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Rakish Training Log

  • 05-07-2011 8:14pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 34

    The Goal: Fat loss
    How: Diet and Training
    What's this log about: Training while dieting
    What's the program: I will be doing 4 weight sessions a week. The sessions are designed for fat loss. They will be short, lots of reps and very little rest between sets. I'll put a link in here tomorrow.

    Height: 6 foot 3
    Weight: 212lb or 96kg

    I'm looking forward to these sessions. I always got great results when I have trained 4 times a week with short intense sessions.

    Today I did
    Front Squats 50kg (20reps) 4,4,4,4,4 40sec rest
    Chins 98kg (20reps) 4,3,3,3,3,2,2 40sec rest
    Dumbbell bench (20 reps) 5,4,4,4,3 40sec rest
    Ab wheel roll outs (20reps) 4,4,4,4,4 40sec rest


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Rakish

    I bought a 32Kg Kettlebell a few weeks ago. It is a beast. At first I my grip wasn't strong enough to hold on to the bell through a swing. When I did get my swings going my shoulders shook and my delts ached. My glues, abs and hamstrings were fried within minutes.

    I've been using a 24kg bell for over a year. I'm fairly well conditioned to using these beauties. I've done the RKC challenge (100 snatches in 5 minutes) with a 24kg bell. It took about 12 weeks to build up to the RKC challenge and I put an inch on my forearms and shoulders in the process. The 32kg bell still kicked my ass.

    I'm going to adapt my program by using kettlebells when ever possible. I'll use them for the reverse Lunges and the Push press. I'll also use them for warm ups. Kettlebells are ideally suited to fat loss programs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Rakish

    205.2lb this morning. So thats -7lb in 3 days. Feel pretty good. Got a good workout tonight too. Feeling good. Long may it last.

    Put in a blog entry on my previous experience over the last 3 years of Rapid fat loss diets. There is a nice chart in there showing by progress through 4 28 day diet phases.

    check out the chart here:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Rakish

    Did workout 2 of 16 last night.

    Workout 2:
    Reverse lunges 32kg kettlebell 40 reps 6,6,6,6,6,6,4 -40 sec rest /set
    Inverted Row BW=98kg 40 reps 8,6,6,6,6,4,4 -40 sec rest /set
    Push Press 24kg kettlebell 40 reps 6,6,6,6,6,5,5 -40 sec rest /set
    Barbell curls 25kg 40 reps 6,6,6,6,6,6,4 -40 sec rest /set
    Reverse crunch flat 40 reps 6,6,6,6,6,6,4 -40 sec rest /set

    The Push presses were tough mentally. Doing 6 reps per hand and swapping hands is really 12 reps at a very fast tempo. They just seem endless.

    I was very thirsty during this session. I was craving my aftermax.

    205.2lb again this morning. That is positive given that I had an aftermax with 40g carbs and a litre of salty water after last nights session.

    The session took 36min. 47min including warmup and setup.

    I love these type of sessions the bang for your buck is massive.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Rakish

    Day 6: 204.2lb (-8lb)

    Family day today so no time for elaborate blog posts.

    Total was a tough day mentally. Good weather, family and friends: Food and drink (alcohol) temptations everywhere I looked today.

    Did a good workout this morning. I did the session in my back garden/home gym with the kids running around. The kids must think their Dad has gone nuts. I think I cursed out loud at every one of the 40x100kg Deadlifts.

    The hand walk out are a good exercise. My two boys thought it was a game and ran in front of me between reps as if i was crawling forward and back trying to catch their legs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Rakish

    202.4lb on day 13, (212lb on day 1).

    Day 13 – Saturday the 16th of July was the worst day of this diet by far. I had to jump out of bed to deliver a bottle to the baby at around 7am. My blood sugar was in my boots, I got up, walked about 6 steps and had to sit down again on one of the kids beds, dizzy, head going blank, no energy. Give it a few second and wait for the blood to return to my head. Deliver the bottle and back to bed. I got up an hour later not feeling a whole lot better.

    I went to the gym at 10am to do a 40minute session. My wife needed to be somewhere at 11am. “No problem, this session only takes 40 minutes”. At 10:45 I got a call, “where are you”. I finished the session in 5 minutes, I realised in that 5 minutes how I should have been doing the session in the first place. I raced between the deadlifts, bench press, pull ups and walkouts. No farting about, I felt the adrenaline, the lactic and a bit of anger. That’s how these sessions are supposed to feel. That’s where you get a response. I probably got more out of that last five minutes that the previous 45. I spent most of the other 45 minutes thinking about my deadlift form and what I was doing with my shoulders. That’s important too but if you want a mass building, fat burning response you just lift the damb the thing and move on. The deadlift is probably the best fat burning mass building weapon there is. Here is the inspirational Dominic Munnelly showing how it should be done

    40x110kg deadlifts on a Saturday morning when you feel pretty crap anyway can send you either of two ways. It can kick start your day or it can resign you to the couch for the day. I have a wife and 3 kids, Saturday and couches aren’t really an option until after the kids have gone to bed. Off to town on the tram. The tram is a one mile walk from the house. We have a 4 year old who doesn’t feel like walking today. So a couple of hours of walking later, mostly load bearing a 30lb child, we return home. I hit the couch and fall asleep. I wake up 20 minutes later and the dinner is cooking. Right, this is getting ridiculous. The healthy solid meal is going to be move forward one day. I might pay for this next weekend but enough is enough. Funnily enough I didn’t feel much better after the meal. I went to bed early. Just write it off as a bad diet day. I felt much better the next day.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Rakish

    Day: 19
    Weight: 202lb (-10lb from day 1)

    Diet compliance is 100%. Workouts going great. Movitation is still high. Fat loss has flattened out over the last week. Feeling a bit drained and dizzy at times. I suspect major metabolic slowdown. I'm thinking my HSM tomorrow needs to be fairly substantial to kick start fat loss again and get me through the last 8 days.

    At this point I suspect I will lose more fat in the 1st transision week than I will in week 4 of the diet propper.

    I wrote an article yesterday on my blog about spot reduction and rapid dieting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Rakish

    Day 20 I weighted in at 202lb -10lb from day 1. In week 3 my fat loss flat lined. I didn't need to look at the scales. I can always see fat loss in the mirror first anyway. I don't need to look in the mirror either. My body was fighting back every further gram of fat loss like my life depended on it. As it should! But why so soon? This is metabolic slowdown. The curse of every diet. Usually it is not an issue until you are heading towards 10-12% body fat. I reckon I'm still mid to high teens. This seems very early for this type of slowdown to be happening. By Friday afternoon I couldn't sit down for five minutes and stand up again without feeling faint. My concentration was affected too. Once it gets to a point where it is affecting the day job and family life its time to call it quits. I stuck with it until my planed HSM on Saturday afternoon and quit after that. So, 21 days it lasted.

    Before and after pics in the blog post:

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,322 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Rakish wrote: »
    I've done the RKC challenge (100 snatches in 5 minutes) with a 24kg bell. It took about 12 weeks to build up to the RKC challenge and I put an inch on my forearms and shoulders in the process. The 32kg bell still kicked my ass.
    Yuo ahven't posted in a while but hoping you se this.

    How did you work up to the RKC challange, did you do the cert or just do it yourself. How big were you at the time
    I'm doing it at the minute, have my own system that i'm sticking to. Going to paln, I should hit it in about 9 weeks. That's if i can progress weekly of course
