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State spending €3million on communion rituals



  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lucy8080 wrote: »
    king mob,

    first...calling my writing style childish...more pettiness despite the fact u can clearly understand the points in it. no probs getting used to it.
    Well I also addressed your points.
    The fact that you continue to post in such a silly manner makes you seem either like you don't actual know how to engage in a discussion, are 13 or are a troll. (Or all three.)
    If you don't like people pointing out that posting in text speak is silly and childish and undermines your credibility, then stop.
    Lucy8080 wrote: »
    second...the members in the catholic church pay taxes in the u.s.
    And the Church does not pay tax.

    Members of a Golf Club pay tax. The Golf club pays tax based on the membership fees they receive.

    Pulling in tax from the Church from the money they make in this country would pay for the benefit you think is so important and then some.
    So why exactly shouldn't they tax the Church?
    Lucy8080 wrote: »
    third.....the weight of those numbers influences ....are u serious asserting it does not?
    And the supposed weight of numbers doesn't actually factor in about a discussion of whether or not the Church should pay tax.
    Lucy8080 wrote: » has more weight of numbers than any other demographic in this country
    But this number is over inflated. The number of practising catholics is much lower than 90%. The number of those who agree with the church's policies is much lower still.
    And I'd wager the number of people in Ireland who would vote in favour of taxing the church would be enough to be the majority.
    Lucy8080 wrote: »
    fifth....ive answered more than once why the savings u think u will make are an illusion.

    blame the gov.

    not struggling families and the culture they inherited.
    But this does not answer the question I asked you.
    Why doesn't the church pay if it's so important?
    Whether or not you think that the money is going somewhere useful is irrelevant to this question.

    And if they are to cut benefits, it's better that than cutting into weekly allowances by any amount.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    I'm drunk off my face & I can spot all that I've written below:
    that's telling...
    Galvasean wrote: »
    Seriously, learn to type like an adult. You will get more respect in the long run.
    It's really not that hard to put a few capital letters into your posts.

    How can people just accept posts like this? I mean the rankest hypocrisy
    can be exemplified by just examining Galvasean's own posts in this
    thread. I mean more than one poster brags about their love for rational
    thinking yet they totally ignore such craziness - why don't at least one of
    those who brag about their love of rationality on this forum even just
    examine this latest post in comparison with your earlier ones & apply
    that critical thought process they'd apparently die for. You may dislike
    &/or disagree with everything I'm saying as regards the argument but
    you can't deny the hypocrisy of this latest comment or the others that
    deserve equally confrontational responses.
    King Mob wrote: »
    Your post makes no sense, beyond the childish writing style.

    The childish writing style is the only thing that makes sense?
    What a superfluous comment, I don't consider the post's in any way
    childish & quite frankly I consider it extremely childish & petty to make
    comments like this that betray all the cynical ignorance of bigots who
    just don't like to accept anybody who looks different, who has long hair,
    who like to read, who likes science etc... But of course who am I to
    speak considering I'm just one of those others who posts different as
    well so I'm obviously biased.
    King Mob wrote: »
    The fact that you continue to post in such a silly manner makes you seem either like you don't actual know how to engage in a discussion, are 13 or are a troll. (Or all three.)

    Such a scientific conclusion that just follows, as if by logic, from such
    iron-clad premises. I see the truth table of possibilities you've drawn up
    for us is just impeccably laid out & absolutely no other possibilities could
    arise. People just accept these kinds of comments without question?
    King Mob wrote: »
    But none of this addresses the question, if the catholic church cares about thier members and that people somehow desperately need this money to buy material things for a religious ceremony, why doesn't the church offer to help them out?

    As fantastic a question as this is, it's entirely irrelevant to the thread &
    I'm surprised such a trivial question could be offered as some form of
    counterexample to the topic. Why should those greedy fcukers pay
    for this? They don't care, in fact priests encourage emphasis on not
    spending money on the day as it distracts from the event (as a quick
    google can convince you of). It's the recognition of the non-religious
    aspects of this event coupled with the historical societal importance
    that fuels the government in providing for this, hence the rank ignorance
    in the argument that religion has anything more than a coincidental
    relationship to this issue.
    kylith wrote: »
    There are contradictory interpretations because it's a fecking poem, not a treatise on public spending.

    As much as I want to respond entirely to your post I think this bit of
    your response sums the rest up entirely in that you ignore what I say
    & respond to something you've said in a manner to justify your previous
    claim. Note that I called your charlatanism out & you respond with more
    of it, I can't argue with nonsense like this, it's a total waste of time.

    I disagree - I view it as robbing from those who genuinely have exceptional needs. If it isn't a case of completely over-indulging one particular sect of a multi-cultural society based on bygone celtic tiger-esque priorities - oh purlease tell me what it is?

    Also, if you can give me a break down on why €300+ euro is required for a communion service then I'm willing to far as I'm aware, that's the only part that could possibly be argued as being necessitated by the equally antiquated school system.

    Hysterical appeals to emotion and historical generosity are just that, btw.
    Cuts to communion allowance mean spirited– Seán Crowe TD
    Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe has described as “mean spirited” the government plans to cut discretionary payments for special occasions, like a child’s first communion, for low income families.
    The Tallaght-based Deputy was speaking after the announcement that the regular discretionary payment of up to €305 was to be cut to €105.
    Deputy Seán Crowe said:
    “For Christians the communion and confirmation, for Judaism the bar mitzvah or the Muslim khatme quran are significant days in the life of a child.
    “They are particularly important events for many low income families and this cut will impact severely on all of them.
    “Suggestions that some families should consider clothing their children in hand-me-downs or cheap outfits shows a lack of understanding of just how big a milestone this is for families.
    “The government ministers and the media pundits that are supporting these cuts are very unlikely to do the same for their own children.
    “This outspoken support for cutting this discretionary allowance is in stark contrast to their silence when it comes to paying billions to faceless gamblers and speculators in the bond markets.
    “The Fine Gael /Labour Government’s latest attack on low income families is mean spirited and cruel.
    “Here is yet another example of the poor and the least well off being unfairly hit by another cruel austerity measure.”
    I'm not appealing to your emotions, whether you think I'm hysterical
    or not, as I know that would never work. I'm just telling you that you
    are entirely ignorant, willingfully ignorant, of how much a part of our
    culture this event is - whether you like it or not, whether you want to
    deny reality or not (because that's what you are doing, sugar coat it
    all you like). You can tell us it's not an exceptional need because your
    biases tell you that it's not an exceptional need but if we enter the
    world of reality, one in which mothers are whoring themselves out to
    deal with this event, one which people really care about, we see that
    plenty of people understand that this is an exceptional need - in the
    same way a poor Jewish person could apply for their exceptional need
    to fund a bar mitzvah (which I'd presume they'd get, as I doubt the
    government would be that hypocritical, though if there's evidence of
    this please show it).

    Also, don't think I don't notice the dishonesty in yours (and everybody
    else's) argument in focusing on this payment as if it's entirely for the
    dress. Just mimicking the standards all you guys (in the gender neutral
    use of that term as I know how petty things like this tend to get emphasized by those
    with an axe to grind
    ) accept without question when it furthers your agenda's
    I should be calling you all children for making such a childish argument.
    That subtle point, one consistently emphasized by those for whom
    5 seconds of research is too much when raw anger takes control,
    seems to be lost on all those who bang on about their rationality...
    Though to be fair to you you've only focused on the dress when it
    was convenient for you to do so & the latest post at least mentions
    the entire communion so we're learning something as we go along,
    though I still think it's dishonestly ignoring reality:

    Still no break-down I see, that's telling...

    When we focus on communion dresses as if that's the entire issue &
    then shift our argument & chastise others for not being insanely pedantic,
    I think that's telling. Surely there's a word to describe that...

    Do we really need to break it down? Do you really think I couldn't do
    that? Deeper question - can you really, truly & honestly not envision
    how someone could easily blow 300 euro on an event like this?
    This day that (only if we're willing not to deny reality, of course - which you evidentially
    just flat out refuse to do)
    represents "a milestone" "for families". Note I'm
    not asking for your personal opinion on the morality of poor people
    blowing 300 on a day like this, I've just asked a question about the
    mechanics of the situation (as I know anything deeper than that is
    simply incomprehensible). I find it very sad that I'd have to paint a
    picture of a realistic day to convince you of why people need this
    kind of money for that "milestone" day "for families". Surely you'll
    fess up & admit you don't need such a pedantic breakdown, note
    that it will be done if requested with the assumption of your cheap
    as fcuk 2nd hand dress.

    Furthermore don't think I don't notice the extremely cynical dishonesty
    in this argument (which is, of course, a cover) that we should be
    devoting this money instead to hospitals etc... I mean your own logic
    defunds the sciences & anything we care to mention - an argument
    I've already mentioned & one that was totally ignored. Logically this
    argument is impeccable, do you think we should be spending money
    on the arts when spending money on the arts means we are basically
    murdering people by not providing that money to them in the form of
    a hospital bed? I mean a civics class should have caused this question
    to never have been posed in the first place, people just forget what it
    means to live in a society all of a sudden... As I already mentioned, there
    are plenty of things I don't feel good about funding yet that's just part
    of living in society. Note also that civics class can never answer this
    question in a positive way because as a society that's what we do when
    we devote money to physics or the arts etc... and don't devote it to
    hospital beds etc... - I just consider it either ignorance to argue from
    some moral high ground all of a sudden to take money from poor
    people because of reason X while giving money to rich people ignoring
    that reason X we cared so much about when poor people were involved
    or just plain dishonesty.

    Though of course nothing I say matters because of the shape/size of my
    posts. How do people miss all (any???) of this? :confused: I'll try to be even
    more systematic, more direct & more all-encompassing if I have the
    time as this issue is just so insane that it needs to be done so I apologize
    if I haven't gotten to addressing every miniscule issue at this precise
    moment but please try to view this from my perspective in that I have
    to chase down easy quotes nobody else cares to mention & it's a lot
    for a person pissed off their skull (well, soberer now) to do.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    I love long posts, and especially long posts with multiple quote. I fly through the thread without even reading them.

    It says so much about the character of the poster that one you've read them in their very FIRST post, you can put them on ignore and you'll miss nothing. :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 32,865 ✭✭✭✭MagicMarker

    Lucy8080 wrote: »
    see you next tuesday

    I'm really struggling to understand what made you write this, and your intentions in doing so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    I'm really struggling to understand what made you write this, and your intentions in doing so.
    It is a polite way of calling someone a cünt. See for C u next Tuesday.


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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 32,865 ✭✭✭✭MagicMarker

    MrPudding wrote: »
    It is a polite way of calling someone a cünt. See for C u next Tuesday.

    I know that! Which only adds to the confusion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    I know that! Which only adds to the confusion.
    I did not know that, so I've learnt something today.

    I was out walking this morning and I could not find my magic mushrooms, :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    I know that! Which only adds to the confusion.
    Apologies for teaching my grandmother to suck eggs. There was me thinking I was dead smart.


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,219 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    MrPudding wrote: »
    Apologies for teaching my grandmother to suck eggs. There was me thinking I was dead smart.


    Well thanks to you this grandmother learned something. I am already down with the egg sucking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    The childish writing style is the only thing that makes sense?
    What a superfluous comment, I don't consider the post's in any way childish & quite frankly I consider it extremely childish & petty to make comments like this that betray all the cynical ignorance of bigots who just don't like to accept anybody who looks different, who has long hair, who like to read, who likes science etc... But of course who am I to speak considering I'm just one of those others who posts different as well so I'm obviously biased.
    Typing out a response in text speak is childish and it makes it seem that Lucy is not interested in putting the time in to discuss her points.
    I have no idea why you post the way you do, but at least you are using spelling and grammar.
    Such a scientific conclusion that just follows, as if by logic, from such iron-clad premises. I see the truth table of possibilities you've drawn up for us is just impeccably laid out & absolutely no other possibilities could arise. People just accept these kinds of comments without question?
    What other possibilities are there?
    That she is too lazy to write properly?
    That writing in textspeak is cool or something?
    As fantastic a question as this is, it's entirely irrelevant to the thread & I'm surprised such a trivial question could be offered as some form of counterexample to the topic. Why should those greedy fcukers pay for this? They don't care, in fact priests encourage emphasis on not spending money on the day as it distracts from the event (as a quick google can convince you of). It's the recognition of the non-religious aspects of this event coupled with the historical societal importance that fuels the government in providing for this, hence the rank ignorance in the argument that religion has anything more than a coincidental relationship to this issue.
    Because it is to highlight the hypocrisy in Lucy's position. No doubt this vital and important service will suddenly become not as vital if the onus to pay it shifts to the people who are pushing this event in the schools and who claim to be charitable.
    And again, it's much preferable that they cut this payment than ones that actually are vital.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    It's interesting that the poster with the strange posting style is so quick to defend the other poster with the strange posting style.

    PS: I posted twice in this forum after 4am. In both posts I'm complaining about poor sentence structure. How odd...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,236 ✭✭✭mcmoustache

    I think kids should spend a bit more time in school learning basic grammar and a bit less time learning how to queue for and correctly eat silvermints. It would make the internet a far better place.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    ...can you really, truly & honestly not envision
    how someone could easily blow 300 euro on an event like this?


    Is this a serious question? Of course I can envisage how someone could easily blow €300 bucks on a post communion ceremony knees up, just the same as I could envisage how it's possible to blow €500 on an anniversary piss up or €1k on a birthday party - the question still remains why the tax payer should be expected to pick up the tab for such an unnecessary extravagance - or why it should be taken from coffers ear-marked for those with exceptional needs, for that matter...

    "The Fine Gael /Labour Government’s latest attack on low income families is mean spirited and cruel." What a patently laughable response. Like cutting SNA's so that kids with special needs can no longer attend main-stream schools isn't cruel and mean spirited? Or closing down hospital units so those in out-lying areas are disadvantaged isn't mean spirited and cruel? FFS, there isn't some bottomless pit of money to pay for everything - ironically it's exactly that childish monopoly-money printing-press type thinking that's resulted in the IMF having to get involved. Funding has to be prioritised, it's ridiculous to suggest that money can be thrown at all the superfluous extravagances of the day and deny that it's exactly such wanton negligence which has led to cuts in funding for so many other, far more worthy, causes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,980 ✭✭✭Lucy8080


    Thx for p.m.

    You're a gent( maybe a lady).

    There's method to my madness.

    In fairness could have wrapped my knuckles much more...but i suspect you know ur game as a mod.

    Much appreciated. Ill explain my naughtiness to mc...

    But i think u should get recognition for pulling me privatley rather than publicly.

    I tip my cap...

    we dont have to agree in a thread...nor should we.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,980 ✭✭✭Lucy8080


    I was a lil mischievious with you...but all in the best possible taste.

    Midweek and weekends are good for me timewise...i couldnt resist the pun ...especially as i was being pulled on the way i write ...( for my own reasons)...rather than issues.

    It has a double innocent one or rude...the choice is there ...i left that free..

    But it was very naughty...and please dont take offence.

    Accept my apologies responsible for writing it so i take the censure due.

    best wishes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,980 ✭✭✭Lucy8080


    The bottom issue here is applauding cuts to families who might need the money.

    forget the (personal )reasons for cheering those cuts...they are still cuts to those who are honestly in need.

    If that makes me mad. ( to question,raise a debate)..lock me up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,980 ✭✭✭Lucy8080

    indeed gbee,

    We meet in agreement.

    Thinking one has the edge, without understanding the conditions, is arrogant.

    Lets together understand if there might be conditions we are overlooking.

    even if its only one family.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,320 ✭✭✭dead one

    Galvasean wrote: »
    Seriously, learn to type like an adult.
    mysteriously, learn to behave like an adult
    Galvasean wrote: »
    You will get more respect in the long run.
    Do you currently feel respect for you in my comment. There is no respect, Remember motive behind the story, "Respect Isn't Given, It's Earned" ... I believe that sentence presents a very real danger to the your world
    Galvasean wrote: »
    It's really not that hard to put a few capital letters into your posts.
    Dear Galvasean, I've have now explored all the capital letter into your posts, It is very disappointed, there is no flesh in your majority of capital letters but bones.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Yeah, the usual gibberish - that'll teach 'em! :rolleyes:

    Seriously guys, if you want someone to take you seriously, learning to cobble together a vaguely coherent argument should be top of your "to do" list.

  • Moderators Posts: 51,760 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    Lucy8080 wrote: »
    The bottom issue here is applauding cuts to families who might need the money.

    forget the (personal )reasons for cheering those cuts...they are still cuts to those who are honestly in need.

    No one is applauding cuts to families in need. It's just that people don't think that paying for clothes for first communion meets the requirement of exceptional needs.

    If you can read this, you're too close!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,395 ✭✭✭✭mikemac1

    Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe has described as “mean spirited” the government plans to cut discretionary payments for special occasions, like a child’s first communion, for low income families.

    The Tallaght-based Deputy was speaking after the announcement that the regular discretionary payment of up to €305 was to be cut to €105.
    Deputy Seán Crowe said:

    “Suggestions that some families should consider clothing their children in hand-me-downs or cheap outfits shows a lack of understanding of just how big a milestone this is for families.

    What's wrong with hand me downs :confused:
    Or better still school uniforms on the day

    Nothing like a politician to hop on a story and try to score points out of it

    But I know if Sinn Féin were in power then another opposition TD would be saying the exact same thing. A Labour or Fine Gael TD would not hesitate to attack these cuts if Brian Cowan did it a few years ago
    They don't care, just trying to make some headlines and get their name noticed

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Lucy8080 wrote: »

    The bottom issue here is applauding cuts to families who might need the money.

    forget the (personal )reasons for cheering those cuts...they are still cuts to those who are honestly in need.

    If that makes me mad. ( to question,raise a debate)..lock me up.

    What makes you sound so silly &/or ridiculously obtuse is trying to justify why the state should effectively sponsor piss the current economic climate and knowing the kind of irresponsible behaviour that has left this country on it's knees - attempting to justify frankly ridiculous payments to sponsor a voluntary social activity under the guise of being akin to those that require emergency dental treatment or parents who suddenly find themselves unable to feed or clothe their children is just disgusting, disgusting and greedy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    dead one is a hat. Wardrobe of misunderstanding lacks pantaloons. Decadent West bass players in a band of ignorance and cheat. I am a little teapot.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,320 ✭✭✭dead one

    Sarky wrote: »
    dead one is a hat. Wardrobe of misunderstanding lacks pantaloons. Decadent West bass players in a band of ignorance and cheat. I am a little teapot.
    He wasn't drunk, Sarky

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    This thread is like a bad horror franchise. You think it's gone for good, only for it to come back (... again!) relatively unchanged.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,182 ✭✭✭Genghiz Cohen

    Galvasean wrote: »
    This thread is like a bad horror franchise. You think it's gone for good, only for it to come back (... again!) relatively unchanged.

    Maybe slightly disfigured from the last epic battle.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,320 ✭✭✭dead one

    Galvasean wrote: »
    This thread is like a bad horror franchise. You think it's gone for good, only for it to come back (... again!) relatively unchanged.
    The thread is one of the pieces of heaven for me, my post are still there, i mean they have not been deleted... heaven on earth..... why the mother nature is so kind to me ... dear atheists, the birds don't land here anymore, it seems they have left this island. I can see huge rocks here.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dades

    Okay, fun's over.

    The next nonsense post gets deleted. The one after that gets a red bottom.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    As much as I want to chase the latest posts up, & I really do, I just don't
    have the time because the detail involved in such posts, in chasing up the
    details glossed over
    , gets far too big. Furthermore the majority of what
    I write is ignored & not responded to (obviously because it's all just
    nonsense I'm sure) & really not worth putting up with continually...
    Though ignoring the substantive issues that the main topic of the thread
    involve I think the incessant insults, the group-thought perspective of just
    accepting some horrible comments aimed at the outsider, is fcuking

    Actually, I'll just respond to the one person who actually embraced the
    entirety of my post & is someone I'd generally expect would continue to
    do so if this conversation persisted:

    King Mob wrote: »
    Typing out a response in text speak is childish and it makes it seem that Lucy is not interested in putting the time in to discuss her points.
    I have no idea why you post the way you do, but at least you are using spelling and grammar.

    As we have evidence of in this thread, your complimenting my spelling
    & grammar is something unique to you, others prefer to ignore such
    glorious aspects of my posts & instead focus on other aspects of the
    posts & use these as a means to completely ignore me. Both your
    compliments to me, your insults to Lucy & others insults to me & Lucy
    illustrate the pathetically unconstructive & highly subjective nature of
    focusing on trivial things like these.

    Notice also that this response doesn't deny the comparison to those
    whose cynical ignorance permits them to judge others who don't
    conform to a way of life that they just demand others to conform to -
    why in this case it's because "it seems" that (s)he's not interested in putting the time in to
    discuss his/her points
    - and as atheists people in here just know how stellar
    that logic is...

    King Mob wrote: »
    What other possibilities are there?
    That she is too lazy to write properly?
    That writing in textspeak is cool or something?

    A) She wants to?
    B) She has dyslexia or some other writing-related abnormality?
    C) She thinks it adds some form of definitiveness to separate sentences?
    D) She does it as a means to ensure nobody skips a sentence as is
    __ natural (especially in this thread unfortunately) when confronted with
    __ a big blob of text?
    E) She does it to intentionally force people to "ignore" her as a means to
    __ weed out the similar nonsense so commonly posted with those who
    __ laugh at others for the way their posts look (or their writing style, or
    __ their choice of words etc... etc...)

    There are plenty of reasons, & I haven't the time to get creative. Notice
    none of them is a joke nor trivial.

    I just can't fathom the urge to throw in some hateful comments aimed
    at beating another person into expressing themselves in a manner you
    expect them to, you might not like the way they express themselves but
    I mean that by no means implies that others similarly feel that way &
    even if they do that by no means implies, by any stretch of logic, that
    you're right. You might have been right, but I mean look at the flaws
    I've found, I think that in general you'll always find such flaws because
    the idea is flawed to begin with. All of this nonsense can be avoided by
    accepting others for who they choose to be (though of course I'm not
    forcing you to do that, but the above logical insanity is generally
    encountered & we will most likely continue down these avenues of
    exposing how such ignorance forces a person to ignore trivially obvious
    details, something I continue to find without exemption).
    King Mob wrote: »
    Because it is to highlight the hypocrisy in Lucy's position. No doubt this vital and important service will suddenly
    become not as vital if the onus to pay it shifts to the people who are pushing this event in the schools and who claim
    to be charitable.

    I know you were aiming for some sort of counterexample as a means to
    highlight hypocrisy but notice the question in my post (pre-empting this
    response) that asked the question "why" those greedy fcukers should be
    forced to pay for this. Not to tout my own horn but I even went into the
    specifics of why they shouldn't be paying for this as a further means to
    highlight how much of a non-counterexample your question was. They
    have their own justifications for not paying for this (which I've already
    mentioned, & can easily be checked).

    Notice why I bothered to mention this:

    Because even if we assume that they should be forced to pay for this
    (i.e. if we indulge you in your attempt at highlighting hypocrisy) they
    have their own iron-clad reasons not to pay for it because it goes against
    the spirit of what they are aiming for on the day which implies, again if
    logic has anything to do with this conversation, that the religious aspects
    of the day are nothing more than coincidental in this milestone social
    event. There's a reason why another poster in another thread recently
    offered up Alton Towers as a means to satiate a child from worrying
    about not partaking in their communion rituals & I think we all know it
    wasn't offered as a means to lull the child into forgetting the sense of
    spiritual loss they'll feel for not having been in church that day...

    Thus the example fails on two grounds, A) indicating how it's even
    relevant, B) when examined it just illustrates the very point you all
    are arguing against in the first place.
    King Mob wrote: »
    And again, it's much preferable that they cut this payment than ones that actually are vital.

    3 million, in the scope of things, in no way interferes with anything vital. If
    it did then I think you'd be right. Portraying this as something that is
    interfering with vital services is insane.
    If a penny was taken from the SW of each person in the country this
    could be paid for multiple times over, I'd wager a majority of people on
    the SW would agree to that. I only mention this to highlight how we're
    nowhere near questions of this being some form of payment that would
    interfere with vital services.
    If people are concerned about wasted money, I mean uncontroversially
    wasted money, there are far, far, better examples.
    Trying to take money from poor people based on absolutely flawed
    premises is pure evil, nobody has bothered to explain how religion has
    anything to do with this issue as anything more than a coincidental,
    notice I've posted this fact multiple times so ignorance can't be argued.
    So even pretending that this payment is wrong for reason X, none of
    the reasons people argued for so vehemently in the thread thus far
    stand up to scrutiny which implies a lot of things anybody can easily
    deduce if they want to go down that avenue of thought..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 34,601 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    <verbose irrelevance snipped>
    3 million, in the scope of things, in no way interferes with anything vital.

    If 3 million is such a trifling sum, why doesn't the Catholic Church offer to pay it? Or do they have moral objections to paying for booze ups, while the taxpayer should not?

    There are many, many areas where 3 million euro could make a real, beneficial difference to people's lives - e.g. special needs assistants, elderly home care, cystic fibrosis. But having a nice taxpayer-funded day out for cult members is more important, I suppose, eh?
    If a penny was taken from the SW of each person in the country this
    could be paid for multiple times over, I'd wager a majority of people on
    the SW would agree to that.

    Grand so, as long as the taxpayer isn't forced to subsidise religious ritual.
    Here's an idea - why not take it out of your church collection? Aren't religious congregations supposed to look after their less fortunate members? Why push that burden onto the taxpayer, as this is not an essential expense but an expense resulting from membership of your religion?

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.
