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Neighbours - rant/advice/opinions

  • 30-04-2011 2:53am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3,327 ✭✭✭

    Looking to rant/get some advice/opinions. Right not sure where to start, next door, rented since I bought my house over a decade now, it's always been rented to different people.

    The people that were in there first were a mixed crowd, always one party per week/ but sometimes a few nights a week (least every week to every other week/literally it was rare for there not to be a party) heavy drinking/loud music all the time 11-4am. The landlords never gave me their details but after some effort, I located their contact no. and address. After a a lot of disruption one week (was so knackered I fell asleep in the job was in and got an earful) I then went to the landlords door, they were shocked to see me and I gave out hell to them, they tried to claim they didn't know about it etc and pleaded ignorance. The original tenants are gone a 3+ years now and the current lot are in about 2 years.

    From day one I was friendly with this lot, but I never wanted any noise or hassle so swore to myself if anything happened I'd say something, politely but firmly from the beginning, nip it in the bud. There has never been much noise, on occasion sometimes, Ive let the odd time go and not say anything so as not to be/seem like some kind of grump.
    But they used to block my drive frequently, when there was loads of room not to, often suggesting I just ask them to move?? or to just wait a minute?. They or their relatives/friends constantly throwing their cigarette butts into my drive, I never said anything until I had to pick out 50 after one weekend, I think they were even seeing if they could push me?? I brought it up with them, then someone started spitting on my doorstep/+ chewing gum.
    After a while butts coming over lower in number but still maybe average 15 a week, I just pick em up and leave them over the wall and say nothing.

    Recently I was outside doing a bit of work on my car, their friend/relative (allegedly an adult) flicks a butt into my garden, I dont know if it was aimed at me or not, but it was close, bounced off the car near me, he apologised but made no effort to pick it up. I was unhappy he'd be that ignorant, but just said to him that my garden is like an ashtray (as Im picking out 10-20 butts a week). The next day I found a few screws in the garden? so some form of revenge?? I'd thought so except whenever they clean out their van I generally find bits of cut tie wraps/little bits of plastic stuff/small bits of metal stuff, basically whatever seems to come to hand and its in my garden?? . I'm not happy about all the other junk,but dont say anything, screws/nails on the other hand I wont tolerate, I dont need to be checking the drive before I head off any day, apart from the fact that it had to be thrown over my car to get where it did,the fact they threw it at all astounds me??
    I picked it up and dropped it beside their doorstep along with a handful of butts, After that I noticed the mam and dad dont say a word to me, which frankly at this stage I dont care.

    Ive been polite and friendly to the mother and father all along, they have no cause to be concerned about me unless the son/friends block my drive or throw rubbish in my garden, the former isnt happening for a while (if it recurs it'll just be the gardai, I wont be dealing with it and if their tax is out they will have brought heat on themselves, the latter I dont say anything so as not to seem petty) except this latest time where a burning butt was practically flicked at me!

    There are also some other things which I am not mentioning and the issue which was pointed out to me by other neighbours regarding dangerous driving which seems to have calmed down, I could very easily have reported them for some very dangerous driving/speeding in the estate to the gardai, but didnt.

    Im beginning to think about taking this up with the landlord, from previous experience I know how they will respond. I know according to the housing provisions act and the Res Tenancies act the landlords are obliged to ensure tenants are not acting anti socially, if I start to follow this up can I force the landlords do anything legally, if there are repercussions to this, can I force them to evict the family if they remain anti social or get worse? I suspect they are on rent allowance, can I approach the HSE about a complaint?

    I dont want to do this as the Mother was always very pleasant to me and seemed to me to be the one making the effort to keep the peace, dont want to go down this road and Id much prefer we simply got on, while the mother and father were polite, the grown children+friends (males) if anything seem to make an effort that will bring trouble to their doorstep.

    I've become tired of this (not in a giving up way but in a militant I'm going to do something about it way) and simply wish I had a neighbour that was decent and/or owned the house.

    Am I missing something here? Is it acceptable to do the things Ive pointed out/experienced and then for them to expect me not to be bothered?? I know in some ways the more I react to them (which has really been very muted) the more they seem to do. When we get on, some of them seem to do things that might cause conflict, yet when they know I've become pissed about something they did like pegging a load of crap into my garden when they clean out their van, they then row back and avoid me?? Its like a childish game.

    Am I somehow in the wrong too?? I cant see that, am I being petty?
    I dont try do sh!t to pi$$ my neighbours off that seems to take a conscious effort and forethought to do. I never experienced this kind of sh!t before when living anywhere else??? When I was a tenant I was always conscientious and so were the majority of my housemates. Ten years is a long time to put up with crap from thoughtless people, if it was the odd thing I'd say nothing but its regular.

    Its a long post, half (maybe most) rant but I reached a point where Im going to do something! They dont seem to realise their actions may have consequences that could affect them/at the very least cause them some difficulty or the awkwardness of having to live beside someone and not get on, thats just awkward for all. I'm not going anywhere, I cant sell, I cant buy elsewhere. At this stage I barely even want to be polite anymore.

