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It time

  • 22-06-2011 9:39am
    Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭


    I am on day one of stopping smoking. Would be a 20 a day girl for the last 7 months or so. I was off them for about 9 months previous to that and I found this forum really helpful then. I started the C25K programme and was getting on great. I even lost weight. Then I got complacent and one day under stress and anxiety I smoked and low and behold I was back smoking. I've wanted to stop again since that day but so far I haven't had the courage. I have not fully figured out what the fear is in stopping smoking but there is definitely a fear there so I am just going to face it. I did before and I thoroughly enjoyed being a non smoker. I know that as with any drug, I can't quit on my own so that's why I have posted here. For support and to share experiences with others in the same position.

    So from today I am a non smoker again. I'm not sure if I fully believe in it, or myself but I am going to give it my best. So far so good but it is only 9.30. Mind you I would have had 2 by now. I am not craving yet but I am prepared for it when it happens.

    I am trying to rememeber my reasons for stopping.
    1. I want to be a non smoker.
    2. I want to be able to smell properly.
    3. I want to not have a cough.
    4. I want to not suffer from this awful heartburn ( I know in my case this is smoking related)
    5. Smoking is a ridiculously expensive past time and I would like a new car.
    6. Stopping smoking is the greatest gift i can give myself and I deserve it.

    So on that note wish me luck.


  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭MazzR

    oh best of luck!!!! Today is also day 1 for me too. i have a patch on..Fingers x'd for us!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,208 ✭✭✭shamrock55

    well done guys best of luck with it im off the smokes a year and a half now myself and now call myself a non smoker it does get easier and its the best thing you could do for yourself;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    Thanks Shamrock - Im also a non smoker now !!

    MazzR - Best of luck. To be honest I think the anti smoking lobby and companies profiting from it probably do make it sound harder than it is. But we'll see if I'm saying that tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    Well I've made it to day 2. Yesterday wasn't too bad except for the low level restlesness that was with me all day. I was also very emotional, wanting to cry at the drop of a hat which is really annoying but its all part of the process. One thing I noticed is that when I finished dinner I didn't feel fully finished because I hadn't punctuated it with a cigarette!

    Anyway onward and upward.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    Best of luck. I'm nearing the 2 week mark again. Gets easier!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,807 ✭✭✭✭Orion

    Well done folks. Keep it up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    Ok So ive made it to day three. Day 2 was OK although I just ate,ate,ate. I was trying to take away that low level tension that I know will go away with a cigarette but that's not an option anymore, So I tried eating my way through it!! Not the answer. Didn't miss the cigarette too much though and the mood was better. Walked into work this morning and up the stairs to the 3rd floor. I'm only realising how unfit I am but at least I am taking the right steps. I am having acupunture tonight so hopefully that will help with the side effects, particularly this anxiety/restlesness and maybe the eating aswell. Best of luck to all the other quitters. Happy Friday

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,208 ✭✭✭shamrock55

    i found lolly pops a good thing for a while whenever i felt like a cig id just pop in a lolly pop worked grand too till you get s**t sick of lolly pops:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    Well its day 6 and I have to say I've been struggling. Yesterday in particular was very difficult. I was extremely emotional and spent most of the evening in tears. Not really sure where its coming from. I would have though I was over the worst by day 3 or 4 but apparently not. Still I didn't smoke. Not feeling a whole lot better today although I am back in work so that will occupy my mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Joe10000

    Day one for me too, I will be spending it with Allen Carr's book.

    I don't want to be a smoker, I really don't.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭cars701

    Joe10000 wrote: »
    Day one for me too, I will be spending it with Allen Carr's book.

    I don't want to be a smoker, I really don't.

    Day one for me too Joe1000; have Allen Carr's book as well; great source of encouragement especially when you're in traffic! I find apples help too; I'm just glad I have the morning run out of the way; my worst time is when I get up (about 7am) get kids organised; dropped to school etc., until I get to work (about 9.10am)- just glad its over and tomorrow morning won't be as bad! Good luck today Joe10000 - it maybe a bit uncomfortable but it's by no means impossible as I've read in these threads loads of people achieve and not one of them say I'm sorry I gave up smoking NOT ONE ! Keep determined and don't be beaten by these things - check in here later for more encouraging words

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Joe10000

    Thanks Cars, funny I bring the book with me and traffic is where I read it the most too, love red lights :) I make sure I have a bottle of water with me too, I have a sip when I get the urge and water is a great appetite suppressant so I won't end up like a barrel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    Wow can't believe its day 7. Yesterday was definietly better than Sunday. Its amazing how smoking affects us emotionally. Feeling good today, the cravings aren't too bad the last few days just the moods that have been difficult. Thankfully though I am feeling good today. Going for another Jog tonight. The jogging definitely helps as it gives me a reason to keep going. I know if I smoke I can say goodbyr to the jogging and while I don't particularly like jogging I do always feel great after it. Best of luck to everyone else on the journey. Hope its going well for all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭cars701

    Joe10000 wrote: »
    Thanks Cars, funny I bring the book with me and traffic is where I read it the most too, love red lights :) I make sure I have a bottle of water with me too, I have a sip when I get the urge and water is a great appetite suppressant so I won't end up like a barrel.

    Day Two Joe10000; yeah water is good too. Got through last night okay - didn't sleep great tho, however, feeling good today and this morning was much easier than yesterday. Good luck today Joe; keep the positive thoughts to the fore; improved health both physically and financially ! Have a nice Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭cars701

    Wow can't believe its day 7. Yesterday was definietly better than Sunday. Its amazing how smoking affects us emotionally. Feeling good today, the cravings aren't too bad the last few days just the moods that have been difficult. Thankfully though I am feeling good today. Going for another Jog tonight. The jogging definitely helps as it gives me a reason to keep going. I know if I smoke I can say goodbyr to the jogging and while I don't particularly like jogging I do always feel great after it. Best of luck to everyone else on the journey. Hope its going well for all.

    Well done Magicmatilda; only on day 2 myself; starting swimming today. Best of luck to you too. Have a great day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    I can't believe I haven't smoked in 8 days and the really great thing is I didn't even think about a smoke until about 1.5hrs after I got up today. It was only when i was walking into work I thought "Oh I haven't thought of smoking" - So I am delighted about that. Yesterday went well. I had my second acupuncture session, not sure if its helping or not but I am feeling relaxed and good and it definitely took away that weird low level anxious tension i had for the first 3 days. That went immediately after the first session. I know there are more tough days ahead but as I say I am feeling good right now so I am going to enjoy that. The excercise is definitely helping. Its been the most beneficial thing I would say. Anyway once again best wishes to every one else stopping. Its the greatest gift we can give to ourselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    Well I am still going. Yesterday was fine, I find myself munching away in the evening out of boredom I think. So I'm going to have to watch that, at least try and munch on healthy snacks! I don't think about them in the morning anymore, like after breakfast so the habit must be beginning to change. I do still find that after lunch and dinner I want one but now I have a chewing gum instead so again that habit should break soon. I had no physical cravings yesterday just a few mental ones all from boredom and habit. So all in all going well. Still jogging and walking to work and I really can't stress how much the excercise is helping both phyically and psychologically. Best of luck to everyone else, it really is worth it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,008 ✭✭✭not yet

    Great stuff........14 days myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    I really can't believe that I am at day 13 and still haven't smoked. When I started out there were people on here who were 8,10,14 days in and I though Wow I can't wait to be that far through. But its actually flown in and its been day by day. One day at at time. A couple of things that have helped is I have been refering to myself and thinking of myself as a non smoker. Not someone who is "off them" - I always feel that sounds temporary. Another thing is the jogging, that's been a huge help beacause I can actually feel myself getting fitter. The other thing is I joined Weigtwatchers so that i wouldn't pilr on weight, that means that insetad of always thinking about Smoking I'm thinking about points and exercise. It divides the opbsession a bit! Now I did put on 1 lb in week one but hey thats not bad and I am on track now. So best of luck to everyone else, Enjoy it, we are worth it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    Just wanted to come on and update that I am still stopped. Really delighted with myself. Don't really think about them that much now, only occasionally. Haven't had any major cravings recently thank god. Thoroughly ejoying life as a non smoker.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,807 ✭✭✭✭Orion

    Keep it going. You're doing great. You're over the first hump. Now focus on making it to the third week. Then first month. Step by step and you'll get there :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 IN Kitchens

    Day 1 - off the fags. Been a while coming. Ahhh :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    I'm 3 weeks today and if I'm really honest I don't think about them that much. I have found it much easier than I expected and I am not sure if that is because I was ready, or my attitude or I enjoyed the process as one poster here recommends but I genuinely have found it much easier than I anticipated. I wonder if we are programmed to believe that stopping smoking is really difficult because then the anti smoking products sell. I have not used anything just my desire to not be a smoker. That said I am aware that I can't be complacent. There are still times when I want a cigarette and the urge can be very strong indeed so I need to keep my wits about me. I have been stopped for 9 months before and smoked so its there waiting for me. It can at times (a lot in the first week) be very uncomfortable not to smoke. But I made a choice to not smoke and if that means experiencing some discomfort as a consequence then I accept that. The discomfort doesn't last long and its been worth it because now I don't experience it so much.

    Best of luck to everyone else. I've said it before but I reiterate how much the exercise has helped. I am increasing how long I can jog all the time. Thanks to everyone for the encouragment as well. It has really helped.

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    Well I am 5 weeks into my non smoking life and I feel great. I can jog for 5 whole minutes at a time - 5 weeks ago I couldn't jog for a bus!! I am also 3.5lbs lighter than I was 5 weeks ago. I really am delighted with myself and very proud of my achievement so far. I still miss smoking sometimes but more out of habit than anything, usually if I see smoking on TV or in the movies or something. I said on day 1 that this was the greatest give I could give myself. Its a give I need to continue to give myself everyday. I am very wary of becoming complacent. The smell, the cough, the heartburn, the breatlessness, is all still there is I want it, but thankfully thus far i have resisted. Best of luck to everyone else, I am really enjoying it so far and I encourage anyone else to try.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭EverEvolving

    3 weeks done today for me :) it is getting easier but it's still not easy. I don't feel like smoking but I feel like there is something missing from me if that makes any sense, and I miss the physical act of going for a smoke. Still, that will pass too, the way I look at it now is if I smoked for 12 years it’s gonna take quite some time for those habits disappear. It’s a mental battle now not a physical one, and boy do I feel like I'm going mental sometimes!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭Magicmatilda

    EverEvolving - I know exactly what you mean about the something missing. I had acupuncture on day 3 and it took that away. Might be worth a try.

    6 weeks in now and feeling great. 5lbs down and can run for 8 mins (doing 20 tonight so hopefully that will go well!)
