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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,187 ✭✭✭✭IvySlayer

    Took me ages to figure out what SS was :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    Also took me ages to figure out what CS means :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    BMMachine wrote: »
    to me, thats the basics of how to play (ignoring all the really basic 'rules of the game' if you get me, kill the towers, push the lanes etc.)

    in one way I think its a product of LoL itself. LoL, imo, is very execution based compared to DotA. Its extremely tight in the team fights and a lot happens very fast with some extremely powerful moves (this can happen in dota but requires far more farm and items then LoL). So maybe peeling came from this tightness where space is at a premium in teamfights, especially with the vision wars which are bigger in LoL (everyone being able to have a ward/counter) instead of mostly your supports. Theres a constant bait - counter bait game being played and then blammo! it all goes down so you really have to be tight as hell. There is "peeling" in dota but i've almost never heard it being used (until recently actually)

    How do you rate the games versus each other? I have always been interested in picking up DoTA but I have heard its a bigger timesink and is harder to master than LoL. I dont have very much time for gaming at the best of times so I have just stuck to LoL because I know it and its relatively easy to jump in and out of it.

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    DotA is more open to manipulation (creep pulls, destructible trees being part of this) whereas LoL is a lot narrower and seems to have less wiggleroom. To me, it depends at what level of play we are talking about, I'll write up a better post sometime about it but the following are just small Cliff Notes:
    *at a beginner level, LoL is easier and more intuitive as there are less niggly things to learn and DotA is just this behemoth.
    *at a non-noob level, LoL becomes very narrow and lopsided as there is far more "b*ll****" spells and abilities which do stupid damage due to the games AP - AD scaling whereas in DotA at this level co-ordination is king and he who ganks wins.
    *at an intermediate level, they are roughly the same with those who can better execute and co-ordinate winning (this of course is obvious). with LoL it becomes about learning a heroes individual combo's and the "who counters who" tier is far more important (Rivens recent dominance) whereas in DotA, game sense, creep manipulation, space creation and utility are where the difference between winners and losers lie.
    *at an advanced level, LoL starts becoming extremely tight. The importance on execution in the skill pyramid is such a big thing as due to the lack of manipulation in DotA, it is far harder to play on the backfoot. Early game is massively important (especially in solo lanes) and games become far more low scoring compared to DotA. In DotA, team lineup becomes a far greater factor as there are far more options on how you want to win the game (LoL has a very strick 1-1-1-2 laning setup) so drafting correctly can be such a massive deal (instead of who counters who). You can aggro tri, you can 2-1-2, you can 1-1-1-2, you can aggro jungle with double offlane... theres so many options.
    *at a professional level, I'm not entirely sure. I would need to watch more LoL tbh. I'd imagine its a combination of things I have mentioned as well as many other factors.

    There is far more to the differences than I have posted as its just a very brief idea. In short, LoL -> narrower and more focussed on very specific things such as teamfight execution, DotA -> more open and subject to a greater degree of strategy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    I've trying playing DOTA and watching it but I literally just cannot for the life of me understand it, I play at an average level (plat 2) in League but still cannot play DOTA at all. Every game being full of Russians was pretty annoying too.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    It was better in WC3 when we could filter out the Russians and the mentalists. For me, automated matchmaking systems are the f**king devil. Same with ranking systems. Isn't it amazing how all pro's in DotA where good before ranking came into the game and all known within the scene as being good. All ranked serves to do in my eyes is make already spiteful young males even worse to play with. You always see that in LoL and Dota "oh you are only a gold scrub" or "3K noob" etc etc. Yes, because you grinded a game you must be good, keep convincing yourself of that. Literally chasing the dragon

    if you want to get good, join a team and play in leagues/ladders/cups. It is lightyears away from Ranked matchmaking

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Got my smurf to ranked and had just enough for 16 champs and rune pages, granted im running health seals in the jungle :D

    Went 6-4 placements got silver 2, and after 2 days I'm in silver 1 with mid gold mmr, gaining 30lp per win and losing under 15.

    Now I'm seriously questioning why I've been in silver on my main for 2 years and never move up or down.. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    People tend to care less about their smurf so often find it easier to climb because they tend not to tilt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Won 6 games in a row with amumu jungle, this is what makes the game fun! :D

    Astonishing amount of 'ok i afk' type people..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Got a smurf at about level 21. I wanna do my placements and lose them all so I get put into Bronze 5. How do I lose my games without making it look like I'm losing on purpose

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Got a smurf at about level 21. I wanna do my placements and lose them all so I get put into Bronze 5. How do I lose my games without making it look like I'm losing on purpose

    No easy way to do it I think.. go jungle maybe so you can make it look like over eager ganks. That way you can feed all lanes and ensure you dont get carried

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Seaaan wrote: »
    Won 6 games in a row with amumu jungle, this is what makes the game fun! :D

    Astonishing amount of 'ok i afk' type people..

    Silver wrecks my head. I main jungle but I like to play supp jungles like Sej, Mumu, Malph etc. My games are always won and lost on who has the biggest noob. Certain people are just impossible to carry no matter how many times you try to compensate, advise, camp etc. ADC's just running head long into the enemy team.. Supports who refuse to ward.. no sight-stone and wont upgrade trinket even. This is Silver II with Silver I to low Gold Elo. I just dont get how some people even at this level have such poor game knowledge. It doesnt matter how mechanical good you are if you can grasp some basic strategy. Its frustrating as hell..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    Playboy wrote: »
    Silver wrecks my head. I main jungle but I like to play supp jungles like Sej, Mumu, Malph etc. My games are always won and lost on who has the biggest noob. Certain people are just impossible to carry no matter how many times you try to compensate, advise, camp etc. ADC's just running head long into the enemy team.. Supports who refuse to ward.. no sight-stone and wont upgrade trinket even. This is Silver II with Silver I to low Gold Elo. I just dont get how some people even at this level have such poor game knowledge. It doesnt matter how mechanical good you are if you can grasp some basic strategy. Its frustrating as hell..

    That continues for quite some time!

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    Got a smurf at about level 21. I wanna do my placements and lose them all so I get put into Bronze 5. How do I lose my games without making it look like I'm losing on purpose

    you are playing with 4 other people. don't do this for your own "lols"

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    BMMachine wrote: »
    you are playing with 4 other people. don't do this for your own "lols"

    Yes, seriously. Just play the game as best you can and don't ruin the other players' games!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Now i feel bad :( Well the thing is the account is level 21 and i created it about 2 years ago, so i probably wont actually get to those placement games :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    Anyone having issues at the minute? I selected a champ then before the loading screen came up it said I had been dc/d from server, relogged and there was no game ongoing. Tried to join another queue and said I had abandoned too many games...

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Honestly the most headwrecking thing about silver is that people point blank refuse to listen. Just had a game as Annie support where we got a clean ace, I called to take inhib turret and inhib, then get drake on way back. Nope. They take drake, 2 get picked off and enemy gets baron and they win. From 24 kills down. They win.

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    Seaaan wrote: »
    Honestly the most headwrecking thing about silver is that people point blank refuse to listen. Just had a game as Annie support where we got a clean ace, I called to take inhib turret and inhib, then get drake on way back. Nope. They take drake, 2 get picked off and enemy gets baron and they win. From 24 kills down. They win.

    this is true at all levels. its not a skill thing, its an attitude thing. I dont mean to sound like a cynic but the attitude of this new generation of gamers is absolutely shocking. They go absolutely bananas at someone, on their own team, telling them something beneficial to do. They would rather bite their nose off to spite their face. I know this isn't everyone and that attitude existed before but its a far far higher percent now and its absolutely infuriating. Spiteful young males who cant hack the slightest perceived dig at their ego and obviously the result of helicopter parenting (the whole never letting your kids touch the floor and how 'special' they are etc.) The worst thing about this is you are locked in with them due to matchmaking systems and cant leave or you are at fault :) Think about the amount of times a game is over and you dont want to waste time and surrender, well these are the guys forcing you to play due to the massive amount of spite they contain. They would rather f**k you around than do the right thing and DotA and LoL have systems which give them an advantage (reporting, leaving, going afk etc.). Its worse in DotA as there is no concede option and wasting time for no reason is a thing

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,911 ✭✭✭SeantheMan

    Got a smurf at about level 21. I wanna do my placements and lose them all so I get put into Bronze 5. How do I lose my games without making it look like I'm losing on purpose

    Why not just say "fill" in every champ select.
    Then when you have to choose your role say "Oh, I didn't have many champs in 'whatever' role and pick a real unorthodox fun choice.

    You just have more chance to lose if it's an unorthodox choice I guess.

    You should still try though...because if you're losing on purpose and costing other people their games , then that's just being a d1ck. There is no 2 ways about it.
    And also getting put in bronze 5 I assume, to try carry yourself to plat/diamond or whatever is another d1ck move.
    You just end up ruining the game for the other 9 players, I know this from being one of those 9. You take away the fun for all of us "hay guiyz ...I'm actually a smurf...I'm realz Plat#" etc ....

    You should play at your real ELO / Rank and go from there.
    For funs go to Normal, or Team Builder or even use your other account for Normal/Team Builder. But you should always try to some degree in Ranked.

    The truth is, from the Bronze/low Silver point of view here is you make people feel bad and ruin the game.
    We see this guy coming in "Oh, I'm actually a smurf" or "Get me ABC and I'll hard carry" (when it's actually true).
    My first immediate thoughts are this won't be fun, I know I suck as do most of us here, but we are trying to get better, and you aren't helping at all. You rubbing it in our faces isn't nice in any way"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    BMMachine wrote: »
    this is true at all levels. its not a skill thing, its an attitude thing. I dont mean to sound like a cynic but the attitude of this new generation of gamers is absolutely shocking. They go absolutely bananas at someone, on their own team, telling them something beneficial to do. They would rather bite their nose off to spite their face. I know this isn't everyone and that attitude existed before but its a far far higher percent now and its absolutely infuriating. Spiteful young males who cant hack the slightest perceived dig at their ego and obviously the result of helicopter parenting (the whole never letting your kids touch the floor and how 'special' they are etc.) The worst thing about this is you are locked in with them due to matchmaking systems and cant leave or you are at fault :) Think about the amount of times a game is over and you dont want to waste time and surrender, well these are the guys forcing you to play due to the massive amount of spite they contain. They would rather f**k you around than do the right thing and DotA and LoL have systems which give them an advantage (reporting, leaving, going afk etc.). Its worse in DotA as there is no concede option and wasting time for no reason is a thing

    Pretty much sums it up. I just dodge whenever my team doesn't look promising/I have a french duo bot/katarina

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    I love wasting peoples time. :pac:

    If you're gonna feed and call surrender @ 20 and not even try (i've seen games won over a baron call when down by 20 kills), i will farm my KDA for another 20 minutes. Usually end with a positive ratio. Some games can't be saved, along with some players.

    Riots outlook on not having a toxic island is madness. Look how well it works. :rolleyes:

    Better to lamp toxic with toxic than ruin every ones games.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    You have all convinced me not to be an asshole :pac: Besides my account is actually level 15 and i played 2 games on it yesterday and the XP bar barely moved. Don't think ill actually ever make it to 30 on it :D

    Was super excited to play League today with the buffs to Aatrox' passive so i went into a custom game to test it and Riot done ****ed up. Still 225 seconds at all levels :(

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    Taylor365 wrote: »
    I love wasting peoples time. :pac:

    If you're gonna feed and call surrender @ 20 and not even try (i've seen games won over a baron call when down by 20 kills), i will farm my KDA for another 20 minutes. Usually end with a positive ratio. Some games can't be saved, along with some players.

    Riots outlook on not having a toxic island is madness. Look how well it works. :rolleyes:

    Better to lamp toxic with toxic than ruin every ones games.

    but what about calling surrender after 20 minutes as you are not feeding and are actually doing the right thing only to have it shot down by the garbage as they have this innate need to piss you off for having higher standards than them? That is far more often the case

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,187 ✭✭✭✭IvySlayer

    The mid or troll in champion select is the worst.

    Vayne/Riven mains who rage because you take 1 kill off them and go feed/afk :mad:

    The Nasus/Udyrs who just afk farm and don't group when the enemy is

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    BMMachine wrote: »
    but what about calling surrender after 20 minutes as you are not feeding and are actually doing the right thing only to have it shot down by the garbage as they have this innate need to piss you off for having higher standards than them? That is far more often the case
    No game is finished after 20 minutes.

    There's always the hope of d/c :pac:

    Aye, sometimes i don't have the time or patience to suffer a game, but more than not the /ff call will get turned down if they are actually that bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    So when Riot say they will change something in the patch notes and when the patch is live they "forgot" to change it how hard is it for them to remedy that? Anyone have any experience with something like this that Riot have done before? Will they just wait it out and add it in the next patch or would it be hot fixed in?

    Yeah im eager to play Aatrox :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    SeantheMan wrote: »
    Went back to team builder for the first time in a long time......the difference in mindsets is so refreshing. People just out to have fun.
    As always there is the odd troll here and there, but for the most part it was a very pleasant experience :D

    Its the opposite for me. Ive plat elo in Normals and Im gold in Ranked and the toxicity tends to be a lot higher in Normals. GOld in General is actually chilled as **** nobody cares too much but Plats (in general) have a massive chip on their shoulder. In saying that I've Diamond elo in Aram and its great fun :p

    In terms of peeling my understanding is what capacity you use your abilities. for example if my adc is really fed and im playing thresh im going to use my hook and flay to kite the opposition and disengage their attacks thus "peeling for them". however if the enemy have a really fed carry im going to try and land my hook on them in a more aggressive way and follow up flay to hopefully burst them down with the help of my team before they can get any damage off.

    In short peel if your ADC is fed or go aggresive if your adc is behind

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    So when Riot say they will change something in the patch notes and when the patch is live they "forgot" to change it how hard is it for them to remedy that? Anyone have any experience with something like this that Riot have done before? Will they just wait it out and add it in the next patch or would it be hot fixed in?

    Yeah im eager to play Aatrox :D

    Yes ... they did it with Sejuani last patch. The nerfed the dmg on her W but only changed the tooltip and forgot to actually change the damage. The didnt resolve until this most recent patch I think

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Playboy wrote: »
    Yes ... they did it with Sejuani last patch. The nerfed the dmg on her W but only changed the tooltip and forgot to actually change the damage. The didnt resolve until this most recent patch I think

    Oh, Aatrox did get the buff, i just read the CD so wrong. Man im so bade
