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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    just got promoted to gold. Dont think im good enough to hit plat so strangely enough ranked has lost a bit of its appeal

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Well you can't go down now so you can play just to get better. I so nearly got Diamond last season but atm I can't seem to get out of Plat 4 without being pulled right back down into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Kold wrote: »
    Well you can't go down now so you can play just to get better. I so nearly got Diamond last season but atm I can't seem to get out of Plat 4 without being pulled right back down into it.

    You can get demoted from a division 5 in season 4

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Oh wut

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Scary innit

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  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    I think its hard to get demoted from division 5 unless you start to hyper troll.

    Something I find strange is that I have Gold 3/2 MMR in ranked but I only have Bronze 1 / Silver 5 MMR in Normals and ARAM. Granted I havnt played normals since I unlocked ranked but I thought one mode would scale with the other. I went back to normals to practice roles I normally dont play such as ADC. One thing I really noticed between the elo's is that positioning of lower elo players is horrendous (im sure a plat player spectating me would say the same).

    I was one of these people in Bronze that thought there was no difference between me and Gold but after playing for awhile and getting experience the difference is massive. Even taking out the laning phase you really notice it in team fights people just smash buttons

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    A friend of mine gave his account to some bronze v 0 lp friend of his. In the time I've gone from b3 to s3 he's gone from s2 to s5 0lp. So yeah, it takes a while to drop down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    And the transformation to DOTA is complete...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Orizio wrote: »
    And the transformation to DOTA is complete...

    Looks nicer than Dota imo!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭IRL_Sinister

    Huge changes coming to SR. Shame I'm playing Wildstar full time right now, I'm going to be so far behind on LoL.... again :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Riot laughing at me big time.

    After putting me in silver, I get to 99LP, then lose like two games in a row, then get back to 99LP, same happens again

    Live, fight, die, repeat :P

    Must be my punishment for quitting for so long

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    RopeDrink wrote: »
    Game / server seems to have been down all day - Bleh.

    I made an EUNE account, so I'll have that in future I guess. Ping stays the same as I get on euw too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    Servers were down to migrate to the new Amsterdam Data Center.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 3,331 ✭✭✭Splinter

    and it all went wrong so it took an extra 24 hours or so but they are back up. Lower pings being reported though

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    My ping hasn't changed at all anyway. But I did learn that I get the same ping on EUNE

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    1-1 in my promos from Silver II at the moment.

    Definitly shaking the cobwebs after coming back, started seeing real results this week. Most noticably in my promotions. My CSing getting back up to something of average, but most importantly getting comfy again with matchups and when I can trade and not.

    First game was put as ADC so went Lucian with a Nami support into a Jinx & Thresh lane. Was 6-1 up before the 20 minute mark and cruising. Started to roam a bit a get more kills and assists, but unfortunately our midlaner who clearly went on tilt after giving an early first blood, kept diving into the midlaner and feeding. This was an Akali being fed....

    Worse still was the toplaner, a Nidalee, loosing her tower in the first 5 minutes of the game somehow, and trying to regain the teams respect by diving a Kayle, feeding.

    When it came to midgame teamifghts, while I was able to cut through the Jinx, Thresh and Warwick, but our lines were being decimated by Akali and Kayle. I was very much carrying solo, which to be fair is a mindset I learned last year playing and realyl benefited me, and for the first time since coming back felt that mentality again, that it was all on me.

    AFter being crushed in the early exchanges we started winning some teamfights thank ****, but then of course that silver style kicks in when people get caught out of position stupidly. The final few teamfights the other team were well wise and Kayle was speedboosting and ulting Akali to get straight into me on the backline and destroy me. With me gone they jsut mopped up.

    Second game was thankfully a team that closed out. I first picked Irelia and the opponent picked Darius. normally a somewhat hard counter to Irelia, but got the feeling this guy/gal just read something on lolking and locked Darius with no idea how to play the champion. Was 3-0 in lane by 15 minutes and totally controlling the minions. 110 CS to 30 or something. I purposefully kept the lane in play to farm up more gold, and by the time I took the tower down by about 24 minutes I was sitting pretty with a trinity force, half a zephyr and two more kills thanks to a failed gank attempt.

    Was still some instances of feed, with our midlaner going 0-3 rapidly and feeding further clearly tilting and trying to 1v1. Our Ahri then decided to get some farm in the jungle where she died a further two times to a shaco.

    The first few team fights were ven enough, although I came out with more kills, closing down the enemy ADC quickly. Thankfully we got a good teamfight and managed to force a surrender, finished the game with another impressive KDA ratio.

    I'm hoping I can keep the mindset up. MY mechanics were never really ever more then gold standard, but like most games I play sometimes I get into a mindset and zone where I'm performing at an outragous level. LAst night was one of those nights, hoping to carry it into the weekend, gain my promotion and start working my way up through Silver 1 to get back to gold.

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    As someone pointed out on reddit yesterday, there's not much room for solo carrying in Season 4. Now that the support and jungler have high gold income and the 3 ward limit, they're actually a threat and not just sightstone and boots. So you're carrying 1v5 as opposed to 1v3.5. That's also kinda why assassins(I spent a good 30 seconds trying to spell that) without resets aren't all that great this meta, because you're fighting 5 strong enemies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    Seaaan wrote: »
    assassins(I spent a good 30 seconds trying to spell that)

    God damn AssAsians!


  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    just got promoted to gold. Dont think im good enough to hit plat so strangely enough ranked has lost a bit of its appeal

    starting to re-evaluate this. I took a bit of a break from ranked to work on specific aspects of my game and then when I went back to ranked Im moving through gold faster than I thought. Still need to do a lot of work to be good enough to get to plat but at least its now a reasonable goal to work towards.

    I like the idea of climbing higher. Good play is rewarded more but you can also afford to make less mistakes or else you get rekt. One final positive is that Im climbing playing all postions (well mainly mid, jungle and top) which I think is good for my all round game. Im still spamming bot lane in normals to get that up to par

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Promoted to silver 1, now the push to gold.

    To be honest I'm finding it , I wouldn't say easy, but very possible, to carry a game hard from toplane.

    The point of "carrying " the game isn't that you can 1v5 in a fight, it's that you have the ability, know how and the role, were you can quickly nullify the main enemy threats.

    As a toplaner, I feel confident in teamfights I can destory the enemy ADC, and potentially the MID. That's normally my focus, and it's normally who I end up focusing. It's nearly a given that if your team are going to feed, it's gfoing to be to the mid or ADC.

    At the same time I can jump onto ADC and do well. While my mechanics for the role arn't amazing, they are good enough for the level, and as I'm playing more I think they are getting better the the level I'm at. I'm comfortable in the botlane as much as top, and if anything more comfortable. Last few ADC games I've played found myself turning into a beast by the 20-25 minute mark.

    But I'll be sticking with toplane, something I got comfy with from last season, and I can focus my limited time into a small champion pool that gives me felxability in matchups.

    Although I do find myself playing Irelia more then anything since I came back. Good gap closer, cc, and when I get my TF+ Zephyr up can just gobble up enemy ADCs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    TheDoc wrote: »
    Promoted to silver 1, now the push to gold.

    To be honest I'm finding it , I wouldn't say easy, but very possible, to carry a game hard from toplane.

    The point of "carrying " the game isn't that you can 1v5 in a fight, it's that you have the ability, know how and the role, were you can quickly nullify the main enemy threats.

    As a toplaner, I feel confident in teamfights I can destory the enemy ADC, and potentially the MID. That's normally my focus, and it's normally who I end up focusing. It's nearly a given that if your team are going to feed, it's gfoing to be to the mid or ADC.

    At the same time I can jump onto ADC and do well. While my mechanics for the role arn't amazing, they are good enough for the level, and as I'm playing more I think they are getting better the the level I'm at. I'm comfortable in the botlane as much as top, and if anything more comfortable. Last few ADC games I've played found myself turning into a beast by the 20-25 minute mark.

    But I'll be sticking with toplane, something I got comfy with from last season, and I can focus my limited time into a small champion pool that gives me felxability in matchups.

    Although I do find myself playing Irelia more then anything since I came back. Good gap closer, cc, and when I get my TF+ Zephyr up can just gobble up enemy ADCs.

    What is your toplane champion pool and who do you pick if you are forced to first pick Top? I used to play a lot of top lane with Jax and Wukong before Jax exploded in popularity and became an insta ban and before Wukongs nerf to his Q which really hurt his ability to do well top.

    Nasus I can play but only as a counterpick because if I pick him first then its guaranteed that I'll have to face Teemo or Darius which tbh I would rather not do as its just painful. Renek is a champ I find terribly boring to play and he used to fall off so hard late game that I didnt persist with him. Trundle is a champ I have been toying with picking up for the role as is Irelia. Shyvana farms nicely but I find her difficult to make work in certain team comps especially in solo q. Panth and Darius again are two that have a nice early but late fall off so hard. Malph has a really boring laning phase but is useful in late game especially if built with some ap rather than full tank.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Playboy wrote: »
    Renek is a champ I find terribly boring to play and he used to fall off so hard late game that I didnt persist with him.

    Malph has a really boring laning phase but is useful in late game especially if built with some ap rather than full tank.
    You mentioned not playing two champs because they are boring; you're not suited to playing top-lane if you can't handle the boredom ;)

    On a serious note you have to be able to play Renekton top even if it's just so you can understand how to lane against him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Seifer wrote: »
    You mentioned not playing two champs because they are boring; you're not suited to playing top-lane if you can't handle the boredom ;)

    On a serious note you have to be able to play Renekton top even if it's just so you can understand how to lane against him.

    Yes unfortunately it has turned into quite a boring lane, small number of champs picked and generally tanky so hard to punish an opponent hard. Always take Teleport top now so i can have some influence in early game on other lanes. Probably do need to spam renek in normals, who knows maybe he will grow on me :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    Top lane is a game in-itself. A world cut off from the rest of the map.

    I hate top lane. My weakest role as i rarely play it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Playboy wrote: »
    What is your toplane champion pool and who do you pick if you are forced to first pick Top? I used to play a lot of top lane with Jax and Wukong before Jax exploded in popularity and became an insta ban and before Wukongs nerf to his Q which really hurt his ability to do well top.

    Nasus I can play but only as a counterpick because if I pick him first then its guaranteed that I'll have to face Teemo or Darius which tbh I would rather not do as its just painful. Renek is a champ I find terribly boring to play and he used to fall off so hard late game that I didnt persist with him. Trundle is a champ I have been toying with picking up for the role as is Irelia. Shyvana farms nicely but I find her difficult to make work in certain team comps especially in solo q. Panth and Darius again are two that have a nice early but late fall off so hard. Malph has a really boring laning phase but is useful in late game especially if built with some ap rather than full tank.

    My pool at present is Jax, Irelia, Renekton, Kayle. In that order really.

    I don't personally worry about counter picking, unless it's a blatant counter. At the level I'm at, I beleive my mechanics and decision making are superior to my opponents ( wether its true or not is irrelevant, I believe it) so I feel I can overcome any matchup.

    Recent example would have been playing against Darius as Irelia as I explained above. DArius should in theory be a hard counter for Irelia. But this player obviously checked a list, and picked Darius with no idea how to play him.

    I was 3-0 in lane pretty quickly snowballing.

    Toplane as mentioned below is a game in itself, it can be boring, but it's an island where you can pit yourself 1v1. Granted the somewhat tankier meta means getting kills can be tough, but its the role I think can carry a game the most at present. Much more so then ADC or Mid.

    As an Irelia if I get a good start, I can have a Trinity Force and Zephyr up before we hit good team fights, and then I'll just destroy the enemy team quickly and easily.

    While it might not be my overly favourite rolel, it's one I'm comfy with from last year and one I want to get better at.

    In an ideal world I'd probably want to jungle or play mid, but not sure if I'm mechanically good enough for either.

    In terms of the champs you mentioned.

    Pantheon and Darius are only useful if they snowball, they arn't really powerhouses otherwise. And they are somewhat easy enough to gank aswell which is a con.

    Malphite is just a terrible champion at the moment, no idea why anyone would bother. I played him a fair bit last season and even then he wasn't that great. Your relying on his ult, and only his ult. And that means relying on good teamfights, something rubbish unless your knocking around platinum.

    Renekton while maybe boring, is a staple toplane champion. If you have him falling off in lategame, your doing it wrong. You should have a highly tanky champion that can output good damage. With his kit you can fly into the backline and lockdown the prioirty enemy champion, all the while putting out massive DPS form your ult if you can get the enemy bunched.

    I was told to learn him last year for a team comp we ran, and he quickly became a personal favourite of mine

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    cho gath top for the nom nom freelow

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    The changes that came in are interesting. Irelia is definitly my most played champion recently, and I'm typically going with dorans blade as an opener, will most often go then another dorans into tabi boots, then start on the trinity force.

    I typically ran attack speed runes on Irelia, with move speed quints, but last night moved my quints to lifesteal, and moved my attack speed to striaght up damage. Noticably difference last night. And tbh I don't even know if the patch was in place on EU, but if it wasn't holy ****.

    The sustain I had in lane was mental, if the patch wasn't live, then the sustain for top laners is going to get a touch ridiculous.

    In terms of cho'gath, he is an old favourite of mine. Havn't played him in lane since early last season. Co incidentally enough was relooking over my Arcadecon matches from last year, and I played into a chogath and his damage and sustain was mental.

    I'm keeping a close eye to see if there is a little shift in the toplane. My initial reaction is that tanky champs will get slightly weaker, and a little resurgence of other sidelined champs.

    Wouldn't be shocked for example to see Jayce, jump back into the mix. The new item that provides CDR, lifesteal and mana back per dmg, is very interesting for some builds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    Hopefully anyway. Champ select has been getting a little stale lately (Well from a spectator POV), be nice to see some new/old champs in the mix.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    TheDoc wrote: »
    Wouldn't be shocked for example to see Jayce, jump back into the mix.
    What you did there, i see it.

