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Diploma in Professional legal studies?

  • 25-05-2011 12:26pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 47


    I am thinking of completing the diploma in professional legal studies in Griffith College. Firstly I will be doing the certificate in Professional legal studies and then the diploma.

    But I am having doubts. Has anyone done this? Is it worth while as it is alot of money? Do you think it would be good to have and hopefully get a job in the legal industry?

    Or maybe if after I want to go on to become a solicitor?
    Or am I wasting my time ?

    Any advice at all would help !

    Thank you so much :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭jessabell88

    Hi, I did the diploma a few years ago and worked way up to final year of the LLB.

    Doing what youre thinking of doing is fine but essentially it will only qualify you to become a legal executive, which is not paid fantasic money, but if thats what your looking for then griffith is good to go to.

    But id actually suggest you call the law faculty in Griffith and ask to speak to Siobhan Leonard, shes head of the law faculty and is extremely lovely and helpful.
    She can maybe explain it all to you, like doing what course is better for what you want to have a career in. However, id call very soon because i think she is taking summer holidays.

    Best of luck!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,405 ✭✭✭Dandelion6

    I did the certificate and stopped there, because my marks were high enough I reckoned I may as well just do the FE1s instead. I found it a bit demeaning to have to answer exam questions like "What should you do when meeting a new client for the first time?" (Answer: "Step 1. Offer them a cup of tea or coffee.") But if that floats your boat, go for it.

    However I also thought the administration was woeful, so when I did the FE1s I went to Independent instead.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 nickita22

    Hi Dandilion6 - How did you find the FE-1's ? I am currently looking to do a BA Ordinary Law Degree part time in DIT as i think i would like to progress on to the Law Society exams.. how did you find them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 GCDLaw

    just in: A sneak peek of the Diploma in Legal Studies and Practice course first lecture can be viewed here:

    Applications close November 28th, any questions just send me a pm.... ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 legalmam

    I done both the diploma and certificate in professional legal studies and found it very helpful. Would definitely advise you to do it. Am currently doing my B.A in Irish Law and due to my first two years study already with the professional legal studies course I was able to jump straight into year two of this degree. Its the only way forward :).
    Best of luck.

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