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Shut up and Squat! Mums can be strong too can't they?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 nagolina

    Thanks Howtomake :)

    I've been known to squat with a child standing on my thighs, maybe next time I'll sling one of them over my shoulders :D I have thought about strapping them to the bar for some extra kg, but I think they might complain!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 nagolina


    Warm up : arms swings, BW squats x20, push ups x10.


    32.5kg 1x5, 42.5 1x3, 47.5 1x2, 52.5kg 3x5


    24.5kg 3x5

    Hip Thrusts:

    47.5kg 10, 10, 6.

    supersetted with:

    AWR: 10, 10, 8.

    Mixed bag today - first set of squats felt great, then the rest felt wobbly. I have been reading about some other lifters who have been concentrating on sitting down rather than back for the squat (like in a goblet squat) and this is what I have been doing today - however I noticed that as soon as I told myself to push my knees out (don't know if they needed to be, it's just habit at this stage!) that I began to tip forward. Been using a wider stance - not sure if it's helping...will experiment on Wednesday I think.

    OHP was not bad, 4, 3 & 2 reps of the respective sets were strict, the rest PP.

    Hip Thrusts went awol when my stack of plates keeping the bar off the ground toppled over!

    AWR was fine until the last few reps where my back was rounding out.

    On the plus side, the bit that pinged on Saturday from the DLs seems to be ok for other exercises. It's sore to touch, like a bruise, but not painful when I bend over.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 nagolina


    Warm up: arm swings (many), BW squats x 20, goblet squats 10kg x10.


    32.5kg 1x5, 42.5, 1x4, 47.5 1x2, 53.75 3x5


    22.5kg 1x5, 28.75kg 2x5, 1x4


    35kg 1x4 but form gone to cack so deloded to 32.5kg for 3x5.

    Today was a learning experience! Squats seem to be working much better with a wider stance and sitting down rather than back. Keeping weight on the outside and heel of the foot is feeling better too. 2nd set was a bit ****ty, I could feel myself losing abs pressure on the way down which meant that my lower back lost tightness, so I had to really concentrate on holding the middle in. It's amazing how one small thing can cause a chain reaction of form breaking down completely!

    Bench was ok, still feeling heavy but will keep chipping away.

    BBR - as you can see, I am at the limit now of being able to do these with proper form but will keep working away on these till I can do the 35kg without wanting to stand up and use leg power.

    Also, another thing I've noticed in the past few days is that now I am really ramping up the amount of protein in my diet (bearing in mind that until a month ago I was basically fuelling myself on carbs...) I can't physically eat as much. I normally snack a lot in the evenings, (even when I feel full it turns out, pure habit) and have had such a sore stomach from overeating. Last night I wanted to eat (for something to do) but couldn't as I was still so full from dinner, which was actually a small, but protein packed meal. I didn't eat a bite past 8pm which is very unusual for me.

    Hopefully this is the start of me getting control of my eating habits once and for all. I have used food to cope with stress for far too long now!

    Woah, an essay today :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    nagolina wrote: »

    Woah, an essay today :)

    A very interesting one though!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 nagolina

    Thanks Dotcomdolly :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 nagolina


    Light day - conditioning. (Fasted)

    Evil 8 Barbell complex - 22.5kg

    DLs : 62.5kg 3x5, 52.5kg 1x5, 42.5kg 1x10

    Kids are off school for the 2 week Easter Break so it's difficult to get time in the morning to do a full on WO...will have to bribe them

    I was just going to do the Evil 8, but couldn't resist throwing in some light DLs as well, since I had the bar out anyways...wouldn't attempt heavy DLs with the kids around, that's a one way ticket to injuryville.

    Did this little WO before breakfast, took 25 mins total. Result!

    Now FOOD.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Howz it going?
