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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    CrazyFish wrote: »
    Do any of yous have any good resources for improving my play in League of Legends. I tend to frequent and mobafire and tend to watch some streams in order to try and see how better players play. has some good build guides. TheOddOne's stream is really good.
    Taylor365 wrote: »
    Practice makes perfect imo.
    If you practice without knowing what you are doing wrong you'll just keep making the same mistakes though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    Seifer wrote: »
    If you practice without knowing what you are doing wrong you'll just keep making the same mistakes though.
    I think dying over and over would be the clue there :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Taylor365 wrote: »
    I think dying over and over would be the clue there :rolleyes:
    Sure, on a basic level that advice will work but the game is a lot more complex than that. So if you want to play on higher levels you're gonna have to read/watch things better players do and then try practice that.

    Besides, if you don't know why you are dying or you think it was your team mate's fault you died then how do you know what to improve?

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Depends what lane you play, but if you are playing top lane alot, you really need to know your counters and your builds.

    You can't just pick top lane nasus or gangplank with double gp5 items and expect the other guy not to completely destroy you with some hyper aggressive laner.

    There are other builds, better builds besides rushing tri-force.

    Spectating a lot of highlighted matches is also a pretty good way to learn these days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 594 ✭✭✭dibkins

    Went back and played a game of ranked last night, my first loL game in a few weeks. They banned soraka, our vayne DCed continuously, and their nasus top was able to SS around 40% of my HP in one shot by mid game. I was sad:( Sona was fun though! I had some hilarious roundabout the tower chases.
    Ah ranked, where all your dreams come through.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Sona is stupidly weak at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 594 ✭✭✭dibkins

    I had a few levels on them due to soloing bot lane. Once the team fights started i just melted.
    What happened to her? I ain't played in a while so i haven't been looking at the patchese.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    Had a strange game last night practicing Annie mid.

    We had a Darius top vs Shen and he completely lost it giving Shen 4 or 5 kills in first 20mins. Meanwhile i was vs Vlad, harrassing him to an inch of his life then getting ganked by their Lee Sin and dying. We had a nocturne jungler also falling flat on his face and bot lane was quiet with just our support feeding.

    Surrender was thrown up about the 24 or 25 min mark, 3/2. Score was 21-9 in their favour. Then, to my team's surprise, come a few 'whole team stun' tibbers followed by ace after ace. Flash + stun tibbers nobody gets away >:D

    I finished around 12/9/25

    When playing annie - need to buy wards :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭CrazyFish

    Worst day of League of Legends today. Bad teammates after bad teammates who then keep spamming the rest of the team to surrender because they are playing badly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭-Vega-

    I wouldnt use the word feed.. but I tend to die on Annie early game, usually to jungler not a straight up 1 v 1 mid. Need to ward double side to protect yourself, and due to rushing Rod of ages its kinda pricey.

    Come late game tho, I melt people, once I have like rod of ages, and will of ancients, its melt city.

    Saying that, I've stopped picking Annie when Cass/Ryze/Morg are available. They can't ban them all! **** kassadin^ Make money.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    What yee think of Jayce? Very versatile champ.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭-Vega-

    RopeDrink wrote: »
    Knowing what the problem is doesn't make it any less feed.

    Annie isn't the only viable mid or solo laner who is weak early game - Any experienced junglers will know to gank Annie as much as possible BEFORE she reaches level 6, so you have to expect ganks - And it seems, going by your post, that junglers are doing a decent job of this and you're simply letting them.

    If you're not warding your brush on a champ like Annie, Morde or anyone for that matter, regardless of their escape ability vs ganks, then you deserve to be ganked.

    If you already know and admit to the problem, simply fix it - Rushing an item is all well and good, but you have to realise you earn more money the longer you stay in lane - You would earn more by avoiding ganks/deaths and staying in lane, than you would saving the ward money for an RoA and risk of dying, or having to recall because of a gank, failed or otherwise.

    point taken! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Tell us what you really think rope! :P

    i really don't like annie, a real one trick pony thats beaten by so many other amazing AP mids, boring as hell as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 Shred 777

    Hey Guys,

    I started playing about...2-4 months ago and was looking for some more people to play with :)

    Im summ lvl 23 and play mostly support Naut/Nunu with some Varus or Ashe mixed in :) (mostly whore around many champs tho :P )

    Summoner name is: Macki3

    Add me for games :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Wanders_fan

    OK guys i think i'm going to invest in a new jungler. Anyone got any advice? THe only Jungle i play and enjoy at the moment is Amumu. I'm thinking about Naut jungle or else Warwick. Any advice?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    I've been playing Alistar jungle and he's great! His early ganks are really good. I just bought Udyr and i'm currently unlocking runes to give him a go too, he might be an option.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    OK guys i think i'm going to invest in a new jungler. Anyone got any advice? THe only Jungle i play and enjoy at the moment is Amumu. I'm thinking about Naut jungle or else Warwick. Any advice?

    Naut is awesome, he gets banned a bit now but if you're not playing ranked it doesn't matter. He's all about ganking though.

    Warwick doesn't really work in the jungle anymore. Sure he can do it but he's so slow and can't really gank well until 6.

    Alistar is also awesome if you like the ganking style and he's free when you subscribe to the Riot Youtube channel.

    Xin Zhao seems to be borderline OP after his remake and I still like Nocturne even after the nerfs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    I lane naut, never jungled, must try that. But yeah, naut in late game teamfights is one big bully, its great fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭CrazyFish

    Nocturne also seems like a decent Jungler.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 NineInchNailed

    Add me sure, TrentReznorIsGod
    Just turned Lvl 30, pretty addictive game I must say.
    Don't think I've ever seen any players but the Spanish, French and German :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16 NineInchNailed

    OK guys i think i'm going to invest in a new jungler. Anyone got any advice? THe only Jungle i play and enjoy at the moment is Amumu. I'm thinking about Naut jungle or else Warwick. Any advice?

    Lee Sin is hella hard to get used to, but he's rewarding as hell if you get kills.

    I'd say Nocturne? If you want to play it safe.
    One of my first champs :rolleyes:

    He can be fairly tanky, so he's a pretty safe choice in early game.
    Can take a few hits, not too squishy at all.
    His abilities are fairly basic, nothing too complicated.

    Versatile, and an all around solid champ, can lane too.

    Edit: Just saw Nocturne is F2P this week, you're in luck :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    This is pretty awesome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭Sycopat

    Heya folks,

    I've just started with this. Find it fun enough so far, but it's very (very) early days yet.

    I have a question if ye don't mind: I have SFA experience with MOBA's, but much of what I've read tells me that practice is key to putting the concepts I'm reading about into use. But how to practice? There doesn't seem to be a way to set up a solo game vs bots (maybe I just missed it?) so should I mess about with groups vs AI to practice or dive into the waters of pvp?

    And if I am to dive into the pvp, how toxic an environment is it likely to be?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Sycopat wrote: »
    I have a question if ye don't mind: I have SFA experience with MOBA's, but much of what I've read tells me that practice is key to putting the concepts I'm reading about into use. But how to practice? There doesn't seem to be a way to set up a solo game vs bots (maybe I just missed it?) so should I mess about with groups vs AI to practice or dive into the waters of pvp?
    Click on play, custom game, create game. You can then add as many bots as you want and start the game with just you in it.

    The sooner you start playing PvP the better but play a few bot games first to get some idea of what's going on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Dominion games and co-op vs AI are great if you want to earn IP and not get raged at, if those game types are what you enjoy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    Sycopat wrote: »

    And if I am to dive into the pvp, how toxic an environment is it likely to be?

    The community in LoL is poison, there are so many arseholes playing its unreal.

    I'm only lvl 27 but if you wanna play a few games, add me, IGN is Adeyrn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭Sycopat

    Cheers folks,

    I'll practice a bit more and get comfortable, and when I dip a toe in the pvp I'll ignore everything my team mates say that isn't of actual strategic value.

    My in-game name is syc0pat (with a zero, as some other bastard stole my name. This is what I get for not playing too much online for a few years.) if anyone wants to add me, but I shall likely be a quiet and elusive beast.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    Add me too: Legend3655

    Everyone needs practice now and again of different champs and I'm always willing to duo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭CrazyFish

    I would do a couple of bot games but then jump into a bunch of pvp's as soon as you can. I also would read up on the different roles in the game and what is expected of you after you have got a bit of experience playing. Also its not a bad idea to look at a list of items available in the shop and learn what they do because buying items depending on the situation you are in can win you games. E.g if you see other team are building a lot of attack damage there is not much use building items that give you loads of magic resist. I know this might seem obvious but it took me a while to cop on to build items based on the situation I faced instead I used to just buy a set build.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    I haven't been able to play LoL in 2 months QQ Hoping I can get a decent connection in Taiwan but unsure what servers they play on. If it's garena, I think I need a Chinese social security number to make an account. Oh and wtf they nerfed my beautiful Rumble? Why? He was my secret! Been playing him since release and steadily climbed with him when I couldn't play AD. Remember when Irelia was the most common top in the game? Bitches couldn't handle dat flamespitter. His weakness was autopushing and could easily get camped out of the game.

    As for junglers, Skarner was criminally underplayed before I left but Lee Sin was my favourite ban before I went, stupidly strong at top AND jungle. I used to find Panth jungle super fun though. Your ganks HAD to pay off though. I also used to jungle Yorick a fair bit, never once saw anyone else do it but I found it decent apart from the W not being the greatest gank tool.
