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A temporary set back for the long road ahead

  • 19-09-2011 6:02pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭

    Thought I would start up a journal. I used to post a Journal on TeamTest before receiving a shoulder Injury for almost a year. I’ve been back training only about now 5 weeks currently since the shoulder seems to be holding up ok. The nature of the Injury was Shoulder Bursitis & Torn Supraspinatus Tendon. At one point it was so bad enough that I couldn't even do a bodyweight push up without being in pain. At the moment almost everything seems grand but doing the odd bit of benching and positioning my arms for squatting seems to niggle it a bit.

    Bit of background about me, 6'1 and have been lifting weights for a good number of years now, since I was about 17 years old (24 now) and been various weights through that time – Anywhere from 11 stone to 18 stone. Never done anything competitively but always been told I should try going for something so I may sometime in the future. I’m quite fond of doing bodyweight type exercises also so you will see alot of pull-ups, dips, muscle ups, ring work and other assortments thrown or mixed into the routine. You’ll probably also see lots of crazy random crap in here but I like doing my own thing.

    Currently, I’m just 82kg leanish. I lost about 14-16lbs while I was injured over the past year. I wouldn’t mind getting back up to 90kg lean. I’ve put back on about 2kg’s since starting training again a month or so ago.

    Some of my best lifts to date, all done raw (done at various times throughout lifting & different bodyweight for each):

    Bench: 120kg

    Squat: 160kg (ATG), 180kg (Parallel)

    Deadlift: 230kg (conventional)

    Pullups: Bodyweight + 62.5kg for 1 rep (was about 100kg bodyweight when done, Wide grip)

    Olympic Ring Muscle-ups: 8 reps in a row. Done weighted for 1-2 reps with 15kg

    Olympic Ring Dips: Bodyweight + 40kg for 1 rep

    Standing Box Jump: 52 Inches

    For the moment I don’t intend the journal to be very regular thing, at least until I can find my routine again. But I will try post when I can and we'll see how it goes.

    Lets get the show on the road.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Monday 19th of September 2011

    Warm-up: Diesel Crew Shoulder routine & rehab exercies

    A: Close Grip Bench Press: 40kg x 15, 60kg x 10, 70kg x 5, 80kg x 5, 85kg x 5, 90kg x 3, 100kg x 2

    B: Pull-ups (2 Max Sets): Bodyweight x 18 reps,rest few minutes, Bodyweight x 16

    C1: Plate Loaded Shoulder Press: 30kg per side x 12, 35kg per side x 12, 37.5kg per side x 10, 40kg perside x 7
    C2: Facepulls: 130lbs x 12, 140lbs x 12, 150lbs x 12, 160lbs x 10

    D: Dumbell Shrugs: 37.5kg Bells x 15, 50kg Bells x 10 x 2 sets

    E: Fat Bar Curls: Bar (Probably 30kg?) x 12, Bar + 10kg x 8 x 3 sets

    Slight bit of core work and then ran 2.5km on the Treadmill in approx 13 minutes

    Strong enough session, shoulders are definitely getting stronger again and first time benching 2 plates a side in well over a year!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Warm-up & Stretches to start

    ATG Back Squat: 60kg x 15, 75kg x 5, 85kg x 3, 95kg x 3, 100kg x 3, 105kg x 3

    RDL's: 80kg x 12, 100kg x 10, 120kg x 8, 130kg x 5

    Step-ups (on 36" Pylo box I think): Holding 10kg Plates for 8 reps per leg for 3 sets

    Core Complex: Consisted of weighted Overhead Crunches, Twists, Side Toe Touches & V-ups for 2 sets

    This is my 5th Squat session since back training, my squat was been going up by 2.5kg (for 3 reps each max set) each week. I tried 105kg for 1 rep about 3 weeks ago and it was heavy, felt grand today though :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    It's MINGIN' coming back eh?

    I'm the same - getting cracking again after pretty much 8 months solid of only BJJ and some conditioning stuff.

    Good luck with it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Hanley wrote: »
    It's MINGIN' coming back eh?

    I'm the same - getting cracking again after pretty much 8 months solid of only BJJ and some conditioning stuff.

    Good luck with it :)

    Cheers man :)

    Definitely the first week or two was absolute hell trying to get back into everything but the body is already adapting back into it and going grand again (hopefully!) :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Warmup Routine & Rehab exercises

    BW x 20

    Wide Grip Pullups:
    BW x 15
    BW+15kg x 8
    BW+20kg x 5
    BW+25kg x 4
    BW+30kg x 3
    BW+35kg x 2

    Inverted Hang into L-Seat Muscle Ups (Gym Rings):
    4 sets of 2 reps

    Face Pulls Supersetted with Inverted Hang Shrugs on Rings:
    140lbs x 15 --> BW x 8
    150lbs x 12 --> BW x 8
    160lbs x 10 --> BW x 7
    170lbs x 8 --> BW x 6

    Dips on Gym Rings:
    BW + 15kg x 8
    BW + 20kg x 5
    BW + 30kg x 3

    Two Finger Chinups Supersetted with Fingertip Pushups:
    BW x 5 Chinups --> BW x 8 Pushups
    BW x 5 Chinups --> BW x 8 Pushups
    BW x 5 Chinups --> BW x 8 Pushups

    Wrist Pushups:
    BW x 15
    BW + 15kg x 12
    BW + 20kg x 10

    Finished off with a slight bit of core work.

    This is one of the days I just usually do my own thing rather than a set plan/routine.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Warmup & Rehab Exercises

    Close Grip Bench Press: 60kg x 20, 72.5kg x 8, 82.5kg x 5, 92.5kg x 3

    Dips (2 sets of Max Reps, few minutes rest between sets): BW x 27 (PB - Reps), BW x 18

    Wide Grip Pullups supersetted for Facepulls:
    BW x 12 --> 140lbs x 15
    BW x 10 --> 140lbs x 15
    BW x 8 --> 140lbs x 15

    Barbell Front & Reverse Shrugs:
    (Front) - 100kg x 15 x 2 sets
    (Reverse) - 100kg x 15 x 2 sets

    Chinups supersetted for Cable Curls:
    BW x 10 --> 130lbs x 12
    BW x 10 --> 130lbs x 10
    BW x 8 --> 130lbs x 10
    BW x 8 --> 130lbs x 10

    Some core work: Weighted Overhead Crunches, Twists, L-Seats and Side Crunches

    Ran 1.5k < 8 Minutes on Treadmill

    Shoulder has a bit of Tendonitis so going careful in terms of Direct Shoulder work, CBP wasn't as strong this week. Was going to go to the physio anyway soon so will do it sooner than was going to anticipate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Some Warm-up Exercises & Stretches

    ATG Back Squats: 60kg x 15, 77.5kg x 5, 85kg x 3, 95kg x 3, 100kg x 5, 107.5kg x 3, 65kg x 15

    Deadlifts (From a Deficit): 80kg x 8, 100kg x 6, 120kg x 5, 130kg x 5, 140kg x 4

    GHR's (Possibly?): BW x 10, BW + 10kg x 10, BW + 20kg x 8, BW + 30kg x 5

    Core Complex: 2 sets of Weighted Overhead Crunches, Twists, Side Crunches, Body Turns etc

    Another 2.5kg increase for my max set of squats this week. An Extra 2 reps in the tank for the 100kg squat also. I much prefer doing Deadlifts from a Deficit, even if there is more ROM I personally find more comfortable pulling the bar from the floor this way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Rehab Exercises and Shoulder Routine for Warmup

    Gym Ring Muscle-ups:
    BW x 9 (PB - Reps)
    BW + 10kg x 2
    BW + 10kg x 2

    Inverted Hang into L-Seat Muscle Up (Gym Rings):
    BW x 2 reps for 5 sets

    Tricep Dips:
    BW + 20kg x 10
    BW + 30kg x 5
    BW + 40kg x 3

    Wide Grip Pullups:
    BW x 10
    BW + 20kg x 5
    BW + 30kg x 3 x 2 sets

    Face Pulls:
    160lbs x 12
    170lbs x 10
    170lbs x 10
    170lbs x 10

    Then did a bit of messing around on the rings like Tucked Front Lever Pull-ups, Core Work etc

    Pretty damn happy with the extra rep PB on the Muscle-ups, next stop is 10.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Had a Physio session on the shoulder today so left it mainly with Deadlifts.

    60kg x 8
    100kg x 6
    140kg x 5
    150kg x 3
    160kg x 3
    170kg x 3

    Kettlebell Walking Lunges:
    16kg Kettlebells x 50m distance
    16kg Kettlebells x 25m distance
    16kg Kettlebells x 25m distance
    16kg Kettlebells x 25m distance

    Farmer Walks (With the new proper Farmer Walk equipment):
    71kg per hand for 30m walk
    81kg per hand for 30m walk
    81kg per hand for 30m walk
    81kg per hand for 30m walk

    Toe Calf Raises:
    40kg per leg x 10 reps
    40kg per leg x 10 reps
    40kg per leg x 10 reps

    Some Core work to finish

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Warmup and Rehab Exercises

    Wide Grip Pullups:
    BW x 12
    BW + 20kg x 5
    BW + 30kg x 3
    BW + 40kg x 2

    Muscle-up into Dips (On rings):
    BW x 10 dips
    BW x 10 dips
    BW x 8 dips

    Seated Shoulder Press:
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    60kg x 5

    Log Presses (each rep from ground to overhead press) Supersetted for Facepulls:
    Log x 12 reps --> 180lbs x 10
    Log x 12 reps --> 180lbs x 10
    Log x 12 reps --> 180lbs x 8

    Chin-ups supersetted for Cable Curls: 3 sets
    Bar Dips supersetted for Tricep Pushdowns: 2 sets


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Routine & Rehab Exercises for Warm up

    Strict Military Barbell Presses: 40kg x 10, 50kg x 8, 55kg x 5, 60kg x 4, 65kg x 3, 65kg x 3

    Close Grip Bench Press (2 sets of Max Reps, 4-5 minutes rest between sets):
    60kg x 27
    60kg x 18

    V-Bar Cable Rows Supersetted for Facepulls:
    110lbs x 12 --> 13 Plates x 10
    130lbs x 10 --> 13 Plates x 10
    130lbs x 10 --> 13 Plates x 10
    130lbs x 8 --> 13 Plates x 10

    Dumbell Shrugs:
    32.5kg Dumbells x 15
    40kg Dumbells x 12
    40kg Dumbells x 12
    55kg Dumbells x 8

    Incline Curls:
    17.5kg Dumbells x 12
    17.5kg Dumbells x 10
    17.5kg Dumbells x 10
    17.5kg Dumbells x 10

    Did 30 minutes of solid Boxing training afterwards, easily one of the most physically demanding things iv ever done. Felt great though! :)

    Shoulders and Shoulder Pressing seems very solid at the moment. Even before the Injury my pressing was usually very sloppy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Dynamic Flexibility for Warm ups

    ATG Back Squat:
    60kg x 5, 80gkg x 3, 95kg x 2, 105kg x 2, 110kg x 3, 80kg x 10

    80kg x 12
    100kg x 10
    140kg x 6
    140kg x 6

    Farmer Walks:
    71kg per hand x 25m
    91kg per hand x 25m
    91kg per hand x 25m
    91kg per hand x 30m
    91kg per hand x 30m

    Single Leg Toe Calf Raises:
    BW x 12
    BW + 20kg x 12
    BW + 20kg x 12

    Some Core to Finish

    Strained my right Hip Flexor so was deciding on what to do with Squats (originally planned a 1RM tryout) but ended up working to a 110kg x 3 rep max set.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Routine, Rehab Exercises & Gym Ring Complexes for Warmup

    Wont go into specifics for todays session

    Gym Ring Dips
    Gym Ring Muscle Ups
    Inverted Hang Shrugs on Gym Rings
    Chinups supersetted with Fingertip Pushups supersetted for Wrist Pushups
    Log Presses supersetted for Prowler Rope Pulls with 40kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    ATG Back Squats:
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    90kg x 3
    100kg x 3
    105kg x 5
    70kg x 12

    100kg x 5
    140kg x 3
    160kg x 3
    175kg x 3

    BW x 10
    BW + 10kg x 10
    BW + 15kg x 10

    Core Complex: Weighted Overhead Crunches --> Weighted Twists --> Side Toe Touches for 2 sets max.

    Small bit of running to Finish

    Had the flu last week (proper bed ridden flu) so haven't been able to train until today, thought I did better than I thought as a 2 rep increase for 105kg Squat and 5kg increase in Deadlift for 3 reps Max Set!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Shoulder routine & Rehab Exercises for Warm up

    A: Flat Barbell Bench:
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 3 x 3

    B: Criss Cross Chain Pushups (Max Reps - remove one chain, Max Reps - remove another etc)
    2 Sets in total

    C1: Single Arm Dumbell Rows:
    47.5kg x 10 reps per arm x 2 sets
    50kg x 8 reps per arm x 2 sets

    C2: Seated Dumbell Powercleans:
    8kg Dumbells x 10
    10kg Dumbells x 10 x 3 sets

    D: Seated Plate Loaded Shoulder Press:
    40kg x 12
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 6
    60kg x 6

    E: Seated Incline Curls:
    17.5kg Dumbells for Max Reps for 3 sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Rehab Exercises and Warmups to start

    Gym Ring Muscle Ups
    BW x 10 (PB!)
    BW x 5
    BW x 3 x 3

    One Armed Dumbell Rows supersetted for Face Pulls
    52.5kg x 6 per arm --> 130lbs x 15
    52.5kg x 6 per arm --> 130lbs x 15
    52.5kg x 6 per arm --> 130lbs x 15

    Plate Loaded Shoulder Press
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 10
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5

    Weighted Chinups supersetted for Dumbell Shrugs
    BW x 10 --> 57.5kg Dumbells x 8
    BW + 10kg x 5 --> 57.5kg Dumbells x 8
    BW + 20kg x 4 --> 57.5kg Dumbells x 8
    BW + 20kg x 4 (no extra set of shrugs)

    Bodyweight Dips Supersetted for Fingertip Pushups
    3 sets of Max Reps for each

    Core work Complex: Weighted Overhead Crunches --> Weighted Twists --> Side Toe Touches

    Finished off with 2km run

    Very happy with the muscle ups. A new rep Personal Best and may have possibly had another in the tank. Iv noticed that leaving longer periods of doing them receives better results so I possibly won't touch them again for another 2 weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    ATG Back Squats
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    90kg x 3
    100kg x 3

    100kg x 10
    120kg x 5
    120kg x 5
    120kg x 5

    Reverse Hypers
    BW x 10
    BW x 10
    BW x 10

    Farmers Walk
    71.5kg per hand x 60m walk
    71.5kg per hand x 60m walk

    Left it at that and simple. Thought id go easy this week before hammering back at it next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Warmup and Rehab Exercises to start

    Strict Barbell Military Presses
    Bar x 10
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    62.5kg x 3

    Gym Ring Muscle-up into Dips (first Rep Muscleup, then Dips)
    BW x 16
    BW + 10kg x 8
    BW + 10kg x 5

    Plate Loaded Shoulder Press (2 Max Sets)
    40kg x 25
    40kg x 18

    Wide Grip Pullups
    BW x 10 (Pause Rep at top for last rep)
    BW + 10kg x 5 (Pause Rep at top for last rep)
    BW + 20kg x 4 (Pause Rep at top for last rep)
    BW + 30kg x 3 (Pause Rep at top for last rep)

    Barbell Shrugs Supersetted for Gym Ring Complex (Inverted Hang --> Skin the Cat --> Front Lever Pulls)
    100kg x 15 --> BW x 3
    130kg x 10 --> BW x 3
    130kg x 10 --> BW x 3

    Chinups Supersetted for Tricep Pushdowns
    BW x 12 --> 130lbs x 12
    BW x 12 --> 140lbs x 10
    BW x 10 --> 160lbs x 10

    Core work to finish

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Warmup and Rehab Exercises to start

    A: Tricep Dips
    BW x 16
    BW + 20kg x 8
    BW + 30kg x 4
    BW + 30kg x 5 x 2 sets

    B: Log Presses (35kg)
    2 Sets of Max reps

    C1: Single Arm Dumbell BOR's
    47.5kg x 8 per arm
    50kg x 6 per arm
    50kg x 8 per arm
    55kg x 6 per arm

    C2: Seated Dumbell Powercleans
    10kg Dumbells x 10
    12.5kg Dumbells x 6
    12.5kg Dumbells x 6
    12.5kg Dumbells x 8

    D: Dumbell Shrugs:
    47.5kg Dumbells x 15
    55kg Dumbells x 10 x 3 sets

    E: Chinups straight into Cable Curls
    BW x 10 --> 120lbs x 12
    BW + 10kg x 5 --> 120lbs x 12
    BW + 20kg x 5 --> 120lbs x 12

    Some core and a 2km run to finish

    Listening to Daft Punk at certain times during the workout sure as hell makes you lift more :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    B: Log Presses (35kg)

    In RAW? If they've started getting in strongman equip I'm going to get very excited about going back... new toys to play with!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    G86 wrote: »
    In RAW? If they've started getting in strongman equip I'm going to get very excited about going back... new toys to play with!

    Yup a steel log press and two steel farmers walk equipment (each one is 31.5kg each) :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    60kg x 10
    100kg x 5
    140kg x 3
    160kg x 2
    180kg x 1
    190kg x 1
    200kg x 1
    210kg x 1 ... Awh yeah! :D
    160kg x 5

    Bulgarian Split Squats:
    17.5kg Dumbells x 8 per leg
    17.5kg Dumbells x 8 per leg

    Walking Lunges:
    BW x 50m Track of Lunges
    BW x 50m Track of Lunges

    BW x 20
    BW + 15kg x 10
    BW + 20kg x 10

    Core Complex:
    Hanging Leg Raises --> Side Bends --> Mountain Climbers --> Double Unders for 2 sets max

    Honestly wasn't expecting a 210kg deadlift, It's been roughly my fourth deadlift session since comming back training :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Routine, Ring Complex and Rehab Exercises for warmup

    Strict Barbell Military Presses
    Bar x loads
    50kg x 8
    55kg x 6
    55kg x 6
    55kg x 6
    55kg x 3

    Wide Grip Pullups
    BW x 10
    BW + 20kg x 5
    BW + 30kg x 4
    BW + 35kg x 3
    BW + 40kg x 2

    Reverse Barbell Shrugs Supersetted for Side Lateral Raises
    100kg x 15 --> 7.5kg Dumbells x 12
    130kg x 10 --> 7.5kg Dumbells x 12
    130kg x 10 --> 7.5kg Dumbells x 12
    130kg x 10 --> 7.5kg Dumbells x 12

    Gym Ring Muscleup Dips Supersetted for Rope Pullups
    BW x 10 --> BW x 12
    BW x 10 --> BW x 10
    BW x 10 --> BW x 8

    Wrist Pushups
    BW x 15
    BW x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Routine & Rehab Exercises to start

    A: Incline Dumbell Bench Press
    20kg Dumbells x 12
    30kg Dumbells x 8
    35kg Dumbells x 6
    40kg Dumbells x 5

    B: Tricep Dips (2 Sets Max Reps)
    BW x 26
    BW x 15 (I think I should have rested a little longer)

    C1: Single Arm Dumbell BOR's
    45kg Dumbells x 10 per arm
    45kg Dumbells x 10 per arm
    45kg Dumbells x 10 per arm
    55kg Dumbells x 8 per arm

    C2: Facepulls
    130lbs x 15
    140lbs x 12
    140lbs x 12
    150lbs x 10

    D: Dumbell Shrugs & Inverted Ring Shrugs
    55kg Dumbells x 10
    BW x 8 (Rings)
    55kg Dumbells x 10
    BW x 8 (Rings)

    E: Chinups supersetted for Cable Curls
    BW x 10 --> 130lbs x 12
    BW + 10kg x 5 --> 130lbs x 10
    BW + 10kg x 6 --> 130lbs x 10

    Some Core and running to finish

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Routine & Warmups

    Gym Ring Muscle-ups
    BW x 11 (PB!)
    BW x 5

    L-Sit Wide Grip Pullups
    BW x 6
    BW x 6
    BW x 6
    BW x 6
    BW x 6

    Plate Loaded Shoulder Press Supersetted for Facepulls
    40kg x 12 --> 130lbs x 15
    60kg x 10 --> 140lbs x 12
    70kg x 10 --> 140lbs x 12
    80kg x 8 --> 140lbs x 12
    90kg x 6 --> 150lbs x 10

    Dumbell Shrugs Supersetted for Fingertip Pushups
    47.5kg Dumbells x 12 --> BW x 10
    47.5kg Dumbells x 12 --> BW x 8
    47.5kg Dumbells x 12 --> BW x 8

    Chinups Supersetted for Tricep Dips
    3 Sets of Max reps w/ Bodyweight

    Finished off with slight bit of core and a run on the Treadmill

    This weekend was Max Reps for Muscleups, the last couple of reps were real grinders but managed to get 11 reps. Shoulders felt alot stronger on the Plate Loaded Press, I wouldn't be too sure on the cross over to Barbell/Dumbell though. Otherwise Happy out :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Routine & Warmups

    Gym Ring Muscle-ups
    BW x 11 (PB!)
    2 more to go...


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Pullthroughs, Pistol Squats & Diesel Crew Shoulder Routine for Warmups

    Paused ATG Back Squats:
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    100kg x 3
    110kg x 2
    115kg x 1
    120kg x 1

    L-Sit Gym Ring Muscleups
    BW x 5
    BW x 5
    BW x 5

    Slow Positive/Negative Muscleups
    BW x 2
    BW x 2

    Chest Supported Rows Supersetted for Rear Delt Flyes
    17.5kg Dumbells x 12 --> 7.5kg Dumbells x 10
    22kg Dumbells x 10 --> 7.5kg Dumbells x 10
    25kg Dumbells x 10 --> 7.5kg Dumbells x 10

    Just finished off with Random stuff like Dips, Windshield Wipers, Chinups and progression One Armed Chins etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Routine for starts

    A: Strict Barbell Military Presses
    Bar x loads
    50kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    65kg x 3
    70kg x 2

    B: Chinups (2 sets of Max Reps)
    BW x 22
    BW x 18

    C1: Cable V-Bar Rows
    120lbs x 12
    130lbs x 12
    140lbs x 10
    140lbs x 10

    C2: Facepulls
    130lbs x 15
    130lbs x 15
    140lbs x 12
    140lbs x 12

    D: Dumbell Shrugs
    47.5kg Dumbells x 12
    52.5kg Dumbells x 10
    52.5kg Dumbells x 10
    52.5kg Dumbells x 10

    E: Cable Curls
    130lbs x 12 --> One rep of Chinup Held at top for 10 Seconds
    140lbs x 12 --> One rep of Chinup Held at top for 10 Seconds
    150lbs x 10 --> One rep of Chinup Held at top for 10 Seconds

    Finished off with a circuit of random stuff like Tyre Flips, Muscleups, Kettlebell Swings, Rope Slams, Pylo Box Jumps etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Dynamic Flexibility for Warmups

    A1: ATG Back Squat
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 3
    100kg x 3
    105kg x 3

    A2: Chinups
    BW x 12
    BW x 10
    BW x 8
    BW +10kg x 6
    BW +10kg x 5
    BW +10kg x 5

    B1: Romanian Deadlift
    60kg x 10
    100kg x 8
    100kg x 8

    B2: Powerclean & Jerk
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5

    C1: Slow Positive/Negative Muscle-ups
    BW x 2
    BW x 2

    C2: Walking Lunges
    BW x 40m Track
    BW x 40m Track

    Some Core to finish then did Running on the treadmill with Intervals of 10 Pushups & 20 Prisoner Squats

    Just wanted to do a session with a tad bit more intensity today

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    Been through the mills with my Immune system over the past two weeks, flu and everything. Managed to get a session in yesterday before Christmas but wasn't particularly a good one as was still feeling like sh!t

    From what I can remember...

    Deadlifts: 60kg x 10, 100kg x 5, 130kg x 5, 160kg x 2, 180kg x 3
    Muscleups & Dips: 3 Sets
    Cable Rows s/s with facepulls: 3 sets
    Dumbell Shrugs with 37.5kg Dumbells: 3 sets
    Chinups s/s with Tricep Pushdowns: 3 sets

    Some Curls and Core work


    Happy Christmas folks! :D
