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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭En


    I recently levelled a smurf on EUW (I had 200 ping on NA, I was plat 1 but I felt limited because I could really only play jungle and melee tops at a somewhat competitive level due to ping, I get 40 on EUW) and this is how the games went

    It took approx 40~ games to get to gold because I got super unlucky in placements (afks in my first few games..) and got placed in silver IV lol. The main change seems to be that people flame a lot more and AFK a hell of a lot more on this server. (no tribunal?)

    Could have probably done better but as you can see I have around 3 usable runepages and 15~ champions but oh well!

    My point is that if you pump out enough games, and you perform consistently well, it doesn't matter how bad your teams are. Sure I should've reached gold 20~ games earlier than I did but sometimes you get unlucky. The bottom line is there were really only 4 or 5 "unwinnable" games that I played, including the games with AFKers, - and most of those losses were 20~ minute ones.

    I suppose what I'm trying to say is that getting horrendous luck really isn't an excuse lol.

    EDIT : Grats to Seifer, Bethatron, Mandrigan on getting the keys. Please no more accounts made just today please! I have two left

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    I have played 8 games as Lissandra this season and lost all 8 of them. I have an 8/5/7 KDA with her despite being on the losing team every time. Time to call quits on playing her? Or am i just having a terrible run of bad luck with her? Or am i actually cursed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    I have played 8 games as Lissandra this season and lost all 8 of them. I have an 8/5/7 KDA with her despite being on the losing team every time. Time to call quits on playing her? Or am i just having a terrible run of bad luck with her? Or am i actually cursed?

    Probably bad luck id say. but apparently her ult is still very broken so id avoid her till its fixed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    Looks like Curse Voice is no longer allowed.

    And its not just the jungle timers riot don't like. They don't want people connecting and communicating.

    This would be fine, if LoL had an in built VOIP system.

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    I have played 8 games as Lissandra this season and lost all 8 of them. I have an 8/5/7 KDA with her despite being on the losing team every time. Time to call quits on playing her? Or am i just having a terrible run of bad luck with her? Or am i actually cursed?

    I have like 35 zed games with 11 wins. High kDa, ~240cs avg. I think its just cos I'm trash though

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  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Recently hit silver. Just going to leave this here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Seaaan wrote: »
    Recently hit silver. Just going to leave this here.

    I don't get it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    I don't get it...

    Raising ranks means nothing, essentially. You'll always get idiots/afkers/feeders/stupid premades.

    Tl;dr forever depending on yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Man i love Varus. I like to build a Bloodthirsters, a Last Whisper, Merc Boots, then finish off with 3 Bloodthirsters. Nidalee ain't got nothing on me

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Still build Tear on Jayce yeah? Also, AD or AP Kayle, which is stronger right now for mid/top.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Orizio wrote: »
    Still build Tear on Jayce yeah? Also, AD or AP Kayle, which is stronger right now for mid/top.

    AP. I don't recall the last time i saw an AD Kayle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,911 ✭✭✭SeantheMan

    Korvanica wrote: »
    Looks like Curse Voice is no longer allowed.

    And its not just the jungle timers riot don't like. They don't want people connecting and communicating.

    This would be fine, if LoL had an in built VOIP system. Curse voice just went into Open Beta

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    SeantheMan wrote: » Curse voice just went into Open Beta
    Curse voice updated to comply with the new policy so it is allowed; it just has no features that make it stand out from any of the other VOIP clients.
    I really think Riot went overboard here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    Seifer wrote: »
    Curse voice updated to comply with the new policy so it is allowed; it just has no features that make it stand out from any of the other VOIP clients.
    I really think Riot went overboard here.

    A little yea, they should at least allow Automatic connection to other users.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,911 ✭✭✭SeantheMan

    Korvanica wrote: »
    A little yea, they should at least allow Automatic connection to other users.

    It was the only reason I wanted it.
    I don't want to join lobbys and ask who is using curse, can I get your details etc....add them as friends etc etc

    Not enough time in lobbies for that

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    Lads, the 2014 Allstar Summoner Icon is 1 IP in the store at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    The curse has been broke!
    Finally won a game with Lissandra! Normally have under 30 ping but for this game it was 110. CS was terrible but managed to come bot twice and clean up for a triple and a quad. :D

    Feels good man

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,911 ✭✭✭SeantheMan

    All Stars was amazing.
    Watched every single game.
    SKT T1 just destroyed everybody....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    SeantheMan wrote: »
    All Stars was amazing.
    Watched every single game.
    SKT T1 just destroyed everybody....
    It really was entertaining; the crowd were phenomenal. The French casters really got them going; the Pantheon/Sparta chants being a highlight.
    Pity about the massive gulf in skill between the European/American teams and the Asians :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    If European and American (aka Western) Teams do not start working as hard as Asian teams (coaching staff / managers who rule with an iron fist / analyst teams etc) I can see International events losing popularity in the west.
    As an example, I want to tell a (very oversimplified) story of the SC2 scene. At the release of SC2, the koreans were simply the best players, but the gap wasn't nearly as wide as it was in Broodwar. I think a lot of people felt excited that foreigners could eventually compete, as there was finally western infrastructure for starcraft teams and tournaments. At first, koreans competed in korea, and western tournaments had only western players. Everyone knew that the korean league had the best players in the world, but the western tournaments were still extremely popular. For various reasons (MLG giving incentives for koreans to come, foreign teams picking up korean players, etc), koreans started entering western tournaments. At the time, I think most people assumed this was a good thing. What better way to improve than for the western players to face the best in the world in a tournament setting?
    But I think in hindsight it is clear that koreans dominating the western tournaments was terrible for the western scene. Before, western players could make a name for themselves at tournaments like MLG. Soon, the 6 koreans that entered MLG would take 6 of the top 8 spots, and there was very little way for an up and coming western player to get noticed.
    I'm not saying there was much that could be done. Teams began to realize that they could pick up talented players for cheap by simply picking up lesser known korean players, and it's not like MLG can outlaw korean players from entering the event haha. They have every right to enter, and they have every right to win. All I'm trying to say is that bringing in the best players in the world does not necessarily help you improve. If the other players are too far beyond you, it will simply kill your motivation to improve.
    So basically I'm just saying that in many ways the isolation of the EU/NA LCS is crucial to the development of both scenes. I think the SC2 scene is a perfect example of how improving the level of play of a competitive scene by inviting the best of the best can be very bad for the western scene. We need some semi isolated tournaments so that our teams have reasonable goals we can strive for.

    This sums it up nicely.

    Recent tweets from Soaz show cocky and up their own holes some European players can be.

    His mentality is disgusting and IMO he doesn't deserve his spot on the team because if it and becasue of his performance over that last few months.
    (Fnatic are my favourite European team)
    European players need to be taught that they can be replaced if they under-perform (Like they are in Korea).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭IRL_Sinister

    SK Telecom were unbelievable. Incredible to watch. Disappointed it wasn't fnatic in the final at the end but the Korean team were brilliant to watch.

    On a side note: looking forward to seeing Gambit next season. Diamond seems super focused and, while nervous, was great in front of the camera. Definitely a future there for Gambit. Casting desk was comedy gold at times too and while Froggen is disgusting on camera he's always entertaining in lane.

    Thoroughly enjoyable event, one of the best I've seen. Worst part was definitely the end though, the Koreans were just on stage for ages as they went through everything in English. They must have been so awkward because they understood very little if anything at all. Other than that no complaints.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    SK Telecom were unbelievable. Incredible to watch. Disappointed it wasn't fnatic in the final at the end but the Korean team were brilliant to watch.

    On a side note: looking forward to seeing Gambit next season. Diamond seems super focused and, while nervous, was great in front of the camera. Definitely a future there for Gambit. Casting desk was comedy gold at times too and while Froggen is disgusting on camera he's always entertaining in lane.

    Thoroughly enjoyable event, one of the best I've seen. Worst part was definitely the end though, the Koreans were just on stage for ages as they went through everything in English. They must have been so awkward because they understood very little if anything at all. Other than that no complaints.

    I don't understand why they always do that at the end. They're always super cringy and being late to the stage was just plain embarrassing. They should have had a translator on stage with them and allowed them to talk themselves.

    Beck and Merill need to be kept away from the public.

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    I think a lot of it comes down to game management. At the top level there isnt that much difference in mechanics between the players but the korean teams seem to be able to force the game how they want to go.

    You pick a late game comp - we make sure it never gets there
    You pick an early game comp - we will stall you until we outscale you
    poke comp - force you into a 5 v 5 smash up

    so basically it comes down to shot calling and this starts with the picks and bans. Instead of focusing specific players I think EU and NA teams need to try and force the Koreans into a comp they arent that comfortable with and this can only be done by good scouting analysis and coaching

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Was an excellent event and watched the majority of games. I'm still staggered by how polished these events are, better than some established sports on terrestrial TV imo.

    I feel the event was undermined a little by just how dominant SKT were. The first match of the final with OMG was brilliant and the game of the tournament for me.

    Europe and the US seem to produce great individual players but the problem seems to lie in overall team play and strategy. Nobody from NA and EU seem to have learned anything from SKT at Worlds and tbh it just smacks of laziness to go into this event so unprepared. SKT didnt even have to try and frankly I'd be embarrassed if I was Fnatic when they ran that SKT Skin team as it shows how little a threat they though Fnatic were. NA and EU need to steal a couple of Korean coaches to teach them how to get to that level just like the northern hemisphere had to learn from southern hemisphere coaches in rugby a couple of decades ago. Until something fundamental changes in how they approach these tournaments then they are going to get boring pretty quickly, its no fun watching one team dominate so completely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    well when you think about it I can see why the Koreans are better. The bread and butter of Western players is streaming the game - thats where they make the majority of their income. Koreans dont stream as much (that I am aware of) so allows more time to focus on team dynamics which is an entirely different kettle of fish. If I was good enough to be in challenger I'd rather be streaming to a couple of thousands people on twitch for a decent wage than grinding the live circuit

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭IRL_Sinister

    Thought this was great by Rekkles (Facebook)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    The below really just happened:

    1-1 in promos to get plat IV. Slightly ahead in a game playing as Lucian, we're pushing up mid and our Ryze gets a pick and my game starts to lag. I get the attempting to reconnect on my screen but see me still moving, my hp bar going down and Ryze has gotten a triple kill. I check my phone and my wifi is fine.
    So I yank out my wireless dongle on my desktop to reset it...hit the power button beside the usb port when putting it back in. PC shuts down.
    Restart PC. Restart LoL client. Braum just activated. 75mb patch after I logged in about 30 mins ago.

    Get back in game and I'm wearing baron buff and my team is pounding on nexus. Our Wukong tells /all to report me for afk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭KarmaBaby

    Just played Enigma for the first time. For some reason he's a hero I've always ignored. My mates advised against rushing the blink dagger and going MEk then BKB. What a load of complete bull that was. There is no way in hell you shouldn't rush a blink on that hero.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    KarmaBaby wrote: »
    Just played Enigma for the first time. For some reason he's a hero I've always ignored. My mates advised against rushing the blink dagger and going MEk then BKB. What a load of complete bull that was. There is no way in hell you shouldn't rush a blink on that hero.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,911 ✭✭✭SeantheMan

    For anyone interested in some ingame chat between Korean players during competitive should check out some of the OGN Behind the Scenes videos.
    They're very interesting and funny too :D

    I'll pop the vids to 2 here, but you can obviously go to the guys channel to see some other ones :D
