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This is how I became enlightened

  • 26-04-2011 11:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭

    Hi, firstly i hope this does not come across as spam, because it is not, theres no money or ads involved whatsoever. Some of you probably noticed my posts in a few other threads, some of you PMd me although I was a little disappointed by the lack of enthusiasm in the responses, I gotta say I wasnt the same when I was in your situation.

    But anyone that hasnt feel free to click on my name and flick through some of the posts. Anyway thats irrelevant , whats relevant is that its possible to become enlightened in a short time if you have the balls to question a lifetime of beliefs. If you have the guts to be honest with yourself and really try and find out what it is thats controlling your body. When you look so hard to that you realise that simply nothing is controlling it , it is this true realization that makes you enlightened. Im not talking about just intellectually acknowledging it (however that is a good place to start), im talking about seeing the no 'you' for the first time. You can push the sh1t out of it and eventually itll click.
    Here is my blog
    Probably best start with the link 'Whats this blog all about?'
    If I had my way Id be posting on the Buddhism forum and Atheism forum as well but im sure Id be banned for just being an annoying little bollox:D

    I will debate this till the cows come home so feel free to argue with me. It will give me pleasure arguing, because the longer you argue with me the more you will realise what im saying , and the closer you will be to enlightenment. If the lie of the 'self' can get out to the masses humanity could genuinely change forever. A little optimistic ? Yea but I dont care.

    This is pretty much going to be my last attempt to get people to look at this on this site, so if people wish to ignore it and let the thread die away, be my guest. Your loss not mine.
    Mods if you wish to close this fair enough, but keep in mind this could be a debate as well, and also keep in mind im deadly serious and not trolling.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,872 ✭✭✭strobe

    I'm not a mod on the atheism forum but if you can phrase a thread so that it has some relation to the topic of atheism I'm almost positive you will not be banned and the thread will not be deleted. Even that might not be necessary. The charter doesn't prohibit prosthelytizing, just soap boxing and the like.

    I had a look at the websites you linked me to btw. I was a little underwhelmed to be honest. It seems to be basically just making blanket declarations on the non-existence of a self as something tangible but without any supporting philosophy beyond the very basic. There is nothing particularly new or interesting, it's all been done before and done far better for hundreds of years by hundreds of people. Daniel Dennet for a recent modern example and his 'narrative centre of gravity' description of 'self'. Nietzsche if you want to back further also covered it in great detail.

    It all came across as very shallow, egotistical and quite juvenile (no offence :pac:) really. "Lets get this fukking lie killed" 'The Tournament' etc. The selection of artistic sources that represent the philosophy 'The Matrix. Fight Club. I Heart Huckabees' all scream of unwarranted self importance, a sort of self proclaimed faux insight and a teen emo rebel vibe.

    Digging deeper into the site and the threads didn't improve my impression. The whole 'process' of becoming 'liberated' basically consisting of the established members convincing new ones to parrot the one blanket and very thinly expanded upon philosophy of 'no-self' and then awarding them a colour coded badge of honour or pat on the head instantly on the spot and proclaiming 'now you are liberated, go forth and spread the word'. It comes across as a mass exhibition of neediness and insecurity. The only rebuttals they seem to have to any criticism of them seems to be to swear, insult and declare people are lost causes as they are too afraid or that 'only the liberated' can understand.

    Just to be clear I actually agree with the overall conclusion presented i.e that the self does not exist as something sovereign and in and of itself. But your enthusiasm for the pretty paper thin expounding of that as described above baffles me a little. As does you assertions made that accepting the conclusion will lead to some sort of significant or lasting improvement for anyone. The fact that you describe yourself as having confidence and social comfort issues prior to last Thursday and a belief that they will all go away now makes me worry a little for you.

    But thanks for the PM. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    Hi Strobe, great reply, I may dig through it just to get the points across a bit easier.
    strobe wrote: »
    I'm not a mod on the atheism forum but if you can phrase a thread so that it has some relation to the topic of atheism I'm almost positive you will not be banned and the thread will not be deleted. Even that might not be necessary. The charter doesn't prohibit prosthelytizing, just soap boxing and the like.
    cheers i think ill do it though so.
    strobe wrote: »
    I had a look at the websites you linked me to btw. I was a little underwhelmed to be honest. It seems to be basically just making blanket declarations on the non-existence of a self as something tangible but without any supporting philosophy beyond the very basic. There is nothing particularly new or interesting, it's all been done before and done far better for hundreds of years by hundreds of people. Daniel Dennet for a recent modern example and his 'narrative centre of gravity' description of 'self'. Nietzsche if you want to back further also covered it in great detail.

    It all came across as very shallow, egotistical and quite juvenile (no offence :pac:) really. "Lets get this fukking lie killed" 'The Tournament' etc. The selection of artistic sources that represent the philosophy 'The Matrix. Fight Club. I Heart Huckabees' all scream of unwarranted self importance, a sort of self proclaimed faux insight and a teen emo rebel vibe.

    Couldnt agree more with you here, I found that element of it juvenile as well, I wish they took a more wider appealing approach to it , because as I pointed out in one of the threads people stumbling on the site probably think its just a bunch of conspiracy theorists trying to take down the world or something. Bare in mind the creator of the site had been studying philosophy since the age of 15 and is in his late 20s or 30s now I think (not that any of that makes much of a difference really).
    But yes they need to improve the approach because that 'kill the fukkin lie' thing does NOT appeal to most, it didnt appeal to me either, I just ignored and went about my own thing.
    Thats why my blog is an attempt to appeal to normal non "kool" people if you get me. Good point.
    strobe wrote: »
    Digging deeper into the site and the threads didn't improve my impression. The whole 'process' of becoming 'liberated' basically consisting of the established members convincing new ones to parrot the one blanket and very thinly expanded upon philosophy of 'no-self' and then awarding them a colour coded badge of honour or pat on the head instantly on the spot and proclaiming 'now you are liberated, go forth and spread the word'. It comes across as a mass exhibition of neediness and insecurity. The only rebuttals they seem to have to any criticism of them seems to be to swear, insult and declare people are lost causes as they are too afraid or that 'only the liberated' can understand.
    Yep it really turns the whole enlightenment issue upside down doesnt it?
    "Is it really that simple? It cant be! Your asked a few questions and then bam your enlightened? No that cant be the way!!!"
    Their approach is aggressive questioning that puts your mind into a corner , it forces you to truly find that self, yes its rude, yes its offputting , yes its uncomfortable and almost child like, but when your forced to answer questions that you cant your mind begins to seriously question the self properly. However this will only work if you listen and actually try to do it, people cannot make you enlightened.

    As for the colours, again , thats not really for a badge of honour, they did that because unenlightened people were trying to enlighten others and that is a very difficult task. It just gets messy when you cant tell the difference whos who. I was little sceptical of the system myself, until an unenlightened person starting giving advice to someone else and it was plain obvious that it was just getting philosophical instead of practical. The more people talk about the theory the less the person is looking at reality for themselves. They are getting distracted.
    strobe wrote: »
    Just to be clear I actually agree with the overall conclusion presented i.e that the self does not exist as something sovereign and in and of itself. But your enthusiasm for the pretty paper thin expounding of that as described above baffles me a little. As does you assertions made that accepting the conclusion will lead to some sort of significant or lasting improvement for anyone.
    Ok, so truthfully you are choosing to ignore the site and what im saying instead of engaging even though you at least agree with the theory, there is nothing stopping you going and letting them question you or you asking questions, its free, you've nothing to lose, you can just stop posting if you really think its nonsense. And also its only one or two of them that carry on like that, most of them are completely fine.
    strobe wrote: »
    The fact that you describe yourself as having confidence and social comfort issues prior to last Thursday and a belief that they will all go away now makes me worry a little for you.
    Ok, another fair point, although you dont need to worry , I really shouldnt have phrased it the way I did (not sure where I said that , was it in a PM?)
    Let me correct that, its only after that Thursday did I realise I had issues like that, I think "issues" is even a bad word, because they didnt effect me on the outside at al. Dont get me wrong, Ive good friends , family, etc, I socialise , I get involved in things, I am busy trying to set up a business. As a matter of fact the last few months prior to that Thursday i was in great form, really really busy, a bit stressed yes, but my confidence was much higher than it had been in the past.
    This was not some 'escape' or anything like that, but its only afterwards I realised "What the hell was I worrying about all that pointless crap for??" ( the pointless stresses , not my business etc) , I just came across the forum because of another thread in a psychology forum ( i happen to be interested in psychology too btw), and luckily the guy there that showed me the site seemed alot more mature than some people on the site.
    I might also add that I have stressed alot of times that enlightenment does not get rid of emotions, it does not put you in a state of nirvana or bliss, it just allows you to see things the way they really are without being distorted by that constant inner chatter that is the self.
    strobe wrote: »
    But thanks for the PM. :)

    No problem man, but bare in mind theres nothing stopping you, but you have to be open minded, not just read through the threads and go "meh".

    You agree with the theory but you still feel that self. You cant get rid of it. But you have to really ask where is it? Is it in your head? Your body? You have to look at reality , like an object in front of you, and compare that to the self.

    But anyway listen cheers again for the response, if you wanna leave it that fair enough but there really is nothing stopping you from just giving it a go. Nothing at all. You shouldnt feel above it because of its juvenile nature. Im like you though , only my snobbery (for want of a better word), is against buddhism etc. When I write enlightenment in google I get annoyed cause all I do is come across people that are just replicating stuff that has been said for 1000s of years, even though the success rate seems to be ridiculously low, I come across nonsense from so called enlightened people that simply isnt true. I come across new agers in India trying attain the 'perfect state'. I get annoyed and say "meh".
    So I see where your coming from. But the difference is you dont have to commit to anything online, all you have to do is ask questions and answer questions, if it doesnt work it doesnt work.

    At this stage your probably wondering, why the hell is he so determined here? Can he not just give it a rest and enjoy it?
    To be honest, its not that easy to do that . You really feel an urge to tell people , but you have to be careful too, I dont go saying it to friends that dont have a clue about this stuff, I only came on here cause Im aware people at acknowledge there may be no self so its a bit easier, so at the risk of sounding cheesy or childish you do want to 'kill the lie'.
    Anyway I gotta go work, all the best!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,872 ✭✭✭strobe

    I'll just cherry pick your post here as no point in going over stuff we agree on obviously.
    wylo wrote: »
    cheers i think ill do it though so.
    It might make an interesting thread in the Philosophy forum actually. Try in there too.

    Yep it really turns the whole enlightenment issue upside down doesnt it?
    "Is it really that simple? It cant be! Your asked a few questions and then bam your enlightened? No that cant be the way!!!"
    Their approach is aggressive questioning that puts your mind into a corner , it forces you to truly find that self, yes its rude, yes its offputting , yes its uncomfortable and almost child like, but when your forced to answer questions that you cant your mind begins to seriously question the self properly. However this will only work if you listen and actually try to do it, people cannot make you enlightened.

    Not quite what I was getting at. I was more saying that a lot of the people there seem not to really know what they are saying themselves. They are just repeating boilerplate and struggle hugely if anyone deviates from the script. Not all of them of course. But quite a few. They may as well just have macros mapped on their keyboards. They can read and repeat lines but they don't appear to have any real understanding of what they are repeating.
    As for the colours, again , thats not really for a badge of honour, they did that because unenlightened people were trying to enlighten others and that is a very difficult task. It just gets messy when you cant tell the difference whos who. I was little sceptical of the system myself, until an unenlightened person starting giving advice to someone else and it was plain obvious that it was just getting philosophical instead of practical. The more people talk about the theory the less the person is looking at reality for themselves. They are getting distracted.

    Fair enough. I can see the value in a reputation style system in that sense. But I think it doesn't serve it's purpose too well. I could start an account and in two weeks go from green to blue to red just by boilerplating answers I read in other threads and changing the wording slightly without ever having an understanding of what I was saying.

    I also think you underestimate the appeal getting that approval/promotion would have on a lot of the type people that seem to sign up. Looking for meaning, looking for easy answers, looking to belong etc. I know you said jokingly that it sounds like a cult but there is that mentality present a little. My impression is those lads that ask people to take 'free personality tests' on Abbey St. would be drooling all over themselves if they saw a good few of the forum members walking down the street. Again not all of them, or even most, but quite a few.

    Ok, so truthfully you are choosing to ignore the site and what im saying instead of engaging even though you at least agree with the theory, there is nothing stopping you going and letting them question you or you asking questions, its free, you've nothing to lose, you can just stop posting if you really think its nonsense. And also its only one or two of them that carry on like that, most of them are completely fine.

    Not at all. I requested access but am still awaiting a confirmation e-mail. I frequently am accused by the religious and the spiritual, the paranormal advocates et el of not having an open mind or writing things off without investigating them. This is not the case at all. I don't just investigate with an open mind I am willing to work on the presumption the thing is true and go from there if that is claimed to be required. But only to a point, of course.
    Ok, another fair point, although you dont need to worry , I really shouldnt have phrased it the way I did (not sure where I said that , was it in a PM?)
    Let me correct that, its only after that Thursday did I realise I had issues like that, I think "issues" is even a bad word, because they didnt effect me on the outside at al. Dont get me wrong, Ive good friends , family, etc, I socialise , I get involved in things, I am busy trying to set up a business. As a matter of fact the last few months prior to that Thursday i was in great form, really really busy, a bit stressed yes, but my confidence was much higher than it had been in the past.
    This was not some 'escape' or anything like that, but its only afterwards I realised "What the hell was I worrying about all that pointless crap for??" ( the pointless stresses , not my business etc) , I just came across the forum because of another thread in a psychology forum ( i happen to be interested in psychology too btw), and luckily the guy there that showed me the site seemed alot more mature than some people on the site.
    I might also add that I have stressed alot of times that enlightenment does not get rid of emotions, it does not put you in a state of nirvana or bliss, it just allows you to see things the way they really are without being distorted by that constant inner chatter that is the self.

    Fair enough. Whatever works for you, ye know. Just keep it in mind that people claimed the above about all sorts of beliefs and two weeks is a pretty short amount of time. Don't set yourself up for too big a fall too soon. Not to say that there has to be a fall, of course. Just don't go overboard.

    At this stage your probably wondering, why the hell is he so determined here? Can he not just give it a rest and enjoy it?
    To be honest, its not that easy to do that . You really feel an urge to tell people , but you have to be careful too, I dont go saying it to friends that dont have a clue about this stuff, I only came on here cause Im aware people at acknowledge there may be no self so its a bit easier, so at the risk of sounding cheesy or childish you do want to 'kill the lie'.
    Anyway I gotta go work, all the best!!

    I'm not wondering that at all. Posting in the A&A forum on here and elsewhere on the internet and in real life (TM) I have always come across people who behave like that. Be they Christians or Buddhists or nihilists or clean living advocates... it's very common. It's no mystery to me either. They are convinced they are right and want to share 'the truth'. It's admirable in a way, as long as they are willing to accept they might be wrong.


    To quote one of my favourite philosophers; "The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it." ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    strobe wrote: »
    I'll just cherry pick your post here as no point in going over stuff we agree on obviously.

    It might make an interesting thread in the Philosophy forum actually. Try in there too.
    good idea, I might that do that as well, I just dont want to be trawling across boards with my declarations of enlightenment , you know yourself:D
    strobe wrote: »
    Not quite what I was getting at. I was more saying that a lot of the people there seem not to really know what they are saying themselves. They are just repeating boilerplate and struggle hugely if anyone deviates from the script. Not all of them of course. But quite a few. They may as well just have macros mapped on their keyboards. They can read and repeat lines but they don't appear to have any real understanding of what they are repeating.
    Ok, I kinda see what your getting at, that people are just saying words to please the crowd but dont really know what they are talking about? or at least it means nothing to them personally?
    My argument to that is after a few posts these people can be spotted a mile away. Maybe not after 1 or 2 posts but it doesnt take long.
    My other argument is that people dont want to do that. When I was posting in the build up to my liberation I really wanted it to work, but I promise the LAST thing I was going to start doing was saying "Im done, im liberated, there is no me", unless I truly felt it for the first time. You know when it happens cause you simply cant find the 'me' anymore.
    Its also worth noting that the forum isnt a huge crowd, i.e. Ive been only posting for about 2/3 weeks and I recognise all the same heads already that post there. Its not as busy as it looks.
    Some of the red colour names (a bit cringy I know) on that forum are extremely talented at spotting the delusion in others, they see some people are trying everything to hold onto that self and in the process they ask fantastic questions. Sometimes aggressively yes, but not always in fairness, I was just reading some threads today and I thought there was alot of debt to them.

    strobe wrote: »

    Fair enough. I can see the value in a reputation style system in that sense. But I think it doesn't serve it's purpose too well. I could start an account and in two weeks go from green to blue to red just by boilerplating answers I read in other threads and changing the wording slightly without ever having an understanding of what I was saying.
    I dont think it would last, you would get "liberated" but it wouldnt take long for people to spot it if you kept posting.
    Anyway I think your reading into the colour thing a bit too much, people stop caring about you once you are liberated. Job done is the way they see it, the thread usually comes to a halt, mine did cause I was done.
    strobe wrote: »
    I also think you underestimate the appeal getting that approval/promotion would have on a lot of the type people that seem to sign up. Looking for meaning, looking for easy answers, looking to belong etc. I know you said jokingly that it sounds like a cult but there is that mentality present a little. My impression is those lads that ask people to take 'free personality tests' on Abbey St. would be drooling all over themselves if they saw a good few of the forum members walking down the street. Again not all of them, or even most, but quite a few.
    Ok possibly your right, I may be a little naive in that sense, but do you honestly know anyone like that that would go through the effort to get that kind of approval online? And to get 'use' of their approval they would have to keep posting, thats where they'd get found out.
    But point taken, there are lonely people in the world that do that stuff.
    strobe wrote: »
    Not at all. I requested access but am still awaiting a confirmation e-mail. I frequently am accused by the religious and the spiritual, the paranormal advocates et el of not having an open mind or writing things off without investigating them. This is not the case at all. I don't just investigate with an open mind I am willing to work on the presumption the thing is true and go from there if that is claimed to be required. But only to a point, of course.
    Ok my apologies, I didnt realise you requested access, and I get your point about working with the presumption that thing is true. Thats a fair way of doing things.
    I see your issue, you recognise that the self doesnt exist, you acknowledge it, but you still experience that self. Where you disagree with me is that you dont think the loss of that self means "enlightenment" , am i right?
    Well theres only one way to prove me wrong, lose that self and see with your own eyes the clarity and reality of everything around you.
    What Im saying is, to prove me wrong go in there and see what they've to say (ok I know you already signed up so there was prob no need for me to say that lol )
    strobe wrote: »

    Fair enough. Whatever works for you, ye know. Just keep it in mind that people claimed the above about all sorts of beliefs and two weeks is a pretty short amount of time. Don't set yourself up for too big a fall too soon. Not to say that there has to be a fall, of course. Just don't go overboard.
    Good point, I will be mindful of that so because yes your right , two weeks is nothing, time will tell, thats why I find myself reading other blogs by people that have been liberated longer just to see what its like. And its not all plain sailing, but its still the truth of reality
    strobe wrote: »

    I'm not wondering that at all. Posting in the A&A forum on here and elsewhere on the internet and in real life (TM) I have always come across people who behave like that. Be they Christians or Buddhists or nihilists or clean living advocates... it's very common. It's no mystery to me either. They are convinced they are right and want to share 'the truth'. It's admirable in a way, as long as they are willing to accept they might be wrong.
    Ok but at least my argument not only upholds the laws of physics, but uses physics as a tool to help enlightenment. I look at a real object, physical matter, I say to myself 'thats real', I try and find that self. Nope its completely gone.
    Here is my blog that attempts to explain in as logically and rationally a way as possible why I believe what Im saying is right.
    The only way I can imagine now is by imagining a cloud of "self" around me. My body is real, but that sense of self, that feeling of uniqueness, the extra entity that is "I" is gone.

    If this whole thing reverses and I end up wrong , I promise you I will come back and eat humble pie. You only have my word to go by on that but I do promise.
    strobe wrote: »
    To quote one of my favourite philosophers; "The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it." ;)

    Anyway give it a go sure,
    I think you might find this blog interesting, its a copy and paste of a thread and was me pretty much me 4ish weeks ago in your position. I made some arguments in another forum to another guy and he saw it fit to put them in blog. Basically it was some of my objections against the whole thing. I dont think id even been on ruthless truth yet at this stage. The reason I started the blog was so that I can present the info in my way as oppose to just directing people to Ruthless Truth. Because by the time I started posting on RT I was pretty much sold. I just needed to see it for myself.
    You see I am a sceptic by heart as well, heres the blog with the conversation, you might notice I come across extremely curious but very reluctant at the same time, because I was in a 'good place' when looking into this. my writing is the bits he put in red.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    Hey wylo, cheers for the PM dude. I've been away for the past week, but I'm very interested in all of this.

    I understand the philosophy of "no self" to a degree, and believe that I've had a few insights into it, and had some level of realisation, but still cling to the sense of self. I definitely wouldn't say that I'm enlightened (even if I've thouht on occasion that I had realised it!) What is the deal the ruthless truth site? Do we just register and start posting or is there somewhere that is worth starting?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    Hi Mangaroosh, thats cool , (I prob came across like a narky old granny at the start of my first post lol)

    Anyway I know my PM was long and had loads of "instructions" but in hindsight if you are at the level of fully acknowledging it then you dont need convincing of the logic, so I would register with Ruthless Truth , you'll have to wait for posting rights, thats no biggie, its just to stop a bombardment of nonsense and philosophy on the forum.
    In the mean time I would do the experiments on that blog I sent you (not my one).

    To answer question about RT, yea basically just post, let them know where your at, let them know you understand the concept, or even that you experienced a sort of realization (a satori I think its called). They'll probably tell you STFU and stop trying to get back into that state, they'll ask you questions and tell you stuff and you should answer them as honestly as possible. Dont try to skip around questions if you get me.

    Its important to look at reality and always question was a self a needed for any action you did, whether its say something to someone, move your arm, walk around, the more you question it the more uncomfortable it may feel cause your getting close, and the self is "fighting back", sounds cheesy but I guess your mind will do anything to hold onto a lifetime of beliefs, but if you do genuinely keep at it, then you should feel a moment of clarity/realization, it may be when you least expect it! Then your done! You'll know your done because there will be a feeling of not needing to look anymore. That said, it took me a few hours to sort get to grips with the fact that I was done, but deep inside I knew I was done when it happened, I was just a bit sceptical thats all.
    Best of luck, hope you go for it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭TheBardWest

    Of the very few people in my life whom I've met who I fully believe to have attained some presence of enlightenment, not one of them every tried to 'sell me' on the idea as much as you're trying to sell Ruthless Truth, wylo.

    My personal philosophy of enlightenment is that it is a state of awareness that all beings have access to - it is ever present. Most of us simply choose not to be aware of it most of the time, because it is more gratifying and much easier for the ego to recognize itself as separate from the state of Light that IS ever present.

    Once a being becomes full aware, they begin to exist/oscillate/live in a non-dual state, which very clearly (to me) means that even those who aren't aware are still part of the ONE LIGHT that is living all of us every moment. Thus, there is no need to 'sell' enlightenment to the 'unenlightened' because at the end of the day IT IS ALL LIGHT. You can't sell a light bulb to the sun...

    But you're very clearly drawing a line between yourself - one who is enlightened - and everyone else, who is not enlightened - and suggesting they follow a very specific path. To me, that's classic Cult-speak...True awareness and enlightenment doesn't require a salesmen. It simply requires that you live your life fully, aware, and conscious. If you are actually a living manifestation of enlightenment, then your mere presence in others lives will be enough to begin their process of awakening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    You see man , when something is free, there is nothing to sell. Its a give away, its free for all, its the biggest no strings attached January Sales bargain you'll ever come across. If simply registering on a forum is too much then fair enough.
    I wont deny it , im not gonna pretend im not promoting the site. But I dont give a sh1t about the site, he site is just a site, if you registered, got rid of that self, left , even deleted your account, I would not give a sh1t, I would feel happy that I was somewhat responsible for someone else attaining this realization. Its not about the site or cult or whatever you want to call it.

    I may be drawing a tiny line, but my point is that line is ridiculously easy to jump across, unfortunately alot of people believe its not, they insist that it is difficult and out of reach. Yes your right , everyone is enlightened, but the problem is people dont believe it so the continue to live with the illusion.

    I dont have a 'mere presence' on a message board, all there is is my username at the bottom of the forum, maybe I do in real life, and yes I agree with you, my attitude is having an effect on others around me, im too afraid to actually tell people though at the moment but I will eventually when they ask about me.

    But anyway , you may choose not to bother and thats now fine with me tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    Actually Im going to correct that
    wylo wrote: »
    I would not give a sh1t, I would feel happy that I was somewhat responsible for someone else attaining this realization. Its not about the site or cult or whatever you want to call it.
    I would just simply feel happy that someone, somewhere attained this realization! Never mind the me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    These kind of threads bring up responses from 3 types of people:

    1. The person stuck in their ways, wont even consider the concept as true, doesnt have the guts to say, 'ok i may be wrong, lets give this a go'. This person will do everything to defend that belief and to break down the other belief. Its an insult to this person for someone like me to come along and make so called 'great' claims of being enlightenment and seeing the truth, this particularly hurts people that are already into this stuff and have been learning a different way to it their whole life. It would hurt me I know that much!

    2. The person who accepts the theory, is open minded, but has major reservations, objections, but is still clearly interested. So much to the point that its likely they will reluctantly and pessimistically and sceptically give it a go nonetheless. (This was me).

    3. The person who is attached to no beliefs, so does not fear anything, the very open minded person who trusts that anyone could be wrong or right, so says to themselves "Go on sure, lets give this a shot for the craic, what have I to lose?, itll be a bit of fun and if I look like a tool I look like a tool nobody will know"

    Id like to think I was the third person but I wasnt, I was the second person I think.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    is "brutal beginnings" a book that has to be bought btw?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    eeek, its €9.99

    sorry only messing that was sh1t.

    No completely free, there is no cost anywhere in my 'directions', tbh man the only reason I thought it was worth mentioning is because I read it myself.

    I was still a sceptic while reading it, I was a bit like "aaah sure he can just say what he wants and people will believe hes 'liberated'", but sure I read it anyway, not all of it, flicked through bits and pieces, whether it actually made a difference or not I dont know, but I didnt want to take the risk so its easier just tell people read it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    wylo wrote: »
    eeek, its €9.99

    sorry only messing that was sh1t.

    No completely free, there is no cost anywhere in my 'directions', tbh man the only reason I thought it was worth mentioning is because I read it myself.

    I was still a sceptic while reading it, I was a bit like "aaah sure he can just say what he wants and people will believe hes 'liberated'", but sure I read it anyway, not all of it, flicked through bits and pieces, whether it actually made a difference or not I dont know, but I didnt want to take the risk so its easier just tell people read it!

    is it linked on the site anywhere?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    theres two parts to the site, the blog, and the forum, the blog has free resources
    I checked there and the link for the ebook is broken, they threw it around to different sites though so heres a direct link

    last few pages are good, page 179 onwards I forgot about them, they really encouraged me to start trying to look for myself, it also encourages you to share the book with as many people as possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    wylo wrote: »
    theres two parts to the site, the blog, and the forum, the blog has free resources
    I checked there and the link for the ebook is broken, they threw it around to different sites though so heres a direct link

    last few pages are good, page 179 onwards I forgot about them, they really encouraged me to start trying to look for myself, it also encourages you to share the book with as many people as possible.

    cheers dude, I look forward to having a gander at it. just checking out the site now

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    just a question wylo. you've mentioned it yourself and I've seen it on RT as well, the idea that meditation isn't really necessary for enlightenment, or for the liberation from the false sense of self; but are you familiar with the practice of self-immolation that some monks have done in protest?

    not saying that that is a necessary practice to demonstrate liberation from the self, of course it isn't, but would the enlightenment you speak be such that you wouldn't feel such physical pain, which itself is an indication of attachment to the self?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    tbh man, my answer probably wont please, possibly even put you off cause im about to show my ignorance of Buddhism etc. And this enlightenment may not be all its cracked up to be for you.

    But Ive no idea why they do that sh1t, its insanity, I doubt Buddha himself could not feel pain. Even a quick google gave me no indication that he could not feel pain, in fact the opposite.
    If you ask me the guys willing to go that far have a screw loose, and have also probably instilled a very very very powerful belief in their mind that pain is not real, basically hypnosis. But again im showing my ignorance of whats going there.

    Pain is not an indication of a detachment of the self, why should it be, pain comes from nerves afaik, the self is a belief.

    Its possible people confuse pain with suffering, big difference, I feel physical pain but suffering has stopped.
    That does not mean I am numb to problems, I still get annoyed, angry , whatever, but I dont suffer because of them. Alot of suffering isn't realised until after realization imo.
    I didnt realise I was suffering, I wasnt even suffering that much tbh, but the self was still in the way of seeing reality for what it really is.

    I dont want to run the risk of 'offering' some sort of permanent bliss, its not , its just a realization of reality. Only you will be able to describe it in your own words. Im confident you'll crack it, and you may very well come back on here and say you cracked it but its not all its cracked up to be. Thats fine. But I truly believe you will know what I mean when I say realization.

    As for meditation, please dont get me wrong, meditation is healthy ,when you meditate, you are looking directly at the thoughts of the self, the inner chatter, these thoughts keep arising when you are meditating but they slowly dissipate into nothing as you let them pass through your mind, how much and how quickly they dissipate is really down to how good you are at meditating.

    What these guys do is go straight to the route of it of that inner/chatter self/belief instead of trying to get you to spend a lifetime of meditation, i.e. instead of quieting that self, they push the belief out of you, because all it is is a thought/a belief, so the inner chatter is then killed off. Thoughts are still alive and well but no deeper inner chatter.
    When you realise and see for the first time that self doesnt exist thats when you feel enlightened.
    The first thing I did was start to read definititions of enlightenment online just to see, and yes i could relate to most of it.

    short answer: no,:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    wylo wrote: »
    tbh man, my answer probably wont please, possibly even put you off cause im about to show my ignorance of Buddhism etc. And this enlightenment may not be all its cracked up to be for you.

    But Ive no idea why they do that sh1t, its insanity, I doubt Buddha himself could not feel pain. Even a quick google gave me no indication that he could not feel pain, in fact the opposite.
    If you ask me the guys willing to go that far have a screw loose, and have also probably instilled a very very very powerful belief in their mind that pain is not real, basically hypnosis. But again im showing my ignorance of whats going there.

    Pain is not an indication of a detachment of the self, why should it be, pain comes from nerves afaik, the self is a belief.

    Its possible people confuse pain with suffering, big difference, I feel physical pain but suffering has stopped.
    That does not mean I am numb to problems, I still get annoyed, angry , whatever, but I dont suffer because of them. Alot of suffering isn't realised until after realization imo.
    I didnt realise I was suffering, I wasnt even suffering that much tbh, but the self was still in the way of seeing reality for what it really is.

    I dont want to run the risk of 'offering' some sort of permanent bliss, its not , its just a realization of reality. Only you will be able to describe it in your own words. Im confident you'll crack it, and you may very well come back on here and say you cracked it but its not all its cracked up to be. Thats fine. But I truly believe you will know what I mean when I say realization.

    As for meditation, please dont get me wrong, meditation is healthy ,when you meditate, you are looking directly at the thoughts of the self, the inner chatter, these thoughts keep arising when you are meditating but they slowly dissipate into nothing as you let them pass through your mind, how much and how quickly they dissipate is really down to how good you are at meditating.

    What these guys do is go straight to the route of it of that inner/chatter self/belief instead of trying to get you to spend a lifetime of meditation, i.e. instead of quieting that self, they push the belief out of you, because all it is is a thought/a belief, so the inner chatter is then killed off. Thoughts are still alive and well but no deeper inner chatter.
    When you realise and see for the first time that self doesnt exist thats when you feel enlightened.
    The first thing I did was start to read definititions of enlightenment online just to see, and yes i could relate to most of it.

    short answer: no,:D

    that is a fair enough response, but I may not have been entirely lucid about the issue being raised.

    when I said pain, I meant the suffering that accompanies physical pain, the "ow it hurts" part. I'm just wondering if you were in a similar situation, regardless of how it were to arise, would you experience the suffering that accompanies the physical pain; not minor physical discomforts, but sever pain like being burnt?

    I'm not asking you to put this to the test obviously, but what is your own opinion? It would of course be testable on a minor scale by holding a finger over a flame or something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    Not sure, id feel the pain anyway thats one thing, maybe I wouldnt feel sorry for myself if thats what you mean, theres no self to feel sorry for.
    Maybe it would be raw physical pain and nothing else. Im not going to put a lighter to my finger lol.

    Anyway, this is a classic example of complete distraction, pointless pondering, avoiding reality with theory, it mightnt feel like your avoiding it, but thats whats going on here.
    I dont know if you have posting rights yet, they'res quite a few they are trying to get through now. But if I was you in the mean time, I would concentrate and focus on ONE thing, and thats the fact there is no you, no controller, no self, no ownership, nothing , zilch. You need to focus on this as much as you can. Constantly constantly question the self, where is it? When your walking see if there is a controller required to move those legs
    When you say something, if you think of it afterwards , try and see did those words just come out or was there actually a self controlling everything you were saying.
    When you scratch your head without even realising was there a you needed for that?
    Try and look back at old memories and see was there ever a you needed to be in any of them? It was just life doing its thing, no you.
    Keep at this , come back here and ask questions or pm me or whatever, but when you can start a thread on RT, they are more experienced at spotting your attempts to avoid the truth. Dont skip around it, face it head on. If you find yourself pondering about monks/enlightenment/what it feels like/difference between pain/suffering bla bla bla , cut it out and get back to focusing on no you.
    Honesty and balls are needed for this. honestly ask yourself is the self real?

    If its not uncomfortable then you are simply not trying hard enough. If its a breeze you are ignoring the truth.
    So in a nutshell, focus, look at reality, focus, see the self is not real, yet everything else is real, try not wimp out and get lazy, keep at it, dont wait for a result, keep at it and the result will take care of itself in its own time.
    Logging onto RT will not give you the realization, only you can do that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    wylo wrote: »
    Not sure, id feel the pain anyway thats one thing, maybe I wouldnt feel sorry for myself if thats what you mean, theres no self to feel sorry for.
    Maybe it would be raw physical pain and nothing else. Im not going to put a lighter to my finger lol.

    Anyway, this is a classic example of complete distraction, pointless pondering, avoiding reality with theory, it mightnt feel like your avoiding it, but thats whats going on here.
    I dont know if you have posting rights yet, they'res quite a few they are trying to get through now. But if I was you in the mean time, I would concentrate and focus on ONE thing, and thats the fact there is no you, no controller, no self, no ownership, nothing , zilch. You need to focus on this as much as you can. Constantly constantly question the self, where is it? When your walking see if there is a controller required to move those legs
    When you say something, if you think of it afterwards , try and see did those words just come out or was there actually a self controlling everything you were saying.
    When you scratch your head without even realising was there a you needed for that?
    Try and look back at old memories and see was there ever a you needed to be in any of them? It was just life doing its thing, no you.
    Keep at this , come back here and ask questions or pm me or whatever, but when you can start a thread on RT, they are more experienced at spotting your attempts to avoid the truth. Dont skip around it, face it head on. If you find yourself pondering about monks/enlightenment/what it feels like/difference between pain/suffering bla bla bla , cut it out and get back to focusing on no you.
    Honesty and balls are needed for this. honestly ask yourself is the self real?

    If its not uncomfortable then you are simply not trying hard enough. If its a breeze you are ignoring the truth.
    So in a nutshell, focus, look at reality, focus, see the self is not real, yet everything else is real, try not wimp out and get lazy, keep at it, dont wait for a result, keep at it and the result will take care of itself in its own time.
    Logging onto RT will not give you the realization, only you can do that!

    I'm not so much wondering about enlightentment, and what it is like, more questioning whether your have been liberated or not. The mind can be a very tricky customer and I've had times when I beleived I was enlightened myself, only to realise that I wasn't - just doing a little probing.

    I've done a number of the things you mentioned, previously but I'll definitely get stuck into RT to see what the story with it is.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    Ok cool, id keep doing it, and try not to stop, yes you've had glimpses but glimpses are useless, its like going into a restaurant to have one fork full of steak, forget about me, whether you think im enlightened or not will be of no help to you,I could be a 12 year old girl on a major wind up,just sitting back and having a big laugh at this whole forum, maybe im not enlightened, its irrelevant now. Forget that, you can only know by seeing and looking and focusing for yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    wylo wrote: »
    Ok cool, id keep doing it, and try not to stop, yes you've had glimpses but glimpses are useless, its like going into a restaurant to have one fork full of steak, forget about me, whether you think im enlightened or not will be of no help to you,I could be a 12 year old girl on a major wind up,just sitting back and having a big laugh at this whole forum, maybe im not enlightened, its irrelevant now. Forget that, you can only know by seeing and looking and focusing for yourself.

    I had a read of the thread where you said you became enlightened, and I've been applying one of two of the things I've read, things I had applied myself before. Like you said yourself, I get gimpses of it, but it goes away again.

    Similar to what I've done before, I was driving the car today and seeing if I needed the self to do it. "I" was telling "myself" to stop the car while I was driving, "I" was telling "myself" to turn this way and that, but it was basically just a voice whose commands didn't have to be adhered to. I did this previously when I was out jogging, telling "myself" to stop, and seeing that I didn't need the self to do the jogging.

    I am intrigued, and am looking forward to getting the posting rights in RT, just to see if there is anything to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭wylo

    mangaroosh wrote: »
    I had a read of the thread where you said you became enlightened, and I've been applying one of two of the things I've read, things I had applied myself before. Like you said yourself, I get gimpses of it, but it goes away again.
    you need to get out of that state , if you feel that your getting into that state and your getting excited about getting into that, thats when you need to cut the sh1t and get back to looking, observe reality, and see there is no you. Forget about glimpse, forget about enlightenment, there is only one thing you need to LOOK at and FOCUS on and thats the fact there is no you.
    Cause there is no you ,you need to see it.
    mangaroosh wrote: »
    Similar to what I've done before, I was driving the car today and seeing if I needed the self to do it. "I" was telling "myself" to stop the car while I was driving, "I" was telling "myself" to turn this way and that, but it was basically just a voice whose commands didn't have to be adhered to. I did this previously when I was out jogging, telling "myself" to stop, and seeing that I didn't need the self to do the jogging.
    This is good, proper honesty, so you know there is no you, you really know it but push harder than that, look at reality, observe how real it is, look at the laptop , touch it , see how real it is? find the self compare to that!!, stick with this , once you mind wanders on any theory of it,it becomes a distraction.
    mangaroosh wrote: »
    I am intrigued, and am looking forward to getting the posting rights in RT, just to see if there is anything to it.
    exactly, nice, test it to prove/disprove it, but at least your testing it!!

    So maybe try answer these questions as honestly as possible in the mean time.
    Actually think about them with honesty.

    Where is that self? Exactly where is it?

    Who owns your brain/thoughts?
