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The Road Less Traveled: IM 2012



  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I rested yesterday, and I'm contemplating doing the same today. (turbo is on the cards) Mentally wrecked this last few weeks with this and that and god but it wears you out physically too!

    Having checked dates my official plan starts next week with a 6 hour week. So missing a session today is not the end of the world. Cant put my finger on why this has hit me but it could be because I pushed on straight after ballbuster. Be warned, if you read this, dont fcuk up the way I do. Rest!! :)

    Had a bit of a panic this week as the Nirvana travel packages for IM were released, and I realised that the flights were booking out already. Oops. Cue begging, borrowing and stealing to get one. This event is going to cost the bones of 2k before I'm done. Again, be warned! But as with the training, I got to SIU. I signed up for this. Coulda just stayed home and done Hardman.

    Triathlon. Dontcha just love it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Oryx wrote: »
    Mentally wrecked this last few weeks with this and that and god but it wears you out physically too!

    Having checked dates my official plan starts next week with a 6 hour week. So missing a session today is not the end of the world. Cant put my finger on why this has hit me but it could be because I pushed on straight after ballbuster. Be warned, if you read this, dont fcuk up the way I do. Rest!! :)

    Oryx just one question did you have an off season, 2-3 weeks of doing nothing? If not it might be exactly what you need to recharge the batteries before you launch into an IM training plan otherwise you could quickly start to hate the IM journey!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    I think a rest might be the best idea. It's better that you are physically and mentally able to get through your official training plan than do a half hearted attempt and injure yourself or get completely disillusioned with training altogether.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Oryx just one question did you have an off season, 2-3 weeks of doing nothing? If not it might be exactly what you need to recharge the batteries before you launch into an IM training plan otherwise you could quickly start to hate the IM journey!!
    I pulled back intensity, but didnt stop training. I havent had a week off (when I wasnt sick) in 3 years....

    Its not the training, its everything else that has me tired. :p Personal stuff I cant share in this log. But I know I need a few days of mental rest, and no pressure to train. Come back fighting again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Oryx wrote: »
    I pulled back intensity, but didnt stop training. I havent had a week off (when I wasnt sick) in 3 years....

    Its not the training, its everything else that has me tired. :p Personal stuff I cant share in this log. But I know I need a few days of mental rest, and no pressure to train. Come back fighting again.

    I was a bit alien to taking time off myself until my coach told me to take a break before i started training again. Best thing i have ever done as you build up the hunger again to launch into another season. You could still tip away at 2 or 3 easy sessions per week for the next 2/3 weeks but not having the pressure to stick to a schedule for 2/3 weeks should help massively.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    With the above advice in mind, I've adjusted my mindset and my training the last two days. (this may not sound like big changes but it felt less pressured). I skipped the turbo set on Thursday, went to bed and slept for 12 hours straight. Didn't get up for the usual 7am swim. Instead I got to the pool in the afternoon, and did a steady session where I kept everything slow and precise. Lots of drills, work on technique and breath. I work best when I have time to do my own sets where I figure stuff I've been taught on my own, and I havent done that in a long time. 1000m over 40 mins and I felt more energetic afterwards than I did before.

    Got out for my usual run today but shorter and easier than in the last 6 weeks. Should have worn my hrm but hadn't dug it out so went by feel. If I'm going to tackle this plan properly it will be hr based all the way from here on.

    Pulling back even this small bit has helped. So I'm going to try and begin the training like this, slow, easy. I'm beginning to see the whole point of such a rigid structure to the training, to prevent burnout. Tis a long feckin road to IM, and it does seem to be more about the journey than the destination. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Hey Oryx,

    As JB said, take the time out as you need it - IMAT is a long way off and given your effort this season, you are in great shape for it already.

    It might help to keep the pressure off (i.e. just tip away at it) until you hit the 16-20 week out, official start of your program.

    Either way, you'll be fine once you make the start line...

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    8am beach training today. Hill reps on dunes mixed with strength work. Started off feeling like Id left half myself home in bed, but once I got into it it was fun. Only covered four miles in an hour but what a four miles they were. Included the obligatory wading through pools of course. Couldn't possibly stay dry and it 5 degrees out.. coach would never allow that :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Kettlebells last night. An enjoyable session, only got very hard towards the end. But must have been tough enough, my glutes ache today. Mostly worked with 12s or 16s, but went down to an 8 for a new move, which I dont know the name of, but its a bit like a windmill.

    Feel much more rested today, last week was just over 5 hours, which makes a hell of a difference.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Had an interesting swim tonight. Felt good getting in, relaxed and not tired. Set included 16 x 25m sprints on 30 or 40. Managed the first few quite fast but slowed dramatically from then on. Good set tho. Then we had to do a dive start, sprint the length, get out, do 10 press ups, run to the deep end and start again. Mad stuff Ted.

    Have a 100m tt on the 19th. Coach wants me to go from my current time of 1.47 to 1.37. Tis a fair hard ask from me but I'll see how close I can get.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Your pushup drill reminds me of a drill we used to do - swim to the deep end then do 10 pull ups on the edge of the pool (body is still in water....hands on edge of deck.....pull body out of pool, straighten elbows, lower body all the way back in the water, repeat). Killer. And we would do this over and over again each time we swam to the deep end. Good luck on you 100m tt.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Thanks for the luck, I need it. :)

    No turbo class last night so did 30 min Z1/Z2 then a short sprint. Felt like a crazy person running around my house in the dark at 10pm but I couldn't face the tready and it was too dark to wander far.

    Got to the early swim today, which was short but hard. Speed sets and kicking drills. Good to get it over with though.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Did the Waterford half today. My only plan going into it was to run relaxed and enjoy it. In fact I was so laid back about it I forgot my gels. It was a cold morning, so a conundrum on what to wear. Longs and long sleeves with an undershirt went well though. I really enjoyed the run. Ran it with one eye on the pace, yeah, and kept the 1.45 balloons in sight, but my main concern was to keep it relaxed and feeling easy. God, it was lovely to run like that just chugging. And it felt short after everything else this year. Finished in 104.30, faster than the last few I've done, but it is a flat course. Main thing is it did feel like a training run rather than a race, which was the idea. One for the diary. Brilliant value for the money.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Crawled out of bed at 7 with stiff legs to get out for an 8am training run. Did not feel up for it but once I got into it and the stiffness eased it was ok. Hill reps today. They were tough. 1k up and 1k back down a steep hill on rough xc trails. Three times, with a forest run thrown in as well. Tried to get a fourth summit in but the others weren't having it. :) Legs are a bit achey now but ok. Finished the week just over 6 hours. Not to the plan, some bike missing there, but timewise I'm right on target.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I was told there was 600 and something feet of elevation in Sundays run. That explains the tough, then.

    Monday morning: Turbo 30mins Z1/Z2

    Monday evening: Kettlebells. 45 mins, long 2x sets each of 25 or so reps, swings, cleans, snatches and then on to squats. 100 squats in total. 15, 20, 25, 40 reps per set. My poor quads. Same pt that sent me up the hill on Sunday. The man is evil. Evil!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Swim session. Low distance session, but high intensity. 200m w/u. 5 x 25m fc sprints each with dive start. Then 4 x 25 bf sprints each with dive start. 10 press ups after each length. 4 x 25 fc sprints dive start with deck dips at the deep end, press ups at the shallow. 100m sprint. 50m sprint with 3 breaths total (failed to do this right :) ). Swim down. With a few easy lengths mixed into the set to break up the hard stuff. Strangely, I liked this session.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Planned a 30 min run this evening but it didn't quite work out. Ate something I shouldn't have beforehand because I'm stupid. So heartburn and tummy issues made things tough to start. It was very cold, and halfway around it started pelting with rain. Got soaked through so when I looped back to the car at 26 mins I said 'Thats it' and I gave up without doing the full half hour. It really wasn't worth it.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Thursday night is turbo night. No classes right now so this was a diy session. And although I was in out of the rain I did discover my roof is leaking. Great.

    Did 65 mins. 10 w/u. 45 @ 75%. 10 c/d. Felt fine. Not quite sticking to the letter of my plan but hitting the hours and the zones at least.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Yawn. Was up at stupid o clock today to get to the pool. In the water for ten to seven. Ignored the others doing a kind of set, they start and end about a quarter hour later than me and by the time they finished their warm up and everyone was lining up for a tt, Id already just done 100m flat out so I stayed out of their way and did my own thing. 2000m in total.

    It was only as I drove home and saw a car in the ditch I realised how bad the roads were. Good job I drive slow anyway!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Out at eight for a run. Beautiful morning, bright and very cold, the air felt so clean. :) Just did 5 miles at 9mm pace. Legs feel tired but the body itself is good and energy levels grand. Was way under that pace on the flat but the hills killed me today.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Nice long xc run today. Close to the beach so a few sand dunes to navigate. Very cold, even the sand was frozen solid. Pushed reasonably hard, had others breathing down my neck and keeping the pace up. Got so cold hanging around afterwards tho (note: don't stash your keys in someone elses car!) that even after two hot drinks and a long shower, I'm still cold. How is god's name did I ever manage tough guy? I must be getting soft.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Ended my week at 7hrs 11 mins. Plan was 7. Swim bang on target. Run ten mins over plan. Bike 55mins down, but did do an hour strength session. But need to bring up the bike hours to match the plan. Otherwise very happy with the week. Wasn't too taxing. Only 28 to go!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Aaaand after a grand week last week, I am sick yet again with a typical winter bug. I must count how many times its been this year. I did forget my vitamins for the last week so its kinda my own fault! I have a conundrum later though. Do I attempt the swim tt later, even though the shower had me breaking a sweat today, and spread my germs into the bargain, or do I not go and really p off the coach, who will think Im ducking out? (I have made my dread of this known :) )

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    Aaaand after a grand week last week, I am sick yet again with a typical winter bug. I must count how many times its been this year. I did forget my vitamins for the last week so its kinda my own fault! I have a conundrum later though. Do I attempt the swim tt later, even though the shower had me breaking a sweat today, and spread my germs into the bargain, or do I not go and really p off the coach, who will think Im ducking out? (I have made my dread of this known :) )

    I'm in the same boat as you, it just seems when i get better something else hits me:(

    I've missed the last 3 weeks but hoping for a big week next week when i'm off.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I'm in the same boat as you, it just seems when i get better something else hits me:(

    I've missed the last 3 weeks but hoping for a big week next week when i'm off.
    It is VERY annoying. But I am getting a little more accepting of it, I think. Its just the tt that has me wondering what to do. Im supposed to do an eight hour week this week, but two days with a total of zero so far, it aint gonna happen. :p

    Dont stress it anyway, ej, youve MONTHS to go still, and youre strong already.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Do the tt anyway unless you're bedridden. The thoughts of doing things like that are always much worse than actually doing them. I always build it up to be much worse than it actually is.

    Headcold myself the last few days. Annoying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    It is VERY annoying. But I am getting a little more accepting of it, I think. Its just the tt that has me wondering what to do. Im supposed to do an eight hour week this week, but two days with a total of zero so far, it aint gonna happen. :p

    Dont stress it anyway, ej, youve MONTHS to go still, and youre strong already.

    Yeah if i look back on 2011 i'm further than i was in 2010.

    Its annoying alright after getting the marathon under my belt but having then to step back with illness, kids sick and a crazy december of dj work.

    But its good to be annoyed that you can't do the training, for years i just on my arse:)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Do the tt anyway unless you're bedridden. The thoughts of doing things like that are always much worse than actually doing them. I always build it up to be much worse than it actually is.

    Headcold myself the last few days. Annoying.
    Ive been pretty ok with this in the last week, it is what it is. Don't for one instant think Ill reach the target he has set me, but was gonna give it a shot. I just dont want to walk in there with an excuse already lined up even if its genuine. Thats so lame. And Im not looking forward to my nose backfilling behind the nose clip. :D But I suppose I better take the siu advice from you, particularly, given what you trained through this year!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Well I wasn't bedridden. So I went swimming. A 350 warm up then we went in small groups to do the tt. I started off fast, first two lengths felt like I was flying. Halfway through the third it all went wrong. The water started getting heavier and I seriously ran out of energy. The final length I struggled badly. As it turned out I didn't get near my target time. I didn't get near my previous time ffs. I was four seconds off that. But ya know what? I'm not disappointed. If it wasn't for RQ I wouldn't have tried at all, and I did have a go. I knew it wasn't going to be near my best but I'm glad I gave it a shot. Coach said the first 50 was the fastest he ever saw me swim, and that my legs have improved massively. So thats good news at least. I did another 50 after then got out and went home early. I went, I tried, I failed, but I learned and I can do better.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Massive props for trying when you knew in your heart that this would not be your day.
