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Slimming World



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,284 ✭✭✭✭Dodge

    Vahevala wrote: »
    Looking forward to taking a break from SW after that to be honest.

    So take a break now. Its not supposed to make anyone upset.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    I agree with Dodge there. Take a break and within a few days you will feel a lot better and then get back on the horse! If you don't take a break you will just get so p***ed off that you will end up just leaving. At least with a break you are in control.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭Vahevala

    I will keep going till next Wednesday and then will be off plan for a few days. I don't want to give up, I want to get to a healthy weight and achieve the goals that I set, I just feel frustrated.

    I eat melon once a day, can't afford to eat it more than that, I have one slice a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,691 ✭✭✭michellie

    2nd weigh in last night and lost 1.5 so that's a total of 7 in 2 weeks. I'm delighted :) 24 to go

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,000 ✭✭✭andreac

    Yeah i got to a stage where i was getting nowhere with it. Stuck at the weight and couldn't get further and got frustrated. I haven't been since June and weighed back in again on wed and was only 3 lb up, which isn't bad going in all that time.

    Maybe you just need a bit of headspace for a week or two and relax. You have come this far, maybe as you get close to target its going to be harder, so give yourself some credit and relax for a bit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    I'm very up and down now that I'm close to target too, trying not to let it get to me.
    Really feeling the cold so I've been having some nut butter on a ryvita or two every day, bit of good fat to keep me ticking over, I think it's helping.
    Anyone have a great recipe for a really tasty tomato and red pepper or just tomato soup? I made some this time last year and I think it was a bit bland, maybe I can just tweak that recipe (if I can find it) but if anyone could recommend an alternative one twould be great!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,284 ✭✭✭✭Dodge

    I have tomato soup most days at lunch for my speed. Mrs Dodge usually makes a huge pot of it on Sunday night

    2 large onions
    2 carrots
    3 green peppers
    tomato puree
    butternut squash
    4 tins of tomatoes
    5 cartons passatta
    dash of hot tabasco
    1 beef stock pot
    1 beef oxo
    pk fresh basil

    Boil it all together and then blitz it. The above makes a HUGE amount but we keep it in empty two litres in the fridge and both bring a full flask to work every day. God bless Aldi...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,344 ✭✭✭Diamond Doll

    How long would that last in the fridge, Dodge?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    Tabasco, interesting, I will try that! Cheers for the recipe. I always use roasted garlic in soup, must remember to throw a bulb of it in the oven tonight with whatever I make for dinner.
    Do you think the beef stock makes a difference? I always use veg stock, wonder if that's where I'm going wrong?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,154 ✭✭✭Dolbert

    Vahevala, maybe it would be good to take a break if it helps you to gain some perspective. You say you're not seeing results, yet you've lost stones in weight? Instead of the 5st 12.5lb you've lost, you're hung up on the 1.5lb you haven't? Is life at target going to be so different to life now? Are you going to be so much happier?

    I know it's easier said than done, but try to be happy in yourself now. If you can manage that, you won't be upset when you don't lose every week because you'll feel good anyway, and the loss will just be a bonus, whenever it happens. You've achieved so much. The number on the scale is just a number.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,130 ✭✭✭mel.b

    Vahevala wrote: »
    I am really at the end of my tether with SW and I have really thought about throwing in the towel. Last week out of nowhere I gained 1lb and this week I maintained and yet I am following the plan to the letter. I am fed up, upset and frustrated. :mad::(

    I am going on holiday next Wednesday so won't be weighing in next week (as I usually weigh in on Thursdays), it has actually got to the point that even if I could weigh in, I can't bear to sit through image therapy and go through the motions... to make it worse last night, my Consultant kept saying that I have lost 6 stone, no I haven't (not on SW anyway), I am 1.5 lbs away from it. :mad::mad:

    Sorry for the negative post but it really is something that is frustrating me now. maybe the drinking of the squash doesn't agree with me so will have to give it up.

    What exercise are you doing now Vahevala? I know you were running at one stage - have you kept that up? What about strengthening exercises to build muscle? How far in total are you from your goal weight? I know I've read people who lose 100lbs + may struggle to reach their 'goal' weight due to the weight of excess skin. I've read blogs of people who have had 14 or 15pounds of skin removed :eek: Your weight loss will also slow dramatically as you reach your target. Don't give up as you have been a great inspiration to a lot of people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 415 ✭✭Jentle Grenade

    I was up 0.5lb last night. To be honest I was annoyed enough about it. Apart from Saturday night when my OH and I essentially split a bar of Galaxy I followed the plan to the letter all week. Ah well. Onwards and upwards. I bought myself some new clothes for work and a cheap coat in Penneys to cheer myself up after work today and it worked :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭Vahevala

    Thanks everyone, I am feeling a bit better about it now. I am not running anymore, with my working day & commuting time, exercise is virtually out of the question, I mainly do walking now and fit it in where I can.

    I am going to plod on till Wednesday and then relax on holiday and whatever will be... I think because I have 7 lbs to go, I have lost 108 lbs in total and I know I will have excess skin and not much will change that lol. I just want to lose the lbs now and get frustrated when I follow the plan and nothing happens!

    As long as I get there by Christmas, I will be happy... I can but hope anyway :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    Here's something i was pondering while freezing my bum off in work today: if you had unlimited funds, maybe after a lottery win or on receipt of a ridiculous inheritance from a long lost relative (my only viable prospects of acquiring significant funds!) and were in my position of having a bit of excess skin following weight loss, would you get nipped and tucked?
    I can't decide - not sure if I could justify the risk of surgery for my vanity!
    Any thoughts?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    dee_mc wrote: »
    Here's something i was pondering while freezing my bum off in work today: if you had unlimited funds, maybe after a lottery win or on receipt of a ridiculous inheritance from a long lost relative (my only viable prospects of acquiring significant funds!) and were in my position of having a bit of excess skin following weight loss, would you get nipped and tucked?
    I can't decide - not sure if I could justify the risk of surgery for my vanity!
    Any thoughts?

    It depends. Have a massive scar or excess skin, if the skin wasn't too bad/dangly, I think I'd leave it, rather than go through the pain and recovery of major surgery. That being said, if I had millions so I could pay someone to wait on me while recovering and could pay the best plastic surgeon and still have loads of money left, I probably would. But if it wasn't a massive amount of money, like less than a few hundred grand, I could think of way better things to spend it on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭Mondo123

    Evening all, had a great weight loss this week of 4lbs! Was buzzing after but as it's midterm was away with the family in a hotel so I had no control over my food for the last couple of days.
    Trying to be really good for the next few days staying to syns of 5/7 a day to help damage control!! Id be delighted with a sts but after the couple of days away and it being star week, I'm already fearful. Fingers crossed! Here's to a good on plan weekend ðŸ‘

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭Mondo123

    Also vahevala, be very proud of what you have achieved it is truly amazing. You really must stay positive as your weightless journey is inspirational. There is also no doubt that You will make your target!! 😊 Don't give up your on the home stretch 😉

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭thisistough

    Hi all, I'm only a few weeks in on SW, I lost 3.5 first week, missed next weigh in and then gained 2 on Wednesday (not shocked). I'm feeling really down about myself recently, I have at least 4 stone to lose and I just can't help comparing myself to the people around me in college being all tiny!

    My main problem is that I'm finding it really tough time wise to be able to fit anything in, I'm out of the house at 7 and back home at about 11:30pm every day of the week between college and work. I suppose it's just 23 years of terrible habits but I hate salads, fruits, vegetables, pretty much anything healthy! Yesterday I got to 7pm before realising I had only eaten a banana all day, and then I ended up bingeing on crap in the evening.

    I had bought a nutribullet a few weeks ago as it seems to be the texture of fruit that I hate, but my consultant told me that they're terrible and I shouldn't be using it so I'm not. I'm essentially having branflakes with banana and 1% milk most mornings if I have time and then end up completely off plan for the rest of the day.

    I'm losing faith, more in my own ability more than the plan, and don't really know what to do anymore. It's so inspiring to see the posters on here who have had such great success and have such great willpower to get to that stage, but I'm feeling like I'll never be able to do it

    Does anyone have any successions with regards to how to keep on track and how to incorporate speed into the day when you really hate pretty much everything on the list? Pasta salads in particular would be great if anyone has any recipes that worked well for them.

    I know this probably comes across very 'woe is me' but I'm feeling so lost at the moment, I don't have a spare minute to get my head together and don't know what to do

    Edit: Vahelava I just wanted to add that I've been following your posts and seeing your success was one of the reasons I decided that I need to get my life in order. The results you have are truly outstanding and I can't even begin to imagine the commitment you've put in to get the results you've had!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    Hi thisistough, welcome!
    I know where you're coming from with the taste of fruit and veg - when I started SW I wasn't in the habit of eating fruit and only ate tiny portions of a very limited number of vegetables. The good news is that once I started eating more veg and less rubbish food, I found that the taste of the veg seemed much more pleasant! I started to enjoy salads and now they are part of my routine. If you find salads boring, experiment with dressings and sauces - today i had a big salad of rocket, lambs lettuce, carrits, peppers, celery, leftover rare beef, Worcestershire sauce, cajun seasoning and lemon juice - it was bloody gorgeous! But without the sauce and seasining it would've been grim. I also gradually introduced more fruit and now I absolutely love it! I never really liked apples but haven't looked back since I discovered Pink Lady apples, I love them.
    Re getting on plan, first thing you could do would be to grab a couple of highlighters and tackle that list of speed foods - for example, mark anything you like with a yellow highlighter, anything you could take or leave with pink, stuff you actively dislike with blue and ones you've never tried with orange. Base your shopping list/menu plan around the fruit and veg that you like and don't mind the taste of, that should get you through the first few days. Then start introducing the things you've never tried before - lidl is great for unusual fruit etc that will keep things interesting for you. After a few weeks you could try some of the stuff you don't like, see if your taste buds have changed like mine have!
    One of the great things about SW is the range of recipes that lend themselves to batch cooking - you could make up big quantities of soups, stews, pasta sauces etc on your day off and freeze them in portions to use for your lunch and dinner. If you don't have access to a hob or microwave during the day, many of these would be suitable for bringing with you in a flask if you heated them through in the morning. Lots of people in my group love Mug Shots, have a little box of carrot sticks or fruit and a pack of cooked meat nearby and you've got a filling, fairly well balanced meal that's ready in a couple of minutes.
    Well done for joining, well done on your first week loss, and well done you for wanting to stick with the plan - once you get organised you'll be flying it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    +1 on what Dee said. Your taste buds will change. Throughout college I ate only processed crap and the thoughts of fruit and veg turned my stomach but once you start experimenting, you will find things you like. I find if I have an off plan week with lots of junk food, I crave healthy food after I get sick of the junk food but it does take a day or 2 to get back into liking it again and once you start eating it, you will love it. Even just try a few new things a week. Go for the sweeter fruit to begin with, berries, melon, pineapple etc. Try roasting your veg (carrots, butternut squash etc), that makes them much more palatable. Also, things like radishes or vine tomatoes are tasty in a salad, pay the bit extra for the nicer stuff.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭tickingclock

    I'm going to try sp for a few days from tomorrow. I read about it online on the SW website but want to be sure I understand it. No carbs, two healthy extra b, every meal is s an p with at least half of the meal as speed. Any tips or advice please?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭Vahevala

    I'm going to try sp for a few days from tomorrow. I read about it online on the SW website but want to be sure I understand it. No carbs, two healthy extra b, every meal is s an p with at least half of the meal as speed. Any tips or advice please?

    You need to have 50% of your plate as speed and 50% as protein, it isn't no carbs, it is low carb as you could have your two healthy B as bread lol.

    Good luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,284 ✭✭✭✭Dodge

    Another one here who didn't eat fruit or veg much before SW

    My tip is that if you're cooking a curry or bolognese or similar; pack it with veg. In our curry we have tons of mushrooms, 1/2 carrots, 1/2 onions, peppers, tomatoes, carton of passata (as well as all the spices). That makes four meals (dinner and leftover lunch for 2).

    Get something like melon and pineapple and cut them into cubes and freeze them. In the evening watching telly it tastes like a little treat

    On apples, try all sorts. I like Granny Smiths. My wife hates them. She's a pink lady type :)

    Oh and for salad eating the key is the dressing. I have no bother using syns on Caesar dressing as I can't eat a salad without a nice dressing. The only deviation from that is now and again I use feta when I don't want to carry a bottle of dressing around with me

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,284 ✭✭✭✭Dodge

    How long would that last in the fridge, Dodge?

    It lasts at least a week. Probably more
    dee_mc wrote: »
    Tabasco, interesting, I will try that! Cheers for the recipe. I always use roasted garlic in soup, must remember to throw a bulb of it in the oven tonight with whatever I make for dinner.
    Do you think the beef stock makes a difference? I always use veg stock, wonder if that's where I'm going wrong?

    Couldn't tell you on the stock. i just do what I'm told when it comes to soup.

  • Registered Users Posts: 94 ✭✭LittleMissDiva

    dee_mc wrote: »
    Anyone else here tried the Weetabix cake? I'm sure someone recommended it to me on this thread. Just made it this evening and it's so good! I added some extra spices (nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon as well as mixed spice) and I used 40g All Bran instead of the Weetabix, and it's so yummy! Had it with a sneaky bit of real butter, heaven :)
    This is the recipe I used:
    Preheat oven to 160 degrees (fan) or 180 degrees (non fan) or gas mark 4. Line a 1lb loaf tin with parchment or non stick baking paper.
    Take 2 Weetabix OR 40g All Bran and place in a mixing bowl.
    Add 200ml skimmed milk and leave to soak for 2 to 3 minutes, then mash with a fork.
    Add 100g sultanas, 100g self raising flour, 1 tsp mixed spice, 2 tablespoons sweetener and 2 large eggs, beaten, and beat together.
    Pour into tin and bake for an hour.
    Remove from tin but leave the paper on, and cool on a wire rack.
    Edited to add syn value - 3.5 syns per slice, cuts into 12 slices :)

    I made it yesterday but only with 50gr of sultans and 50gr of flour as the syn value was way to high for me per slice - turned out very well (too well :p) I will give it a try tonight with quark as we have a taster tomorrow in group :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 94 ✭✭LittleMissDiva

    Vahevala wrote: »
    I am really at the end of my tether with SW and I have really thought about throwing in the towel. Last week out of nowhere I gained 1lb and this week I maintained and yet I am following the plan to the letter. I am fed up, upset and frustrated. :mad::(

    I am going on holiday next Wednesday so won't be weighing in next week (as I usually weigh in on Thursdays), it has actually got to the point that even if I could weigh in, I can't bear to sit through image therapy and go through the motions... to make it worse last night, my Consultant kept saying that I have lost 6 stone, no I haven't (not on SW anyway), I am 1.5 lbs away from it. :mad::mad:

    Sorry for the negative post but it really is something that is frustrating me now. maybe the drinking of the squash doesn't agree with me so will have to give it up.

    please dont give up! since the start of the year I'm up one week and the next week I'm down. I even had a GAIN of 4lbs for a week beeing perfect on plan - frustrating is not even the word how I feel! But I know if I would give up now all the 9 1/2 stones I have lost in this 18 months would be back on me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Had my weigh in yesterday and after dreading it as I felt I wasn't great during the week/weekend I lost 1.5lbs, making me 3lbs under my target! I also got slimmer of the week, my other half find it hilarious how I do a little dance while I put my magnet on the fridge lol

    I'm going to change my target next week which will mean I've 4lbs to lose and bring me to an over all loss of 3 stone!

    Hope everyone get on well this week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭tickingclock

    m'lady wrote: »
    Had my weigh in yesterday and after dreading it as I felt I wasn't great during the week/weekend I lost 1.5lbs, making me 3lbs under my target! I also got slimmer of the week, my other half find it hilarious how I do a little dance while I put my magnet on the fridge lol

    I'm going to change my target next week which will mean I've 4lbs to lose and bring me to an over all loss of 3 stone!

    Hope everyone get on well this week :)

    Wow well done. That's brilliant. I'm on day three of sp. It's easier to organise than I thought so hopefully I have a result not this week but next week

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Wow well done. That's brilliant. I'm on day three of sp. It's easier to organise than I thought so hopefully I have a result not this week but next week

    Thank you tickingclock! I'm so happy, I never, ever thought I'd get this far, I've struggled with my weight for years, and joined ww and sw too many times that I care to remember and never stuck at it!

    I've been doing SP for a couple of days each week and I find it's definitely helping me. I find dinners a bit awkward, as I'm a non meat and fish eater.. What do you have for dinner on these days?
    I'm sure you will get a result next week :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6 Barefoot123

    Hi All! I started SW last Thursday and have been reading this thread since then! To say that I am inspired by everyone's progress is an understatement. I have tried every diet imaginable and have lost weight with relative ease but then always put it back on with some more added on! So I am really hoping that this is for me and that I can get into a good, healthy eating routine that I can keep going with

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