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DoC 4 - Post Mortem

  • 18-09-2011 4:51pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭

    You get all your laughs and thanks out in the other topic, this one is of a more serious vein. I'm looking for feed back from people with regards to quality overall of the event, what was lacking, what could be done better and what people would like to see more of.
    While we did iron out some of the kinks from the last DoC, there's a slew of refinements still to do. For one example, we should have run 3S before BB; there's enough BB footage on Doom's channel as it is, and 3S is a new game (well not really but you get what I mean) and it runs much faster overall than BB.
    For another, we really really REALLY need to figure out a solution to multiple consoles running MK. Having a single setup for a double elim with 20+ people is simply silly. We wound up having the mess up the MK guys, and for that I'm really sorry. If anyone has a suggestion for how to get more monitors running PS3s or can vouch screens (big props to Hardter) that can run composite or HDMI, we can sort it out.
    Finally, the day runs looooong. Like, 9 hours is a long time. I know this is a bi-monthly event, and people are probably more willing to forgive such a thing since it's infrequent, but I want to know; is 9 hours acceptable a running time? Or is it too long, even for an event that happens every other month?



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    The main thing I think needs sorting is more setups in general. It just took too long to get everything done and anyone not playing in a tournament was sitting around for hours waiting to get a game in anything as there were no casual machines. I think one machine at least needs to be set aside for casuals at an event of this scale.
    Large posters with the current brackets could go a long way to speeding up players finding their next games. A2 pages and permanent marker are all that's needed.

    I was grand with the long running time, despite having to leave early to head back to Cork. I'll probably stay overnight or something next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Don't be so dependent on Hippies' ability to know where keys are?

    This one ran a lot faster than the last one, so that was all good.

    Only point I can complain about was the People who need converters in order to play but can't be arsed to buy their own.

    I don't have any personal beef with anyone, but the fact is they were constantly delaying things.
    Amazingly even delaying matches if they were actually playing their matches, as they were preventing other converter players from playing theirs. I could see this snowballing across the tournaments.

    I feel like myself, Sairus, wtfbenson and everyone else who had to leave around 7 would have actually been able to watch the end of the 3S tourney (and maybe play a match in the MK one) if not for these delays. But we couldn't and it sucks that was just because of a few people too cheap to BYOC.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Voa

    Sairus wrote: »
    Large posters with the current brackets could go a long way to speeding up players finding their next games. A2 pages and permanent marker are all that's needed.
    I had announced, both in the thread AND on the day, that ANYONE with a smart phone could find ALL the tournaments at Now, maybe it was over zealous to assume that just because I finally got a smart phone, a good chunk of the community must have one by one (I am a sloth when it comes to adopting new tech; no income helps with this =P), but we did have a brackets sheet rolling round for the round 1-2 stuff.
    I'll take it into consideration.
    Don't be so dependent on Hippies' ability to know where keys are?
    In fairness, the hippies didn't know either; one of their caretakers had snuck in the night before to put on a new lock on their door. In the end, we were alright, they had some spare tables and we used the ones lieing underneath all the others. It was partially my own fault for wanting to stick to the script with the layout, rather than adapt.
    Only point I can complain about was the People who need converters in order to play but can't be arsed to buy their own.
    Now, to be fair, I don't think Linoud did do this? I can't be sure. I'm pretty certain that the only ones who borrowed Hound's converter were two who I'm feel somewhat responsible for (it was the first tournament for one of them, they're both PS3 pad players and can't use the Xbox one nearly as comfortably).
    Regardless, this is not a concern of mine; people need to get themselves sorted before they come to the tournament. I'm gonna keep getting harsher on people if I keep running these...Hell, I was peaking a bit even near the start when I very nearly threw Ken B's team out of the SF teams for playing casuals when he was needed for a tournament.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    I wasnt there yesterday but me and some of the lads think the ae teams format should be changed to the sbo way of AvA and BvB and then both winners play. This way everyone gets to play and you dont have someone winning with having not even played. I dunno how everyone else feels about it but I know some people think its too rigid now.

    I think going way past 6 is too long too, not sure how you can run it faster though. i suppose the only way is to drop a game but which would you drop? I dunno.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    Voa wrote: »
    I had announced, both in the thread AND on the day, that ANYONE with a smart phone could find ALL the tournaments at Now, maybe it was over zealous to assume that just because I finally got a smart phone, a good chunk of the community must have one by one (I am a sloth when it comes to adopting new tech; no income helps with this =P), but we did have a brackets sheet rolling round for the round 1-2 stuff.
    I'll take it into consideration.
    Even with the Challonge Bracket in effect (which was great), it had its problems. Namely on my Samsung Europa there was no ability to scroll down to the losers brackets for some reason (other Europa users complained of this too), so it made it useless half the time. This is obviously not your fault, but it further reduced the usefulness of the online brackets.
    Even aside from that, if it costs people money to check the brackets (even if it's only a few cent of their phone's credit), they should not be expected to have to check them themselves. They paid into the event already.

    As for the sheet that was in circulation - having one guy in a room of 40 people with a single sheet is hardly an ideal way to check your brackets (especially since that sheet changed hands as its holder played their games). If there's a large poster hanging around people can casually check the it at any time instead of having to track someone down and bug them about brackets. I imagine most people went straight to the computer desk to check brackets as opposed to asking whoever had the sheet for that tournament.

    Also, please note that I'm not attacking anyone here - the event was good fun and I am grateful it was run - but critique was asked for and I shall give it mostly padding free.
    bush wrote: »
    I wasnt there yesterday but me and some of the lads think the ae teams format should be changed to the sbo way of AvA and BvB and then both winners play. This way everyone gets to play and you dont have someone winning with having not even played. I dunno how everyone else feels about it but I know some people think its too rigid now.
    Also, this.
    I was talking to the other Cork guys about this yesterday on the way home. If I ever run any team events down here, that'll be the system. It takes longer, but it lets poor unfortunate souls like Kiki get a game in.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    Sairus wrote: »
    Even with the Challonge Bracket in effect (which was great), it had its problems. Namely on my Samsung Europa there was no ability to scroll down to the losers brackets for some reason (other Europa users complained of this too), so it made it useless half the time.

    Did you try putting it into full screen, theres a little icon to make it full screen and then you can scroll anywhere you want. I had the same problem on iphone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    bush wrote: »
    Did you try putting it into full screen, theres a little icon to make it full screen and then you can scroll anywhere you want. I had the same problem on iphone.

    Ooh, that works! :D Good man!

    ...the rest of my post stands! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Voa

    Sairus wrote: »
    Also, please note that I'm not attacking anyone here - the event was good fun and I am grateful it was run - but critique was asked for and I shall give it mostly padding free.
    Oh, I understand, it's no issue. It's just that rolls of A2 will cost, and where to pull the money from. I'd like to think we could take it out of the prize money, but that'd have to be done from the organiser's own pocket before the tournament even begins, or from the community money, one of whom has no money and the other that I hadn't considered asking any of.

    Also, AvA, BvB would take longer (for certain teams). If people would be happier with this though, it will run this way instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    More setups would be nice, or a setup reserved for casuals, I found myself just standing around for ages until my games were due, I know this seems a bit selfish and I know it depends on the community on whether how many setups there are.

    And have Tekken at next DoC \o/

    Also punch a hole in the window, it was fecking warm lol! Maybe a fan or 2 will suffice? I saw a fan in one of the storage things near the entrance.

    And a better way of presenting the brackets, I felt bad about annoying Aileen so much about who I had to play next. Like Sai said, maybe a page on the wall with the brackets displayed would be a good idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭wtfbenson

    Given that it was a 50+ person tournament covering 5 games on two systems, most of which require some form of DLC, ran entirely by a small group of people, I have to say, it was run rather smoothly (likely at the cost of some gray hairs on a few peoples part :p ). That said though, in hopes of helping you improve future events, there were a few things that I think could have been changed.

    The Challonge brackets were great but, as Sairus and Bush mentioned, many of us had problems getting the full bracket to display. Definitely not something you can change but it will be something we learn to use over time since it's still a new system to most of us, I believe. If it's too difficult to keep people appraised through Challonge, perhaps having one person who updates the bracket on the site and another responsible for updating a paper bracket on the wall and orchestrating what matches need to be played next, which brings me to my next point.

    For as awesome as the people running brackets were, and I say that with complete sincerity, I feel like there was this organized chaos aspect to it that can maybe be alleviated. Along with possibly having a paper bracket on the wall, set up the matches so people will know what order they will be played in. It may be easiest to number the brackets beforehand so everyone knows that the first match of the second round of losers' bracket will be played after the last match of second round of winners', etc. That way people can see where they are in the bracket and say "oh, I'm up again in three games" instead of not knowing when they're up next because, unbeknownst to them, they're waiting on the winner of match x to play the loser of match y before they can play match z. To give an example of this, I ended up having to play 3 matches in a row in MVC because the brackets got a bit jumbled (possibly due to converters as Prinny mentioned, but the true reason is semi-moot). Now, I'm not complaining about that, it's on me to deal with what I have to in order to win, but I think a middle ground may be able to be reached.

    Sticking to one system may be another aspect to look into. Granted, I didn't see much of the MK tournie as I had to catch the bus back, but it seemed like things became very chaotic at that point as there were 3 tournaments going on at once (BB, 3s, MK). Having to play an entire tournie on one set up because it's on PS3 whereas all the rest are XBOX seems like it would present a rather significant bottleneck to the time frames you're looking at.

    On a similar vein, limiting the amount of simultaneous tournaments being run to 2 may free up some time as well, as counter intuitive as that sounds at first glance. Now I am making an assumption here so please disregard this point if I'm totally incorrect, however I think most if not all of the participants signed up for most if not all of the games. I feel like this created a situation where people would be waiting on someone to finish their BB match in order to play them in their 3s match, especially once it got towards the ends of the brackets. If you have someone in the finals for one game but also signed up for two others that were going on at the same time, it could be at least 15-20 minutes or more before they could play all their matches in just that one game. Now, that's the exception because by definition not everyone can get really deep in the brackets for that to be a major issue, however the effects can be felt even halfway through the bracket.

    Finally, and this may actually be occurring but I missed it due to leaving early, I would like to see the people who ran the event getting their moment in the sun at the end. Just a simple shout out to those who helped run brackets so all of us who spent the day playing games and having fun can publicly thank them for their efforts. :D

    Sorry for all the text there, Voa. I loved the event, had great fun and look forward to the next one. Hope this kind of feedback is what you're looking for!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Voa

    Fergus_ wrote: »
    More setups would be nice, or a setup reserved for casuals, I found myself just standing around for ages until my games were due, I know this seems a bit selfish and I know it depends on the community on whether how many setups there are.
    I would dearly love to do this. However, this IS a community run event; if people don't volunteer themselves to bring setups along, I can hardly force them to. There might be enough in the community pot to buy more monitors, but if there isn't, more people will have to volunteer their equipment. I've tried to make it a little sweeter for them to bring kit (if it's used on the day, we give reduce entry cost). Beyond straight up paying people to bring kit, I can't really see anything else I can do.
    Fergus_ wrote: »
    And have Tekken at next DoC \o/
    Fergus_ wrote: »
    Also punch a hole in the window, it was fecking warm lol! Maybe a fan or 2 will suffice? I saw a fan in one of the storage things near the entrance.
    I had realised that it was a teeny bit warm, especially if you were running around stressed *cough*extrashirtnexttime*cough* but I hadn't seen the fans. I'll keep an eye out for them next time:p
    Fergus_ wrote: »
    And a better way of presenting the brackets, I felt bad about annoying Aileen so much about who I had to play next. Like Sai said, maybe a page on the wall with the brackets displayed would be a good idea.
    Yeah, while it was much better to have Aileen in the middle of the floor this time, rather than off in a corner, it still wasn't ideal. A big bit of paper behind her with the brackets up would certainly help, with people reporting to the front with their results still, but it being much more obvious who was fighting who.

    wtfbenson wrote: »
    Sticking to one system may be another aspect to look into. Granted, I didn't see much of the MK tournie as I had to catch the bus back, but it seemed like things became very chaotic at that point as there were 3 tournaments going on at once (BB, 3s, MK). Having to play an entire tournie on one set up because it's on PS3 whereas all the rest are XBOX seems like it would present a rather significant bottleneck to the time frames you're looking at.

    The reason that MK was PS exclusive is that it's unplayable on Xbox; the patches simply do not work offline, and we cannot get a functioning and reliable solution to putting MK on Xbox, online, in the Exchange.
    We also had to run MK a lot earlier than expected because of a lack of monitors which can display PS3 input (PS3 cannot output to VGA, which most of our monitors were).

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭Kuro Tao

    Voa wrote: »
    For another, we really really REALLY need to figure out a solution to multiple consoles running MK. Having a single setup for a double elim with 20+ people is simply silly.

    I think the only problem here was the fact that we only had one setup. If we had even just one more, we could have avoided that little slip. And since 3S was Xbox exclusive, and MK was PS3, maybe consider running them both at once?
    Other than that, time wasn't an issue.
    A casual setup would also be nice, I don't know if we have the setup/space/time to spare for one though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    Voa wrote: »
    Yeah, while it was much better to have Aileen in the middle of the floor this time, rather than off in a corner, it still wasn't ideal. A big bit of paper behind her with the brackets up would certainly help, with people reporting to the front with their results still, but it being much more obvious who was fighting who.

    I would just like to volunteer my services for putting up results and keeping track of brackets on this big bit of paper on the wall idea yoke.

    The set up we had with the recording table/brackets table was great at this DoC I felt. There was plenty of space round me and Aileen and it was easy for people to get to her to check matches. If we put the big bit of paper on the wall behind us perhaps, I'd easily be able to co-ordinate with Aileen and fill it in as things went along. Whereas she was constantly doing stuff, the recording only requires action every couple of minutes and I usually end up sitting there for ages doing nothing >_> I also don't want to have to drag people away from gaming to be in charge of filling in brackets like that.

    So yea, long story short, I'd be totally willing to do that as long as the sheet was near the table where we were sitting :) (If required/wanted of course >_>)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Voa

    Kuro Tao wrote: »
    I think the only problem here was the fact that we only had one setup. If we had even just one more, we could have avoided that little slip. And since 3S was Xbox exclusive, and MK was PS3, maybe consider running them both at once?
    Other than that, time wasn't an issue.
    A casual setup would also be nice, I don't know if we have the setup/space/time to spare for one though.
    See, that was the idea originally, when we had 2 PS3s and hopefully 2 monitors. However, we wound up with only 1 monitor useable for MK, so we tried running BB and SF3 at the same time to save time, since BB matches run long and SF3 run short (SF3 was started after BB had already finished 1 (2?) rounds of elims.)

    Again, casual setups would be awesome; but we'd need people to bring more kit. Even a single setup down the back end where we put all the couches or something would do, but again, we'd need more monitors for running tournament stuff first.

    And Konata, I'ma hold you to that.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Well, we could get a hdfury, that'd instantly allow us to use a much simpler way to connect a PS3 to a vga monitor, instead of me running around doing an A-Team. I'm just not particularly down on the idea of spending more money on AV stuff right now personally.

    Other than that, I think we really need to cast an eye on the BB side of things.

    I've already said this to Voa but I am going to say it in public: There's no sane reason why I should be ending up with 3 times as much BB footage as anything else.

    This has happened twice now, although to be fair it was much better this time. Regardless, BB is hogging run time and it's hogging screen time.

    Taking into consideration the huge interest in Marvel, MK and 3S right now our focus should be on capturing what we have of them (Im just getting this off trends from the vids).

    Just to clarify I am not saying chuck out BB, just need a little more time management on it.

    Other than that I think there were alot of positives from the day. I like the idea of a little admin area for "staff": DS does the same thing for me and it just makes my and Sineads (who played a total blinder btw) job a 100 times easier and more pleasant.

    I liked the commentary and the willingness to help out with it a lot too. Feedback for the commentary has been hugely positive so far.

    I have no problem with a long running day if it is indeed bi monthly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Owwmykneecap

    Some thoughts:

    PA System:
    Needed. Be it electronic, or a megaphone. There's a bunch of speakers in the Exchange already is there not...?

    Sheets of A4 a marker and blue tack is all that's needed. Fully drawn brackets leads to people figuring out their games themselves and running quicker.

    Need letters assigned to them. Brackets then can be spilt via the letters, at least for the early portion of each tournament. 1 person should be assigned to be the boss of each setup, making sure no bull**** or delays go on. we will call them desk rabbits.

    Games: No Second game should start before game 1 reached semi finals stage, by which time it's on the recording station anyway and out of the way. Minimising delays due to overlap.

    Mortal Kombat:
    Guys you've been in the community long enough now, time to step up and bring an extra ps3, monitor and all needed converters, between you.

    Sinead and Aileen: A box of milk tray or something else stereotypical as a sign of thanks for working hard for 9 hours.

    Voa: You beat me in third strike. **** you.
    nah love you really, good times, well organised.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Some thoughts:

    PA System:
    Needed. Be it electronic, or a megaphone. There's a bunch of speakers in the Exchange already is there not...?

    If someone simply brought a 10 watt guitar amp in with them I could plug my 3rd mike into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭Speed Boat

    Surely getting the pa working is a better long term thing. Use the gear that's there instead having to lug more stuff down?

    I'm confident it's just a case of turning it on and running 2 cables. I'll have a gander next time I'm in there.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Speed Boat wrote: »
    Surely getting the pa working is a better long term thing. Use the gear that's there instead having to lug more stuff down?

    I'm confident it's just a case of turning it on and running 2 cables. I'll have a gander next time I'm in there.

    Yeah you're right, but I should have been clearer: I've gone in there some days and the desk et al has not been there, so it'd be cool for the days it is, but...

  • Registered Users Posts: 91 ✭✭LIFETRAP

    Some thoughts:

    PA System:
    Needed. Be it electronic, or a megaphone. There's a bunch of speakers in the Exchange already is there not...?

    Need letters assigned to them. Brackets then can be spilt via the letters, at least for the early portion of each tournament. 1 person should be assigned to be the boss of each setup, making sure no bull**** or delays go on. we will call them desk rabbits.

    Came to post these. Is there a way to have challonge assign a letter corresponding to a set up for each match? That way you don't have people walking around trying to find the person they need to play next. They go to the set up and their opponent should be there too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    I said this after DoC3 and I'm glad others have finally got around to the idea of brackets posters.
    Much easier to see than electronic brackets on tiny smartphones / netbooks.

    Other suggestions:
    • Change SF4 to 3v3, but keep Winner-Stays-On; might help with running time.
    • Record ALL Semifinals/Finals matches, quarter-finals if you can manage it.
    • Someone give Voa a cool-down hug every hour so he doesn't go insane :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Voa

    K.O.Kiki wrote: »
    • Change SF4 to 3v3, but keep Winner-Stays-On; might help with running time.
    • Record ALL Semifinals/Finals matches, quarter-finals if you can manage it.
    • Someone give Voa a cool-down hug every hour so he doesn't go insane :)
    • I have no idea if that would be faster or not.
    • All semi's and finals were planned to be recorded. I think they were.
    • Veto'd. Straight up no.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,328 ✭✭✭Nutrient

    It went well

    Good suggestions
    • Bracket Posters
    • Casual set up
    • Milk trays for the ladies
    • Amp for Microphone [I can help with that]
    • Less BB footage more everything else
    • More organized Beginning

    Bad suggestions
    • Hugging a tired busy organizer
    • Tekken 6 [jk]
    • 1 fan and 30+ roasting people crowding it and blocking everything
    • Fighting me in any game [possible jk]

    Good event, let's improve it as a community and make it better!

    I'm done :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭ayjayirl

    I personally think the best advice is to make it mandatory for everyone in a attendance to take a shower before you get there. The smell from the room was something else - from the outset!

    Other, less pressing issues :p

    1) Congrats Voa, Its not easy running a tourney, but I want to make a suggestion I have made before - you need to delegate the running of a tourney to someone and allow them to do it. This will allow you to concentrate of all the many other things that will inevitably require your attention.

    2) More setups required. This is our fault. I appreciate that some people simply cannot bring a 32in tv in with them, and that might be all you have, but its simply not good enough that there is a shortage of consoles for an event like this. If I can bring recording equip and sticks etc, and Sai can lug his stuff up from Cork (2 of many such examples), I do not see a reason for not having enough setups. There are plenty of people who come regularly (I have no problem naming them!) and they never bring any gear with them - ever. Not good enough imo.

    3) Clear timetable of days events and scheduling of games needs to be better. Voa - I do know how difficult it is, but it allows for better planning. This ties into how many consoles you have - This should be known in advance through (only way I can see will work) constantly 'encouraging' people to bring gear. Even a dedicated thread for such.

    4) Sheets/tables/groups game organisation. With one person in charge of a tourney, they make themselves clearly visible in the middle of the room when its running, and announces the games (P.A. a good idea, but not always available). He/she then stays ontop of the games to push them along. This leads me onto point 5

    5) If a player is 'gone the shop' or not available and cannot be found - they forfeit. simple as. you know its running, you know (within reason) when your next match is so you can ensure you are there. Anything else - doesn't work.

    6) Note about casuals - whilst desirable, its a tournament. All consoles should be used for tourney at all times. Play mid week to prepare. This would of course be something less important if more setups were available....... and the office is open! So really anyone complaining about the lack of casuals........ BRING YOUR CONSOLE!!!!!

    7) Converters - if you play ps3 you have got to accept that the community tourneys are mostly on XBOX so if you want to play in them, buy a converter and bring it with. This is a real problem and I would be of the opinion that if you show up for a tourney on xbox with a ps3 controller and no converter - you have to play on xbox pad.

    rant over,
    Aj :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    ayjayirl wrote: »
    I personally think the best advice is to make it mandatory for everyone in a attendance to take a shower before you get there. The smell from the room was something else - from the outset!

    To be fair to the other lads, I actually showered as the last thing I did before leaving my flat and arriving on the day; but I was probably stinking the place out as much as anybody before long (it was just too hot).

    I think back when I first started showing up for events, Kneecaps had a can of "Community Deodorant" that was brought to events. Maybe we should roll that out again (no pun intended), and leave a couple of different scents in the Exchange bathroom, encouraging people to use them.
    ayjayirl wrote: »

    2) More setups required. This is our fault. I appreciate that some people simply cannot bring a 32in tv in with them, and that might be all you have, but its simply not good enough that there is a shortage of consoles for an event like this. If I can bring recording equip and sticks etc, and Sai can lug his stuff up from Cork (2 of many such examples), I do not see a reason for not having enough setups. There are plenty of people who come regularly (I have no problem naming them!) and they never bring any gear with them - ever. Not good enough imo.

    Fair point here. I've been bring my classy Red Xbox recently, but never a screen. To be honest I'm not even sure I have a screen that I can bring which will work (my apartment has a laggy-as-all-hell HD TV bolted to the wall of the main living room, I'm obviously not bringing that). I could test the monitors I use for my PC set-up, but I don't have an Xbox/VGA cable.

    I believe Chopper was the VGA cable fairy for the last event, spreading VGA cables throughout the land to all the boys and girls.

    If I could borrow one, I can use it to test my PC monitors to see if they're appropriate.

    I should probably also test the lag on them, but at that point I'd feel like I'm tearing the arse out of Konata's generousity with her Rock Band gear, and would have to refer to her exclusively using Japanese Honorifics to make amends.

    I agree with AJ on every other point though. Be more organised, more willing to let other people work for you, and more of a bastard when people are messing with the schedule.

    Basically become M. Bison.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    I should probably also test the lag on them, but at that point I'd feel like I'm tearing the arse out of Konata's generousity with her Rock Band gear, and would have to refer to her exclusively using Japanese Honorifics to make amends.

    Will ya shtop, you can borrow it anytime at all! :) Although I'd be okay with the Japanese Honorifics thing anyway :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 488 ✭✭the 1st hardter

    Ok since Voa was a main Marvel player/commentator I kinda took over the brackets for that and the 2 main problems I noticed where

    A - If you play on a pad/need a convertor, GET YOUR OWN. Yes some people don't bring their sticks but it's a fighting game tourny where 90% of players use stick and just saying can I use yours is enough to get one. But when only like 5 - 7 guys use pad please bring your own. I had like 4 guys sharing an Xbox pad and slowing down matches.

    "Oh he is using my pad"

    "Why does he not have his own?"

    "Oh he is just lazy"

    THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE. I understand if you own a ps3 and still play on xbox pad if ya don't own one. But their where people who I know own pads who just did not bring them for some reason.

    B - Some people's lack of listening. Know I know we had no speaker or megaphone but I have a loud voice as we all know. So when I stand in the center of the room and yell "IF ANY ONE IS STILL IN MARVEL AND DOES NOT KNOW THEIR NEXT OPPONENT PLEASE COME HERE NOW" 3 times in a minute and 2 come to me and we all set for them and they go off and play their happy games. . . . . . . I do not need to find 3 empty machines 10 seconds later and ask who is playing next to have 4 people say "I don't know who I'm playing" to me. . . . . .I swear I wanted to punch one or two people throughout the day who just did not listen.

    Oh and also remember what name you signed up with. Their is one guy I remember who did not sign up with his real name and almost missed his marvel match even though he was standing right next to me at the time.

    Oh and while I remember it now. Some people attitudes to other games was well bad. I don't care if you only like one game being played and it is on first. Feel free to pay for that game then leave. No need to stand around and bitch about the other games REALLY LOUDLY in front of everyone. I only really play 3s at the moment. But I played all the other games too, I did not stand there and go "Well that game just sucks and anyone who plays/likes it is stupid". This really hurts the community. Now while most of it is joking, You could tell some of it was not. And this really scares off newcomers to the scene.

    Also really good job VoA. Feel free to PM me for machines/monitors or help organizing future events


    Also REAL BIG THANKS to the nice ladies manning the desk (I am horrible with names) for putting up with me throughout the day.

    And Doom for the youtube uploads. I can see how nervous I was being recorded now. Why was I just mashing H with Hulk. . . . . .His DP is much better/safer. God dam I am such a tournament noob

  • Registered Users Posts: 488 ✭✭the 1st hardter

    If someone simply brought a 10 watt guitar amp in with them I could plug my 3rd mike into it.

    I can do this for ya if ya want. Don't have a mic cause my dog chewed it up but the amp is still there

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Voa

    I do not need to find 3 empty machines 10 seconds later and ask who is playing next to have 4 people say "I don't know who I'm playing" to me. . . . . .I swear I wanted to punch one or two people throughout the day who just did not listen.
    Like the corners of my mind...
    Misty, watercoloured meeeeeeemories

    Welcome to tournament running. Fun, ain't it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 488 ✭✭the 1st hardter

    Voa wrote: »
    I do not need to find 3 empty machines 10 seconds later and ask who is playing next to have 4 people say "I don't know who I'm playing" to me. . . . . .I swear I wanted to punch one or two people throughout the day who just did not listen.
    Like the corners of my mind...
    Misty, watercoloured meeeeeeemories

    Welcome to tournament running. Fun, ain't it?

    Yes it was. But I have a control complex. I was always in charge of organising things in college. A lot of shouting was involved. But it helps me relieve stress and nerves. I started playing better after I started helping and all.
