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Tri-ing my best...



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 15th May 2012

    Lunchtime: 10km treadmill run @ 5:24 min per km pace. Incline as always set to 1.0. 5 min cooldown. Felt ok although still have the weekend in my legs. More a problem with my mind wandering.

    Evening: Swim. Decided to do Monday nights club session to see if it was possible to do in an hour as we ended up modifying it and cutting it short. So...

    400 WU
    8 x 25 sprint (coming in on 21's) with 15's rest
    100, 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100 pyramid as 25m sprint, 25m finger trail as recovery, 30s rest in between each pyramid step.
    100m cooldown.

    Did it easily within the hour which means Monday night group spent too much time talking and were resting for longer than they should :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Tuesday 15th May 2012

    Lunchtime: 10km treadmill run @ 5:24 min per km pace. Incline as always set to 1.0. 5 min cooldown. Felt ok although still have the weekend in my legs. More a problem with my mind wandering.

    Evening: Swim. Decided to do Monday nights club session to see if it was possible to do in an hour as we ended up modifying it and cutting it short. So...

    400 WU
    8 x 25 sprint (coming in on 21's) with 15's rest
    100, 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100 pyramid as 25m sprint, 25m finger trail as recovery, 30s rest in between each pyramid step.
    100m cooldown.

    Did it easily within the hour which means Monday night group spent too much time talking and were resting for longer than they should :D

    Great that you are back at it so soon !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 16th May 2012

    Lunchtime: 6.5km run at 5:24 min per km pace.

    Evening. I had a turbo session planned but was doing the organising / timekeeping for the club cycle TT. By the time I got home it was late enough so only time for dinner and then sleep.
    I managed to cycle from home to the NAC though so 4km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 17th May 2012

    Morning: Club Swim.
    WU. 2 x (50 FC, 50 BC, 50BrS, 50 BC legs)
    400m FC with fins - Fast
    400m FC recovery with Pull
    400m FC with fins - Fast
    400m FC recovery with Pull
    400m FC with fins - Fast
    100m Kick

    Lunch: 10km run @ 5:36 min km pace.

    I cycled to and from work to so 31km cycle too.

    Friday 18th May 2012

    Rest Day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Saturday 19th May 2012

    Club Run - 9km at a steady talking pace.

    Sunday 20th May 2012

    Club Cycle - 38km again at a steady enough pace. Somerton Lane near the end nearly killed me. I set off pretty fast then had to get out of the saddle then finally intot he granny gear and sat down and ground it out. I hate hills.

    Really tired all weekend. Had a sleep Saturday afternoon and ended in bed just after 8 on Sunday. Just putting it down to a tough week as HR seems in line with usual and definitely not elevated.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 21st May 2012

    30 min run - 6.2kms

    Tuesday 22nd May 2012

    BHAA ESB Beach Race. Walked from town out to Sandymount and got to the sign on in plenty of time. Ended up sat near the start for about 45 mins waiting for kick off. Thought about warming up but that's as far as I got. I ended up stood towards the front and as soon as the hooter went I set off way too fast and quickly had to slow it up, and then people were flying past me. The sand was firm underfoot but there was little grip and I felt like I was slipping every step. It took me over a 1km to settle into a rhythm and get my breathing under control. Around half way the sand got a little softer and a bit harder to run on. I hit the first turn around point at 5:30. The sand on the was back was wet which made for a better surface but it was like running through puddles. On the home stretch lap for the first time I seemed to slow slightly as I was caught in no mans land between two groups and didn't feel I had it in me to bridge the gap. Hit the half way point in 11:30. Second lap I remembered to try and 'belly breathe' and it seemed to make a difference I was able to speed up slightly and started to catch the people in front. Not sure what the turn around time was the second lap but I upped my speed coming down the finish and ended with 22:59.

    I still aren't sure if I'm happy with the time. With the surface slowing me down a little I guess I am happy enough. I moved down another standard so that is all good and I've gone from running 5:25 min km's (South Dublin City Council) to 4:36 min km's when racing, in less than 5 months so it's heading in the right direction :D

    Now, can I get that down to <4:20's by the end of the summer? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 23rd May 2012

    6.5km run @ 5:30 min per km pace

    Thursday 24th May 2012

    Early morning club swim session. Easy as I was due to race at the weekend.
    WU: 2 x (100m BS, 50m BrS, 50m FC)
    2 x 400m FC descending
    2 x 200m descending
    8 x 50m as (50m easy, 25m sprint, 25m easy)
    CD: 200m BrS.
    Total 2200m
    Cycled into work – 15km
    Lunchtime run was meant to be 10km but I cut it short just after 5km as I was feeling fatigued. 5.35km
    Cycled home – 16km

    Friday 25th May 2012

    Rest day
    Saturday 26th May 2012
    Triathlon motorcycle marshall training. Course held in Limerick so up at 5am to make sure I got down there for 8:30. All motorcycle marshalls at TI events need to have done this ocurse to be covered by the TO public liability insurance.
    Nearly all the motorcyclists knew nothing/very little about traithlon so a good bit of the course went over the basics of swim/bike/run. We had an assessed ride that morning. Also covered rules (anyone else know that if you break a rule and aren’t observed doing so you are meant to self report? A french bloke reported himself in Athlone a couple of years ago for drafting). Main rule emhasis was on drafting and also an onus on the TI motto of “Fun, Safe, Fair”. Another assessed ride in the afternoon after covering the basics of roadcraft. All in all a good course.
    Normally after riding a sports bike for ~100miles my knees are sore, so after the 300m + they were in bits. Had to stop a couple of times on the way home to stretch the legs they were hurting that much.

    Sunday 27th May 2012 – 3D Fingal Triathlon.

    This is my local triathlon and last year this was my first ever triathlon so it was the first race I was doing where I could see how much I had improved/progressed over the course of the year. Last years time was 1:29:39. Aim for this year was to complete a sprint in <1:15 but as this was still early in the season I was hoping for sub 1:20.

    I got to the course around 9:00, plenty of room in transition (or I’m just getting used to it being a tight squeeze?) got the bike racked and gear laid out and then wandered around talking to various people and club team mates. Eventually went and got changed and then wandered back for the race briefing. Once that was done and dusted I went upstaris to watch the first two waves. Saw a few club members in the pool swimming well and some getting held up but I had an idea of what times people were hitting and what Ineed to do to match them.

    Swim: After the warm-up length we self seeded in the lane. A couple were estimating 11:00 ish the rest 12:00 ish and me and another fella 14:00ish. I started off second from the back and off we went. After three lengths I felt I was being held up and I’m a slow started, so I went for an overtake on lap 4. Straight down the middle and I think I overtook 4 people including one lady who was about to push off as I cut her off. (sorry to her and the two people who were coming towards me, but there was plenty of room!). At first I thought I might regret the surge as I was blowing a bit after the exhertion but I soon settled and got onto the lads feet in front of me. I was hitting his toes a lot but was happy drefting there so when he stopped to let me past I told him to go on and ignore my foot taps. Final length I drew up alongside but he was going fast enough for me to know that overtaking earlier would not have been wise and the draft meant I felt fresher coming out of the pool.
    Swim time: 12:56 (49/292 – last year 18:36)

    T1: I didn’t feel T1 went too badly. Took me a while to get my cycle shoes on and to put my number belt on but happy enough. Perhaps not sitting down to put socks and shoes on would save seconds.

    T1 Time: 1:37 (122/292 – last year 3:57)

    Bike: I made a decision not to use a bike computer / HR monitor this race and to go by feel. I pushed it for the first 5km to Hollystown and then settled my HR down for the rest for the ride picking out people in front and then chasing them down. Just after the turnaround point I saw a team mate just behind and knowing he’s a strong cyclist thought I had better get a move on. Checked behind me a few times on the return leg but didn’t see him again and no one came past me.
    Cycle time: 35:32 (35/292 – last year 38:58)

    T2: Bit of a disaster. Ran into transition and then looked for my runners only to realise I had ran down the wrong aisle. Managed to get there eventually and get the runners on. Saw team mate entering transition just as I was leaving so knew I had to have a good run.
    T2 time: 1:17 (171/292! – last year 2:31)

    Run: I got passed straight away on the run but picked out a girl just in front who looked to be moving well to try and stick with her. Tried to concentrate on breathing and keeping a high turnover. It’s was a long slog uphill in the sun to start and to the turnaround point and as I set off to come back I again saw the team mate not too far behind. I decided to push it for the next kilometre or so to try and get a buffer as I have no sprint so if he was close and it came down to a dash for the line I’d be toast. I overtook a couple of people and then tried to keep it going to the end. I hate the end of the run across the grass with an incline across the path but I kept it going to the end.
    Run time: 22:18 (88/292 – last year25:38)

    Overall performance: (1:13:40, 46/292 – last year 1:29:39, 219/365)

    Really happy with the result and the time. Beat all my club mates too (and probably have a target on my back now), except Bjorn (and with the help of a 1 min penalty for another). I need to sharpen up the transitions and still need to take a bit of time off the bike and run splits to hit this years individual targets (swim wise I’m already hitting next years targets!), but things are progressing well and compared to when I finished Tri an Mhi I’m much more optimistic.

    *Ranking don’t include results with no splits.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Great improvements on last year, good strong swim and bike - from those times I would be straining on the run trying to catch up to you!

    Kudos on the Triathlon courses you are doing too, I should really be helping out myself butI have a hard enough time getting in the training let alone volunteering as well

  • Registered Users Posts: 742 ✭✭✭jester1980

    Thats unreal improvements in one year, fair play buddy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    catweazle wrote: »
    Great improvements on last year, good strong swim and bike - from those times I would be straining on the run trying to catch up to you!

    Kudos on the Triathlon courses you are doing too, I should really be helping out myself butI have a hard enough time getting in the training let alone volunteering as well
    jester1980 wrote: »
    Thats unreal improvements in one year, fair play buddy.

    Thanks lads, just need to keep it going now all season and see where I am come September.

    Catweazle - The motorbike course just gives me an excuse to get out at the weekend. It also gives me a chance to check out how the fast people ride without having to worry about keeping up :) Also I reckoned if i know the motorcycle marshalls they might let me off if they see me drafting ;)

    Monday 28th May 2012

    6.5km run @ 5:21 pace. Felt nice and relaxed and wanted to up the pace but had to keep reminding myself that it's an easy/recovery run and I have a race on Tuesday night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Once again i hate you and make that clear on sunday:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 29th May 2-12 - BHAA Dunboyne 5 miler

    As usual the main aim was to finish in a time that would move me down a standard. I started the race as standard 16 so would need to be <38:35 for the 5 miles.

    Parked in the middle of the track and then wandered to sign on. Lots of first timers in the day members queue meant that it took only a few mins to get registered and then I wandered out to see who else was around. Saw one of the lads from work whilst doing a lap before I headed to the start where I saw another two lads from the company. It meant we had four and with them being standards 11 and 12 would mean I would be out of the team scoring this week. It also meant we would be in a higher league with no chance of getting a prize!

    The start was pretty hectic as everyone converged on a narrow lane and it slowed for the first few hundred metres. After that I got into my stride and settled into a pace. The first mile came up pretty quick and I got onto the shoulder of a girl in front of me and tried to stay with her. I missed the water at mile 2 but in hindsight wished I'd have grabbed some to our over my head. The route seemed pretty undalating with there always a slope in play be it up, down or a camber in the road.Between miles 2-4 the girl I had been following started to pull away and by the time we got to the stadium she had 30s on me. I struggled between 2 and 4 and probably dropped the pace but had no gps on tracking me. At the 4 mile mark I got a shout that 30 minutes had gone so I tried to up the pace slightly. Into the stadium I (in my mind) upped the pace considerably and finished in a time of 37:18 which as standard 14 has dropped me to standard 15 overall.

    Pretty happy with the time and my progress over the last 6 months is pretty obvious on my bhaa profile :D

    Wednesday 30th May 2012

    6.5km recovery run @ 5:51 pace.

    20 minutes sea swim (500m?)

    Thursday 31st May

    Day off

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Friday 1st June 2012 (where is this year going?)

    was in work for 7am so striagh to gym for a quick 6.5km run. Easy pace although I kept wanting to put the speed up. 5:24 pace.

    Saturday 2nd June 2012

    Day off

    Sunday 3rd June 2012 - TriAthy Sprint

    Had gone through the checklist the night before and got everything ready but still up early enough @ 5:50am to get some food and get the bikes loaded (me and the mrs) and head off over to the brother in laws to pick him and his bike up too. Missed the turn off on the motorway so had to go past the curragh as a detour. Ended up in Athy just after 7:00am. Registration was straight forward and goodybag was ok too. If I had been 10 minutes later then the queues had trebled.

    Cycled down into transition and found my spot. Conflicting advice about whether or not to leave my bag and in the end decided to put it in the baggage area. It was no hardship. Everything set out listened to the briefing and then in the wetsuit made my way up to the start. 60 mins of waiting till wave 7 started.

    Got into the water and set up near the front of the wave and as soon as the whistle/hooter went I was off. Things were going well for the first 10 seconds or so till the bloke next to me veered across me causing me to check and the he kicked me in the mouth. Was a bit of a shock to the sytem and knocked me for a while but quickly settled down and got back on with it. Was tough against the current and I managed to get my leg caught on the rope going round the turn around. The downstream bit was fine and I caught a couple of swimmers and passed them.

    Swim Time 12:19 (165/738) I'm ok with that but it could have been faster.

    T1: If it wasn't obvious after the last race then it's pretty obvious now I have to work on transition and start getting them quicker. I was in T1 and had the wetsuit off quick enough but then I was sat down drying feet, putting socks on, looking for number belt and then finally helemt on and bike off the rack and away I went. Slow!

    T1 Time: 2:43 (454/738)

    Cycle: Flying mount saw me take a couple of people pretty quickly and I was soon into a nice tempo. The wind behind on the way out meant I was flying and at the turn around point I noticed a good few people on TT bikes within 30s of me. I was expecting the aero advantage to tell on the way back but I dug in a pushed as hard as I could and whilst I kept overtaking nobody came past me.

    Cycle Time: 36:42 (158/738) - Happy with that.

    T2: Got the bike shoes off pretty quick and runners on and was off. Had to listen to Elvis Jones telling me he hated me over the microphone :)

    T2 Time: 1:28 (244/738) - ok.

    Run: I hate the Athy run. Straight away onto mud and then an uphill section. I'm really not made for uphills. I overtook as many as went past me though and got into a steady enough pace. Nearly went on my ar$e where we dropped onto the river path but kept it going and once I hit the turnaround I tried to pick it up a bit.

    Run Time: 23:42 (320/738) - Run still needs to improve and I'm getting there slowly but in the conditions that's probably a par score for me.

    Overall: 1:16:56 (206/738)

    I had hoped for <1:15 and top 200 so only just missed out. I was a little disappointed I hadn't got either at first but maybe I'm just expecting too much of myself after just a year in Tri.
    Swim. Although I think I could have gone faster the time is well within my targets for 2013. So I'm a year in front of where I had hoped to be. How can I not be happy with that?
    Cycle. It was tough into the wind and as my power to weight ration is still high and the wind has a lot of surface area to get hold of then it's a pretty good return! Nearly 2 mins outside where I hoped but still respectable.
    Run. Again nearly two minutes outside where I had hoped but considering the XC nature and slipp grass then it's ok. I can't be unhappy with how my run is progressing this season I just need to make sure it continues.
    Transition. Terrible. I cold have got a good minute saved here which would have put me in the top 200. More practice needed and a think about strategy and technique (shoes on bike, socks on etc).

    I'm starting to get a bit of consistency now too. Last week I lost to a female athlete by a few seconds and today the same lady beat me again. Both times transition has won it for her (against me). She's now got a target on her back and I'll be watching out for her in my races for the rest of the season.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done on your race today - and in some strange way it's nice to have places we know we can improve. Makes the next PB seem a little easier to obtain. Some serious progress you're making!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 4th June 2012

    Morning - Went swimming with the wife, her friend and her two kids in the kids area of the NAC. A few laps of the lazy river, throwing kids in the air ofver the waves and then a few goes up and down the slides made this an easy workout.

    Afternoon - ~1 hour cycle - 34km, Easy pace just to spin the legs out.
    Run - 6km, no idea of time just an easy paced recovery run.

    Evening - I was challenged to a race in the pool last week against Bjorn. Him with a kick board me swimming as fast as I could. In the end the whole swim group did the race with a handicap on times som setting off 15 seconds before Bjorn some at the same time. He won all 4 x 50m sprints. Seriously depressing that he can kick quicker than I can swim :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    You have made serious gains dude in the last year make no mistake. It's a testament to your commitment and dedication and indeed love for the sport which is evident to anyone that speaks with you man. Well done on Sunday. I know call on you to set a target or two for next years race, assuming you do Athy sprint again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thanks ElD, really appreciate those comments.

    Targets for TriAthy next year... Be around 14st 7lbs. Still over 20lbs off that target.

    Swim: 11:00. Didn't push enough this time around until near the end. I seem to have an irrational fear of blowing up in the swim so always leave some in reserve.

    T1: 1:30. Straight in and out. No stopping to put shoes and socks on and dry feet next year. Should save 75s

    Bike: 34:00. Less weight to haul round = more power to weight plus I'll be on a proper triathlon bike (rather than my heavy old Allez) which should help too.

    T2: 1:00. Tri shoes left on bike next year rather than cycling shoes to mess around with. Should save 30s

    Run: 21:00. With the way my running is improving that shouldn't be that difficult a target to hit either.

    Overall 1:08:30 and moving into the top 100 hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 6th June 2012

    Plan was for a 10km run and through the first 3km I felt really good and was finding it easy even until I had to stop for a quick toilet visit. After that I was struggling, no idea why but I just seemed to have no energy at all. Wierd. Struggled through to 7km and then called it a day.

    I missed the swimming session in the evening. Just didn't feel up to it.

    This morning (weds) wife has started coming down with a sore throat and flu like symtoms. Just hope my lethargy isn't a early showing of an illness to come.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 7th June 2012

    6.5km run @ 5:21 pace. Felt nice and easy surprisingly enough after last time and never felt a lack of energy.

    Thursday 8th June 2012

    Day off. Am on the motorbike and couldn't be bothered bringing gym gear so moved tomorrow and today round.

    I have also taken the plunge into the world of Triathon / TT bikes.

    I've been keeping an eye out on Ebay for frames and nearly got one a week or so ago only to be outbid at the last minute. I mentioned this to a friend and he's lent me a frame for the rest of the year if it fits me (obviously in the hope I'll buy it off it him after it's built up). So as of last night I have a Storck Aero frame in my bedroom. it measures up pretty similar to my roadbike (reach/stack slightly shorter) so I'm hopeful that it will fit ok too.

    Been shopping for build kit today and whilst I wold love Di2 my pockets aren' deep enough at the moment so decided to go for Sram Rival. Hopefully I may have a lend of aero bars coming soon too although I've my eye out for some but the next purchase will probably be wheels although could probably cope with my training wheels for now. After that just pedals and a saddle....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I've been keeping an eye out on Ebay for frames and nearly got one a week or so ago only to be outbid at the last minute. I mentioned this to a friend and he's lent me a frame for the rest of the year if it fits me (obviously in the hope I'll buy it off it him after it's built up). So as of last night I have a Storck Aero frame in my bedroom. it measures up pretty similar to my roadbike (reach/stack slightly shorter) so I'm hopeful that it will fit ok too.

    Been shopping for build kit today and whilst I wold love Di2 my pockets aren' deep enough at the moment so decided to go for Sram Rival. Hopefully I may have a lend of aero bars coming soon too although I've my eye out for some but the next purchase will probably be wheels although could probably cope with my training wheels for now. After that just pedals and a saddle...

    Storck aero frame.......... you gonna have some target on your back now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Storck aero frame.......... you gonna have some target on your back now :D

    Big time :p

    Post up a picture later of it - Storck - is that Byorns old bike, the build route was something I was thinking of going down but I got so frustrated with all the research and bidding!

    Training wheels - good luck to that - you wont be able to resist pimping it out to the max :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    TT you say...........................i should have mine my the end of june, we can have TT and cake to celebrate:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Well wear on the new rothar, got a loan myself a nice Ceepo looking forward to building it up and seeing if it makes a difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Well wear on the new rothar, got a loan myself a nice Ceepo looking forward to building it up and seeing if it makes a difference.

    Which type - the Ceepos are beautiful looking bikes

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Storck aero frame.......... you gonna have some target on your back now :D

    Ah I know, in a "all the gear no idea" kind of way as well!
    catweazle wrote: »
    Big time :p

    Post up a picture later of it - Storck - is that Byorns old bike, the build route was something I was thinking of going down but I got so frustrated with all the research and bidding!

    Training wheels - good luck to that - you wont be able to resist pimping it out to the max :D

    Yeah it's Bjorn's. I'm looking forward to building it and learning about how it goes together so I can do my own maintenance.
    Yeah, I've spent all afternoon checking out carbon wheels. I will be on later selling off guitar and golf stuff to raise the money for things. I was also looking at expensive carbon bits and then decided it's more important to just use it... more importantly my wife doesn't know how much it will end up costing ;)
    TT you say...........................i should have mine my the end of june, we can have TT and cake to celebrate:o

    Sounds good to me. I love cake. Don't think mine will be fully built this season though. Don't have the money to through at it (unless I manage to sell stuff ;)) and I think it really need to be trained on for a while before using in a race... but we'll see.
    BennyMul wrote: »
    Well wear on the new rothar, got a loan myself a nice Ceepo looking forward to building it up and seeing if it makes a difference.
    That's a valid point. At the moment I can always say "Well obviously he was faster because he's on a TT bike." That excuse will be gone. I looked at the Ceepos and as Catweazle said they are lovely looking bikes especially the Venom and Climax.

    Just a frame so far but will take more pictures as the build progresses.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thats a lovely looking frame, very interested to hear how you find it. Will be in the market for a tri bike myself at the end of the season and had never thought about Storck bikes. Be good to see how you build it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    that is a sweet looking bike, looking forward to seen it built up.
    Are you going to get a proper fit, or try and mimic your current position ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    BennyMul wrote: »
    that is a sweet looking bike, looking forward to seen it built up.
    Are you going to get a proper fit, or try and mimic your current position ?

    I'll be getting a fit done once it's more or less built up. hence I've bought a cheap stem and will be getting borrowed bars till I know how it's going to fit and what will suit.

    My wife looked at the frame last night and picked it up. Her first two comments...
    "That's awfully light. Are you sure it's not just going to snap when you sit on it"
    "How much is one of them frames"

    On point 1 - I actually emailed Storck earlier in the week and it's got a 120kg limit on it so plenty of room for me to eat more pies.

    On point 2 - I replied "About €1,000 new" to which she was shocked that anyone would pay that much for just a frame and you didn't get even get wheels. Lies may make the baby Jesus cry but they stop me getting grief :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    On point 2 - I replied "About €1,000 new" to which she was shocked that anyone would pay that much for just a frame and you didn't get even get wheels. Lies may make the baby Jesus cry but they stop me getting grief :)

    They are right - the neighbour sends me over a few Cycling Weekly magazines and Mrs C casually picks them up for a read (left in toilet). She comes down after perhaps seeing a set of Zipps and asks how anyone can pay 2k+ for a set of wheels, thank god she hasn't come across any Sram wheel ads yet ;) I wouldnt fancy going after a new bike now, I would say the magazines would be consulted as soon as I mentioned the type of bike I was looking at.

    Yet the woman would have no trouble dropping massive money on a bag or shoes herself

    Although I am not to badly set now

    - I would like a Garmin Edge but I have a 310xt on my wrist
    - I am not hugely pushed towards a Powermeter yet (will wait till my cycling improves)
    - I am happy with my wetsuit - although with weightloss since purchasing I am imagining folds of loose neoprone which aren't really there
    - Bike and wheels wont need to be upgraded

    Potential Financial Pitfalls
    - Aero Helmet - A little tight and doesn't match the bike :o
    - Sunglasses - Do i really need them
    - Winter Bike clothes on sale - prep for next winter perhaps (even though I will spend the winter on the turbo like every other year)
    - Cycle shorts - An upgrade from my Aldi ones might give my ass a break
    - The 910 - would love the swim stats
    - Runners - With only 4 pairs in rotation am I due another pair :rolleyes:
