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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    Sorry was on the phone yesterday so couldn't elaborate properly. In my experience people in Gold and below dont like playing tanky champions. They find it boring or whatever so in the top lane Im mostly facing off against champs like Riven, Irelia, Jax, Trynd etc etc. The thing is these champs rely on getting fed to have a big impact late game. With the exception of jax have you ever seen any of the others having an impact late game if they dont have 5+ kills?

    My philosophy is simple.

    1. Out sustain early game and every time they back off push hard into the tower.
    2. Draw as much jungle pressure top as possible leaving your team to mop up free drags or pressure other lanes.
    3. Don't die
    4. Seriously dont die, ever! play hella safe. ward everything. Remember by denying the enemy kills you are crippling them to be useless late game where you will be just as useful 0-0-0 as 3-0-0. Kills arent a priority unless the enemy gets tilted into making mistakes.
    5. when they roam (and they will because they can't kill you) Ping like a mo fo to get your mid lane to safety and push hard into the tower - even proxy at this stage so they lose more gold and exp.
    6. After you take top turret push the 2nd one in and go help mid or farm the enemy jungle. By this stage the enemy top will need to afk farm top to try and become useful while his team needs to 3v2 or 5 v 4 in mid.
    7. constantly push mid to inhib only heading back top to stop your turret being taken or to push it in again to go back mid (teleport is OP in this situation btw)

    This all might be simple enough advice but its taken me from Bronze to Gold. Its not as effective as carrying from mid lane but playing mid stresses me out and I can only play one game before needing a massive break. Theres a lot more pressure I feel because you need to force the game and control 3 waves particularly if your bot and top is losing

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    In my experience people in
    Gold and below dont like playing tanky

    Quite the opposite for me in Silver. They love playing the tank champs like Darius, nasus, xin etc. and building full damage. The amount of berserker grieves statikk shiv Xin Zhaos I've seen is disgraceful. If the meta changed from tabky, everyone will prolly build tanky cos you know, silver know all the high elo strats but their **** teams hold them back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    Seaaan wrote: »
    Quite the opposite for me in Silver. They love playing the tank champs like Darius, nasus, xin etc. and building full damage. The amount of berserker grieves statikk shiv Xin Zhaos I've seen is disgraceful. If the meta changed from tabky, everyone will prolly build tanky cos you know, silver know all the high elo strats but their **** teams hold them back.

    I wouldnt call darius a tank - plus he needs to absolutely stomp lane to be anyway useful late game

    Nasus I easy to play against just dont push the wave and deny him hard

    Never played against a xin top so cant comment. my initial thought was to get the jungle to camp him early since he has no escapes and falls off hard if he drops behind mid game

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    I can't even play top very well, except riven. So can't say much else than people can't understand what champs need to be build certain ways in order to be effective/have an impact

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Anyone getting a bit fed up with drastic changes happening every month or two this season? I haven't nearly as much time to devote to LoL these days, barely ever get to read the patch notes and I don't really live in a timezone that allows much LCS watching. That didn't matter as much last season but it really does this season.

    I get to play say 10 ranked games a month if my internet's alright. Keep having to try and read the tooltips ingame when something proves amiss.

    Also, normals are a f*cking waste of time out here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    Kold wrote: »
    Anyone getting a bit fed up with drastic changes happening every month or two this season? I haven't nearly as much time to devote to LoL these days, barely ever get to read the patch notes and I don't really live in a timezone that allows much LCS watching. That didn't matter as much last season but it really does this season.

    I get to play say 10 ranked games a month if my internet's alright. Keep having to try and read the tooltips ingame when something proves amiss.

    Also, normals are a f*cking waste of time out here.
    Yea miss a few months and you really fall out of sync.

    I am not with it this season at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Serious tilt atm. Gone from Plat 2 to plat 5. Gettin that ranked anxiety.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    As the champion pool contiues to grow, and the LCS continues in it's developement and growth, you can expect more inventiveness and creativity to appear in the game.

    Not even neccesarrily due to path changes, just simply through people figuring things out.

    While the main meta is somewhat influenced by obviously what Riot do, there is a lot of creativity that can take place in ranked solo.

    I think if anything the changes will get more severe and shift more dramatically as time goes on. PRetty much like anygame that hits a span of rapid growth. I remember WC3 used to shift on a near weekly basis. Starcraft 2 had a frequent meta shift aswell.

    I'm only a day into the new patch, ( the post above turns out I was not playing the newest patch) but some noticable things already.

    I don't think the "meta" is shifting as much this patch, but more the champions involved shifting. My initial reaction is Twitch is a bit weaker, Lucian is much the same, Corki is coming back to hte front and Caitlyn could indeed move up a tier.

    In top lane, Renekton looks to have gotten viciously stronger the with the lifesteal changes. I played against one last night as Irelia. As an experienced Renekton player I feel comfy facing into him, but this was a different animal.

    I'd also assume Irelia to have better lane sustain than a Renekton, especially focusing on levelling W, but this Renekton seems to be chunking me, and out sustaining me with his Q with rage.

    Might need to bring him higher into my priority picking. I went like 0-3 in the laning phase, but thankfully Irelia seems a little better, thanks to what was essentially a buff to attack speed based items. Was able to mince through the enemy team. While continuing with my deaths, caused enough havoc that the team could mop up.

    JAx , Irelia, Renekton, Kayle was my four champ focus last patch, can't say if it will shift during this patch. Although I've been looking at the increased rate of Shyvana picks. While I thought it was a champ that really needed a good team comp to work, seems to be decent in solo queue.

    Also keeping a clsoe eye on Jayce, funny feeling that new mana item might be a pathway for him back into ranked play.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Kold wrote: »
    Serious tilt atm. Gone from Plat 2 to plat 5. Gettin that ranked anxiety.

    Only played one match last night. Irelia into Renekton, got stmped in lane 0-3, thankfully with some positive re enforcement via chat, and some food farming on my part, was able to be effective in teamfights.

    But finished with a rubbish KDA, felt a bit out of sorts, and whilst chuffed with a win that definitly was a major turnaround, left it at that for the night.

    Sometimes it's best to just step away. I play between 11-1 to get 2-3 games of ranked in a night, but last night got my one game, won, and then watched some LCS recaps on youtube, and some replays of top players playing my champ pool to pickup some stuff.

    Team builder is a decent format that shockingly for the most part I've noticed is toxic free. Played an Amumu jungle game to relax a little and enjoyed it. Team builder is fast becoming my warmup/ calm down method when it comes to breaking away from ranked for a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    TheDoc wrote: »
    Team builder is a decent format that shockingly for the most part I've noticed is toxic free. Played an Amumu jungle game to relax a little and enjoyed it. Team builder is fast becoming my warmup/ calm down method when it comes to breaking away from ranked for a bit.
    It's the only way i play normals now.

    If there's a champ i want to practice, i want to be sure i get them.

    Also a good challenge when you're countered.

    You also have the choice of going back into the queue when you see a fail comp which is a big plus against the toxicity and trolling.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    Doc you should follow wingsofdeath on twitch tv he's an excellent Irelia player and is very good at explaining his thought process and builds etc.

    I use team builder to try out new builds mostly and see how they work versus different lane match ups. If I'm trying to mess around il generally play arams.

    On a side note arams have probably improved me most as a player in terms of positioning and understanding team comps and what to build versus specific teams. I'd argue it's sometimes a better way to practice then playing normals for general gameplay

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Doc you should follow wingsofdeath on twitch tv he's an excellent Irelia player and is very good at explaining his thought process and builds etc.

    I use team builder to try out new builds mostly and see how they work versus different lane match ups. If I'm trying to mess around il generally play arams.

    On a side note arams have probably improved me most as a player in terms of positioning and understanding team comps and what to build versus specific teams. I'd argue it's sometimes a better way to practice then playing normals for general gameplay

    I used to watch WingsofDeath but I think as he is creating a channel to cater to league fans, he is branching out to more "entertainment" values in a sense of doing more varied stuff to cater to more viewers.

    Last few weeks I've caught him online hes doing everything but playing toplane, and playing obscure champions.

    I keep dropping in to check though as his stream is good.

    In terms of ARAM, dont find them useful at all. Could be an arguement that maybe it can help you work on your mechanics in teamfights, but ranked is simply the best way to learn and get better.

    I know that sounds mental, but when you consider the level of play outside of platinum, I think you can do a few team buidler games, get familiar with the champion and then move into ranked.

    Some might say its unfair to go into the ranked mode unprepared, but thats rubbish imo when you look at the level of play around bronze and silver. I've a friend who has never played ranked cause he doesnt feel good enough, in reality he would be gold standard minimum probably high silver.

    I took one game of Irelia in TB, then went into ranked, and was prmoted within the week of picking her up.

    If you've confidence in your mechanics and in yourself, you can pickup a champ quick and put it into ranked, where the real learning takes place.

    Alternatively, I'm finding team builder a great mode. While it will never appear in ranked, the idea of selecting your role in advance of a queue is something I hope Riot consider for solo queue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    Just had a great match in ranked teams 5x5. Was against a Diamond II renekton top lane vs my cho gath. Went fairly even which Im delighted with to be honest. We couldnt kill each other and at the end of the game he was 2-1-7 356cs to my 4-1-6 328cs

    It was prob one of my best games I ever played. I made one mistake early going for a cannon minion and nearly died because of it but got him back when he went to Q me under tower I was able to silence him to interrupt his combo and knock him up to take an additional 2 tower hits.

    We got on top late as rene falls off hard and my utility meant we could focus squishys in team fights while I soaked damage. Absolute wrecked after it. It felt that if I made one mistake i.e. being out of position for half a second I got punished for it. Very enjoyable game all the same. Gonna watch the replay now to see how I could improve

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Sorry was on the phone yesterday so couldn't elaborate properly. In my experience people in Gold and below dont like playing tanky champions. They find it boring or whatever so in the top lane Im mostly facing off against champs like Riven, Irelia, Jax, Trynd etc etc. The thing is these champs rely on getting fed to have a big impact late game. With the exception of jax have you ever seen any of the others having an impact late game if they dont have 5+ kills?

    My philosophy is simple.

    1. Out sustain early game and every time they back off push hard into the tower.
    2. Draw as much jungle pressure top as possible leaving your team to mop up free drags or pressure other lanes.
    3. Don't die
    4. Seriously dont die, ever! play hella safe. ward everything. Remember by denying the enemy kills you are crippling them to be useless late game where you will be just as useful 0-0-0 as 3-0-0. Kills arent a priority unless the enemy gets tilted into making mistakes.
    5. when they roam (and they will because they can't kill you) Ping like a mo fo to get your mid lane to safety and push hard into the tower - even proxy at this stage so they lose more gold and exp.
    6. After you take top turret push the 2nd one in and go help mid or farm the enemy jungle. By this stage the enemy top will need to afk farm top to try and become useful while his team needs to 3v2 or 5 v 4 in mid.
    7. constantly push mid to inhib only heading back top to stop your turret being taken or to push it in again to go back mid (teleport is OP in this situation btw)

    This all might be simple enough advice but its taken me from Bronze to Gold. Its not as effective as carrying from mid lane but playing mid stresses me out and I can only play one game before needing a massive break. Theres a lot more pressure I feel because you need to force the game and control 3 waves particularly if your bot and top is losing

    What build you use on Cho?

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    Playboy wrote: »
    What build you use on Cho?

    start with cloth armor, 4 red pots and 1 blue pot
    rush zeifer and ninja tabi ASAP - this gives you armor, movement speed, attack speed and tenacity so you dont have to get merc threads
    after this it gets a bit situational. Unless the enemy team has no AP I'd prob get a banshee's veil otherwise I'll get a randuins Omen.
    next you can get an icebourne gauntlet for added slow or a rylai's if you need to do more damage.
    I rarely have time to get a 6th item as the game tends to be over but I suppose no harm in getting a warmogs as a last item for added HP or an abysal septer if you Mid lane AP is fed

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,122 ✭✭✭BeerWolf

    I give up with Ranked... bloody stuck yo-yo'ing back and forth been Gold II and Gold III for WEEKS! >_<

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    BeerWolf wrote: »
    I give up with Ranked... bloody stuck yo-yo'ing back and forth been Gold II and Gold III for WEEKS! >_<

    that's an indication that you are where you should be, and your not improving your game, even if you think you are.

    Friend put it a pretty good way. If you kinda win 3, then lose 3, get promoted then demoted, win 2 then lose 2, it's because your stagnating and not getting better.

    It's because the system has you exactly where you should be.

    If you find yourself yo-yoing or stagnating, you need to start analysing your replays, and other players replays, to see how to get better. Then you'll find yourself on a winstreak and into promos, until you hit another wall, then you rinse repeat.

    It's amazing how people get frustrated at not doing well in ranked, or getting promotions, but yet put ZERO time into analysing their own game. It's stupidly important.

    Watch your games back, write three bullet points of things you did wrong. Short ones. Do this for every game of ranked you play, for say 5-8 games depending.

    Then put all the bullet points together. You SHOULD see a recourring theme between some of them. So now you have something to work on on improve.

    Keep doing this and youll keep figuring out what your bad at, and fix it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    Had a game last night (Playing the delectable Fiddle jungle) where i dominated.

    We were against a fed trydamere top, TF mid and skarner jungle.

    About 20 mins in it looked lost as our adc was lagging hard, afk in team fights and going solo a lot. I tried to call it there and said gg. The team refused to surrender so we went on.

    :pac: other team went for baron, i ult over the wall from blue and strolled into the baron pit on my own to score an ACE.

    Then every team fight i got a perfect ult into the other team. Put the fear down on Trydamere before he can ult and 'ACE'.

    Ended something like 18/1/20. Ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    TheDoc wrote: »
    that's an indication that you are where you should be, and your not improving your game, even if you think you are.

    Friend put it a pretty good way. If you kinda win 3, then lose 3, get promoted then demoted, win 2 then lose 2, it's because your stagnating and not getting better.

    It's because the system has you exactly where you should be.

    If you find yourself yo-yoing or stagnating, you need to start analysing your replays, and other players replays, to see how to get better. Then you'll find yourself on a winstreak and into promos, until you hit another wall, then you rinse repeat.

    It's amazing how people get frustrated at not doing well in ranked, or getting promotions, but yet put ZERO time into analysing their own game. It's stupidly important.

    Watch your games back, write three bullet points of things you did wrong. Short ones. Do this for every game of ranked you play, for say 5-8 games depending.

    Then put all the bullet points together. You SHOULD see a recourring theme between some of them. So now you have something to work on on improve.

    Keep doing this and youll keep figuring out what your bad at, and fix it

    oh to have that kind of time!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Played some Jayce last night, made a meal of my first game as I got used to his playstyle. I only played him briefly two seasons ago, but was always an interesting champion so want to see his worth.

    Holy...****ing...****. He's gone from being a strong poke champion to being a downright assassin. Made a meal of my build first game going for mana + cdr items, but when I go the dmg items I noticed I was absolutely obliterating teams.

    Opening with gate shot, then switching into hammer stance to knockback and jump along with lightning shield, it was devastating.

    Going to give ihm more time in teambuilder tonight.

    I think rushing Tear to get stacks going, then Infinity Edge, Ionian boots, Last Whisper and Manamune with a defensive item, will absolutely wreck faces.

    I was really bitchy dmg at the start because I went tear, essence of reaver and then boots, so rushing the IE looks to be a much better idea. Absolutely smashed people in the second game

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Playboy wrote: »
    oh to have that kind of time!! :D

    I don't have that time, I play about 2-3 games of ranked an evening, if even, somtimes only 1 or 2.

    But the point being you do what works for you.l I track my notes over the course of a week, decide whats to be worked on, then following week try eradicate it.

    If you've less time to play, you need to ensure you being even MORE efficent about what you are working on to be better.

    COming along for 1 or 2 games an evening, just m"playing" ranked, will give you no benefit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    TheDoc wrote: »
    I don't have that time, I play about 2-3 games of ranked an evening, if even, somtimes only 1 or 2.

    But the point being you do what works for you.l I track my notes over the course of a week, decide whats to be worked on, then following week try eradicate it.

    If you've less time to play, you need to ensure you being even MORE efficent about what you are working on to be better.

    COming along for 1 or 2 games an evening, just m"playing" ranked, will give you no benefit.

    Sounds like a lot of effort! I have a young baby who keeps me awake half the night so I play to relax!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    We don't have teambuilder on VN yet. When did it come out on EUW?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    Doc, Jayce has always been able to absolutely blow people up. And IE on him is a very rare buy, i'd even go as far as to say it's a bad one, look on probuilds on how many buy it, there's about 3 out of 40 games it's bought. This is like the blind leading the blind here. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    IE on Jayce just sounds strange. Looking forward to trying this new item on him though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    I used to enjoy jayce but my friends always told me not to play him cos he wasn't viable, yet anytime I played him for fun I would absolutely stomp. What made him unviable for the last ~10 months?

  • Registered Users Posts: 84 ✭✭T L

    Don't let other people tell you what's viable or not ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Played 1 game of him last night but wasn't sure what to build so I went: Dorans Blade > Tear > brutalizer > manamune > bloodthirster > last whisper > Maw > cleaver. Was hella fed, hence the 6 items. I think I got CDR boots too. It was good poke with eq but I just got melted by trynda if I went in with hammer. Didn't try the new item but it looks nice, all in all I see no reason not to play him in soloq

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Didn't play in about a month only to come back and see they changed Bloodthirsters passive!? Played my first game with Varus and only upon building my third BT i noticed the new passive :( No more chunking people for 50% of their HP from 5 miles away :(

    I understand why they changed it to be honest....but......WHAT ABOUT ME, WHAT ABOUT MY FEELING?!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭n1ck

    Didn't play in about a month only to come back and see they changed Bloodthirsters passive!? Played my first game with Varus and only upon building my third BT i noticed the new passive :( No more chunking people for 50% of their HP from 5 miles away :(

    I understand why they changed it to be honest....but......WHAT ABOUT ME, WHAT ABOUT MY FEELING?!

    Third BT?

    Also that build is decent for Jayce Sean, and in soloq people can't deal with poke at all, forces people to back and just disorganises teams more so than usual :P
