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Fitness wannabe......

  • 24-08-2011 10:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭

    Have just finished the Couch to 5k programme (used the Get Running app which btw I found brilliant if anyone's looking for a good app to get them started), and now that I don't have the app to keep me going I decided to start a fitness log here.

    I'm very overweight at 182lbs, 5ft 4', female. I had a baby at the start of the year but can't even blame that really as my pre-baby weight was around 180lbs. So I've lost everything I put on while I was pregnant (almost 50 lbs :eek:), but need to keep it going now to get to a 'normal' weight for my height.

    Have started seeing a personal trainer but can only afford that for the next couple of weeks.

    I did my first 5k on Sunday, managed to run non-stop which was my goal but it took 37 minutes so slow going. My aim is to get fit by regularly running, walking and anything else that might help. I've started running a few times over the last few years but never kept with it and never got into the right state of mind for it either I think.

    So first day of fitness log - ran 4.15km in 32 minutes. Felt great though, I actually felt like I was going quite quickly but the clock says otherwise! Today was the first day I felt like a 'runner' so thats motivated me to keep going and start a log.

    Day 2 to follow :D


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Day 2 of my log....
    Packed the babs off to bed and ran out the door to Zumba, was actually looking forward to it. Arrive to realise the teacher is on holidays!
    So did a 5k walk instead, also had walked about 3k earlier on in the day up to the supermarket.

    Have had a few days in a row of exercise now so the legs are starting to feel quite tired (which probably sounds crazy to most of you on here who'd run in a day what I do in a week!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 104 ✭✭shannon guy

    sillysocks wrote: »
    Day 2 of my log....
    Packed the babs off to bed and ran out the door to Zumba, was actually looking forward to it. Arrive to realise the teacher is on holidays!
    So did a 5k walk instead, also had walked about 3k earlier on in the day up to the supermarket.

    Have had a few days in a row of exercise now so the legs are starting to feel quite tired (which probably sounds crazy to most of you on here who'd run in a day what I do in a week!)

    You just did something alot of people dont do.
    You still did something.

    I have seen it so many times where a class is cancelled and people go home. They are in the gym, they could go for a run or a bit of weights.

    I commend you on heading out for your walk after.

    As far as the legs go, remember, rest is your frien.
    And try add some resistance work, like weights or kettlebell classes. It will help you burn fat a lot better than cardio classes.

    And of course nutrition is the key

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Thanks Shannonguy, had a rest today. Well strolled up to the shops again which us about 3k but it was literally just a stroll with the buggy rather than a proper exercise walk if that makes sense.

    The trainer im seeing reckons I should have both activity and exercise in the week. Up to now my activity has been terrible so trying to get that up a bit with walks to the shop etc.

    I've improved a lot on the food side of things, still plenty I can improve more on though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 104 ✭✭shannon guy

    sillysocks wrote: »
    Thanks Shannonguy, had a rest today. Well strolled up to the shops again which us about 3k but it was literally just a stroll with the buggy rather than a proper exercise walk if that makes sense.

    The trainer im seeing reckons I should have both activity and exercise in the week. Up to now my activity has been terrible so trying to get that up a bit with walks to the shop etc.

    I've improved a lot on the food side of things, still plenty I can improve more on though!

    Sure look, you went for a leisurely stroll, its still a stroll using calories, getting fresh air, clearing your head.

    Dont forget, alot of the weightloss journey is destressing. Stress will hamper weightloss, and a walk is always a nice thing (not saying your stressed, just pointing the good you are doing)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Weekends really are my downfall :rolleyes:

    Did nothing yesterday but managed a 6.5 walk this evening, should have gone for a run but a friend asked me to go for a walk so did that instead.

    Going to a local running group tomorrow evening for some track running, and running with the trainer on Tuesday so will make up for it then!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Went to the running track tonight. Delighted I did. Was very tough but managed through it.
    It's jogging around a track and some pitches, with sprints and some sit ups mixed in. A tough hour but could definitely see how it'd benefit me!

    I have a cheap body fat monitor and around 6 weeks ago when I bought it I was disgusted to see a reading of 51% fat (even had a cry over it!), but had improvement today when it said 47%. Still awful but at least it's going in the right direction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Had a few strolls yesterday to the shops but nothing much worth talking about.

    Just back from a 5k run with my trainer, did a bit of interval training with running 200m faster then slowing 200m, then 200 faster. Was totally wrecked from it.

    Find it very frustrating when some days I can go out and run 4/5k and it feels ok (I wont say great!) and then other days I'm totally wrecked. If the trainer hadn't of been with me today I definitely wouldn't have made it to 3k before I felt the need to walk. Ah well you win some you lose some, at least its done now and I can relax for the evening :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Another jog today, only did 3k as met someone along the way that delayed me chatting and had to be home by a certain time. Still pleased I did it though!

    Get frustrated though because the runs don't seem to be getting any easier, suppose I just need to be patient and give it time.

    Weekend at last :D

    edit: Doh just realise I've repeated myself in this post and the last one, maybe I'm losing my marbles.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Haven't updated in a few days....

    Was very lazy over the weekend and didn't do anything after my short run on Friday until yesterday.
    Yesterday was torture though. Had a session with my trainer and he decided it was time to introduce me to spinning. Thought I might die after only 10 minutes. God it was hard work. Even had issues walking down the stairs from the gym afterwards :eek:

    Went for a run this evening, a 4.5k loop, and was delighted to be 1.5mins faster tonight than any of the other nights I've done it so a bit of progress at last!

    Another session with the trainer tomorrow - think its weights tomorrow so that'll give my legs a rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    sillysocks wrote: »
    Yesterday was torture though. Had a session with my trainer and he decided it was time to introduce me to spinning. Thought I might die after only 10 minutes. God it was hard work. Even had issues walking down the stairs from the gym afterwards :eek:

    hmm... that doesn't sound like a Spinning® class to me... if you'd done one with a qualified instructor who adheres to the programme then you'd have handled the stairs no bother :) No torture, no inappropriate intensity, no random workout, just an good training session as part of a plan to hit your goals :)

    Hope they spent a decent amount of time on bike set-up and tweaking it to make sure you got a perfect fit (your condition tackling the stairs after could mean the saddle position wasn't spot-on)...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Did my weights training session yesterday, mainly upper body work with some cardio thrown in.

    In relation to the spinning, surely if I've never done it before I'm using muscles that might not be too strong and thats why I found it tough? Was fine the following day, it was the muscles just above my knees that were bet on the day, same happens me if I go cycling (which is rarely). Anyone I know thats tried spinning has said its a hard/almost torturous workout (but worth it!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    sillysocks wrote: »
    In relation to the spinning, surely if I've never done it before I'm using muscles that might not be too strong and thats why I found it tough? Was fine the following day, it was the muscles just above my knees that were bet on the day, same happens me if I go cycling (which is rarely). Anyone I know thats tried spinning has said its a hard/almost torturous workout (but worth it!)

    Yeah it can take some getting used to :) The idea is you are in full control of the intensity, you should be coached how to use that intensity so that you can also perform your activities of daily living (like using stairs ;)). So rather than Spinning® being used for torture or just high intensity it can instead be used to produce a training effect for specific goals. That includes building up specific cycling fitness / skills using various classes of moderate / hard / very hard intensities in the right proportions to achieve that training effect for the participants.

    In relation to mainly feeling it in the thighs (that's already impressive as most people feel the saddle more first time!), definitely your quads are used in moving the pedals (pedal stroke), but they are not the only muscles, learning how to produce an strong and powerful pedal stroke (through a full circle, rather than mashing up/down) is a big component to cycling (which is what Spinning® is all about). In a class you can perform 3600+ pedal strokes so working on this is key...

    this leads on to bike set-up - imagine performing a movement wrong thousands of times on the gym floor... an incorrect bike setup can lead your form, riding position and pedal stroke to be compromised (you loose power and training effect) or worse that the body is in a bio-mechanically compromised position (potential for chronic injury) - this is why bike set-up is *so* important - it should take a few minutes including specific time with the individual tweaking saddle and handlebar position and then revisiting it to ensure comfort and the best 'bike fit' over time (unfortunately bike set-up is commonly given only a few seconds or sometimes not even done right) I'd also want to make sure you didn't feel the 'sensation' localised only above the knee (lower portion of the quads into your connective tissue) but that the load was transferred safely into the muscle - that outcome can sometimes mean a compromised knee position - worth checking out

    Here's a few PDFs that might be worth a look:

    Spinning® Program Science
    Goes through pedal stroke and muscle groups used

    Bike Setup (for a Spinner® Bike)
    Goes through correct bike setup

    Keep it Safe
    How to stay safe and what to avoid

    Enjoy and keep it up, hope it helps you reach your goals as part of your training routine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Another 4.5k run today, was pretty tired during it. Almost gave in and walked a couple of times but was delighted I didn't. Went in the morning which I normally don't do so found that a bit tougher.

    Must be doing something right - weighed myself today and was down 4lbs since I started this log, which means 2 stone since I started properly trying to lose weight so all good :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Just back from another track session with the local athletics club. Hard work - jogging, sprinting and sit ups, but enjoyed it and am finding my recovery after exercise is really speeding up. Still get the embarrassing puce face though :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Still a good week for me.
    Went for a run with my trainer yesterday, did a harder route than normal and was surprised by how ok I felt at the end of it. Paced it slowly but not worried about speed at the moment.

    Another session down at the athletics club tonight. Really enjoy the track sessions which I never thought I'd say :eek:
    Feeling very fit (well fit for me, probably still a couch potato compared to everyone else her!), and delighted with my progress so far.

    Have to just try keep this motivation going. need to be stricter on the food front as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Had my final session with the trainer on Thursday, did some weights with a small bit of cardio thrown in. Finished with him now so just have to keep up the momentum on my own now.

    Was away for the weekend so didn't get any exercise in but back to normality tomorrow (have to get the exercise to become 'normal' rather than a chore!). Starting the 30 day shred DVD plus a track session in the evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Good start to the week this week, did Day 1 of my DVD while the bambino was in bed yesterday morning. I hope the neighbours weren't looking though because I hadn't time to get to town to buy weights so had to use jars of sweet and sour :-)

    Had another one hour track session last night and felt good at it. For once I was able to jog at the front of the group and my legs felt vert strong. I'm thinking maybe that's after resting them from Friday-Monday.

    Will do Day 2 of the DVD this morning and rest the legs today again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Forgot to update my log this week. Went for a jog on Wednesday and this morning, and have done the 30 Day Shred DVD twice more (gave it a rest today because I've a bit of a sore wrist and think thats from the push ups - not that I'm really able to even do push ups!)

    So still pleased that I've been getting in at least 3 or more running sessions each week, and have the motivation jsut to get out and go myself without anyone having to pester me into going!
    Still on short distances but happy enough with that for the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Just back from another session at the local track, another one down on the road to being a 'real' runner :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    So did my DVD on Tuesday, track run on Wednesday and a run in the park on Friday. 3 more runs down last week, aiming for 3 a week. Probably very little compared to what some people on here are doing but better than nothing!

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