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JayKHunter's OSW Review 99 - AEW Revolution 2021



  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭blackpotato

    I just watched part 1 of Legends House. I been curious for a while and I haven't heard much good or bad about it and well I remember these guys not just from early OSW reviews, but also from when I 1st saw WWE in 1986. When it was shown more regularly on Sky in 1987, they used to run episodes of Superstars building up to Wrestlemania 3 taped in huge arenas, but they also used to show episodes of Superstars from a year previous building up to Wrestlemania 2 in crappy small dingy arenas too. So Roddy Piper was a heel in one show and a face in the other. He was also my favourite wrestler when I was brand new to WWE. He left not that long after I started watching though and I was never as huge a fan of his when he came back, although I did still like him.

    The main reson I chose today to finally watch this show is because I'm going to go see Piper doing his stand up show in The Village this Friday and if he is talking about Legends House, I would not like to be too clueless about it. The show is better than Total Divas but then waiting for buses in the rain is better than Total Divas. There's something I like about people from older generations saying stuff that's hugely politically incorrect. It makes me laugh and older wrestlers are great for that kind of thing. Ashley Roberts is in the show and I do remember being in tears laughing a few years ago when she was in I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here at her trying to understand mumbly Crafty Cockney former world number 1 darts player Eric Bristow when he talks because his accent baffled her but she's a good girl. For sure she's one of my favourite Pussycat Dolls even if Jimmy Hart called her a "blonde bimbo" in episode 1.

    I still can't work out if Legends House is a comedy or serious or what it actually is. It's funny in bits and then it ends more seriously. The one member of the cast I don't know too much about is Pat Patterson. He does say one really creepy thing to a guy working in a supermarket but apart from that, he seems ok so far. Man Howard Finkel got fat. That's not down to ageing either, that looks like it's caused by deep fried cakes wrapped in barbequed ribs. I think I'll look at episode 2 tonight...

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Let me know how you get on with episode 2, I only caught the first ep of Legends House and wasn't interested. Maybe it's because they all just want to sit around and have nothing to prove/gain by being on the show (and the Pussycat Doll has to hassle them to do stuff). Ah I like Pat Patterson he looks like a fun bloke to be around, thought it was hilarious him hitting on the deli guy and having some dude stretch him! Piper and Duggan seem like very difficult people; like they could break out in arguments very quickly. Maybe years of brawling to the back ;)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Forgot to comment on this. Another fun show.

    The Orton & Angle bios and Foley montage were my favourite parts. Reviews of the shows would have been incomplete without going into the backstories.

    Was a big, big fan at the time of the match WWE used to write Orton off for his suspension:

    The Foley/Edge vs Funk/Tommy Dreamer was both doomed from the start - Funk's knees being shot to hell & the angle kicking off in Los Angeles of all places but I thought Foley's promo came near to salvaging it. Such a strong promo I wish you made even a passing reference to:

    The animated African American fan here is Tony Lewis:

    Tony was leader of a ECW advocacy group called Strictly ECW. They helped ECW get back on PPV, their action figure deal and got them back their TV timeslots when Channels would kick them off TV - for example Beulah and Kimona's lesbian kiss. Always found him curious as he was an African American civil servant only ever has liked ECW in a sea of fans who were largely Italian American.

    The Eugene segment was doubly crap as the hot rumour spread by PWInsider that weekend was that Eugene was going to throw down the Eugene gimmick and was finally going to be WRESTLING MACHINE NICK DINSMORE - Dinsmore had a rep as a fantastic worker in Ohio Valley Wrestling. Never really saw that myself I think Jim Cornette worked Dave Meltzer into buying that one. Ultimately the rep became received wisdom online.

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭blackpotato

    Aha, I watched a few of them back to back last night and today. I didn't laugh at all at Pat Patterson hitting on the deli guy! I was more like "way to add feul to the rumours about you!" It is pretty much the same show every episode. I will say Ashley Roberts isn't a good girl, she's a great girl! The real heat in the house seems to be between Hacksaw and Atlas. It's mentioned that they have history before Hacksaw enters the house and then it's never elaborated on.
    In episode 4, the lads all go to Vegas to work as Chippendales. There are 3 "real" Chippendales who show up throughout the whole time that the legends are practising and performing but only 1 of them gets a few lines to speak. I am 99% sure one of them is TNA star The King Of The Night, Kenny King. I dunno if Legends House was filmed before or after he left ROH while still their tag champion to start with TNA but you do see his face a good 5 or 6 times.
    Shieky Baby does show up in episode 7 I think, but it wasn't all that amazing. I wouldn't go out of your way to see it.
    There's another episode where Hot Rod has to leave the house for a few days because he "made a commitment to a promoter to go to a convention in Georgia" and then HBK visits the house. HBK never mentions Piper, Piper never mentions HBK after he gets back. I didn't know what to make of that, it might be nothing.
    The other main storyline is the bromance between Piper and Duggan, like Duggan slightly hero-worships Piper and the become good pals.
    Duggan said some outrageous stuff about Stone Cold Steve Austin on Pipers podcast a few weeks ago. Piper did laugh hard but he made a save and back-peddled afterwards by explaing to Duggan that Austin was the one who hooked Piper up with the podcast in the 1st place!

    I might have a plus 1 on the guest list for this Piper thing in the Village on Friday but I won't know for sure until Friday if times are hard right now. PM me if that's of any interest. It should be no hassle but I can't say anything for sure until Friday. It'd be a shame to waste a spot if it is me plus 1 on the door.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,101 ✭✭✭brianblaze

    Always thought they missed a huge heel turn opportunity with Dinsmore. A usual Suspects type deal where he slowly dropped the limp and Eugene-like tendencies over a segment with a sympathetic babyface and beat the snot out of them, and lambasted the fans for falling for his bad acting. Could have been very good!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,553 ✭✭✭Blue_Dabadee

    My only guesses for Brucie Bonus video are:

    1.) Slam City
    2.) Legends House
    3.) Vengeance 2005
    4.) An episode of SNME

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Great feedback Rovert. Styles commented as if Tony was someone important so it's cool to know that. Going back over those Foley promos for the show, they were excellent but they still felt like they didn't click with the audience. One of those weird things.

    Oh man blackpotato, enjoy your slow death! That Legends' House sounds horrible! How was Piper?

    Agreed brianblaze - I hoped so bad for it. I remember at the time everyoneone I talked to were so ready for a Eugene heel turn/shed the horrendous gimmick. I wonder if it would've gone down well or pushed to the side with Festus turning into Luke Gallows.

    mxph3 - Interesting! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Jay interview on Kayfabe Poker Night!

    HEY! LISTEN! Jay's first interview with Matthew Rude of Kayfabe Poker Night. We discuss Virgil's tenner, current news like CM Punk and answer your questions!
    CLICKY HERE or on the pic!


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    10 Reasons to Love/Hate John Cena!

    After our One Night Stand 2006 we had a discussion about why we should cheer/boo the top draw in wrestling today.
    Let us know what you thought and if this kind of extra video interests you!
    This isn't the brucie bonus episode - that's still coming up next!


    And Info on the next episode!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,520 ✭✭✭Hashtag_HEEL

    I once watched one of Cenas personal security mow down a five/six year old girl trying to give Cena a hug. She was knocked down on her arse and was crying. Meanwhile Cena began to grin and walk off. I also watched him completely snub a four year old boy dressed as Cena (muscle suit and everything) after being snubbed the kid was heart broken. He was then consoled by Bray Wyatt.

    I honestly believe the nice guy thing is for the camera. It's easy to be nice to someone when you're gontractually obligated to.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,708 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    I honestly believe the nice guy thing is for the camera. It's easy to be nice to someone when you're gontractually obligated to.

    I'd say thats partially true but the guy must be "on" so much that the occasional lapse into being a bit of a d!ck and ignoring a fan or two could perhaps be excused in some ways no doubt a minute or two after each incident he had to sign tons of autographs or something... wait what am I saying CENA SUCKS!

    finally got around to listening to your kayfabe poker night interview Jay, not in glorious grapplevision but still enjoyed it and you know what... your famous brah! must get a real kick out of getting that kind of reaction although it is deserved considering the amount of work you put into OSW review.

    Strangely I kinda marked out the most when you gave the exact same answer I gave on a recent boards podcast when you talked about Sandows (I was speaking about Cesaro at the time) push or lack of one and you said cos WWE creative seem to be only able to build / push around 4/5 guys at any one time and thus the rest get left behind, sad but true!

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭blackpotato

    Ok Legends House wasn't too much of a chore. Mostly because the episodes are quite short and I horsed through them all in 3 days. I am kinda on the fence about that show. I liked some of the fellas more than I thought I would and I liked some of them a lot less than I was expecting too. Would I recommend anyone watch it? It's pretty meh. I thought Mean Gene was quite funny and Howard Finkel was quite pointless and I get a feeling like they were all on their best behaviour around Pat Patterson I guess because he's Vince's eyes and ears throughout the whole thing. The episode where they all go and do aerobics for the day was a lil bit like seniors day out.
    It got wierd near the end of the series where they all drop big personal bombshells that they share with each other. Some of it seemed quite serious but it's hard to be sure. The "Biggest" bombshell at the end of them all is Pat Patterson coming out to the world that he's gay! I was gobsmacked but only because I thought he was out long ago and everyone knew that about him already. It was delivered like it was some sort of revelation but it was kinda lame. Then he sang "My Way" at some sort of talent show last night karaoke type-thing. Personally, I kinda hate anyone who sings Sinatra songs, including old mob eyes himself.
    The Piper show in Wexford Street. Ok, well it got moved from The Village to Whelans. I'm only guessing because of lack of sales but I can't swear on that, I also only found out I was on the guest list late on the night so I did miss a lot of part 1 of the show. I'd say there were 90-100 folks there. Piper was great. I never heard him say "Holy Cow" or "Sweet Baby Jesus" once in the entire show. He was pretty quick and lucid and I was in tears laughing at some of the stories about Hell Comes To Frogtown and I even noticed one of the barmen working there slowly getting into the show too. Piper is a natural born funny storyteller. I noticed a lot of the fans didn't laugh much at some of the funny tales. They generally shouted random stuff out at inappropriate times about stuff Piper has talked about before many times. It seems they had to get their stuff in and they really bugged the bejeebus out of me. Piper rolled with the shout-outs quite well. He seemed genuinely happy to drop whatever better story he was telling to respond to every light heckle and shout out. While I wasn't at the Mick Foley Dublin show and I only have what I heard on OSW Review and what I read on these boards to go by, I get why Foley didn't appreciate folks trying to get their stuff in. It didn't bother Piper in the slightest though and I think he would have gone on longer if he was allowed. The Scottish guy who took questions from the floor with a mic was a tool, and the questions the fans asked Piper were all totally useless apart from 1 bird who asked the 1st question and that one wasn't stupid, I can't remember what she asked, but then every question after that was stuff I've already heard Piper talk about many many times before. I'd imagine anyone who does like Piper a lot knew this stuff previously.
    I was gutted that I couldn't see a gimmick-table anywhere to get me a Hot Rod tshirt and I would have asked other fans if they seen one but I was so fed up of them that I couldn't bring myself be sociable. Some cute chick did hand me a flyer and said "It's awesome" and I responded with "Awesome balls marinaded in awesome sauce?" and she couldn't escape from me fast enough which amused me greatly. I didn't look at the flyer 'till I got home but I laughed when I saw it. Someone was putting a wrestling show on in Liberty Hall the same night that UFC were doing a show in the O2 with Conor McGregor headlining. Honestly, I'd call that the stupidest thing in Irish history ever except we live in a country where Garth Brooks can sell 400,000 tickets. That's like 10% of Ireland is a waste of space! And then the fact that these shows never happened, well it's not easy being green sometimes!
    Last night and today I watched Battleground and the Raw after it and I keep coming back to that line "the state of your company mate." It's only quite recently I liked Bo Dallas becuse I find him funny and Jack Swaggers new tshirt with the big hand print across it but good lord I thought most of what I seen was really bad. I like Hunters promo about guys online saying "I'm not going to watch it anymore" because I think I'm out of WWE patience 'till Summerslam now.
    I'm gonna listen to the interview with Jay now because that interests me.
    I'm really really interested in hearing about 10 reasons to love/hate John Cena. I pretty much loathe the guy. He's awful. I don't know enough about his backstage politics and to be the top guy you probably have to be a real politician but there was a Raw a few months back where they were in Seattle and his interactions with Daniel Bryan infuriated me. The "What's your name son?" bit where all the roster were in the ring and the crowd were not interested in any of it, only Daniel Bryan. I do get a laugh out of the fact that Cena has his own "Cena Talks Too Much" segment in Botchamania now. That's really funny to me. Before I do listen to this, he has a roidey chin, he's not funny when he tries to be. I think he's a phoney and I don't mind seeing the same 2 wrestlers having tons of matches over the years when it's AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels, but Cena vs Orton or Cena vs Kane or Cena vs Big Show is a match I could happily never ever see again. The sad thing is he's been on top for so long, we might be talking about this guy in another 10 years. I could write a lot more on how damn awful he is, a lot more.
    I listened to Roddy Piper interview Jeff Hardy a few days ago. He asked Hardy who his favourite wrestlers were growing up and he was fishing deep for Hardy to say Hot Rod was one of them but Hardy never took the bait! He (Hardy) said he loved Ultimate Warrior and Shaun Michaels. Piper went out of his way (only a few weeks after burying him with Hacksaw) to say positive things about Warrior, like how his promos were actually aimed at kids and they made sense in their own way but he didn't talk HBK at all. That's the kinda stuff fans should have asked Piper in Dublin, does he have heat with Michaels? Was he ever friends with Hoagn at any stage, but nope, he got asked to talk about fighting Goldust at Wrestlemania instead and other similarly dull stuff I already knew about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,956 ✭✭✭✭Omackeral

    Have I unsuspectingly subscribed to like, a blog?

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Deadlie

    Really enjoyed the Cena one. Short things like that are a nice treat. I really enjoy the long shows, but when making the dinner or something small like that, mini bits are ideal. I'd love more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,448 ✭✭✭Garseys

    Enjoyed your Interview Jay with Kayfabe poker night. Very weird hearing an American say Geansai. :pac:

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,708 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Garseys wrote: »
    Enjoyed your Interview Jay with Kayfabe poker night. Very weird hearing an American say Geansai. :pac:

    Yeah that really stood out, guess he wasnt lying about them taking on the Irish / OSW lingo like roidy McGoo if they are going to actually say Irish words like Geansai

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Hi Jay, just catching up with some OSW Review over the last few days (have had no time at all).

    Watched ONS 06 episode and I really enjoyed it. Spot on with the observation of Cena has had better matches than RVD has had. RVDs move set hasnt changed in donkeys years and is staler than an aul fella's breath in run down aul fellas pub.

    Never noticed the Alan Partridge quote sign at WM, its making me determinded to bring a Partridge themed sign to my next TV tapings/PPV i attend. Any suggestions? Was thinking of "Lana, I love a way" or "Arm Wrestling with Chaz and Dave".

    Watching WM6 episode at the minute and I cant get enough of how you guys pick up on the slightest details. Do you know where I can buy a Tito Santana Tee shirt

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Great minds BH! It's very weird but flattering that people would want to interview me. Not as surreal as hearing an American say Geansai! Must try infect the show with more gaelige.

    Cheers joe! "Would you like an egg in a bap?" works too. "monkey tennis" would be much less obscure! The Tito inception shirt? May be 30 years too late but try eBay.

    The next super-secret episode (not ECW!) will be out next week anyway. You'll never guess what it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    jaykhunter wrote: »

    The next super-secret episode (not ECW!) will be out next week anyway. You'll never guess what it is.

    Please say its the pilot episode of Roddy Piper and Jessie Ventura's buddy cop vehicle "Tag-Team"

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Also in relation to the WM6 review, ....

    1. I love the stereotypical chopsticks theme that the Oriental Express had. Also I agree, Fuji was a poor business man.

    2. How did The wheel of Fortune theme get on to WM6? I remember Hardcore Hollys theme was on and for Sky years ago too.

    3. I forgot how bonkers the Warrior was and coked up Hogan was almost just as hilarious.

    4. Piper going all Harvey Dent ???? WTF?

    5. Maybe its just me but the clean shaven Jesse Ventura remind me of Randy Orton in the face a bit. Hope his Adult tape never surfaces.

    6. I forgot how bad Earthquakes attire was... jesus that brown number was bad

    Cant wait to catch up on more episodes.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭blackpotato

    "Smell my cheese" Is my fav Alan Partridge quote!

    I enjoyed the Cena thing but he frustrates me so much. I get that he's probably the easiest "Top guy" Vince has probably had to work with and he's a workhorse and all that other good stuff, but he's on top a long time and wrestling is worse off in that time and he gets boo'd so much...

    The American podcast was interesting. Fair play to the 2 American fellas for getting Battleground predictions so right before the event. I think having the 2 Steve's on there would be funny too. It was a cool show.
    I have actually explained the Christmas Geansaí to an American friend off the back of hearing it.
    I'm pretty sure I took them off every year the second I got home from Christmas Mass. I couldn't last a day with those St. Bernard beauties!

    I was excited when Sheamus came into WWE for the same reasons! "Finally we have an Irish guy!" and I loved his early matches with Goldust too and I generally like him. That said, if someone told me they can't stand him, I'd totally understand that too! His promos sound so learned that when he talks it sounds recited and wrong.

    I like the idea OSW Review doing a classic SNME. Back in the 80's that was the show, because every other show was Superstars squashing jobbers for an hour, every week. Maybe it is terrible looking back, I remember reading a year or 2 that very few titles ever changed hands on it and I heard once they accidently went live to Hogan when he thought he was off-air and going through his match with another wrestler!

    I can understand not wanting to be an 80's guy too. Watching old sports can be strange. What seemed awesome then can look shabby now. I actually was surprised how much I liked old World Of Sport British Wrestling when I saw it again a while back, but even 80's football can look quite crappy now when goalkeepers could pick up back-passes constantly and curly mullets and big Rick Rude moustaches were cool!

    I do think 80's commentary was so much better than it is now. I can't stand Michael Cole, but it still sucked when anti-bullying-be-a-star John Cena had a match with him and used a fire-extinguisher on him!

    Did Brodus Clay get released for sitting beside Triple H in that Scooby Doo movie?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,177 ✭✭✭Ridley

    beakerjoe wrote: »
    2. How did The wheel of Fortune theme get on to WM6? I remember Hardcore Hollys theme was on and for Sky years ago too.

    It's most likely from the wonderful world of production/library/stock music.

    Which is why, for example, if you type "Chase Manhattan" at you'll get the Hardy Boyz's old theme music which was also popping up in adverts around that time.

    Or "Loaded" (in the Heavy Metal album), which will give the familiar Hardy Boyz/Jeff Hardy theme which was also poppping up in adverts around that time.

    Or the not very Swiss "Engerland" instrumental, which will give you Cesaro's first theme that's also the music from How the States Got Their Shapes.

    And for the OSW connection, Alan Hawkshaw composed a lot of production music for shows and did the Countdown theme. No idea if that specific one was production music but if so, it'll be called "Inappropriate For Quiz Shows" or something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    6 episodes watched over the last week.... Im hooked! Gonna try watch them all

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,553 ✭✭✭Blue_Dabadee

    Have you guys ever consider doing a review of Beyond The Mat film?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    beakerjoe wrote: »
    6 episodes watched over the last week.... Im hooked! Gonna try watch them all


    That's awesome brah :) Which were you watching?
    mxph3 wrote: »
    Have you guys ever consider doing a review of Beyond The Mat film?

    I've considered it but I don't think we would; it'd be quite a sombre review and a bit of a downer - It's an excellent film but a very sad one, we generally try find things that are more upbeat and positive. If we're ever doing the 99 Rumble we'll surely feature it. AEPodcast did a feature commentary for it trying to raise funds for a new mic if interested

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Well started watching WM6 , Then went and started from episode 1 in order.

    Still cant believe I know V1, makes watching it even better. I love the observations and the facts, as well as re watching PPVs that got me hooked on Wrestling in the first place. (Summerslam 89 being my first real memory of wrestling).

    Its been great re watching them with my fiancé who also grew up watching these PPVs, and getting her take on things.

    OSW Review is a great idea and one I think every fan would love to do. I love listening to you guys and after meeting you Jay at the Rumble this year in the Wooler and having been on the odd session with V1 many moons ago, I can honestly say you guys are top lads.

    Going to continue watching and I love your work. Also after watching OSW Review so much over the last week, I can honestly say im envious of you 3 guys, Id say you all have great fun doing it, as I do watching.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Thank you mate, that's a really lovely thing to say :) Ya the show's a lot of fun to record. Hope you can stick past the "Niall Era" of shows as things really come together from 89 onwards!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,101 ✭✭✭brianblaze

    "The Niall Era"

    Dark days, truly the Duke Droese of Wrestling Podcasts... Ha

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    jaykhunter wrote: »
    Thank you mate, that's a really lovely thing to say :) Ya the show's a lot of fun to record. Hope you can stick past the "Niall Era" of shows as things really come together from 89 onwards!

    Well I started months ago with WCW Thunder review and watched ONS and WM6 and then started from WM1.

    The quality has improved so much from the first episode and its clear that in the first episode you all were just finding your feet, but the foundations were there in WM1 Review and it has evolved into a "must see" watch for me every morning on the way to work.

    Ive also on the Alan Partridge signage, Id like to suggest "Revolution not Evoultion : because I evolve, but I don't... revolve"

    Its wrestling based and Partridge based....( this thing on???...)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Capital Carnage '98 - OSW Review #40

    We're back with a special BRUCIE BONUS episode! Our first foray into the Attitude Era!
    Ultra-brah Paul Stevens got an OSW Review tattoo so we let him choose our next review.
    Just a reminder, this PPV includes Jackie's top being ripped off, so this episode is NSFW!


    WATCH: Capital Carnage 98
    And Episode Guide entry!
