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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Seaaan wrote: »
    I used to enjoy jayce but my friends always told me not to play him cos he wasn't viable, yet anytime I played him for fun I would absolutely stomp. What made him unviable for the last ~10 months?

    Anyone is viable. Jayce was nerfed a little, which tends to lead to calls of 'he isn't viable anymore'. He is still decent in lane and super strong late game with full build. You have to play him carefully though, he is squishy as ****. He gets absolutely stomped by a few champs in lane though, but that is true for all champs./

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Honestly I find him to be very safe pick. If you get jumped on you have a massive speed boost with e and ult and you can jump away with q and knock back with e. Even if you're doing horrid and have to go tanky, you still have the utility of e speed up and q slow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    n1ck wrote: »
    Doc, Jayce has always been able to absolutely blow people up. And IE on him is a very rare buy, i'd even go as far as to say it's a bad one, look on probuilds on how many buy it, there's about 3 out of 40 games it's bought. This is like the blind leading the blind here. :P

    The reason I built it, was I've been looking closely at a Korean player and his replays etc.

    He's challenger in Korea and plays mostly Jayce, and after patch dropped he started busting out an IE rush followed by Last Whisper and then Essence of the reaver.

    Absolutely destroying people. He also doesnt operate him as a poke champ, he fires in the charged shock, then changes stance and jumps in onto the ADC or mid, then out and rinse repeat.

    It's what I've been trying anyway, some mild success. But obviously nothing mega at this early stage. Have to say enough to have me enjoying the champ and the playstyle.

    But it cant be denied he's an unorthodox toplane pick this meta, when tankier, beefier toplaners are knocking about ( irelia, jax, renekton).

    *Actually just chcked his history and noticed he's not doing it anymore. Must have been checking maybe if IE was any use in new patch hence the IE spam lol. PEsky koreans!

    Tear of Goddess > Brutaliser > Manamune > Ionan boots > Last Whisper > Essence of Reaver> Black cleaver looks to be what he does to great effect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    Is that the dude who is ranked number 1 in Korea? he's that good he could prob pick nami top and make it work

    I havnt seen too many Jayce's top since the patch. My thoughts on it are he's hella annoying for the first few levels because his poke is so strong. After that its a bit meh. He suffers against tanky top laners because mid game he cant pump out enough damage to kill them and he's hella squishy himself.

    He fell out of the meta because he was basically a worse version of nidalee (less dmg and not as much mobility) Still remains a very situational pick imho. picking him into a hard engage enemy team comp is just throwing away LP

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    I keep tabs on ( if thats the address) pulls back data on matches from LCs current and former players.

    I typically use it to see what is being built on champions I'm playing or want to pickup, and keep an eye on maybe a meta shift.

    Interestingly I see a lot of Jayce been played the last week on top laners alts. Maybe its just through experimental stuff to see if this works or that, but its interesting to see none the less.

    I think I'm gonna crack on with him, enjoy his playstyle even if I get stomped in lane. So I might keep playing him as a main, to basically get mechanically good with him, and see where it takes me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    n1ck wrote: »
    Third BT?

    Also that build is decent for Jayce Sean, and in soloq people can't deal with poke at all, forces people to back and just disorganises teams more so than usual :P

    Yeah man. BT > Boots > LW > BT > BT > BT. With the old BT passive it was possible to stack all 4 BTs for lots of raw AD. His Q moves very fast, goes through minions and chunks hard with the build. But now its gone :( Just gotta build him like all other ADCs now. How boring

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Reality_Check1

    played like an absolute goon today. was forced into roles Im not that happy with and had to play support x 2 and ADC. got carried in 2 games for the wins but got stomped in the 3rd. Back to Normals to work on my bot lane

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Yeah I ended up playing supp yesterday and grinding a win, to then go into a heavy loss that was ff at 20. Didnt play well myself.

    Jayce is MEGA squishy, not only early game, just throughout the whole game. Really difficult to incorporate into the current meta of **** just diving on top of you.

    AFter my latest promotion which I went through quickly, my ELO is obviously higher then expected as I'm being throwin into games with Gold players and some platinums.

    SO I'm having to fill a few roles as I'm typically last pick : /

    Jayce while still fun, is turning into a rough experiment and causing me some grief. The hope is I stay strong and dont fall back into just "meta picking" where I'm playing champions that are FOTM, but I'm not getting mechanically good at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    TheDoc wrote: »
    AFter my latest promotion which I went through quickly, my ELO is obviously higher then expected as I'm being throwin into games with Gold players and some platinums.

    SO I'm having to fill a few roles as I'm typically last pick : /
    In season 4 pick order is random.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Seifer wrote: »
    In season 4 pick order is random.

    Ow, didnt know that :)

    Although I am getting thrown in the mix with Golds mostly, rarely am I playing against someone from silver :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Seen and heard a few toplaners mention Tryndamere in passing in terms of a champion that should be strong this patch.

    I remember spamming him last season and got like three promotions with him in a week, absolutely rocketed out of bronze :D

    Noticed that looking around at his stats, **** all people playing him :O

    Might bust him out and wreck havoc on people :D

    Still enjoying Jayce, hes so tricky to play though. I'm getting stomped hard learning his matchups, so squishy. Although PBE has a mild buff for him in terms of Essence reaver flat AD going up by 10, but there is a bit of a lul in his abilities until he hits big ticket items when he starts blowing people up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    TheDoc wrote: »
    Still enjoying Jayce, hes so tricky to play though.
    This is kind of an important point. I've been plat for the last three seasons but I don't have the mechanics to play the 7 ability champs (Jayce, Nidalee and Elise).
    Now don't get me wrong, I think Jayce is incredibly fun but you have to remember that he is balanced around being played to near perfection i.e. pro level. When you are playing him below that level you are essentially giving up free power.
    I'm not suggesting everyone should only play Annie, Garen, etc. but it is something to keep in mind with the more mechanically intense champions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Seifer wrote: »
    This is kind of an important point. I've been plat for the last three seasons but I don't have the mechanics to play the 7 ability champs (Jayce, Nidalee and Elise).
    Now don't get me wrong, I think Jayce is incredibly fun but you have to remember that he is balanced around being played to near perfection i.e. pro level. When you are playing him below that level you are essentially giving up free power.
    I'm not suggesting everyone should only play Annie, Garen, etc. but it is something to keep in mind with the more mechanically intense champions.

    I think I'm actually alright in terms of mechanics. It's mostly a mental thing with me. I know I have the ability to play pretty much any game at a high level. I truely believe that.

    My issues are just decision making, I've spent far too long in recent years having my hand held, with guys telling me "what" to do, with the assumption that I "can't" do certain things.

    In reality I pickup things pretty quickly in terms of mechanics in any game, its the knowledge base and decision making I need to pickup on. Like for Jayce, it was a couple of games, then I have a pretty good hang on unleashing his full combo. But the problem is decision making, what to do and not to do in certain matchups and the likes. What to build, what not to build.

    I've settled on a build for him that I think will do well, and started seeing some dividends last night with some games, slow start, but ramped up in midgame and started getting some doubles and triple kills and most importantly staying alive.

    I think the major bullet point I had written down from Jayce play this week was "Jayce is a sponge, extra caution, simply cannot die".

    Also rocked out some Trynd last night, what an outragous champion. Remember know why I spammed him last season. While his lifesteal isn't as beefy as last year, his damage is simply incredible.

    Was unlucky to lane against a Nasus who just simply got the point of tanky as **** since I can only go AD, when it came to teamfights I absolutely obliterated the backline. And the real benefit of him is being able to split push so quickly, and just get out of any attempted dive/gank.

    I took something like 4 towers myself in last nights game before deciding "right lets go play with the rest of the team" although they were walking it mostly by themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    TheDoc wrote: »
    I think I'm actually alright in terms of mechanics. It's mostly a mental thing with me. I know I have the ability to play pretty much any game at a high level. I truely believe that.

    My issues are just decision making, I've spent far too long in recent years having my hand held, with guys telling me "what" to do, with the assumption that I "can't" do certain things.

    In reality I pickup things pretty quickly in terms of mechanics in any game, its the knowledge base and decision making I need to pickup on. Like for Jayce, it was a couple of games, then I have a pretty good hang on unleashing his full combo. But the problem is decision making, what to do and not to do in certain matchups and the likes. What to build, what not to build.

    I've settled on a build for him that I think will do well, and started seeing some dividends last night with some games, slow start, but ramped up in midgame and started getting some doubles and triple kills and most importantly staying alive.

    I think the major bullet point I had written down from Jayce play this week was "Jayce is a sponge, extra caution, simply cannot die".

    Also rocked out some Trynd last night, what an outragous champion. Remember know why I spammed him last season. While his lifesteal isn't as beefy as last year, his damage is simply incredible.

    Was unlucky to lane against a Nasus who just simply got the point of tanky as **** since I can only go AD, when it came to teamfights I absolutely obliterated the backline. And the real benefit of him is being able to split push so quickly, and just get out of any attempted dive/gank.

    I took something like 4 towers myself in last nights game before deciding "right lets go play with the rest of the team" although they were walking it mostly by themselves.

    If Trynd gets ahead then its adios for most other top laners. With his ult you cant even play safe at the tower as he will just dive you and hit you for a couple of massive crits. He is a champ I havent spent much time playing but I'm going to pick him up along with Darius for some top lane variation. People tend to first pick Nasus at my elo if he isnt banned so picking Darius into him will be fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    Been enjoying the support Role more and more recently, was rocking the Morgana/Karma mostly as its pretty easy to just go carry mode if your ADC is terrible with them. Bought thresh couple of nights ago... what a champ ! Sometimes when I play him I think I'm the **** making all sorts of big plays.. just such a fun champ to play.

    Just need me an ADC that isn't afraid to go ham now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Magill wrote: »
    Been enjoying the support Role more and more recently, was rocking the Morgana/Karma mostly as its pretty easy to just go carry mode if your ADC is terrible with them. Bought thresh couple of nights ago... what a champ ! Sometimes when I play him I think I'm the **** making all sorts of big plays.. just such a fun champ to play.

    Just need me an ADC that isn't afraid to go ham now.

    With thresh I also feel like a freaking pro. Landing hooks on someone who flashes is such a feeling...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Agreed with support being more fun these days with the current itemization and increase in gold gain. Mainly play Karma/Zyra as support which will allow me to semi-carry. Stole a Baron with support Karma last night with my Mantra'd Q. But if your team is pants supports like Leona and Alistar are pretty useless. Also enjoy playing Thresh just to made da playz

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,282 ✭✭✭Slugs

    I secondary support and agree with the Alistair/Leona comments. The two are game changers in TFs but you're at the whim of witless ADCS. If your ADC is a spastic, you're basically left with your dick in your hand. No experience with Karma, but I LOVE Zyra - She makes up for her squishiness (which is seriously an issue) with fantastic burst and utility.

  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Slugs wrote: »
    you're basically left with your dick in your hand.

    I don't understand that phrase

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Its like saying you are left with your vagina in your feet Sean.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 626 ✭✭✭Seaaan

    Well why didn't he just say that instead of making it all confusing.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,282 ✭✭✭Slugs

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Oh. My. Buddha.

    That new Aatrox skin! Riot making me their bitch again.

    Also just had a game where my team mate Cassio fed a Yasuo. Cassio said she was lagging and said she would drop the game from the server like it never happened. Low and behold she said "Bye" and i started to get the attempting to connect bar. Quit out and now the game isn't showing in match history


    Oh there is a notice on the LoL client about an "issue" causing games to crash. Could it be related?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,122 ✭✭✭BeerWolf

    Since the last 2 updates, my game's frequently crashing when going to the loading screen after the lobby... where it'd take numerous attempts to get the game to load...

    Seeing it happen to many others as well, since I've lost count of the amount of "AFKs" at the start of the game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    BeerWolf wrote: »
    Since the last 2 updates, my game's frequently crashing when going to the loading screen after the lobby... where it'd take numerous attempts to get the game to load...

    Seeing it happen to many others as well, since I've lost count of the amount of "AFKs" at the start of the game.
    Yeah seems pretty unstable after the latest patch :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Playing Aatrox top alot the last few days. Currently 10/2 this week. With Jax being banned 99% of games there is very little i fear in the top lane with Renekton probably being the hardest match up i have faced. Once i get BoTRK its a big power spike and i just go all in on my lane opponent. Went 18/1/6 in a game yesterday. Was so fed they sent 3 to shut me down and i managed to kill one and the other 2 fled before i could finish them. Insane lifesteal.

    I could imagine a Darius or Shyvana would probably give me trouble but i haven't seen a Darius since Season 3 and Shyvana seems to have dropped off the face of the rift. Odd since i don't think Shy got any major nerfs recently...

    Oh i actually lost lane hard to a Lee Sin once, but **** that champ anyway

    -Edit 2-
    Just lost lane again against a Lee Sin lol. That attack speed debuff. I was winning until Fizz game top twice :( and my TF "couldnt" follow him

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,122 ✭✭✭BeerWolf

    Been playing Vel'koz as my main, you never see him really - and people are always shocked at how much damage he can quickly dish out, saying how "OP" when I kill them.

    He's not an burst champ, like Akali and Le Blanc, but his constant damage is incredibly for consistent damage in team fights... specially since all his abilties are AoE's [his Q being a pseudo AoE].

    Chaining all his abilities with an ulti for maximum passive proc effects does, however, nuke down anyone early-mid game pretty damn hard. Especially anyone without MR and you've got Liandry's and Void staff... pretty much an instant kill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Playing Aatrox top alot the last few days. Currently 10/2 this week. With Jax being banned 99% of games there is very little i fear in the top lane with Renekton probably being the hardest match up i have faced. Once i get BoTRK its a big power spike and i just go all in on my lane opponent. Went 18/1/6 in a game yesterday. Was so fed they sent 3 to shut me down and i managed to kill one and the other 2 fled before i could finish them. Insane lifesteal.

    I could imagine a Darius or Shyvana would probably give me trouble but i haven't seen a Darius since Season 3 and Shyvana seems to have dropped off the face of the rift. Odd since i don't think Shy got any major nerfs recently...

    Oh i actually lost lane hard to a Lee Sin once, but **** that champ anyway

    -Edit 2-
    Just lost lane again against a Lee Sin lol. That attack speed debuff. I was winning until Fizz game top twice :( and my TF "couldnt" follow him

    I bought Aatrox on release and planned for that to be a character I mained, to get really good at. Team captain at the time told me stop wasting my time as it wasn't meta relevant, which was true at the time. Always found Aatrox a really fun playstyle and super powerful in solo q.

    Currently 1-1 in my Gold Promotion, had a horrible team game one that fed to the max, so just didn't let it bother me and we surrended at 20 and moved onto next game where things started very ropey. I was playing poorly being 0-3 and really concerned I was about to lose again. But thanks to a good engage botlane that took the enemy team down very low health, I tp'd bot and secured a quadra kill. All of a sudden I was back in the game, and went on to carry pretty hard to finish the game with a flourish.

    Unfortuantely now no more LoL until Thursday, but it was a decent start to promos.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,282 ✭✭✭Slugs

    Am I right in thinking with the death of the tank meta, Aatrox Top is becoming very, very tasty and viable?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Slugs wrote: »
    Am I right in thinking with the death of the tank meta, Aatrox Top is becoming very, very tasty and viable?

    He was picked in EU LCS today in a top role. Forget which team picked him though.

    Been playing him alot recently as i mentioned and Lee Sin is a really ****ed up match up for him. The attack speed slow on Lee's E really ****s up your ability to hard trade him with auto attacks. Fiora has also given me trouble, but its a 50/50 fight imo.

    Gold IV player

    Just fought a Riven top. She got rekt even though Xin gave her the second kill of the game.
