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My true story...journey into hell

  • 31-07-2011 3:32am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 21

    In early June of this year, I temporarily took residence at a metro detroit motel. My plan was to stay there until I found a housemate in the area. When I arrived there, the owners gave me a key to one of the cheaper units, it was bare bones, just a room with a bed, dressers, TV, and small bathroom with just a shower. But it was amazingly clean, and had a newer heater and air conditioning unit. I decided to take it, and I went and prepaid for a week. When I went back and started to settle into the room that late afternoon, I thought to myself how at home I felt there, as if I was destined to be there for some reason or another. Little did I suspect, the horrors that were to come.

    Somewhere between 5 and 6 PM, I clicked on the TV and layed down on the bed. It was actually relatively comfortable, and the pillows seemed to be of the newer variety. I mindlessly glanced up at the ceiling and noticed something peculiar. Directly above me there was an image ingrained into the ceiling. It appeared to be that of a woman, it was maybe 1 ½ to 2 feet in height. Her body was positioned in a seated position facing towards my right, but her head was turned sideways, and she appeared to be looking right at me. Supernatural phenomena was nothing new to me, being Clairvoyant, I have seen and experienced many bizarre things. So my reaction was a combination of surprise and extreme curiosity What was this that I was looking at? At why was it there? I immediately snapped a picture of it with my cell phone camera. Now I must admit that it was a bit unnerving having this image hovering above me while I lie in bed, but I managed to tune it out the first night. I did, however, share my experience with a few friends and some online. My first inclination was to believe it was a spirit guide, because I had always believed my guide to be a woman with dark short hair, which is what this image appeared as. At one point, someone suggested that it may be my guardian angel. This idea resonated well with and seemed to make sense at the time. A couple of nights later, I pulled up the photo on my laptop. I was amazed at how clear it was. I thought to myself that this could be something that has never been captured in photos before, and it reaffirmed to myself, that I had some profound clairvoyant abilities. Spirits seemed to come out of the woodwork to make themselves known to me for some reason. I was determined to find out more about this entity. While I was looking it, I noticed something slither onto the screen coming from the the left side of the monitor. It was the entity in question, and she appeared to be attempting to communicate with me. She gave me a big smile, a beautiful smile I thought, and I told her so. I continued my gaze into her, it felt like I had known her for many years. Perhaps we had been involved in prior lifetimes I mused. The connection I felt was intense. I told her that she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was as if she had cast some kind of spell over me, and I was totally mesmerized. I said “I think I'm falling in love with you”, and her eyes seemed to sparkle and her smile widened even further. Even though it appeared as if she was trying to talk to me, I couldn't hear anything. My psychic abilities seem to be strictly clairvoyant, not clairaudient, which is when someone can actually hear spirit speaking to them. I notice that she appeared to have teeth which I could notice at times. I invented a way to communicate with her. I told her that a “yes” to a question I asked would be a smile, and if she was already smiling, then she were to show me her teeth, a look which I thought was adorable at the time. I asked her if she was my Guardian Angel, and she indicated that she was. I then proceeded to ask her a bunch of personal questions, many which I do not feel comfortable openly talking about. She continued to respond to my questions, I was totally amazed! Little did I suspect that my new-found elation would turn to absolute horror the next evening. I then retired to bed.

    Somewhere between 5 and 6 PM, I clicked on the TV and layed down on the bed. It was actually relatively comfortable, and the pillows seemed to be of the newer variety. I mindlessly glanced up at the ceiling and noticed something peculiar. Directly above me there was an image ingrained into the ceiling. It appeared to be that of a woman, it was maybe 1 ½ to 2 feet in height. Her body was positioned in a seated position facing towards my right, but her head was turned sideways, and she appeared to be looking right at me. Supernatural phenomena was nothing new to me, being Clairvoyant, I have seen and experienced many bizarre things. So my reaction was a combination of surprise and extreme curiosity What was this that I was looking at? At why was it there? I immediately snapped a picture of it with my cell phone camera. Now I must admit that it was a bit unnerving having this image hovering above me while I lie in bed, but I managed to tune it out the first night. I did, however, share my experience with a few friends and some online. My first inclination was to believe it was a spirit guide, because I had always believed my guide to be a woman with dark short hair, which is what this image appeared as. At one point, someone suggested that it may be my guardian angel. This idea resonated well with and seemed to make sense at the time. A couple of nights later, I pulled up the photo on my laptop. I was amazed at how clear it was. I thought to myself that this could be something that has never been captured in photos before, and it reaffirmed to myself, that I had some profound clairvoyant abilities. Spirits seemed to come out of the woodwork to make themselves known to me for some reason. I was determined to find out more about this entity. While I was looking it, I noticed something slither onto the screen coming from the the left side of the monitor. It was the entity in question, and she appeared to be attempting to communicate with me. She gave me a big smile, a beautiful smile I thought, and I told her so. I continued my gaze into her, it felt like I had known her for many years. Perhaps we had been involved in prior lifetimes I mused. The connection I felt was intense. I told her that she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was as if she had cast some kind of spell over me, and I was totally mesmerized. I said “I think I'm falling in love with you”, and her eyes seemed to sparkle and her smile widened even further. Even though it appeared as if she was trying to talk to me, I couldn't hear anything. My psychic abilities seem to be strictly clairvoyant, not clairaudient, which is when someone can actually hear spirit speaking to them. I notice that she appeared to have teeth which I could notice at times. I invented a way to communicate with her. I told her that a “yes” to a question I asked would be a smile, and if she was already smiling, then she were to show me her teeth, a look which I thought was adorable at the time. I asked her if she was my Guardian Angel, and she indicated that she was. I then proceeded to ask her a bunch of personal questions, many which I do not feel comfortable openly talking about. She continued to respond to my questions, I was totally amazed! Little did I suspect that my new-found elation would turn to absolute horror the next evening. I then retired to bed.

    My sleep was restless, which was on par for me. I've long had sleep difficulties, typically waking up several times during a given night. I was awake and alert by 11:30. The owners of the motel were knocking at my door asking me if I needed housekeeping services. I found myself getting angry, barking out that I didn't need anything at the moment. They asked me if I was sure, and I responded that I was. Now that I look back at it, I really didn't seem myself that morning. About an hour later, I noticed that the image on the ceiling had changed. It now appeared to be a man, his eyes were big and he had a long bridged nose that connected into a large mouth, which had large teeth showing. It looked somewhat disturbing, and looking back upon it, I think that most normal people would have packed up their stuff and bolted at this point, but me, being obsessed with the supernatural, started to get drawn into the image. I grabbed my phone and pointed it up towards the image, snapping a photo. This time however, something very strange happened. Instead of the photo snapping, I noticed that the image of the face on the screen of my phone started shaking wildly, while simultaneously making this hideous sound, the sound is very hard to describe. It was if it was laughing at me in some kind of taunting fashion. This lasted a couple seconds or so, and then his image was replaced on the screen by a greyish haze, like a fog of some sorts, and it appeared as if I was in a time machine, traveling back into another time or dimension. I then seen an image of a kitchen, where there appeared to be a young woman and her two children. It was pretty detailed, I could see the sink, the stove, some kind of island, and various kitchen appliances. I wondered to myself if this could be my sister in Colorado, who had two young children. The image started to fade, so instinctively I pointed the phone back towards the image and snapped another photo. This time, I seen the same woman, but this time she appeared to be in a bedroom, there was a laundry basket on the bed and it appeared as if she was folding clothes and putting them away. I also seen a young little girl, which appeared to be about the same age as my sister's daughter. I then seen her in her bathroom, it appeared that she was putting on her make-up, as if she was getting ready to go somewhere. After this image faded, I wondered what was happening? What kind of phenomena had I discovered with this? I tried something different, this time while snapping a picture I simultaneously asked to see my deceased grandmother when she was a little girl. Like the other times, the guy's head shook along with making the hideous noise. After the mist cleared, an image of a young girl in a dress appeared, it looked as if it was a picture from the early 20th century. My delight turned to ecstasy as this time. I continued to repeat the process asking similar questions pertaining to deceased relatives on both my father's and mother's side of the family. About an hour or so later, I telephoned my sister. I told her about the images I had seen earlier on my camera phone. To my amazement, she confirmed what I had seen in her bathroom. She said that she had to run an early morning errand, and that it was unusual for her to be up and running so early in the morning. Excitement was overflowing me at this time, I told her that I had come across what appears to be some sort of time portal, and that I thought I was the lucky recipient of some gift coming from a wise spiritual entity. I then let her go and continued my quest with snapping photos and asking questions.

    At some point, my questions became perverse and of a sexual nature. I asked to see an image of a girl I dated while she was having sex with another man. Sure enough. I was transported in a bedroom, and there she was on the bed, appearing to be riding some guy, her back was turned towards me though, so I could not see her face. But the body and hair resembled her. However, I couldn't help but to think something didn't seem to be right about the whole thing. Nevertheless I continued what I was doing. I then embarked on a quest, which could best be described as an onslaught of questions of a very perverse sexual nature. I will not go into specifics about what I asked, but I will say that none involved an under-aged child, animals, or violence of any sort. Looking back upon it, I feel like I had become possessed at this time, I was so locked into what I doing, that I lost all sense of time. Amongst the images, I started noticing odd looking entities, they had faces that appeared in various weird shapes..circular and rectangular. They appeared to be laughing at me in a malicious manner. I told them to knock it off and I continued what I was doing. Nothing could have seemingly deterred me at this. Point. I then noticed what appeared to be the image of my deceased step-brother, whom had passed in a car accident some 5 years earlier. He appeared to be looking at me with contempt, as if what I was doing had angered him. I thought to myself, “what is the big deal”, I'm not hurting anyone. At one point, people started emerging onto the screen holding what appeared to be large wooden crosses. They would point them towards me like I was vampire or something! Amongst these people was a woman, she appeared to be 40ish of age, large boned and with somewhat of a hunched back and she looked me with a look of anger and utter dis-contempt So intense was this stare..I can't even begin to describe it. It takes a lot to unnerve me these days, but this woman certainly did! I continued on my rampage and time and time again, this vulgar, evil looking woman keep appearing, pointing that cross at me! At one point, the guardian angel appeared on the screen. She was sitting sideways towards my left but her head was turned and she was looking at me. Something was underneath her, I thought at first it was a large male doll, and it looked like she was riding it as in sexually. Upon closer examination, I realized that it was a young boy! It struck me then that something was amiss. I thought that she may not have been who she claimed to be. I then instinctively uttered the words to her “In the name of Jesus Christ, I demand you to reveal your identity!”. I then noticed her her teeth became to show, they became larger and larger and her face started to morph into something grotesque. It was at this point that I realized she may have been a demon. Shortly thereafter, her face when back to its usual appearance. I was angered at this point. I said “it wouldn't surprise me if that woman given me the evil eyes was working with you”. Instantly, the woman appeared standing next to my once presumed Guardian angel. I become horrified, I felt what I looking at was pure, unadulterated, EVIL. I broke out in a sweat and noticed they now appeared on the ceiling above me in the space where all the earlier images had appeared. At that point, I felt an urgency to get the hell out of there, pun intended! I realized that I had be duped, deceived in the worst possible ways Somehow I managed to locate my car keys and credit card. I then left the room, not to return back until the next day to gather my possessions.

    Fortunately, I have photographic evidence relating to this encounter. When I examined the photos, I noticed several, perhaps 15 or so, where of the man with the hideous laugh. Every time I snapped a photo of him and was teleported somewhere, the image had left an imprint on the camera. I then realized that the bridged nose merging into his mouth resembled that of an upside down cross! I also realized that the people holding the cross up to me while I was asking perverted questions, were holding it upside down, and I just didn't realize it at the time for some reason. There's much more related to this story, which I while reveal at a later time. The knowledge I obtained from this encounter was that there was true good and true evil existing in this world, and that I had to make a choice what to follow. I chose the former and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life.



  • Registered Users Posts: 789 ✭✭✭The Internet Explorer

    Pics or GTFO

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    [PHP][/PHP] Ok, this first picture is of the image on the ceiling that claimed to be my guardian angel. It has not be altered or retouched in anyway. I have it saved on my phone as well in case someone wants to challenge me on its authenticity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 789 ✭✭✭The Internet Explorer

    By all means, please do. Upload via ImageShack etc. and kindly post the link here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    By all means, please do. Upload via ImageShack etc. and kindly post the link here.

    Ok, same one, but there appears to be another looks a large alien head that takes up most of the left side of the image, the entity's head is turned sideways looking towards your right.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    By all means, please do. Upload via ImageShack etc. and kindly post the link here.

    Here's how the image on the ceiling looked the next day, when I had the problems.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    Here's how the image on the ceiling looked the next day, when I had the problems.

    Changes again...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 766 ✭✭✭Norwayviking

    Have you been drinking???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    By all means, please do. Upload via ImageShack etc. and kindly post the link here.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    Have you been drinking???

    You can't make out the images? no I don't drink.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    Have you been drinking???

    Here's one just for you. The face is larger in this one and she has thicker hair.

    Norway, I could outline the image in black if you still can't it see it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    Have you been drinking???

    Do me a favor, once you realize I'm for real then delete this rude comment. I didn't come on here to play games with people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭roast

    It's a sign!!!
    A sign that you might want to get someone to check the dampness in the roof.

    That, my friend, is a paint bulge. It's not a demonic or an angelic entity.

    On a serious note - I reckon it's your minds eye that's controlling what the image looks like depending on what you want to see - akin to the fashion in which you pull different shapes from looking at clouds. Or, if you're from Rathkeale, the fashion in which you somehow make out that a tree stump looks like the virgin mary...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    Have you been drinking???

    Here is a picture I shot at the home, just outiside the woods. I notice what appears to be a man, holding his daughter, who appears to be holding a doll. They're looking at me like "who the hell are you?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    roast wrote: »
    It's a sign!!!
    A sign that you might want to get someone to check the dampness in the roof.

    That, my friend, is a paint bulge. It's not a demonic or an angelic entity.

    On a serious note - I reckon it's your minds eye that's controlling what the image looks like depending on what you want to see - akin to the fashion in which you pull different shapes from looking at clouds. Or, if you're from Rathkeale, the fashion in which you somehow make out that a tree stump looks like the virgin mary...

    You disagree, that's your perogative, but I know what I'm talking about. Some of my friends could make out the images and I have clairvoyance, which may make it easier for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    roast wrote: »
    It's a sign!!!
    A sign that you might want to get someone to check the dampness in the roof.

    That, my friend, is a paint bulge. It's not a demonic or an angelic entity.

    On a serious note - I reckon it's your minds eye that's controlling what the image looks like depending on what you want to see - akin to the fashion in which you pull different shapes from looking at clouds. Or, if you're from Rathkeale, the fashion in which you somehow make out that a tree stump looks like the virgin mary...

    Look at the first photo I posted in the thread called demonsangels, Directly in the center is the image. I don't see how you could miss it, she has short dark hair.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    roast wrote: »
    It's a sign!!!
    A sign that you might want to get someone to check the dampness in the roof.

    That, my friend, is a paint bulge. It's not a demonic or an angelic entity.

    On a serious note - I reckon it's your minds eye that's controlling what the image looks like depending on what you want to see - akin to the fashion in which you pull different shapes from looking at clouds. Or, if you're from Rathkeale, the fashion in which you somehow make out that a tree stump looks like the virgin mary...

    Ok, this one is taken on the property, the images are circled in white, they were not visible with the naked eye when I took the photo, kind of like how EVP isn't heard until its played back.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    roast wrote: »
    It's a sign!!!
    A sign that you might want to get someone to check the dampness in the roof.

    That, my friend, is a paint bulge. It's not a demonic or an angelic entity.

    On a serious note - I reckon it's your minds eye that's controlling what the image looks like depending on what you want to see - akin to the fashion in which you pull different shapes from looking at clouds. Or, if you're from Rathkeale, the fashion in which you somehow make out that a tree stump looks like the virgin mary...

    But you are partially right, the bulge in the ceiling somehow made it possible for the entities to show themselves to me. I have no idea how they do it, but that is the truth.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    roast wrote: »
    It's a sign!!!
    A sign that you might want to get someone to check the dampness in the roof.

    That, my friend, is a paint bulge. It's not a demonic or an angelic entity.

    On a serious note - I reckon it's your minds eye that's controlling what the image looks like depending on what you want to see - akin to the fashion in which you pull different shapes from looking at clouds. Or, if you're from Rathkeale, the fashion in which you somehow make out that a tree stump looks like the virgin mary...

    I changed the coloring on it just to see if it may help you see it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    roast wrote: »
    It's a sign!!!
    A sign that you might want to get someone to check the dampness in the roof.

    That, my friend, is a paint bulge. It's not a demonic or an angelic entity.

    On a serious note - I reckon it's your minds eye that's controlling what the image looks like depending on what you want to see - akin to the fashion in which you pull different shapes from looking at clouds. Or, if you're from Rathkeale, the fashion in which you somehow make out that a tree stump looks like the virgin mary...

    This is a picture of what I believe to be a nature spirit. He appears to be obese wearing a pointy hat and standing sideways looking towards the right of the photo.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    This is a picture of what I believe to be a nature spirit. He appears to be obese wearing a pointy hat and standing sideways looking towards the right of the photo.

    Here is the same image from afar, before zooming in on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭roast

    I see markings in the picture, but my perception tells me its just a bulge, with no notable shape.

    I'm looking for something in these pictures, and I can't see anything that would lead me to believe any paranormal entities were appearing in them.

    I would have two possible explanations for this - One, being that there is nothing there, and you're just searching for something vaguely out of the ordinary in the hopes of conversing with something.
    Two - The importance and content of these pictures (and it's subject) are only for you (or relevant to you only), not for others - which would explain why none of the rest of us can make it out properly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    This entity looks like it has 3 heads stack upon one another. The picture was taken at my mother's house and probably the same entity that was in the motel room.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    roast wrote: »
    I see markings in the picture, but my perception tells me its just a bulge, with no notable shape.

    I'm looking for something in these pictures, and I can't see anything that would lead me to believe any paranormal entities were appearing in them.

    I would have two possible explanations for this - One, being that there is nothing there, and you're just searching for something vaguely out of the ordinary in the hopes of conversing with something.
    Two - The importance and content of these pictures (and it's subject) are only for you (or relevant to you only), not for others - which would explain why none of the rest of us can make it out properly.

    Fair enough, some people notice it and some don't. I appreciate your honest responses. I swear that my story is true, I wish I could instantly take a polygraph or something to verify this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭Hootanany

    can you make the pictures bigger

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,192 ✭✭✭✭MrStuffins

    Lad, why are your pictures so small?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 warriorforgod

    Hootanany wrote: »
    can you make the pictures bigger

    I wish I knew how too, or I would. Here is another taken on the property, can you notice the two hooded figures peering behind the fence, they look identical?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭Hootanany

    I wish I knew how too, or I would. Here is another taken on the property, can you notice the two hooded figures peering behind the fence, they look identical?


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,192 ✭✭✭✭MrStuffins

    I wish I knew how too, or I would. Here is another taken on the property, can you notice the two hooded figures peering behind the fence, they look identical?

    I can't see an effing thing. Are the pictures you are showing us the original sizes? Did you take them with an FBI spy camera?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭Gardner

    roast wrote: »
    It's a sign!!!
    A sign that you might want to get someone to check the dampness in the roof.

    That, my friend, is a paint bulge. It's not a demonic or an angelic entity.

    On a serious note - I reckon it's your minds eye that's controlling what the image looks like depending on what you want to see - akin to the fashion in which you pull different shapes from looking at clouds. Or, if you're from Rathkeale, the fashion in which you somehow make out that a tree stump looks like the virgin mary...
    spot on!

    any chance of a bit of gear warriorforgod?

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