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Tri-ing my best...



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Friday 26th August

    25 mins cross trainer today. I was half tempted to do nothing but I enjoy a lunchtime shower. It refreshes me for the afternoon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Ooops. I just seem to have entered a HIM in March next year* :)

    Something to help focus the winter training and a nice break in Singapore as a bonus!

    (Although I've just realised that it will be a non wetsuit swim so as someone dedicated to the school of non-kicking that will make it harder!)

    Oh, I need to tell the wife at some point too. Any ideas? :o
    (I did kind of mention that I might have a work trip around that time to Singapore and might take my bike and wetsuit and there might be a race...)

    *I realise it's 00:30 but I have not been drinking.

    good luck !

    You racing tomorrow ?

    I have plans in my head but have to spend the winter working on my swimming.

    Half marathon in Warerford in Dec would be a good race in prep for the 1/2 IM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    good luck !

    You racing tomorrow ?

    I have plans in my head but have to spend the winter working on my swimming.

    Half marathon in Warerford in Dec would be a good race in prep for the 1/2 IM.

    Yep, Oly tomorrow. Bricking it!

    I don't think I'm ready for a HIM yet,but in 26 weeks or so I had better be!

    That 1/2 could be a good idea, fits in with my training and only €22.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Yep, Oly tomorrow. Bricking it!

    I don't think I'm ready for a HIM yet,but in 26 weeks or so I had better be!

    That 1/2 could be a good idea, fits in with my training and only €22.

    Yeah great value and handy with the motorway, its out to Tramore and back.

    Last years was changed due to the weather so i missed it, it will be my finish race of 2011 but i focus on 2012 and July in Mayo;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    28th August 2011 - Dublin City Triathlon Race Report

    Registration took place the day before. Parking was a bit of a nightmare with everyone deciding to head down after the rugby had finished but eventually I got parked and I headed in. Registration was very efficient and the goodie bag was great; Chocolate, energy drink, jelly beans, swim chamois and plenty of other things. No t-shirt though, that was to be given out only to finishers.

    Race day and I was up at 5:45. A home town triathlon and my earliest start of the year! Bowl of muesli and some toast, car packed and off we set. I picked the brother in law up and we got there around 7:15. The car park was full so we ended up in the university boat club and paid e5 for the privilege. Transition was due to shut at 7:30 so I rushed to the rack only to find it was jam packed and I ended up stuck on a spare rack at the end. There was very little room to put out my equipment and I later found out there were around 200 no shows, God knows how they would have been fit in!

    I was in wave 5 so had a 90 minute wait in between transition closing and my swim wave setting off. I was toward the back of the wave which in retrospect was not a good idea. The hooter went and we were off and I was stuck behind slower swimmers, every time I went for a gap it seemed to be shut off as a swimmer started swimming sideways. I need to be a little more aggressive in those situations. Eventually I got in to a rhythm and got to the turn point. After that it was down stream but it didn't seem to make much difference. I caught up another group and then followed someones ankles to the second turn point. Coming up to the exit point I was getting tangled in weeds every stroke. Eventually I got to the exit and as I was getting out I cramped in the hamstrings and nearly pulled the two lads helping me out in to the river. I stretched out and one of the stewards told me to make sure I took on plenty of fluids on the cycle. Swim completed in 36:08

    Quick jog to the bike and then a sit down whilst I got out of the wet suit. Slow T1 at 4:02.

    The bike started of as a nightmare. I had no fluids. I'd left them in the kitchen that morning. It was 5 laps of the park. My hamstrings got tighter as I dehydrated and my laps got slower. There seemed to be a lot of drafting going on but there was that many bikes I guess it was difficult sometimes. Bike took me 1:20:33

    T2 was slow too 2:33

    The run was a nightmare. I was cramping and really struggled. I was running in treacle and going backwards as other runners flew past me. I managed to keep going and didn't stop (somehow) and finished the run in 1:02:38 for a total time of 3:05:52 and 313/367.

    I'm a little disappointed in the time but at least I've put another marker down now and have an Oly under my belt. That's my tri season over now till next year.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Well done !

    Thats another box ticked on your CV !

    You doing the half marathon on Sept 17 ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    That's my tri season over now till next year.

    Not to worry - it will be duathlon time soon!

    Try having a slug or two of tonic water that contains quinnan, works wonders for the cramps!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Well done !

    Thats another box ticked on your CV !

    You doing the half marathon on Sept 17 ?

    No half for me. I'll be lying on a beach listening to the waves :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    catweazle wrote: »
    Not to worry - it will be duathlon time soon!

    Try having a slug or two of tonic water that contains quinnan, works wonders for the cramps!

    I aren't sure about those duathlons, too much running for my liking! :D

    Funnily enough it was only saturday after registration that I was telling my sister in law to drink quinine for her cramp. First time it's happened (other than training swims) so I'll just have to keep my eye on it. I know that in general day to day life I don't hydrate anywhere near well enough so will be addressing that too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 29th August

    Club Swim. Shoulders felt sore from yesterdays race but managed to complete the full sets. About 1900m done.

    Since then I've come down with gastroenteritis. Maybe it was drinking the Liffey on Sunday or my treat of a full irish on Monday (made the promise to myself when Ientered the DCT). Either way I'm not feeling great and although losing weight is always good, doing it through illness is not!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey man just noticed your log and I know you are a fellow Activ Multisporter, I must backdate my reading when I get a chance. Best of luck with your goals dude and I hope you had the season you wished for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Hey man just noticed your log and I know you are a fellow Activ Multisporter, I must backdate my reading when I get a chance. Best of luck with your goals dude and I hope you had the season you wished for.

    Thanks El D.

    I've not actually sat down and thought about the season, I suppose I should at some point and decide if it was succesful or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Sunday 4th Sep

    First training session since the tummy bug. Nice easy 30km cycle at 30kmh pace.

    Monday 5th Sep

    Club swim.
    WU - 100m FS, 100m BS, 50m kick, 50m breast
    Main - 3 x 700m with 1 min rest.

    I'm pretty happy with where my swim is at the moment especially compared to when I started. Group swims bring 9out the competitive side in me and I am always checking out the lanes next to me and trying to catch/beat the other person.

    On holidays now for two weeks. Just checked the weather forecast; Highs of 27 lows of 19 at night. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Well done in DCT, Courdeloin.
    It's never easy stepping up a distance. But you stuck with it and got the job done. A nice time to target for next year - sub 3 all the way man.
    Enjoy the holiers. Oh yea, from what I have been hearing - you're not the only one who got a tummy bug after DCT!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    The last two weeks were meant to have been spent resting in the sun in Sardinia and recovering from my first season of doing triathlons. It didn't quite work out like that though...

    I flew into Sardinia on Wednesday 7th Sep and it was hot. Temperatures were hitting 35c in the midday sun. On the Thursday I found a pair of runners that I had left in the house the year before so decided to go for a run of around 7km. I took it nice and easy and enjoyed the hilly route. I hydrated well after but the next day felt a little run down. On the Saturday and Sunday I spent the day in bed unable to eat with sickness and diarrhea. On the Monday I was feeling worse and had a slight fever so I went to see a doctor who prescribed Augmentum (Anti-biotics) and a paracetemol based drug to help manage my temperature. On the Monday night I got the shivers really bad for about an hour and then started to burn up,began to halucinate and when I tried to walk I was all over the place like I was drunk. My Italian neighbours came round, Angelo is an ex opera singer so he wasn't much use but his wife Janina is an ex-nurse so she took my blood pressure which had dropped so the top measurement (systolic) was 80 (usually I'm slightly high at 125). My wife then went to get the emergency doctor who turned up with an armed police guard. He just told me to take another Augmentum and sleep. The next day I felt slightly better and continued to improve over the week until on the Friday I was feeling well enough to go out and was starting to eat normally again..

    The outcome of the trip was a loss of around 7-8lbs and despite being on factor 15 and only getting 5 days of sun I still got a decent tan.Not the way I would have hoped to have lost weight but I suppose it's a bonus. I am slightly worried at how ill I got and twice within a couple of weeks too. Perhaps I hadn't fully recovered from the first bout of sickness but whatever the reason I hope that is it for me being poorly for the year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Back to the grindstone and a new 12 week plan. The aim is to complete this schedule coming up to Christmas and then to do my own HIM on the 18th December which will consist of a pool based swim, then from the pool I'll cycle 90km finishing up at home and the a HM round the industrial estates to finish. I'll then tske christmas / new year nice and easy befor starting again in January which will give me another 10 weeks before Singapore 70.3.

    Also hoping to hit 15st 13lb for Christmas. (loss of 15lbs from today)

    Monday 26th Sept.

    Gym. 5 min warm-up, stretching and core work.

    Swim. First session in 3 weeks and I felt it a little as I was working a little hard on the swim warm up to keep clear of the others in the lane. Mainly technique based this week including a wierd excercise balancing a bottle on our heads to get the idea of the head staying still whilst the body rotates. WU (100m FS, 100m BS, 100m BrS, 100m kick), 200m BS balancing a bottle on our heads, 150m side kick right hand lead + fins, 150m side kick left hand lead + fins, 300m Alternate hands + fins. 100m side kick right hand lead, 100m side kick left hand lead, 200m alternate hands.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 27th October

    Cycled into work via the Phoenix Park where I did a couple of laps round the DCT course. Pkan was for 45 mins at HIM race pace with 2x10 min threshhold intervals. Ended up taking me an hour to get in to work.

    Lunchtime was meant to be an hour run at race pace which I've decided will be 6 min kms. Got to 25 mins and my vest had torn the nipples of me so I called it a day. Not happy at not completing the first run.

    Evening - cycled home. 35 mins.

    Realised it's been a while since I last cycled, and I can feel it in the sitting bones!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 28th September

    Swimming. Pool was pretty busy and there were only 4 lanes (25m format) available for swimming. Luckily never had more than 2-3 other people in the lane and didn't get held up.

    WU (100m FS, 100m BS, 100m BrS, 100m kick)
    8x25m min strokes/max effort on 1 min. (25m was taking me 22-24s)
    8x100m Pull Buoy 20s rest every 100m.
    CD 2x(100m FS, 100m BrS)

    1600m altogether and it felt easy. I was trying to concentrate on keeping my legs close together, completing a full stroke and keeping my head still whilst rotating. Hopefully I'll get faster!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 29th September

    Cycling. Again cycled from home to the Phoenix Park and then did hill repeats for 15 mins up the Khyber Road. Not sure that the road is long enough so might change it to go up the Lower Glen Road although it could all be changed and I could be looking for somewhere where else when the roadworks start in the park. Finished the training with the rest of my commute into work to take it up to around an hours cycle. Cycled home in the evening (35 mins).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Any more races before the end of the year ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Any more races before the end of the year ?

    I don't think so. I was looking to do a half marathon but don't think I'll be ready. just going to focus on completing the training plan and losing the weight up to Christmas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Friday 30th September

    Ran for 30 mins and did just over 5 km. Finding it difficult to get back into the training after the few weeks off and I think the week being sick and suddne loss of weight has taken more out of me than I thought.

    Saturday 1st October and Sunday 2nd October

    Played golf, got absolutely soaked despite wearing waterproofs. When I got home I ws cold and wet and decided to watch tv and play xbox rather than train in the rain. Turbo trainer ordered.

    Not a great first week back training. I think I might hve taken on more than I thought with the training plan so will keep an eye on the workload and adjust my training if I feel that it's becoming too much. I need to get my rou My new GPS/HRM arrived today too so I have more gadgets to play with and will finally have an idea of how hard I'm working whilst training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 3rd October

    Club Swim. We're on a technique phase at the moment which seems to mean we do loads of wierd stuff.

    Warm up was 2x(100m FS, 30s treading water with arms pointed straight up in the air, 100m BS, 30s treading water with arms pointed straight up in the air) with flippers.

    200m float push with flippers, 100m float push no flippers, 50m sculling sat on the float, 50m sculling on back with pull buoy. 3x5 pull ups on side of pool, 200m FS, 200m FS breathing every 5 strokes then diving to the bottom of the pool,

    Cool down 100m FS.

    Enjoyable session and no cramping for a change!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 4th October

    Morning: Cycled into work via the Phoenix Park and did a couple of laps of the park too. With Chesterfield Avenue being closed for cars the traffic was heavier but not too bad at all. The plan was for 1 hours cycle with 2 x 15 mins at threshold. I kinda did that but with the additional traffic it meant that staying at threshold was difficult sometimes. 28km/h average which is ok allowing for traffic and lights.

    Lunchtime: Over to the gym and 1 hours run on the treadmill at a slow enough pace but one that I've determined wil lbe my HIM run pace (I can always get quicker). I still aren't sure what is wrong with my pace these days. 3-4 months ago I would have been able to run 5km at <5min km pace easy enough. Now I'm strugglin at 5:30 pace. Probably the holidays and illness (and the morning cycle!).10.2km done at 5:55 pace.

    Evening: Cycle home. Mrs Cdl is cycling twice a week too so we met up and I allowed her to lead the way and break the headwind for me. It was a slow enough pace though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I wonder is it time to ditch the treadmill and hit the roads for those lunch time runs. I found running on the treadmill did little or nothing for ME.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    I dunno, maybe I need to run on a night instead when I get back home but I find I'm more likely to miss sessions as I end up working late as problems occur in the US, or something else takes priority. I'm not a big fan of running in the dark either. I hate running in the city so I don't have too many options on a lunch unfortunately plus I can take a 2 hour lunch break.

    I am not a fan of the treadmill I find it boring, it's just used for convenience at the moment. The runs I do(did) on a weekend I enjoy much more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 5th October

    Lunchtime saw me in the gym for a light weights session. I dropped my usual lifts by 30-40%. However as a month or so has passed since I last lifted anything I found it tiring enough and have mild DOMS today. focus was on Back and Biceps.

    Evening was a swim session. I didn't want to go and my wife offered me tea and chocolate to stay in and watch television with her.

    Set was: WU: (100m FS, 200m kickboard with fins, 100m kickboard no fins).
    6x50m off 90s. I did these in (52s, 52s, 52, 53, 55s, 55s).
    4x200m Pull buoy with 20s rest.
    WD: (100m FS, 100m BrS, 50m FS, 50m BrS)

    I started the session in the end lane as it was empty. Half way through the warm-up the slowest breast stroker in the world joined the lane. Fair enough, it's a public swimming pool and I could swim round her. Half way through the pull buoy set a bloke joins the lane with a buoyancy belt(?) and starts 'jogging' up and down the lane. I ended up swapping lanes to finish the set.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 6th October

    Am: Cycle in to work. Again went in via the park but didn't do laps.

    Lunch: Gym, Chest,Shoulders and Triceps. Nice light session to get back into it. Again slight DOMS in the triceps despite dropping the weight 50%. I'm getting weak in my old age!

    Pm: Cycle home from work after meeting up with the wife. Uphill into the wind with a bit of rain thrown in for good measure. Great fun. Still I let the wife lead the way to shelter me a little :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Fri 7th October

    Lunchtime running in the gym. 45 mins at race pace.

    Evening went swimming. Pool was pretty busy and after my 400m warm up I did just another 100m before calling it a day. I wasn't feeling great and didn't want to push it. Ended up in bed early with a banging headache.

    Saturday 8th October

    Long bike ride. Arranged with a couple of lads in work to go out on the bike and we all met and left at various points on the route. For me the route was Tyrrelstown --> Ratoath --> Duleek --> Drogheada --> Balbriggan --> Skerries --> Swords --> Dublin Centre --> Phoenix Park --> Blanchardstown --> Tyrrelstown. It was about 115km. We took it easy enough but one of the lads was dying after Duleek. The other got a puncture near the airport and didn't have a pump or tube which meant I had to ride to Santry and back twice to get it sorted (and then fix it for him). Average speed was around 25km taking out stoppages. at one point I over took a tractor (doing around 30km) only to turn a corner and start heading into a head wind. It was then a race for me to stay in front of him and not let him catch and overtake me. :D

    Sunday 9th October

    Turbo session 75 mins at race effort (inc 3x5min threshold). I did this while my wife went running. She came back and thought I had installed a swimming pool in the kitchen I was sweating so much! Found it pretty boring too. This was meant to be a brick session but I missed out on the run.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 11th Oct

    Lunchtime: Over to the gym and a nice easy stretching session followed by core work and a sauna.

    Evening: Club swim. A lot of kicking/breathing drills that are hard to describe in a log...

    WU (100m FS, 100m kick, 25m Butterly, 75m FSm, 100m kick).
    200m side kick leading arm,
    200m side kick leading arm with single stroke,
    200m kick with leading arm 3 breaths each side then 3 strokes,
    200m kick with both arms pointed in front one stroke per breath
    200m kick with flippers
    50m BrS

    some of the drills were pretty tricky as we now have a water polo team training in the lanes next to us and the amount of chop in the water was pretty high. Good OW training though!
