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BLBA Experiment

  • 19-09-2011 10:27pm
    Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭

    Okay, so decided to get on this Built Like a Badass bandwagon. Just want something to do as a change and also doesnt seem too intensive on the legs as I want to get semi good at cycling for next year. I'll log my progress here, as it's as good a place as any.

    Weight at the start: 85.8Kg.

    Week 1 Long Cycle
    18th Sep.
    36 mile cycle on a moderately hilly route. LK - Ramelton - Ray - Milford - Kilmacreanan - Churchill Rd - LK. Breezy conditions. 16mph average. Sore knee after 30 miles. Need to readjust the cleat position.

    Week 1 Session 1 BLBA. 19 Sep

    1. Bench Press: 72.5% x 8, 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4 or more
    • Warmup 1: 10 x 40Kg
    • Warmup 2: 10 x 60kg
    • Set 1: 8 x 75kg
    • Set 2: 6 x 80Kg
    • Set 3: 8 x 85Kg
    * 2 mins rest between sets

    2. Flat DB Press: 2 x Max Reps using the same weight (Choose a weight that you can get around 20-25 reps with on the 1st set.)
    • Set 1: 20 x 25kg DB's
    • Set 2: 13 x 25Kg DB's
    * 90 seconds rest between sets

    3a. Seated Overhand Grip Cable Rows: 4x15
    3b. Cable Triceps Pushdowns (straight bar): 4x15
    Superset. Did these on machines so numbers are a bit meaningless. Anyway:
    • Seated chest supported row: 76.5kg
    • Tricep Pushdown: 50 (dunno if this is lbs or what)
    * 60 seconds rest between sets. These felt fine. Burned a bit on the last superset.

    4a. DB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds): 3x15
    4b. DB Lateral Raises: 3x15
    Superset. Did 4 sets by mistake.
    • Shrugs: 20 Kg DB
    • Raises: 10 kg DB
    * 60 seconds rest. I never did shrugs before. Did the 2 seconds hold. Traps were still tired from the cycle yesterday. Raises were easy enough. Burned on the last set.

    5. Barbell Complex
    40 Kg. Hang cleans were the tough bit.



  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta


    22.5 miles. Done the "four hills" route. Moderate hills. Slight headwind going across the main hills. 1.27. PB

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Week 1 Session 2

    1. DB Squat Jumps, holding 10lb. DB’s: 4x6
    Did these with 10kg instead of 10lb

    2. Squat or Deadlift: 72.5% x 8, 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4
    • warmup: 10 X 60
    • warmup: 8 x 80
    • warmup 100 x 2
    • set 1: 8 x 110
    • Set 2: 6 x 117.d
    • Set 3: 4 x 125
    Did the deadlift on this. Felt fine. Still a bit fatigued after last nights cycle. My grip was giving way a bit today. Weight wasnt all that big either.

    3a. 45 Degree Back Raises (hold weight plate over chest): 3x15
    3b. Seated MB Twists (feet off ground): 3x20 ea side

    5 kg plate and 8kg medicine ball

    I dont have a convenient way of doing the back raises. The only machine I can kind of do them on is sore on the man bits. Could get much more weight in play if there was a better machine for it.

    4. Timed one-mile run: You can do this on a treadmill or outside on a track, etc. If you are unable to run due to injuries, you can substitute this with 2 miles on the exercise bike or Elliptical. Whatever you choose, make sure and complete the distance in the least amount of time. Record your time!

    Okay... It was pissing from the heavens. Did the bike. I did a 3.2 k distance in 6.50
    I wasnt really all that concerned about the time as much as keeping my cadence (RPM) above 90. I will try to increase the difficulty setting on the bike as the weeks go on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Week 1 Session 3

    1. Chin-ups (total reps) = Chin-up max + 50%
    I made a guess at my max chinups being 16. I used to be able to do more than that but times have changed. So, 16 + 8 (50%) = 24. I did:
    • Set 1: 9
    • Set 2: 8
    • Set 3: 7
    *45 Seconds rest.

    Superset 1
    2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): 2 x Max Reps
    (20-25 Reps 1st Set, 10-20 2nd Set)
    2b. Standing DB Military Press: 2 x Max Reps (15-20 Reps 1st Set, 10-15 2nd Set)
    • Set 1: 20 Pulldowns @ 67.5 + 20 DB Press @ 15 kg
    • Set 2: 15 Pulldowns @ 67.5 + 20 DB Press @ 15 kg
    I think I went too light on these. I was still fairly spent after the last set but probably still had some in the tank. I think I just quit when I got the recommended reps in
    *60 seconds rest between supersets

    Superset 2
    3a. “Rolling” triceps extensions – 4x8
    3b. Hammer Curls (both arms same time) – 4x8
    Used 15Kg dumbells for all sets. It seemed a bit light at the start, but it definately burned on the last 2 sets.
    *60 seconds rest between supersets

    4. Core Circuit: x2
    A) Toe Touches x20
    B) Bicycle x 30 Total
    C) Side Plank x 30sec each side
    I found these really tough, in particular the bicycle crunches. I only did 15 bicycle thingys each circuit. I probably neglect the abs a bit too much in the hope that it gets enough work doing the big exercises. By the way these went today, I probably should do more direct work on them.

    5. 100 push-ups as fast as possible: (Record the time it took you to complete the 100 push-ups)
    Did 30, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10. The last 3 sets of 10 were tougher than I expected. I probably could have got 40 or 50 in my first set but I didnt want to burn out completely too early. But then I burned out anyway. I dont know what the best way to do these. I'll watch with interest to see how others do on this.

    Lets see what next week brings. I have a fittness test on Tuesday and the guy told me not to do anything on Monday. It's just a heart rate VO2 max and whatever kind of thing. He's gonna put me on a bike until I am maxed (wont be all that long :P). Not sure what to do. I dont think the gym session should affect me too much. Any thoughts?? I dont really want to skip a session unless I really have to

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta


    38 mile charity cycle at controlled pace. The pace was fast on the last 15 miles. I felt like I was gonna be sick. I wasn't pushing much harder than normal. There was something dodgy going on though. Didn't feel tired afterwards, just sick for 15 miles. Philip Daignan was there to give some words of encouragement at the start.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Week 2 Day 1 Upper Body

    1. Bench Press: 75% x 7, 80% x 5, 85% x 3 or more
    • Warmup Set: 40x10
    • Warmup Set: 60x10
    • Set 1: 80x7
    • Set 2: 85x5
    • Set 3: 90x7

    2. Flat DB Press: 2 x Max Reps (w/ same weight as last week)
    - didnt do this*

    3a. Seated Overhand Grip Cable Rows: 4x12
    3b. Cable Triceps Pushdowns (straight bar): 4x12
    • Seated chest supported row: 84.5kg
    • Tricep Pushdown: 55

    4a. DB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds): 3x12
    4b. DB Lateral Raises: 3x12

    Didnt do*

    5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat): 3 sets.
    Perform 10 reps of each exercise. Rest 90 sec. b/t sets.

    40 kg

    * I skipped some exercises today as I have a VO2 Max test and LTHR test tomorrow and the guy said to not overdo it today. He actually said dont do anything. Sure I hardly worked out at all

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  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Tested my lactate threshold. My LTHR is 152.

    That means my training zones for cardio and fitness work are:

    Bike Zones
    • Zone 1 Less than 81% of LTHR <123
    • Zone 2 81% to 89% of LTHR 124 - 135
    • Zone 3 90% to 93% of LTHR 136 - 141
    • Zone 4 94% to 99% of LTHR 142 - 151
    • Zone 5a 100% to 102% of LTHR 152 - 155
    • Zone 5b 103% to 106% of LTHR 156 - 161
    • Zone 5c More than 106% of LTHR >162

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    1. DB Squat Jumps, holding 15lb. DB’s: 4x6

    2. Squat or Deadlift: 75% x 7, 80% x 5, 85% x 3
    • Warmup set: 60x10
    • Warmup set: 80x8
    • Warmup Set: 100x5
    • Set 1: 112.5x7
    • Set 2: 120x5
    • Set 3: 127.5x4

    3a. 45 Degree Back Raises (hold weight plate over chest): 3x12
    3b. Seated MB Twists: 3x15 ea side

    Did 4 sets by mistake. With 15 reps. Increased the weight though to 10kg plate and 20 kg DB for the twists.

    4. 2 Miles Bike
    Used this today to practice keeping in my Aerobic heart rate zone. Time went up to 7:20

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Base Training
    40 mins on exercise bike

    25 mins with HR in zone 2
    15 mins with HR in zone 3

    Cadence 80 - 90

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Week 2 Day 3 Upper Body

    1. Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 50%
    • Set1: 9
    • Set 2: 8
    • Set 3: 7
    *45 seconds rest interval

    Superset 1
    2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): 2 x Max Reps (w/ same weight as last week)
    2b. Standing DB Military Press: 2 x Max Reps (w/same weight as last week)
    • Set 1: 22 Pulldowns @ 67.5 + 20 DB Press @ 17.5 kg
    • Set 1: 13 Pulldowns @ 67.5 + 15 DB Press @ 17.5 kg

    Superset 2
    3a. “Rolling” triceps extensions: 5x8
    3b. Hammer Curls (both arms same time): 5x8
    All exercises done with 15kg DB

    4. Core Circuit: x2
    A) Toe Touches x20
    B) Bicycle x 30 Total
    C) Side Plank x 30sec each side

    5. 100 Push-ups:

    Interesting side note. Got my heart rate monitor today and thought I'd see how the weight's only would affect HR

    Max HR was 169 on the superset with pull downs and standing shoulder press
    Average for the workout was 133
    Time for the workout was 39 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Saturday 01/10
    1 hour base training on exercise bike.
    48 mins in zone 2
    8 mins in zone 3
    4 mins in zone 1

    Sunday 02/10
    34 mile cycle. Easy. Concentrate on keeping heart rate low for base training. It was a real pain in the ass. When I am going along at normal speed my heart rate is up at the lactate threshold most of the time. Have to cut way back to get it down. I'll probably try to do this type of training in the gym any more and just go for it once a week on the real bike.
    total time 2h 20m
    HT in Zone 2: 1 hour
    Above zone 2: 1 hour
    below: 20 mins.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Week 3 Day 1: Upper Body

    1. Bench Press: 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4, 90% x 2 or more
    • Warmup Set: 40x10
    • Warmup Set: 50x10
    • Warmup Set: 60x8
    • Set 1: 80x8
    • Set 2: 87.5x4
    • Set 3: 95x7

    2. Incline DB Press: 2 x Max Reps using the same weight (Choose a weight that you
    can get around 20-25 reps with on the 1st set.)
    Used 20Kg Dumbells
    • Set 1: 23 reps
    • Set 2: 17 reps

    3a. Bent-over 1-Arm DB Rows: 4x10 ea arm
    3b. Triceps Rope Pushdowns: 4x10

    Bent Over row: 30Kg DB
    Rope Pushdowns: 55 units on the machine

    4a. BB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds): 3x10
    4b. Incline rear dealt flyes, pinkies up: 3x12

    Shrugs 25Kg DB
    Rear Delt Flyes: Set 1 at 12kg, then the other 2 at 7.5kg :eek:

    Found the rear delt flyes tough. I never did these before, and I dont think I ever got the form right, even with the light weight. I couldnt seem to get my arms shot back far enough. I found these two supersets really good this week though. I was starting to get a little pissed off with the program last week as I wasn't sore at all. I am sore today though after this workout yesterday.

    5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat): 4 sets.
    Perform 10 reps of each exercise. Rest 90 sec. b/t sets.
    Stuck wit the 40Kg Bar. I dont think I'll feel the need to increase the weight there. I am fairly wrecked after this one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    We're on the same timeframe with the programme.
    I did week 3 day 1 last night too.

    The 4 sets of the complex are tough, even with 40kg. the 90s rest is enough after the 1st set, but probably not enough after. good conditioning effect.

    Your benching with the BB and DB look decent.

    I think the shrugs were meant to be done with a barbell and not a dumbbell.
    I worked up to 100kg for 10 with a double overhand grip.

    The thing with those rear delt flies is to go for form over weight. I only used 4kg DBs for them.

    why only 30kg on the DB one armed rows?

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    I think the shrugs were meant to be done with a barbell and not a dumbbell.

    Cheers... didnt spot that. I'll switch to BB next week.
    why only 30kg on the DB one armed rows?
    I used to do these years ago with 50kg, but havent trained them in a long time. I thought I'd start with the 30's and see how they went. I guess I should have went up a bit as the sets went along, but instead I just kept the rest between sets to a minimum. I might take more rest next week and try to lift more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Tue 05

    Light cardio base training

    1 hour on exercise bike. 85 - 90 rpm. Low resistance (4).
    HR in zone 2: 49 mins
    Below Zone 2: 9 mins
    Above Zone 2: 2 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Week 3 Day 2: LOWER BODY WORKOUT

    1. Squat or Deadlift: 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4, 90% x 2
    • Warmup Set: 60x10
    • Warmup Set: 80x8
    • Warmup Set: 100x5
    • Set 1: 115 x 6
    • Set 2: 125x4
    • Set 3: 135x2

    2. Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps: 4x5 ea leg (BW only)
    Never did these before. Loved them. Great exercise

    3a. Stability Ball Hamstring Curls (keep hips up): 3x15
    3b. Weighted Spread Eagle Sit-ups: 3x15

    Hamstring curls took a bit of getting used to. Another excellent exercise.
    5kg plate for the sit ups. Could have went heavier. Probably not a 10kg though.

    4. Alternating Forward Lunge, holding DB’s: 2x60 seconds
    15kg Dumbells.

    5. Timed 2 mile cycle
    Level 5 on the bike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Base cardio
    1 hour exercise bike.

    48 mins in zone 2
    12 mind below

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Week 3 Day 3: UPPER BODY WORKOUT

    1. Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 60%
    9 + 9 + 8

    2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Neutral Grip): 2 x Max Reps (20-25 Reps 1st Set, 10-20 2nd Set)
    2b. Standing DB Military Press (Neutral Grip): 2 x Max Reps
    (15-20 Reps 1st Set, 10-15 2nd Set)
    • Set 1: Pulldown - 20x55. Press 15x20kg
    • Set 2: Pulldown 15x55. Press 11x20kg

    3. 1-Arm Cable Rear Delt Flyes: 4x10 ea arm
    25 units.

    4. “Run the rack” DB curls, palms up – 1 set (Example: 45x8, 35x8, 25x8, 15x8)
    Did 2 sets as 1 is only teasing the biceps.
    • Set 1: 8x20, 8x15, 8x10, 8x5
    • Set 2: 8x20, 5x15, 5x10, 5x5

    5. Core Circuit: x2
    A) Sprinter Sit-ups x 20
    B) V-ups x 15
    C) Toe Touches x 15
    D) Hip-ups x 15

    *This was horrible. Had to take a rest for about 10 secs in the middle of each of these.

    6. 100 Push-ups:
    *3.20 for the pushups. That's almost a minute off the first week.
    35, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Charity cycle race today. Horrible stuff. 30 miles. Average heart rate 167. max 187

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta


    1. Bench Press:
    80% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1 or more
    • Warmup Set: 40x10
    • Warmup Set: 60x10
    • Warmup Set: 70x5
    • Set 1: 85x5
    • Set 2: 92.5x3
    • Set 3: 100x9

    2. Incline DB Press: 2 x Max Reps (w/ same weight as last week)
    20Kg DB's
    • Set 1: 27
    • Set 2: 17

    3a. Bent-over 1-Arm DB Rows: 4x8
    3b. Triceps Rope Pushdowns: 4x8
    • Set 1: 40Kg DB Row, 60 units on machine for rope pushdowns
    • Set 2: 45Kg DB Row, 60 units on machine for rope pushdowns
    • Set 3: 45Kg DB Row, 60 units on machine for rope pushdowns
    • Set 4: 45Kg DB Row, 60 units on machine for rope pushdowns

    4a. BB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds): 3x8
    4b. Incline rear dealt flyes, pinkies up: 3x10
    • Set 1: 50Kg BB Shrug, 10kg Flyes
    • Set 2: 60Kg BB Shrug, 10Kg Flyes
    • 70Kg BB Shrug, 10 Kg Flyes

    5. Barbell Complex
    40kg * 4 Sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Satanta wrote: »

    1. Bench Press:
    • Set 3: 100x9

    any chance of seeing a video of your next top set? say week 6?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Week 6 is only 82.5%. I am thinking one of two things

    1. Do I really need to deload next week if I am resetting to 82.5% in week 6? If not, I could do another top set at 95% next week.

    2. Should I recalculate my 1RM for the next phase (weeks 6-9). It seems my calculated 1RM of 105 is too low now.

    I was working with another guy that is on Week 3 last night. dont know if that spurred me on to lifting the good top set. I'll try to get a vid up of the next time I bench heavy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34 mobile w

    Satanta wrote: »
    Week 6 is only 82.5%. I am thinking one of two things

    1. Do I really need to deload next week if I am resetting to 82.5% in week 6? If not, I could do another top set at 95% next week.

    2. Should I recalculate my 1RM for the next phase (weeks 6-9). It seems my calculated 1RM of 105 is too low now.

    I was working with another guy that is on Week 3 last night. dont know if that spurred me on to lifting the good top set. I'll try to get a vid up of the next time I bench heavy.

    im on my deload this week and i think im gonna redo my 1RM for the three lifts. fairly sure the book says you should keep to the original maxes, but like you i seem to be able to finish many reps at the last set with reasonable ease.

    dont feel like im struggling as much as i was at the beginning (probably because i had just spent 9weeks away with little or no exercise.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Satanta wrote: »
    Week 6 is only 82.5%

    Yeah, I know.
    Would be good to see your bench form.

    Satanta wrote: »
    1. Do I really need to deload next week if I am resetting to 82.5% in week 6?

    Yes, because if you dont, then you are no longer doing the programme.
    Just do the programme as written.
    It's meant to be easier in the beginning. It will get harder towards the end.
    Satanta wrote: »
    , I could do another top set at 95% next week.

    perhaps you could, but then you wouldnt be doing the programme and wuld have to change your log title to "BLBA experiment with some changes I made cause I know better than de Franco" which doesnt have a great ring to it really.
    Satanta wrote: »
    2. Should I recalculate my 1RM for the next phase (weeks 6-9). It seems my calculated 1RM of 105 is too low now.

    Again, I wouldnt as its not part of the programme.
    Satanta wrote: »
    I'll try to get a vid up of the next time I bench heavy

    it doesnt even have to be a heavy 90% plus set, the 82.5% set from week 6 would be grand.
    It just seems strange to me that you can get 95 x 7 and then a week later get 100 x 9.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    mobile w wrote: »
    im on my deload this week and i think im gonna redo my 1RM

    If you do that, you're not deloading. just follow the programme
    mobile w wrote: »
    i but like you i seem to be able to finish many reps at the last set with reasonable ease.

    Volume at 90% plus is a good thing.

    Just do the programme as written, it's only another 8 weeks, hardly a long time when you consider how long you'll be training over your lifetime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Well put Liam. I think I just needed to hear someone say that TBH, even though I knew it anyway I suppose. My biggest trouble sometimes is thinking I have to push hard all the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    1.Deadlift: 80% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1
    • Warmup Set: 60x10
    • Warmup Set 90x10
    • Warmup Set: 110x5
    • Set 1: 120x5
    • Set 2: 130x3
    • Set 3: 140x1

    2. Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps: 5x5, holding 5lb. DB’s
    5kg Bumbells

    3a. Stability Ball Hamstring Curls (keep hips up): 3x15
    3b. Weighted Spread Eagle Sit-ups: 3x15
    Used a 7.5Kg DB for the sit ups.

    4. Alternating Forward Lunge,
    holding DB’s: 2x60 seconds
    17.5KG DB's

    5. Timed two mile cycle

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    1 hour on exercise bike.
    Average hr: 132
    Max: 143

    Time in zone 2: 47 mins
    Above zone 2: 10

    Level 5 on upright bike. Level 6 on the other one. 82 rpm

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta


    1. Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 70%

    2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Neutral Grip): 2 x Max Reps (w/ same weight as last week)
    2b. Standing DB Military Press (Neutral Grip): 2 x Max Reps
    (w/ same weight as last week)
    • Set 1: 22 Pulldowns. 16 Presses
    • Set 2: 17 Pull Downs. 10 Presses

    3. 1-Arm Cable Rear Delt Flyes: 4x10 ea arm
    30 units on the machine.

    4. “Run the rack” DB curls, palms up – 1 set (Example: 45x8, 35x8, 25x8, 15x8)
    20kgx8, 15kgx8, 10kgx8, 5kgx8

    5. Core Circuit: x2
    A) Sprinter Sit-ups x 20
    B) V-ups x 15
    C) Toe touches x 20
    D) Hip-ups x 15

    Tough. Very tough. Not sure if I am doing this right. I sometimes need to take a 10 second break in the middle of the circuit for two of the exercises.

    6. Bodyweight Complex – 3x through, rest 60 sec. b/t sets
    A) Mountain Climbers x 30
    B) Push-ups x 20
    C) Groiners x 10
    D) Burpees x 5

    Proper finisher. Was well finished after it anyway. My frame of mind probably wasnt the best today. Was fairly tired and had an all you can eat chinese for lunch, which made me sluggish all day. Didnt eat again before the workout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    Sunday Cycle

    Did 47 miles today. Probably didnt think the route out properly. Was very hilly. Was busted from about mile 20 on. Battled a strong headwind and uphill from mile 20 to mile 33 approx. honestly didnt think I would make it home. Cramping badly. Took 5 mins off the bike with 12 miles left to go. Didnt really help.
    Total time 3 hours.
    Max heart rate 176
    Average heart rate: 152

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  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    1. Bench Press: 50% x 5, 60% x 5
    • 50x5
    • 65x5
    2. Flat DB Press: 2 x 15
    • 30'sx15
    • 27.5'sx15
    3. Seated Cable Rows: 2x15
    I forget the weight
    4. DB Shrugs: 2x10
    30kg db's

    5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat): 1 set.
    Perform 8 reps of each exercise w/ just the barbell.

    10 mins very easy cycle. HR in recovery zone.
