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Take me home, country roads

  • 23-06-2011 10:37am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭

    After the thrill of running my first race, I've decided to start a training log.

    My main goal is to run the DCM in 2012. The marathon this year comes too soon for me as I don't have much mileage on the clock to date. The farthest I have ever run in training has been 10k. So, I have got lots of time to prepare for the DCM, but I have a lot of work to do in the mean time. I need to structure my training over the next 16 months so that I can finish the marathon in one piece.

    I'm 38 years of age, and running is something that I can see myself doing into my dotage. I think that is what attracts me to this sport, there is no age limit, and there is a place for everyone. I do all my training close to where I live, and that means nice quiet country roads with some nice inclines built in. Plently of variation depending on which route I chose.

    As I mentioned, I have just run my first race, the docklands 8k. I was delighted with it. Finished in a time of 40mins, 24 secs. Felt very comfortable all the way around. If anything, I reckon I could have run a faster time, but as I had no race experience, I was cautious, and made sure that I didn't stutter towards the end of the race. It was great to experience running with so many others, and has really given me a shot in the arm to improve and get better.

    So right now, I've decided to train for the Dublin half marathon, which is just over 12 weeks away. This fits in very nicely with the Hal Higdon Half Marathon Novice plan which is what I am going to follow.

    I am carrying a few extra pounds that I need to shed to be the best I can be. I'm 6'1", and weigh 196lbs. Whilst training, I want to get this number down somewhere close to 170.

    Now, one of the reasons that I am starting a log, is that I feel that I will need a lot of help along the way. I read quite a bit about other runners doing intervals, speed sessions, hill sessions, etc etc. I'm not sure how I go about fitting these into a training regime and how often I need to do each one. Perhaps you guys can explain a little about these and the benefits of doing these kind of runs ? Do I even need to consider this sort of thing bearing in mind that I am just setting out on this journey ? Also, how hard, and what pace should I be training at ? Is it just a case of putting in the miles at this stage ?

    My running frequency to date has been quite sporadic, mainly to do with having sore calf muscles. A funny thing that I've noticed since I started running is that my left calf has become a lot bigger than my right. I'm not sure how odd this is. My left calf always seems to be tight, and very hard to the touch, whereas the other one is quite supple. I'm hoping that it is not an injury waiting to happen.

    So, after my run on Wednesday, my legs are now starting to feel a little stiff. I think that I will go for an easy run tonight just to loosen them out a little bit.

    Looking forward to it already ;)



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    jprender wrote: »
    I read quite a bit about other runners doing intervals, speed sessions, hill sessions, etc etc. I'm not sure how I go about fitting these into a training regime and how often I need to do each one. Perhaps you guys can explain a little about these and the benefits of doing these kind of runs ? Do I even need to consider this sort of thing bearing in mind that I am just setting out on this journey ? Also, how hard, and what pace should I be training at ? Is it just a case of putting in the miles at this stage ?

    I don't think you need to worry too much about doing different types of session yet. When you start to run you should improve pretty quickly, just by training consistently, so get out there and do the miles, take in the odd hill on your route, and you'll get better and better each week.

    After a while, when your legs are stronger (because speedwork too early can be damaging) you could do more of a variety of running.
    For example, strides are short speed bursts - about 15 seconds at 80% effort - and their point is to improve running form, increasing leg speed, that kind of thing.
    When you're running distances about 5k, the main limiting factor on your speed will be oxygen, how much you can take in and get to your muscles. So VO2 max training is running at that limit, to extend it.
    Over longer distances (say 10k) lactic acid buildup in your legs becomes a problem so again, you train at that limit to improve your body's ability to clear lactic acid from your muscles.
    Over still longer distances, ie marathons, you start running out of carbohydrates, which means you run out of energy, so you have to run for long distances in training to get better at burning fat for fuel.

    If you join a club, or follow a good training programme, you'll do all of these sessions as you need them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    hi jprender

    I too hope to run DCM in 2012, I just dont feel ready for that distance this year.

    Ill be following this log, best of luck.

    P.S I love the log name :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Thanks folks :)

    Managed to get out tonight and blow the cobwebs off a little bit. I was a little sore over the last day or so, so just did a short run to loosen things out.

    4k in total and it felt pretty good.

    I reckon that the gps was a little off for the first 500m's or so, as there is just no way I started that fast :D Still, the timings are right for the remainder of the run, in or around 5mins per km. I planned to run a lot slower than that, but I just seemed to hit that pace and stick with it.

    I'm due to start my half marathon plan next Monday, so just trying to fill in the time until then. I'll probably go swimming tomorrow, i really find that help in-between my running efforts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Best of luck with the training jprender. Welcome to the logs:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Ok, so in anticipation of the start of my training regime, here is what I have planned for next week. (HH novice half marathon)

    Week 1 of 12 :

    Monday : 5km Run
    Tuesday : 3.5km Run
    Wednesday : 5km Run and Strength
    Thursday : Rest (I also go on holidays YAY!!)
    Friday : 30 mins Cross Training
    Saturday : 6.5km Run
    Sunday : Stretch and Strength

    Even though I am going on holidays on Thursday, I'll be bringing all my gear with me. Should be interesting training in the heat of the Italian sun, but hey, at least it should help my tan ;)

    Can someone recommend a pace that I should run for each session ?

    I don't want to overdo it and risk injury, but at the same time I want to feel like I have put some effort in.

    Can't wait to get this started.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Hal Higdon Novice plan I think all the runs are easy pace, and the longest run is very easy pace. Make sure you get out early before the sun is too hot.

    (yeah, just checked, he says
    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Don't worry about how fast you run your regular workouts. Run at a comfortable pace. If you're training with a friend, the two of you should be able to hold a conversation. If you can't do that, you're running too fast. (For those wearing heart rate monitors, your target zone should be between 65 and 75 percent of your maximum pulse rate.)[/FONT]

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Thanks Ray,

    Easy runs it is. I think that I will have to battle with myself to keep the pace down, I'm terrible for pushing myself too hard, which is probably why I have not run as often as I would have liked.

    Still, eyes on the prize, half marathon in 12 weeks. Then I can run like a demon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Ah, I finally found my log, way back on the 3rd page of postings :eek: A lot of activity going on in here is seems :D

    Was in work yesterday, 12 hour shift, 5am to 5pm. Normally I am fit for nothing but a bit of dinner and bed after that, but I had been thinking of getting out and hitting the road all day. Beautiful evening for running too, very warm, but with a nice cooling breeze at times just when I needed it.

    Set out for an easy run, and tried to keep to a 6min 30sec km pace. I found it impossible. It felt like I was hardly moving at all. I just could not settle on a constant slow pace, and every time my mind drifted I found myself running too fast.

    The roads were nice and quiet. Not a sinner to be seen. I reckon everyone from Louth, except for me, were indoors waiting for the GAA match where revenge would surely be served up to a Meath team that had one coming to them. That particular plan didn't go to well it seems :rolleyes:

    Ended up running for 12km, which is the farthest I have ever run to date. Felt great for the first 10k, but then the last 2 were all into that lovely breeze that I mentioned earlier. What seemed gentle in the early part of my session, now seemed like a force 10 ;)

    Still, I did allow myself a smile when the lovely lady from runkeeper announced that I had been running for over an hour. I've never run for an hour before, and I certainly marked it as a sign of progress.

    All in all, 1hour and 10mins on my feet. Legs feel relaxed this morning, I'll probably pay for it tomorrow though :rolleyes:

    Nothing planned for today, the plan starts for real on Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Started my 12 week training tonight with a steady 3.6km opener. Came on here feeling good, and looking to update my log, only to discover that I was supposed to be running 5k tonight :eek:

    Ah, I'll just have to swap today and tomorrow around and run the 5k then. I should really be paying a bit more attention :o

    Even though it was a short run, it's not the flattest, and so can be a little work in places.

    Good to get the first one out of the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    5k, 5min 28sec pace on average.

    Struggled a little tbh. Ran without music in my ears for the first time and it's a whole new experience. Listening to every footstep, nothing to take my mind off the fact that I was running, feeling every twinge in my legs and wondering if I should take it easy or even stop.
    It was hot tonight too with not a puff of wind about.
    Made it home though.

    Tomorrow sees the first time I've attempted to run 3 days in a row. My legs ache right now, and I hate to think what they will be like this time tomorrow.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭Desire.

    Best of luck with the log. I'm also hoping to run a marathon sometime in the next two years.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    I have brought my training gear with me on holidays before, and it has never seen the light of the foreign sun. Something is different this time however, and even though I partied pretty hard, I still got out there and put myself through the wringer.

    I finished out week 1 with 6.25km run on Day 6. Tough run, with my first real climb. Damn hot too.

    I was getting slower and slower towards the end until eventually I just ran out of juice. Pretty happy with it though.

    Week 2 is a repeat of the week 1 schedule. Just concentrated on getting the runs done this week and so cross training and strength training didn't get a look in.
    I spent Monday travelling, and so had to miss out on the first 5km run of the week.
    Tuesday was a 3km run according to the plan. I'm not sure that I was supposed to do this, but I ran 8km because I missed Mondays run.

    Wednesday was a 5 km run, again done in over 30degree heat.

    Thursday was a rest day.

    Friday is supposed to be cross training, but because I was moving around on Saturday, I decided to do my weekend long run. 6.5km total.

    So, I feel that I did pretty well. Week 2 completed, with a total of 19.5km running done for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    2 weeks down, 10 to go...

    Here is what is ahead of me this week :-

    Week 3 of 12 :

    Monday : 5.5km Run
    Tuesday : 3.5km Run
    Wednesday : 5.5km Run and Strength
    Thursday : Rest
    Friday : 40 mins Cross Training
    Saturday : 8km Run
    Sunday : Stretch and Strength

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Lovely evening to get out tonight and I really enjoyed that one.

    I slowed the pace right down to 6min kms and it was so nice not to be pushing myself. I feel in great shape for the rest of the week now.

    5.5k done in 33 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Week 3, Day 4, and that means it's a rest day. I could do with it too to be honest. Legs are a little stiff and they need a break.

    3.5km on Tuesday

    5.5km on Wednesday

    It was yesterday's run that has knocked the stuffing out of me.
    A really, really long day at work, (5am to 7.30pm), in which I must have walked at least 4 or 5 miles did not set me up well for this run.
    I also ran it on grass thinking that would be easier, but honestly, the fact that the ground was uneven really made it difficult. I was constantly trying to avoid bumps and burrows, and I nearly went arse-over-tit a few times by stepping on small holes in the ground. My ankles and Achilles are sore as hell.

    A bit of cross-training in the gym for me tomorrow, which will give my legs a second day to recover should set me right.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Is this JPrender, of blackout rugby fame :)

    Well done so far, and you will find all kinds of advice and support around there, which is great when your starting out and learning :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Finished off the weeks running last night with an 8k as per the plan.

    It rained half way through the run which was absolutely gorgeous. I officially love running in the rain now ;)

    8.3km on Saturday

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Into Week 4 we go....

    and week 4 is a repeat of week 3 :-

    Week 4 of 12 :

    Monday : 5.5km Run
    Tuesday : 3.5km Run
    Wednesday : 5.5km Run and Strength
    Thursday : Rest
    Friday : 40 mins Cross Training
    Saturday : 8km Run
    Sunday : Stretch and Strength

    Now, I have to admit that even though I am getting through all the running, and am stretching myself like a rubber man, I have been lazy when it comes to the strength sessions and cross training. My goal this week is to perform everything on the list and not just hitting the road.

    I am feeling infinitely more comfortable in the runs than I was at the beginning of this plan, and am delighted with myself in the progress that I am making.

    Over the last 3 weeks, I have dropped from 196lbs to 187lbs on the scales this morning. I have also managed to shift 4% bodyfat over the same period. That is not a bad result considering that for 10 days of that 3 weeks I was on my holidays :)

    Weather is horrible out there at the moment, but that wont deter me from doing my 5.5km tonight. Bring it on !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    5.5km done

    Average of 5:38 per km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Week 4 continues to go well

    Day 2 : 3.91 kms

    Day 3 : 5.51 kms + weights session

    After the first 2 kms, I gave this run a bit of welly knowing that I had a rest day coming up. Felt great to be running km's at an average below 5mins.

    Day 4 : REST (needed)

    DAY 5 : 40 mins cycle, + weights session

    So, just back from the gym, and I reckon that I will sleep like a log tonight. Really tired and I have a 5am start in work tomorrow.

    8km to get through after work tomorrow night. I've entered the Annagassan 10k which takes place on the 6th of August, so I think I'll run a good bit of that course tomorrow to see what lies ahead of me in that race.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Hi there, enjoying the log very much. I've ran the Annagassan 10k course recently as its one of my local races as well, its a great course, very scenic and nearly completely flat, gonna be a good one for a PB. Enjoy running it tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    pconn062 wrote: »
    Hi there, enjoying the log very much. I've ran the Annagassan 10k course recently as its one of my local races as well, its a great course, very scenic and nearly completely flat, gonna be a good one for a PB. Enjoy running it tomorrow.

    I just ran the last 8k of the 10k route, very nice indeed. Just the one hill to speak of, and it didn't last too long so no bother. It climbs up 16m's over a total of 600m road distance.
    It will come after 3.5km in the actual race so I am wondering if I should save something for it or just grit my teeth and try and maintain my pace to the top.
    I might run it again as my LR next weekend.

    Last run of week 4 :-

    Day 6 : 8.5 kms in 44 mins

    Had to stop briefly to check my map for directions, and then I made a mistake on the route shortly after that and had to double back on myself :rolleyes: Hence I ran 8.5km of what should have been an 8k run. Doh !!

    Have my compression socks on now as my calf muscles are feeling a bit fragile (left one has been niggling me since I started this a month ago)

    Stretching and strength training tomorrow to finish off the week will do it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Finished off week 4 with a strength and stretch session as planned. That means that I completed the week 4 plan to the letter, absolutely everything done. Time to move on :-

    WEEK 5 :

    Day 1 : 6.5km run
    Day 2 : 3.2 km run
    Day 3 : 6.5 km run + strength
    Day 4 : rest
    Day 5 : 40 mins cross train
    Day 6 : 10km run
    Day 7 : stretch and strength

    So, week 5 sees the distances increased slightly again.

    Just finished the run for day 1, total of 6.78 kms in a time of 39.49, that's an average of 5.53 per km.

    6.78km on Day 1

    This is much slower than I have been doing my runs to date, but that is exactly what wanted.
    After reading a comment on another thread by Raycun, where he explained the importance of "time on your feet", I have decided that I need to slow my runs down and spend more time on the road. Also, I have just read a very good explanation of the difference between Stamina and Endurance, and so slowing the runs down is the plan for this week.
    I am going to try and finish all my runs with an average of 5.40 - 6.00 per km.

    It's not as easy as you may think !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    3.83km on Day 2

    5.40 average km. Nice weather for a run today !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    It's day 4 of week 5, and that means a rest day. I love my rest :D

    So yesterday was an interesting day for me. I was scheduled to do 6.5km running and some strength training. I was off work, so I decided that I would split the sessions rather than trying to lift weights after my run.

    I headed out on the run at 10am before I had anything to eat. I think that I remember reading somewhere that this could be more beneficial to weight loss as you do not have any current stores of energy to utilise and so it helped with burning more body fat. I hope I didn't just make that up ;)
    I was pretty hungry heading out but I figured that after the run I would have a really great appetite on me. Not the case though, once I got home, I found that I could not even look at food, and just wanted some water. Pretty strange I thought considering that I felt hungry before the run.

    Anyway, 6.5 kms done and at my targetted pace too.

    6.51km on Day 3, average of 5.45 per km

    One other thing that I learned on this run, is not to wear black when the sun is cracking the stones. I was really feeling the heat !

    Strength training yesterday evening was great. I was much more in the mood for lifting than I would have been if I had combined the two sessions.

    I never thought that I would get to a stage that I would be training twice in the same day. Yesterday was the 27th of July, and I have been out on the roads for 15 of those days. I think that I have lost the plot ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Day 5 and Day 6 have come and gone.

    40 planned minutes of cross training turned out to be 20 minutes on the rowing machine, at which point I really felt that my arms were going to either explode or just simply fall off on the ground beside me.
    I managed to do some strength training along with that effort.
    I'm starting to feel that the cross training just does not sit well with me. All day I had not been looking forward to it, and was really just tempted to skip it and go for a run instead. I've no problem with motivation for running. Cycling hurts my ar$e, and now rowing kills my arms :rolleyes:
    I hate cross training days :(

    Day 6 was a long run. 10km planned and 10km done with no problems. I brought my iphone with me as normal, but this time played a podcast instead of music. I also turned off the coaching element of runkeeper where it lets you know how far you have run and what pace you have been running at. So, it was a "blind" run so to speak.

    10km on Day 6, average of 4.59 per km

    So much for keeping all my runs between 5.40 and 6.00 this week :rolleyes:

    Day 7 today, and I have some strength training and stretching to do later on tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    WEEK 6 :

    Day 1 : 6.5km run + strength
    Day 2 : 3.2 km run
    Day 3 : 6.5 km run + strength
    Day 4 : rest
    Day 5 : rest
    Day 6 : 10km race (Annagassan)
    Day 7 : stretch and strength

    Almost a carbon copy of week 5 apart from the fact that I am resting for Day 5 also, as I have a 10k race on Saturday morning.

    Day 1 running completed :-

    6.51km on Day 1

    I really felt sluggish and lacking in energy for his run. I was out and about all day with the kids and so did not pay attention to what I was eating or the volume of water that I was taking in. In short, I did not take enough of either onboard, and I paid for it.

    On another note, I've decided that there is no way that I can wait until October of 2012 to do my first marathon and so I have signed up for Connemara. I know there are a lot of big hills to encounter, and I surely could have chosen an easier event, but I fancy the challenge :cool:
    Me vs the West on April Fool's Day next year. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    The end of week 6 today ! 6 weeks down, and 6 to go to the Dublin half Marathon.

    The week continued on pretty well. Here are the runs on Tuesday and Wednesday (Days 2 and 3)

    3.79km on Day 2, average 5.24min per km

    6.55km on Day 3, average 5.39min per km

    Days 4 and 5 were rest days as I had the Annagassan 10km race on Saturday.
    I had never done a 10km race before so was not sure what time to expect. I had run 10km in 50mins last week as a training run, so I guess that I was hoping for a time between 46 and 48 minutes. It was a pretty good guess as it turned out.

    10km race on Day 6, Finish Time 47min 04sec, average 4.42min per km

    If you have a look at my splits, I made a right old balls of the start.
    I opened up with a 4.03 and 4.14 for the first 2 kms.
    That was just way too fast.

    A more evenly paced run and I think I could have run a better time, but as it worked out, I found that I was wishing to see the finish line from a long way out :o

    Anyway, I had to do my first 10k race sometime, and at least I have learnt something.

    I now have 2 races done ..

    8km on June 21st : Finish Time 40.24 (ave km 5.06)
    10km on Aug 06th : Finish Time 47.04 (ave km 4.42)

    I'm pleased at my progress ! And I still have not missed any planned running session :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    WEEK 7 :

    Day 1 : 7.5km run
    Day 2 : 5.0 km run
    Day 3 : 7.5 km run + strength
    Day 4 : rest
    Day 5 : 50 mins cross train
    Day 6 : 11km run
    Day 7 : stretch and strength

    As I already mentioned then, week 6 increases the km's again. Total of 31`kms planned for this week.

    I'm just in from the Day 1 run,

    8.09km on Day 1, ave 5.22 per km

    Left calf is a little stiff tonight, but I put that down to the exertions last Saturday. I'll put a bit of freeze on it later tonight.
    I'm not sure what was with the dogs tonight, but a lot of them wanted to have a piece of me as I ran. I had to stop a couple of times to ensure my ankles weren't chomped. Hopefully this wont become a regular occurance, because I quite like this route that I took tonight.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Oh yeah,

    in the 6 weeks that I've been training for the DCHM, I've gone from 196lbs to 180lbs this morning. 16lbs lost so far, (and 6% BF).

    Another 10lbs to shift over the next 6 weeks and I'll be where I want to be.
