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Tri-ing my best...



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    How is the running coming along, you up to 13.1 yet ?

    Not yet. But not miles away. (well 2-3 I suppose :)) 17km due tomorrow and a decision as to whether it's the treadmill or run home. Gym is slight favourite at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wed 11th January 2012

    Went to the gym at lunchtime for a slow recovery run. I forgot my top. Decision made that nobody would be wanting a sight of my belly and moobs so grabbed a bagel and went back to work. Spare T-shirt found in my 'filing cabinet' so I finished work at 4:45 went back over to the gym and got 6.01km done.

    Evening: Swim session. Fell asleep watching TV after dinner and it was 8:45 by the time I got to the pool. Completely no idea what my swim session was supposed to do so I made it up. WU: 2x(100m FC, 100m pull), 10 x 50m off 1:30, 100m FC Z1, 10 x 100m off 2:30, CD: 100m BrS, 100m FC Z1. 2200m done and a slight twinge in my rotator cuff from an old rugby injury. Should be ok by Friday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    How is the running coming along, you up to 13.1 yet ?

    Not yet. But not miles away. (well 2-3 I suppose :)) 17km due tomorrow and a decision as to whether it's the treadmill or run home. Gym is slight favourite at the moment.

    Jebus I couldn't do that, I have to do roughly the same at the weekend and the idea of a thread mill would drive me batty. Remember it's long SLOW run !

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Wed 11th January 2012

    Went to the gym at lunchtime for a slow recovery run. I forgot my top. Decision made that nobody would be wanting a sight of my belly and moobs so grabbed a bagel and went back to work.

    I suppose that really depends on what gym you use ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 12th January 2011

    Long run day. 17km's today in 100 mins. First 15km felt fine but the last two were a killer and I can feel it in my legs this evening and even though I was wearing compression type shorts I have a bit of chaffing near my nether regions (TMI?).

    Finished work early and took two back wheels into the bike shop for fixing. Basically told I'm too fat for the wheels and need some stronger ones building. He's right. 20 spokes isn't enough on Irish roads. He's suggested a set of handbuilt wheels on Ultegra rims 30/32 spokes for €300. Tempting but I'm also in the process of getting the motorbike back on the road (Insured and running but needs a service and have a blown seal on front suspension). Will probably stick the stock wheels back on for the winter and make a decision in 7-8 weeks...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Friday 13th January 2012

    Lunchtime run. 5km easy pace.

    Evening: Swim. WU: 2x (100m FC, 100m pull), 12 x 50m off 1:30, 200m fkick w/fins. 10x100m off 2:30, 200m CD. Total - 2400m

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Saturday 14th January 2012

    Rest day so went for an easy cycle with the wife. Just over 30kms done at an easy pace.

    Sunday 15th January 2012

    Club cycle. Just me and one other (my brother in law) so after a brief discussion I told him which route we were taking and we took it at a sensible enough pace. Route was NAC-->Skerries-->Drogheda--> Ratoath-->Clonee-->Clonsilla-->NAC, plus I then added another loop in to up the kms. Just over 120km done averaging little over 25kmh. I could have done it faster and a last 30mins of >30kmh avg told me so, but he hit a bad patch just after Droghada and we coasted it in from there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    ***Update on yesterdays ride***

    Just in case anyone was thinking my luck with wheels had improved after yesterdays long cycle, it hasn't. I was back on my stock wheels as the shimano wheels need bladed spokes and apparantly they're difficult to get hold of and even Shimano UK aren't sure when they can get hold of some... So yesterday ride was going well, over some bumby roads and everythign still good and trueish, then from about 40km onwards my back wheel started sounding like a pneumatic hammer. I think I'll be examining the hub at some point before tomorrows turbo session as I won't get away with making that racket in the kitchen.

    With the rate I'm going through wheels and wheel parts I'm going to have to look for sponsorship soon :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 742 ✭✭✭jester1980

    That's some cycle on Sunday, fair play. Maybe i'm mixing you with someone elkse but did you only start Tri's last year and Athy was your first?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    jester1980 wrote: »
    That's some cycle on Sunday, fair play. Maybe i'm mixing you with someone elkse but did you only start Tri's last year and Athy was your first?

    Cheers, Yes I only started last year and Athy was my second I think (first open water and only did try-a-tri).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 742 ✭✭✭jester1980

    Yeah that was my first tri, think Elvis told me you were at that.

    Fair play anyway, come on some amount looking at your log and your distances on the SBR table.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 16th January 2012

    Lunch: I wanted to get an idea of where I was in the run stakes so I had a 5km time trial on the treadmill planned. Set the incline to 0.5 and the speed to 4:30 per km pace and then pushed it up slightly every km. Did the 5km in 21:47 which if I can reproduce that sometime this season will make me very happy!

    Evening: Club Swim. WU: 2x(100m FS, 100m pull), 18x(25m off 35s), 2x(100m kick with flippers, 100m back kick with flippers), 2 x (4x100m off 2 mins), CD 200m scull, 150m FS. Tough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Apologies for the long post, if you decide to read it you might want to get a cup of tea to help you through it...

    “All men dream, but unequally. Those that dream at night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake the next day to find that their dreams were just vanity. But those who dream during the day with their eyes wide open are dangerous men; they act out their dreams to make them reality.” -T.E. Lawrence

    I wrote a draft of this a while back and have been updating it and playing around with figures... anyway after seeing other loggers (El D, Catweazle, NeedsTraining, Bambaata, elvis Jones... everyone else basically) set themselves target(s) for the year and beyond I thought I would publish mine and be damned.

    So just after completing my first ever triathlon event I sat down and set myself some targets for the rest of the year. Now this may seem a little bit wierd that I would go to this trouble bearing in mind I had only just completed a race and may never have raced again, but as anyone who knows me will tell you, when I commit to something there is no half way, I like to get involved, be fully committed and plot and plan and read and scheme.. you get the idea... the lads at work tell me I've got a mental problem :confused:

    My aims were only for Sprint and Olympic length events and to be honest I am still only thinking of the HIM's as target events that force me to increase my training and build a bigger base. I honestly don't think I am built for the longer events and even think that the Sprint distance might be my best event.

    So my aims for the end of my first season were:

    750m Swim 18 mins
    20km Bike 38 mins
    5km Run 25 mins
    Total: 1hr 30 mins

    Swim 37
    Bike 80
    Run 55
    Total: 3 hours 0 mins

    I'm pretty happy with the targets I set and my achievements for this year. In the Sprint distance I beat all of those targets. The Olympic was a little different. I only did one Olympic so it was pretty much **** or bust. The swim target was met. The bike was almost fine but I missed it by 33 seconds but dehydration probably paid a part in that (i left my water bottles inthe car and didn't notice till I set off on the bike). The run was a disaster as I took 62:38 missing the target by 7:38, again I think I can put that down as being due to dehydration.. As I had ran a 10km in 52 mins earlier in the year I know this target was achievable for me and if I had planned better I was capable of it. So I am just going to put it down to a bad day and in my head be happy that I met all the targets near enough albeit not in the same race.There's no point dwelling on this year though and leaving those targets in place till I beat them in the same race. It's time to reassess, set new targets and move on to next year.

    Targets for end of 2012

    Swim 14.30
    Bike 35
    Run 22
    Total: 1hr 15 mins

    Swim 30
    Bike 75
    Run 45
    Total: 2hrs 40 mins

    I think I have set myself pretty challenging targets for 2012. 15 mins off my Sprint time and 25 mins of my Olympic.

    For the sprint distance I believe the swim is achievable. 14:30 is just a case of swimming 50m lengths in 58s. For 15 of them. I'm starting to increase my swim length so I consistently hit 2000m+ and this should help give me the fitness base to be able to add the speed into the shorter distance. Already in training this year I have hit 14:40 for 800m so that would suggest I am capable.
    The bike I can already hit in training and when I'm racing I always seem to be able to find a little extra speed.
    The run is a tricky one. 22 mins is 4min 24s kilometers. That's right at the top of my limit on a treadmill set to 0 incline at the moment. I beat that on a treadmill today so should be able to match it in a race situation. Again, a good base and losing a good few more kilos will help a lot and if I can hit it those targets in training then when I'm racing and fitter it's mine for the taking.

    The Olympic targets I have set are a little more challenging. A 30 minute swim means I need to find 6 minutes + from somewhere over last year. If I'm honest I can probably subtract at least a minute from my Dublin time as I had cramp getting out of the water and needed to stretch and I started 50m behind the start line so that's another minute. So really 'just' 4 minutes to find. Could I swim 15% faster? I think I could have done, I was being conservative as I was worried I might not be able to swim the distance and for most of the swim was just gliding along. Add in last weeks time trial result and the added buyouncy of the wetsuit. I think it's well within reach.
    75 mins for the bike should be easy enough. it's 5 mins less than this year but I feel already much faster and stronger and hopefully by the time Dublin comes round I will be even better. A 45 minute run though is going to really test me. If I can hit the 22 min mark for the 5km then Macmillan reckons I should be on for a 45:42 10k. Time will tell whether that's achievable and whether I can knock a the 42 seconds off that too. I guess that if I look at the fact that if I hit the target I will be ~18 minutes faster than the time I ran this year in the Dublin Triathlon, then it really puts into perspective the task ahead. I will be putting in the training effort and distance though in order to get down to this kind of speed but I realise the importance of making sure the training is about quality not just quantity.

    Race plans for 2012 are:

    18th March 2012 - Singapore 70.3 (C)
    19th May - Fingal Sprint (B)
    02nd Jun - TriAthy Oly (A)
    10th Jun - Wicklow 200 ccyle (C)
    30th Jun - TriAthlone Oly (C)
    22nd Jul - Beast of the East Oly (C)
    11th Aug - Caroline Kearney (B)
    26th Aug - Dublin City Tri (A)
    16th Sep - Challenge Henley IM (looking less likely by the day)
    22nd Sep - BlackSod challenge Oly (C)

    The aim is to peak for the TriAthy Oly and then again later in the year for the Dublin City Oly. The rest will still be raced rather than treated as a traingin session but they are not my 'A' races this year.
    There will also be a fair few BHAA races in there to help with the running and at least one other sportive probably the An Post Meath
    event. I'd like to do some bike racing but don't think I would be fast enough and am too old!

    Now for the self reflection and a good hard look at myself. I am too fat at the moment. Likewise I don't want to be a skinny triathlete. I like to carry a bit of muscle mass even though I know it will slow me down. I had been enjoying getting back into the gym and lifting weights and seeing the effect it has on my body but I have knocked that back and am just trying to maintain what I have. The main point is though that there is a real need to lose the fat if I want to hit these targets I am setting. Today I'm 17st 5lb. For the first race of this year 20th May 2012 I want to be tipping the scales at 16st 0lb and be at 15st 0lb by the Dublin City Tri.
    If the calculations I have read where by, all things being equal, you can run 2.4s per km quicker for every kg of weight you lose then if I lose the 15kg I should be able to hit < 20 mins for a 5km time trial. That's a challenge I look forward to especially as a friend has challenged me to beat his 19:55 time he set at the peak of his fitness a few years ago...

    Now for the dreamer part. I wasn't going to put in my 2013 targets. I wasn't sure if it would look foolish to be aiming so high when I'm still so low but here goes... once they are in the public domain there's no turning back and I can use this to push me rather than allowing it to be come some thing to be laughed at in 2014.

    Targets for 2013

    Swim 13.00
    Bike 33
    Run 20
    Total: 1hr 10 mins

    Swim 27
    Bike 70
    Run 41.30
    Total: 2hr 25 mins

    In 2013 I will be moving up to the 40-44 age group and, although I am talking about it in a whispered voice, I want to be in the kind of shape that will allow me to make a decent effort at qualifying for my age group for the Euros. I've mentioned this as my ultimate aim to my wife and she thinks I'm a dreamer (but I'm not the only one:) ) Perhaps it's bad luck to be even thinking this far ahead (and even more so on a public forum)but as I am already confident of beating my 2012 targets early enough in the season then at least I can look and see what I'm hoping for the following year and try and hit them.

    The 13 min swim isn't earth shattering by any standard with a need to only average 52 seconds per 50m length. I'd like to think that with a little more endurance work I won't be far off that. I get an extra 2 secs per 50m for the Olympic. Again, I don't think I'm too far away.
    The 33 min bike is an average of just over 36kmh ofr the 20km and the 70 min bike just over 34kmh. Tough yes, impossible no.
    The 5k time of 20 mins is something I am already working towards and to be honest would like to hit before the end of the year. I know it's not always accurate but Macmillan would see me able to hit a 41:30 10k off that kind of pace.

    It's a little hard for me to say yet whether they are achievable or not (I believe they are, but only time will tell) but if I do hit them I would be looking at the kind of speed that got a top 50 place at Dublin this year and around 3rd in the 40-44 age group:eek:. I would not expect it to be easy to get myself to that kind of level, but if I get the consistency in training and put the work in anything is possible. I reckon I would need to be down to around 14st by then too.

    I started with a quote and I'll end with one.

    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're probably right.” - Henry Ford

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 17th January 2012

    Lunch: Short recovery run of 5.20km. Found it hard to hold myself back and wanted to run much quicker.

    Evening: Turbo Cycle - 1 hour. usual - 15 min warm-up, 5x(5x40s hard,20s easy) 3 mins recovery) 5 mins cool down. Felt really strong tonight and even on the last set was able to hold a cadence over a 100 and I was working at 1 off the top tonight. Normally on the last ones I'm struggling to hold 80.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Good man Couerdelion, I enjoyed that read. If you were west of the Shannon you would be added to my hit list ;). Some tasty targets there especially in the run

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 18th January - Tuesday 24th January

    Went skiing with work so no training done. Was Petrified I would something to my knee in whilst skiing though.
    Wednesday I ended up working late in work making sure everything was in order before I left. Thursday I flew out and did no skiing. Friday I had a decent days on the slopes although when we got to the top it was blowing a gale and my face froze. Overnight then we had 50cm of snow and the slopes were closed Saturday so I drank all day and then Sunday we flew home. No fecked up knees but I now have a chest infection and am on an inhaler and anti-biotics. Not a happy bunny and at this stage unsure as to when I'll train again. Hoping for the weekend (Raheny 5m) but if not then it will end up being almost 3 weeks without training as I'm due to fly out to the slopes again this time with the wife. Will make a call when I get back as to whether or not Singapore is going ahead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Back training! :D
    Although I wasn't sure I was 100% fit I went along to the swim as it was a new block starting. Wasn't sure I was going to make it half way through the warm up as I was felling the pace but it ended up ok although on my cool down I got cramp so bad in my calf that my toes were pointing straight down like a ballerina. :eek:

    Set was
    WU 2x (50m FC, 50m BS, 50m FCm, 50m Choice),
    2 x (200m side kicking alternating leading arm every 25m, 300m FC)
    8x25m Sprint race against rest of lane with scull start. Getting progessively faster, 200m BS, 100m CD. Total 1900m.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Hows it all going ?

    March 18 still on ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Hows it all going ?

    March 18 still on ?

    At the moment it's still on.

    I'm back training but feeling the effects of the break in training so am still thinking hard about it. Completing the HIM doesn't worry me as I know I can do all the distances handily enough. I'm more concerned with doing myself justice at the moment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    At the moment it's still on.

    I'm back training but feeling the effects of the break in training so am still thinking hard about it. Completing the HIM doesn't worry me as I know I can do all the distances handily enough. I'm more concerned with doing myself justice at the moment.

    Have you done much brick work with longer distances ?

    My focus has changed to try and shift the weight.

    Whats after March ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Have you done much brick work with longer distances ?

    My focus has changed to try and shift the weight.

    Whats after March ?

    I've done very few long bricks if I'm being honest. Saturday will be a longish brick but I find it's usaully just getting the first couple of km's in and I'm ok after that. I guess i'll find out on race day.

    Usual selection of races coming up in 2012 (I'll see you at Tri-Athy no doubt). I've got some pretty tough targets set for myself and same as you, losing the weight is important in achieving that and it is my main limiting factor. I'd love to see how fast I can run at close to 'racing weight'. It's tricky though balancing training hard and restricting calorie intake without risking injury and illness. I am aiming to be tipping the scales at 100kg comes my first race in May and then try to get it down to 90kg for the Dublin Triathlon. It'll be hard work but it is a lot more fun losing weight through triathlon and training than going on the latest fad diet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I've done very few long bricks if I'm being honest. Saturday will be a longish brick but I find it's usaully just getting the first couple of km's in and I'm ok after that. I guess i'll find out on race day.

    Usual selection of races coming up in 2012 (I'll see you at Tri-Athy no doubt). I've got some pretty tough targets set for myself and same as you, losing the weight is important in achieving that and it is my main limiting factor. I'd love to see how fast I can run at close to 'racing weight'. It's tricky though balancing training hard and restricting calorie intake without risking injury and illness. I am aiming to be tipping the scales at 100kg comes my first race in May and then try to get it down to 90kg for the Dublin Triathlon. It'll be hard work but it is a lot more fun losing weight through triathlon and training than going on the latest fad diet.

    Thats the problem isn't it. I couldn't lose weight in marathon training because of what i needed to take in.

    i'll try to sort out that flag;)

    Losing weight is my goal for 2012, if by July i'm happy think i'll pick a bigger goal but its shorter races for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 25th January - Sunday 5th Feb

    Apart from the one swim session I did nothing except ski and one swim session whilst I was there.

    Monday 6th Feb

    Lunch - 30 min tempo run. Felt tough after the enforced break. Ended up a little dehydrated too which meant I wasn't feeling up to swim training in the evening. Still, at least I'm back and fresh after my chest infection.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 7th Feb

    Easy run. 30 mins @ 5:30 km pace.

    Wednesday 8th Feb

    Not feeling the best so missed swimming.

    Thursday 9th Feb

    5km run at below race pace - 23:54 folowed by Strength workout from Racing Weight which is all body weight excercises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Friday 10th February

    A lot going on in work at the moment with restructuring and redundancies the result of which is starting to impact on my training. So on Friday I ended up working through lunch and then went to the pub (Mulligans) for a couple of pints which turned into 8-9.

    Saturday 11th February

    At 8:00 the alarm went off and I woke up feeling the worse for wear. My wife reminded me that I was organising the tri club run this morning at 9:00 so I should start making a move. I told her I would lie in for another 45 mins before driving over. Not to be though, I had left the car in town the previous night so I would have to run to the NAC, do the club run and then run home. Ended up doing a hungover 16km and thought I was going to puke a few times. Enjoyed it though and it woke me up nicely.

    Sunday 12th February

    Club cycle. Nice easy 25km at an easy pace. I could have gone on and done more but I wasn't feeling that way inclined.
    Withdrew from Singapore 70.3 too. I needed to make a decision pretty quick and with the situation at work I am not even sure if I will be in a job or in a position to travel next month. Pi$$ed off about it to be honest, but I'm going to continue the training and look for another HIM later in the year when I know what is happening.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Friday 10th February

    A lot going on in work at the moment with restructuring and redundancies the result of which is starting to impact on my training. So on Friday I ended up working through lunch and then went to the pub (Mulligans) for a couple of pints which turned into 8-9.

    Saturday 11th February

    At 8:00 the alarm went off and I woke up feeling the worse for wear. My wife reminded me that I was organising the tri club run this morning at 9:00 so I should start making a move. I told her I would lie in for another 45 mins before driving over. Not to be though, I had left the car in town the previous night so I would have to run to the NAC, do the club run and then run home. Ended up doing a hungover 16km and thought I was going to puke a few times. Enjoyed it though and it woke me up nicely.

    Sunday 12th February

    Club cycle. Nice easy 25km at an easy pace. I could have gone on and done more but I wasn't feeling that way inclined.
    Withdrew from Singapore 70.3 too. I needed to make a decision pretty quick and with the situation at work I am not even sure if I will be in a job or in a position to travel next month. Pi$$ed off about it to be honest, but I'm going to continue the training and look for another HIM later in the year when I know what is happening.

    Thats bad to hear man but the head has to be in the right place as well as the body.

    Double Olympic in Athy..........;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 742 ✭✭✭jester1980

    Sorry to hear about having to pull out of the iron man Mate, nothing worse than the redundancies in work though, went through it in our job 2 years back and there's talk of more happening, stressful as hell..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Withdrew from Singapore 70.3 too. I needed to make a decision pretty quick and with the situation at work I am not even sure if I will be in a job or in a position to travel next month. Pi$$ed off about it to be honest, but I'm going to continue the training and look for another HIM later in the year when I know what is happening.

    Bummer :(. I know the feeling. Its a crappy position to be in alright as motivation has to be hit. Maybe target Tri an Mhi instead but don't let the good work you've been doing go to waste. Its good for the sanity also!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Cheers lads. Yeah it's stressful alright but more to do with the uncertainty than being worried about being out of work. I'm in a fortunate position working in IT (where there is a skills shortage) compared to some of the others in the company.

    I looked at Tri an Mhi but it sold out pretty quickly. I'll keep the training up regardless and find something here or in the UK.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I looked at Tri an Mhi but it sold out pretty quickly. I'll keep the training up regardless and find something here or in the UK.

    There's a waiting list available for this, chances of getting a spot might be slim but won't hurt to register (I did :))
