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Questions for Ken Ó Héiligh



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    Mr_Hat wrote: »
    I would prefer my local repetitiveness fought for something that will actually help Drogheda.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32,688 ✭✭✭✭ytpe2r5bxkn0c1

    Mr_Cat wrote: »
    yes right fair enough the Cllr may have invited you to put up this or whatever? and yes my comments may have been in defence but what do you expect its one man against 1 or 2 ? and to be honest Mr_Hat what should you care about the company if in fact you are probably one of many who have to pay this toll ? there is no need for it to be there in the first place? and politics is a dirty game the job doesnt come easy. you should be just happy there is some one out there actually fightening for something and not sitting back waiting for some to answer the questions been asked.

    Look Mr Cat, I have no doubt you are very closely connected to Mr Healy. Even your poor grammar and spelling resembles that from the Healy family to date.

    If the Cllr. can't answer basic questions on what is affecting trade in Drogheda, when he himself asked for the thread, then he is not worth our time or our votes. I too am finished not only with this thread but with supporting the likes of Ken Ó Héiligh ever again.
    I truly feel that he will regret the day he (you, his family...) came on here and made an ass of himself. It's amasing how many people (outside of are talking about the debacle here. I was quite laid back on the issues before this but the Cllr. has opened my eyes and shown me what prats are out there as our so-called representatives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭digitaldarragh

    To anyone who questions the validity of the posters identity behind the accounts for Ken Ó Héiligh or myself I invite and in fact encourage you to contact the moderator. I have no doubt that they will be able to clearly demonstrate that posts from my account have come from three static IP addresses. 1 from Irish broadband, 1 from Eircom and 1 from a Vodafone mobile broadband Sim. And the posts from Ken have come from one or maybe two dynamic addresses both on the Vodafone home broadband network.

    I correct this as I’m tired of reading the allegations cast by contributors. I haven’t signed into boards since earlier in the month for one very simple reason. I have better things to do. I have had an account on this forum since august 2008 and I’ll likely have one for years to come. I come and go when I find topics interesting but I don’t feel compelled to stay up to date with what’s going on with it.

    For anyone concerned with search engine ranking let me assure you that it changes regularly. It’s why companies specialize in it. I wouldn’t be too concerned. Maybe this topic will stay at the top of the search engine results. Maybe it won’t. If it does, maybe people will see the unfounded accusations. Maybe they’ll agree with most of the posters who have a problem with Ken. Maybe this toll campaign will succeed. Maybe it won’t. Is it not more important that someone is trying?

    Let’s also stop this ridiculous argument that there are better things that Ken should be giving his attention to. I answered that before and I shouldn’t have to do it again. Of course he is focused on other very important issues. If you want more details, you might want to contact him directly with questions. One thing that is important to point out in defence of this claim that he’s a populist politician is that if he was so eager for public credit and recognition surely then you already know everything he is working on therefore you can’t seriously think that the issue of the tolls is his main focus?

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Mr_Hat wrote: »
    Cllr Ken O Heilligh has been very good to come on Boards and enter into a discussion with us Boardsies. In the Tolls thread the Cllr has been very good in not wanting to derail the thread with some of the questions put to him. So I'm hoping he will be very good and indulge us with this thread. A thread where he can address are questions and not be in danger of derailing any threads. I'd like to get the ball rolling

    Hi Ken, in the toll thread you explain that you believe the toll (a e1.80 charge) is one of the reasons behind Droghedas high unemployment. But isn't the rate for hourly parking in the town similar. So what have you been doing to address this. Wouldn't local business benefit from free parking in the town, Would you agree that the cost of parking in the town is a greater barrier to employment then say a motorway toll?

    I also understand that a lot of business in the town are unhappy with the cost of rates, and that they would be lowered. Where do you stand on this.

    I would like to apologies for the delay in replying to your request. I have had a lot of constituent work to clear and I should be able to tackle the above questions this evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    To anyone who questions the validity of the posters identity behind the accounts for Ken Ó Héiligh or myself I invite and in fact encourage you to contact the moderator. I have no doubt that they will be able to clearly demonstrate that posts from my account have come from three static IP addresses. 1 from Irish broadband, 1 from Eircom and 1 from a Vodafone mobile broadband Sim. And the posts from Ken have come from one or maybe two dynamic addresses both on the Vodafone home broadband network.

    I correct this as I’m tired of reading the allegations cast by contributors. I haven’t signed into boards since earlier in the month for one very simple reason. I have better things to do. I have had an account on this forum since august 2008 and I’ll likely have one for years to come. I come and go when I find topics interesting but I don’t feel compelled to stay up to date with what’s going on with it.

    For anyone concerned with search engine ranking let me assure you that it changes regularly. It’s why companies specialize in it. I wouldn’t be too concerned. Maybe this topic will stay at the top of the search engine results. Maybe it won’t. If it does, maybe people will see the unfounded accusations. Maybe they’ll agree with most of the posters who have a problem with Ken. Maybe this toll campaign will succeed. Maybe it won’t. Is it not more important that someone is trying?

    Let’s also stop this ridiculous argument that there are better things that Ken should be giving his attention to. I answered that before and I shouldn’t have to do it again. Of course he is focused on other very important issues. If you want more details, you might want to contact him directly with questions. One thing that is important to point out in defence of this claim that he’s a populist politician is that if he was so eager for public credit and recognition surely then you already know everything he is working on therefore you can’t seriously think that the issue of the tolls is his main focus?

    Hey Darragh thank you for the support. I will do my best to answer Mr_Hat’s questions. However research is required when passing the long grass.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    Hey Darragh thank you for the support. I will do my best to answer Mr_Hat’s questions. However research is required when passing the long grass.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,455 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    For the record, I did ask a mod to do a check and he said the IPs are different. That said, I still find it suspect that three accounts were created just to argue one side of this debate.

    Personally, I look forward to Ken's responses to the questions, and hopefully, if he is taking time to research them as he claims, we can expect a higher quality of answer than "You need to get out more" ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Mr_Hat wrote: »
    Cllr Ken O Heilligh has been very good to come on Boards and enter into a discussion with us Boardsies.

    Mr_Hat wrote: »
    Hi Ken, So what have you been doing to address this.
    • Wouldn't local business benefit from free parking in the town,
    • Would you agree that the cost of parking in the town is a greater barrier to employment then say a motorway toll?
    Pay parking was up and running in the town centre prior to my election to Drogheda Borough Council. However I do recall that the Council raised the issue of vehicles parking all day in the one spot and obstructing day to day activities. At that time it was a 20p scratch card parking discs that you purchased from various shops.

    When an extension was proposed I strenuously opposed any expansion of the pay parking regime into areas such as Patrick Street. During 2010, Drogheda Borough Council were proposing to introduce new controlled areas and amending pay parking bye laws. Prior to going on public display, I made efforts to have this document amended; however only one other Councillor supported this proposal. When such documents are put on public display, it is an opportunity for concerned citizens to submit their views and recommendations, prior to further consideration by members of the Council in a public meeting.

    During this period I made a submission and raised concerns that the Borough Council had introduced pay parking in two areas prior to a decision of Council. Also, at the request of Stockwell Street traders I successfully had the half hour parking extended to two hours.

    A new traffic committee that will involve members of the public and statutory agencies is being set up and they will be tasked with looking at improving all matters such as pay parking, traffic lights, etc in the town. I intend to make submissions and representations to this forum. I would agree that free parking should be available and I would go one step further and look for designated parking areas with a link to a shuttle bus. But I would say that pay parking and the Toll to enter Drogheda have both a negative impact on employment and I will continue to work to cut the impact of both. proceed to page 4

    Mr_Hat wrote: »
    I also understand that a lot of business in the town are unhappy with the cost of rates, and that they would be lowered.
    • Where do you stand on this.

    For ease of reference I refer you to the following.:

    The 2009 Drogheda Borough Council budget meeting had proposed an increase of 1.9% on its rates base and that could be reversed.
    The County Manager brought forward the budget with a 3% Commercial Rates and a 5% Water Rates reduction.
    Councillor Ken O’Heiligh proposed the reduction of 6.6% on Commercial Rates and a 50% water rates reduction, exactly as sought by the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the business community in Drogheda but no one would second his proposal.

    The Budget as presented by the County Manager was proposed by Mayor O’Dowd and seconded by Cllr. Maher. On a role call vote Cllr O’ Heiligh votes against the budget.

    I hope this answers your questions above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    CMpunked wrote: »
    I used the drogheda leader facebook page to inform the Cllr about the questions put to him on the thread.
    Wonder has he seen it yet.

    Yes Chris I have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 192 ✭✭mickey mac

    To anyone who questions the validity of the posters identity behind the accounts for Ken Ó Héiligh or myself I invite and in fact encourage you to contact the moderator. I have no doubt that they will be able to clearly demonstrate that posts from my account have come from three static IP addresses. 1 from Irish broadband, 1 from Eircom and 1 from a Vodafone mobile broadband Sim. And the posts from Ken have come from one or maybe two dynamic addresses both on the Vodafone home broadband network.

    The lady doth protest too much, methinks. (William Shakespeare)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,455 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    Mr_Cat wrote: »
    Oh and by the way Srameen the name's O' HEILIGH not healy! its about time you got it right! :mad:

    No offence, but if you're not willing to use proper punctuation, criticising someone about misspelling a name is a tad hypocritical.
    Debate the points. The spelling of the name doesn't change the arguement. Focus on the points instead of childishly attacking someone for their spelling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    But I would say that pay parking and the Toll to enter Drogheda have both a negative impact on employment and I will continue to work to cut the impact of both.

    Some questions I feel are important....
    1. How many toll booth staff will be made redundant by the closure of the two toll booths in question? I guess 6-10 but I know you MUST have the exact figure.
    2. How many local jobs will be created AS A DIRECT RESULT of the closure of the toll booths?
    3. What evidence do you have to support your answer for Q2?
    4. Motorways and town car parks are very expensive to maintain/operate. If their use is provided free of charge as you are proposing - where are the funds required to operate them going to come from?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,996 ✭✭✭10green bottles

    Funniest thread (sort of) Ever !! ;) A 3 pronged attack by the O'Heliums lyes battered on the forum ground !!
    Sham response, and your political career may well lie in the debris of this thread Mr O'Heiligh.:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,222 ✭✭✭bigneacy

    Mr_Hat wrote: »
    It not one against two or three. Were not battling it out on West St after a few beers and a kebab. Its a couple of posters who were invited to set up a thread with questions for Ken. Which he then ignores. We would just like our questions answered.

    I don't care about the company. The toll is there to pay for the infrastructure and maintenance of the road. The company who run the toll, helped pay for the road. Why shouldn't they be able to recoup there investment. Its there now. There is nothing anyone can do about it. A contract was signed years ago with them. There is nothing anyone can do about it now.

    My problem is not that is not a snowballs chance in hell of the toll being abolished. I would prefer my local repetitiveness fought for something that will actually help Drogheda and develop the town further. I live in Drogheda, my children live in Drogheda I'm invested in the well being of the town.

    Do you honestly believe that the abolition of tolls is of greater benefit to local business, then say the lowering of council rates or the implementation of free parking in the town. Something which the Cllr can do something about. But which might not nesserially get his picture in the paper every week. Do you??

    Maybe you should be asking yourself why Ken has chosen to ignore this questions when put to him. Now piss off and stop trolling Darragh.

    I really wish there was someone out there fighting for the people of Drogheda and lest interested in getting there picture in the paper. Unfortunally politians like that in Drogheda are thin on the ground.

    EDIT: That's it I'm done for real this time.

    THIS!!! times ****ing forty!!!

    Have to say, I find the consecutive posting times of the three accounts hilariously amateurish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    criticising someone about misspelling a name is a tad hypocritical.

    I don’t support the view that it was a misspelling of my surname but a deliberate attempt to cast aspersions. That said I would appeal to Mr. Cat to remove the comments and let us focus on the issues that negatively impact on our Town and how we can make future improvements.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Sham response, and your political career may well lie in the debris of this thread Mr O'Heiligh.:rolleyes:

    I am a locally elected Independent Councillor and I have always viewed my election to office as an extension of my community work. My career as you put it is more as a social housing and development / Clerk of Works manager.
    “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” Mark Twain (aka Samuel Langhorn Clemens) 1897.

    Should you require further clarification on my position on the Donore Road Ramp Tolls possibly you should make that clear to me.
    Thank you for the correct spelling of my surname but you can call me either Ken or Cllr. O Héiligh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    I believe that if a unified group representing all skateboards agreed on a site. We would then be in a much stronger position to progress the project.

    I know for a fact that the site proposed (on the rathmullen road) was opposed so heavily owing to it being so far out of town, i know, its still relatively inside, but its still a good 20 minute walk away from the cbd.
    The other factor was forseeing a major accident involving skateboarders coming down such a steep hill at speed.

    Ken, is there any way a site within the ramparts area, near the childrens playground, be suggested?

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    CMpunked wrote: »
    I know for a fact that the site proposed (on the rathmullen road) was opposed so heavily owing to it being so far out of town, i know, its still relatively inside, but its still a good 20 minute walk away from the cbd.
    The other factor was forseeing a major accident involving skateboarders coming down such a steep hill at speed.

    Ken, is there any way a site within the ramparts area, near the childrens playground, be suggested?

    Site adjacent to Leisure complex / swimming pool
    From recollection the reasons put forward by those who signed the petition was that they were fearful of been assaulted when coming into the area. I didn’t share the same opinion also Garda Superintend Gerry Smith advised that no such incidents had occurred with young people using the adjoining complex. The local secondary school attracts students from every corner of the town.
    The site is secure at night, in an area with passive surveillance, toilets and showers in close proximity and a designated area for sport activity.

    A suitable site in St. Dominick’s Park was considered but for the following reasons was ruled out,
    • Residents on the Rathmullen Road had objected
    • No Toilet Facilities
    • To move the skateboard area further down the ramparts removed the opportunity for passive surveillance and supervision of users.
    • Security at night was a major concern.
    I had identified a section of St. Domincks Park adjacent to the pedestrian bridge (St. Domnicks Bridge) but this was not supported. However I felt that the residents would not have objected to this location and may need further investigation.

    A site in The Lourdes stadium is a designated sport arena and may be considered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,209 ✭✭✭bobbysands81

    To anyone who questions the validity of the posters identity behind the accounts for Ken Ó Héiligh or myself I invite and in fact encourage you to contact the moderator. I have no doubt that they will be able to clearly demonstrate that posts from my account have come from three static IP addresses. 1 from Irish broadband, 1 from Eircom and 1 from a Vodafone mobile broadband Sim. And the posts from Ken have come from one or maybe two dynamic addresses both on the Vodafone home broadband network.

    I correct this as I’m tired of reading the allegations cast by contributors. I haven’t signed into boards since earlier in the month for one very simple reason. I have better things to do. I have had an account on this forum since august 2008 and I’ll likely have one for years to come. I come and go when I find topics interesting but I don’t feel compelled to stay up to date with what’s going on with it.

    For anyone concerned with search engine ranking let me assure you that it changes regularly. It’s why companies specialize in it. I wouldn’t be too concerned. Maybe this topic will stay at the top of the search engine results. Maybe it won’t. If it does, maybe people will see the unfounded accusations. Maybe they’ll agree with most of the posters who have a problem with Ken. Maybe this toll campaign will succeed. Maybe it won’t. Is it not more important that someone is trying?

    Let’s also stop this ridiculous argument that there are better things that Ken should be giving his attention to. I answered that before and I shouldn’t have to do it again. Of course he is focused on other very important issues. If you want more details, you might want to contact him directly with questions. One thing that is important to point out in defence of this claim that he’s a populist politician is that if he was so eager for public credit and recognition surely then you already know everything he is working on therefore you can’t seriously think that the issue of the tolls is his main focus?
    I would like to apologies for the delay in replying to your request. I have had a lot of constituent work to clear and I should be able to tackle the above questions this evening.

    I hope you all excuse me for interrupting this thread, and I do note that you say you're two distinct people, but I find it very odd that you both use a different sized font to the default one on this forum, it just seems a little strange to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭digitaldarragh

    The reason for the different font is quite simple. My spelling is terrible. I write posts in Word then copy and paste into I'm assuming Ken is doing the same thing. I would be very surprised if this is the first time you have seen such a font change?

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,455 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    I hope you all excuse me for interrupting this thread, and I do note that you say you're two distinct people, but I find it very odd that you both use a different sized font to the default one on this forum, it just seems a little strange to me.



    Its been commented on before. in fairness, DD and Ken are son and father, so it would make sense that if it's a quirk of their computer, it would be affecting both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    I hope you all excuse me for interrupting this thread, and I do note that you say you're two distinct people, but I find it very odd that you both use a different sized font to the default one on this forum, it just seems a little strange to me. Ciao!

    Hi bobbysands81. I believe that Darragh has previously explained his use of a different font. I personally use a word document and simply cut and paste. But if you like you may visit my office and personally witness the Cllr. in action.

    The user name is an interesting choice and I would personally like to commend you for honouring his memory.

    Should you wish to make a point or ask a question I will do my best to reply. Please understand that it may take longer to get a reply due to work load. Beir Bua.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    OK, Whenever you are ready to stop honouring terrorists and discussing fonts/usernames - can we get back on topic?

    My questions above are still waiting to be answered...

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Scotty # wrote: »
    Some questions I feel are important....
    1. How many toll booth staff will be made redundant by the closure of the two toll booths in question?
    2. How many local jobs will be created AS A DIRECT RESULT of the closure of the toll booths?
    3. What evidence do you have to support your answer for Q2?
    4. Motorways and town car parks are very expensive to maintain/operate. where are the funds required to operate them going to come from?

    The Transport Minister Leo Varadkar’s has proposed additions to the user based PPP. These proposals include the 11km section Dundalk Western by-pass.
    CRG, run and maintain this section.

    A2 &3
    I attended a public meeting in The Barbican Centre recently to take part in the Local Heroes - A Town Fights Back campaign. This is a campaign to support Irish jobs. As part of that campaign there will be a number of programmes on RTÉ Television and Radio, including the six-part television programme, this will follow the people of Drogheda as they come together to take their economic future into their own hands and start the fight-back for jobs.
    During an open mike session a number of local businesses took the opportunity to demand the removal of the Donore Road Ramp Tolls as they have cost jobs and jeopardise job creation.
    The removal of the Toll’s on the Donore Road which is the main artery road for our designated Industrial area will be a catalyst for job creation.
    I had proposed long stay car parks with park and ride facilities on municipal land. The charging regime, potential funding or grants for such a scheme is a matter of further consultation. This is very much a work in progress

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #


    The Transport Minister Leo Varadkar’s has proposed additions to the user based PPP. These proposals include the 11km section Dundalk Western by-pass.
    CRG, run and maintain this section. Doesn't answer my question. Looking for a figure.

    A2 &3
    I attended a public meeting in The Barbican Centre recently to take part in the Local Heroes - A Town Fights Back campaign. This is a campaign to support Irish jobs. As part of that campaign there will be a number of programmes on RTÉ Television and Radio, including the six-part television programme, this will follow the people of Drogheda as they come together to take their economic future into their own hands and start the fight-back for jobs.
    During an open mike session a number of local businesses took the opportunity to demand the removal of the Donore Road Ramp Tolls as they have cost jobs and jeopardise job creation.
    The removal of the Toll’s on the Donore Road which is the main artery road for our designated Industrial area will be a catalyst for job creation. Again, looking for a figure here. Nothing to do with RTE whatsoever!
    I had proposed long stay car parks with park and ride facilities on municipal land. The charging regime, potential funding or grants for such a scheme is a matter of further consultation. This is very much a work in progress,

    Gerry Adams: We're going to cut the VAT rate.
    Reporter: what is the VAT rate Gerry?
    Gerry: I've no idea....
    It's all well and good proposing wonderful ideas, sure we would all get supporters and our picture in the paper doing that. I'd like to DOUBLE social welfare payments, cut taxes in HALF, FREE parking for all!!!

    All sounds far to familiar. The usual "get me headlines - sure I'll never have to deliver" nonsense.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32,688 ✭✭✭✭ytpe2r5bxkn0c1

    Can this man not answer even one simple straightforward question?

    Just one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭digitaldarragh

    Scotty # wrote: »
    It's all well and good proposing wonderful ideas, sure we would all get supporters and our picture in the paper doing that. I'd like to DOUBLE social welfare payments, cut taxes in HALF, FREE parking for all!!!

    All sounds far to familiar. The usual "get me headlines - sure I'll never have to deliver" nonsense.

    Scotty, is there any answer you would be happy with? Seriously. It's a genuine question. I'm becoming quite convinced that no answer will be good enough for you. If I was to imply the prevalent line of thought on this forum topic that seems to find conspiracy behind every sentence I'd probably conclude that you were intentionally trying to be disagreeable to serve some hidden agenda?

    Fortunately, I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you haven’t seen the many facts that Ken has backed up by referencing third party documents and news articles. It may however be worth your while carefully reading the number of posts that Ken has contributed to this and other topics lately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    Scotty, is there any answer you would be happy with? Seriously.
    LOL!! Yes, any answer that is a figure. Not very hard to understand...

    If a question starts with 'how many?' then the answer is A NUMBER!!!

    I don't want to know about Leo Varadkar or 11KM of roadway in Dundalk. I want to know how many toll booth staff will lose their jobs as a result of the closure. How many new local jobs will be created? And who is going to pay for the new free services?

    Three straight simple questions...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,217 ✭✭✭moonshadow

    Well ye have been very busy in the last 24 hrs anyway............

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  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭digitaldarragh

    Scotty # wrote: »
    LOL!! Yes, any answer that is a figure. Not very hard to understand...

    If a question starts with 'how many?' then the answer is A NUMBER!!!

    Oh if only life was that simple! In fact, if you can provide facts such as those you have asked for there are hundreds of financial institutions around the world who are looking for you. Congratulations!
    Scotty # wrote: »
    I don't want to know about Leo Varadkar or 11KM of roadway in Dundalk. I want to know how many toll booth staff will lose their jobs as a result of the closure. How many new local jobs will be created? And who is going to pay for the new free services?

    Three straight simple questions...

    Scottie, you don't ask for much do you?
    "Wanted: Councillor with the ability to predict the future. :) "

    Ken has provided reasonable details as to how the removal of the tolls will potentially be instrumental in helping to drive traffic more business into the town. He has strengthened his position by drawing on the comments from prominent heads of industry and has the backing of the council. It would seem evident that anyone who has actually researched this topic or is impartial sees the benefit of having this toll removed. In all the posts in these topics I have yet to find one post that has actually said that the toll should remain and that has backed up this stance with valid, up to date and irrefutable facts.
