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Slimming World



  • Registered Users Posts: 7 somedaysoon

    dee_mc wrote: »
    Which brand is it? Some of them are really salty and have the texture of a jelly, disgusting. The only one I really like is Liberte.
    If it's not the salty taste that's bothering you, try making blancmange - make up one side of a packet of sugar free jelly crystals with 300ml boiling water, cool a little then stir into most of a tub of natural yogurt, then chill. It's 1.5syns for the whole lot iirc!

    I cant remember at the min what brand it is.. it was on offer in Tesco.. is greek yogurt and natural yogurt the same thing ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭Vahevala

    Mondo123 wrote: »
    Vahevala I'm interested to see how SP has gone for you this week as I'm also thinking of giving it a try. Was it tough? An more importantly did it give you the result you hoped?

    I'm slow an steadily losing I'd jst like a little boost before the xmas

    I will let you know tomorrow as that is weigh in day, nervous to know if it has helped me. I haven't found it too bad to be honest, I haven't missed the yogurts either, trying to wean myself off them as I find them a bit pricey.
    m'lady wrote: »
    Your right! Do you make sweet and sour at home? If so what recipe do you follow? I've wanted to make it but I'd like a tried and trusted recipe!

    No I don't, I attempted one once but it wasn't a success :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 somedaysoon

    BTW i made the stuffing balls with the mallon sausages and omg they were lovely and a big hit with the whole family I never mentioned they were low fat :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    I cant remember at the min what brand it is.. it was on offer in Tesco.. is greek yogurt and natural yogurt the same thing ??

    Liberte is on offer in Tesco at the moment, it's really thick and creamy. Greek yogurt is generally thicker than natural yogurt and has a blander flavour, just depends on your taste really!

  • Registered Users Posts: 465 ✭✭billion dollar baby

    We had this weird Virtual Buffet thing in group this week. It was so random. You had to pick up a paper plate and a pen and go around the table filled with pictures of buffet items and write down what you would normally have. Then at the end you calculate the syns. Mine came to about 60! Guess I'll be avoiding the buffets for a while.

    I lost 1.5 this weeks so 2st 6.5lb total. A little bit raging not to get the 2.5st award but still very happy so far. Hope all your weigh ins go well guys! Fingers crossed for you Vahevala this week

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,737 ✭✭✭Glitzgirl

    14 months without a take away :o I think I would die of shock long before then! Today's was my first full day on plan and im already eyeing up the kids dinners :) will muddle through and hope for a miracle by next Tuesday.!

  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭WittyName1

    Glitzgirl wrote: »
    14 months without a take away :o I think I would die of shock long before then! Today's was my first full day on plan and im already eyeing up the kids dinners :) will muddle through and hope for a miracle by next Tuesday.!

    Give your children the same meals as you. Then you won't be tempted to pick at theirs :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    WittyName1 wrote: »
    Give your children the same meals as you. Then you won't be tempted to pick at theirs :)

    This x 1000
    I don't have kids but I couldn't begin to imagine staying on plan while having to cook separate meals - one lady in my group was really struggling and one day admitted that she was cooking different dinners for her kids and her husband and then feeling too exhausted to cook proper SW meals for herself! Fast forward a couple of months and she's losing every week and cooking one meal per night, and hubby has lost a few pounds too...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,000 ✭✭✭andreac

    Down half a lb. Really thinking it should be more for the effort I put in so I'm not really sure what's going on. But at least it's a loss. It hovered on maintaining or down half before settling on half a lb so at least it was something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,737 ✭✭✭Glitzgirl

    WittyName1 wrote: »
    Give your children the same meals as you. Then you won't be tempted to pick at theirs :)

    I'm trying to change stuff subtly, only problem is my eldest has a sensory processing disorder and is unbelievably sensitive to change of taste or textures so his diet is pretty rigid! I'm aiming for a gradual change over time and hoping it won't be such a shock for him :) I made the Sw roast potatoes instead of the usual way (with duck fat) , he noticed but didn't object too much to it !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,737 ✭✭✭Glitzgirl

    Today was my first day rigidly on plan and I can't believe how stuffed I am! I normally wouldn't eat that much in a day but it was all on plan ! I definitely see why they say you shouldn't be hungry on this plan anyway !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,154 ✭✭✭Dolbert

    Well done on all the losses! I was far too sick to go to group today but according to my own scale I've maintained which is fair enough

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 415 ✭✭Jentle Grenade

    Hope you feel better Dolbert!

    I made the syn free onion bhajis alongside the dinner (alongside a curry and aromat chips) and we loved them. I should have made a yoghurty dip to go with them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,003 ✭✭✭SillyMangoX

    First weigh in and was down half a pound, I'm delighted with this because I haven't been too strict this week (in fact had a few slips, still getting used to it) so I'm happy with any loss at all! My mother on the other hand was down 3 pounds and was delighted seeing as she was at a wedding last Friday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    Weighing in this morning and I'm kind of nervous because I'm hoping to either have my 5 stone loss, or even reach target! Could be way off the mark as I haven't weighed myself and I'm on the dreaded 'star week' but I feel thinner this week so fingers firmly crossed :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭Vahevala

    dee_mc wrote: »
    Weighing in this morning and I'm kind of nervous because I'm hoping to either have my 5 stone loss, or even reach target! Could be way off the mark as I haven't weighed myself and I'm on the dreaded 'star week' but I feel thinner this week so fingers firmly crossed :D

    How exciting! Best of luck to you on both counts!! :D

    How do people come up with their target weight, I guess I picked mine because I was focused on having a healthy BMI, depending on what happens this evening at weigh in (:eek:) now I am wondering if it is just not possible for me to reach it and maybe I just can't lose that weight.

    I am size 10 in tops & trousers and quite content at that size. I am 5"2 and weigh 9 stone 13 at the moment, praying I don't put on weight again and my target is 9 stone 7 (which gives me a healthy BMI) but right now, I am counted as still overweight... maybe I should shut up listening to the BMI, When I joined SW, I set a target of 10 stone so I know I achieved that but I am also afraid if I call target now, I am giving in and afraid of feeling like I didn't really make it. :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,260 ✭✭✭✭Dodge

    BMI shouldn't really be any indicator. I'm 6 foot and stocky (broad shoulders). Guy beside me in work is 6 foot and has a thin frame. We're supposed to have the same BMI. There's no sense there at all

    It's a pointless stat

    No woman who wears a size then is an unhealthy weight. None.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,000 ✭✭✭andreac

    Im going to try SP for a few days, maybe today and tomorrow and monday and tuesday. Just need to plan what im going to have. Dinner tonight will be Omelette and beans with fruit after. Going to be really careful with my syns and just see if i put everything in to it, will it make much of a difference.

    I think i tried SP before but it didnt make much of a difference but will try it again just to see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 390 ✭✭StillThinking

    Lost 4.5lb, that's what I put on last week after my honeymoon so delighted with that, here's to another good week, I'm stones away from target but I'll get there eventually

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,737 ✭✭✭Glitzgirl

    Lost 4.5lb, that's what I put on last week after my honeymoon so delighted with that, here's to another good week, I'm stones away from target but I'll get there eventually

    Congrats on the weight loss and wedding ! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,737 ✭✭✭Glitzgirl

    Just got the date for my eldest lads first communion.! 24th of April ! That's my motivation and deadline sorted so ! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭ameliams

    Haven't posted for awhile. Weird month up 3 one week for no reason and 3.5 off the week after then was away for 2 weeks and only gained 1.5. And I rarely was without a drink in my hand and food in my month the whole time. Was expecting best case scenario at least 4lb up,
    Just weighed in after my first week back on plan and 2lb off gaining me my 1st stone award and my club 10.
    It's has taken me 4 months at slimming world to loose that stone. I haven't been messing around the whole time or anything like that I've just had very small losses or maintains. I hadn't had a gain until this month.
    Now my target is set for another stone off which I'm not sure is slightly too much I think my perfect weight will be somewhere in between7-10lb more. But I won't know until I'm closer.
    But I'm unsure as to how to go about it really 4 months is a long time to see another stone gone.

    I was a 12-14 and now I'm more of a 10-12 but I definitely want to see more of a change in my body. The clothes size is irrelevant really.

    Just not sure what to do now to really get on it and ensure losses every week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 140 ✭✭leelee77

    Evening all. Lost 2lbs today, am now 1lb away from target! Am delighted.

    Vahevala - My target weight has got to do with the weight I feel most confident at, and also I want to be within a healthy BMI range. I'm 5ft 4in and now weigh 8st 10lbs. I'm very small boned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭Vahevala

    I wasn't going to update but I will. I went to weigh in and I gained 1/2 lb and I tried so hard. Here I am, another week sat on the sofa in tears and feel so demoralised and upset. I don't know what is wrong or why SW isn't working for me anymore. I don't even know what to do.

    Sorry this isn't a more uplifting post, I am so happy for how far I have come but I just don't understand it anymore and I can't keep putting myself through this week after week. :(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    I got my shiny red 5 stone sticker today :D
    Delighted. 1.5lb off this week, and 1.5lb to go to target.
    I've got a Hen party next weekend - I won't be drinking but it will be a break in routine so I don't expect to lose much or any weight next week, but I'd love to reach target by Christmas :)
    Celebrated by buying a beautiful handbag... steak and SW chips for dinner now... it's been a good day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,179 ✭✭✭dee_mc

    Vahevala wrote: »
    I wasn't going to update but I will. I went to weigh in and I gained 1/2 lb and I tried so hard. Here I am, another week sat on the sofa in tears and feel so demoralised and upset. I don't know what is wrong or why SW isn't working for me anymore. I don't even know what to do.

    Sorry this isn't a more uplifting post, I am so happy for how far I have come but I just don't understand it anymore and I can't keep putting myself through this week after week. :(:(

    Ah V I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so down :(
    You're doing so well and are a constant source of inspiration to me and to others on this thread; I hope you wake up feeling great tomorrow and can focus on how fantastically you have achieved of late.
    Don't apologise for not having uplifting news to share: one of my first weeks in SW someone shared a bit of wisdom - on your good weeks the group needs you, and on your bad weeks you need the group... I like to see this thread as an extension of the group :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,737 ✭✭✭Glitzgirl

    Vahevala wrote: »
    I wasn't going to update but I will. I went to weigh in and I gained 1/2 lb and I tried so hard. Here I am, another week sat on the sofa in tears and feel so demoralised and upset. I don't know what is wrong or why SW isn't working for me anymore. I don't even know what to do.

    Sorry this isn't a more uplifting post, I am so happy for how far I have come but I just don't understand it anymore and I can't keep putting myself through this week after week. :(:(

    Awh Vahevala I'm so sorry your feeling so down ! I haven't been at this long so I can't relate to how upset you are or frustrated you must feel. What I would like to add is that when I joined you posted some lovely posts that were encouraging and so helpful and positive so I really hope this has given you a small lift and some inspiration to stay reaching for your goals :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,737 ✭✭✭Glitzgirl

    dee_mc wrote: »
    I got my shiny red 5 stone sticker today :D
    Delighted. 1.5lb off this week, and 1.5lb to go to target.
    I've got a Hen party next weekend - I won't be drinking but it will be a break in routine so I don't expect to lose much or any weight next week, but I'd love to reach target by Christmas :)
    Celebrated by buying a beautiful handbag... steak and SW chips for dinner now... it's been a good day!

    Congrats on weightloss and your fantastic achievement I would have bought a whole outfit to go with that bag too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 140 ✭✭leelee77

    Vahevala wrote: »
    I wasn't going to update but I will. I went to weigh in and I gained 1/2 lb and I tried so hard. Here I am, another week sat on the sofa in tears and feel so demoralised and upset. I don't know what is wrong or why SW isn't working for me anymore. I don't even know what to do.

    Sorry this isn't a more uplifting post, I am so happy for how far I have come but I just don't understand it anymore and I can't keep putting myself through this week after week. :(:(

    So sorry to hear that :( There are a few people like that in my group today, that have just been stuck and can't seem to get below a certain weight. One woman lost a good bit this week and said she noticed that the weeks she makes and drinks soup she maintains or puts up weight. Another lady said she loves mushrooms but they make her put on weight. And another lady has a big loss every second week and on the other week she maintains or puts up a 1/2 lb. She said she has accepted this now.

    Not sure if you do a food diary but would it be worth doing one for a few weeks just to see?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 140 ✭✭leelee77

    dee_mc wrote: »
    I got my shiny red 5 stone sticker today :D
    Delighted. 1.5lb off this week, and 1.5lb to go to target.
    I've got a Hen party next weekend - I won't be drinking but it will be a break in routine so I don't expect to lose much or any weight next week, but I'd love to reach target by Christmas :)
    Celebrated by buying a beautiful handbag... steak and SW chips for dinner now... it's been a good day!

    Congratulations. Well done you, you must be thrilled :)

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