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League of Legends (LoL) General Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,000 ✭✭✭wonderboysam


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    LoL the only serious e-sport, past or present, in which NA has superior players to EU.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Well that's the end of that. 4 Chinese, 3 Korean, and 2 US teams in the finals. Alliance lost to Brazilian Kabum e-sport, EU confirmed worst region...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,000 ✭✭✭wonderboysam

    Orizio wrote: »
    LoL the only serious e-sport, past or present, in which NA has superior players to EU.

    Ah come on sure tsm has as many europeans as it does americans! Not an eu fanboy anything and I generally prefer NA teams but all three EU teams were super unlucky

    NA were better at Quake I think!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,282 ✭✭✭Slugs

    Don't think Fnatic were robbed, but I seriously think EU needs to learn from NA and do some serious roster changes - Soaz needs to go from Fnatic and I think Froggen might want to take a serious look at Nyph and Tabzz on the bot lane... He could just replace the two with YOLOstar and Rekkless...

    Also, is there any benefit to not finishing your jungle item?

    Whenever Fnatic were struggling in their games, Cyanide had not finished his spirit stone, which was driving me insane as I felt he was missing on the sustain, conservation, CDR and whatever respective effect he was getting. Just wondering is it not viewed as gold efficient (particularly when your team's behind) or was he just being a spa?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 409 ✭✭noisenotmusic

    Anyone on UPC having serious ping problems tonight? Was just on a bot game and its hitting 500ms constantly, totally unplayable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Ah come on sure tsm has as many europeans as it does americans! Not an eu fanboy anything and I generally prefer NA teams but all three EU teams were super unlucky

    NA were better at Quake I think!

    Quake was 50-50. You could throw fighting games into the NA section as well, but arcades were never big in Europe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Slugs wrote: »
    Don't think Fnatic were robbed, but I seriously think EU needs to learn from NA and do some serious roster changes - Soaz needs to go from Fnatic and I think Froggen might want to take a serious look at Nyph and Tabzz on the bot lane... He could just replace the two with YOLOstar and Rekkless...

    Also, is there any benefit to not finishing your jungle item?

    Whenever Fnatic were struggling in their games, Cyanide had not finished his spirit stone, which was driving me insane as I felt he was missing on the sustain, conservation, CDR and whatever respective effect he was getting. Just wondering is it not viewed as gold efficient (particularly when your team's behind) or was he just being a spa?

    Seems like a lot of EU teams are constantly changing line-ups these days, not sure it helps. If there are better players out there that they can afford - like Bjergsen, Lustboy etc - then great, but that caliber of player isn't that easily found.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    To be honest the only thing that killed the EU teams was their inconsistency. NA has only 1 team and thats Cloud 9. LMQ is Chinese and TSM has EU players.

    Fnatic was the only team that troubled Samsung Blue in both games. Alliance beat NWS once and threw the other game froma very strong position. Considering the Koreans are considered far and away the best region then I dont think it was a poor showing from EU. I think the skill cap is very high in EU but they need better coaching and they need to practice more against Chinese teams. Imo if the EU get their act together then I think they are capable of challenging Korea next year.

    EU Dream Team

    Top: Freddy
    Mid: Froggen
    Adc: Reckkles
    Support: Yellowstar
    Jungle: Shook I think but this position is an issue for EU teams.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    How well financed are EU teams in comparison to NA teams? Always got the impression TSM/CLG are the best off money wise outside of Asia.

    Surprised more EU LoL teams don't go the SC2 route and send their team to Korea to train full time. Playing and scrimming on the best servers with perfect ping - or even entering Korea LCS - will surely help bring the likes of FNC/Alliance to the next level. Guess money/visas are a problem.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Orizio wrote: »
    How well financed are EU teams in comparison to NA teams? Always got the impression TSM/CLG are the best off money wise outside of Asia.

    Surprised more EU LoL teams don't go the SC2 route and send their team to Korea to train full time. Playing and scrimming on the best servers with perfect ping - or even entering Korea LCS - will surely help bring the likes of FNC/Alliance to the next level. Guess money/visas are a problem.

    Haven't the rules changed now to prevent teams entering tournaments/LCS in another region to their home region. I agree with it to an extent as it would be hard to get excited by a Chinese Team like LMQ representing the EU at worlds for instance. I think a lot of the EU players play a lot of solo queue in Korea and you can see the benefits of that in their performance against Korean Teams. however the EU really struggled vs China which in fairness they should be able to cope with if they can beat Korean teams.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,282 ✭✭✭Slugs

    Playboy wrote: »
    To be honest the only thing that killed the EU teams was their inconsistency. NA has only 1 team and thats Cloud 9. LMQ is Chinese and TSM has EU players.

    Fnatic was the only team that troubled Samsung Blue in both games. Alliance beat NWS once and threw the other game froma very strong position. Considering the Koreans are considered far and away the best region then I dont think it was a poor showing from EU. I think the skill cap is very high in EU but they need better coaching and they need to practice more against Chinese teams. Imo if the EU get their act together then I think they are capable of challenging Korea next year.

    EU Dream Team

    Top: Freddy
    Mid: Froggen
    Adc: Reckkles
    Support: Yellowstar
    Jungle: Shook I think but this position is an issue for EU teams.

    Agree completely with all your points. The issue I find with EU is that all the top tier teams have very... tilt-prone players, or at the very least players who lack a basic level of consistency that you can expect from them.

    I also think that there are no standout junglers in EUW, maybe Diamond. But for the top tier teams, Cyanide is very poor, Svenskeren is a **** (and I feel he should be banned from competing) and Shook is very tilt-prone/hit and miss.

    however the EU really struggled vs China which in fairness they should be able to cope with if they can beat Korean teams.

    Not necessarily... Whats important to remember is that each region has its own style of play and being adept at one does not automatically mean that you will be able to instantly deal with and address another...

    The way I think of it, you could be a fantastic boxer but then get dragged into kickboxing. You learn how to kickbox and become really good at it, but you can't expect to be able to deal with a Muay Thai fighter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,460 ✭✭✭Orizio

    Playboy wrote: »
    Haven't the rules changed now to prevent teams entering tournaments/LCS in another region to their home region. I agree with it to an extent as it would be hard to get excited by a Chinese Team like LMQ representing the EU at worlds for instance. I think a lot of the EU players play a lot of solo queue in Korea and you can see the benefits of that in their performance against Korean Teams. however the EU really struggled vs China which in fairness they should be able to cope with if they can beat Korean teams.

    Dunno what the rules are now but a team house - or housing with a Korean team - would be of some benefit imo. It was of significant benefit to a number of SC2 players.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Korvanica

    Orizio wrote: »
    Dunno what the rules are now but a team house - or housing with a Korean team - would be of some benefit imo. It was of significant benefit to a number of SC2 players.

    Most teams have team houses that they live in. Having multiple teams in 1 house wont work for league. There would just be too many people.

    Alliance need to replace wickd. He underperforms on almost all champions except Irelia. Once shes banned you know hes probably going to have a bad game. They deserved that loss to Kabum, they got cocky and picked an awful team comp. Zero waveclear, No Hard CC, All melee except Twitch (and Kayle). What the **** were they thinking.

    I think i've been doing something right in solo queue lately. Played 2 games last night and got asked if I was a smurf in both and got called a god by most of the enemy team in one of them. All this while I was playing thresh support :D Pretty nice confidence boost.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    Orizio wrote: »
    LoL the only serious e-sport, past or present, in which NA has superior players to EU.

    Say whaaaa ??!

    Quick, someone direct Orizio back to reddit !

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,911 ✭✭✭SeantheMan

    Why not offer Poohmandu and Piglet a spot ?

    I guess Pooh really is retiring, but Piglet is still up there with some of the best ADCs in the world. Can't believe he is without a team

    Also with regards to NA vrs EU and who is better at the game, I think it's 4 or 6 of the 15 players representing the NA teams are actually from America. In the coming years , as was the way of SC2, I can see them just getting in more and more Koreans and Asians

    Aren't most of the US players historically some of the best at Fighting games ? or the first Mega-star of gaming outside Asia.....Johnathan Wendell ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    Ahhh i completely misread his post lol ! Thought he meant...

    Lol is the only serious esport, past or present.

    And that NA has the best players in this only serious esport. My bad.

    But yeah, Fatal1ty was one of the best in the games he played. Saying that, I wouldn't say NA has better players at all.. the best player in NA is European sure (Bjergsen) !

    I think worlds was kind of strange, i felt like the EU teams got a bit unlucky at times and on another day probably could have won out easily over the NA teams.

    Fnatic and Alliance both had rough starts, but the 2nd LMQ/Fnatic game showed Fnatic are clearly the stronger team.

    Alliance C9 is an interesting one, i think they'd probably come out 50/50 against each other... but I think Alliance has a much better chance against the better teams than C9 does. We could have easily been talking about a 5-1 Alliance that completely dominated the 3rd place KR team if they had a slightly better strategy.

    SK were done before the tournament even started, I don't think we saw what they are capable of in any of their games, even the last 3 with Sven back. From having their Coach banned to having to use a not even LCS level jungler... even still they still went 2-1 with the full team.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Got to play Sion just now in the jungle and he instantly clicked with me. They really nailed the feeling of being an unstoppable monster. His clear time is pretty good but his sustain is godlike, i used my first potion when at 80% HP just before i started my second buff camp. I did the most damage in the game even though i built full tank. Very impressed with this champ more so than Gnar and Azir.

    Azir needs something. I feel like his AA style play is kind of awkward for a mage. Maybe just need more games with him but he is something i would like to pick up.

    Any thoughts?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Got to play Sion just now in the jungle and he instantly clicked with me. They really nailed the feeling of being an unstoppable monster. His clear time is pretty good but his sustain is godlike, i used my first potion when at 80% HP just before i started my second buff camp. I did the most damage in the game even though i built full tank. Very impressed with this champ more so than Gnar and Azir.

    Any thoughts?

    I think Sion looks, sounds and feels amazing but his gameplay is a little lacking.
    Just played him top against Maokai and laning was the normal, top farmfest with no chance of us killing each other. When it came to team fights after he blows his ult he's just so easy to kite. Now I was against a Lucian, Thresh and Ziggs but I still think his lack of mobility will be a killer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Seifer wrote: »
    I think Sion looks, sounds and feels amazing but his gameplay is a little lacking.
    Just played him top against Maokai and laning was the normal, top farmfest with no chance of us killing each other. When it came to team fights after he blows his ult he's just so easy to kite. Now I was against a Lucian, Thresh and Ziggs but I still think his lack of mobility will be a killer.

    Agreed. Its Imperative you land your ult on initiation since it combo's so well into his Q. Missing ult can lead you into trouble since the range of his E isn't the best outside of using a minion for the knockback. Frozen Mallet and Randiun's are both excellent choice's to give him more sticking power, but again landing the ult is very important.

    I feel like he is weaker top than jungle since his ult doesn't help him a whole lot in a 1v1 situation.I think he would lose lane hard versus the likes of Irelia, Renekton, Jax, Aatrox or Darius. If i had to take him top i would take TP and ult gank bot everytime the opportunity presents itself. If you jungle him you can't really ward against him post 6, since most of his ganks will come in lane with ult. Simply gotta dodge the ult and punish him for it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    First concrete details on the preseason changes:

    A lot of it sounds interesting but there are some changes that seem like they're being made just for the sake of it; moving various effects around to different places with the same net result. Maybe it will allow them to have a finer control on balance.

    Also the percentage base regen is harder to gauge as a stat, strength-wise.

    I love the look of the new map though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    Map looks great alright. The jungle changes are interesting. Seems like alot more diversity with itemization which could lead to many different styles of jungle play and new champs joining the ranks of jungle meta. Excited for the changes.

    Increased advantages for the defending team is one thing im now sure about. It's possible games could drag out even longer but with the buffs to jungle, baron and dragon buffs it could change the flow of the game drastically with alot more team fights being played out in the river and jungle instead of in lane. See how it plays out.

    Agree with you about the %Regeneration stat being hard to gauge. Would have to check champion profiles on a site per game to see if the stat is worth it. Or they could include per level stat increases in the game's character page. Which would be nice

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    Increased advantages for the defending team is one thing im now sure about. It's possible games could drag out even longer but with the buffs to jungle, baron and dragon buffs it could change the flow of the game drastically with alot more team fights being played out in the river and jungle instead of in lane. See how it plays out.

    This is kind of what I was referring to when I said there were changes being made just for the sake of it. They removed anti-snowball mechanics and replaced then with new ones. So once they tweak them all into a balanced state will we end up where we are now? All the tower shielding and lazers make it seem like the defending team will be stronger but maybe a few dragon stacks and the baron buff will make your team a pushing machine?

    Upon further reflection it's like they're just changing things up just to make the game different but it's not like people don't like it the way it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    Seifer wrote: »
    This is kind of what I was referring to when I said there were changes being made just for the sake of it. They removed anti-snowball mechanics and replaced then with new ones. So once they tweak them all into a balanced state will we end up where we are now? All the tower shielding and lazers make it seem like the defending team will be stronger but maybe a few dragon stacks and the baron buff will make your team a pushing machine?

    Upon further reflection it's like they're just changing things up just to make the game different but it's not like people don't like it the way it is.
    Ah, it does get stale though :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,911 ✭✭✭SeantheMan

    Some pics from worlds off my crap phone, sorry bout the quality.
    I think I love that Katarina girl now (Tasha from Spira Cats) is her name

    They gave out some free stuff too, dunno if it was only the platinum seats that got the Skin codes though.
    There was also a queue for merchandise...that started 2 hours before it went on least 300 people long.
    Funny thing was, by 4 o Clock you could walk up and get whatever, and there was also a much shorter queue inside the building that noone knew about

    Semis were in the Olympic Gymnastic Stadium.
    Finals are this coming Sunday in the World Cup Football Stadium, so I'll get some pics there too

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,000 ✭✭✭wonderboysam

    SeantheMan wrote: »

    holy guacamole!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,994 ✭✭✭Taylor365

    She'd get my vote! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    After 11 games of Azir in ranked i can confirm he is my favorite champ :pac: 7wins 4 losses. Rough start when i was still getting used to his mechanics. Plus i took him as supp once and top twice. Supp game was horrible but i felt it could have gone better, but both games top went decent, except for one when i faced Nasus top. Only reason i lost that lane was because Shaco camped top and i couldn't punish Nasus for CSing.

    What i like most about him is that it always feels like i'm doing something. Feels like Zed in a way with the mobility and the ability to outplay your opponent. Unless its Ahri :D He also has insane zone control and peel for ADC. If i hang back with ADC in a TF i can push any bruisers off them and we can wreak teams behind a wall. Even moreso if its a jungle fight. His early game is pretty rough and you will have some mana issue's if you want to poke in lane. His mid to late game insane. Does lots and lots of damage when you get Deathcap + Nashors. He also has fantastic chase down once at 25%+ CDR. If you land a Q on someone trying to escape, they are pretty much dead. Lots of fun, much enjoy 10/10

    -Edit- Oh yeah, i don't like his passive. Never have i felt like it made an impact in anything at all. In most cases i would drop it and recall or roam so i don't miss like 10 or so CS. Yeah. Useless

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    ugh, cosplay girls in the ridiculously over sexualised costumes and get ups of the in game characters :s always just makes me shake my head

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,000 ✭✭✭wonderboysam

    BMMachine wrote: »
    always just makes me shake my head

    me too... vertically!
