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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Cool go for J4!

    Attack damage marks and quints, armour seals and MR/level glyphs. Take E first then Q and W. After that I put another point in E and then start maxing Q. Like Ropedrink said, his ulti can decide a teamfight, but it could be for the other team. Always be aware of where you are placing the Cataclysm, and try and wait until your target has blown their escapes (flash, skills). Also if your buddy can play Orianna or anyone with an AoE ulti it has amazing synergy.

    most of the builds I have seen online have been armour pen marks. Ad marks are better you think? Would save me a lot of IP as dont have any tier 3 armour pen marks

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    Playboy wrote: »
    most of the builds I have seen online have been armour pen marks. Ad marks are better you think? Would save me a lot of IP as dont have any tier 3 armour pen marks

    I use a mix of AD and ARP runes but I don't play him much at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 504 ✭✭✭UnleashTheBeast

    Use armor pen on J4 always.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,326 ✭✭✭Zapp Brannigan

    I use AD, cos his Q shreds armour anyway. It's what Stonewall uses so I trust him :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 504 ✭✭✭UnleashTheBeast

    I use AD, cos his Q shreds armour anyway. It's what Stonewall uses so I trust him :D
    Stonewall is an insufferable drone who thinks his opinion is the only opinion that matters on League of Legends.

    I would recommend armor penetration for J4, it synchronizes better with his kit but flat AD isn't exactly bad either. Especially if you don't have many runepages and you can't be picky. He is strong using either.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,326 ✭✭✭Zapp Brannigan

    Stonewall is an insufferable drone who thinks his opinion is the only opinion that matters on League of Legends.

    I would recommend armor penetration for J4, it synchronizes better with his kit but flat AD isn't exactly bad either. Especially if you don't have many runepages and you can't be picky. He is strong using either.

    He is a prick but I do like his videos!

    I might give armour pen a go, it would definitely be better for when I play Zed, but I only have 2 rune pages so I have AP and AD.

    I'm waiting for riot to do a sale on the rune pages and then I'll buy some more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 504 ✭✭✭UnleashTheBeast

    I might give armour pen a go, it would definitely be better for when I play Zed, but I only have 2 rune pages so I have AP and AD.

    I'm waiting for riot to do a sale on the rune pages and then I'll buy some more!
    12 Armor Penetration
    6.8 Physical Damage
    13 Armor
    12 Magic Resist

    That's something like what I'd use if I was laning or jungling with J4.

    I hear you, RE - Rune pages. I have 20 runepages and sometimes it's just not enough...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,326 ✭✭✭Zapp Brannigan

    12 Armor Penetration
    6.8 Physical Damage
    13 Armor
    12 Magic Resist

    That's something like what I'd use if I was laning or jungling with J4.

    I hear you, RE - Rune pages. I have 20 runepages and sometimes it's just not enough...

    Where do you land on MR flat or per level. Laning against AP I think flat are best but anything else I prefer scaling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 504 ✭✭✭UnleashTheBeast

    Where do you land on MR flat or per level. Laning against AP I think flat are best but anything else I prefer scaling.
    Laning top, or mid: Flat MR vs AP champs, per level vs AD champs.

    Jungle - MR per level.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    TheDoc wrote: »
    No I was playing top lane for ATT :)

    We won convincingly again and now into the semi finals. One more win and see play the finals on LAN in a pretty nice setup organised by Riot so fingers crossed.

    Its a good tournament so far and we have met some really nice people and the guys commentating are doing decent for their first time out :)

    ahhh good luck. I watched the full game, you guys outclassed that other team anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Magill wrote: »
    ahhh good luck. I watched the full game, you guys outclassed that other team anyway.

    Cheers man :)

    It's been a good tournament in a sense that no one really knows each other. Alot of new teams were formed for this event. Whilst the guys I'm playing with I've played games with for years and have played LoL with for ages ( bar maybe Nick there), we are comfortable in the setup.
    I don't think anyone knew the standard coming into the event. And there was alot of assumptions and favourites named at the start, but we have definitly come under the radar, and I think our next game is going to be our toughest. People know us now, and know what to be looking for.

    We've put alot pf practice in and good focus, and it;s actually brought my game up in solo queue since we started the tournament, I've been promoted two leagues and about to hit Silver shortly.

    The community is in a nice spot at the moment, but still in its infancy in terms of team play. Hopefully an event like this get's people forming teams and playing regularly. The atmosphere of the event has been excellent with good manners and respect between teams, and also coming from the viewers of the stream on the game nights. I got some mesages after that last game querying why the **** I'm bronze :)

    The Arcadecon event got mention on the homepage of the LoL official website, and we know that Riot are attenidng the finals, and providing the equipment being used, and putting up the typical Riot tournament packs for the winners. There is a massive incentive to get to the finals, and I think we are seriously pumped for our semi final outing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,983 ✭✭✭✭tuxy

    I changed graphics card recently. With default settings my desktop and other games are fine but LOL is too dark.
    I just can't find it in LOL which is really weird.
    All I can find on google is people saying there is no option for this. But every game I've played for over 10 years has had the option.
    Does anyone know what the story is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 TTBrofist

    Anyone interested in a little competition take a look at this. TGN League Circuit. Dont necessarily know how competitive it actually will be due to this being the first time the competition will be run on European servers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Companion box

    This is amazing, some riot devs set up a stream which is a constant live feed of teemo deaths on their servers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    On an 11 game lost streak right now. In 2 of them i played badly, in all the others i won my lane or played a good jungle. I dont care what people say about helping other lanes if they are doing bad when you ahead in your lane, sometimes there is nothing at all you can do when you have 4 bads on your team

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭Laviski

    4 bad 1 good + decent champ select = possible win

    4 bad 1 good + worst champ compo = game going on for 10/20mins more than it need just cause their terrible at clicking yes to surrender

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭-Vega-

    On an 11 game lost streak right now. In 2 of them i played badly, in all the others i won my lane or played a good jungle. I dont care what people say about helping other lanes if they are doing bad when you ahead in your lane, sometimes there is nothing at all you can do when you have 4 bads on your team

    I've stopped doing solo Q ranked, if I don't have a duo I don't Q. At least with a duo, I can count on 2 out of 5 people.

    Normals is normals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Solo Q below platinum is simply put a state of mind. You need to believe you will carry, or you simply won't get anywhere.

    It's like being put into a random Counter Strike team, playing a 5v5. You don't know the players, you dont know their skill, but you know yours. So you carry the game

    If your not at the level to carry the game, then that is where you need to practice. Get a small champ pool in your lane and practice it hard. Make sure your dedicating time to champions that can actually scale well and carry games hard. You might love playing Olaf, but your never going to carry a game with him, same goes for many champions.

    Avoid typing pretty much anything in chat. Give a gj for someone getitng a kill or a good gank, the odd unlucky for someone dieing. Just avoid typing all together. It's a distraction and causes grief.

    Learn multiple roles, ideally where you can carry from. Have an idea of all the roles, but try specialise in one, have a backup. I main top, but second ADC, I know I can carry games from both.

    ELO Hell, too hard to carry 4 people etc etc, it's all just a myth, a state of mind, and a lazy excuse. When I realised this, and copped onto the fact that I have strong mechanics, I have good knowledge, and that I'm playing against trash, I shot up three promotions including a tier upgrade, in a matter of 3 1/2 weeks.

    I'll add some more parts to my game will shoot up silver too, I'm confident of that.

    Bad games happen, you get bad teams. It's important to think about what you did wrong, and what you could have done better. Take a quick note after each game in a notepad file. After a while you will see a trend, the things your good at, the things you are bad at, and from here you can then focus on what to work on.

    LoL isn't going to change, your not going to get yourself better team mates by not playing, or by blaming everyone else. If your playing in Bronze, you are going to be paired with the worst players in ranked, that's why its called Bronze. Once you realise this, focus on your game and get better, you can get out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    If your good at the game (aka usually least deaths/most damage/most kills/least damage taken) depending on play-styles, you will progress.

    Had a game yesterday where i picked top Shen vs Kennan. Last pick wanted top so proceeded to call me everything under the sun. Fair enough.

    Into game, letting Kennan harass me in front of my min wave, he takes more damage than he deals. From this i gather he's not THAT good. Its a struggle to keep up on cs with him but not dying is the main objective.

    After a few clutch ults and teleports, along with some nice Ezreal and Ryze play, i ended the game 6/0/25. Final score was 45 - 28 on deaths.

    Now in promos for Gold.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    It's weird. Mid has always been my worst role over 3 years but when I go ranked and am first pick (only managed to place silver on my new account with 7 wins and 3 losses in placements) I now pick mid. I only know a couple of mids, If I'm not forced top, I'll take Panth mid, otherwise Fizz, Zed, Kass and Ryze are pretty much my only mids. But this got me a long enough streak to get into gold pretty quick. I'm a very decent ad and top player but mid just carries hardest. I know I'm better than most players in my division (Gold III) so I'll take faith that I can probably influence the games hardest from mid. Once I get to my level (start losing lanes), I'll almost certainly drop playing mid and try to get top, adc or support. Been away for a month though, that mean's I've probably dropped a division or something doesn't it?

    You can carry from any role though as long as your teammates aren't dumb, but that's a very rare game that you have 0 derpers.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭IRL_Sinister

    Most of you were probably ignorant of this. However,

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Agree with the above.

    However if it becomes a centre for DOTA vs LOL debate, forget it......

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,362 ✭✭✭✭Rikand

    this keeps happening to me :

    In queue, some guy calls top/mid first, there's a bit of an argument, but the top/mid guy says he's been crushing all day and everything dies down. Gets into game, he's quiet for about 2 minutes, dies twice and then goes :: "OMG! FPS is just awful - cant play like this." Moans for 10 minutes, gets 'disconnected' *ahem* comes back 5 minutes later with an apology and a motion to surrender which everyone agrees to because he has absolutely fed his lane and then subsequently, everyone elses lane aswell.

    I'm doing a masters in college and I dont get much time to play, but when I do play, it would be nice to have a game where this doesnt keep happening, lol
    <claws table>

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    this keeps happening to me :

    No it doesn't. you think it does, but it does not. If your not playing a lot of games, obviously your opening yourself up to more trolling compared to your total games played.But realisticly, what you need to remember, is the same thing can easily, and normally does happen, to the enemy team.

    If you play 5 games a week, one of them having a troll will give you a bigger impact of the effect than if you played lets say 30 games. Trolls, bad players and egotistical maniacs are scatted all over ranked up until Platinum. Until then, work on your own game, ridicule your own play, and get to the point you can carry a game to victory regardless of team mates.

    Get into this mindset, and get your mechanics to this level, and you will fly up the ranks. I guess also, PIck order / Call order, confirmed by Riot and which will be included in the Summoners Code, and be cause for punishment if abused.

    So if this guy was ahead in pick and locked it in, fair enough, however I never EVER bow down to anyone asking for my lane, unless it's normals with friends.In ranked I play Top, end off, if thats taken via pick order, I go ADC. I'll never willingly give up my lane

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    TheDoc wrote: »
    So if this guy was ahead in pick and locked it in, fair enough, however I never EVER bow down to anyone asking for my lane, unless it's normals with friends.In ranked I play Top, end off, if thats taken via pick order, I go ADC. I'll never willingly give up my lane

    So would you say you get counterpicked 9 games out of 10?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭Laviski

    TheDoc wrote: »

    So if this guy was ahead in pick and locked it in, fair enough, however I never EVER bow down to anyone asking for my lane, unless it's normals with friends.In ranked I play Top, end off, if thats taken via pick order, I go ADC. I'll never willingly give up my lane

    go team!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    Kold wrote: »
    So would you say you get counterpicked 9 games out of 10?

    Counterpicking doesn't mean as much at silver elo as it does at higher elos. I see it regularly, someone picks cait for example and the idiot goes off to lolcounter and picks Sivir because that's what the website says!

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Kold wrote: »
    So would you say you get counterpicked 9 games out of 10?

    Doesn't matter

    Counterpicking is only relevant when teams are actually forming comps, which is Platinum +.

    At my ELO my mechanics will take me through any counterpick, as will my decision making. People talk to much about counterpicking and this champ is OP etc.

    That is only relevant at the very highest levels, where people mechanics and decision making is top notch.

    I play alot of Renekton, and feel comfortable picking him into anything. Alot of people will go to as Nick says, a counter website and pick a counter. So they play a champion they arn't going to be comfortable on, against me on a comfort pick.

    9 times out of 10 its a stomp in my favour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭IRL_Sinister

    RopeDrink wrote: »
    Been watching it with interest as well as trying to raise awareness outside of the public eye for it.

    As much as I'd have enjoyed a strictly League Forum, it'd be good to get a MOBA Forum on the map first to condense all MOBA traffic to one spot and depending on popularity, having sub Forums for each popular game in the genre (depending on traffic) should be a possibility.

    Kudos to the people who started the thread and the rest who supported it.

    You're welcome.

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  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 17,134 Mod ✭✭✭✭cherryghost

    Forum is approved!
