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Take me home, country roads



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    It's the end of week 8, and I haven't updated this in what seems like ages.

    Week 7 went well, here is a summary :-

    8.09km on Day 1, ave 5.22 per km

    5.37km on Day 2, ave 5.39 per km

    Couldn't do my run on Day 3 so postponed it to the following day instead,

    8.07km on Day 4, ave 5.14 per km

    11.31km on Day 6, ave 5.41 per km

    So, I managed the 4 planned runs for week 7, although once again, I just can not seem to get enthused about doing the cross-training.

    Week 8 has been a bit messy to say the least.
    The planned runs were
    7.5km's on day 1,
    5 on day 2,
    7,5 on day 3, and ,
    13 on day 6

    Day 1 went according to plan

    8.03km on Day 1, ave 5.06 per km

    Then, work got in the way :D

    No runs for the next 3 days, so it was day 5 when I managed to get back out on the road. The 3 days rest seemed to do me the world of good as I had loads of energy and moved pretty well

    8.01km on Day 5, ave 5.00 per km

    I felt a little sore in the groin area after this run, but didn't think much of it. I stretched after the run, and put some biofreeze on the area also.

    Into day 6 (yesterday) , and time for my long run

    13.66km on Day 6, ave 5.34 per km

    That was the longest run I have ever done in the 38 and a bit years that I have been on this planet :D 1hr, 16mins, and 05secs on my feet.

    Groin was sore again. Later on that night, groin was really sore, and I found it uncomfortable to walk / bend etc etc
    I was hoping that it might improve over night, but here I am today and I know something is wrong.
    Now I have strained/pulled many a muscle throughout my sporting life, but never this one. And what feels quite odd is that it is actually sore when I am not even moving, really deep in the muscle. I'm sitting at my desk, all his rosey, and then suddenly I'll get a darting pain just to remind me that it is there.
    At this stage, I am really hoping that it is "only" a strained groin muscle, and nothing more serious like a damned hernia.
    I really wanted to get 5km in tonight to keep up my weekly mileage, but I think I am better off resting.
    Things were just going too well for me I suppose. I have 4 weeks to go until the Dublin half-marathon, and I'll tell you right now, If I can't run this race, I'll be devestated :(

    So, I have a question.

    Is it better to go and see the Doctor, or go to a Physio ?

    Or should I just leave it alone and go running again next week after a few days rest ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    It's been a long time since I updated this.

    The last time was at the end of week 8, and we are now just on Day 1 of Week 12 !!

    So, As I mentioned, at the end of week 8 I wasn't feeling 100% as my groin was sore. As is so typical of me, I didn't bother going to seek any professional help straight away, and so soldiered through Week 9 regardless.

    I managed to get out 3 times during week 9 and clocked up 32kms between them.

    8.26km : 5.27 pace per km
    8.18km : 4.46 pace per km
    15.64km : 5.07 pace per km

    Week 10 was a different story though. I decided that I needed to rest if my groin was to stand any chance of recovery. I took a full week off thinking that I would be sorted, but at the end of that week, I was still the same.

    I finally got myself to a physio who did some work on me. Long and the short of it, It was diagnosed as tendinopothy, from overuse. Damn it.
    So, I'm in the physios, it is now less than two weeks before the DHM, and I'm being advised not to run it. Not what I want to hear at all. And of course, I'm still going to run. Physio understands, but has to stand by her advise naturally enough. So the plan is to run the race, and we will deal with the consequences afterwards.

    Week 11, saw me back on the road, and my injury was always there, giving me a poke every now and again just to let me know.
    I managed to get out on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday of Week 11 (just last week), and clocked up a 10km, 8km, and an 18km.

    10.01km :5.07 pace per km
    8.08km : 4.45 pace per km
    17.91km : 5.31 pace per km

    17.91km is the furthest I've done, and my legs ached like never before. I'd even go so far as to say I was a bit wobbly. Getting nervous about completing the half marathon now, I'm not sure I have the extra 3 and a bit km's in me, or at least in my legs, my lungs are great and my heart would run forever if I let it.
    I am hoping to do the half-marathon in 1hour 50 mins, that means that my pace has got to be 5.12 per km.
    As I said, I'm feeling nervous about it. I'll be sticking to the pacers like glue, and really hoping that I can cling on for the last few km's.

    Week 12 is upon me now, and the race is this Saturday.

    6.5 planned for tonight (Monday)
    5.0 for tomorrow (and attending physio the same day)
    and just 3.2km planned for Wednesday.

    Rest Thursday and Friday, and then it is the race on Saturday.

    I'll then be taking a little time off to allow a full recovery I think :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    The day after the Lottery Half Marathon, and I am damn sore ! I'm walking like a 90 year old :pac:

    The week was pretty slow, I did the 6.5km on Monday as planned, albeit on a treadmill due to the stormy weather.

    On Tuesday I went to the physio, and after that session of painful poking and prodding, I was in no shape to do any running so decided to rest until the half marathon on Saturday.

    So, roll on Saturday. I had a decent nights sleep and felt pretty good that morning. A little bit of fruit for breakfast and I was on my way. Decided to go into the park and try and get some parking, managed to drop the car at the Zoo end of North Road no bother.

    Made my way to the start area, did a little bit of a warm-up and then slotted in about 50 yards behind the 1.50 pacers which was my target time for the day.

    It was pretty congested at the start as seems to be the norm with big races, and I really had to do a good bit of weaving to keep pace with the lads and their 1.50 balloons. After two km's, I had caught up to them and settled in. Another km further on and I felt really pretty good in myself so decided to move ahead of the pacers.

    I got into a groove and was averaging about 4.53 / 4.54 per km on my way around. Enjoyed the way up and back on Chesterfield, was a real challenge and I just dug-in.

    The run up the North Road seemed to go on forever though. I kept imagining the map in my mind, and I knew that once I got to the top of North Road, and did that little spur at the top of Chesterfield, it was mostly down-hill from there. I just didn't realise that I had several km's to do until I got to that point !
    Anyway, there were a couple of runners around me that were doing a decent clip and tried to stay with them. I can honestly say that setting myself that challenge got me up that drag. (They soon burned me off once we got to the top of the climb).

    17kms done and we are now running down Ordinance Road. All down hill from here yeah ? ;)

    Just before the 18km mark, my left calf gives me a jolt. Couldn't believe it ! I had never run further than 18km before, and I was just thinking that very thought, when my calf kicked me. So I purposely ease off a little bit for the 19th km, hoping that the pain would just ease up to get me home, and thankfully it did.

    I found that for the first time in the race, I was starting to get passed by more and more runners that obviously had a lot more in the tank than I had left. I tried to pick up the pace and managed to do the 20th km in 4.37 (very happy with that for this stage of the race).

    I then turned the corner on to Acres Road, and I have to admit, I laughed.
    Before the race I thought that the hill at the finish did not look tough at all. Put 20km's in my legs and it's a different story though ! Jesus it was a tough finish. That 21st km was my slowest of the day (5.21), but I did manage to "sprint" the last couple of hundred metres or so. It felt like I was trying to run through treacle at that stage though. I'd say I looked hilarious :o

    Anyways, long and short of it is that I got around in 1:44:28 (official chip time).
    I'm delighted with that so I am. Adreneline is great :D

    Half Marathon, average of 4.55 per km

    So, I'm back to the Physio on Tuesday to get fixed properly. Hopefully it wont have me off the road for more than a couple of weeks.
    Then it's marathon training over the Winter ! Can't wait :cool:

    Races performed this year :

    Docklands 8km Run, average of 5.06 per km

    Annagassan 10km, average of 4.42 per km

    Half Marathon, average of 4.55 per km

    Not bad for an old guy that had to stop twice on his maiden 3km run back in March :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Well done man, some progress since March!
    Keep it up and imagine what time you could do next year!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    belcarra wrote: »
    Well done man, some progress since March!
    Keep it up and imagine what time you could do next year!!

    Thanks for the comment belcarra, It's always nice to get a pat on the back.

    Now, I'm not one for self-praise normally, but I really am happy with myself for sticking with this running malarky. As I said, my first time out was on March 1st, just tried running 3.5km's, and had to stop twice to "stretch" (truth is I was completely knackered). I didn't run again until the 14th (two weeks later) because of that experience.

    I found that the best thing I did was to commit to a race. I signed up for the docklands 8km and that really helped me keep motivated. I'd advise anyone starting out to make a commitment to a race and work towards it.

    That race was 12 weeks ago.

    I've gone from 196lbs then, to 174 this morning. I was hoping to reach 170, but hey, I got a little careless in the last couple of weeks. (Back in March, I was 206lbs - so total loss of 32 lbs in just over 6 months)
    What really pleases me though above anything else, is that I've also lost 10% body fat in the last 12 weeks, from 28% down to 18%.
    It's cost me a fortune buying new (smaller) clothes to fit me however ;)

    I know that I can run faster as long as these numbers keep dropping.
    To think that 12 weeks ago, I was in effect carrying the equivalent of a small child with me on my runs :rolleyes:

    So, the plan now is to get my body back to 100%, and then train hard over the Winter. A spring marathon will be done. I've already signed up for the Connemarathon, but might be tempted by Seville or Barcelona, especially if there are a decent number of boardsies going to do one of them.

    I think the Hal Higden novice marathon plans are for 18 weeks, so I'll just have to work backwards from my intended race and design my program for the Winter. I've already bough my winter woolies :D

    I should have started running years ago :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Went to the Physio yesterday, and now I am under strict instructions not to run for the next couple of weeks until I visit her again. Lots of stretching and strengthening for me during that time though.

    I've also just signed up for swimming lessons at my local gym for the next 8 weeks. It's only once a week, but as I am really a novice swimmer, I want to learn properly so I don't pick up any bad habits etc.
    I still have thoughts that I would like to attempt a triathlon next year too, so going to get a little bit of swim training done over the Winter. I also find that swimming helps my legs recover from running, so there are only advantages that I can see from getting in the pool.

    Can I ask what you guys do when you aren't training for a specific race?

    I plan on doing a marathon in late March / early April, and that means I will get into marathon training towards the end of November. What do I do in the meantime ? Do I just go for the odd run here and there, or maybe work on speed, or some strength training ?
    I'm not really sure what to do, I really like having a structured plan to follow.

    Any advice ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    One full month out due to a groin injury, but I made it back onto the roads this morning. (Yay for me!!)

    Only a very short run, just to loosen myself out again after the layoff.

    3.8km at 5:23 pace per km

    Pretty windy out there today, but it helped running against it on my way out so it felt as if I was being blown home on the way back.

    It feels good to be back on my feet again, although I am doubtful as to whether my groin has recovered to 100%. It felt better once I had a km of running done, and it was a short run, taken at a very easy pace.

    I've managed to control my weight pretty well while I've been injured. I finally managed to get below 170lbs this morning. 169.5lbs to be exact, with a bf of 17%. Happy with that considering I've only been doing a bit of swimming for the last month (3 times per week).

    So, a spring marathon is the new target. Either Barcelona or Connemara. The plan is to just get the legs turning over until I start full-on marathon training towards the end of November. I am going to follow the HH Novice 2 program, which has me running at marathon pace mid-week. I'm really hoping that I can get through the Winter completely injury free and give my 1st marathon a good shot.

    Swimming planned for tomorrow and Wednesday this week.

    Then back running on Thurs / Friday / Saturday. (4k / 5k / 4k)

    Nice and easy to get myself back into the swing of things :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    I did a handful of runs to finish off the month of October. Even though I had finished with the Physio (was costing a small fortune :( ) my groin still did not feel right at all. So I decided to take a week off running to once and for all sort this thing out. No running between the 28th of October and 5th of November.

    Home from my 12 hour shift at work yesterday, a little bit of dinner, and then out to see if there was any improvement. Beautifully calm night, if a little cold (+2), and for the first time in months I've managed to complete a run without some muscle or other annoying me. To be able to run injury free is fan-bloody-tastic ! :D

    10.42k done in 52:44 mins

    1st 5km was done in 26:07
    2nd 5km completed in 24:29 (gave my groin a good test)

    Even though we are only in early November, it is just 20 weeks to go before the Barcelona marathon on the 25th of March. I wont feel that fly by I reckon.

    I've got my calendar filled up with my training sessions from HH Novice 2 program, which is an 18 week training guide.
    So two weeks of fun-running remain, then it's time to get down to the real business :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    So, run training for the next week planned as follows :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    07 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    10 Nov|5km|5:30|||
    11 Nov|6km|4:58|||
    12 Nov|5km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|24km||||

    Due to work schedule, I will end up doing my LSR's on a Monday. It will look like I am starting each week of the program off with a LSR, but I'm not really as my weekly training program will run from Wednesday to Tuesday if ya get me !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    07 Nov|8km|5:30|8.66k at 5:31 pace|felt great !|
    10 Nov|5km|5:30|||
    11 Nov|6km|4:58|||
    12 Nov|5km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|24km||8.66km||

    What a glorious morning for a run. Steely blue skies, no wind, and a little nip in the air !

    Only slight problem was that the footpaths in the shade were still a little slippy so I had to watch it. Other than that, plain sailing so to speak.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    07 Nov|8km|5:30|8.66k at 5:31 pace|felt great !|
    10 Nov|5km|5:30|5.70k at 5:18 pace|Nice and early|
    11 Nov|6km|4:58|||
    12 Nov|5km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|24km||14.36km||

    Up early this morning to get my run done before the day starts.
    Forgot my (1) hi-viz (2) arm-strap for phone (3) head phones.

    At least I had some lights to wear so I wasn't invisible to the drivers out this morning :rolleyes: It's all paths that I run on anyway so was very safe, but still, I'll have to get my stuff ready the night before I think.

    I had to carry my phone in my pocket and so had no idea of my pace. No music/podcast either which was nice, but glad it wasn't a long run !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    07 Nov|8km|5:30|8.66k at 5:31 pace|felt great !|
    10 Nov|5km|5:30|5.70k at 5:18 pace|Nice and early|
    11 Nov|6km|4:58|Ireland Soccer :rolleyes: ||
    12 Nov|5km|5:30|Munster Match :rolleyes: ||
    WEEK TOTAL|24km||14.36km||

    Ah, the rest of last week was taken up with watching a couple of great Irish team performances. Ireland putting Estonia to the sword on Friday night was followed with a trip to Thomond Park to watch ROG break Northampton hearts on Saturday :D

    Still one week out before my marathon training officially starts so I'm enjoying being able to drop a session here and there if I fancy doing something else :p

    Anyway, yesterday saw a decent start to the week. I had to drop my wife's car into the garage for a bit of work yesterday morning and then had to run home and be in time to pick up my kids from creche/school.

    The run home was just over 14kms and I had to run it faster than I would have liked to ensure I got a shower before heading to collect my youngest lad.

    Plan for this week :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    14 Nov|14km|5:30|14.28k at 5:06 pace|tough head wind for 1st 7km|
    17 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    18 Nov|6km|4:58|||
    19 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|36km||14.28km||

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    14 Nov|14km|5:30|14.28k at 5:06 pace|tough head wind for 1st 7km|
    17 Nov|8km|5:30|8.63k at 5:21 pace|This wind does not agree with me!|
    18 Nov|6km|4:58|||
    19 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|36km||22.91km||

    I was fairly late getting home from work last night, and so it was 9.30 by the time I got out. It was a tough enough run, wind was really strong making it hard going. I suppose that is what running in the Winter is all about, trying to overcome the weather aswell as the distance :rolleyes:

    If there is a similar wind tonight, I don't know how I'm gonna run sub 5min km's :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,049 ✭✭✭Brianderunner

    jprender wrote: »
    Ireland putting Estonia to the sword on Friday night was followed with a trip to Thomond Park to watch ROG break Northampton hearts on Saturday :D

    Great game it was alright. Used my Northampton membership to get tickets for all my family members back home. Going to the away game in Milton keynes, wouldnt be too optimistic for our chances this season. Tough game for us tomorrow vs Castres.

    Barca would be my spring marathon option if I were you, it's a cracker.

    If you live anywhere near Limerick, the stephens day 10 miler is a good one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Great game it was alright. Used my Northampton membership to get tickets for all my family members back home. Going to the away game in Milton keynes, wouldnt be too optimistic for our chances this season. Tough game for us tomorrow vs Castres.

    Ah, it was a great game for sure. I'd say Northampton still can't believe it. They are one team that have taken some seriously heart-breaking defeats over the last few seasons.
    Castres, like all French teams at home, will be a difficult one for sure.
    I've already sorted my tickets for the home game on the 18th of December against the Scarlets. :)

    Barca would be my spring marathon option if I were you, it's a cracker.

    Yep, signed up for Barca this week, and booked flights for myself and Mrs Prender. Getting in on the Friday night, and coming home on Monday morning.
    It's my first marathon, but I'm going to try and train to a 3:30 pace, and then make a judgement call closer to the event.
    My brother is going to make the trip from the States (Atlanta) and run it also, so we should have a bit of fun if nothing else ;)

    If you live anywhere near Limerick, the stephens day 10 miler is a good one.

    Unfortunately, I'm living up near Dundalk these days, so I'll try and do a Christmas/New Year race between here and Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    14 Nov|14km|5:30|14.28k at 5:06 pace|tough head wind for 1st 7km|
    17 Nov|8km|5:30|8.63k at 5:21 pace|This wind does not agree with me!|
    18 Nov|6km|4:58|6.01k at 4:35 pace|Now that hurt|
    19 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|36km||28.92km||

    Now that run nearly killed me.

    A few valuable lessons learned though :-

    (1) Do not eat a huge dinner one hour before you go and attempt a PMP run

    (2) Learn what PMP feels like rather than belting off as if you stole some apples

    (3) Even though it is November, that does not mean it is cold. I wore way too many clothes tonight and roasted.

    It was the first km that set the tone. It was run way too fast, and I never really regained my composure.


    Still, 4:10 is the fastest km I've ever run :p

    I wont be doing that again for a while :rolleyes:

    These 6 km's were sandwiched between a 1.2km warmup and 1.2km cooldown.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    So, finished off the week yesterday as I was out Saturday night.

    It's still pretty warm for November so dressed more appropriately for the temp and felt a lot better. Shorts and T-shirt at 10pm in November does feel a bit odd however :rolleyes:

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    14 Nov|14km|5:30|14.28k at 5:06 pace|tough head wind for 1st 7km|
    17 Nov|8km|5:30|8.63k at 5:21 pace|This wind does not agree with me!|
    18 Nov|6km|4:58|6.01k at 4:35 pace|Now that hurt|
    19 Nov|8km|5:30|10.19k at 5:14 pace|Done on 20 Nov|
    WEEK TOTAL|36km||39.11km||

    18 weeks until the Barcelona marathon, so officially, my marathon training starts today. HH Novice 2 program is going to get me over the finish line.

    Plan for the week :

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    21 Nov|15km|5:30|||
    24 Nov|10km|5:30|||
    25 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    26 Nov|10km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|43km||||

    15km to get through today, I can't think of a better way to spend my birthday ;)
    A bit of cake later with my young lads, and then it is time to get serious about what I put in my gob. Weighed in at 169lbs this morning with 16% BF. I would like to get my weight down by about 10-14lbs over the duration of this training program, BF in or around the 12% mark would suit just fine too.

    39 today, and honestly, I'm fitter now than I was when I was in my mid-twenties..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    21 Nov|15km|5:30|15.78k at 5:14 pace|Getting tired towards the end|
    24 Nov|10km|5:30|||
    25 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    26 Nov|10km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|43km||15.78km||

    Did my run last night rather than the night before. My family were having none of me disappearing for the evening on my birthday, so had to postpone it over to the next day.

    I decided to change my settings in runkeeper. I get advised of my pace every 3km now rather than every 1km which I used in the past. I'm going to try and get used to pacing myself by "feel" rather than being told how fast I am running. It wasn't too bad, although my quickest km was 4:53, and my slowest was 5:28. I'd prefer to see more even pacing, but that is something that I can work on.

    The run itself was grand, although I was fairly tired towards the end and was glad it wasn't any longer. I'm still running too fast, and need to make a determined effort to slow down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,806 ✭✭✭corny

    Best of luck with the program JP. Get there in one piece and you'll do the business.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    21 Nov|15km|5:30|15.78k at 5:14 pace|Getting tired towards the end|
    24 Nov|10km|5:30|10k 5:42 pace|Dreadmill Session|
    25 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    26 Nov|10km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|43km||25.78km||

    Went for my running gear tonight to find that I had nothing clean that suited the miserable weather out there. It was really p1ssing down all night. So I grabbed a t-shirt and shorts, and headed to the Gym for a session on the treadmill. Sweet Jesus, it was soul destroying :(

    10k done, at a pace of 5:42. Looking to slow down my pace somewhat after a reading a very good article that Woddle highlighted for me. The trouble with slowing down your pace on a treadmill is obviously that the run takes longer. I don't know how peeps can chose to run on a treadmill rather than the great outdoors. Watching the distance tick every ten metres. It bored me silly and made me play about with inclines etc. A mile at 5%, a mile at 3%, a bit of downhill etc etc. Anyways, it's a good option when all else fails :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    jprender wrote: »
    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    21 Nov|15km|5:30|15.78k at 5:14 pace|Getting tired towards the end|
    24 Nov|10km|5:30|10k 5:42 pace|Dreadmill Session|
    25 Nov|8km|5:30|||
    26 Nov|10km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|43km||25.78km||

    Went for my running gear tonight to find that I had nothing clean that suited the miserable weather out there. It was really p1ssing down all night. So I grabbed a t-shirt and shorts, and headed to the Gym for a session on the treadmill. Sweet Jesus, it was soul destroying :(

    10k done, at a pace of 5:42. Looking to slow down my pace somewhat after a reading a very good article that Woddle highlighted for me. The trouble with slowing down your pace on a treadmill is obviously that the run takes longer. I don't know how peeps can chose to run on a treadmill rather than the great outdoors. Watching the distance tick every ten metres. It bored me silly and made me play about with inclines etc. A mile at 5%, a mile at 3%, a bit of downhill etc etc. Anyways, it's a good option when all else fails :)

    Hi JP.

    Good week last week. Id advise to keep your running as fast as possible while achieving your objectives.

    Last week you managed to run faster than planned. If that is sustaineable and doesnt mean you are too tired this week. Then keep it up. The long run especially was impressive. Maybe keep at that pace and try and extend it out. That will take control, but you need to extend it first at that pace. All going well you can look at the intensity later but it looks perfect for now (maybe 5:20 pace). Maybe make it slighly slower so that you can extend it easily. It should be within 10% of PMP for specifity. You have plenty of time to get teh distance up.

    Id say from your position now you can make your target.

    If you can get in any sneaky runs do it. Any extra runs will be gold in the bank for you.

    After a while youll be able to do an "easy run" at a much faster pace.
    The faster you keep the pace: the more you stimulate your aerobic system to improve. Keep thr finger slightly, slighly on the pressure valve for those normal runs, keeping them aerobic. Use the days off for recovery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    21 Nov|15km|5:30|15.78k at 5:14 pace|Getting tired towards the end|
    24 Nov|10km|5:30|10k 5:42 pace|Dreadmill Session|
    25 Nov|8km|5:30|8.03k at 4:52 pace|Much better PMP than last week|
    26 Nov|10km|5:30|||
    WEEK TOTAL|43km||33.81km||

    Beautiful evening for a run. Reminded me of nights of old when I was playing rugby and training every Tuesday and Thursday night. Cold, with a real dampness in the air. It's so much nicer not having to stuff my shoulder into some 16stone bloke trying to run through me :D

    Decided to run this 8k at pmp, and it felt much better than last week when I attempted that pace over 6km. Starting off at a controlled pace rather than tearing away was the answer. Km1 and km5 were the only ones over 5 minutes. The first km, I got stuck at some traffic lights, and the 5th km was a bit surreal tbh. Running along, minding my own business when this old dear pulls up beside me in her Ford Fiesta and decides to ask for directions. I told her to keep driving beside me as I was on the clock :)
    It definitely slowed me down, but good to know that I was able to string proper sentences together even if I was running at this pace :D
    I hope she found the golfclub that she was looking for :D

    So, 10km to do tomorrow, and that will be done at a slow pace. Left calf muscle is a bit tight, I think that all my messing around with the elevation settings on the treadmill last night did not really do me any good.

    I've ordered a garmin 405 (present from me to me), and that should be arriving next week. I plan to take a bit of a diversion from HH for a few weeks, and I'm going to try to increase my aerobic capacity and improve my LT by training with a closer eye on my HR. (with thanks to Woddle).

    Until that arrives, it is charge ahead as usual :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender

    Date|Planned Distance|Planned Pace|Actual Session|Comments
    21 Nov|15km|5:30|15.78k at 5:14 pace|Getting tired towards the end|
    24 Nov|10km|5:30|10k 5:42 pace|Dreadmill Session|
    25 Nov|8km|5:30|8.03k at 4:52 pace|Much better PMP than last week|
    26 Nov|10km|5:30|10.65k at 5:49 pace|27th November|
    WEEK TOTAL|43km||44.46km||

    Finished off the week tonight even though I was wrecked after a very tough weekend at work. I was almost too tired to go for the run, but reckoned that putting in the miles now will really stand to me towards the end. So that's what this run was all about, a slow slog to keep my distance ticking over. It felt way too easy, I almost felt as if I was cheating somehow. Week 1 of 18 finished.

    One thing's for sure though, I'll sleep like a log tonight :pac:

    Planned sessions for week 2 look like this :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Maximum Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    28 Nov|16km|5:35|||
    29 Nov|6.5km|5:50|||
    30 Nov|11km|5:20|||
    01 Dec|6.5km|5:50|||
    02 Dec|11km|5:20|||
    03 Dec|6.5km|5.50|||
    WEEK TOTAL|57.5km||||

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender


    WEEK 1 of 18|44.46km|

    WEEK 2 :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Maximum Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    28 Nov|16km|5:35|17.31k at 5:35 pace|Soaked to the skin|
    29 Nov|6.5km|5:50|||
    30 Nov|11km|5:20|||
    01 Dec|6.5km|5:50|||
    02 Dec|11km|5:20|||
    03 Dec|6.5km|5.50|||
    WEEK TOTAL|57.5km||17.31km||

    Out into the pouring rain last night for a long run. Got absolutely soaked from head to toe, and felt miserable on more than one occasion.
    Hit my target spot on, although km's 10 - 12 were well ahead of planned pace. Maybe it was the fact that it was so wet and windy out there made me pick up the pace without me noticing. Eased back on the throttle for the rest of the run. In fact, I found myself on several occasions having to put the brakes on. It's a strange feeling forcing yourself to run well within yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender


    WEEK 1 of 18|44.46km|

    WEEK 2 :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Maximum Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    28 Nov|16km|5:35|17.31k at 5:35 pace|Soaked to the skin|
    29 Nov|6.5km|5:50|8.64k at 5:51 pace|Going well|
    30 Nov|11km|5:20|||
    01 Dec|6.5km|5:50|||
    02 Dec|11km|5:20|||
    03 Dec|6.5km|5.50|||
    WEEK TOTAL|57.5km||25.95km||

    Just a gentle jog last night. Nice and crisp outside, and thankfully not wet.
    I'm doing all of my runs in Dundalk at the moment, which is a lot different from the country roads that I love running on. Way too many cars about, and running past chippers and pubs with the smell of grease/drink makes me want to gawk :pac: Give me the smell of cowsh1t any day ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender


    WEEK 1 of 18|44.46km|

    WEEK 2 :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Maximum Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    28 Nov|16km|5:35|17.31k at 5:35 pace|Soaked to the skin|
    29 Nov|6.5km|5:50|8.64k at 5:51 pace|Going well|
    30 Nov|11km|5:20|11.02k at 5:18 pace|Tight left calf|
    01 Dec|6.5km|5:50|||
    02 Dec|11km|5:20|||
    03 Dec|6.5km|5.50|||
    WEEK TOTAL|57.5km||36.97km||

    Legs were a bit tired last night. My left calf was very tight for the last couple of kms. Gave it a decent stretch afterwards and a bit of biofreeze before I hit the bed. Have it compressed for the day, and hopefully it will be grand for a gentle jog tonight.
    Otherwise, the runs are going quite well. My breathing is well under control, and I feel pretty strong throughout. Just need a little extra strength in my legs to handle the distances.

    I also desperately need to get a new pair of runners. The ones I am wearing at the moment have about 650kms on them, and are well and truly dead. There's no spring left in them at all, and I'm sure they are part of the problem. I'm off tomorrow, so a trip out to Amphibian king might be in order.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender


    WEEK 1 of 18|44.46km|

    WEEK 2 :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Maximum Pace|Actual Session|Comments

    28 Nov|16km|5:35|17.31k at 5:35 pace|Soaked to the skin|
    29 Nov|6.5km|5:50|8.64k at 5:51 pace|Going well|
    30 Nov|11km|5:20|11.02k at 5:18 pace|Tight left calf|
    01 Dec|6.5km|5:50|6.60k at 5:51 pace|Lovely gentle run|
    02 Dec|11km|5:20|||
    03 Dec|6.5km|5.50|||
    WEEK TOTAL|57.5km||43.57km||

    Just what I needed tonight, a slow run. It was bloody freezin' out there though ! Literally, zero degrees in Dundalk. Home now for a nice hot shower :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender


    WEEK 1 of 18|44.46km|

    WEEK 2 :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Maximum Pace|Actual Session|Ave HR|Max HR|Comments

    28 Nov|16km|5:35|17.31k at 5:35 pace|||Soaked to the skin|
    29 Nov|6.5km|5:50|8.64k at 5:51 pace|||Going well|
    30 Nov|11km|5:20|11.02k at 5:18 pace|||Tight left calf|
    01 Dec|6.5km|5:50|6.60k at 5:51 pace|||Lovely gentle run|
    02 Dec|11km|5:20|12.06k at 5:14 pace|
    |Bit faster than I wanted, still very comfortable though|
    03 Dec|6.5km|5.50|||
    WEEK TOTAL|57.5km||55.63km||

    Broke my new Garmin 405 out for the first time tonight. A nifty piece of work !
    One more run to go tomorrow to make it a 60+km week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender


    WEEK 1 of 18|44.46km|

    WEEK 2 :-

    Date|Planned Distance|Maximum Pace|Actual Session|Ave HR|Max HR|Comments

    28 Nov|16km|5:35|17.31k at 5:35 pace|||Soaked to the skin|
    29 Nov|6.5km|5:50|8.64k at 5:51 pace|||Going well|
    30 Nov|11km|5:20|11.02k at 5:18 pace|||Tight left calf|
    01 Dec|6.5km|5:50|6.60k at 5:51 pace|||Lovely gentle run|
    02 Dec|11km|5:20|12.06k at 5:14 pace|
    |Bit faster than I wanted, still very comfortable though|
    03 Dec|6.5km|5.50|8.78k at 5:50 pace|
    |Felt Sluggish|
    WEEK TOTAL|57.5km||64.41km||

    Long day at work, and after a bit of dinner and watching a bit of x-factor with the family, I finally managed to get out at about 21:30 for my last run of the week. Felt tired really, but that is due to being up so early this morning. Got another early rise tomorrow so need to catch some zzzz's !
    That's 7 days running in a row now, and so I'm having a rest day tomorrow.
    Week 3 starts on Monday :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭jprender


    WEEK 1 of 18|44.46km|
    WEEK 2 of 18|64.41km|

    WEEK 3 :-

    Date|Planned Session|Maximum Pace|Actual Session|Ave HR|Max HR|Comments

    05 Dec|17km|5:35|19.24k at 5:32 pace|
    |No Problems !|
    06 Dec|8.0km|5:50|||||
    07 Dec|11km|5:20|||||
    08 Dec|8.0km + 4*25sec strides|5:50|||||
    09 Dec|3km warmup - 4*20sec stds - 6km - 2km cooldown|5:00 for 6km run|||||
    10 Dec|6.5km|6.00|||||
    WEEK TOTAL|61.50km + strides||19.24km||

    Long run last night. No problems apart from the normal twinges here and there which is just my body trying to get me to stop. Everything works itself out the further I go. Felt well able to keep going at the end.

    1:46:29 on my feet, that's a record for me !
