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From beer & buckets...back to basics



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    OKay so it has been quiet a while since I have posted on here.
    I have been focussing on getting lean for the last few months and managed to get down to 78kg at 9.2% bodyfat which is the leanest I've ever been. My diet for a the majority of this has been low carb paleo pretty much. I'm going to start logging again as I want to keep track of my numbers as I'm starting to do some strength work again. Also work has been crazy for the last few months so havent had time for much. I've been focussing on form for the last few months and tempos so not lifting heavy.

    Last night:

    Incline DB bench press
    27.5's x 6
    27.5's x 6
    30's x 6
    30's x 5
    25's x 8

    Flat bench press (thumbless grip) (4010 tempo)
    60kg x 6
    62.5kg x 6
    65kg x 6
    67.5kg x 6
    67.5kg x 6

    Hammer strenght machine press
    30kg x 6
    30kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    35kg x 6

    Cable chest flys
    20 x 6
    25 x 6
    30 x 6
    30 x 6

    Precher curl
    35kg x 6
    37.5kg x 6
    37.5kg x 5
    35kg x 6

    Straight bar curl
    35kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    35kg x 6

    hammer curl
    15's x 5
    12.5's x 6
    12.5's x 5 ,10's x 4
    12.5's x 5 ,10's x 4

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    wednesday: legs day

    100kg x 6
    110kg x 6
    115kg x 6
    120kg x 6 (spotter on last 2 - slight help)
    122.5kg x 4 (spotter on last 2 helped)

    Hack squat
    80kg x 6
    100kg x 6
    105kg x 6
    110kg x 6

    Front squat
    70kg x 6
    75kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    80kg x 6

    leg press
    160kg x 6
    200kg x 5 (hurttttt)

    Squats feeling quiet strong at the moment. Hurt myself on the leg press so fininshed the sesh early.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212


    db shoulder press
    22.5's x 6
    25's x 6
    27.5's x 6
    27.5's x 5
    25's x 7

    front raises
    7.5's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8

    Upright row
    23kg x 8
    28kg x 8
    28kg x 8
    28kg x 8

    rear delt fly
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8

    Core & triceps

    Weighted dips
    +15kg x 6
    +20kg x 6
    +25kg x 6
    +30kg x 6

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Saturday morning:

    100kg x 5
    120kg x 3
    130kg x 6
    140kg x 6
    150kg x 6
    160kg x 6
    170kg x 5

    Hyper extension
    +20kg x 6
    +30kg x 8
    +30kg x 8
    +30kg x 8

    Good mornings
    40kg x 6
    50kg x 6
    55kg x 6
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6

    One legged straight leg deadlft
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 8

    Leg curls
    pin 8 x 8
    pin 9 x 8
    pin 9 x 8
    pin 9 x 7

    Happy with the deadlft, want to hit 200kg in the next 2 months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Monday: Back

    Bent Over row
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    75kg x 6
    77.5kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    82.5kg x 6

    Weighted Pull-ups
    BW x 6
    +5kg x 6
    +5kg x 6
    +5kg x 6
    +5kg x 6

    One Armed row
    27.5kg x 6
    30kg x 6
    30kg x 6
    32.5kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    35kg x 6

    Lat pulldown (under graps)
    pin 60 x 6
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 75x 5

    Seated row (straight bar)
    pin 40 x 6
    pin 40 x 6
    pin 40 x 6
    pin 40 x 6
    pin 40 x 6

    Ab work

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Tuesday: Chest/Bi's

    Incline Db bench press
    27.5's x 6
    30's x 6
    32.5's x 4
    32.5's x 4
    30's x 6

    Flat bench press

    Incline Hammer Strength press
    40kg x 6
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    75kg x 6
    75kg x 6

    Cable Flys
    pin 25 x 8
    pin 25 x 8
    pin 30 x 8
    pin 30 x 8

    Preacher curl
    20kg x 8
    30kg x 8
    35kg x 6
    35kg x 5
    30kg x 8

    Standing EZ curl
    Bar +
    20kg x 8
    20kg x 8
    22.5kg x 8
    22.5kg x 8

    A1 Hammer Curl
    A2 Push ups

    Didnt put down any numbers for the flat bench. I've been using thumbless grip for a while which has really helped me develop my chest and keep my shoulders pinned back into the bench. I reverted to my old way of benching tonight and my form was off again. Going to stick with thumbless benching for a while. Its know its dangerous but I'll stick with it for a while. If it starts getting a bit scary, ill go back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Going to post my diet. Its fairly supplement heavy at the moment but I'm feeling good and training is going well so going to stick with it.

    6:30 am Super Greens, Primal Fiber, Vitamin C, Chia Seed, Flaxseed shake

    7:15 am 6 large eggs, 1/4 avocado, spinach, rocket
    Supps* 3 Fish Oil tabs, multi vitamin, zinc, magnesium

    10:15am 185g tuna

    12:45pm 350g Chicken, tomato, cucumber, spinach

    4:00pm 200g chicken/turkey/pork, 150g sweet potato

    --Training-- *Supps* Sciviation Xtend Amino Acids

    7:00pm 60g whey protein & primal fiber

    8:30pm 300g Chicken/turkey/pork 200g sweet potato, Brocolli, Green beans
    Supps* Zinc, Magnesium & HCL.

    Use ON whey protein, swiss mult-vitamin & fish-oil, Poliquin zinc, mag, HCL, primal Fiber. This is pretty much the diet I have used to get down to 9.2% bodyfat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Ok so got my bodyfat done today for the first time in 3 weeks and it came in at 7.2% @ 78.2kg. By farrrr the leanest I've ever been. Delighted with that. And then did a big leg sesh after.

    --lots of foam rolling--

    80kg x 6
    105kg x 6
    110kg x 6
    115kg x 6
    120kg x 6 (spot on last rep)
    125kg x 4 (spot on last 2 reps)

    Front squat
    75kg x 6
    77.5kg x 6
    77.5kg x 6
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 6 (spot needed on last rep)

    Hack Squat
    80kg x 6
    100kg x 6
    115kg x 6
    120kg x 6
    125kg x 6

    Leg press
    200kg x 6
    220kg x 6
    230kg x 6
    240kg x 6

    Leg Extension
    pin 55 x 8
    pin 60 x 8
    pin 65 x 8
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 60 x 8

    Training is going really well at the mo, seem to be get leaner and stronger which is always someting I thought wasn't possible.
    Going to add in some white rice post work out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Thursday: Shoulder/Tri's

    DB shoulder press
    22.5's x 6
    27.5's x 4
    25's x 6
    25's x 6
    25's x 5
    25's x 5

    Front Raise
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8

    Lat Flys
    10's x 8
    12.5's x 6
    12.5's x 6
    10's x 8

    Upright row
    EZ bar +
    10kg x 8
    15kg x 8
    20kg x 8
    20kg x 8

    Weighted dips
    +20kg x 8
    +25kg x 8
    +30kg x 8
    +35kg x 6
    +30kg x 6
    +20kg x 12

    More triceps stuff....
    Fairly weak on the Db shoulder pressing today. Thing its cos I had a massive leg session yesterday and the body still hasnt recovered.
    Upright rows have always felt like a strange exercise
    Enjoying this program.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Friday: Chest and back

    A1 DB Floor Press
    22.5's x 10
    22.5's x 10
    22.5's x 10
    22.5's x 10

    A2 Close grip chins (parallel grip)
    BW x 8
    +5kg x 8
    +5kg x 8
    +5kg x 8

    B1 DB Bench Press (Neutral Grip) 4010 tempos
    22.5's x 10
    22.5's x 10
    22.5's x 10
    22.5's x 10

    B2 Bent over row (underhand grip)
    60kg x 10
    65kg x 10
    65kg x 10
    65kg x 10

    C1 Chest Fly
    pin 25 x 10
    pin 25 x 10
    pin 25 x 10
    pin 25 x 10

    C2 Cable one armed row
    pin 50 x 10
    pin 50 x 10
    pin 50 x 10
    pin 50 x 10

    Lots of push ups and done.
    Doing 2 chest sessions a week the moment. Chest is a fair bit behind my legs so want to develop it a bit more.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    100kg x 5
    120kg x 3
    135kg x 6
    145kg x 6
    155kg x 6
    165kg x 6
    175kg x 3

    Good morning
    40kg x 6
    50kg x 6
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    70kg x 6

    romanian deadlift
    40kg x 8
    45kg x 8
    45kg x 8
    45kg x 8

    +20kg x 10
    +20kg x 10
    +20kg x 10
    +20kg x 10

    A little dissapointed with the deadliest, was hoping for 5 reps on 175kg but just died. Felt really heavy. Theres always next week :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Sunday: Lots of ab work

    10 mins HIIT (rowing machine) 30 sec on/30 sec off

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Monday: Back

    Bent over row
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    75kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    82.5kg x 6
    85kg x 6

    Weighted Pullups (wide grip)
    BW x 6
    +7.5kg x 6
    +7.5kg x 6
    +7.5kg x 6
    +7.5kg x 6

    One armed Row
    30kg x 6
    32.5kg x 6
    37.5kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    37.5kg x 6

    Lat pulldown (Under graps)
    pin 65 x 6
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 70 x 5

    Hammer strength row
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    70kgx 6
    70kgx 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Tuesday: Chest

    DB Incline Bench
    25's x 6
    27.5's x6
    30's x 6
    32.5's x 4
    32.5's x 5

    Flat Bench (thumbless grip)
    60kg x 6
    65kg x 6
    67.5kg x 5
    65kg x 6
    65kg x 6

    Hammer strength Machine
    60kg x 6
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    70kg x 5
    70kg x 5

    Chest flys
    pin 25 x 8
    pin 30 x 8
    pin 30 x 8
    pin 30 x 8

    Arm work + pressups
    Think I need to start doing some mobillity work on chest or shoulder days.
    My right shoulder has never been great but think its holding my bench back quite a lot. Using a thumbless grip seems to activate my chest more at the same time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    100kg x 3
    110kg x 6
    115kg x 6
    120kg x 4 (had spotter for last 2)
    125kg x 3 (spotter)
    130kg x 2 (think I got the first one on my own, spotter for 2nd)

    Hack Squat
    60kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    90kg x 6
    90kg x 8

    Front squat
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    90kg x 3

    Leg press
    200kg x 6
    240kg x 6
    240kg x 6

    Leg Extension
    5 sets

    Was a terrible session today. Felt so tired during and after. I'm doing strength work at the moment but I think I'm still on a calorie deficit. I'll get my bodyfat done again next week and adjust the diet accordingly. I changed up my sweet potato post work out to 100g of uncooked rice. Thinking of adding an extra meal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Reminder to add:
    2 rounds of;
    Scap pushups, scap rows, band pullaparts, shoulder dislocates

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Friday: Shoulders

    DB shoulder press
    22.5's x 6
    25's x 6
    25's x 6
    27.5's x 4
    27.5's x 3
    25's x 6

    Front raise
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8

    Upright row
    20kg x 8
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 8

    Lat flys
    10's x 8
    12.5's x 7
    12.5's x 6
    10's x 8

    Weighted dips
    +20kg x 8
    +30kg x 8
    +35kg x 6
    +40kg x 6
    +40kg x 6
    +20kg x 8

    Close grip bench (4010 tempo) (suicide grip)
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 6

    Triceps push down
    4 sets + droplets

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Saturday morning: Hamstring/lower back

    100kg x 6
    120kg x 3
    140kg x 6
    160kg x 6
    170kg x 6
    180kg x 3 PR

    Good mornings
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    75kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    80kg x 6

    Romanian deadlift
    40kg x 8
    45kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8

    20kg x 8
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 8

    Leg curls
    pin 8 x 8
    pin 9 x 8
    pin 9 x 6
    pin 10 x 6

    Great session. Really happy with that. The 180kg didnt actually feel too bad and form was strong. Aiming for 200kg deadlift in a few weeks. Currently @ 78kg bodyweight so that will be a big result if I get it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Sunday morning: ABBBZZ!

    Had 550g of beef,5 eggs, spinach, tomatoes for breakfast. Probably not the best before a core workout!

    A1 hanging leg raises
    A2 swiss ball plank

    B1 V-ups with med ball
    B2 Crunches on machine

    C1 Woodchops
    C2 cable stomach things

    nice easy sunday morning session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Monday: Back Day

    Bent Over row:
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    90kg x 6 (form a bit dodge)
    80kg x 6

    Weighted pull ups
    BW x 6
    +10kg x 6
    +10kg x 5
    +10kg x 5
    +10kg x 5

    One armed DB Row
    30kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    37.5kg x 6
    40kg x 5
    40kg x 5

    Hammer Strength Row
    40kg x 6
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    70kg x 6

    Lat pulldown under graps
    4 sets

    Straight arm cable row
    4 sets

    Back feeling strong. The pullups arent great. Using quite a wide grip so need to focus on hitting the lats and not trying to get chin over the bar I think. Getting full ROM anyway though and using tempos.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Tuesday: Chest

    DB Incline Bench
    22.5's x 6
    27.5's x 6
    32.5's x 6
    32.5's x 5
    30's x 5
    27.5's x 5

    Flat Bench (thumbless grip)
    60kg x 6
    65kg x 6
    67.5kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    72.5kg x 4

    Hammer strength Machine
    60kg x 6
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    60kg x 6

    DB pullover
    25 x 10
    30 x 10
    30 x 10

    3 Bicep exercises.
    I have always struggled massively with the bench. I can probably close grip bench more than I can widegrip bench which is just strange. Working on it though.
    Started doing scap pushups,shoulder dislocates and band pull aparts before every upper body session. Body fat 2mo and then will add in more carbs if its still around the 7-8% mark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Wednesday: Leg Day

    80kg x 5
    100kg x 4
    110kg x 6
    117.5kg x 6
    120kg x 6
    125kg x 4 (spotter on last rep)

    Hack squat
    100kg x 6
    120kg x 6
    130kg x 6
    140kg x 6
    150kg x 6

    Front squat
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    90kg x 5

    Leg press
    160kg x 6
    200kg x 6
    240kg x 6
    280kg x 6
    240kg x 8

    Leg Extension
    pin 50 x 6
    pin 60 x 6
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 75 x 5

    Got my bodyfat measured tonight and it came in at 4.4% @ 77.3kg. My trainer is pretty accurate as one of the boys got the dexa scan done and it was 0.2% off what my trainer calculated. It still seems hard to believe but I am at the leanest I've ever been at by far. Uping the carbs post training to 200g uncooked (lot of rice)!!! and we'll see where we are at again in 2 weeks. The leg session tonight felt like the best leg session I've ever done. The 120kg squats felt really comfortable for the first time ever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Thursday: Shoulders

    DB shoulder Press
    22.5's x 6
    25's x 6
    27.5's x 4
    27.5's x 4
    27.5's x 3
    27.5's x 3

    Front raises
    10's x 6
    12.5's x 6
    12.5's x 6
    12.5's x 6
    12.5's x 6

    Upright row
    20kg x 6
    30kg x 6
    32.5kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    37.5kg x 6
    37.5kg x 6

    Rear delt flys
    10's x 6
    12.5's x 8
    15's x 6
    15's x 6
    15's x 6

    Weighted dips
    +20kg x 8
    +30kg x 6
    +35kg x 6
    +40kg x 6
    +41.25kg x 6
    +20kg x 15

    Close grip bench (thumbless grip + 4010 tempo)
    50kg x 6
    55kg x 6
    57.5Kg x 6
    57.5kg x 6

    More triceps stuff.
    Struggling to push on with the shoulder press.
    Increasing my cals this week so hopefully that will improve things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Saturday morning:

    100kg x 5
    120kg x 5
    140kg x 5
    160kg x 6
    170kg x 6
    180kg x 5 PR

    Romanian deadlift
    40kg x 8
    45kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8

    Leg curls
    pin 8 x 8
    pin 9 x 8
    pin 10 x 8

    Good mornings
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 6
    60kg x 8
    65kg x 8

    +20kg x 8
    +30kg x 8
    +35kg x 8
    +35kg x 8

    Deadlifts are going really really well. Pulled back a bit on the good mornings. Really trying to get down as low as possible and see how I go. Have a bit of a cold at the moment so wasnt going to train today but delighted I did. Hopefully smashing the vitamin C, zinc and vital greens will sort it out. Other guys on my team out sick all week so defo something going around :-( Great session though :-) Might have a rest day 2mo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Monday: Back

    -- Dying with a cold at the moment. Winter has hit in Oz. It got down to a whopping 16 degrees today which I now seem to think is "Absolutley freezing". What has happened me. Anyway..

    Bent over row
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    90kg x 6
    92.5kg x 5
    80kg x 8

    Weighted wide grip pull ups
    BW x 6
    +5kg x 6
    +7.5kg x 6
    +10kg x 6
    +11.25kg x 6
    +12.5kg x 5

    One armed row
    30kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    37.5kg x 6
    40kg x 6
    42.5kg x 5
    42.5kg x 5

    Lat pulldown under graps
    pin 60 x 6
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 70 x 6
    pin 70 x 6

    Hammer strength row
    5 sets

    Straight arm row
    5 sets

    Was a good session despite the fact I'm sick at the mo :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Tuesday: Chest

    Incline db bench
    22.5's x 6
    27.5's x 6
    30's x 6
    30's x 6
    32.5's x 5
    32.5's x 4

    Flat Bench (suicide grip)
    60kg x 6
    65kg x 6
    67.5kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    72.5kg x 4
    75kg x 4

    Hammer strength press
    30kg x 10
    60kg x 6
    80kg x 5
    85kg x 4

    Incline Flys
    12.5's x 8
    15's x 6
    17.5's x 6
    20's x 5

    3 bicep exercises and done.
    Finally getting my form right on the bench. Bench is defo the hardest lift for me to get right. Used to have my elbows at about 30 degrees. When I move them out I can hit my chest much better. keeping my shoulders pinned so feels pretty good. Sticking with the thumbless grip. Just works better for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Wednesday: Leg day

    100kg x 4
    112.5kg x 6
    120kg x 6
    125kg x 4
    127.5kg x 3

    Hack Squat
    120kg x 6
    140kg x 6
    150kg x 6
    150kg x 6

    Front Squat
    60kg x 4
    70kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    90kg x 6
    90kg x 4

    Leg press
    200kg x 6
    240kg x 6
    280kg x 6
    280kg x 6
    240kg x 6
    180kg x 10
    120kg x 15

    Leg extensions
    pin 65 x 4 x 8

    Squats were tough. Had spotter on last 2 sets for the last rep.
    Front squats were really uncomfotable on 90kg too. the knurling on the bar was tearing into my neck and my wrists were killing me. I know..I'm being a girl. Not a bad session seeing as I've been sick the last few days. Have a work day at a golf course on Friday with a free bar for the day :eek: Dangerous lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Thursday: Shoulders

    DB shoulder press
    22.5's x 6
    25's x 6
    25's x 5
    25's x 5
    25's x 5

    Front raises
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8
    10's x 8

    Upright rows
    30kg x 8
    35kg x 8
    35kg x 8
    35kg x 8

    Rear delt flys
    4 sets

    Lots of tricep stuff

    Hmmm. Seem to have stalled a bit on this stuff. Think it may be down to calories. Probably need to bump it again but will know next wednesday when I get bodyfat done. Probably havent hit enough of a surplus yet. Also upright rows feel terrible on my right shoulder. ugh. Crap session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Sunday: Hamstrings

    100kg x 5
    120kg x 5
    140kg x 5
    160kg x 5
    175kg x 5
    185kg x 2

    Romanian deadlifts
    40kg x 8
    45kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    52.5kg x 8

    Good mornings
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8

    Leg curls
    pin 9 x 8
    pin 10 x 6
    pin 10 x 6
    pin 10 x 6

    Hyper extensions
    20kg x 8
    30kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    40kg x 6

    Not a bad session considering the massive night on Friday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    Monday: Chest\Biceps

    Got in and did a session, Not taking much notice of the numbers as I had a massive sunday night and didnt get much sleep. Disaster.
    Also have the lions tour coming up in a couple of weeks. Serious training will start back after that.
