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Benbag Sofas. Good Idea?

  • 13-08-2011 1:59am
    Registered Users Posts: 19

    My mum needs a new suite for the living room because her current one is literally falling apart seam by seam as we speak!
    I read somewhere that beanbag sofas would be a good choice as they can be good for your back because they mould around your body shape. Is this true? Are they worth buying? Are they any negatives with them?
    I would appriciate any help because I can't go to a furniture store and try one out. I want to surprise her and as I can't drive she'd have to take me!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,882 ✭✭✭JuliusCaesar

    Beanbags - Lots of negatives, few positives:
    + great, if you're a teenager.

    - difficult to get out of, even if you're a teenager
    - not much support
    - can't reach a cup of tea
    - no seats, so bump into each other

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 joan mack

    No way if your parents are over forty. My daughter has one. I have to struggle to be rescued from it. Not at all good for your back

  • Registered Users Posts: 75 ✭✭Oliver_Ahern

    you would be suprised by the comfort and the support of most couches today, especially recliners!! Upholstered ones offer more support
