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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Seifer wrote: »
    Well they didn't really nerf Karthus' damage, not directly anyway.

    I imagine the Wriggle's nerfs are related to the new jungle so we'll have to wait and see how it plays out in that.

    Well I guess they like that aspect and decided he just had to much utility on top of that. They should do the same with Trynd's Mocking Shout I think, he's already complete bullsh*t, why give him a multiple targeting MASSIVE slow that also applies a debuff? :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    Fizz fix[Buff] is clearly just an attempt to sell him, $$s for riot are far more important than game balance. He'll take a hit in about a month after sales drop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    ED E wrote: »
    Fizz fix[Buff] is clearly just an attempt to sell him, $$s for riot are far more important than game balance. He'll take a hit in about a month after sales drop.
    You could say that about any buff? Fizz isn't particularly out of line; it's hard to find a place for him in the current meta.
    That's not to say he won't be touched in a month's time as players master him and optimise their builds it just won't have anything to do with sales.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    IMO he's a little OP, but thats irrelevant, he's on both teams in every dom game I play. He's popular, they'll appease his new fanbase for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    ED E wrote: »
    IMO he's a little OP, but thats irrelevant, he's on both teams in every dom game I play. He's popular, they'll appease his new fanbase for now.
    Dom games only represent a tiny percentage of total games played though. Why do they need to appease them if they have their money?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,788 ✭✭✭Vikings

    Impulse bought Lolbear this morning - have had 1000 rp sitting there for a while and couldn't decide what champion to get so why not try out the new guy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Apparently they really fuked the jungle over with this patch, you pretty much need a godlike clearing champion to even hope of ganking a lane and not suffering for it.

    Nocturne, skarner and even shyvanna are pretty good now while warwick cant clear his own jungle before it starts respawning. Theres even talk of bring back duo top lane.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Apparently they really fuked the jungle over with this patch, you pretty much need a godlike clearing champion to even hope of ganking a lane and not suffering for it.

    Nocturne, skarner and even shyvanna are pretty good now while warwick cant clear his own jungle before it starts respawning. Theres even talk of bring back duo top lane.

    They've already announced they're hotfixing some of the issues people are having here.

    This concept of clearing the jungle is being thrown around like it's important. Why does your jungle have to be clear? So what if some of the camps have respawned? That's the point of the new jungle to give the jungler the choice between continuing to farm the jungle or go help a team mate with a gank.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Seifer wrote: »
    They've already announced they're hotfixing some of the issues people are having here.

    This concept of clearing the jungle is being thrown around like it's important. Why does your jungle have to be clear? So what if some of the camps have respawned? That's the point of the new jungle to give the jungler the choice between continuing to farm the jungle or go help a team mate with a gank.

    Well with the old jungle, all the viable champions could do a full clear and have a certain amount of free time to go and harass / gank a lane before it started respawning. So all champions lost nothing by going and trying to grab a kill.

    However now some few champions can still do this, do a full clear and have time left over to gank, where as most just cant clear fast enough.

    So theres a disparity now between champions that loose nothing while being aggressive and most other that loose valuable gold and xp while they wait by a lane.

    Theres also the fact that camps now grant less xp and gold now, a normal first clear at level 3/4 when you should go back to base no longer gives enough gold for boots. Which is pretty massive.

    If you stick to the jungle, you can keep up with or even pass lane xp, but the penalty for leaving it is pretty steep. It basically turned into the most boring lane ever, im happy they are addressing it so quickly.

    Also the camps respawn so fast counter jungling is effectively gone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Well with the old jungle, all the viable champions could do a full clear and have a certain amount of free time to go and harass / gank a lane before it started respawning. So all champions lost nothing by going and trying to grab a kill.

    However now some few champions can still do this, do a full clear and have time left over to gank, where as most just cant clear fast enough.

    So theres a disparity now between champions that loose nothing while being aggressive and most other that loose valuable gold and xp while they wait by a lane.

    Theres also the fact that camps now grant less xp and gold now, a normal first clear at level 3/4 when you should go back to base no longer gives enough gold for boots. Which is pretty massive.

    If you stick to the jungle, you can keep up with or even pass lane xp, but the penalty for leaving it is pretty steep. It basically turned into the most boring lane ever, im happy they are addressing it so quickly.
    Well removing the set ganking times and giving the junglers more decisions were two of the stated goals of the update. The gold and xp really seems like something they should've picked up in testing.
    Personally I hope it does make junglers less aggressive. There is nothing I hate more than when you are dominating your lane, denying your oppenent xp and gold to have their jungler come along and ruin your day either by successfully ganking you or forcing you to back off and hang by your tower while your opponent gets their foot back into the lane.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Seifer wrote: »
    Well removing the set ganking times and giving the junglers more decisions were two of the stated goals of the update. The gold and xp really seems like something they should've picked up in testing.
    Personally I hope it does make junglers less aggressive. There is nothing I hate more than when you are dominating your lane, denying your oppenent xp and gold to have their jungler come along and ruin your day either by successfully ganking you or forcing you to back off and hang by your tower while your opponent gets their foot back into the lane.

    Without jungler ganks, counter picking becomes the entire game. More so than it is already.

    You get counterpicked? nothing is going to save you, your jungler is too busy clearing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Without jungler ganks, counter picking becomes the entire game. More so than it is already.

    You get counterpicked? nothing is going to save you, your jungler is too busy clearing.

    Well that and outplaying your opponent which I think is the much stronger factor at all but the highest elos.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E


    Bye bye lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    While I admire everything Valve do this strikes me as a mis-step. There seems to be little to distinguish it from HoN. They are taking DotA and refusing to iterate on its flaws; just making it with prettier graphics. Time will tell I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,249 ✭✭✭Stev_o

    Seifer wrote: »
    While I admire everything Valve do this strikes me as a mis-step. There seems to be little to distinguish it from HoN. They are taking DotA and refusing to iterate on its flaws; just making it with prettier graphics. Time will tell I suppose.

    Trust me the game has a lot going against it in terms of competing against LoL and HoN. The fact is the only thing I can ever see it doing is replacing HoN. As you'v said they are hardly addressing any of the flaws the mod had and are pretty much refusing to make these changes (no mana bars, no concede).

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭-Vega-

    Wont kill lol at all, looks like a piece of shiz

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    Stev_o wrote: »
    As you'v said they are hardly addressing any of the flaws the mod had and are pretty much refusing to make these changes (no mana bars, no concede).

    DotA 1 has concede on the main services it's played on (Dotalicious Gaming etc., any hostbots really).

    As for changes etc., the general concensus from what I've seen is that they'll keep it pure to DotA 1 until everything's in/until release, and then begin changing things. They want to get it down as a perfect port first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Man this game...
    Get into champ select in ranked solo queue and the last pick says he doesn't feel like supporting could someone else do it. So everyone ignores him and it gets to his turn and all we need is a support. Yes it sucks to be last pick but everyone has to do it some times.
    So he goes smite ignite Twitch ¬_¬
    He then proceeds to first blood their jungle, take his blue and then kill top. That was about the highlight of it, went kinda 1 for 1 after that.
    So we won, (more cause of my hardcore Karthus mid than anything) but after games like that you dunno what to think :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,073 ✭✭✭Xios

    Soroka and cho'gath at bottom is lethal :D gotta test it some more though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Sivir is so strong right now. Loving it. Been going zerks, 2 bloodthirsters and a PD... Haven't had a chance to get any other items, usually pushed to their nexus at this stage.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Just found out about the new shaco jungle route

    -no smite
    -4 boxes at red buff at 1:30
    -run to blue plant 1 box, get a pull
    -level 2 with red and blue buff at 1:50
    -gank top/bot with red & blue buff & +1 level and 2 summoners (exhaust,ignite) or steal top golems and cycle back to gank top at level 3.

    Its the most BS early game gank ever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Yeah it's easier to just ban him now. Lanes are so boring when he's in the game if played correctly and a feed fest if not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Shaco's traditional ganks are fine, running from red to blue or just grabbing red or blue is also just fine.

    Getting both buffs and a level less then 10 seconds after they spawn, without moving or even having to gimp yourself with smite is broken as hell man.

    shaco gets level 2, roughly 30 seconds before top or mid lane and over a minute before bottom lane, is doublebuffed, has 2 ganking summoners and a blink.

    You can play as passive as you fuking like, shaco can still pull off a kill with all that.

    ALOT if not all shacos in lower elo havent been using this route / setup, but the second you start seeing shacos without smite in soloqueue, get scared.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    RopeDrink wrote: »
    Shaco - Definately one of the most annoying Champs to face - Thankfully he's tough to play and not many play him very well, myself included.
    You got most of the standard Shaco player defences in and some fair points too but this one always annoys me. He's not tough to play. He's different to other champs so maybe takes a few more games than say Annie to pick up but it's still just four skills to worry about.
    Riot have always had a problem with him. He was never supposed to be able to jungle and that's where the main problem comes in.
    So unless they change something fundamental about him he'll always but slightly OP or UP. And since I'd prefer not to have to waste a ban every game; bring on the nerfs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,788 ✭✭✭Vikings

    Seems the latest patch brought on a lot of bugs.

    I just hit level 30 this week and have decided to focus on one champ to play for a while rather than chop and change once I have a bad game with one champ so I am sticking with Volibear for a while as he is the last I bought. Just dropped 9k IP on some runes for him need another 9k IP to get it right but I really enjoy his playstyle.

    I only play 3v3 really (for shorter games) but start Voli with a warmogs, add in a frozen hammer and usually a thornmail and I rarely get time to build another item. Can do some monster damage with W and with a cheeky heal can really catch some champs off guard.

    Just had 2 great games teamed up with a Veigar and love that combination!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    RopeDrink wrote: »
    But ultimately if people truly believe a balanced LoL is a good LoL then they should never embrace an attitude of "Roll out the nerfs", especially if you've played the Champ before enough to know he spent the guts of, well, almost forever being unviable to begin with.
    If nerfs are needed to achieve balance then why not roll them out?
    I wouldn't like any champ to have a minor taste of viability then just get casually thrown back to being barely useable, that's not the way to do it.
    It's not. Riot know it but still if something is toxic to the game (see Eve) they are willing to completely gimp it until they can provide a proper fix.
    It's not exactly the Champions fault if he can abuse a weird new change to the Jungle
    Well yes it is if only one champion can abuse it. If they're keeping the new jungle setup and only one champ can do this double buff start then they either need to change something about the jungle or the champ. Changing the one outlier would be the easier option
    All ontop of a new revamped set of mastery trees and it reeks of biting off a bit too much all at once when it should have been handled individually without such a rush... And now one particular Champ abuses it and the call for nerfs resumes yet again.

    I just don't think it's the way to go, in fairness. Just my 2cents.
    Riot have actually said that the new masteries and jungle were supposed to go out together they just weren't ready. So they were designed with each other in mind.

    The new jungle just highlighted the issue with Shaco anyway. It was there since he got buffed again. He just makes the game so passive or else ends it really quickly with a ganking spree. He's basically just not fun to play against.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    This new retarded shaco buld in action, dyrus seems genuinely shocked.

    I tried it myself tight afterwards, its really easy to pull off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    On another note tried Ahri out. She seems fun but kinda tricky. Her ratios aren't great so you really can't afford to miss any of her skills if you wanna get your proper burst out. She reminds me of Leblanc with less burst but with a skill that is useful for hitting multiple targets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    This new retarded shaco buld in action, dyrus seems genuinely shocked.

    I tried it myself tight afterwards, its really easy to pull off.

    Another reason to hate that little runt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,788 ✭✭✭Vikings

    Any good guides or instructions out there to go about recording gameplay?
