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Questions for Ken Ó Héiligh



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    Ahh Darragh your taking the mick. It's not rocket science.

    There are two toll booths in question. How many people are employed in them?

    I would have thought it would have been the first thing cllr. checked before looking for their closure. No?

    Cllr has proposed the scraping of sources of funding for our motorway and our car parks. Before I agree with these proposals I want to know where the cllr suggests the future funding comes from. Again, a pretty obvious question don't you think? But again, Cllr has no answer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    Ken has provided reasonable details as to how the removal of the tolls will potentially be instrumental in helping to drive

    No, what your father said was that it would have a direct positive affect on the town for job creation.

    Big difference in potentially and direct.

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭digitaldarragh

    Scotty # wrote: »
    Ahh Darragh your taking the mick. It's not rocket science.

    There are two toll booths in question. How many people are employed in them?

    I would have thought it would have been the first thing cllr. checked before looking for their closure. No?

    Maybe Ken will explain this further if he has time tomorrow. I wouldn't like to assume the meaning behind the below paragraph taken from his post at 8:41PM today.

    The Transport Minister Leo Varadkar’s has proposed additions to the user based PPP. These proposals include the 11km section Dundalk Western by-pass.
    CRG, run and maintain this section.
    End of extract.

    Scotty # wrote: »
    Cllr has proposed the scraping of sources of funding for our motorway and our car parks. Before I agree with these proposals I want to know where the cllr suggests the future funding comes from. Again, a pretty obvious question don't you think? But again, Cllr has no answer.

    again, I thought he adiquitly answered these questions earlier however I'll leave it to him to explain further if time allows tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Scotty # wrote: »
    Originally Posted by Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    The Transport Minister Leo Varadkar’s has proposed additions to the user based PPP. These proposals include the 11km section Dundalk Western by-pass.
    CRG, run and maintain this section. Doesn't answer my question. Looking for a figure. Sorry I thought it was self-explanatory. I predict no job loss but maybe a relocation package will be on offer.

    A2 &3
    I attended a public meeting in The Barbican Centre recently to take part in the Local Heroes - A Town Fights Back campaign. This is a campaign to support Irish jobs. As part of that campaign there will be a number of programmes on RTÉ Television and Radio, including the six-part television programme, this will follow the people of Drogheda as they come together to take their economic future into their own hands and start the fight-back for jobs.
    During an open mike session a number of local businesses took the opportunity to demand the removal of the Donore Road Ramp Tolls as they have cost jobs and jeopardise job creation.
    The removal of the Toll’s on the Donore Road which is the main artery road for our designated Industrial area will be a catalyst for job creation. Again, looking for a figure here. Nothing to do with RTE whatsoever!. I agree it’s all about the people of Drogheda coming together to take their economic future into their own hands and start the fight-back for jobs. It is early days yet to calculate the successes but the removal of the ramp tolls will give it a 100% chance of achieving its goal.

    I had proposed long stay car parks with park and ride facilities on municipal land. The charging regime, potential funding or grants for such a scheme is a matter of further consultation. This is very much a work in progress,

    Gerry Adams: We're going to cut the VAT rate.
    Reporter: what is the VAT rate Gerry?
    Gerry: I've no idea....
    I should point out to you and Gerry that there is more than one VAT rate in the state. Gerry may have been caught on the hop but you had time to consider the point.

    It's all well and good proposing wonderful ideas, sure we would all get supporters and our picture in the paper doing that. I'd like to DOUBLE social welfare payments, cut taxes in HALF, FREE parking for all!!!
    Would you please add the removal of the Donore Road Ramp Tolls to your wish list?

    All sounds far to familiar. The usual "get me headlines - sure I'll never have to deliver" nonsense.
    I did state that work is on-going and I am not aware of any headlines. In answering your questions on the subject you now accuse me of looking for headlines.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #


    No idea if the staff will keep their jobs or not. No idea what the actual impact will be(will the pros outweigh the cons?) No idea (yet?) where future funding will come... This is quiet incredible.
    Cllr. Ken wrote:
    I should point out to you and Gerry that there is more than one VAT rate in the state. Gerry may have been caught on the hop but you had time to consider the point.
    You are not the councillor at all are you? There is no way an elected official could respond with this nonsense!?!?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,222 ✭✭✭bigneacy

    Scotty # wrote: »

    No idea if the staff will keep their jobs or not. No idea what the actual impact will be(will the pros outweigh the cons?) No idea (yet?) where future funding will come... This is quiet incredible.

    You are not the councillor at all are you? There is no way an elected official could respond with this nonsense!?!?

    I agree. I really don't believe the person claiming to be Cllr. Ken O Heiligh, is that person. I really hope, actually, that the supposed elected official isn't the same person that has been responding to questions with "get out more" and the above also... Not to mention the 'cringeingly' weak answers to some pretty decent questions.

    I'm done on this thread and the other one. I'll be shocked if a political career is not in tatters somewhere in this thread, and I have a feeling the person in question is oblivious. I am honestly squirming with embarrassment for the "three" posters on here. I have never cringed so much on a thread or actually felt embarrassed for another poster on an open public forum.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32,688 ✭✭✭✭ytpe2r5bxkn0c1

    Sorry I thought it was self-explanatory. I predict no job loss but maybe a relocation package will be on offer.

    I really hope I have picked you up wrong Ken. Or are you that obtuse? Did you just suggest moving the problem down the road to our sister town of Dundalk? Tolls are a menace in Drogheda but feck anybody anywhere else! If this is not what you meant then where is the re-location to? Oh, and relocate jobs out of the local community as well?

    I too find it hard to believe the feckless answers from Ken and Darragh (sad too that son has to come on to defend Dad and no other members of the general public feel that way inclined)

    Cllr., perhaps if you just gave clear precise answers to the very simple questions being asked, we might make some progress.

    Again, are rates, rents, and parking charges not a greater influence on business in Drogheda than a €1.80 toll?

    How do you propose paying for the motorway without tolls?

    Why do we have to keep repeating the questions over and over again? You know, shortly the decent caring people here will just give up trying to discuss this with you and then you can roar ahead with the nonsense!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    I really hope i have picked you up wrong Ken. Or are you that obtuse? Did you just suggest moving the problem down the road to our sister town of Dundalk?

    Progress at last; Freya Thousands Dealer now acknowledges that the Toll on Drogheda is a problem. However I did not suggest moving the problem to Dundalk I merely pointed to the fact that Minister Varadkar has proposed additional Toll’s and this includes the 11 km section Dundalk Western Bypass.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Can this man not answer even one simple straightforward question?

    Just one?

    Originally Posted by Freya Thousands Dealer
    What utter balderdash and an example that you haven't the slightest idea of what you are talking about. The Toll is for the PPP bridge section! Are you for real?

    I am sure you now recognise that the Toll is for the 54km section which facilitates free local use of the 11km Dundalk Western By-Pass and not just the PPP bridge section.
    Again Freya Thousands Dealer you state, ‘Anybody who uses the PPP section benefits from doing so and pays to do so’. This is not the case for local vehicular use on the Dundalk Western By-Pass.

    Don’t ignore these facts. The Toll regime in place is unfair and inequitable.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32,688 ✭✭✭✭ytpe2r5bxkn0c1

    Progress at last; Srameen now acknowledges that the Toll on Drogheda is a problem. However I did not suggest moving the problem to Dundalk I merely pointed to the fact that Minister Varadkar has proposed additional Toll’s and this includes the 11 km section Dundalk Western Bypass.

    Do you deliberately twist things or are you that dim? I used "problem" in the context of your assertion not as any admission. I truly can't believe you are that slow.

    AND. Relocating existing toll staff to other booths is still causing a loss of employment as people would be employed in those other toll booths anyway. Also, you seem to be happy for tolls elsewhere; once not in our backyard. That's pure hypocracy.

    Oh and any answer yet on the Rates, rent, parking charges etc ???

    How about actually answering the questions? You are the one invited the questions yet have failed to answer a single one yet.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    Just looking at the area in question on a map....

    Does anyone believe that scrapping the tolls in question will bring EXTRA business to Drogheda? Or will it simply make it easier for those who shop on the North of the town to shop on the South (well, West really) and vice versa. I can't really see where extra business will come from?

    Ken I really think you are putting an awful lot of effort into something that is going to make a tiny tiny difference. If any. Possibly even have a negative effect if it means several CRG staff lose their jobs. I presume they are local people and spend their earnings local too?

    As it stands I can't offer support so I won't be signing the petition. So I'm out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,996 ✭✭✭10green bottles

    I am a locally elected Independent Councillor and I have always viewed my election to office as an extension of my community work. My career as you put it is more as a social housing and development / Clerk of Works manager.
    “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” Mark Twain (aka Samuel Langhorn Clemens) 1897.

    Should you require further clarification on my position on the Donore Road Ramp Tolls possibly you should make that clear to me.
    Thank you for the correct spelling of my surname but you can call me either Ken or Cllr. O Héiligh.
    How's about "CHANCER" O Héiligh.?? Or "not in my back garden" Healy.Kinda like the Healy-Raes.:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    you seem to be happy for tolls elsewhere; once not in our backyard. That's pure hypocracy.

    The Donore Road Ramp Tolls are unfair and inequitable and this burden must be removed and allow our town to get back on its feet.
    If a similar Toll is proposed on a main artery route into Dundalk Town I would opposed any such moves.

    Oh and any answer yet on the Rates, rent, parking charges etc ???

    I had already answered the topics raised but for ease of reference please view the following:

    Pay parking was up and running in the town centre prior to my election to Drogheda Borough Council. However I do recall that the Council raised the issue of vehicles parking all day in the one spot and obstructing day to day activities. At that time it was a 20p scratch card parking discs that you purchased from various shops.

    When an extension was proposed I strenuously opposed any expansion of the pay parking regime into areas such as Patrick Street. During 2010, Drogheda Borough Council were proposing to introduce new controlled areas and amending pay parking bye laws. Prior to going on public display, I made efforts to have this document amended; however only one other Councillor supported this proposal. When such documents are put on public display, it is an opportunity for concerned citizens to submit their views and recommendations, prior to further consideration by members of the Council in a public meeting.

    During this period I made a submission and raised concerns that the Borough Council had introduced pay parking in two areas prior to a decision of Council. Also, at the request of Stockwell Street traders I successfully had the half hour parking extended to two hours.

    A new traffic committee that will involve members of the public and statutory agencies is being set up and they will be tasked with looking at improving all matters such as pay parking, traffic lights, etc in the town. I intend to make submissions and representations to this forum. I would agree that free parking should be available and I would go one step further and look for designated parking areas with a link to a shuttle bus. But I would say that pay parking and the Toll to enter Drogheda have both a negative impact on employment and I will continue to work to cut the impact of both.
    proceed to page 4

    For ease of reference I refer you to the following notes on Rates:

    The 2009 Drogheda Borough Council budget meeting had proposed an increase of 1.9% on its rates base and that could be reversed.
    The County Manager brought forward the budget with a 3% Commercial Rates and a 5% Water Rates reduction.
    Councillor Ken O’Heiligh proposed the reduction of 6.6% on Commercial Rates and a 50% water rates reduction, exactly as sought by the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the business community in Drogheda but no one would second his proposal.

    The Budget as presented by the County Manager was proposed by Mayor O’Dowd and seconded by Cllr. Maher. On a role call vote Cllr O’ Heiligh votes against the budget.

    I hope the above clarifies matters for you.

    How about actually answering the questions? You are the one invited the questions yet have failed to answer a single one yet.

    This is incorrect I have posted the answers on a previously post

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    How's about "CHANCER" O Héiligh.?? Or "not in my back garden" Healy.Kinda like the Healy-Raes.:p

    The Donore Road Ramp Tolls are unfair and inequitable and this burden must be removed and allow our town to get back on its feet.
    If a similar Toll is proposed on a main artery route into Dundalk Town I would opposed any such moves.

    So the bark garden theory is definitely not a runner. Maybe consider a name change to 9 green bottles!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    The Donore Road Ramp Tolls are unfair and inequitable and this burden must be removed and allow our town to get back on its feet.
    But this is the problem Ken!! Removing the toll won't make a blind bit of difference. You have carried out no research/studies and can provide no evidence to the contrary. The way you are talking anyone would think that it's going to attract shoppers from all over the country and provide a huge boost to Drogheda. It's won't! You are delusional to believe it will.

    Getting rid of the tolls will do the following...
    • Provide a very small boost to the Donore Rd Retail Park.
    • But this will be at the cost of the M1 Retail Park
    • Cost those that work in the toll booths their jobs at the expense of the local economy.
    • Cause a shortfall of €3M annually in toll charges. This is money that will have to be found elsewhere for any future development and ongoing maintenance.

    Even if CRG agreed to scrap the toll booths they would want (and be entitled to) 10's of €MILLIONS in compensation for early buy out.

    This whole idea is just nonsense and it's no wonder it has so little support. I think the toll system is unfair... but what you are trying to achieve is just not feasible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Scotty # wrote: »
    Does anyone believe that scrapping the tolls in question will bring EXTRA business to Drogheda? Or will it simply make it easier for those who shop on the North of the town to shop on the South (well, West really) and vice versa. I can't really see where extra business will come from?

    Without question I sincerely believe that once the Donore Road ramp Tolls are removed we will attract extra business through Tourists visitors and Tours by buses. This sector is underexploited.

    Scotty # wrote: »
    Ken I really think you are putting an awful lot of effort into something that is going to make a tiny tiny difference.

    The town will benefit greatly and local businesses throughout Drogheda are echoing the same sentiments.
    Scotty # wrote: »
    If any. Possibly even have a negative effect if it means several CRG staff lose their jobs. I presume they are local people and spend their earnings local too?

    I do not agree, employees of CRG would be secure within any proposed internal restructuring / relocation model.
    I believe that Staff on the Tolls are from many Counties but I don’t have any information on how they spend their earnings.

    Scotty # wrote: »
    As it stands I can't offer support so I won't be signing the petition. So I'm out.

    Thank you for your Contribution.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    Without question I sincerely believe...
    ...and without any research, studies, surveys, tests, and to hell with the consequences if you're wrong.

    It's public servants like you Ken that have this country destroyed. A total disregard for your actions as long as your interests are served.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Scotty # wrote: »
    ...and without any research, studies, surveys, tests, and to hell with the consequences if you're wrong.

    It's public servants like you Ken that have this country destroyed. A total disregard for your actions as long as your interests are served.

    Scotty please allow me to draws on similar experiences and arguments made during the Draft Master Planning of the North Drogheda Environs.

    In the years that I campaigned against the unsustainable developer led North Drogheda Environs Plan. I trawled through boxes of feasibility studies, population predictions, flow charts and all kind of reports from so called experts, simply these reports cost huge sums of money to come up with the answers that suited the agenda of the day.

    When the day finally arrived to vote on the adoption or rejection of the proposed plan, I stood alone in the Council chamber and made a strong case for its rejection. On the recommendation of the County Manager the Chairperson put it to the Members and on a roll called vote the plan was adopted 13 in favour and 1 against.
    The expert’s reports now fill a room and are gathering dust in a Council planning room and will never see the light of day. When it comes to statistics you need to bear this in mind.

    On the other hand I have local businesses who work in the town, live in the town echoing the same point that the Donore Road Ramp Tolls are causing them to lose business. These local businesses are in manufacturing, transport, tourism, and retail.

    During discussions with the NRA they conceded that significant through traffic is diverting from the M1 onto the Drogheda roads network.

    I represent a very diverse area with many social challenges and many times I am called to act on issues that have no political benefit but I carry out my responsibilities diligently and with conviction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Scotty #

    We're just going in circles now Ken. You can't give me the answers to the most obvious questions because you simply don't know the answers and what's more... don't seem to care.

    How many jobs will be lost? - you don't know.
    How much business will be created, if any? - you don't know.
    Where will future funding come from? - you don't know.

    Will you push ahead anyway? Yes - because you don't care.

    I had hoped, considering the absolute mess that this country is in, that our public servants would consider their decisions more carefully from now on....

    I was wrong :(

    Not wasting anymore time on this subject and I would plead with you Ken to do the same!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32,688 ✭✭✭✭ytpe2r5bxkn0c1

    Ken, You have repeated an "answer" on the parking fees and rates which still does not actually answer the questions asked. What impact does the toll have and how does it compare to the impact of parking fees and rates? All you are saying is that you were against it, or you said they should be lowered. Talk talk talk. What have you and your fellow Cllrs done? Nothing. You are part of the public authority so part of he problem You cannot separate yourself from the council. And the question was about relative impacts!

    You seem determined to not answer honest simple questions and your snide comments to some people here are cheap and insulting. I'm finished wasting my time on this thread and with your nonsense. You need to catch a grip and study the problem before jumping in with half-baked solutions.:mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    Can anyone advise or have they seen the 30 year Drogheda TOLL contract?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,130 ✭✭✭rpurfield

    only seen this thread today with the someone that lives in stamullen i have to say the fees for parking in drogheda are what stops me going down the town centre more often.i can get up to blanchardstown shopping centre in about 30 minutes from my house and park for free.i can go to swords into the pavillions and get two hours parking free.i can drive ten minutes into balbriggan and park in a council car park in quay st for three hours for 50 cent.i love going into drogheda but somewhere that offers a few hours free parking would be nice so i dont pay through my nose.i know a lot of people out here would go into drogheda a lot more but dont because of parking fees not a toll on the m1.ken i cant vote for you but my advice is sort the parking in the town out first, attract more people from outside the town in to shop then go after your tolls

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    rpurfield wrote: »
    only seen this thread today with the someone that lives in stamullen i have to say the fees for parking in drogheda are what stops me going down the town centre more often.i can get up to blanchardstown shopping centre in about 30 minutes from my house and park for free.i can go to swords into the pavillions and get two hours parking free.i can drive ten minutes into balbriggan and park in a council car park in quay st for three hours for 50 cent.i love going into drogheda but somewhere that offers a few hours free parking would be nice so i dont pay through my nose.i know a lot of people out here would go into drogheda a lot more but dont because of parking fees not a toll on the m1.ken i cant vote for you but my advice is sort the parking in the town out first, attract more people from outside the town in to shop then go after your tolls
    There is free car parking in Drogheda. At our Council budget meeting in December the €3 charge was removed from the long stay car parks located a the Bus Station, Lower Mell and next to the Fire Station.

    The ramp Toll at Junction 9 Donore Road impacts greater on local daily use and I have campaigned for a number of years to have this Toll on entering Drogheda removed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,143 ✭✭✭locum-motion

    The ramp Toll at Junction 9 Donore Road impacts greater on local daily use and I have campaigned for a number of years to have this Toll on entering Drogheda removed.

    As you well know, as it has been pointed out to you on many occasions: There is no toll to enter Drogheda.

    There is a toll to use either or both sections of the stretch of road between the CityNorth Hotel and the Drogheda-Slane road (N51?) junction.

    You persist in wilfully misrepresenting the toll as being a charge on people who enter/leave/live in/work in Drogheda. It is no such thing. Any person can easily do any of those things without paying the toll. Occasionally, any such person may accomplish a journey more quickly by using the tolled section of road. If such a person wishes to, they may choose to pay the toll to allow them to use the road to save themselves some time. If they don't want to pay the toll, then there are untolled roads that they can use.

    My question is: why do you, as an elected public representative, consistently mislead people and misrepresent the truth?

    In my opinion, you should be ashamed of yourself. Or, as another S. Louth politician once put it: "you're a thundering disgrace!"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Mr_Hat

    Can anyone advise or have they seen the 30 year Drogheda TOLL contract?

    This has to be someone taking the piss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,130 ✭✭✭rpurfield

    There is free car parking in Drogheda. At our Council budget meeting in December the €3 charge was removed from the long stay car parks located a the Bus Station, Lower Mell and next to the Fire Station.

    The ramp Toll at Junction 9 Donore Road impacts greater on local daily use and I have campaigned for a number of years to have this Toll on entering Drogheda removed.

    two of them well outta the centre of the town and the one at the bus station is tiny!!surely if the haymarket/laurences centre/drogheda town centre had some pressure put on them to even give two hours free and you got more trade into the centre of the town from us country folk it would be better than crying over a toll that it seems most people here dont mind about anyway.i think mr hat is right though if this isnt a wum posing as the councillor i pity the people of drogheda.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,455 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    The ramp Toll at Junction 9 Donore Road impacts greater on local daily use

    I'd really debate that tbh. The toll is used by a specific subset of people who live on a certain side of the town, and/or people who want to cross from one side of the town to the other quickly.

    The car park charges impact the entire center of the town and affect people living over the entire of Drogheda and its outskirts, not just those on one side of the town. The central car parks could and should be used by a far bigger contingency of people, drawing from a wider area of the local, compared to those who use the toll for convience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    As you well know, as it has been pointed out to you on many occasions: There is no toll to enter Drogheda.

    The Donore Road ramp Tolls are located on the main artery road into Drogheda.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    rpurfield wrote: »
    two of them well outta the centre of the town and the one at the bus station is tiny!!surely if the haymarket/laurences centre/drogheda town centre had some pressure put on them to even give two hours free and you got more trade into the centre of the town from us country folk it would be better than crying over a toll that it seems most people here dont mind about anyway.

    Your original post simply made enquiries about free parking and how beneficial to the town free parking would be. That matter is now resolved so I take it from your comments that you are now seeking 2 hour free parking in the centre of town. At the December meeting of Drogheda Borough Council I put forward a proposal similar to yours but unfortunately none of my fellow Councillors would second the proposal. So it never made it onto the floor for debate.

    The Donore Road ramp TOLL is opposed by All members of Drogheda Borough Council and Drogheda Chamber of Commerce. Both these groups represent the majority of people in Drogheda.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Cllr. Ken O Heiligh

    The toll is used by a specific subset of people who live on a certain side of the town, and/or people who want to cross from one side of the town to the other quickly./QUOTE]
    Could you please elaborate or explain your thinking further?
    The car park charges impact the entire center of the town and affect people living over the entire of Drogheda and its outskirts, not just those on one side of the town. The central car parks could and should be used by a far bigger contingency of people, drawing from a wider area of the local, compared to those who use the toll for convience.

    I agree that car parking charges impact the entire town centre and in certain residential areas the public sought the introduction of meter parking. So the impact could be viewed as a negative and in certain cases as a positive one. I would support the view that central car parks should be more widely available. But you incorrectly assume that the Ramp Tolls are not impacting on the wider community. I have received support for the removal of the ramp TOLLS from the outskirts such as Donore Village, Tullyallen, Monasterboice. Termonfeckin. Clogherhead. Mornington. Julinstown and Stamullen.
