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My message to you.....

  • 14-06-2011 3:36pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1 a human

    Hello everyone!

    I am not a regular forum poster on the Internet,
    many of you might interpret this in different ways.

    Please don't take me as trying to be better/more intelligent than any of you,i am not.

    I am simply coming here with a perspective/point of view,that i would like to share,
    I'm sure i will speak for some more people with what i say here.

    This is a long post so thank you to whoever reads it,this actually started out as only a little rant but
    quickly grew into something more.....

    When are people going to stop with this 'box' thinking?...

    the answer to one government is not another.
    the answer to one corrupt politician is not another.
    the answer to one religion is not another.
    the answer to one war is not another.
    the answer to one form of currency is not another.

    Don't you all see how we are all suppose to be free,everything is.

    I'm sure that corporations/governments would love for you all to believe that if we wanted/needed more of these
    products,they need money first,does mother nature come to collect a check off of these criminals for all the
    tree's they cut down,all the pollution they cause,all the animals they kill?...

    The whole system we have surrounding everyone of us today is to control us,make no mistake,

    A key to people around the world becoming more 'awake',is that they get in touch with their inner/higher
    selves better,this will not happen while getting pissed with mates or watching footie/x factor,or any tv for
    that matter.

    I see/hear so many people today who are afraid to be alone,even if it was just for a single Friday or Saturday
    night,this is crazy,friends can be great of course,as can a movie/tv(some) i guess,
    but you will need to spend real alone time to become more awake to the world/universe around us today.

    Lie on your bed regularly for an hour or 2 just thinking/imagining,try not to think too much about
    society/celebrities etc,try to detach the 'system' from your mind as much as possible..

    Imagine how things could be different in so many ways..

    Dreams are also a huge key,embrace them.

    Remembering your dreams is what helps with remembering them in the future..

    In other words,simply accessing that part of your brain more regularly will help you immensely in the future.

    So immediately when you wake up from a dream,focus,concentrate,don't just brush it off & get on with your day,
    the more you go over this & other dreams in your head,will 'help' your brain & subsequently help you.

    Please embrace yourselves,have faith in yourselves,please stop looking for somewhere to spend your
    money,someone to follow/worship,try to detach as mush as possible from the 'system',of course its very hard,
    that is conveniently the way it is setup,to be hard to get by without it.

    No one has the right to tell anyone else what to,or not to believe in,
    if you want to believe in money/religion,fine,that's your choice,we all have free will,
    but please,everything will become more clear to everyone when they get in touch with their inner/higher
    selves,embrace themselves & everything/everyone else as equal,share,care & love each other as one.

    I personally don't think their was/is a 'guidebook' or 'rulebook' as to how we are supposed to live/lead or

    Surely we are all simply supposed to be free & live as one,after all,is this not the most 'natural' way?...

    Of course many out there would do anything to stop this from happening,but its up to us,first as
    individuals,then as a whole.

    I know there are many 'strict' meat eaters out there,many think it makes them better,healthier,stronger,fitter,this is completely wrong.

    Tell me,since its strictly meat here for you people,the life,pain & suffering of the being is nothing to you,
    would you be ok with eating another humans flesh? they are both flesh at the end of the day,i'm sure the taste
    would probably not differ all that much either....

    Yes,we can be such hypocrites alright & go to great lengths to justify it too.

    I would love if we gave all other life on this planet a real equal chance,especially animals.

    Do you all not see the hypocrisy in eating animals?
    I guess many of you out their think we are not equal?
    An animals life is not as important,or at least some animals?

    Whats to say animals wouldn't be a lot more advanced/intelligent if only for our holding them back?

    Its ok to eat a pig or cow but not a dog,oh no.
    why cant a pig or cow be just as much a 'pet' as a dog?

    Just try to imagine if us humans had never consumed any animals ever? (and no,not from our point of view,but
    from the animals.)

    We let ourselves be controlled/dominated by 'leaders',and whine about it,
    yet we inflict this same control/dominance over other life around us,that we see as 'under' us.

    If you believe in a god,do you believe he made a mistake in creating some animals?
    If a cow/pig is simply here for our consumption/delicacy,why give them so many of the same emotions/feelings/desires that us humans have,
    does that not seem quite 'mean' of god?

    I personally have nothing against meat eaters,i would just hope that they see intelligent life as intelligent

    Would you meat eaters like to be slaughtered & consumed at some stage in your life?
    an early stage where you have not lived your live as full & free at all,born simply to be slaughtered &
    consumed,what gives us the right to play god like this,nothing does.

    I suppose if for example,cows could somehow stand up for themselves & really fight us back,
    we would just eventually kill them all to extinction & say f**k em,that's what they get for fighting back & not
    letting us slaughter/consume them,then move on to next animal...

    If most of you meat eaters had to kill & prepare your own meal,
    i think it can be safely said you could probably not do it.

    Oh you've killed a chicken before have you?

    Now go kill that cow for that big mac you like so much,
    why not do it on front of its friends & family also,be a man,slaughter & mutilate the cow just like you need to,
    after all,a big mac is the end goal here right?...................................worth it?

    Is it not impossible to imagine how,for example,a cow might look at a dog being groomed by its owner &
    wonder,whats going on here?
    a dog might also look at a cow & think,why am i free & this being not,does that being even 'know' freedom?

    Of course a cow/dog is not going to think in words,but you get the drift.

    Wouldn't it all look new & strange to the cow?

    ''why does a human show that being affection & not me?''

    If you were to groom the cow,it would all feel very 'new' to the cow,you would scare/please the cow at the same time.

    How are we not holding these beings back,are we not being very ignorant & hypocritical?

    ''but,other animals eat other animals''

    Yes,you see,we hold these beings back from progressing anything past basic instinct/survival skills,
    they dont exactly 'know' any better,we do.

    ''but the animals were raised 'right',the all 'natural' way''

    That's the equivalent of killing & eating someone (which it obviously is)
    but instead of doing it down a dark alleyway,initiated with a bullet to the head,
    you rent the victim a nice luxury hotel room & take your sweet time.

    ''meat from animals is nutritious''

    Yes,i bet meat from us humans would probably be very nutritious too.

    Going by this logic,
    whats to say other meat eating animals weren't supposed to end up consuming us?..

    There is loads of more space on this planet for humans & animals to live side by side as one,
    does that not logically sound like how it was 'supposed' to be?

    Loads of other food that we can eat,& not have to inflict pain & misery on animals like we do,
    yes maybe plants feel pain/emotion too,but i doubt its quite to the same extent somehow.

    I would love you all to really,and i mean really,put yourself in an animals 'shoe's',
    and please dont just brush them off as being lower/dumber than you,they are not,they feel

    I think you would see that we probably confuse the hell out of most animals,can you not see how we are all
    holding them back,not just from progression,but from basic rights,life & freedom.


    yes you,chameleon,with all your crazy colours.
    yes you,computer geek in ____,drinking your mountain dew,playing video games,while reading this.
    yes you,big creepy looking spider under the table.
    yes you,'loner' girl in ____ who spends her days learning,dreaming,wanting to help humanity,yet 'alone'.
    yes you,old tree,standing there for over 250yrs strong.
    yes you,old guy in ____,living out his last days,full of regrets,what ifs.
    yes you,bird,chirping at 6 o' clock in the morning.
    yes you,girl in ____ who dropped out of school at 12,no job,broke.
    yes you,widower,lonely,depressed,too 'shy' to meet new people.
    yes you,pig,rolling around in sh*t happy as.
    yes you,religious type,yet feels somewhat unsure,but still a believer.
    yes you,who feels like he/she didn't live up to family/friends expectations.
    on & on.....

    We are all equal,no matter where you are.

    We all have the same capacity to love,learn & share.

    On one hand we're all divided yet at the same we're all one.

    When you see us divided,it is because we all have this same capacity,its beautiful,
    not that we're divided but that we all fight for what we believe in,
    you might not believe in a persons beliefs/religion,but isn't it wonderful that they will go to such lengths
    and fight for what they believe in?..

    The human spirit is very powerful,but you all must remember,it is also very easily manipulated.

    At the end of the day we are all only products of our environment,for the most part.

    That 'scum' who lives up the street from you?

    Hey,he might look/be bad now,but he is only a product of his environment,how he was raised,this system
    surrounding all of us,people just try to get by whatever way they can,i'm not trying to justify anyone's
    actions,but if we should be 'hating' anyone,its our 'leaders',the one's who constructed this system,bickering
    and fighting with each other is futile,this is exactly what they would want.

    Lets not 'hate' at all though,enough of that in the world today,lets do the opposite.
    Lets please stop with the divisions,let's break free & unite as one.

    Most people are brought into this world,and 'forced' to do everything.

    All many kids (for the most part) are going to remember from growing up is the rules/restrictions &
    regulations,of course some are needed,but that's it,some.

    parents to kids:

    ''no you cant''
    ''no you wont''
    ''have to do this''
    ''have to that''
    ''wont ever do this''
    ''wont ever be that''

    Most are being forced into religions,education,all kinds.

    Is this how to raise a child to reach their full potential?

    We should be nurturing a child's natural talents,
    all kids are going to have at least one thing that they are naturally good at.

    Some parents decide what they want their son/daughter to be/do before they are even born,this is crazy.

    I'm not anyone to tell you how to raise your kids,but please look inside yourselves,look around you.

    When your child is born,they truly are unique,of course you will always see them as unique,
    but when you force them into a religion and education etc,you are almost 'over coating' some of their
    they will have no other choice but to 'fit in',to 'follow' if you will.

    This cause's them to have to be more passive,which obviously leads to people not becoming in touch with their
    inner/higher selves,which in my opinion is 'a' huge key in humanity progressing.

    Life,love,freedom & happiness for all,these are some of whats important in life,
    please dont ever make anyone ever feel otherwise,EVER.

    No,its not about a job,car,money,degree,how many friends or how 'pretty' you are,how many guys/girls you have

    Celebrities? i bet every person on this whole forum has more personality than any celebrity out their
    anywhere,a fixation on paper,numbers & looking in the mirror/tv will get you know where in life.

    You could all be as good if not better than any of these celebrities/musicians etc that some of you see fit to

    Believe in yourself,be comfortable in your own skin,how many of you have actually properly/comfortably tried
    to sing,dance,act or play certain sports?

    Probably very few,because you'll most likely write yourself off without even giving yourself the chance.
    Please give yourself the chance to do whatever you have wanted to do,it is never too late.

    True beauty & happiness come from within,not a bank account or pretty face,
    dont forget what money & banks are here for,control.

    Please dont let yourself be controlled by these crooks & evil people.

    Society's ideals as to what 'makes' a person,these are completely wrong.

    Please take of your make-up/mask,accept yourselves for the beauty that you are,
    their is a place for everyone of us on this planet & beyond,all of you are worth it no matter what.

    no job? i love you
    no car? i love you
    no home? i love you
    religious? i love you
    non religious? i love you
    overweight? i love you
    anorexic? i love you
    'thug'? i love you
    'loser'? i love you
    no money? i love you
    no friends? i love you
    made mistakes? i love you
    poor education? i love you
    not considered 'smart','pretty' or 'funny'? i love you

    I love you all,i really do,even you who laughs at my 'sadness'.

    Of course,a lot of you might not care about 'my' love,but i would like you all to have the same unbiased love
    towards everything & everyone,would it not make for a lot better planet?

    We are all one,it does not matter where on earth you are,or your skin colour.

    You all have an abundance of light & love in you,please spread it far & wide.

    Please don't obsess over what people think of your,background,education,clothes,voice,hair,weight,any of it.

    Seek inside yourselves,think,wonder,ponder,dream,imagine,all will become clearer to everyone,
    de-construct the structure/barrier setup inside your head as to how everything in this world 'is'.

    Don't stop listening to the music you love just because your friends dont think its 'cool'.
    listen to whatever you like,music can be a fantastic inspirational tool also.

    Dress however you like,you like old looking sweaters?
    cool,maybe not to most of society,but do you really want society to dictate your life,really?..

    Do whatever makes you happy,whatever satisfies your soul.

    Accept yourselves fully,forget the fear & learn to live,love & share.

    Don't base what you do/dont do,on what society or friends thinks is 'cool',
    whats much 'cooler' is following your heart,your uniqueness,being who you really are.

    Your inner/higher selves will supply you with all you need,
    we all are such powerful beings,embrace it & each other.

    I'm sure most of you do not want to grow up full of regrets like so many do,
    please live this life to the fullest,accept your friends & foe's alike,this life is too short.

    Please seek your own truths,be your own journalist,seek your own natural medicine,cook your own food,cut your
    own hair,sow your own clothing,why not offer that older person across the street to do some work for free,or
    anyone else for that matter,spread positive energy,its contagious you know.

    If any of you out their have the space to grow your own food,please do,lots of people in the world cannot do
    this today,how crazy is that,we take so much for granted.

    Please try to keep your need/want of money/materials to a minimum if at all possible,especially when it
    benefits no one but bankers,as long as we need/want these things,they have us under their control.

    I know it can be 'nice' to have all these kinds of goods,
    but in reality none of it is really important to you & most of it only damages your mental/physical health & your spiritual progression.

    Deep down it really makes no difference who wins x-factor,who wins the lotto or who wins the match,these all
    only keep us too occupied to really progress in life,turn of your tv,keep it off,its just there to
    drown/control your mind with unimportant matters.

    How is it fair,the wages so many of these people get,only to be worshipped by us?
    We should be furious with this & these people.

    All over the world everyday people suffer & die because of our ignorance,because of our want/need to consume
    so much.

    Lets stop living/wanting only for the 'self'.

    I would just like for you all to look within,
    do not limit yourself to anything,we are all in this together,lets make it better for the futures of
    everyone,especially our children.

    I do not want anything from this post,i don't want you to pass on this particular message to anyone or
    anything,but i would like for you all to pass on your own messages to people you know,even 'strangers',
    be yourselves,start loving each other,loving nature,dont be shy,simply be the change that we would all like to see in the world.

    Thank you all very much for taking the time to read this.

    Please dont ever feel alone,you are not,ever.

    Sweet dreams & Take care.

    Lots of Love,
    A human on planet earth.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,475 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    I'm always amazed at the seeming lack of awareness people have when they post stuff like this :)

    The world would be better without corporations?
    Right so, off the computer, off with the mass produced clothes, had a builder build your house? no no, you're FREE, you can go and build a shelter somewhere and live among the stars :)

    The fact that we as a species are as intelligent as you claim is down to our ability to work together. There's so much that makes YOUR life comfortable because of the "corporate efforts" of others that it's almost blinding how ridiculous you sound.

    Kinda depressing that someone can claim to be so free and yet have obviously not shrugged free from the shackles of stupidity

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Naomi Lemon Quadrilateral

    Lets stop living/wanting only for the 'self'.

    I would just like for you all to look within,
    Yes, okay... why don't you look "within" and find some less nonsensical self-contradictory ramblings?

    I suppose if for example,cows could somehow stand up for themselves & really fight us back,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 28,921 ✭✭✭✭looksee



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,481 ✭✭✭Fremen

    Commas get a space after them. Edit please, and I will read.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 9,441 ✭✭✭old hippy

    There's some truth in what the OP says but it's way too long and smacks of one of those chain letter/c&p thingies you get from people.

    Still, I'm glad s/he has a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

    Here's my "message".

    Don't believe the hype!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39,022 ✭✭✭✭Permabear

    This post has been deleted.

This discussion has been closed.