, it was eery running up into the fog. Fairly knackered at halfway so bit of a struggle to get home.

    Thursday 3 * 2 miles with 2 min rest. 3.53km/min target.

    Sweet Jesus. First time doing 2 mile reps. On paper it didn't seem too bad compared to the 45 mins at 3.57. From the off my legs were tired and last 400m of first rep was killer. Came in at 12.20. 3.51 pace. 2nd rep was just as tough and finished on an uphill drag (how the **** can 50 metres feel so long). 12.22/3.52 pace. Last rep was ok. Halfway through I was well down on time, feeling crap and just hoping to avg 4km/min. Bit of a second wind and managed to haul it back to 3.53 avg with time of 12.26.

    Immediately went into nearest shop and bought a pie and some pale ales for dinner and walked home the last km home.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Some great training going on here Warren. Which JD plan are you following?

    Jealous of the ales too (though probably shouldn't be thinking about beer before 8am! ).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Cheers KC.

    The ales were a gift from the running gods. Just happened to have finished the session near a shop with a nice selection of ales. Only went in for choc milk. Grabbed some Brewdog Punks.

    I’m roughly following the Jack Daniels 5 – 15km plan. I sub some of his sessions with whatever the Tues club session is. Usually there isn’t a huge difference.

    All set for London?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    nerraw1111 wrote: »
    Cheers KC.

    The ales were a gift from the running gods. Just happened to have finished the session near a shop with a nice selection of ales. Only went in for choc milk. Grabbed some Brewdog Punks.

    I’m roughly following the Jack Daniels 5 – 15km plan. I sub some of his sessions with whatever the Tues club session is. Usually there isn’t a huge difference.

    All set for London?
    As set as I can be. Just playing the waiting game now. It's a good program, the 5-15km. I found the 3-session weeks quite tough, but I think it helped with my raw speed before I transitioned into a marathon plan. Would like to have seen it out, to see what I could have managed over 5k, but maybe this summer.

    Are you doing those 3x2 miles on a track? I have found it incredibly useful for pacing the miles appropriately (and neutralizing the wind in this crazy weather). Those 3x2 miles sessions are a pretty close approximation of the toughest MacMillan 10k training session, so dead handy if you want to get a solid 10k time as part of your training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Did them out by Clontarf and then back towards Liffey. But hope to do them on a track in the future. Definitely easier to pace and judge effort.

    Yeah the 3 sessions are fairly tough, not a lot of time to recover. Plan is out set some pbs in 5kms/10km and 10 mile. I've done v little road races and DCM is the only one I consciously set a target for. Will then see about Dublin marathon during the summer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Easy running since Thursday. Achilles tight and was away but should still fit this week's sessions in.

    Saturday 6km recovery
    Monday 6km sight seeing run.
    Tuesday 12km t shirt weather so another wandering run.
    Wednesday 12km at 4.30km/min pace. A few 4.20s thrown in. Out by Sanymount. Got sandblasted with the wind. Nuts. Sand plus contact lenses ouch.

    4 * 1200s at interval pace. JD week 14

    Headed to Phoenix park. Crazy weather. As soon as I started warm up, it started lashing out and wind was swirling. Not ideal for reps but took the most consistent (easy) route choice given wind and did them down Chesterfield. Wind at my back (ish, kinda). Reps came in at 3.30, 3.27, 3.28, and. 3.27. Wind made it easier but figured it was best option. At least I was running the target speed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Saturday 6km easy

    Monday 40 mins at T pace. 15km total.

    Running week goes from Tuesday to Sunday so squeezed this in as last session of week.

    I've felt better finishing races than I did starting this. Too much wine/beer at weekend. Really beginning to notice the effect it has on training.

    Plan was to run under or around 4min/km after 4km warm up. Feeling ok till about 4km when legs felt a bit like jelly. Avg around 3.55min/km with a few 3.53 kms by 7km. 8th km was up Chesterfield for a second time and into the wind, resulting in a 4.06. Got it back after turning out of the wind to finish with avg of 3.56min/km. Bit of a twinge in left calf on warm down.

    A bit of very sore foam rolling afterwards. Left calf particularly painful.

    Trying to make 4min/km my marathon pace, possible 2.49 attempt in Dublin.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Tuesday 8 * 600s.

    Shorts and t shirt weather. Joy.

    Legs were a bit wobbly starting but really nice session. Good group so no slacking. Aiming for 2min flat reps. Think I hit 2 of them with rest in 2.03s with last in 1.58. Good honest session though. Worked hard from the off with active recoveries. May have squeezed a few secs more overall but then in danger of not finishing.

    Wednesday Bray IMRA

    First race of the Leinster League. Only 6km but packs a lot in. V fast start to avoid bottleneck and it takes a while to catch my breath and settle into a pace. Nice steady climb with a bit of a scramble over wet rock near summit. Hit the top and legs aren't too bad so decide to chase the runner who in front who is usually a fair bit ahead of me. About 500 metres of a gentle downhill before it goes up again. I lose a bit of ground and get caught by another. Reach the turnaround and tuck in behind the runner who just passed me. Happy to do this but another running is breathing down my neck. Decided to push and retake the place. Push up last incline towards the cross and drop down the descent. Took a few risks and was able to pass a group of three by picking the direct line down. Bit hairy but great craic. Hung on for a top 10 finish. Free sambos and soup afterwards.

    Thursday 8km recovery

    Legs were fairly wrecked. A very creaky and stiff jaunt along some grass. 5 min/km pace. Managed to time the run to coincide with 40 mins of uninterrupted sunshine.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    3 * 2 mile reps with 2 min rest

    Up early for this and in the park before 9am still half asleep. In a bit of rush so just a 1km warm up and straight in. Did clockwise loops of the triangle by acres road. It’s about 2.8km so it’s an honest loop with a few drags. Legs still a bit sore/stiff from Wednesday.

    Went off too fast and was averaging 3.40 min/km after 2km of 3200. The aim was around 3.53min/km as per plan. Stiff wind heading back up the drag on acres road which presented a bit of a challenge.

    Watch was initially on current pace rather than average pace so bit of a struggle to slow down. Ended up almost jogging the last 200metres to hit average of 3.49min/km. I think time for 2 miles was around 12.10 or so 6.06 mile pace.

    Second rep was a bit tough as had to take in acres road drag twice. Average 3.50min/km. Last rep was ok, held on for avg of 3.51 min/km. Wrecked afterwards but session always felt manageable. The speed is starting to feel a bit more natural.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Monday 22km ish

    Did the Dublin mountain plod route. It's a great route on any day but with blue skies, it's a lovely slice of summer.

    Completely missed the turn for Massey forest so ploughed on up the road instead. Bit of a relief to finally hit Cruagh. Lovely dry trails and sun from here all the way to Fairy Castle. Trails were bone dry. Not sure about the missed section is masseys, that's usually a bit sloppy.

    Climbing was fine but downhills were a bit rough on the legs. Wore trail shoes which there is no need for. Road shoes would actually be more suitable.

    It'd make a lovely mid week evening run.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    3km time trial.

    Wasn’t expecting this so I joined in with the grumbles upon hearing the news. It turned out to be a satisfying run despite feeling a bit tired from Monday’s run and not running a particularly quick time.

    A fast start but I reigned it in a bit and hit the first 600 metres at comfortable pace. Decided to push on with 1600 to go, still feeling ok. I started reeling a few of the faster starters which is always pleasing, targeting a new runner each time I passed.

    Small little push on the last lap and I finished in around 10.36. Only a second quicker than the previous one but difference was I felt comfortable throughout and the legs didn’t seize up. Good indication that I can push a bit harder next time out and not end up in lactic hell.

    IMRA Scalp race

    A great little course. I was going to give the race a miss as on paper (garmin) it looked a bit dull and flat. But the route packs a lot it in over the 6km, with some nice little descents and testing climbs through trees, with great views of Dublin bay.

    Started near the front to avoid the bottlenecks. After very fast start, the pace never really settled down. It was all a bit manic. I found myself in around 6th with leader Des Kennedy, Enduro remaining in view for far too long.

    Tried to recover a bit on a downhill section but the mini stampede behind kept me pushing. I remember glancing at my watch to see how far we had gone. Just 1500 metres! and I was already feeling the pace.

    Lost one or two places going through a wooded section with Dogsly overtaking me and skipping off into the distance.

    On the steep climb up to the summit, I recovered a small bit and was able to push past a few people and could see Dogsly wasn’t too far ahead. On the v short technical downhill section, I was able to latch onto the back of a train of 3 or 4 runners. I was working a bit too hard just to keep up but didn’t want to miss the train.

    On to the small loop and knew there was only about 2km to go. I did move beside Dogsly’s shoulder to let him know I was there. Didn't want to give the impression I was hiding. We made some decent progress and caught a runner. The second last climb wasn’t too bad and on the descent we managed to catch a group of three, and I was briefly in third position.

    We then spot enduro running across the front of us who informs us that we missed a turn. A brief pause and we all start legging it again. Lots of position changes here. I hang on, hoping to make a move on the last climb if I can. Turns out we were on the last climb and the finish line comes out of no-where. About 9 seconds separated 3rd and 9th with myself in 8th. Very enjoyable race.

    I think we cut about 100/150 metres of the course by going straight down the climb rather than diagonally across it. Doesn’t appear to have affected the positions though.

    Legs are bit sore at the moment, in a bone sort of way. Putting that down to the return of hard running downhill. Might put the feet up for a couple of days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    nerraw1111 wrote: »

    Legs are bit sore at the moment, in a bone sort of way. Putting that down to the return of hard running downhill. Might put the feet up for a couple of days.

    Good to hear I'm not the only one suffering from this race! 4 days later and I can still feel it in my legs. It certainly packed a punch in only 6k.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Thursday easy 8km

    Legs were in bits so hobbled around 5 miles on grass. Decided to take the weekend off.


    Easy 8km

    Nice run in the sun, legs felt pretty fresh after some rest.

    Tuesday 12 * 400s

    Not many people down for this session. 400s off 30 second recoveries. Started off with an 80 and was running with two others. The second and third came in 85 so decided to head out on my own.
    Hit the 80 and 79s. The last 5 or so were around between 76 and 78s. Good session, definitely the fastest I’ve run 12 * 400s and still felt good afterwards.

    That could be down to getting faster but also the absence of a hard run the day before. Might have to tinker with my running days. A long run on a Monday (as I usually) probably isn’t ideal preparation for track session the next day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    30km cycle

    Ouch. Haven’t been on the road bike in ages. I got that awful moment when you’re slogging up a hill and you go to drop down a gear, only to realise you are already on the smallest gear.
    Helped out the Tibradden race which was good fun. Lost count of the bloodied knees coming down.

    Thursday 5 miles

    Legs were a bit tired and left calf was tight/sore from the bike. Easy 5 miles, ticking along nicely.

    Saturday Marley Park run

    Sweet jesus, 5kms hurt. A lot. Give me a long run over hills any day. I was hoping to dip under 18 mins for the first time. Figured with the easy week I had, no IMRA race, I would be well rested.

    Lined up at the start and off we went. I was in around 12th or so. The lead group started to pull away after 500metres which left me in no man’s land. First km in 3.31 or so, on target. Then we turned into the wind and up a drag. Sweet jesus.

    I caught a runner at some stage but I was still super exposed to the wind. It was the kind of wind that disrupted your stride. A strong gust would knock you back a bit.

    Next 2km were all pain, splits dropped to 3.53 and 4.00. I recovered a bit on the way back and clocked a 3.35 split. Felt comfortable for about 20 seconds. I could see another runner about 50 metres. He wasn’t gaining on me so kept him in sight. Back into the wind and my legs were gone, another uphill drag and then turn for home. We were both gaining on another runner, who he eventually passed but I was too far back. Last split was 3.41.
    Crossed the line in 18.39 for 11th which I was disappointed with considering I ran 18.26 in Dec 2011 off a lot less speedwork.

    On the plus side, (there is always a plus!) it was very windy, the second and third kms cost me at least 40 seconds. I wasn’t passed by anyone after 500 metres which is good. After 2km, the runner ahead didn’t make any gains at all on me so they were suffering uneven splits too. Also after the race, I had to walk around a fountain as the wind was blowing the water across the path so perhaps the wind was a bit strong.

    Be interesting to see other people’s previous results compared to today. The parkrun website handily shows runner’s course PBs along the most recent result. I’m hoping for at least a minute due to the wind!

    A nice course, lots of tree lined paths and open spaces. It is a bit draggy in places. Super friendly crowd and fantastic organisation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Monday Wicklow way relay recce 11km ish

    Crazy weather. Blue skies and hail stones. Glenmalure to iron bridge. Major diversion in place which directs onto the road after 5km or so. Still picturesque but it'll mean a very exposed run for a few kms. You can see about 1km ahead. Good if you're doing the chasing on the day, could be painful if not. Last section a bit tricky in road shoes, v slippery and almost lost it.

    Tuedsay 8 * 600 reps

    Somehow ended up in wrong group. Legs felt a bit tired and was tying up towards end. Reps went from 2 mins flat to 2.05. Usual faces I run with weren't there so ran all reps on my todd.

    IMRA Powerscourt uphill tomorrow. Tough route, virtually all uphill. Not a race that suits me but I probably everyone feels that way. Should make for interesting results. Makes for great training tho.

    Still a bit disappointed with the 5km but it does look runners around me were 40 seconds or so off their PBs. A good PB is needed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Powerscourt Uphill.

    Is it that time of year already?

    It’s a race that in endured rather than enjoyed. A race, you convince yourself, will stand to you in a few weeks. It’s good training…and so on. 691 metres of climb over 6km.

    Did a small warm up and felt ok. It was a bit chilly so dug out the merino wool top. I started off a bit more cautiously than usual, at least I thought I did. Happy to hang back a few positions and see what other people were doing. Going faster as it turns out.

    2km in and I felt awful. My quads seemed to be full of lactic acid already and the race had barely started. Really struggling to lift the legs on what was a fairly runnable gradient. I decide I’ll get down to the river crossing and see how I feel there.

    Had a brief recovery running down to the river but as soon as we started climbing again, the legs were gone and had to walk some of the section. Contemplated calling it a day but the idea of coming this far, might as well keep going.

    Gohardgohome passed me here along with a couple of others just as we got to a more runnable section. Mothman also passed and went on to pass the 3 who had just caught me.

    I was lucky in that I managed to hold on the 3 on the flatish section and was more or less towed up to the foot of Djouce, trailing them by a few seconds. At this stage, there were four of us close together hitting the bottom of the final climb. Now on the slopes, there were glances across to see how each other was going.

    I was hiking, gohard was still running and the other two were doing a mixture of both. The effort was relentless at this stage and gaps were measured in feet. Someone would get a small gap of 3 feet, that gap would close. All the way up that went. I think we actually closed the gap on those in front, as we were pushing so hard.

    I knew that once get you to the point where you can see the trig point, the last section is easier than it looks.

    I put in one last effort and lurched into a sort of shuffle and managed to get a gap. We had to touch the trig point which was an ordeal in itself. Managed to get there a millisecond ahead of gohard and the two chasers. It was a positive end to a fairly negative race. Hopefully it’s money in the bank for later this year. Pleasantly surprised by actual result. A lot closer to some runners than I thought.

    Thursday 14km recovery
    Sports massage this morning. Ouch. Followed by lovely easy run. Only planned 8km but decided to stay out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Saturday 5km

    A quick blast around the block after work. Never fails to clear away the working week.

    Sunday 22km Dublin mountain way

    Lovely easy pace run from Tibradden to Shankhill. Met Dogsly at Tibradden. He was running the full way for second day in a row. Nuts.

    Beautiful day for it. 6 min pace so was nice and handy. It's a lovely route besides a couple of km of road heading to Scalp.

    Monday 14km MTB

    Easy week ahead of Wicklow way relay so headed to Ballinastoe after reading Miculinmuc's log. Have to agree him, it's fantastic up there. Really surprised by how nice it is, some great access to the mountain. Some lovely wooded single track sections with great views on top. The downhills are great craic. Nothing too taxing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    It’s been a while.

    Still training and trying to fit in planned sessions in around IMRA mid-week races.
    I’m wrecked after a track session on a Tuesday, a hill race on a Wednesday and a long run, to fit another session in every week. That along with holidays/bank holidays and resting up ahead of the Wicklow Relay.

    I did however manage to run at sub five minute mile. It was all downhill but still stands ;).

    Lots of mountain running given the good weather, good results in IMRA Glasnamullan and Wicklow relay races so I’m ticking along nicely but nothing solid to log. Doing the track sessions weekly and feeling stronger all the time.

    Will probably start into a marathon program at some stage next month when IMRA league is finished and will try and run a 5km or 10km to see where I’m at.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Good man, sounds like you've been getting a great mix of stuff over the last month, you'll knock the bollix off your mara pb with the right plan come october. which mara plan are ya gonna do?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Good man, sounds like you've been getting a great mix of stuff over the last month, you'll knock the bollix off your mara pb with the right plan come october. which mara plan are ya gonna do?

    No idea re plan. You? All set for Mourne ultra?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    IMRA Scarr 8km 367 metre climb

    Perfect weather for it. Fast enough start and climbing straight away. Lots of position changes early on making it difficult to judge pace. Who's feeling good, who's going out too hard? I'm guilty of both. The climb evens out a bit after 1km or so and the pace stayed high. Settled in with a group of 4 or so, including robbiecosta. We swapped positions all the way. I eventually get into a nice comfortable rhythm, gaining ground on the gentle gradients but losing it on the steeper stuff. Back and forth we went, forcing the effort.

    Towards the peak I upped the effort to stay in touch with the 2 ahead before the turnaround. The next 15 mins or so are a blur of rock, dust and snot. The 2 lads were very good descenders and I was running hard to hang on. Was on the limit all the way down, twisting, turning and leaping down the mountain. Brilliant buzz but intense.

    Eventually we hit the flat section still together and running hard with myself at the back. One starts to get a gap and I hesitate in chasing. Guy in front starts to slow so I overtake and give chase. Last 1km is mental, only a second between us. We're also catching another runner. Hit the fire road and feet are on fire but can't find the legs to pass before the finish. Brilliant race.

    11km recovery 4.40 min/km

    Legs felt surprisingly good. But in weather like this, the running is always good. A couple of 4.20 min/kms accompanied by good tunes led me to extending the run by 3km. Slight creak in left knee.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    nerraw1111 wrote: »
    No idea re plan. You?
    I'd like to do the P&D 55-70 again, don't think you,d need to do much more than that to run 2:50. Though the running I'm doing at the minute is all very P&D-ish so constantly following the same type of plan will lose its effect over time.
    All set for Mourne ultra?
    I have no idea! :o I feel we'll rested but I think a 50 miler is not something that you know you can do until you actually go and do it! I'll find out tomorrow I suppose ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Monday 20km 4.30min/km pace.

    Very hot day.
    First half was lovely, along the Dublin coast, crystal clear water etc. Had to stop for some water due to the heat. Second half I ran a bit quicker with a lot of it at last year’s marathon pace, 4.15km or so. Last 2km were tough, form was a bit all over the shop.

    Tuesday 10km recovery 4.45 min/km

    Decided to skip club session ahead of the Seefingan race. Legs were a bit tired. Left knee still a bit sore but only when I lock the leg and almost push the knee backwards. Obvious solution to is “well don’t do that.”

    Wednesday Seefingan 7km

    Race was shortened due to poor visibility, turning back at Corrig rather than heading out to Seefingan and back.

    Poor race for me. I started off far too quick, so quick that I think I blew up within 1km. I felt a very painful burning sensation into my quads as I clambered over a steep mound onto a fireroad.

    It was far too early to be feeling that.

    Still, I maintained the pace thinking there was a more forgiving climb ahead and sure the race is shorter, so hang on in. Except we turned off into rough bog and up through a felled section of woods, making the going ridiculously tough.

    Couldn’t get any momentum and was stumbling from branch to branch. **** it, I’m walking. Starting getting passed here by a few but nothing I could do, legs were knackered. In around 19/20th. I even managed to get caught up in a fence despite someone holding it open I was so tired.

    Eventually got going again as we hit the trail to Sehan and the trig point. On the slight downhill towards Corrig, I made up one or two places but lost them immediately as we made our way across the boggy section to Corrig. It’s only a modest climb but was still struggling up it. Hit Corrig and back the way we came. The climb back up towards Sehan felt steeper and I was losing time on those ahead.

    Finally managed to get over the top and onto the last downhill. Felt like puking at this stage but gravity got the legs going again. Had a really good descent, it’s a tricky downhill, lots of rocks and gullies that can trip you up.

    Caught a couple more on the final downhill section before putting in a big effort on the last uphill to get to the finish.

    Race of two halves, well three thirds. Went off too hard, struggled all the way through followed by a good downhill. But I think a lot of runners felt the same, everyone going off a little too hard given the shorter course.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 55 ✭✭finbarrrr


    You mentioned earlier in the tread you did a run Tibradden to Shankhill.. I did it from Shankhill to Marlay Park which was grand but I thought it had far to much road between Scalp and Johnny Foxes. I was on that Section of the road about 6-7 p.m. and I spent half the time jumping into ditches avoiding cars especially from Kilternan to Foxes.

    You mentioned a couple of K but via Kilternan is a lot more that a couple of K. Did you go a different way?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    IMRA Circuit of Avonbeg 26km, 1200 metres climb.

    One of the best courses I’ve ever ran. Did a longer report over on imra.

    Started off nice and easy and was up at Art’s Lough in no time. The
    lake is amazing. It’s basically on a shelf on the side of the
    mountain. Tough hike up Clohernagh and was in around 8th as we ran
    across the ridge to Lugnaquillia. This is a stunning section, running
    on the roof of Leinster, with amazing views all around.

    A few miles of descent, another summit and then direct route up the
    other side of the valley to conavalla. Getting to the business end of
    the race and was in group of three heading for the last two peaks of
    Lugduff and Mullacor. We were going at a decent clip, mainly in part
    as the guy leading the trio, knew where he was going. I would’ve been
    a bit slower over this section if it wasn’t for him.

    I was feeling pretty good heading up the last climb and as soon as got
    to the top, I made a break for the finish, and was in 5th on the
    fireroad heading for the last 1km. Then disaster. Missed one of the
    very last turns to the finish. Fireroad suddenly disappears. In a
    panic, I opted to go direct down the mountain and through the woods. I
    can almost see the finish. But the woods are a thorny maze of bushes,
    brashings and felled trees. End up slipping and gashing the shin.
    Eventually get down the hill and make it to the finish, losing 10
    minutes and 6 places in the process. Would’ve been a great result but
    that’s mountain running.

    Ended up getting a few stitches in the shin so I’m out for a couple of
    weeks but it was worth it, (ish)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Ha, that mistake on the nav at the end is often repeated on this race. Your race report has shades of my race the last time this was run. In previous years the last turn off the trail has been marked with a bit of tape. I ran with Adrian for much of that race and ran shoulder to shoulder with him done the last fire roads. I didn't presume to think I could stretch it out and find my own way home so I was happy for Adrian to guide me to the finish line and I didn't try overtake, I was just happy to finish. But you are left feeling bonked afterwards! A great event.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    11km 4.44min/km pace.

    And I'm back running. Was going a bit stir crazy. Injury took a while to heal, finally closing in the last 5 days. Did a cycle yesterday to test the waters, 55km over Sally Gap via Lough Dan. Stunning.

    So started off tentatively today, shin was fairly tight starting off but that soon eased. Was loving it for the first 5km before I started feeling the heat. Nuts. Bit of a slog back home but shin was fine. Excellent. Now to start a marathon plan.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    IMRA Ballinastoe.

    Went wrong way, DNF. On the plus side, lovely evening in the mountains, leg was fine. Fitness is a bit off, was struggling until about 10 of us missed a turn.

    10km in 60 mins or so.
