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From beer & buckets...back to basics



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Upper body max effort

    70Kg x 7
    80Kg x 5
    80Kg x 5
    80Kg x 4

    bent over row
    60Kg x 8
    70Kg x 8
    70Kg x 8
    70Kg x 8

    DB Incline bench press
    25kg DBs x 8
    27.5kg DBs x 8
    30kg DBs x 6
    30kg DBs x 6

    Pull ups
    BW x 6
    BW x 6
    BW x 5

    A1 Curls 30kg x 3 x 8
    A2 Skull crushers 30kg x 3 x 8
    A3 close grip bench 30kg x 3 x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Lower body high rep

    100 kg x 3
    110kg x 1
    120kg x 1
    130kg x 5
    140kg x 3
    150kg x 2
    150kg x 2

    80kg x 10
    90kg x 10
    85kg x 8

    Leg curls
    level 8 x 10
    level 9 x 10
    level 9 x 10

    Ab stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    72.5kg x 10
    72.5kg x 8
    70 kg x 8
    60kg x 12

    One armed row
    30kg x 8
    32.5kg x 8
    32.5kg x 8

    Incline BB bench (45 degree)
    50kg x 10
    52.5kg x 10
    52.5kg x 9
    42.5kg x 12

    Chins (palms facing)


    32.5kg x 3 x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Did a session thursday evening and did upper and lowerbody as I couldn't make it in on Friday.

    102.5kg x 5
    105kg x 5
    105kg x 4

    82.5kg x 3
    80kg x 3
    80kg x 3

    Leg press
    80kg x 8
    120kg x 8
    140kg x 8

    Incline bench
    50kg x 8
    52.5kg x 8
    52.5kg x 8


    A1 curls 32.5Kg x 3 x 8
    A2 skullcrushers 32.5Kg x 3 x 8
    A3 close grip bench 32.5Kg x 3 x 8

    Far too much beer over the weekend. Detox time and going to focus on training and diet for the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    100kg x 3
    120kg x 1
    130kg x 1
    140kg x 4
    140kg x 4
    140kg x 4

    Leg curls
    level 9 x 10
    level 9 x 8
    level 8 x 10

    Core work - Leg raises & Swiss ball bridge super set.
    Had to take off early to meet house mate.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Upper body high rep

    75kg x 9
    75kg x 8
    70kg x 9
    60kg x 11

    one armed row
    30kg x 8
    32.5kg x 8
    35kg x 8
    27.5kg x 14

    incline db press
    27.5 kg x 10
    27.5kg x 9
    25kg x 10

    Parralell bar Chins (palms facing)
    BW x 9
    BW x 7
    BW x 5

    A1 Weighted Dips
    +7.5kg x 10
    +7.5kg x 10
    +7.5kg x 8

    A2 Curls
    35kg x 10
    35kg x 10
    35kg x 10

    Plenty of volume in tonight I think. Really happy with the session. Feels like I'm getting back on track :-) I'm going to keep it to going out one night a week too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    107.5kg x 5
    107.5kg x4
    107.5kg x 3

    Leg press
    80kg x 8
    120kg x 8
    140kg x 8
    160kg x 6

    Leg curls
    Level 9 x 10
    Level 9 x 8
    Level 10 x 6

    Core work
    Little disappointed with the squats but I'll keep at them

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    85kg x 3
    82.5kg x 3
    82.5kg x 3
    80kg x 5

    bent over row
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    75kg x 6
    75kg x 6

    Incline bench 45 degrees
    50kg x 8
    55kg x 8
    57.5kg x 6
    60kg x 6

    pull ups

    A1 Curls 35kg x 2 x 8
    A2 skull crushers 35kg x 2 x 8
    A3 close grip bench 35kg x 2 x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    140kg x 3
    140kg x 3
    120kg x 6
    120kg x 6

    leg curls
    level 8 x 3 x 10

    Core work. Done. Was wrecked going in last night. Just went for the sake of it. was never going to be a great session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    High rep upper body

    77.5kg x 9
    72.5kg x 10
    70kg x 11
    60kg x 12

    one armed DB row
    30kg x 10
    32.5kg x 10
    32.5kg x 10
    27.5kg x 11
    27.5kg x 11

    Db bench press 30 degree incline
    27.5kg DBs x 10
    27.5kg DBs x 8
    25kg DBs x 10

    Chins (Palms facing)

    A1 Dips
    +10kg x 10
    +10kg x 8

    A2 Curls
    35kg x 12
    35kg x 12

    Lots of volume tonight, by my standards anyway. Good session. Bench feeling strong.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    100kg x 1
    110kg x 2
    100kg x 8
    105kg x 5
    110kg x 2
    110kg x 2

    Leg press
    80kg x 8
    120kg x 6
    160kg x 6
    160kg x 6

    Leg curls
    Level 9 x 8
    Level 10 x 8
    Level 10 x 7

    Core work

    Didnt warm up properly for squats so never git going really

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212



    Incline bench


    Didnt do much benching tonight cos was charting to a lad who has been 3 time aus powerlifting champ. Was showing me how messed up my form leg touching the bench, the other way out. Something i really need to sort out

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Lower body

    100kg x 2
    120kg x 1
    140kg x 3
    150kg x 3
    150kg x 3
    120kg x 8
    120kg x 8

    Lots of foam rolling - lower back fatigued after deads.

    Squats (Legs in bits after deadlifts)
    80kg x 8
    90kg x 8
    90kg x 8

    Core work

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Upper body
    80kg x 8
    75kg x 8
    70kg x 10
    60kg x 12

    one armed rows
    30kg x 12 each arm
    32.5kg x 10
    32.5kg x 10

    incline DB bench
    25kg DBs x 12
    25kg DBs x 10
    25kg DBs x 9

    chins palms facing

    A1 Dips
    +12.5kg x 10
    +12.5kg x 9

    A2 Curls
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 9

    Good bit of volume today. Happy with how im progressing at the moment. Weighing 90Kg tonight which was a bit surprising but all good. Thats the weight I want to be. Could prob do with being a bit leaner but I'll keep going as I am for the moment. Really enjoying my training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    60kg x 3
    80kg x 2
    100kg x 2
    112.5kg x 4
    112.5kg x 3
    105kg x 6

    45 degree leg press
    80kg x 8
    120kg x 6
    140kg x 6
    160kg x 6
    180kg x 6
    190kg x 6

    Some good mornings

    Core work

    Feels like my strength is coming back fast at the moment, eating loads and its all about nutrition really. I'm actually going to start working with a personal trainer in January. The guy has been austrailian powerlifting champion 3 times so should be interesting. Something different anyway. get me away from my standard stuff hopefully. Also fix my weird form on the bench. Bit of an imbalance there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    90kg x 3
    85kg x 4
    80 kg x6
    60kg x 18!!!!

    Bent over row
    75kgx 6

    Incline benck
    60kg x 5


    A1 barbell curl 37.5kg x 2 x 8
    A2 skullcrushers 37.5kg x 2 x 8
    A3 clse grip bench 37.5kg x 2 x 8

    Good session 60kg for 18 reps is mental. Really happy with that!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    100kg x 2
    120kg x 2
    140kg x 2
    150kg x 4
    155kg x 3
    125kg x 8

    80kg x 8
    90kg x 11
    95kg x 8
    80kg x 10

    good mornings - load of crap. form is terrible on these

    Core work

    Really happy with my deadlifts. Felt really strong tonight although I had to do some foam rolling straight after the deadlifts. Lower back was a bit sore. I should do a lot more foam rolling than I do. Meh...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    60kg x 5
    70kg x 3
    80kg x 8
    70kg x 12
    70kg x 10
    60kg x 12

    one armed row
    35kg DB x 10
    35kg DB x 10
    35kg DB x 10

    incline DB bench
    27.5kg DBs x 10
    27.5kg DBs x 9
    27.5kg DBs x 7

    chins palms facing

    A1 Dips
    +15kg x 10
    +15kg x 7

    A2 Curls
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 8

    Not bad. Always feel like getting sick after this session for some reason.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Lower body low rep

    110kg x 1
    115kg x 3
    115kg x 3
    105kg x 6
    100kg x 6

    Leg press
    80kg x 6
    120kg x 6
    160kg x 6
    200kg x 6
    205kg x 6
    205kg x 6

    Glute ham raise (dont know if its any good as its at a 45 degree angle)
    +10kg x 8
    +10kg x 8
    +10kg x 8

    Core work

    Eating far too many carbs at the moment I reckon and although its helping with my lifts I dont want to get fat! 90kg 5ft11. Going to start cutting them out although Friday is hardly the best day to start!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Upper body low rep

    85kg x 1
    90kg x 2
    92.5kg x 2
    85kg x 5
    60kg x 19

    Bent over row
    70 kg x 5
    75kg x 5
    80kg x 6
    80kgx 6

    Pull ups

    Incline bench
    60kg x 5
    65kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5

    A1 curl 40kg x 2 x 8
    A2 skullcrushers 40kg x 2 x 8
    A3 closegrip bench 40kg 10 6

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Lower body

    120kg x 1
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 3
    160kg x 3
    160kg x 2
    130kg x 8

    Foam rolling - lots of. Lower back always fatigued after deads.

    90kg x 10
    95kg x 9
    70kg x 18

    Core work

    Deadlift is really strong. Might try hit a 180 max before going home for xmas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Havent been logging the last few nights but training 4 times a week as usual.

    Last night was

    100kg x 3
    120kg x 1
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 1
    160kg x 3
    170kg x 1
    135kg x 8
    135kg x 6

    Leg curls
    level 9 x 12
    level 9 x 11
    level 8 x 12

    Loads of core work

    80kg x 10
    90kg x 10


    Cut a lot of carbs recently and got a lot leaner beacuse of this. About 88kg at the mo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 RonToole

    Serious going on the Deadlift Lad. You gonna make the 180kg you reckon?

    How did you feel doing the 170 lift? 155 is my best atm. Loading up on the Carbs I find helps with the big lifts.

    Fancy a Gym session in UL when you get back?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Fairly standard session tues. need to change it up post xmas.

    80kg x 8
    75kg x 8
    70kg x 9
    65kg x 8
    60kg x 10

    one armed row
    35kg DB x 10
    37.5kg DB x 8
    37.5kg DB x 8

    incline DB bench
    30kg dbs x 10
    30kg dbs x 8
    25kg DBs x 10
    25kg DBs x 10

    chins (palms facing)

    A1 Weighted Dips
    +15kg x 8
    +15kg x 7

    A2 Curls
    35kg x 15
    35kg x 13

    Try and do 3 more sessions before heading back to ireland for xmas on Monday morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Crap session - getting lean at the mo so strength taking a big hit.

    100kg x 2
    110kg x 1
    120kg x 1
    110kg x 4
    110kg x 3
    100kg x 6

    Leg press
    180kg x 6
    180kg x 6
    180kg x 6

    Leg curl

    level 9 x 8
    level 10 x 7
    level 8 x 10

    Lots of core work.

    Cut a lot of carbs recently and weight has gone from just over 90kg to 87. I've got and feel a lot leaner but feel a bit weak in the gym. I guess it cant be all bulk bulk bulk and get fat! Home for xmas on Monday so will be a lot of beer...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Ok so I've been terrible for logging lately but I'm starting back at it today.
    So I was back in Ireland for xmas for 2 weeks, trained a couple of times in UL but lost a lot of strength, xmas and beer etc.

    Back in Oz now and its time for a new program. Started Joe D's Builit like a badass program. It looks pretty good even thought it sounds a bit gay. I'm intent on logging every session for the next 12 weeks and sticking with it.

    Here s today:

    65kg x 8
    70kg x 6
    75kg x 8

    Flat Db bench
    15kg Dbs x 25
    15kg Dbs x 25

    Seated over hand cable rows
    level 42.5 x 15
    level 50 x 15
    level 50 x 15
    level 50 x 15

    Cable triceps pushdowns (straight bar)
    25 x 15
    27.5 x 15
    25 x 15
    22.5 x 15

    Db Shrugs
    20kg x 15
    20kg x 15
    20kg x 15

    Db lateral raises
    5kg dbs x 15
    5kg dbs x 15
    2.5kg dbs x 15

    Barbell complex
    A1 deadlift x 10
    A2 bent rows x 10
    A3 hang cleans x 10
    A4 push press x 10
    A5 back squat x 10

    Started this complex with 40kg, thought it would be handy out - FAIL!
    Did it with 30kg just about.
    Did a second set with 27.5 kg just about.

    Was a great session tonight, not like any program ive done before. Serious amount of volume. Suprisingly tough. Wrecked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    RonToole wrote: »
    Serious going on the Deadlift Lad. You gonna make the 180kg you reckon?

    How did you feel doing the 170 lift? 155 is my best atm. Loading up on the Carbs I find helps with the big lifts.

    Fancy a Gym session in UL when you get back?

    Well lad, sorry I just saw this now! Disaster. I defo would have done a session with ya. Yeah I usually have a bowl of porridge before each training session.
    I emailed you on the program there im starting. Id say youll like it. Check it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    DB squat jumps
    +5kg dbs x 6
    +5kg dbs x 6
    +5kg dbs x 6
    +5kg dbs x 6

    80kg x 8
    85kg x 6
    90kg x 8

    A1 45 degree back raises
    BW x 15
    +5kg x 15
    +5kg x 15

    Medicine ball twists
    3kg ball x 20 ea side
    5kg ball x 20 ea side
    5kg ball x 20 ea side

    1.2k run - 5:30

    I haven't ran in absolutely ages so it felt great as tough as it was. I didn't push it much at all but I was pouring sweat after this session. Might have something to do with the weather too. Over 30 degrees here every day.
    Enjoing this new program as much as I feel Im going to get weak on it but we'll see. It has got me focused and interested in training again bigtime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    I found out tonight there is a big difference between doing a 100 push ups and doing them timed at the end of a work out!


    Lat pulldown (widegrip)
    level 35 x 25 reps
    level 40 x 25 reps

    Standing DB military press
    15kg DBs - 17 reps
    15kg DBs - 11 reps

    Rolling triceps extension
    7.5kg dbs x 8
    12.5kg dbs x 8
    15kg dbs x 8
    15kg dbs x 8

    Hammer curls
    15kg dbs x 8
    17.5kg dbs x 8
    17.5kg dbs x 8
    17.5kg dbs x 7

    Core Circuit: x2
    A) Toe Touches x20 (second set was a disaster as drank too much water)
    B) Bicycle x 30 Total
    C) Side Plank x 30sec each side

    100 push-ups as fast as possible: lost the time. Thats how sh1te I was
    (25,20,12,12,10,11,10) Funny cos I thought Id do these in 4 handy sets of 25. Arms decided otherwise!!

    Good session overall. I've lost some weight recently and am a lot leaner. Not as strong but its all good. Something different anyway. 86.5kg at the moment. Planning on starting back playing rugby next week. Im working as an IT contractor at the moment so dont get paid if I cant work. Praying I dont get injured!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    So got in the gym today to do some deads. Not part of the program but wanted to hit the gym so...

    115kg x 8
    120kg x 6
    125kg x 8

    Leg curls
    level 7 x 15
    level 7 x 15

    50kg x 8
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5

    A1 dips x 15 x 15
    A2 21's with 27.5kg EZ bar x 21 x 21

    Nice session. Felt like doing something. In good shape at the moment. Loving this program. Defo not the strongest ive been but defo the leanest in a long time.
