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Running to stay sane

  • 04-07-2011 10:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭


    I've been a long time lurker and following some logs over the past year or so has motivated/helped me to get back on the running wagon. I'm at a point where I need to kick on after after staling for a few months, so I'm hoping my own log will help me chart and plot things and hopefully motivate me on the low days and possible get me some advice on the crazy ones.

    Where I'm at and where I want to go!

    Haven't raced since Paddys Day where I kicked out a 17.58 5k - which was a great race, I paced myself well and things fell into place. The last few months have been up and down. My fitness is still ok, my HR stats for my easy/steady runs are as solid as a few months ago but I'm not as sharp as sub 18 for 5k (no quality work). Big Garmin nut - love all the data!!

    Just back to work after a few weeks off (where training and diet fell apart), so things are starting from now.
    Want to get in some good training over the next few weeks, get food right and build to a 10k in August/Sept. I also want to race more - as in - hard races as part of training and not focusing on tapering for every race I do. I want to enjoy racing for the fun of it times/results not the only thing. Longer term I want to get my 5k under 17.30 and then attack sub 17.

    Finally - 2 kids - one 7 months old (not fond of sleeping), the other 2.5 years, so life is hectic and hours are precious - hence the "running to stay sane" title!

    Broke in easy today with just over 6k in 4.46k pace, Av HR of 138 (62% of max HR).



  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Really easy 8k today in about 5.26 k pace. Average HR of 125. Happy to go easy, planning to do a 4k race tomorrow evening, should be nice to see where I'm at - however harsh the reality:o.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Wed 6th - 4k race.
    No point in me doing a race report, it would be the least factual one ever written! Arrived at registration to be greeted with the sign - "no watches race - predict your time in advance and see how close you get". Now - I'm a HR/garmin/stat lover. I felt like I was being stripped naked having to take off my 305 and HR strap. Very tough course. About 1.1/1.2k of very steep hill to start, downhill for about the same and then from 2.5k to pretty much the end it was a slow painful uphill drag. In advance I was gunning for 14. Without my garmin and the fact the course was a net uphill and very, very undulating I predicted 14.30 and finished with 14.12 for 10th. Very, very happy with that. About 2k w/u and 2k c/d for 8k ish for the day.

    Thur 7th - 8k ish rec run
    Very easy as the legs (bum especially) are a little sore. About 4.54 pace with an AHR of 134. Nice and easy no hassles. Wasn't that knackered after the race yesterday - think all the hills were a shock to my rear end! Other than that the body/energy levels aren't to bad.

    Final Note on the race - would highly recommend this format. At first I was going to leave the watch on and just excuse myself from the fun competition side of things, but I'm glad I didn't. It was kinda liberating. I just enjoyed the race for the fun of competing/pushing myself and the time/pace/distance etc. will just look after itself.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Garmins are great, but it's definitely quite liberating to switch them off for a change. The IMRA hill races are great for that, as the information provided is generally of little use. I do like to have the route recorded for posterity afterwards though!

    What's the goal for the 10k? Sub 37 or better? Have you looked at the McMillan 10k sessions? Well done in the race btw. Not for off your recent 5k time, for what sounds like a very tough course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    As liberating as it was - I'm not giving up my gadgets that easily!!! The IMRA stuff never really floated my boat, but after the watch free race I'm getting the attraction. I could well see myself giving it a go in the future. Also, the tough IMRA stuff like that must be a great all-round strength developer for road/cross country running.

    Have seen a good few logs with the McMillan 10k sessions. I'm very impressed. Looking forward to having myself beaten to a pulp by 6x1 miles in the next week or so. Not fully sure what way I'll react, but 6-8 weeks of those sessions should get me in good shape. My 10k best is 39.19. Pretty sure I can break 39, but 38 might be a tougher task. I'd love to run a sub 6 min mile pace 10k. So sub 37.30 would be a target, but I think that might be more medium term. I'm not a million miles away, but it's never easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Did an easy/steady 12.2k today at 4.36 pace with an AVHR of 147. Felt easy, legs still a little heavy from Wednesday race.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Did a tempo session in a forest today. Route was around a 4k (3.95k to be exact) lap, did 2 of them with no recovery between laps. Very undulating route in the depths of a stunning wood - which is really testing but it makes the session fly by. Was aiming to break 35 mins and hopefully get close to the low 34's.
    Total time - 35.08 with an AVHR of 166, the max was 178.
    1st lap - 17.25 (on target) avhr of 161
    2nd lap - 17.42 avhr of 171 and kinda pushed it more than I should have to try and get under 35.
    By the 5th/6th k I got into it, but prior to that it was a slog. The HR was that little bit higher than I would have liked and the time was slower than I'd have hoped. Just a matter of plugging away and hopefully it'll get quicker. Once I start getting the times down on this it'll progress to 2.5 laps (about 10.1k) and then get to 3 laps (just under 12k). I'd want to be under 34mins before I progress the distance.
    12.3k in all with w/u and c/d.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Sun 10th - rec run, 10.3k at 4.55 pace, avhr of 130.

    Mon 11th - my first crack at the McMillan 10k workout. 6 x 1mile with 3 min rec.
    1. 6.01 (kinda uphill) - 160
    2. 5.50 (downhill) - 168
    3. 5.50 (even) - 171
    4. 5.50 (downhill) - 172
    5. 5.57 (uphill) - 174
    6. 5.58 (uphill) - 177

    Very, very tough session. The heavy humidity and 20 degree temp didn't make it any easier. No way I could maintain that for a 10k race. I wouldn't be positive I could hold this for the 2 mile progression either. Great session though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Tue 12th, very easy rec run today. 8.45k at 5.05 pace, avhr of 128.

    Found this very hard. Legs were a little sore and very sluggish after yesterday. Body just feeling it!

    The McMillan session really took it out of me. Forgot to post yesterday I lost 4.5lbs from the McMillan session. After a nerdy google it transpires that equates to just over 2 litres! Jaysus, that's rough on the system!

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Wed 13th - easy aerobic run today. 14.4k in 4.33 pace, avhr of 147. About 21/22 degrees out. I know I sound like a begrudging Irishman, but that's just to warm for my liking! I need a nice 8 or 9 degrees, throw in a little bit of drizzle - perfect!

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Tough one today. Did a 5 x 1 mile tempo, 60 secs rec. Paced it badly and wheels came off on the last mile.
    22/23 degrees again today, not as sunny as yesterday but more humid.

    Legs were heavy and very tired for the warm up. Felt like a slog all the way. Tougher than I would have liked. I'm feeling 11 days on the trot, with a race and 3 good sessions. I'll do a slow recovery tomorrow and then take a necessary 3 days to rest the legs - kinda. Heading to London on Saturday to go to the British Open on Sunday. Doubt I'll lace up the runners until next Tuesday!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Long catch up post coming!!!

    Wow - let that slip for 2 months! I feel like I've done nothing for the past 8/9 weeks. After my last post I didn't run for a week, travel and booze at the British Open had me in bits.

    Was finding it hard to get motivated so just after the August bank holiday I decided to wake myself up and sign up for DCM 2011.... It's been very stop-start since then. Between unexpected life stress and poor sleeping baby (not an excuse ecoli - I know) I feel like I haven't got going.

    Here's a summary of the past few months - just the key sessions and days missed, the rest of the time was 8k to 13k easy/rec runs
    Date Distance Av Pace Av HR
    7th Aug - 17.3k 4.38 145 - felt nice and easy
    9th Aug - 12k 4.13 first attempt at MP, not easy but doable
    11th Aug - 4x2k 3.53 2k's with 90 sec rec, felt good but tough
    14th Aug - 24.25k 4.58 137- very easy, low HR, legs stiff for days!
    16th Aug - 15k 4.12 163 - hot day, big confidence boost for MP
    18th Aug - 4x2k + 1k 3.51 and 3.33 for last 1k - 90 sec rec - tough sess

    BOLD boy - 4 days off on family trip to London. Failed tempo when I came back on the Thursday. By the following Sunday (28th) I had a few jogs under the belt

    28th Aug - killed myself - was still tired, but felt behind on my training after a few missed days. Did 28k, but the session was 1m easy, 1MP, 2e, 2mp, 3e, 3mp, 2e, 2mp, 1e, 1mp. Basically managed to keep the MPs at 4.12/4.13 and easy at 4.53 area as far as the 16m mark and the wheels totally fell of. HR was to high at 180's coming to the end of the 2m MP (uphill) and my right knee just clicked into pain. The distance and intensity was too much. Didn't do the last 1e, 1mp just hobbled home. Tried to run the next day and knee was in agony. Rested Tue, Wed and Thu and luckily an easy 8k on the Friday had no pain. Knocked my confidence back big time. Mentally I was full of doubt and physically I got a kick in the guts.

    Date Distance Av Pace Av HR
    6th Sept - 16.4k 4.42 felt easy and steady
    8th Sept - 5x2k 3.54 159 with 90 secs rec. This was easier and slower than previous tempo sessions. It felt good to be comfortable under 4 min ks and the HR was okay - avhr for each rep was 154, 159, 163, 165, 169. My LT would be in the 169-171 region, so feel like I didn't "cheat" in the session. That's the one thing about tempo sessions without the HRM you can drift into 10k pace and not feel it.

    A few nights on the trot (over a week) of only 3/4 hours sleep resulted in no running on Sat 10th and Sun 11th and only did an easy 10k on teadmill on Mon 12th. Getting conservative now after breaking myself up on the 28k because I did that run drained from lack of sleep and feel that's why I got injured. Confidence starting to slip back again with 2 days missed and over 2 weeks since my first proper Long Run.

    Tue 13th Sept - nice steady/easy 14.5k in 4.30 pace. Felt easier as the run progressed and got faster.

    Wed 14th Sept 8.4k in 4.34 pace - easy and steady. Lovely run.

    There's where I'm at. After the MP runs on August 9th and 16th I thought I might just have a crack at sub 3 but my confidence has taken a serious hit since then and am now wondering if I could sustain sub 3.10/15 pace for 26+ miles. I need at least 3 long runs in the next 4 weekends and the odd MP paced 7-12 miler midweek to get the body and mind back into a good place.

    Saying all that - can't wait for DCM, it really is great to have a goal!

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Thursday Sept 15th -
    Tough tempo session today - 5x2k with 90 sec rec and a 1k at the end. No heart rate today so I'd have to be truthful and say that even though things felt controlled the effort was a level harder than true tempo and a level easier than 10k pace (I hope). I was lucky today I had two guys helping. One was doing the final 1.5k of each 2k and a final 600m of the 1k and another was jumping in and out doing 300's and a few 400's to finish. It was great to have company and help.
    Anyway - the truth in the numbers!
    Average of 7.42, just over 3.51 pace.
    and 1k in 3.32 (net downhill and net downwind)

    Overall tough session but not flat out. Even the fact I could kick out a quick 1k at the end shows the tank wasn't empty after the 5x2k's. Could I maintain that pace for 10k? - I think so and a bit more, could I do it for 21.1k - not a hope in hell. Where between those two distances lies the truth, I couldn't guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Just an easy 10+k in about 5.10/5.15 pace. Legs a little tight after yesterdays session. Loosened out nicely a few k into the run, but the legs felt tired all the way! I hope the legs feel better tomorrow, planning to do a proper LSR tomorrow - 28-30k bracket :(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Saturday 17th Sept. 28k LSR in about 4.54 pace. Nice and easy, but legs still stiff towards the end. Tried some gels - went down well.

    Sunday 18th - rest day. Legs stiff from tough week and LSR. Not as stiff as previous days after an LSR - thankfully.

    Monday 19th - 18.1k at MP effort. I say effort because I promised myself to NOT get hung up on pace on the garmin and just start out steady and try to cruise without pushing hard. Av pace of 4.15, Av HR of 158. Felt good. K's 13 to 17 was a 5k stretch with a 50m ascent which was tough going. Managed to keep that under 4.18 pace and my HR was still low (below or on 170 Av for each k) and even though it wasn't easy I wasn't pushing hard. Legs a little stiff still from the LSR.

    I don't like this route as it's a net downhill for the first half which is nice, but the uphill on the way home when tiredness has set in is a heart breaker. I much prefer runs/races with a good portion of uphill at the start. I'm fresh to attack the hill then and get the treat of a downhill after it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Tuesday 20th Sept
    Easy 11.6k in about 4.55 pace. This was easy, but the legs were heavy and sluggish. Combination of tough run yesterday and baby determined to start the day at 4 this morning and finish the day at 6.30 this morning! I was sitting on the couch as she slumped into a deep sleep in my arms thinking you're gonna make a great teenager! At least I was in early for work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Wed 21st Sept
    After a recovery run yesterday and planned tempo session tomorrow I wanted something easy, but not recovery easy, so decided to do a nice steady/easy aerobic run.
    8.46k Av pace of 4.22, avhr of 145:eek:.
    Shocked with this. HR was as low as it should be - to be honest 147 to 149 is an acceptable average for this type of run (for me anyway). I felt relaxed and breathing easy all the way - as usual. It was very windy all the way with torrential rain for the first few k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Thu 22nd Sept
    Tempo session again today - 5x2k with 90 sec rec and 1.5k at the end (with a 3.20 rec before the 1.5k).

    Had the HRM today but didn't use it, went with the same effort as last week but did a 1.5k at the end with one of the lads instead of a fast 1k.

    1. 7.39 (156)
    2. 7.37 (167)
    3. 7.35 (169)
    4. 7.33 (172)
    5. 7.29 (175)
    1.5k 5.44 (169)

    When I checked the HR after the session it was higher than I would have liked with an average of 163 and max of 184. Really the max shouldn't be getting beyond the mid to high 170's and only at the end of the last few Reps. Even the averages of the Reps were a little high. 156 and even 167 for the first two was okay, but 170+ average is too high. From now on I'll ease off on the pace and try to have more control on the HR and keep the average for all under 170. saying that - happy with the times and the session felt in control.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Have to do a small catch up today.

    Friday 23rd Sept
    Easy 7.91k in 5.18 pace. Simple recovery run

    Saturday 24th Sept
    30.28k LSR in 4.50 pace, AVHR of 143.
    Did this 70 mins after getting out of bed. Felt dehydtared at the start, but had 1.5L of water on me (new belt) and had 750ml drank in the first 10k. HR was higher than I would have liked, but it stayed steady enough. Legs started to feel it on the hilly few k on the way home. First run over 30k.

    Monday 26th Sept
    After a day off on Sunday I felt kinda rested so went with a steady aerobic run instead of recovery pace
    10.39k in 4.24 AVHR of 148. This felt good, legs still a little tired from LSR on Saturday

    Tuesday 27th Sept
    This was a big session - half marathon training run at MP effort. Was pushed for time so did no warm up and only 1 mile cool down.
    21.1k in 1.29.06 (4.13 pace) AVHR of 161

    From 1.2k to 2.7k there's a rise of neary 42m. I knew I should have gone steady and hit 4.25/30's and ease into the run, but I wanted to see how the body would react to marathon pace up that tough 3k at the start and see would my HR recover. It did recover in a sense but the body always felt like it couldn't fully get right from the tough hills and pace at the start (I averaged 4.15 pace for those hills). My target AVHR for the session was 163, so 161 was a positive sign. My breathing and energy levels were ok at the end of the run, but the legs were feeling it - getting tired and slightly sore. While I was happy with the 21.1 I know the legs didn't have another half in reserve. Temp was a little higher than my comfort zone - 18/19 degrees, I was drenched in sweat, but took on 700mls during the session.

    Where I'm at? 4.13 pace didn't seem quick at any point during the run. If I'd turned km's 2,3 and 4 into 4.27's instead of 4.15's I would have done a 1.29.42 half and I know it would have felt way easier. I wanted to stay below 170 for the whole run, which I did except for one uphill stretch at 19k (which had an average of 167), once I saw 170 I eased off immediatley. I don't want to see 170's until after 15/16 miles of a marathon. This is based on a lactate threshold of 169-171 from a fitness test (backed up by a race HR max of 192). I don't know how much of the LSR on the Saturday was still in the legs, to account for the legs getting so tired, also I did about 96k last week and 87k the week before. To put in context, my weekly average for the year is about 47k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Wed 28th Sept
    8.7k in about 5.20 pace. Very, very easy recovery run. Very sluggish after session yesterday, just glad to get out and get the blood flowing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Thur 29th Sept
    Supposed to be an easy 16/17k today that started slow at 5min k's and slowly wound up to sub 4.50's then sub 4.40's a few sub 4.30's and finally I did a downhill sub 4 and my running buddy handed me my ass with a sub 3.40. At least he looked kinda wrecked when I trotted in 14/15 seconds after him! This was all easy pace but it felt tough for a total of about 17k. Could talk and breath easy, but the legs were tired. I'd say the MP run on Tuesday is still in the legs.

    Got physio Thursday evening and she said the VLM muscle on the right thigh is as tight as a taught rope, she was very surprised i wasn't injured. Seemingly my vastus medialis muscle (slightly above the knee on the inner side) is very developed and strong and seems to be keeping the knee cap in place and saving me from pain. After all that nice information she proceeded to punch the life out of my thighs, calves and hamstrings. I felt a little light headed on the drive home. I thought the body needed that and boy was I right. If I can just keep the miles and intensity up for 2.5 more weeks and possible fit in another torture (physio session) in the middle of it I'll survive until the taper. Hopefully the 2 week taper and a rub or two during the taper will have the legs race fit for Dublin:o.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Rested on Friday after the physio. Badly needed.

    Saturday Oct 1st
    8k tempo in forest (2 x 4k laps - non stop). Did this around July 9th so a direct comparison was going to be on the table, whether I liked the numbers or not.

    Data from Sat 1st Data from July 9th
    33.36 - avhr of 162 35.08 - avhr of 166
    lap 1 - 16.54 - hr - 157 17.25 - hr - 161
    lap 2 - 16.44 - hr - 168 17.42 - hr - 171

    Session felt steady and wasn't in bits at the end. Can't compare with road times as it's so hilly. As a comparison it's nice to see progress. Times are faster and HRs are lower.

    Enforced rest on Sunday - family time.

    Monday Oct 3rd
    13.3k in 4.22 pace avhr of 148. Nice steady run. Warmer day than I would have expected 19/20 degrees

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Tuesday Oct 4th
    16k easy in about 4.50 pace. Sluggish to begin, but felt good at the end. Had really bad synus (sp?) today. Felt terrible. End of the run - with the head/nose cleared out was the only relief!

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Wed Oct 5th
    5x2k with 90 sec rec. Disappointed I pushed to hard on this session last time. Determined to keep it controlled this time.
    Time HR
    7.45 154
    7.44 161
    7.40 163
    7.36 167
    7.34 170
    Average a shade under 7.40 per 2k.
    Felt in control and HR was good and solid. Weather was awful. Gale force wind and driving rain. Considering the conditions I was very happy with the pace and effort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Quick catch up.

    Thursday Oct 6th
    8.44k rec in 4.55
    Nice and easy, legs a little sluggish after session yest

    Friday Oct 7th
    Rest - intended doing an easy 8k to10k but the body was shattered, long night with kids and head cold. Just hadn't the energy.

    Saturday Oct 8th
    Big session
    15m run at marathon effort.
    3.6k warm up and 3.84k cool down
    24.18k at 4.12 pace with an average HR of 160 and a max of 175. The only reason I went to a 175 max was because the final 2.5k of the session had a 20m rise and I pushed the pace to 4.10. In normal circumstances I would have let the hills win and dropped to 4.18/4.20 pace and kept the HR in the mid to high 160's. All in all happy with this. Weather was warm enough 17/18 degrees and it was fairly windy, which made some patches tough going. My target avhr was 163.8, so the 160 was positive, however, my legs got a small bit "tingly" coming to the end and a little tight/sore. Saying that the warm down to finish up was as painful as the marathon effort on the legs, so easing up gave no comfort. I hit 21.1k in 1.28.41. Took on about 600ml of water during the 15m and just under 2 gels - which went down fine.

    In simple terms, I'm happy with my aerobic fitness and heart rate targets BUT - and it's a massive BUT - I don't know how the legs will hold up to the 26.2 miles. Still don't know what sort of time to target. As this is my first race beyond 10k I'm really outside my comfort zone and don't know what to do!

    Monday Oct 10th
    11k in the forest in about 59 mins - slow and hilly/mucky, but really enjoyable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    TuesdayOct 12th
    Easy 12k in about 4.53
    First real sign of the taper. This run would be longer and often a bit faster in the past. No point in pushing to much now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Quick catch up

    Wed Oct 12th
    8.4k @ 4.22 pace avhr of 149. Went a little quick at the start. 4.12 k for 3rd k.... Silly boy.

    Thu Oct 13th
    4x2k tempo with 90 secs rec
    1. 7.39 (157)
    2. 7.35 (165)
    3. 7.34 (170)
    4. 7.32 (172)

    Happy with this, about the same times and HR's as a session 2+ weeks ago. left it at 4 - want to ease into taper, felt like I had a nice bit in the tank

    Fri Oct 14th
    9.98k @ 5.06 per k. Legs felt grand after tempo yesterday. Amazing how cutting it short makes the recovery so much quicker

    Sat & Sun - To many nights being woken by kids - just shattered. Annoyed with myself, but common sense has to prevail. Want to arrive at the marathon start line hungry!

    Mon Oct 17th
    10.45k in forest, lovely run avhr 139/140 area. pace doesn't matter

    Tue Oct 18th
    12.12k @ 4.57 pace avhr of 139
    Surprised with HR, any time during the run I checked the watch the HR was in mid to low 130's. The only time I saw 140's was up the hill. I'm guessing when I upload the data there'll be an odd spike somehwere messing up the average.

    All in all feeling sluggish. Very tired from life rather than running. Have a very dull weekend planned and looking forward to some rest. If my 11 month old could jus sleep for 8+ hours for a few nights I'd be able to get the head above water. Excuse for a bad DCM now out there:D.

    Now to decide on a time to aim for. Was hoping for sub 3, but just don't know especially the way I'm feeling at the moment! Advice welcome!

    Just had a quick look at the HR data from a 24k long run I did in mid August. AVHR was 137 on the 24k and pace was similar to the 12k onTuesday Oct 18th, which had an average of 139. Must admit, the data has me a little concerned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Wed Oct 19th
    Really p*ssed off now.
    Did a 10k MP run. It felt easy enough but the HR drifted that 4/5 beats higher than has been the case for my last few MP session. The HR data is pretty much the same as 10k into a 15k MP run I did 2 months ago. The runs I've done the last few days have literally pointed to me loosing about 2 months of fitness in 2 days. The run felt as easy as I would have liked today, but the heart rate data tells a totally different story. My resting heart rate before the run was 44/45 bpm which is the norm - so no apparent sign of illness even though I'm a bit sniffly and coughy today.

    Feel like kicking the sh!t out of something right now - this is wrecking my head!

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    Rested Thursday

    Fri Oct 21st
    Early and easy 9.3k at about 9 min miling. This was just a get it done run and keep the body ticking over. Last day at work, so lunch out today - no mid-day run! No heart rate today - said I wouldn't torment myself....

    Body has been all over the place the last few days, stomach very strange. Constant full feeling and weird bowel movements. 11 month old had a dose of something last week - not the runs, but not normal (5 to 8 nappies an hour type of thing at one point). Think I might have a touch of that. Hopefully the body will rectify itself in the next few days.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,049 ✭✭✭Brianderunner

    I wouldnt let the heart rate stats be the sole decider on your DCM goal. It's easy to get hung up on it, i was the same a few months ago. Battery died and i didnt replace it and i dont miss is at all tbh. Remember the recent colder weather could have an affect on the HR, the important question is how did the recent MP runs feel in comparison to the ones during the summer. You're good enough to go for sub 3, dont let one or 2 bad runs put you off, we all have them, trust me i know!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭ddel

    I wouldnt let the heart rate stats be the sole decider on your DCM goal. It's easy to get hung up on it, i was the same a few months ago. Battery died and i didnt replace it and i dont miss is at all tbh. Remember the recent colder weather could have an affect on the HR, the important question is how did the recent MP runs feel in comparison to the ones during the summer. You're good enough to go for sub 3, dont let one or 2 bad runs put you off, we all have them, trust me i know!!

    Thanks, appreciate that. Hard to tell the wood from the trees sometimes. Congrats on the brilliant 10 miler - fully deserved.
