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Starting Strength... Let the Fun Begin



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 75kg
    Bench 3 * 5 @ 57.5kg
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 110kg
    Dips 1 * 11 and 1 * 4


    The dips were bad but I blame the fact that I had dinner between completing the three main lifts and starting the dips (I workout at home). I didn't bother the direct ab work either as it was getting late.

    The squat was fine. I'll be shooting for bodyweight on Friday which should be achievable.

    The bench was also fine - a little difficult towards the end of the third set but I don't foresee any problems with the next session - for which it will be the first time using the 20kg plates at each side.

    I can see why deadlifts only involve one set as opposed to three. However, I'm not having any particularly worrying difficulties with regards to lift itself or grip yet. These will probably arize at some point over the next few weeks.

    All three lifts were PB's and I don't see any problems raising in the next sessions for each.

    I don't care that the accessory work (dips and ab work) didn't workout. The three main lifts are where it's at and I'm very happy with todays session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 77.5kg
    Press 45kg
    Pendlay Row 60kg
    Chinups 3 * 8
    Weighted Crunches 3 * 25kg


    I'm very happy with todays workout but I found the squats damn near impossible, even from the first set. I did manage to push them out though - on the last rep of the third set, I was stuck at the bottom but didn't drop to the safeties. I managed, with great difficulty, to push out the last rep.

    With the Press, I done 5/5/4 which is an improvement - last time I got 4/4/4. I'm hoping to get the 3 * 5 the next time. If successful, I'll repeat at 45kg for one more workout before raising.

    The Pendlay row was fine but I need a serious form check - I think I'm using my hips a little so am considering dropping about 10kg and working back up.

    The chinups were fine. Again, I was going to failure on the last set but couldn't pass 8 reps - maybe it's in the head...

    The weighted crunches were also fine. 20kg is the largest plate I have at the moment. My 25kg plates have been dispatched and should be here on Monday or Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 80kg
    Bench 3 * 5 @ 60kg
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 115kg
    Dips 2 * 12 and 1 * 11
    Oblique Twists 15 @ 10kg, 15kg and 20kg


    Good session today.

    The squat was tough enough but manageable. I'm over bodyweight there now and looking forward to the 100kg mark (where I'll be using two plates on each side - which looks impressive to any non-lifters). :D

    The bench was the same - tough but doable. It's the first time I've used 20kg plates on each side. Roll on the bodyweight bench...

    I noticed the grip slightly going today but still managed all reps. I'll start using my liquid chalk as soon as the grip gives way - probably at the 120kg - 130kg mark. I'm looking forward to a 140kg deadlift - for no other reason that it's the weight of most standard Olympic weight sets and, had I bought the standard set as opposed to my 235kg set, I'd have to go and buy more plates.

    All three lifts were PB's and I don't see any problems raising in the next sessions for each.

    I didn't manage all 12 reps of the final set but, as I said before, I don't mind not achieving targets on the accessory work if my main lifts are progressing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 82.5kg
    Press 45kg
    Pendlay Row 62.5kg
    Chinups 8/8/7
    Weighted Crunches 3 * 25kg


    Squats were difficult as usual but I completed them.

    With the Press, I finally got the 3 * 5 at 45kg. I'll repeat at 45kg for one more workout before raising.

    The Pendlay row was fine and I'm noticing it getting heavy enough. I'll probably get another week or two out of them before stalling.

    The chinups were fine. I missed the last rep of the third set (or rather, only got 7 as I was going for failure). I'm not too worried though as my main lifts have increased.

    The weighted crunches were also fine. I find the 25kg plates give a good burn to the abs. I may consider using the triceps rope and lat pulldown/low pulley to increase the weight further.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A (Yesterday 29/09)

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 85kg
    Bench 3 * 5 @ 62.5kg
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 120kg
    Dips 2 * 12 (BW) and 1 * 5 (BW + 5kg)


    The squat was extremely tough - possibly due to me being off over a week. I think my form was all over the place in the last set and I near failed a few times. If that happens tomorrow, I'll drop the weight back a little and work back up.

    The bench was fine and deaflift a good bit tougher.

    It's my first time using the dip belt. I added a 5kg plate and the belt is about 2kg. Only managed 5 reps but it gives me something to build on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 2 * 5 * 87.5kg and 1 * 5 * 80kg
    Press 45kg
    Pendlay Row 65kg
    Chinups 2 * 8 (BW) and 1 * 4 (BW +5kg)
    Weighted Crunches 3 * 25kg


    I failed on the first rep of the third set at 87.5kg on the squat so I dropped to 80kg for the last set which was no problem. I'll probably go for 85kg on Monday in the hope that I hit 90kg next Friday.

    It's the second time I've managed 45 in the press - albeit with great difficulty. I'll raise to 47.5kg for the next session rather than hanging around at 45kg forever :D

    The Pendlay row is a difficult one to judge. I think, of all the excercises, it's the one I've the poorest form - using the hips halfway up to give momentum. I'll drop to 55kg and start building back up.

    The chinups were fine. It's the first time I've added weight (as with chinups on Thursday). I managed 4 of the third set with the added weight. When I build the third set up to 8 again, I'll add weight to the second set.

    The weighted crunches were difficult but good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A
    Squat 3 * 5 @ 85kg
    Bench 3 * 5 @ 65kg
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 125kg
    Dips 2 * 12 (BW) and 1 * 9 (BW + 5kg)


    The squat was extremely tough but my form, whilst probably not perfect, was better than the last two sessions.

    The bench was tough but not TOO bad and the deadlift was fine.

    I got 9 reps on the weighted dips as opposed to the 5. When I get up to three sets of 12, I'll start using the 10kg plate for the last set and build up that way.

    I didn't do any ab work today as it was getting late.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B - Yesterday

    Squat 3 * 5:87.5kg
    Press 1 * 4: 47.5kg and 2 * 4: 45kg


    I only managed half a workout today due to time contraints. The squats, whilst probably not perfect form, were completed at 87.5kg.

    I raised the press to 47.5kg but only managed 4 reps so I lowered it back to 45kg and done two more sets of 4. I'll keep that at 47.5kg and try to improve on that next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A
    Squat 5/4/5 @ 87.5kg
    Bench 3 * 5 @ 67.5kg (PB)
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 130kg (PB)
    Dips 12/11 (BW) and 1 * 9 (BW + 5kg)


    Too long a break since my last workout yet again.

    The squat was extremely tough. I failed on the last rep of the second set - which must have been due to not enough rest period (considering I got the last set).

    The bench and deadlift were tough but completed and the dips were a little poorer than last time (one less rep at bodyweight).

    Looking forward to my Saturday workout to get back to doing squat PB's (hopefully) :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3 * 5 * 87.5kg
    Press 47.5kg
    Pendlay Row 55kg
    Chinups 2 * 8 (BW) and 1 * 5 (BW +5kg)
    Weighted Crunches 15 * 15kg/20kg/25kg


    The squat was tough but I'm glad to have completed them and will move up to 90kg on Monday.

    The Press was good and is a new Personal Best.

    I dropped the weight back on the Pendlay Row but done them with better form - less use of the hips.

    I added an extra rep on the final, weighted set of the chinups.

    Crunches were fine.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A
    Squat 3 * 5 @ 85kg
    Bench 3 * 5 @ 70kg (PB)
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 135kg (PB)
    Dips 12 * 2 (BW) and 1 * 7 (BW + 5kg)


    I'm still not being as consistent as I would like. I dropped the squats back to 85kg and had better form. Will start rising again.

    I'd a PB on the Bench and Deadlift which I'm pretty happy with. I'll be very happy if I can get the bodyweight bench in the next couple of weeks.

    With the dips, I done 2 less reps with the 5kg added but I'm not overly worried about that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3 * 5 * 87.5kg
    Press 50kg * 4/3 and 45kg * 4
    Pendlay Row 57.5kg
    Chinups 2 * 8 (BW) and 1 * 4 (BW +5kg)
    Weighted Oblique Twists 15 * 15kg/20kg/25kg


    No PB's today at all. I'm going to be attempting a PB on the squat on Sunday and am considering dropping the Press back to 47.5kg for a session.

    I'll continue to progress on the Pendlay Row and attempt to progress on the Chinups.

    The Oblique Twists were tough enough but doable. I'm not planning on going any heavier for now but may do 3 sets at the 25kg in the near future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Done a 5k run this morning. I didn't time it or anything but it was pretty tiring and I was sweating like hell. My running fitness just ain't what it used to be as I could cycle 50k far easier than todays 5k run.

    I'm trying to cut a few pounds over the next four weeks whilst preserving muscle so I'm ensuring I'm eating a lot of protein and using additional cardio to burn off some extra calories.

    Also, it'll not be long before I'll not be able to cycle anymore so I want to build up the running distance a little before I'm forced to replace the cycling with running.

    I'll probably run either 2 or 3 days a week. I'm thinking maybe on the mornings after my weight training sessions. I'm not planning to go over 8 miles though and may split it up into long/interval/hill after I build up some base mileage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A
    Squat 3 * 5 @ 90kg (PB)
    Bench 3 * 5 @ 72.5kg (PB)
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 140kg (PB)
    Dips 12 * 2 (BW) and 1 * 10 (BW + 5kg) (PB)


    A good session today. Personal Bests on all four lifts (I left out the incline ab work because the deadlifts wrecked me and the main lifts hit the abs anyway).

    All four were very tough, as I would expect with personal bests, and I felt on the verge of failing during the last set of the three main lifts. The Dips were to failure for the last set as well.

    I'm happy about the deadlifts as 140kg was one of my targets - for no other reason than it's the weight of a lot of Olympic Weightsets. If I'd bought a standard set as opposed to my 235kg set, I'd be on the market for more plates by now. :D

    Edit: Oh, and I'm looking to drop a little weight at the moment so my Bodyweight Bench will probably be at 77.5kg when I reach it as opposed to the expected 80kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I’ve just had a look at my log from this time last year and compared it to today.

    Last Year (all machine weights):

    Leg Extension 50
    Leg Curl 45
    Lat Pulldown 45
    Shoulder Press 25 (can't yet complete all 3 sets)
    Triceps Push Down 45
    Leg Press 90
    Chest Press 32.5
    Seated Row 35
    Abs Machine 40
    Fly Machine 35
    Back Extension 45

    This Year (all free weights):

    Squat 90
    Deadlift 140
    Bench Press 72.5
    Overhead Press 47.5
    Pendlay Row 57.5
    Chinups 2 * 8 (BW) and 1 * 5 (BW + 5kg)
    Dips 2 * 12 (BW) and 1 * 10 (BW + 5kg)

    Overall, I’m pretty happy with progress (even though I was only a beginner last year, my year has been a little more inconsistent than I’d like it to have been). I’m now squatting the same as I was leg pressing last year which I’m happy enough with but I really need to increase my squat. Based on my other lifts and the ratios between lifts that I’ve read online, I should really be squatting 105kg – 110kg or so at this stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3 * 5 * 92.5kg (PB)
    Press 3 * 5 47.5kg
    Pendlay Row 60kg
    Chinups 2 * 8 (BW) and 1 * 6 (BW +5kg) (PB)
    Weighted Crunches 15 * 15kg/20kg/25kg


    I had a bit of a form breakdown on the squats. I'll drop back to 90kg next time before deciding how to proceed - it's probably to do with the fact that I'm trying to eat a little less and drop a few pounds at the moment.

    The Press, I missed half of the last rep but I'll not count that because I reckon I'd have got it if I'd have taken an extra breath between reps.

    I done a PB on the chinups - doing an extra rep on the weighted set.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A
    Squat 3 * 5 @ 90kg
    Bench 75kg * 5/4 and 70kg * 6
    Deadlift 1 * 4 @ 145kg


    Done a short session today as I was pushed for time but got the main lifts done. Overall, not a great session.

    The squats were tough but are the only excercise I didn't fail in today.

    I failed on the last rep of the second set on the bench and then dropped it to 70kg. I'm going to stick with 75kg next session.

    I failed on the last rep of the deadlifts. I'll drop those back to 140kg and start with 2.5kg raises from now on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 349 ✭✭talkinyite

    Great log cheers, keep it up. Rare to see a good strength and endurance log, most people are focused on just building mass or losing bodyfat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    talkinyite wrote: »
    Great log cheers, keep it up. Rare to see a good strength and endurance log, most people are focused on just building mass or losing bodyfat.

    Thanks for you comment. At the start, I was all about gains (after I lost the fat I put on in the US last year).

    In a nutshell, I was in the US for a few months and NEVER lifted weights before. I returned last August and weighed 85kg.

    I done mainly cardio first and then added in some machine weights. After some time, I switched the machine weights to dumbbells (as my gym only had smith machines for squats and barbell bench presses). Finally, a few months ago, I cancelled my gym membership and put a Power Cage and Olympic weightset in the garage. This is when I started Starting Strength.

    My weight went from 85kg to about 74kg earlier this year (I lost more than 11kg of fat as I had more muscle at 74kg than I did at 85kg).

    I'm now at 77kg. My weight training over the past 13-14 months has been very inconsistent. Regarding cardio, I cycle to work so have been consistently doing around 60-70 miles per week since March of this year which is what caused the fat-loss.

    The rest of this year is really going to be about maintaining my current numbers whilst trying to cut 4-5 pounds of fat. I'll be going to Sydney in 3 weeks and will have a couple of weeks in December to get my numbers back. After that, I'm hoping 2012 will be my year for big numbers.

    The 2012 plan will be a 4 month bulk followed by a 1 month cut whilst consistently doing the Starting Strength routine until I stall on all lifts. Then I'll switch to a different, four-day routine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat (see below) * 92.5kg
    Press 5/3 * 50kg and 5 * 45kg
    Pendlay Row 62.5kg
    Chinups 2 * 8 (BW) and 1 * 6 (BW +5kg)
    Weighted Crunches 15 * 15kg/20kg/25kg


    I don't know what to make of todays workout. I've been trying to cut a few lbs but have gained 1lb this week on the scales. I'm not overly worried about that though as it could be caused by a number of factors - more water retention, etc.

    The squats, whilst matching my PB of 92.5kg, were a mess as I failed twice (but still done 3 sets of 5). It was 5/2/5/1/5.

    I managed an extra rep on the first set of 50kg on the O/H Press and an extra rep on the last set at 45kg - compared to the last time I attempted 50kg so there's an improvement there.

    I done 62.5kg on the Pendlay Row but, again, am not happy with form there. I'll be dropping back to 57.5kg next time.

    With the chinups, I matched my PB and almost got that 7th rep.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    Do you look better after doing starting strength?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Do you look better after doing starting strength?

    Yeah, I do look a lot better but I didn't really follow the whole GOMAD thing and probably didn't eat as much as the program would like you to. After my holidays later this month, I'm going to get back into it properly and up the calories too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A
    Squat 3 * 5 @ 92.5kg
    Bench 3 * 5 @ 75kg (PB)


    I didn't do a full workout today. Part of the way through the squats, I'd a sore head coming on. I remember having something similar about 4-5 months back and it took a few weeks to go away - I blame working out when I still have the tail-end of a hangover. The last time, I believe it was a trapped nerve.

    Anyway, I finished up the Bench Press, which was a PB, and decided to give the Deadlift and accessory work a miss for today. I'll have another workout on Thursday and Saturday this week and can hit the deadlifts on Saturday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    I'm thinking of doing starting strength myself. Its similar to the program I'm already doing except the squat 3 times a week (I'll have to be early to get the squat rack from bicep curlers :D)

    My only concern was power cleans. I have no one to show me form, my gym doesn't have bumper plates and I'd be worried about return bar to starting position without a drop. How do you find the Pendlay Rows as a replacement?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I'm thinking of doing starting strength myself. Its similar to the program I'm already doing except the squat 3 times a week (I'll have to be early to get the squat rack from bicep curlers :D)

    My only concern was power cleans. I have no one to show me form, my gym doesn't have bumper plates and I'd be worried about return bar to starting position without a drop. How do you find the Pendlay Rows as a replacement?

    Yeah, my old gym only had smith machines for squats and I never used them – I done dumbbell squats instead. I cancelled that membership and had considered joining a different gym. However, I always feel awkward when people are waiting for me to finish using a piece of equipment – and hate waiting on others myself. Some people get disgusted when you have a 2 minute rest between sets if their program incorporates 30 second rests, etc. With this in mind, I bought a Power Cage, 235kg Olympic Weightset and Bench and put it in the garage.

    The Pendlay Rows are fine but I’d much prefer to do the Power Cleans. The Power Cleans are supposed to be a lot better and this results in me thinking, perhaps wrongly, that I’m not getting the full benefits of the program. I’m going to get someone to coach me on all the lifts in the New Year – as I’m not 100% sure that my form is totally correct on the other lifts either and would like someone to confirm it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I still felt the headache from Tuesday a little today but decided to try my workout anyway. I started with the Squats (as usual) and done a set of 5 at 95. The headache got a lot worse in the later reps so I dropped it to 80kg and done another set of 5.

    After that, I decided to give it up. Most people suggest taking a week or two off after getting exertional headaches so I'm going to leave it until at least next Thursday and am going to start back at lighter weights then. This is assumming I feel no slight hint of a headache next Tuesday/Wednesday like I did at points today. :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 85kg
    Press 4 * 50kg and 2 * 5 @ 45kg
    Pendlay Row 60kg
    Chinups 2 * 8 (BW) and 1 * 4 (BW +5kg)


    First training sessions back after the exertional headaches and am glad to report that they didn't reoccur. I did take it pretty easy though.

    Everything was fine - although nowhere near PB's. I'll have 3 sessions left before I go on holidays so I may get to build back up to some PB's before that - we'll see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A
    Squat 3 * 5 @ 90kg
    Bench 4 @ 77.5kg and 5/4 @ 75kg
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 140kg
    Dips 12 * 2 (BW) and 1 * 8 (BW + 5kg) (PB)


    No PB's today either but I'm reasonably happy with the session. I'll hopefully have another PB before I go on holidays next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3 * 5 * 92.5kg
    Press 5/4 @ 50kg and 4 @ 47.5kg
    Pendlay Row 60kg
    Chinups 2 * 8 (BW) and 1 * 7 (BW +5kg) (PB)


    The chinups were a PB so I'm very happy with that.

    I'll be shooting for another PB in the squats on Wednesday (my last training session before holidays).

    I managed an extra rep at the 50kg on the Press but don't really count it as a PB until I complete the three sets. Ah well, at least I can go on holidays knowing that I'm still improving.

    The Pendlay Row, I just stuck to 60kg and I didn't bother the crunches or oblique twists.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A
    Squat 3 * 5 @ 95kg (PB)
    Bench 3 @ 77.5kg and 2 * 5 @ 72.5kg
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 145kg (PB)
    Dips 12 * 2 (BW) and 1 * 9 (BW + 5kg) (PB)


    This was my last workout before my holidays. I got two PB's - one on the squats and one on the deadlift.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't get my PB on the Bench or the Dips but I suppose you can't expect PB's on everything - you have to expect a bad day on one or two of the lifts.

    Overall, I'm very happy with the session.
