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Middle-Aged Ambitions



  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Tue - Tempo, 7.52 miles, 7:48 miles, HR 143

    Gave blood this evening and one key instruction was 'no vigorous exercise for the rest of the day'. Following our cultural proclivity for regarding rules as good in principle but open to interpretation, I proceeded to pull on the gear and head out. Being sensible:rolleyes:, I took the first mile easy but then went by feel for the rest, surprised the pace was that high but the couple of days rest had obviously freshened up the legs.

    Wed - VO2 Max, 9.32 miles, 7:41 pace, HR 142

    3 mile warm-up, 5 x 1km with 3 min rest, 3 miles to finish. Sun was going down as I started this and could feel the air cooling rapidly, not a problem except the persistent rattle in my chest since the same session last week had me wondering was this a good idea.

    However, unlike last week, started first km at a sustainable pace 6:40 and felt fine so two more were done at 6:32 and 6:49. By this stage was feeling tired so promised myself during 4th rep that if I did it at a respectable pace I would call it a day, 6:44, so fine. 3 minute recovery and I headed into final rep, a little bit of internal psychology there;), 6:43. HR for first rep was 153 but remained solid for all the rest at 158. Legs felt good during reps, can see the benefit of near max effort, but getting the head to agree is the challenge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Fri - Medium, 10.94 miles, 8:06 pace, HR 136

    Legs felt fresh enough for this and it was reflected in the pace. Did the run in a wooded area away from home to the buzzing of chainsaws all around and above, there were five going within a mile, there was even one tree still arching over the road resting on a neighbour (the road was still open), the destruction was unreal. Nice to run somewhere different. Legs stiffened up afterwards as was stuck in the car for the rest of the day.

    Sat - Recovery, 5.64 miles, 8:50 pace, HR 123

    Needed this to ease the stiffness from yesterday, only issue was that I had to be out, back, showered and ready to do taxi by 7:30am (never read the small print on parenting:p).

    Sun - LSR with 14 @ MP, 18 miles, 8:13 pace, HR 134

    2 mile warm-up, 2 mile warm-down and 14 at MP. My target MP is 8 minutes and the average pace on an undulating course was - exactly 8 min:), pure coincidence as between the wind (not expected) and the up/down nature of the run, pace varied between 7:44 and 8:21. This was a much tougher effort than the HR would indicate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Mon - VO2 Max, 8.73 miles, 8:14 pace, HR 131

    Fairly wacked after yesterday's run and only decided to do Tues scheduled run today because, the way work is tomorrow, it wouldn't get done otherwise.

    Left it to the evening and the legs had eased a bit, 3 mile warm-up and 5 x 800m at 6:29, 6:29, 6:33, 6:33 and 6:38. As target was 6:40 pleased enough but knew the last rep was going to be slower because the legs were gone by that stage.

    How gone I was to discover on the 3 mile warm-down home. Started very easy on wrecked legs but fully expected them to recover after a mile of 9:3x pace but instead of that they proceeded to get worse, no energy, lift, nothing. Got so bad I stopped 9:50 pace:o. Finally struggled in the door completely shattered. Toughest session I have done in this plan, hoping the cause was the cut of 24 hours in the recovery and lack of sleep, find out Wed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Wed - MSR, 11.11 miles, 8:20 pace, HR 134

    2 hours is not enough time to digest a chicken curry - fact.

    Had an early morning meeting in the 'real capital' this morning and foolishly had a curry as a late lunch prior to heading home. Stomach felt heavy after the drive but pulled on the gear and headed out the door.

    Did I do the run? - Yes
    Did I throw up? - Nearly, twice
    Did I enjoy the run? - No
    Why did I do the run? - Because the plan said I should
    Am I an idiot? - Yes

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Fri - Recovery, 5.64 miles, 8:35 pace, HR 130

    Didn't feel good doing this, very tired all week, ambled around as I thought but both pace and HR were too high, did a few strides in the middle, legs felt it easy but hard effort at the same time (didn't make much sense to me either:P).

    Sat - Threshold, 11 16 miles, 8:00 pace, HR 143

    Programme said 10 mile race but as I didn't enter Mallow as previous years I was left with a solo effort. Felt lousy before starting, blamed the recovery Fri evening and the strides in particular, but knew it was the week in general. Fell asleep in front of the fire so sleep had been disturbed, not good preparation. Tempted to bail before I started on the hard pace but remembered the big prize so gritted the teeth and headed out. Covered up the watch and ran on feel for the 10 miles. Knew from the off it was not going to be a good run but hoped to salvage sub-7:40 out of it but ended up at 7:49. Could use the wind as an excuse but the legs just didn't have it.

    Sun - LSR, 17.86 miles, 8:31 pace, HR 130

    Following yesterday, knew this was going to be a toughie but knew the idea was to get out on tired legs - and, boy, were they tired:eek:. Fell asleep in front of the fire, again, and then overslept - good start:rolleyes:.

    Weather was perfect, started out at 8:25 miles and zoned out for first 10-12 miles, taking a gel at mile 8. Shortly after that it started to get harder as the gradients increased and the tiredness in the legs kicked in big-style. Finished in reasonable shape but looking forward to a couple of days off.

    Boston 4 weeks tomorrow!!:eek:.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Tue - Recovery, 5.85 miles, 8:48 pace, HR 128

    Relaxed run with half a dozen strides mixed in. Beginning to appreciate the effect strides have on the efficiency of running style (it could all be psychological, of course) as I feel I am running better and shuffling less.

    Wed - VO2 Max, 8.65 miles, 7:57 pace, HR 132

    Very easy 3.5 miles to start, with 2 more to finish and 4 x 1200m at 5k pace in the middle. Four efforts were run at 6:36 to 6:49 pace, HR maxing at +/-156 for each rep. Concentrated on pacing these evenly and suceeded to a point but legs were running out of juice for the last pair, which is slightly worrying. Used core to keep the legs driving on such that after I was done it was touch and go whether lunch would be paying a return visit :) - it didn't - just. Proves the effort was there at least.

    201 miles for the month, a record, but programme said the last two days should have been 7 and 10 miles....slacker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Fri - Medium, 11.17 miles, 7:58 pace, HR 135

    Legs were happy after a 48 hour rest so covered up the watch and let the pace take care of itself. Good MP-paced run, felt comfortable the whole way. Happy bunny this evening:).

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Sat - Recovery, 5.91 miles, 8:57 pace, HR 120

    Easy run in the early morning, legs a little tired from previous evening, threw in a few strides to loosen them up.

    Sun - LSR, 21.59 miles, 8:16 pace, HR 129

    With the clocks going forward (mentally I had them going back - wishful thinking:rolleyes:) and the best part of a bottle of wine last night, this was a later start than usual. My excuse was I wanted to have a dry run marathon breakfast beforehand to see how I got on (big bowl of porridge with fruit). Still hit the road before 8:30 so not too shabby.

    Felt Friday's miles in the legs from the start but as that was generally the idea just paced it accordingly. Gels at 8 and 16 miles, no water, it was cool enough so no significant sweat loss which was just as well as I realised early on that I had forgotten to grease up the essentials, no serious injuries to report;) (a mistake that could put 16 weeks training down the pan on a hot day). Legs began to flag in last couple of miles but as they are a continuous uphill drag I wasn't too concerned.

    Last long run (only 16 next week:)) so the taper begins. Not overly confident but have stuck to the programme so have to trust that it will get me there. Biggest concern is the weather, warm and I am dead, but lets worry about that later.

    Listened to the latest Marathon Talk podcast on the way around and discovered my carb-loading breakfast and gels are not the way to train your body to burn fat - sort of knew that but hadn't put the pieces together - do it right for the next one!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Tues - VO2 Max, 8.06 miles, 7:36 pace HR 135

    Find these sessions as mentally hard as physically, pushing for the last bit when the legs or lungs are burning, it is very tempting to ease up just that little touch. This is where doing it with the club would help but work and family commitments take precedence so that's just the way it is.

    Been happy enough with the past couple of this type of session so headed out with only one top on for the first time this year, yipee!! Found the chilly east wind was still there though, boo!! Three mile warmup at MP and settled in to 5 x 600m with 3 min rest. Did the reps at 6:09, 6:03, 6:08, 6:11 and 6:08 pace, so consistent, HR hit 157 for each. Legs ran out of gas towards the end of the fourth rep but otherwise happy enough. Finished off with 2 miles at MP and a final mile easing down with the climb up the hill.

    Good session with one minor flaw - dawned on me running home it should have been at 5K pace per plan, which for me is 6:50 - oops:o - but a bit of digging on Runbayou shows 600 intervals at 6:08 pace - phew;):). So it was an interval session:p.

    Feeling relaxed about the wind down now, only one heavy session left next week, so priority is to avoid niggles and bugs. Sore throat this morning.....and so it begins.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Wed - Recovery, 5.82 miles, 8:46 pace, HR 124

    Easy paced recovery, threw in a few strides, actually enjoyed this slow-paced run for once.

    Fri - WIT/WAC 5K Race, 20:50

    Plan said 10K race on Sat but this was the best I could do. Met a cousin at the start so chatted about this and that to the point that the race started and I had not set the watch so ran on feel, not necessarily a bad thing. Undulating course with fast first mile, took it fairly easy for this and dug in for the remainder. Happy with how I paced it, for a change, 30 second improvement on last year for this race so have to be happy.

    Sat - Recovery, 5.63 miles, 8:57 pace, HR 126

    Legs protested a little after the previous night's exertions, quads in particular. Threw in a few strides again to stretch sore muscles, overall, harder than Wed:(.

    Sun - LSR, 18 miles, 8:18 pace, HR 129

    Needed to do this early but also knew the weather forecast. Two layers and back in the long-sleeved top, out the door with a drink of water only. Got a mile and a half in and the rain came. First half was pretty much full on into the wind and rain which had geared itself into a mini-storm. Seriously considered finding another route but didn't want to wus-out at this stage so got on with it, kept the pace sub 8:30 except on the hills.

    Quads were still aching but pushed them as the hills in Boston aren't going to go easy. While temperatures were officially OK the wet and wind combined to make my hands and knees wish I had put on gloves and leggings. The turn for home made things a bit better and stuck in a few MP miles at the end to try and convince myself I'm on track. Passed a number of ESB trucks out and about together with a few leaning trees that escaped the last time but the power was back when I got home, so got my shower:).

    Learned that if the wind is in my face on the big day I will need another plan as it would be fatal to try to take it on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Tue - Aerobic, 8.67 miles, 8:13 pace HR 129

    This was supposed to be aerobic, which should be around 9:00, but in my defence the run felt very easy at the pace I was running so although I was aware of it I let it continue, the low HR reflected this. Put in 8 x 100 strides as part of the session.

    I had a niggle in my IT band since Sunday but put this down to sleeping badly but as of now (Thursday) it is still around.

    Wed - VO2 Max, 7.82 miles, 7:43 pace, HR 140

    Couple of miles warmup and warmdown with 3 x 1600m at 5K pace, 5 min rest, last serious session before Boston. Looking at this on paper I had dreaded it somewhat but with my new attitude to strides and form and efficiency took it as a test of how good the training had been. Felt niggle in IT band and knee during the warmup but did what we normally do as runners - ignored it:).

    Ran the first mile at a very controlled pace, concentrating on form, 6:46, very near last week's 5K pace of 6:42, but felt it was not enough effort, max HR of 146 agreed. Second one was better, 6:40 and max HR 157, but lost form in last third and was not particularly happy. Dreaded last one but told myself it was the last hard effort before marathon so suck it up:pac:. Started with good form and kept stride smooth for first third, quick glance at the watch showed 6:07 pace:eek:, happy with that. Hard (uphill) bit was still to come so knuckled down and kept effort, breathing, form, legs (and the kitcken sink) together for the rest and was delighted to finish in 6:19 with 159 max HR:), just what the doctor ordered. Happy to complete the session as required and still be in one piece.

    Spent today avoiding anyone whose nose even twitched:P not easy as I was most of it in WRH.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Fri - Recovery, 5.57 miles, 9:03 pace, HR 122

    Very slow and very horrible, legs stiffened up after Wed session with hip and IT band continuing to niggle but it was the two (:eek:) Achilles tendons that bothered me most. Running slow was painful and it took a couple of miles for the legs to loosen up but the last mile was equally nasty. Put it down to too much sitting down as workload has begun to pile up as they sense I might be missing for a while at work:pac:.

    Sun - Medium, 11.2 miles, 8:32 pace, HR 121

    Out early so could get back for the start of London (to see how it is done:p). Legs only improved marginally despite lots of rest and stretching. Took it very steady, hence the HR, nice run in the sunshine.

    Tues - Recovery, 5.56 miles, 8:25 pace, HR 129

    Taper has me going quietly gaga, constantly feeling pains in my legs, calves, quads, hammers, but only real ones are the hip and the two Achilles. The latter are really worrying me, lots of rolling and some stretching but not too much, can imagine some small improvement but not a lot. US Border Agency will probably transport me directly to some padded room if this week doesn't pass soon:D

    This run was a slog, a sore slog.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,855 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Your running very strong at the moment, especially at the mp miles. Fair play to you. Seems like your in great shape this year. What training plan are you following?

    Best of luck in the marathon

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭RubyK

    The very best for boston slowsteady! You've put in the work, and will reap the rewards!! Have a great one :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Your running very strong at the moment, especially at the mp miles. Fair play to you. Seems like your in great shape this year. What training plan are you following?

    Best of luck in the marathon

    Thanks, put in the miles alright but having serious issues for the past couple of weeks, taper madness I hope. Listened back to an old Marathon Talk podcast with Tim Noakes the other day - it's all in the head not in the legs - so hope I can convince myself on the day. The heat will be the biggest challenge, I don't do heat:rolleyes:

    Plan was the P&D 40-50mpw, stuck to it pretty well so we will see.

    Glad to see you are back on the road and taking it handy, good approach.

    Wed - Steady with 2 x MP, 8.68 miles, 8:25 pace, HR 131

    Achilles were the dominant theme with this run, never really eased out properly and are my major concern. Run itself felt very comfortable, MP miles were no issue, so taper is working to that extent. Lots of rolling and stretching but rest is the best:)

    Fri - Recovery, 5.71 miles, 8:40 pace, HR 123

    Rolled around my 5-mile lap for this one, hardly lifted the feet but the miles seemed to go by, just what the doctor ordered at this stage. Did a few strides along the way, could feel the two achilles in the background but there they remained, so all is good.

    Bags packed, off this evening, hope we all make the news for the right reasons this year.
