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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Meh water of a ducks back at this stage.

    I moved to jungle in Season 2 and the first reaction of someone getting owned is blame the jungler who isn't holding their hand.

    You can map the stereotypes out too easy. I rarely get annoyed anymore, flaming etc. barely ever gets to me, nor does someone calling me out on being bad. I'll have a bad game ever now and then, but you just have to look at my ADC record this season to see if I've been playing consistently well.

    Problem being ADC can be hard to carry the game when its gets to late game.

    The only thing annoying me nowadays is team mates throwing the game. So if I go build a strong lead at bottom, dominate and zone my lane and then have a platform for the team to go strong.

    Then during midgame team mates will get wasteful and get caught solo a few times, next of all the enemy carry or AP carry is fed back up to level. That is the only thing that annoys me, as its a genuine working example of a player who doesn't know the game, and shouldnt be in a competitive environment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭Icyseanfitz

    TheDoc wrote: »
    Meh water of a ducks back at this stage.

    I moved to jungle in Season 2 and the first reaction of someone getting owned is blame the jungler who isn't holding their hand.

    You can map the stereotypes out too easy. I rarely get annoyed anymore, flaming etc. barely ever gets to me, nor does someone calling me out on being bad. I'll have a bad game ever now and then, but you just have to look at my ADC record this season to see if I've been playing consistently well.

    Problem being ADC can be hard to carry the game when its gets to late game.

    The only thing annoying me nowadays is team mates throwing the game. So if I go build a strong lead at bottom, dominate and zone my lane and then have a platform for the team to go strong.

    Then during midgame team mates will get wasteful and get caught solo a few times, next of all the enemy carry or AP carry is fed back up to level. That is the only thing that annoys me, as its a genuine working example of a player who doesn't know the game, and shouldnt be in a competitive environment.

    yeah i can understand how it can be annoying when your team lets you down, but in a normal game it really isnt all that serious of an issue, i dont think normal is considered a competitive environment is it? where else is one meant to learn the game, surely not the ai as their useless

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Sorry should have mentioned that was ranked.

    Although in fairness, I've been telling friends who have lately got to 30, to just get into ranked. They feel they have to go through "prep" within normal before they can transition into ranked.

    In an ideal world this would be the case, where players would go through normal, play the game and understand mechanics and game flow. However most people boost or buy accounts at 30, go straight into ranked, so they can get t3h el0zzzzz

    I've just been telling friends to get stuck in, you get more IP for ranked and it doesn't make a difference.

    Genuinely hurts my feelings I'm at bronze tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    I've been playing a few normals recently to try out some champs, season 3 stuff etc. The problem is without a pick order people just insta-lock whatever they want. This results in games that would never happen in ranked e.g. my last game: I'm Varus laning bot with a Cait (some troll kid). So we're competing for cs which would never happen in ranked; you'd have a support. The enemy team has a lee sin, J4 bot lane (again never happen in ranked) so as you'd expect they stomp us pretty hard early but because their team has no ADC we eventually win after I get farmed up. So from an actual how to play Varus in ranked point of view I haven't learn all that much.

    So I would agree you'll learn more in ranked but with the league system it'll take you longer to climb back up if you tank your elo while learning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭Icyseanfitz

    yeah the reason im going through normal is so that i can get the hang of all the game mechanics/which characters im good as, which is why all these a_sshats who moan and groan annoy me, if they want to play proper games where everyone knows what their at go ranked ffs.

    and yeah i agree with rope on the fact that people who are doing bad do love to start shouting abuse at everyone else to cover themselves, i had a guy yesterday playing xin mid that had 2 kills 20 mins in/loosing the first turret against my 3 as darius top not having lost anything loosing the plot, idiots

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Oh league. Hit level 20 yesterday and got my first abusive player in a long time apart from the obvious smurfs at level 1-12. Ashe bottom with me playing support Zyra. The guy would engage in fights we couldn't win and BM me for him dying, even though i was landing my 3 very well that game both defensively and offensively. By the time he was 1-5 and i was 3-1 since i was doing alot of clean up under my tower i just left bottom.

    Won in the end...

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Seifer wrote: »
    I've been playing a few normals recently to try out some champs, season 3 stuff etc. The problem is without a pick order people just insta-lock whatever they want.

    I just extracted the above.

    Your playing normal normal? Dude.

    If you want to play normals to improve mechanics, test a champion, work on a champion or lane, you need to go Normal Draft.

    Normal Normal is literally for having a game to let of some steam.

    Draft will have a pick order as ranked does, and can be a little bit more constructive. But Normal mode is still pretty vile in general

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    TheDoc wrote: »
    I just extracted the above.

    Your playing normal normal? Dude.

    If you want to play normals to improve mechanics, test a champion, work on a champion or lane, you need to go Normal Draft.

    Normal Normal is literally for having a game to let of some steam.

    Draft will have a pick order as ranked does, and can be a little bit more constructive. But Normal mode is still pretty vile in general
    A normal draft game will never start. Or more accurately the queue time plus all the failed lobby/dodge time makes it not worth the wait.

    And when you want to practice a specific champion queuing draft doesn't guarantee you that unless you want to get your troll on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    TheDoc wrote: »
    Meh water of a ducks back at this stage.

    I moved to jungle in Season 2 and the first reaction of someone getting owned is blame the jungler who isn't holding their hand.

    You can map the stereotypes out too easy. I rarely get annoyed anymore, flaming etc. barely ever gets to me, nor does someone calling me out on being bad. I'll have a bad game ever now and then, but you just have to look at my ADC record this season to see if I've been playing consistently well.

    Problem being ADC can be hard to carry the game when its gets to late game.

    The only thing annoying me nowadays is team mates throwing the game. So if I go build a strong lead at bottom, dominate and zone my lane and then have a platform for the team to go strong.

    Then during midgame team mates will get wasteful and get caught solo a few times, next of all the enemy carry or AP carry is fed back up to level. That is the only thing that annoys me, as its a genuine working example of a player who doesn't know the game, and shouldnt be in a competitive environment.

    Wut? ADC is THE lategame role. This is why I find it hard to climb as AD, a game can be lost for you before you've started to hurt. All I want from my teammates is to let the game hit 30 minutes without creating a monster that can run through my team right at me, that's when I'll carry the game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Thats what i dont get as well, you play ezreal, farm and 1v5 the enemy team at 30 minutes, thought thats how AD carries work in solo queue.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Not really, it depends.

    ADCarries are pretty weak when it comes to lategame, can be blown up pretty quickly. If the enemy team is anyway half decent your going to get blown asunder pretty quickly. Critical to have flash up as an ADC for lategame team fights.

    Top laners imo are where the "game"carries are at at the moment. Typical tanky builds that do massive damage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    TheDoc wrote: »
    Not really, it depends.

    ADCarries are pretty weak when it comes to lategame, can be blown up pretty quickly. If the enemy team is anyway half decent your going to get blown asunder pretty quickly. Critical to have flash up as an ADC for lategame team fights.

    Top laners imo are where the "game"carries are at at the moment. Typical tanky builds that do massive damage.
    The ADC should be carrying late game hence the C of ADC. Yes, in this league of warmogs that Riot has created it has become harder to do so. They are attempting to fix this; the blade of ruined king changes on the PBE should help.

    Late game ADC is all about positioning, that's what separates the good carrys from the bad. Your support or one of your bruisers should be peeling off anyone that dives you in team fights. The one exception is Vi at the moment who is pretty broken since you can do nothing to stop her getting to you except ban her in champ select. She'll be nerfed again in the next patch.

    You'll often notice that the team that wins a team fight is the one that kept their carry alive for the longest time as the ADC is the one role that can pump out sustained, high damage.

    From a solo queue point of view though I don't think playing ADC is a reliable way to win. It takes too long for you to have an effect on the game. Mid and jungle are still the most influential roles in solo queue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    1. Midlane is the most important role in the game by a longshot. Most farm, most map control, closest to all objectives at any given time. This is why people climb using LB, Ahri, etc. As soon as you hit 6 you are a stronger ganker than most junglers and can win someone else's lane for them.
    2. Almost certainly jungler. You are the guy that makes sh1t happen. Counter jungling is a great way to sway the game in your teams favour.
    3/4. Either top or ADC, my 2 best roles. Farm, dual, trade, just try and be stronger than your opposite number. Chances are though, that you can get very far ahead of them and still lose the game depending on what your pick is and their scaling. I'm gonna put top above adc though considering the average solo queue game length barely gives ADC time to get 3/4 endgame items (and that's if you're doing well) and the strength of Summoner TP especially with distortion boots.
    5. Supports are not useless and a good one can do wonders for the team (my 3rd best role since I've played over 2000 adc games and know exactly what I want my support to be doing). Simple fact though, you aren't gonna carry a game that's going against your team. Give your support honour if they deserve it, this needs to be a less thankless role and people need to be more mature concerning it's importance. Also, I don't necessarily think that a couple of killsteals from supports are that bad. 300g to your support rather than theirs is a bigger advantage for your team than 300g to the ADC (who gets what? 180g anyway).

    There are lategame ADCs and earlygame ADCs but if your team kills their ADC first and their team kills your APC first, my money is on the team with the ADC still alive. The reason for having an ADC on your team is for lategame DPS and towerchewing. Otherwise people would run double bruiser bot and get so far ahead.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Just got my first penta at level 21 with Miss Fortune :D The amount of damage she does in a team fight is just insane. I want to enjoy Vayne more but MF feels so much better in everyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Problem with playing adc is that at low elo the concept of 'peeling' is lost on your entire team. So prepared to get dived by the 7/1 Nocturne and no one helping.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,988 ✭✭✭SirDelboy18

    I've started playing bruiser bot duo combos in normals with the intent to transfer that over to ranked. I've thought since the start of season 3 that bruiser bottom is pretty viable - felt pretty good to have Doublelift confirm this.

    Singed and Pantheon are our most used combo at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    I've started playing bruiser bot duo combos in normals with the intent to transfer that over to ranked. I've thought since the start of season 3 that bruiser bottom is pretty viable - felt pretty good to have Doublelift confirm this.

    Singed and Pantheon are our most used combo at the moment.

    Once riot sort out the League of Warmogs ADCs will be very viable again. A blade of the ruined king on an adc will destroy any bruiser thats stacking health. I never see anyone buy it though :/

    Anyone watch LCS this weekend? Krepo doing the analysis was brilliant. They need to have him there more often. His knowledge of league & what to do in certain situations is unbelievable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Krepo is awesome. Not only a really cool guy but actually a very good player. I remember seeing him play Anivia on stream and his mechanical skills are actually top notch, way above the likes of Xpecial or Elementz. Imo he's up there with Madlife, Edward and Chauster (when he supported).

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Anyone else unable to watch (all streams) due to lag over the last couple of nights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    Orizio wrote: »
    Anyone else unable to watch (all streams) due to lag over the last couple of nights.

    Use YouTube instead. Its much better. I usually pause it for 5 or 10 minutes too so if it does lag it wont for me as its buffered.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Korvanica wrote: »
    Use YouTube instead. Its much better. I usually pause it for 5 or 10 minutes too so if it does lag it wont for me as its buffered.

    ...LoL players stream on youtube?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    Orizio wrote: »
    ...LoL players stream on youtube?

    I thought you meant for LCS. Cant help ya there so. Twitch is a POS

  • Registered Users Posts: 73 ✭✭EmeraldDragon

    Next best option would be but only CLG on there atm really. Well and some koreans

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    Quinn feels like an incredibly flawed ad carry, really short auto attack range without strong defensive stats like graves and an ultimate which throws her into melee range.

    The whole kit just feels wrong, maybe she would be better as a bruiser.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Quinn feels like an incredibly flawed ad carry, really short auto attack range without strong defensive stats like graves and an ultimate which throws her into melee range.

    The whole kit just feels wrong, maybe she would be better as a bruiser.
    Yeah, it's very odd that Riot pushed her so hard as an AD carry. She doesn't seem to suit it at all.

    On another note; how's everyone enjoying the "League of Blade of the Ruined King"? (not as catchy as league of warmogs)
    Riot seem to have lost their way a bit with the whole balance thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    Seifer wrote: »
    Yeah, it's very odd that Riot pushed her so hard as an AD carry. She doesn't seem to suit it at all.

    On another note; how's everyone enjoying the "League of Blade of the Ruined King"? (not as catchy as league of warmogs)
    Riot seem to have lost their way a bit with the whole balance thing.

    League of Bork !

    Its a bit mad, i see most roles buying it now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Was League of Cleavers first. The problem was how AD carries became useless since they nerfed all their items and this is the way to kill the hp meta.... They just seem to have f*cked the game a little since S3 started. Take off the 100% proc on Randuins and give PD back the MS and buff the dmg on IE would've been a better option that superbuffing an already very viable item.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Maybe Riot hasn't completely lost it yet. They're gonna be hot-fixing BoRK:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    Seifer wrote: »
    Maybe Riot hasn't completely lost it yet. They're gonna be hot-fixing BoRK:

    Fair play, but I wanna see one weekend of LCS with them using the current BoRK .. :/

    Also: I watched Wolves vs Fnatic last night. If you haven'y seen it i highly recommend watching it. One of the best games I've seen in a long time.

    I'm very happy the wolves have broken their losing streak. bjergson is an absolute monster !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    I watched that game aswell, it was amazing!

    Anyone know which game it was that Krepo was analysing? He's a great streamer, explains everything he does, including things like ward placement.
