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A little bit of everything, just faster



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Deep in taper madness now. Twinges and phantom aches galore with Gaelforce on sat.

    Was on holiday so didn't do a lot besides a few walks and chilling out.

    About 40 mins on hotel treadmill. I don't know how anyone can train in gyms. Mind numbing.
    4 x 1km with 2 min and one min recoveries. 4 min per km pace. Felt good

    30 mins on gym bike. I can see why people use turbos in summer. Great session as was able to do intervals without fear of traffic etc. About 5 reps of 3 minutes at 80% effort. And about 20 mins of spinning.

    Short spin tonight where I'll practice taping gels to crossbar. Will have a look at course and plan pace. Sub 4 30 is the target but on a good day I reckon I can push that to 4 20. Could be blind optimism though. 447 last year. Last months Marathon plod has given me a boost, knocking 17 mins off on last year's time. Shall see.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    And that's a wrap.

    Short 20km spin to loosen the legs and practice taping gels to the crossbar with masking tape. Gels seemed to work out well and the 20km felt easy.

    Best of luck to anyone doing Gaelforce at the weekend and hope you all make those targets.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Gaelforce race report

    Up and atom at 4am and started the slow process of trying to eat two pots of ready porridge. Stuck some techno mixes while I was getting ready which did the job of waking me up.

    Onto to the bus at 5am for the 6.30am start. Target was sub 4 hours 30 minutes and beat last year's time of 4.47.

    Air horns goes and off we go in a mad dash. Within 10 seconds my race number is ripped off. As ever, I try not to get caught in the adrenaline rush and tear off into the distance but at the same time not get stuck behind people on the famine trail. I think I got the right balance as there is very few position changes in the first 4km. Well, except when eventual race winner Peter O'Farrell passes me at the 4km mark. ****! I'm going off too fast I think to myself. But a quick glance of the watch suggests otherwise.

    Didn't feel great on the run, bit sluggish and very hot. Still, the kms were passing nicely, the scenery was stunning, weather was perfect and was going at a nice pace. Took an iso gel before making it down to the kayaks and first leg was over in 1.03. Last year this leg was done in 1.10.

    Into a single kayak which I wasn't expecting. I was terrible in the kayak and lost a min or two, a very frustrating 9 mins or so getting across the fjord. Back running across the boggy section and the last 4km to the bikes. Still feeling pretty good.

    Really enjoyed the bike section and felt strong all the way to the reek. Met a fellow boardsie and IMRA runner on the bike and we worked together for a bit before getting caught by another group just before hte off road section. Group stuck together to the reek as it was difficult to pass and I don't think anyone wanted to risk a puncture or put in a big effort so close to the mtn climb. Did this section in 1.22, knocking 17 mins from 2010.

    Legs felt ok starting off on the climb so decided to take the direct approach and clambered up the side of the reek rather than the path. Managed to drop the bike group on the climb and just kept turning the legs over but the pain was unrelenting. Caught one guy who I knew from IMRA and seen earlier on the run. We got to the top together but his descent was much better, very impressive. I took the direct route down without any problem or spills.

    Back on the bike for the quick blast back to Westport and just the dodgey scelp section to negotiate. Conditions were a lot worse than last year. The chap who had passed me on the descent of the reek was ahead and I could see he was carrying his bike. Not wanting a puncture so close to the end I opted to carry too. Alas 10 minutes later he gets a puncture, about 300 metres from the road. I was gutted for him.

    The closed roads to Westport are great fun. Legs start feeling a bit crampy and on the last run, my thighs start to give out. But still felt strong and crossed the line in a time of 4.12 and 30th position. Delighted. Trained hard for it and it was sense of relief and pride that it paid off.

    Great event. Legs are seriously battered today but I'm not complaining.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Sounds like a great day out - what's the deal with the kayak...? Jump into the nearest one with whomever arrives at the same time?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Izoard wrote: »
    Sounds like a great day out - what's the deal with the kayak...? Jump into the nearest one with whomever arrives at the same time?

    Depends on the wave. If you're in the first wave, you jump straight into a kayak. This year there were single and double kayaks. I was directed to a single kayak and off I went on my own. A few others were directed to double kayaks.

    In some of the later waves, you are timed out if you have to wait for a kayak.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    10km in 50 minutes

    Legs are still sore, particularly my thighs. No running since Saturday and with Warrior's run on Saturday, I wanted to try loosen the legs. Wasn't too bad besides a brief downhill which was murder on the thighs.

    Will see how the week goes, Warrior's Run could end up being a nice training run if legs are still sore.

    Plan for September is Achill Roar on the 10th and maybe Dublin Half on 17th and maybe War Powerscourt on 24th. Unlikely to do all three but suppose with the season coming to a close, there's that pressure to do races while you can. Never done a road half before and keen to stick down a marker to see what time I can post.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Warrior's Run, Sligo

    Probably one of the toughest races I've done. Was nuts. Started near the front about two rows back. The start was a bit hectic but the first hill quickly stetched the field out nicely. Got into a nice rhythm and was pushing it from the start.

    Felt good coming to the off road section and started making up places on the climb. Considered pushing a bit harder but opted to take it steady and caught an IMRA 100 racer. Tucked in behind him and followed his footsteps. He did a great job at picking a route up the hill.

    Arrived at the summit in no time, a bit surprised at how easy it felt. The descent was good craic. A couple of 'oh ****, that's a huge drop' moments but got down unscathed and the pain started.

    Haven't done that many road races and very little experience in all out race pace efforts. With 6km to go, I was on the limit and the legs were killing me. Unknown territory for me. The kms were dragging by, so much so, I was doubting their accuracy. There was a guy in front of me who started to pull away from me. Ironically, the uphill sections gave me a break and would start to narrow the gap only for it to widen again on the downhill or flats.

    3kms to go and I'm thinking of walking, 'just for a a couple of seconds.' Feeling a bit light headed at this stage and still no sign of the ****ing finishing line. Finally, we're back in the town and while the guy in front is uncatchable, there's another runner just a 100 metres in front with about 300 to go. I decided to go for it, crowds all roaring along the final straight, feeling amazing.

    I immediately think 'balls, I've gone too early.' However, he's in more trouble than me and I manage to pass him. Cross the line and straight down to all fours, feeling like I'm going to puke. Feeling passes and Gohard is there with a cup of water. Legend! Gun time of 1.07 flat with a chip time of 1.06.53, for 28th.

    Only second time going all out in a road race. Found it very tough mentally to keep up the pace. Very satisfying and pleased with the result.

    Brilliant race though. Certainly the best organised race I've ever run.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Tuesday 12k, 4.50 min per km pace.

    Handy enough run, nice evening for it. Feeling pretty knackered so taking it easy till Achill Roar. Shouldn't lose any fitness or gain any between that and Gael force.

    Lost my bike mojo tho. Struggling to get out and short evenings aren't helping. Will invest in a turbo soon.

    But how do you motivate yourself for hours of turbo? Setting targets for spring?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Achill Roar

    Second time doing this race, was really looking forward to it but alas the weather Gods were against us this year. Pretty bleak conditions at the outset, strong winds, lashing rain and general mankiness. Wasn't feeling the race at all, pretty dismal summer weather wise ending in dismal conditions. I need a sun holiday at this stage.

    At check in there was a warning that the course might be changed due to the weather. I guessed as much. The run goes pretty close to an edge of a cliff which is a bit hairy in the best of conditions. Was disappointed as the run gives a fairly big advantage over cyclists.

    Race morning and the weather was brutal. Luckily, the start of the race was dry. Got to the start a bit late, missed the briefing and only found the kayak was cancelled from GoHard whilst on the run!

    The beach run was pretty enjoyable, beautiful stretch of sand. The new run was straight up the mountain to some aerials and back down. Felt pretty good up until half way up the mountain. My calves were really sore and tight and the pain was starting to bother me. Sucked it up and plowed on, the climb was unrunnable for me, just a hard slog. Was in 19th position at the top.

    Downhill was good fun, very bouncey and back along the beach. Made up a few positions and was 13th quickest on the run back to transition.

    Onto the bike and for the first time was using cycle shoes and spd pedals (keos). Exited transition at same time as ladies winner. Tried to stay with her but didn't stand a chance. She had an awesome cycle. 12th fastest overal on the bike out out and 8th fastest on the bike in.

    Caught up with Gohard and we worked together for pretty much all the cycle. The cycle was very enjoyable for the most part. At one point we attempted to bridge the gap to a group of three in front of us. For about 15 minutes we worked hard to catch them but to no avail. I was worried we were going too hard too early. Yet if we bridged the gap, it would've made the day a hell of a lot easier.

    Last 15km were tough. It was still the two of us together taking turns at the front or the side. The road back to Keel was torture. At this stage, I just wanted to finish so put the head down. Finished in 25th which I was happy enough with given the strong winds.

    Definitely a day for the strong cyclists. Guys that were 6 mins behind me after the run managed to pass me on the bike. In a way, I'm glad the conditions were so testing. Good mental training and a decent work out. Also means I can probably gain 6 minutes on the bike with decent bike training. I only have a road bike less than 6 months so pleased with the improvements so far.

    Well run event as usual.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Starting this back up. Took the last few weeks off to relax. Kept the biking and running up but not following any particular plan.

    Did a lot of mountain biking up in Ticknock which is good craic and a decent work out, particularly as I have to cycle about 25km to get there and back.

    Doing some nice longish runs, max 20km and some shorter stuff. Trying to get my head aroung the concept of base trainining.

    Did my first swim session today with a view to hitting a few tris next year. Not sure re distance I am aiming for but I reckon Olympic/half might suit me better than sprint.

    Never swam in a lane either so was slightly nervous that I'd be holding everyone up. Fortunately, no-one seemed to be that fast with everyone just leisure swimming.

    Did about 800 metres which I was surprised at. Have never trained at swimming so didn't think I'd be able to swim that far. Didn't pay any attention to times, trying to focus on my stroke... every now and again. It wasn't pretty. I've a few lessons lined up so shall see how it goes. Excited to be finally in the pool.

    Pulling the trigger on a turbo later this week so expecting big improvements for next year.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭GoHardOrGoHome

    Hey Warren, didn't know you had a log. That said, I don't follow any logs really. However, I'm keeping a log to put myself under pressure and I reckon reading others' logs will motivate me a bit.

    I'm thinking of getting a turbo myself and watching TV shows in a garden shed with big headphones. Let me know what you get. Problem is, I want to get a second hand bike that I can leave on the turbo with a proper tyre. Don't want to be setting up and taking it apart the whole time.

    Got a mountain bike recently and am hoping to start doing a bit of night biking in Ticknock. Do you have powerful lights on your bike? This one is available for 83 euro from Chain Reactions (10% off until tomorrow I think)...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    It was only when I read your log that I decided to start mine again! I find it a great motivator. Especially some of the tri ppl on here have impressive training logs.

    Ideally would love a second bike for a turbo but will just have to settle with a spare wheel with turbo tyre. Still trying to decide which one.

    I only have a commuting flashing lights. Night rides sound great! Let me know how you get on. That light looks great. Would you go for helmet or bar mounted light for night time rides?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Run 10km 46 minutes

    Great session. Rushed out the door to catch the last bit of daylight/sunset. Very mild conditions. Felt great compared to last week when my left achilles/calf were a bit sore.

    No sign of that today so decided to streched the legs after 7km with a 4.18 and 4.07 kms coming at the end of it.

    Trying to find a triathlon plan to follow for the winter. Any ideas? Standard/half iron distance

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3


    I only have a commuting flashing lights. Night rides sound great! Let me know how you get on. That light looks great. Would you go for helmet or bar mounted light for night time rides?[/QUOTE]

    Highly recommend the hope vision too, use it myself on dodgy roads and find it great

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭GoHardOrGoHome

    nerraw1111 wrote: »
    It was only when I read your log that I decided to start mine again! I find it a great motivator. Especially some of the tri ppl on here have impressive training logs.

    Yes, the tri ones are great. I have a hankering to do a decent triathlon some day. Not at the level of the lads on here but just that I swam well, cycled well, and ran well. Maybe top 10% (of an easy field!).

    nerraw1111 wrote: »
    I only have a commuting flashing lights. Night rides sound great! Let me know how you get on. That light looks great. Would you go for helmet or bar mounted light for night time rides?

    I have that Hope 1 led bar mounted. I do like the idea of the helmet mount. Not sure how heavy it would be. Not *that* heavy but still! Some of the helmet lights have a battery back that you put in your back pack. I think if I was lacking light I'd be more likely to get a second bar mounted one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Cool. Will check that out.

    Swim 800 metres ish.

    Headed for a swim at lunch. Had a lane to myself. Sweet. Still just building up stamina. Was happy to get to 750 metres without feeling too tired. Stroke was all over the place at times. Probs did the 750 metres in around 25 mins.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Run 8km 34 mins ish

    6km plus 2 * 1km intervals, 3.43, 3.45. Testing the legs before doing 5*1km sessions. Nice run and felt fresh.

    Will try a sub 40 10km and sub 19 5km before year is out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Just came across the log tonight what plans do you have for next year?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Just came across the log tonight what plans do you have for next year?

    Plans are a bit rough at the moment so still in the process of working out targets etc. I'm ordering the Joe Friel book tomorrow as my understanding of training schedules/base training/targeting A and B races etc is not great.

    But the rough plan is to target some half ironman distances and Olympic races. I have some decent training from this summer with some good results in Gaelforce etc so I know I'm decent at that type of distance.

    Ideally I'd be aiming for some top 30 positions. Crazy high target but basing that on previous races against triathletes in Gaelforce etc where I did ok with little bike training. I finished within 36 mins of Marrey at GF so if I can do that in half ironman, I'd be delighted.

    Humber Challenge is a likely target with some Olympics aswell. My swimming is terrible but will work on that. I've a vague 3 year plan ending in an Ironman.

    Any tips greatly appreciated. I do read your log and pick up tips and info from there anyway. Besides the graphs, I have no idea what they mean!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Did nothing all weekend.

    7km - 30.30 - avg pace 4.21 min/km

    Decided on a quick session as was potato couching all weekend. Really need to get some consistency. Blasted around the local roads and increased the speed each km: 5.00, 4.47, 4.33, 4.23, 4.09, 4.03, 3.52. Happy enough as it didn't feel too tough. Want to increase speed with a final bash on a 5km PB in December.

    Swim - dist no idea, about 40 minutes tho

    Supposed to be a full lane swim but for some reason it was canceled and a section was reserved for kids, despite there being none. So ended up being a messy swim with lengths of only 15 metres..ish. Was ok, didn't feel tired, just concentrating on technique which is still over the place. Lessons start next week. Ordered a turbo so will start on the bike as soon as that arrives :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Run - 10km

    Calculated my MHR and RHR. MHR was calculated by running 800 metres, going all out for last 400. First time MHR was 193. Second time was 192. Not fool proof but was pretty spent at the end of each set.

    So using the Karvonen method:

    50% 121 75% 157
    55% 128 80% 164
    60% 135 85% 171
    65% 143 90% 179
    70% 150 95% 186

    Zone 1 = 121 - 135
    Zone 2 = 135 - 150
    Zone 3 = 150 - 164
    Zone 4 = 164 - 179
    Zone 5 = 179 - max.

    No idea what it all means but will apply it and see what happens

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Sunday 30km mountain bike

    Up early in Ticknock on a beautiful winter's day. Trails are great fun. Getting use to the twists and turns. Cycling back up is a good work out.

    Monday 15kmish run

    One of those rave runs. Another beautiful day, ran out to the Great South Wall and onto Poolbeg lighthouse. Felt fast and easy

    Monday night swim lessons

    First night of lessons. Joined advanced group. Was worried that I might be out of depth but was fine. All very basic stuff for the first night. Haven't done any lessons since primary school so useful to be reminded of position etc.

    Tuesday 7km run home

    Wednesday 1000meter ish swim

    Lane swim at lunch time. Just swam lengths to build up endurance and technique. Getting into the habit of breathing on both sides, four/five strokes per breath etc. Interesting to watch other swimmers who manage to swim the a length in 6 or 7 powerful strokes, mad.

    First turbo session tomorrow so see how that goes. Still trying to figure out a training plan. Had a look at Beer's 220 Triathlon plan and it didn't look great with just one run a week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Turbo intervals.

    First turbo session ever. Two words. F**king hell!

    10 mins warm up at 65% HR
    3 * 10 mins at 85% HR with 4 mins rest in between followed by 10 min warmdown.

    Suppose first lesson learnt is to choose something other than masterchef to watch while doing a session. Enjoyed it, first interval I didn't think I'd finish the session, was a hard effort to get HR to 85% in the first place. The sweat was a revelation.

    Rest tomorrow and Powerscourt IMRA race on Saturday, work permitting. IMRA race looks tough. Plan is to enjoy it but almost impossible not to end up racing it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Week Summary

    |# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Total|7|8 hours 40|98.6
    Swimming|2|100 mins|1600
    Cycling|2|3 hrs 30|60km
    Running|3|3hrs 30|37km

    First proper week of tri training which ended with all time best position in an IMRA race, nice way to end the season. Some of the times are guess work, no garmin.

    2 swims incl 1 lesson, 2 cycles (turbo and mtb) and 2 runs and a race. Happy with the week and didn't feel too tired.

    Saturday IMRA race Powerscourt

    Beautiful day for a bit of messing in the hills. I was half thinking of just enjoying the scenery and jogging around it, but as I said earlier, almost impossible not to race these races.

    Started off at a nice pace and paced myself off a runner I knew to be a strong climber. If I was ahead of him at the first climb, Maulin, I was going out too hard. So tucked in behind at the start and as expected he pulled away on the climb. I don't think I lost any places up Maulin but legs and lungs were burning. The descent was tricky and a lost a couple of places there but passed out the strong climber.

    Cross the Dargle and started the climb towards Djouce. Felt ok at this point and the plan was to save something in the tank for the descent. So walked/ran all the way up, 20 sec walk, 20 sec run. I was with another runner so we both kept each other honest. I'd start to pull away, he'd catch up and vice versa. At this stage, the strong climber passed me just at the main climb djouce and flew up the mtn.

    Had a iso gel on top, soley for thirst, and onto the descent and what a descent it was, great buzz. There was a small train of runners ahead of me so chased them down with another train caught by the time of the Dargle. Up the small valley and on the home straight and spotted another train of four runners. Was really feeling it at this stage and was in two minds whether to tuck in and wait. In the end I thought fvck it, I'll go for it and put the foot down. A couple tried to go with me but I kept the pace high to dissaude them from trying too hard :)

    There's a horrible flat part on the descent that just takes the leg from under you. I caught up with a fellow boardsie and passed him, only for him to come back at me on the flat. I was seriously fvcked at this stage and last thing I wanted was a sprint. We went shoulder to shoulder for a while until the road dipped again and I managed to pull away. Another boardsie was in front and initially I managed to gain on him before he pulled away and finished 5 secs ahead.

    Brilliant race and delighted with 17th and my pacing. Probs caught about 10 people on the descent.

    Monday 70km road bike avg speed, 22.4kmph, 747 metre climb, avg HR 136 BPM

    Beautiful day so decided to head up over Sally Gap on a leisurely spin to loosen the legs which were really sore from Saturday. Really enjoyed the first half but the second half was misery. I was knackered and didn't intend to cycle longer than 50km. Doh! Wicklow mountains were stunning tho, spotted some paragliders flying over the lake by Powercourt road.

    It was fairly warm until the sun disappeared around Blessington which resulted in a cold and miserable cycle home with dozens of trucks for company.

    Swimming lesson tonight so hopefully my legs will work later.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Monday Swim lessons
    Lessons were mainly focusing on body position, swimming sideways with your hands by your side, using a float with one hand etc, breathing work, back stroke etc. Would prefer if we got around to arm stroke technique but another 9 weeks or so left.

    Tuesday Run 6km recovery 32 minutes ish.

    Legs were in a bits from Saturday and cycle on Monday. So just went for a recovery 6km jog before the match.

    Wednesday Swim 800 metres ish

    Massive hangover so a minor miracle that I made it to the pool at lunch time. Concentrated on technique, well what I think is good technique based on youtube videos.

    I usually take a breath every two strokes but did today’s session breathing on every three which went well. Took breaks every 100 metres or so in order to keep good technique. Decent sessions considering the hangover.

    Plan for tomorrow is turbo. Maybe an hour at a consistent pace or intervals.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Nice report from Saturday. Nice descending! The trail finish I find pure hardship :p Fair play too for back to back sessions since then.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Cheers SJ, that fireroad is indeed torture.

    Thursday Turbo 60 minutes

    Avg cadence 92, avg speed 25kmph, heart rate 156. Watt for what its worth on the flow, was 156.

    I did the calib test before work out which was +8. That right? Or does it even matter?

    Decent workout, still finding the turbo to be marginally tougher mentally than physically. Time appears to stand still. Was happy to sustain the cadence and keep HR in check as I was feeling it after 20 mins. There's also the impulse to back off which I wouldn't normally get on a run but that's probably down to never really sustaining a specifc pace longer than 15 mins.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Usual story, didn't do a thing over the weekend other than create hangovers.

    Monday 12.5km avg pace 4.33

    Lovely run today. Gradually increased the pace throughout the run, with a couple of four-minute kilometres, and final km at km 12 of around 3.45 which felt easy. Plan is to try set a new 5km PB either at Donore or Clonliffe in December or maybe both. Current PB is 19.42 which I think is a bit soft. Will try go 18.xx but might just go out in a blaze of glory and try 17.5x.

    Swimming tonight, intervals tomorrow, Swimming on Wednesday and maybe recovery run, turbo Thursday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Monday night swimming lesson

    As the weeks go on, it seems an increasing number of people are dropping out of the lessons. Means more lengths per lesson and less people in the lane.

    Lots of drills again, swimming with arms by the side, one arm out in front, swimming sideways, so legs were getting a good work out. A few lengths of back stroke and front crawl. Was knackered after it. But my stroke seems to be coming on.

    Tuesday afternoon. Easy lunch time 60 minute run 11.5km

    Legs felt tight so nice handy trail run out by Sandymount. Stunning day.

    Drawing up my training plan this evening, identifying A, B races, Base/build etc. A races will be two half ironman and one multisport, probs Gaelforce. Then a collection of Olympics and one of two sprints.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Hey lads, quick question re prep/base/build phrases. According to when my A race is on, I've 8 weeks of prep before starting base phrase. Which seems a bit long?

    Any suggestions? Do 4 of prep and maybe repeat a block of a base or build phrase?

    Drawing up schedule as per Joe Friel.

    Any help much appreciated.
