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From beer & buckets...back to basics



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    85kg x 5
    85kg x 5
    85kg x 4
    60kg x 17

    incline db bench
    20Kg dbs x 16
    20Kg dbs x 10

    A1 one armed rows
    35kg db x 8
    35kg db x 8
    35kg db x 8
    35kg db x 8

    A2 Triceps push down
    Level 25 x 8
    Level 25 x 8
    Level 20 x 12
    Level 20 x 12

    A1 Face Pulls

    A2 Zercher curls
    10kg x 12
    10kg x 12
    10kg x 12

    Core circuits.

    Great session, bench is feeling strong again. Hopefully can push on a bit on the bench now and start lifting something good. I'd love to bench 110kg for one sometime in the next few months. Probably a big ask.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    105kg x 5
    105kg x 5
    105kg x 5

    60KG x 3
    65kg x 3
    70kg x 2
    70kg x 1
    72.5kg x 1
    72.5kg x 1

    60kg x 5
    65kg x 10
    70kg x 10
    72.5kg x 8

    Foam rolling for lower back

    Core circuit x 4
    Swiss ball hamstring curls x 20
    V-ups x 15
    Swiss ball bridge x 1 min
    Plank shoulder touches x 30

    A1 Hamstring curls
    Level 7 x 12
    Level 7 x 12
    Level 7 x 12

    A2 Medicene ball twists

    Getting a lot stronger on the core exercises. happy with progress at the moment. Weigh 84kg at the moment and benched 85 for 5 reps the last day which isnt too bad. BW for 5 on the bench is never a bad stat I reckon. Hopefully I can keep progressing for a while

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Weighted Chins
    BW x 5
    +17.5kg x 5
    +17.5kg x 5
    +17.5kg x 5
    +17.5kg x 4

    77.5kg x 9
    75kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    60kg x 10

    Alternate DB bench
    25Kg x 8
    25kg x 6

    lat pulldown
    level 50 x 12
    level 50 x 10
    level 50 x 10
    level 50 x 10

    Cable curls

    Blackburns x 2
    15 sec ea area

    A1 close grip bench
    50kg x 15
    50kg x 12
    50kg x 12

    A2 Leg raises

    Good sessiion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    100kg x 2
    120kg x 2
    130kg x 1
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 4
    150kg x 4
    150kg x 4
    140kg x 5
    100kg x 15

    80kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    95kg x 6

    Core Circuit x 3
    Spread eagle sit ups
    sit-ups legs raised
    Side planks
    Swiss ball planks

    Good session. Deadlift feeling strong. Could have got more I reckon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Military press
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5

    Wide grip pullups

    A1 Arnold press
    20kg dbs x 8
    20kg dbs x 8
    20kg dbs x 6

    A2 Rows

    A1 Weighted dips
    +15kg x 8
    +17.5kg x 8
    +17.5kg x 8

    A2 21s
    30kg x 21
    30kg x 21
    30kg x 21

    Some light core work.
    Injured my neck a little tonight I think which resulted in hitting the neurofen plus for the last couple of days. Think it was on the military press. Hope its ok for a gym session 2mo. been eating and sleeping well this weekend. Feel good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    87.5kg x 4
    87.5kg x 3
    80kg x 6
    60kg x 10

    Incline DB bench
    25Kg dbs x 12
    25Kg dbs x 8

    A1 Row
    Level 50 x 12
    Level 50 x 12
    Level 50 x 12

    A2 Triceps push down

    B1 Face pulls

    B2 Zercher curls
    10kg dbs x 12
    10kg dbs x 12
    10kg dbs x 12

    My neck was still really sore going in today. Tooks a couple of neurofen which allowed me to train and strangely enough my neck has been perfect since I did the session. Must have put something back in place! probably could have done better on the bench if my neck was feeling stronger. We'll see how I go next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    100kg x 2
    107.5kg x 5
    107.5kg x 4
    100kg x 7
    100kg x 6

    60kg x 3
    65kg x 3
    70kg x 3
    75kg x 1
    60kg x 5

    60kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    75kg x 8

    Core circuit x 3
    A1 Swiss ball hamstring Curls x 21
    A2 V-ups x 20
    A3 Toe touches x 20,16,12
    A4 Side bends with 28kg kettlebell x 15 ea side

    Core circuit x 2
    B1 Spread eagle sit ups w/ 15kg x 10
    B2 Stability ball bridge x 1 min

    Leg raises.

    Doing a lot of core work at the moment and really enjoying it to be honest. Its weird but strength wise I feel like I'm about 87kgish. I got on the scales last night and I was 84kg so thats really good. I'll have to go back through my log but I reckon I'm near enough to my strongest at 84kg. Feeling really lean at the mo. Happy with training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Weighted chinups
    BW x 5
    +18.25Kg x 5
    +18.25Kg x 5
    +18.25Kg x 5
    BW x 14

    80kg x 8
    70kg x 10
    65kg x 8
    60kg x 10

    Lat pulldown
    Level 50 x 12
    Level 55 x 10
    Level 55 x 10
    Level 55 x 10

    Alternate DB bench
    25's x 10
    25's x 9

    Cable curls

    Core circuit x 3
    Swiss ball rolls x 15
    Med ball twists x 15 ea side
    Plank shoulder touches x 30

    A1 Close grip bench
    50kg x 18
    50kg x 15

    A2 DB Hammer curls
    17.5's x 8
    17.5's x 8

    In good shape at the moment but this training 5 days defo takes its toll. Lower back gets very fatigued. Enjoying it at the same time. I've never done so much core work in any program I've done before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Foam rolling..

    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    100kg x 2
    120kg x 2
    140kg x 1
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 1
    155kg x 4
    155kg x 3
    140kg x 5
    110kg x 12

    Hamstring curls
    level 8 x 10
    level 8 x 10
    level 8 x 10

    Core work.

    Foam rolling, foam rolling, foam rolling....

    My lower back was in bits going into the gym tonight. Was going to just abandon it but said id go for it. Worked out ok I guess. I need to do lots more foam rolling though. I think 5 days a week is really taking its toll on my lower back. Starting playing touch rugby on wednesdays so that should give me a bit of a break.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 RonToole

    colman1212 wrote: »
    Foam rolling..

    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    100kg x 2
    120kg x 2
    140kg x 1
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 1
    155kg x 4
    155kg x 3
    140kg x 5
    110kg x 12

    Hamstring curls
    level 8 x 10
    level 8 x 10
    level 8 x 10

    Core work.

    Foam rolling, foam rolling, foam rolling....

    My lower back was in bits going into the gym tonight. Was going to just abandon it but said id go for it. Worked out ok I guess. I need to do lots more foam rolling though. I think 5 days a week is really taking its toll on my lower back. Starting playing touch rugby on wednesdays so that should give me a bit of a break.

    Great work Lad. VERY strong on the Deadlifts - great stuff.

    Have to admit I've been missing some sessions the past 4 weeks with late evenings at work etc and only managing 2, 3 Gym sessions. We joined "Bee Fit" a few months back as it's only €20 a month (the joys of saving for a wedding) but I'm fcuking off back to UL - serious equipment over there and I find myself losing strength since I left.

    It's addictive but it's WELL worth it. Boo yeah :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    RonToole wrote: »
    Great work Lad. VERY strong on the Deadlifts - great stuff.

    Have to admit I've been missing some sessions the past 4 weeks with late evenings at work etc and only managing 2, 3 Gym sessions. We joined "Bee Fit" a few months back as it's only €20 a month (the joys of saving for a wedding) but I'm fcuking off back to UL - serious equipment over there and I find myself losing strength since I left.

    It's addictive but it's WELL worth it. Boo yeah :D

    Yeah the deadlifts have always come a little bit easier than the bench. Happy with he training at the moment. I'm home for 12 days in August by the way. We'll have to catch up over a few beers. UL is the best gym I've ever trained in. Must try get in for a session when I'm home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Military press
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 1
    55kg x 5
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10

    Wide grip pull ups
    BW x 10
    BW x 6
    BW x 6

    A1 Shrugs
    25's x 10
    25's x 10
    25's x 10

    A2 Db flys
    7.5s x 10
    7.5s x 10
    10s x 8

    Weighted dips
    +10kg x 10
    +15kg x 10
    +20kg x 8

    Triceps circuit x 3
    A1 EZ curls
    A2 skullcrushers
    A3 Close grip bench

    Didnt push the military press tonight cos my back was in bits going into the gym. I prob shouldnt have even trained. That was Friday. I seem to be back in order again today (although I am very hungovver....)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    87.5kg x 5 (spotter was lifting so god know what I actually got)
    87.5kg x 3
    87.5kg x 3

    incline db bench
    27.5's x 14
    27.5's x 8

    Curls dropset
    17.5's x 10
    15's x 10
    12.5's x 10
    10's x 10

    only had 25 mins as gym was closing, was at a work dinner thing.
    Why do spotters ALWAYS pull the bar off you when you tell them not to!!! Soooo annoying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    100kg x 2
    110kg x 4
    110kg x 3
    100kg x 6

    60kg x 3
    70kg x 2
    70kg x 2

    Leg curls
    level 7 x 12
    level 8 x 12
    level 8 x 10
    level 8 x 10

    Core Circuit
    A1 Swiss ball leg curls
    A2 V-ups
    A3 toe touches
    A4 side bends with 28kg kettlebell
    A5 Stabillity ball bridge 1min

    Core circuit
    A1 (eh.. cant remember what i did here!)
    A2 side planks 45 sec

    Didnt go too hard on this tonight because my lower back was in bits for half of last week so took it fairly easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Just played two games of touch rugby last night. Played rugby and tag rugby at home but man it was fast. Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to playing again. Fitness seemed pretty good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Friday night;

    100kg x 2
    120kg x 1
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 1
    160kg x 3
    160kg x 3
    140kg x 8
    120kg x 12

    Military press
    40kg x 3
    50kg x 1
    57.5kg x 4
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10

    Weighted Wide grip pullups
    +5kg x 6
    +5kg x 5
    +5kg x 4
    BW x 6

    A1 DB shoulder press
    25's x 8
    25's x 7
    22.5's x 8

    A2 Flys
    7.5's x 10
    7.5's x 10
    10's x 8

    Core work x 2
    A1 Weight spread eagle sit ups x 12
    A2 situps(legs raised) x 12
    A3 Med ball twists x 30
    A4 Swiss ball plank x 60 sec

    Good sleep the night before which meant good session. back on track. happy with the dealifts. Weight about 85kg at the mo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Sat morn - woke up and felt like training..

    Weighted Dips
    +10kg x 5
    +22.5kg x 8
    +22.5kg x 8
    +22.5kg x 8
    +10kg x 10
    BW x 10

    A1 Triceps pushdowns
    level 40 x 12
    level 40 x 12
    level 40 x 12

    A2 DB Curls
    17.5's x 12
    17.5's x 12
    17.5's x 12

    Arm circuit with 35kg
    B1 EZ curl x 10 x 10 x 8
    B2 skullcrushers x 10 x 10 x 8
    B3 close grip bench x 10 x 10 x 8

    Core circuit x 2
    C1 Swiss ball rolls x 12
    C2 leg raises x 15
    C3 side bends with 28kg kettlebell

    Good session. Couple of good nights sleep and coffee before traning makes all the difference. Couple of heavy days of work coming up so we'll see how trraining goes...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    80kg x 2
    90kg x 2
    90kg x 3
    90kg x 3
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5

    Incline DB bench
    27.5s x 12
    27.5s x 10
    27.5s x 8

    A1 One armed db row
    32.5kg x 8
    35kg x 8
    35kg x 8

    A2 Triceps pushdowns
    Level 45 x 10
    Level 45 x 10
    Level 45 x 10

    B1 Seated row
    level 50 x 10
    level 50 x 10
    level 50 x 10

    B2 Zercher curls
    12.5's x 10
    12.5's x 10
    12.5's x 10

    Push ups pyrimiad

    Was really tired in the gym tonight as had worked like 28 hours in 2 days. Still my bench wasn't too bad. 90 for 3 i am happy enough with. Like to get it up to 5. Very nearly got 4.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    60kg x 3
    70kg x 3
    70kg x 1

    60kg x 6
    100kg x 2
    105kg x 2
    110kg x 1
    112.5kg x 2
    105kg x 5
    90kg x 8
    80kg x 15

    Leg press
    80kg x 10
    120kg x 8
    160kg x 8
    170kg x 8
    180kg x 8

    Leg curls
    level 8 x 10
    level 9 x 8
    level 10 x 8

    Ab work

    Weak squats tonight. probably wasnt warmed up enough or something. Weighed 85.3kg tonight so I've put on a little bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Weighted Chin ups
    BW x 5
    +21.25Kg x 5
    +21.25Kg x 5
    +21.25Kg x 5

    70kg x 10
    70kg x 10
    75kg x 8
    60kg x 12

    Alternate DB bench
    27.5's x 6
    22.5's x 8

    lat pulldown

    cant remember what else I did to be honest...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    100kg x 2
    120kg x 1
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 1
    160kg x 1
    165kg x 3
    170kg x 1
    140kg x 10

    Military Press
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 2
    55kg x 1
    60kg x 4
    60kg x 2
    50kg x 10

    Wide grip pull ups
    +6.25kg x 5
    +6.25kg x 5
    +6.25kg x 5

    DB shoulder press
    27.5's x 6
    22.5's x 10

    Core circuit x 3
    Swiss ball rolls x 12
    Swiss ball jackknife x 12
    Side bends with 32kg x 10 ea side

    Really happy with the deadlifts. The 165 actually felt fine. Military press was strong too. Seem to be getting a lot stronger at the moment, hopefully it keeps going..My goal is a 180kg deadlift.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    80kg x 1
    85kg x 1
    90kg x 1
    92.5kg x 2 (with spotter)
    90kg x 4 (with spotter)
    80kg x 6
    60kg x 15

    Alternate med ball push ups

    A1 One armed rows
    35kg x 8 ea arm
    35kg x 8 ea arm

    A2 incline db bench
    30's x 8
    27.5's x 10

    Incline bench
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 6

    bent over row
    60kg x 10
    65kg x 8
    65kg x 8

    had a pretty heavy weekend so the gym was very tough today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    80kg x 1
    90kg x 1
    100kg x 1
    107.5kg x 1
    112.5kg x 1
    115kg x 1
    100kg x 8
    100kg x 5

    A1 Glute-Ham raise + 10kg

    A2 10kg Med ball twists

    A1 Leg press
    80kg x 10
    120kg x 10
    140kg x 10
    150kg x 10

    A2 Leg curls
    level 8 x 12
    level 8 x 10
    level 8 x 10
    level 8 x 10

    Loads of core work...
    Squats felt pretty weak to be honest. Dept was fine though. Need more volume I reckon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Weighted chins
    BW x 5
    +22.5kg x 5
    +22.5kg x 5
    +22.5kg x 4

    75kg x 9
    75kg x 7
    60kg x 12

    A1 Lat pulldown

    A2 one armed press
    12.5kg x 12
    12.5kg x 12
    12.5kg x 12

    B1 Rolling triceps extension
    15s x 10
    12.5's x 10
    12.5's x 10

    B2 Hammer curls
    15's x 10
    12.5s x 12
    12.5s x 12

    Core circuit x 2
    toe touches 20
    bicycle 30sec
    side plank 30 sec

    Push up pyrmiad (diff heights and grip)

    My shoulder, bench etc etc isnt great at the moment..Same ol story must sort it out soon. Keep putting it off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212


    Military press
    50kg x 2
    55kg x 2
    60kg x 3
    50kg x 10

    A1 Wide grip pullups
    +7.5kg x5
    +7.5kg x5
    +7.5kg x5

    A2 Db flys
    9's x 12
    9's x 12
    10's x 10

    B1 Db shoulder press
    27.5's x 6
    27.5's x 6
    27.5's x 6

    B2 Seated row
    Level 55 x 10
    Level 45 x 12
    Level 45 x 12

    Bent over row
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10

    Went in the gym thursday wrecked. Did some deads and home to bed, too wrecked to do a session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Sat morning

    Weighted dips
    +10kg x 5
    +15kg x 8
    +20kg x 8
    +25kg x 7
    +25kg x 7
    +10kg x 10

    A1 Close grip bench
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10

    A2 Curls
    32.5kg x 10
    32.5kg x 10
    32.5kg x 10

    B1 Face pulls

    B2 Zercher curls
    12.5kg x 8
    12.5kg x 8
    12.5kg x 8

    Arm circuit with 33kg, 38kg. 38kg
    C1 EZ Curls x 8
    C2 Skullcrushers x 8
    C3 close grip bench x 10

    Core Circuit - blah blah....

    had an 11 hour sleep friday night which was really badly needed. Woke up like a new man and really enjoyed this session. its monday morning now and I bascally ate and slept well all weekend (no alcohol) so feeling like this week will be a good training week :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    70kg x 2
    80kg x 1
    90kg x 1
    95kg x 1
    85kg x 4
    85kg x 3
    60kg x 19

    A1 One armed DB row
    32.5kg x 8
    35kg x 8
    35kg x 8

    A2 Flat DB Bench press
    25's x 12
    25's x 12
    25's x 12

    B1 Rolling triceps ext
    15's x 10
    15's x 10
    15's x 10

    B2 Hammer curls
    15's x 10
    15's x 10
    15's x 8

    incline bench
    40kg x 12
    50kg x 12
    50kg x 12

    One armed cable row

    Went to put my Dumbell down when I was benching. Dropped it on a shaker full to the top with xtend orange which then exploded everywhere covering the gym in orange and shards of plastic. Awesome!

    Anyway happy enough with the session. Another good night sleep last night. Feeling good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    80kg x 2
    100kg x 1
    110kg x 1
    115kg x 1
    117.5kg x 1
    105kg x 5
    100kg x 7
    90kg x 10

    A1 Glute ham raise
    +10kg x 12
    +15kg x 10
    +10kg x 10

    A2 Upright leg press
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10

    Hamstring curls
    level 10 x 8
    level 8 x 12
    level 8 x 10

    Core circuit x 3
    B1 swiss ball elbow rolls x 12
    B2 Spread eagle sit ups x 15 +10kg
    B3 side bends w/32kg KB x 12
    B4 stabillity ball bridge x 1m

    45 degree Leg press
    80kg x 10
    120kg x 10
    150kg x 10
    170kg x 10

    Leg raises

    Happy enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Weighted Chin-ups
    BW x 5
    +23.75Kg x 5
    +23.75Kg x 5
    +23.75Kg x 4
    +10kg x 6

    80kg x 8
    70kg x 10
    70kg x 8

    A1 Lat pulldown
    level 50 x 12
    level 60 x 8
    level 50 x 15

    A2 one armed shoulder press
    12.5kg db x 12
    12.5kg db x 12
    12.5kg db x 12

    Incline DB bench
    27.5's x 8
    22.5's x 12
    22.5's x 12

    Push up pyrmiad

    Run the rack dbs
    17.5's x 10
    15's x 10
    12.5's x 10
    10's x 10

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    80kg x 2
    100kg x 1
    120kg x 1
    140kg x 1
    160kg x 1
    170kg x 1
    175kg x 1
    140kg x 12 (PR of some kind anyway)

    wide grip pull ups
    +8.75kg x 5
    +8.75kg x 5
    +8.75kg x 4

    Military press
    40kg x 4
    50kg x 3
    60kg x 2
    62.5kg x 1
    52.5kg x 8
    40kg x 10

    A1 standing db shoulder press
    15's x 12
    15's x 12
    15's x 10

    A2 DB flys
    10's x 10
    10's x 10
    10's x 8

    Core circuit x 2
    V-ups x 15
    toe touches x 20
    Hip ups x 12

    Core circuit x 2
    Side plank 40sec ea side
    bridge get ups x 15

    B1 Seated straight bar rows
    level 50 x 12
    level 50 x 12
    level 50 x 12

    B2 Stabillity ball twists

    They were giving out red bull in the gym tonight, drank one before I went in and had already had a coffee. This resulted in a major session. 175kg on the deadlift I got once before but I was about 90kg at the time. I'm 85kg at the moment so that is significant progress. I dont think I ever got close to 12 reps on 140kg before. Really happy with that.
