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Tri-ing my best...



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey dude, what was the coaching course like? Did you feel it was worthwhile? Do you have to pass tests/exams and is that it-just one weekend?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    The course was good and the instructor was a big part of that I reckon - Eamon Tilley. The other people on the course were also really nice and came from a number of clubs (Tri an Mhi, Kilkenny, Omagh, Pulse, 3D, Cork...)

    Day 1 covered the role of the coach, physiology of triathlon and Code of ethics. There was a lot of being asked to stand up and talk to the group about it. I think this was to get people use to talking in public and how to engage a group and convey that you have the abilty to teach/coach them. You could see by the end of the two days that those people who weren't keen to talk in public were doing well at it. We were also shown how to plan a session from a template and then we had to plan sessions for the next day.

    Day 2 was more practical with us coaching each other in Swim, Bike, Run and looking at the basic techniques of each. In the morning we went to the pool for the coaching session and in groups of 3 coached the other. As a follow up to this later we critiqued each others swimming stroke (luckily mine wasn't too bad - lazy left side), what might be causing the flaws and suggested drills to help. After lunch we were in the car park cycle coaching and then finished of in the main room doing a run coaching session (it was too cold to go outside).

    You don't get given specific excercises to coach. There's still a lot of reading to do in your own time in order to plan a session (or use your experience) as to what excercises are need to meet specific aims. But once you do a few they can be adapted. (e.g. Strength swim set, endurance run set, interval bike set etc).

    It's meant to take you to a level to coach under a level 2 coach but there are very few of them around (14 or so I think) and only 2-3 level 3 coaches.

    It was a good start and I hope I get to go on to level 2 but it is only a beginning. The main thing I took from it is that I could never have imagined last week going to the pool on a Monday and taking the club swim session. But I can now. I can also look at what Bjorn is doing and think of ways that I could coach it better differently :) (not the actual session of course just the delivery).

    There were no exams but there's still more I need to do to get the cert.
    I need to:
    • 5 hours coaching from a session plan (ideally with a level 2 coach observing)
    • First aid certificate.
    • Code of ethics course.
    • Garda clearance.
    Definitely recommend it for you and I reckon you won't have any problems with the teaching part!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks dude for that. I suppose it's just about getting the piece of paper for me. YOu have to do the reading and get out there and get stuck in, some trial and error along the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 6th March

    Turbo session this evening. Started on a strength plan that I will do every Tuesday. The aim is to increase time spent at just below anaerobic threshold. It is an 8 week basic strength build plan to be done once a week:

    Week 1 (Today) was:
    10 minutes warm up steady
    6 x (2 minutes hard gear 8 minutes easy gear @ 80 rpm)
    1 x (2minutes hard gear @ 80 rpm, 10 min cooldown )

    From then on it builds every week and the aim is to keep adding 1 minute to the hard part and take 1 minute off the easy part. So that
    Week 8 = 9 minutes hard, 1 minute easy. The idea is to be able to sustain a 40km pace at optimum cadence. We'll see :D

    Week 1 was easy enough. Not looking forward to week 8!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 7th March

    Strength session. 5x5's.

    Squattings has been dropped to a minimum just to help a little with core and also my technique wasn't great (not getting low enough) I'm building again from scratch so bar only for now. - 20kg :o. A lad from work trained with me and it's amazing how difficult people find squats. He was up on his toes to start off with, then falling over as he struggled with his balance. Two of the other lads decided to do them in the smith machine. Cheats! :rolleyes:

    Straight Leg deadlift - 87.5kg (up 7.5kg and still comfortable to lift)

    Overhead Press - 50kg - Struggled on last 2 sets only getting 4 and 3 respectively. Didn't help trying to lift 60kg by mistake first set.

    Assisted Dips. - 12kg. Another good increase (decrease?) in weight.

    I tried to run as a warm-up and can still feel my heel pulling at me. Did 1km at 5:00min km pace and then called it a day but could probably have carrried on. Test will be to see how it feels in the morning. No swelling at the moment just feeling tight.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 8th March

    Turbo session this evening. So if Tuesday is going to be my strength day, Thursday will be my Endurance/Interval day (Sunday for the long slow ride)

    Today was:
    10 mins warm up
    9 x(3 mins high intensity,2 mins recovery)
    5 mins cooldown

    For the high intensity I was on the top chain ring and second from top gear (52/13?) as much as possible trying to sustain a cadence of 80rpm+ A couple of times I had to drop a gear after the first minute of the set in order to remain above 80 but I managed to shift back up before the end of the interval. Happy with the session and got a good sweat up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Friday 9th March
    Aborted 5x5 gym session - Rotator cuff problem.

    Squats - Again still back to basics and getting as low to the ground as I can - 30kg
    Bench Press - 82.5kg x 4 sets , 77.5 x 1 set

    Next up was meant to be barbell rows but as soon as I started to lift my shoulder was complaining so I stopped and didn't even contemplate pull-ups. Even opening a door is painful at the moment. Not sure if I've hurt ligaments or just trapped a nerve. I think it might even be how I lay on my arm at night. Feeling old today with all the niggles.

    I finished off with 10 minutes in the steam room.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Saturday 10th March

    Easy Cycle: Nice easy cycle from home to work via clonsilla and lower road and then home via Glassnevin and Finglas. 40km. Shoulder hurting most of the way through it.

    Went to eath the BHAA race afterwards as the wife was running her first race. Disappointed not to have been running but my heel was hurting just from all the walking so a wise decision.

    Crock-o-meter 8/10.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Sunday 11th March

    Another easy cycle doing some 'coaching stuff' today with a couple of ladies from the club. 30km and a slight sweat on.
    Word of advice to anyone contemplating giving their wife coaching tips. Don't!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 12th March & Tuesday 13th March

    Shoulder was causing me real pain so couldn't do anything. I was close to going to the doctor/physio but decided that in reality they wouldn't be able to do much. There was no way I could swim and I didn't feel up to resting on my handlebars either. With the heel still giving me grief I did nothing at all.

    Wednesday 14th March

    Shoulder feeling better so decided to try and run and see how the heel went. Slight bit of niggle from it but nothing painful. 6km in 30 mins. I then did a few bench press to see how the shoulder was and pushed out 3x10 on a heavy enough weight. Still not going to try any pulling excercises though as that's when it hurts.
    Somehow I've managed to injure my toe whist running. The one next to my big toe seems to have banged against my runners and is now hurting when I walk. Heel is grand though!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 15th March

    Had the turbo trainer all set up and wazs changed ready to go when I remembered I had to go pick some stuff up for the tri club. by the time I got back and had my dinner it was too late to think about training.

    Friday 16th March

    30 minute Run. Still easing myself back in. 5.5km done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Saturday 17th March & Sunday 18th March

    I did nothing. I was baby sitting most of the day Saturday and then Sunday spent the day gardening.

    Monday 19th March

    Cycle ride. 75km done. Felt lousy afterwards.

    Club swim:
    WU: 2 x (50m FC, 50m back kick)
    4x (25m sprint w/scull start, 25m easy)
    1500m time trial. I bailed after 1000m Bad cramp in the hamstring due to earlier cycle and dehydration. Not very happy with myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 20th March

    Off sick so nothing done. Really is a case of one step forward and two steps back at the moment.

    Wednesday 21st March

    Lunch: Gym session. knowing I had a race later that evening I still did weights albeit lighter as my shoulder isn't back 100% yet:

    5x5 squats - 40kg
    5x5 Deadlift - 60kg
    5x5 O'head Press - 40kg
    5x5 Tricep Dips - 12kg assisted.

    I then decided to show the lads how great I was at pull ups and nearly pulled the shoulder again. Searing pain as soon as I put weight on it but so far it feels ok...

    Evening: BHAA XC at Malahide. Last time out in the XC I averaged 5:03kms on the 4 mile course in the Phoenix Park, so bearing in mind I haven't trained for a month since injuring myself there I was hoping to be not too far off that as this was only 5.2km. For a loop containing just a couple of rugby pitches it was hilly enough. Ended up fininshing with just over 26 mins on the clock 26:29 and 5:06km's which was standard 18. Moved up from standard 20 -> 19 this time so happy with that. Next race is in Raheny in 10 days and my plan is to break the 5 min km barrier. It will be like Roger Bannister trying to beat the 4 min mile barrier only I'm older, slower and fatter:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Well done tonight, not sure about your 5.06km. Me and a club mate both had it at 5.5km so you ran even better if we're right :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Raheny is a road race, the surface should be good for 5/10 seconds per km improvment...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Woddle wrote: »
    Well done tonight, not sure about your 5.06km. Me and a club mate both had it at 5.5km so you ran even better if we're right :D
    Thanks, I meant 5.06 min per km :o. A lad I work with had it at 5.5km too so I'm happy enough. Seems wierd though that they were so exact at 5.2km rather than just 5km(?)
    RayCun wrote: »
    Raheny is a road race, the surface should be good for 5/10 seconds per km improvment...

    Fingers crossed I'll easily dip under the 25 min mark then.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 22nd March

    Legs were feeling tired so an easy 40 min run was the plan for today. 6.77km covered and my legs feel a lot better for it.

    Sidelined by work commitments this evening so no cycling done but was probably good to have the rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Friday 23rd March

    Rest day. So just a few weights in the gym:
    5x5 Squat - 50kg
    5x5 Bench press 80kg.

    Saturday 24th March

    Club running session. LSR. 12.34km at around 6min km pace, easy enough to spend the hour and a bit chatting. Found out my running partner has completed 13 comrades! Some achievement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Sunday 25th March

    Club bike. The plan was to get up early and cycle 25km before the club session, then do the 50km with the club and then finish off with another 25km. My alarm went off and I went back to sleep. I managed to wake at 9:35 giving me 25 mins to get dressed, get the bike ready, have breakfast and cycle to the meeting point.

    The weather yesterday was great. Sunny blue skys and hardly a breeze. The cycle was done at an easy enough pace and from the NAC it was my usual route of NAC--> Hollystown--> Ratoath--> Dunshaughlin--> Batterstown--> Clonnee--> Ongar --> Blanchardstown. Things were going well untill we had a slipped chain with about 3km to go. I tried to fix it but it ended up being a broken rear mech hanger so nothing to do but wait for emergency recovery to come out and collect rider and bike.

    As I was a few 100yds from my brother in laws I gave him a quick ring and he came out and we did the route back in reverse with me to get me up to 100km. there's a big difference between riding with people who are happy to do 50km and finsh it, and riding with someone who can sense your going to struggle if they put the hammer down. The first 40km on the way back were avg over 30kmh and just before we got back to Hollystown I had to slow it up as I had nothing left.

    After I finished the cycle I then had to go out walking with the wife around Malahide. Glorious weather still and Ireland really is the nicest place in the world when it's sunny (not sure about the other 360 days of the year though :D ).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 26th March

    5.25km run at easy pace. Good to be back running more regularly and good not to feel the need to beat the people onthe treadmill next to me.

    Weights: Kepp saying I'm going to just maintain legs weight and not increase... keep increasing...
    5x5 Squat - 60kg
    5x5 Dead lift - 60kg

    Evening - Club swim
    Can't exactly remember but something like:
    WU: 2x (100m BS, 200m FC, 100m scull)
    2 x (4x(50m w/fins steady, 50m w/fins fast))
    2 x (4 x (25m dive + sprint FC, 200m pull, 100m BS)
    CD: (50m scull, 50m FC)
    Total 2500m
    Hard sessions for me as I've been inconsistent int he pool over the last few weeks.

    Tuesday 27th March

    Nothing today. Had to entertain work visitors at lunch and evening. Probably have to do same tomorrow :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 28th - Friday 30th March

    As suspected I spent all week in work entertaining guests at lunch and in the evening so had no time for training.

    Saturday 31st March

    Club Run: Same as last week - 12.34km @ around 6:00min/km pace. Then home showered changed and off to Raheny for 4 mile race. Race went well in that I got a new PB and hit dead on 5:00min/km pace for the 4 miles. If it wasn't for the run before I would have been quicker I reckon, but I need the mileage at the moment and 4m wouldn't have been enough.

    Afternoon: Swim. Only managed 1000m before I was kicked out as the pool was being reconfigured.

    Sunday 1st April

    Club Cycle: Malahide via the Naul and back via town - 80km. Enjoyed it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well done on the 4 miler dude, it's great to see the improvements and nothing like a race to test yourself and quantify the improvements made. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Well done on the 4 miler dude, it's great to see the improvements and nothing like a race to test yourself and quantify the improvements made. Well done.

    Cheers El D. Aim is to get that down about 10% by the end of August. So fingers crossed!.
    No need for you to be worried by my blistering pace yet :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 2nd April

    Lunch: 30 min Recovery run - 5.5 km @ 5:50min km pace. 30min cooldown.
    Tendons behind my knee felt funny on 20 min mark. More like a spasm than an injury, kinda of where the hammstring joins the knee. Will keep an eye on it.

    Evening: Swim session:
    WU - 2 x (50m FC, 50m pull, 50m kick, 50m BC)
    5 x (400m descending w/fins, 30s rest)
    CD - 200m BrS, 100m FC.
    Total: 2700m

    Enjoyed swimming tonight. I felt I had been struggling the last few weeks due to lack of time in the water but felt strong today all the way through. I did get overtaken once but that was after being drafted for 300m and it allowed me to have an easy 100m in someone elses shadow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    3rd April 2012

    Lunch time: 30 min easy run followed by weights.
    5x5 Squat 60kg
    5x5 Deadlift 70kg
    5x5 O'Head Press 45kg

    Fairly happy with my weights at the moment and feel that they are adding to my training rather than taking away at the moment.

    Turbo session
    15 mins warm-up
    5 x (4mins hard, 2 mins recovery)
    5 mins cool down

    I was listening to a podcast whilst training talking about cadence both on the bike and whist running and how in reality they are similar in most people. They were suggesting that if you can increase the avg cadence on the bike then you will increase the cadence in your run. I'm going to give that a go over the next couple of months and try to get my average from low 80's to over 90.

    I've decided to do the Mizen Head to Malin Head cycle at the end of August. Plan is to leave Dublin on the 30th August to get to Mizen Head(Just after the Dublin Tri) and then spend the next four days cycling up the country stopping at or nr Listowell, Galway, Donegal Town and Malin Head. Then back to Dublin Tuesday the 4th. Should be fun with pretty high milage each day but it's not a race and there'll be planty of tea and cake stops with the odd beer each evening.

    The route is now all planned and accommodation is booked (links to maps and hostels on my blog). I'd looked at doing it for charity but I don't like asking people for money for things I would do anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Good man, I would love something a cycling holiday like that myself (bring plenty of wheelsets ;)) I had a girl i knew who hit me last year for 100 euros. Whats it for I asked, charity -for injured rugby players! What do you have to do for it.

    I collect x amount then have to travel to New Zealand and walk 100k for it, oh and I get tickets for the quarter, semi and final for the Rugby World Cup. I told her to f-off a trip of a lifetime masked as a charity gig.

    Over the period then, through Facebook I was treated to her on the piss with her best friends who also collected money for this - all kinds of rugby players, nightclubs, go karting and rafting with a bit of walking thrown in.

    I know its the done thing these days and fair play to them they have neck but I would be embarrassed asking for money off my friends for that.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I've decided to do the Mizen Head to Malin Head cycle at the end of August. Plan is to leave Dublin on the 30th August to get to Mizen Head(Just after the Dublin Tri) and then spend the next four days cycling up the country stopping at or nr Listowell, Galway, Donegal Town and Malin Head. Then back to Dublin Tuesday the 4th. Should be fun with pretty high milage each day but it's not a race and there'll be planty of tea and cake stops with the odd beer each evening.

    The route is now all planned and accommodation is booked (links to maps and hostels on my blog). I'd looked at doing it for charity but I don't like asking people for money for things I would do anyway.

    Good stuff. That's on my list of things to do in the near future. You should be doing Mizen2Malin2Mizen though, everyone does it one way. ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    3rd April 2012

    Lunch time: 30 min easy run followed by weights.
    5x5 Squat 60kg
    5x5 Deadlift 70kg
    5x5 O'Head Press 45kg

    Fairly happy with my weights at the moment and feel that they are adding to my training rather than taking away at the moment.

    Turbo session
    15 mins warm-up
    5 x (4mins hard, 2 mins recovery)
    5 mins cool down

    I was listening to a podcast whilst training talking about cadence both on the bike and whist running and how in reality they are similar in most people. They were suggesting that if you can increase the avg cadence on the bike then you will increase the cadence in your run. I'm going to give that a go over the next couple of months and try to get my average from low 80's to over 90.

    I've decided to do the Mizen Head to Malin Head cycle at the end of August. Plan is to leave Dublin on the 30th August to get to Mizen Head(Just after the Dublin Tri) and then spend the next four days cycling up the country stopping at or nr Listowell, Galway, Donegal Town and Malin Head. Then back to Dublin Tuesday the 4th. Should be fun with pretty high milage each day but it's not a race and there'll be planty of tea and cake stops with the odd beer each evening.

    The route is now all planned and accommodation is booked (links to maps and hostels on my blog). I'd looked at doing it for charity but I don't like asking people for money for things I would do anyway.

    What would the mileage per day be ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    What would the mileage per day be ?

    Day 1 - 176km
    Day 2 - 162km
    Day 3 - 190km
    Day 4 - 138km

    It will all be slow paced though and only 1 day over ironman distance :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Day 1 - 176km
    Day 2 - 162km
    Day 3 - 190km
    Day 4 - 138km

    It will all be slow paced though and only 1 day over ironman distance :)

    I'm tempted but i'd have to do a lot of work to get up to those levels.
