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Slimming World



  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Layla0509

    cupcake123 wrote: »
    hey there Layla dont lose heart ....I didnt budge on scales and had a meltdown last week :confused:but i stuck with it and i think im good for a loss 2moro .:D....Im blaming TOTM....fluid fluctuations ....If you have been good it will catch up and show eventually , i know this as that was me for the past 3 weeks.and its so frustrating..Stick with it girl......the results will follow ....:o

    Thanks cupcake123

    Id takin a complete break from it but feel I'm mentally ready to get back on the wagon starting first thing will even get my jelly butt out for a walk with the hubs & munchkin

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    WAs down 2 1/2 this week so that 10 on just over a month. Got an exercise bike so hopefully when I start that it will help

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭polly27

    HElP HELP , had a really bad week choclate, takeaways and drink and hardly any exercise, i reakon im up 3 to 4 pounds which would mean i have lost nothing since joining i am dreading tomorrow, feel like giving up but i know its just the mood i am in, i know i am going to be so down when im told im up tomorrow, dont know if i can face weigh in tomorrow :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,786 ✭✭✭✭whelan1

    went back last weekafter, being in spainand 1 of the kids was in hospital, was up 3lbs, now have 6 weeks to loose 9lbs:eek: walked the roads tonight, weigh in thursday, good luck everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭arandale

    Whelan, good luck. I feel for you. I would like to know if Slimming World really works, i have 2 stone to lose and i haven't been to a slimming club since WW years ago, but i found with that i was thinking of food all the time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 535 ✭✭✭datk

    arandale wrote: »
    Whelan, good luck. I feel for you. I would like to know if Slimming World really works, i have 2 stone to lose and i haven't been to a slimming club since WW years ago, but i found with that i was thinking of food all the time.

    I've tried WW before and felt very hungry, deprived and sorry for myself so I never stuck with it. A modest breakfast could take up a third of your points for the day!

    With SW I can honestly say I have never felt hungry, I can have full satisfying meals. I'm still surprised when I follow one of their recipes that it tastes like 'normal' food rather than WW recipes which I always considered 'not bad considering'. A lot in my class who are feeding families have said it's the first time they can cook one meal and nobody knows the difference.

    I've lost 2.5 stone in 11 weeks, I do have a LOT to lose but there are others in class who have far less to lose but are still losing weight quickly. As I said I've never gone hungry and have allowed myself treats during this time. Nothing is ruled out, I find I'm cooking a lot more, eating more fresh vegetables and less processed food and have cut down on bread (but still have some). I really think it's worth a go. Good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭arandale

    Datk, thanks for the reply. I will definetly give it thought and maybe join next week. Its great there is so much support on this site,

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭polly27

    up 3 and a half in two weeks, so so mad at myself as i really overdid it and have a wedding this weekend but i am going to watch what i eat all week and walk everyday and aim to be down next week, think i got a big wakeup call today i badly needed it, any tips would be a great help, thanks all

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Hello everyone,

    I just wanted to come by and say hello. I joined slimming world on the 14th March and so far have had 4 WI and am down 20.5lb Aim to make it the stone and a half next week. Have to say I am really enjoying it and find I am eating far more that before. Also loving seeing little changes in my body each week.

    Mainly filling up on free food, adding lots of spice to dishes to make them interesting. Porridge or weekabix is mainly my Healthy B and milk or a latte as My Healthy A. I am using between 5-7 syns most day, mainly on a latte or some olive oil as a salad dressing.

    I did buy a numer of the cook books and decide each week on 5 recipes to cook for that week. I do change them around a bit to suit my tastes. Really feels that stops it from getting boring and the range of stuff you can cook is amazing without the feeling of this is diet food. I have also enjoyed the cooking and changing the recipes around. Its also much easier to stick to when when I have everything in the house. Also love the freedom of getting a take away on a Friday or Saturday night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,964 ✭✭✭ToniTuddle

    Layla0509 wrote: »
    Wow can't believe it people responded to my thread.....
    Thanks everyone I hadnt checked it since I'd posted because no one had replied to me on checking it, but I can't believe the response and all the support everyone's giving eachother on here

    Well I'm not doing so good my weightloss is ridiculous following plan 100% even my consulted was baffled I wasn't losing weight, would loose then gain then loose stupid had my head melted had me bursting into tears when stepping off the scales so I've takin a step back and feel ready to start a fresh

    So will be checking in here more frequently for support
    Thanks everyone

    The response has been mighty but more and more folks are checking out SW and feeling the benefits and spreading the word!

    Are you on any medication or anything? They can sometimes mess with your weight.
    polly27 wrote: »
    HElP HELP , had a really bad week choclate, takeaways and drink and hardly any exercise, i reakon im up 3 to 4 pounds which would mean i have lost nothing since joining i am dreading tomorrow, feel like giving up but i know its just the mood i am in, i know i am going to be so down when im told im up tomorrow, dont know if i can face weigh in tomorrow :(

    From the other post I know you got weighed and were up as you suspected but are determined now to do good and that's great


    Seriously don't beat yourself up. Life does get in the way and there's nothing wrong with that. There's always going to be weddings, funerals, meeting old friends home from abroad, christenings, anniversaries all that craic! Folks shouldn't feel guilty or bad about food that's were alot of issues come up and we end up getting stuck in vicious cycles!

    If you do have an event coming up then don't feel paniced about it or bad. Simple damage control is needed and you won't end up with 4lb on the scales the following week.

    -Make sure you have some SW meals made up and either in the freezer or ready made that day to nibble on.

    -If you exercise then get some extras walks/swims/cycling in the days/week/weeks leading up to the event

    -If drinking alcohol make sure you are on diet minerals as mixers, maybe throw in the odd glass of water in between drinks if you can

    -If you are staying overnight at this place then bring a lunchbox of your ready made SW meal to nibble on at end of night or first thing in morning. (You can ask the hotel to heat it up for you) Plus plenty syn free snacks.

    -If travelling to it then have a lunchbox full of chopped strawberries+grapes and keep dipping into them on the way. Plus some handy fruits like apples,banana, an orange ready peeled and seperated.

    Most importantly ENJOY your night out! Life is for living don't feel guilty for that! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭polly27

    thanks toituddle for your message, i know i have been beating myself up over it and i have been lacking motivation lately but got a wake up call yesterday, i know i have a wedding this weekend but im going to go for the healthy option with the meal and drink corrs light for the night and as you say some water in between which i always do as it eases the hangover too :) there seems to be always something on lately but this is a lifestyle choice so ill have to build it into my lifestyle and learn to deal with events and nights out etc, cant let one night ruin a whole week, really hoping im down on tuesday anything down from now on and ill be happy,

    have you been doing sw long? how are you getting on, love hearing peoples progress as it spurs me on thanks again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭polly27

    caroilinespring, i have been in sw 5 weeks and only have half pound lost, any tips or advice to stay on track would be very much apprciated, well done your doing fantastic

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,964 ✭✭✭ToniTuddle

    polly27 wrote: »
    thanks toituddle for your message, i know i have been beating myself up over it and i have been lacking motivation lately but got a wake up call yesterday, i know i have a wedding this weekend but im going to go for the healthy option with the meal and drink corrs light for the night and as you say some water in between which i always do as it eases the hangover too :) there seems to be always something on lately but this is a lifestyle choice so ill have to build it into my lifestyle and learn to deal with events and nights out etc, cant let one night ruin a whole week, really hoping im down on tuesday anything down from now on and ill be happy,

    have you been doing sw long? how are you getting on, love hearing peoples progress as it spurs me on thanks again :)

    Sounds like you are well motivated now fair play! Don't forget all the dancing you will be doing at the wedding which will help your body magic :D

    I've been doing it for good while now and had been getting on good(can easily lose 4lb in a week when I put my mind to it) but kept messing up here and there without even realising. Like for ages and ages I was doing the plans wrong so that messed things about :o Then things got in the way like a family health scare and different things which do throw you off balance.

    Was like you(and like many folks) in that I did beat myself up about bad results and the consultant is trying to beat it into us to NOT feel bad/guilty. It does sink in eventually! But I did what many folks do after getting a bad week or two you feel very down/unmotivated and you let things slip here and there. Next thing you know all the hard work goes out the window. While I've increased my Body Magic with the walking the food side of things kept going down hill which was really odd. Motivation to exercise is always there now and do it(6miles) on daily basis it's the food side of things I need to sort.

    At the minute I honestly don't even want to go out for nights out as feel quite crap and nothing fits. Even turned down some friends when invited out :o That's sooooo not me and I hate not feeling like my old self. Things have to change as that's no way to be living and need to take a dose of my own feicin medicine! :pac:

    I've a wedding next month, a marathon to do(signed up to spur me on!), friends birthday, some leaving do's, plus going away myself in the summer and I sure as hell am not gonna sit around feeling sorry for myself and miss those opportunities!

    So have my food diary in front of me for the next week and I'm back on track :) Think I'll pop in here every week as another reason to keep on track. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,461 ✭✭✭dee.

    Hey all. I joined SW last week and had my first weigh-in yesterday. Lost 5 and a 1/2 pounds! So happy with myself. Have also been exercising for 30 minutes every morning, plan to up it to an hour next week. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    Well done Dee.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,805 ✭✭✭robo

    I know that the SW leaders say that you don't need to excercise, but I would be lost without my walking to help me along the way. What do you thnk? Are people losing a good bit without any excercise?

    Have lost 13lbs and going for my weigh in tonight where I hope I have lost a pound for my first stone! Fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,461 ✭✭✭dee.

    Thanks Kitten :)

    Robo - some people in my group have lost without exercise. One lady lost 4 stone. But for me..the whole reason i'm doing SW is to get healthy which isn't just about healthy eating, but exercise I won't be giving it up any time soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,964 ✭✭✭ToniTuddle

    robo wrote: »
    I know that the SW leaders say that you don't need to excercise, but I would be lost without my walking to help me along the way. What do you thnk? Are people losing a good bit without any excercise?

    Have lost 13lbs and going for my weigh in tonight where I hope I have lost a pound for my first stone! Fingers crossed!

    Our leader/consultant used to say that at the start too or that you didn't have to be out pounding the pavements just move about a bit more. Like going up and down the stairs an extra few times in the day.

    But now after her getting more training from the higher up guys they are meant to be pushing the Body Magic alot more to get folks moving. Though they know alot of folks don't want to hear about exercise so they don't push it too much.

    Loads of folks are losing weight in my class without the exercise but they come to a stand still then eventually and find that adding in the exercise loses that good bit more and makes them feel good too which is what it's all about :)

    Hope you get your 1st stone sticker!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭polly27

    Tonituddle: i know what you mean there are times when we all will hit road blocks but you seem to have mastered how to deal with them hence the weight loss, which is what i really need to do , i have lost 3 stone before so i know i can do it, i am the same lately when im going out i feel like everyone is looking at me saying i have put the weight bk on and i hate that feeling, i have 17 weeks to another wedding for which my boyfriend is best man and i am aiming for 2 stone by then, have plenty of time with loosing 2 pounds a week, i feel like my mind is in the right place again, i am going to get up early in the morning and go for a walk/run come home shower and then head off the to hairdressers and to get my makeup done, i know it will help me next week. i will be up dancning all night too as ill have tues in the bk of my mind :) i find logging on here really helps so we will keep in touch, the main thing is we know we can ALL do this and we will reach our targets so here is to the new skinny us :) good luck for the rest of the week, ill keep you updated on my progress and you do the same :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭polly27

    Robo: Wow well done i hope you got your first stone tonight, i have gone backwards and only have half pound lost in 5 weeks but i got a big wakeup call this week so i am going to focus on this and really stick to it and hopefully ill be down every week, have a wedding tomorrow but not going to let that ruin my whole week , heres hoping i am much happier next tuesday after the wegih in :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,786 ✭✭✭✭whelan1

    polly27 wrote: »
    caroilinespring, i have been in sw 5 weeks and only have half pound lost, any tips or advice to stay on track would be very much apprciated, well done your doing fantastic
    GIVE US a look at a typical days diet? are you drinking loads of water, any exercise? do you need to loose weight?

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭polly27

    Carolinespring, i am fine during the week, i eat wheetabix for breakfast or a fat free yourhurt and fruit, lunch is mainly a salad with tuna, sometimes tuna pasta, dinner is meat boiled patotoes and veg, its the weekends that i find really hard when im not in a routine, also its motivation im lacking to exercise but im in the right frame of mind again so im really hoping even though i have a wedding tomorrow that i will be down on tuesday

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    whelan1 wrote: »
    GIVE US a look at a typical days diet? are you drinking loads of water, any exercise? do you need to loose weight?

    Yeah, I started off at 16st9lb so have a ton of weight to lose. I did have a diary in the food diary forum and lost a load and got down to 13st 5lb by eating clean. Last time I started with WW but after I had lost a number of stone I felt I wanted to move away from the points/focus on food and just eat clean, pure food. Lasgt year I had a miscarrage that went very hard on me and I piled on the weight by yet again self medicating with food. I just could not get back on track so decided I needed to give something a go and joined SW. I do like it a lot more than WW and feel its more doable for me at the moment. I am enjoying picking out things to make and really into it.

    Also as I have so much to lose my weight loss will be faster. Have not started walking yet. Last time I did walk for a hour a day.

    So what am I eating?


    2 Weetabix/Porridge with 170mls low fat milk. Mixed berries. Fat free yogurt. tea


    scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, 1/2 melon. Tea


    Lean grilled bacon, mushrooms, tomatoesa and eggs. Bowl friuit. Tea

    Snacks, Fruit, yogurt, skinny latte, herbal teas,

    Lunch. Baked Potato/sweet potato, with tuna & sweetcorn, salad


    Homemade chicken and noddle soup


    Stuffed pepper halfs with cherry tomatoes, lean bacon and topped with feta, large salad.


    couscous with roast med veg and chicken,


    Pasta with homemade tomato sauce and salad,


    Smoked salad and salad


    mixed bean salad.


    Tomato, bacon and bean stew.


    Chicken, sweet Potato and spinach curry with boiled rice.


    Lasagne with Salad


    Chilli, ginger and spring onion Salmon (small syn value) with stir fried veg and boiled rice.


    Duck stir fry with mixed veg and noddles


    Beef stew and potatoes,


    Chicken Stew and mashed potato


    Roast chicken, beef, lamb with veg and mashed/roasted Potatoes


    Chicken Italian with Pasta,


    Homemade sweet and sour Chicken (small syn value) and boiled rice


    griddled tuna with spicy coucouswith roast veg

    or Homemade beef chilli with boiled rice

    I tend to use some of my syns on lattes , also on homemade hommus with carrot sticks or cashew nuts and have a Chinese take away at the weekend and have lunch out with the girls/husband on a Saturday so planning to cook 5 dishes keeps me on track plus as I have planned ahead I have everything and tend to prepare the food as much in advance as I can.

    Peel potatoes and keep in fresh water, changed daily in the fridge, Root veg peeled and keep in fresh water in the fridge, changed daily.

    Med veg chopped and put in freezer pag at the bottom of the fridge, will keep fresh for a number of days. Onions peeled and left whole in a sealed tum in the fridge, again keep for a few days.

    Meet for casserole/stir fries cut up before freezing,

    large batches of tomato sauce made and frozen. great base for lasagne, bolognese, chilli etc

    Freeze meet/fish in cooking sauce if poss.

    I am trying to eat as well as I can while following slimming world, I use as much free foods as I can and use herbs and spices to make them interesting. The cooks books are great but can need a bit of tweeking to get them to suit your own taste.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    I should add that I hae only had one big night out and used flexi syns. Decided in advance that I would have 5 vodka and slimline tonics and stick to it.

    I have also gone to the cinema a couple of times and got a pepsi max and a fruit ice lolly (1.5 syns) I think.

    When meeting friends for lunch try and check out the menu in advance and be careful as some salads and be ladled with dressing. Sometimes its better to go with a pasta dish with a tomato base sauce or ask for the salad on the side.

    I find filling in the food diary really helps and wish the one on here was still open as the support was amazing.

    My leader seems great, young, positive and has lost oer 5 stone herself so knows how it feels.

    I just feel I have to do this for myself and want to feel amazing again. You know that feeling when you put on a dress and feel you can take on the world, iI want that back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    polly27 wrote: »
    Carolinespring, i am fine during the week, i eat wheetabix for breakfast or a fat free yourhurt and fruit, lunch is mainly a salad with tuna, sometimes tuna pasta, dinner is meat boiled patotoes and veg, its the weekends that i find really hard when im not in a routine, also its motivation im lacking to exercise but im in the right frame of mind again so im really hoping even though i have a wedding tomorrow that i will be down on tuesday

    Hi polly,

    Try and plan your meals around free foods at the weekends. Make a big pot of curry and have that or if you are eating out check the menu in advance, also a lot of the chinese dishes are low syned. Salads are a god send but always get the dressing on the side as some place really ladle it on.

    Enjoy your wedding tomorrow and use your flexi syns. Decided in advance how many drinks you are going to have and stick to that. So say you have 6 vodka and slimlines thats 24 syns add a glass of wine for dinner and we are at 30 syns. the dinner will be fine, starter? soup, try and keep away from the bread and butter. Have loads of veg, of course they will have butter but still, trim the meat/chicken of all fat and go as easy as you can on dessert but MOST of all enjoy the day and get back on the plan first thing the next day.

    I have a wedding on Saturday and have planned to have 5 vodka and slimlines, glass of red and do as good as I can with the food but to enjoy the day and dance the night away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,805 ✭✭✭robo

    polly27 wrote: »
    Robo: Wow well done i hope you got your first stone tonight, i have gone backwards and only have half pound lost in 5 weeks but i got a big wakeup call this week so i am going to focus on this and really stick to it and hopefully ill be down every week, have a wedding tomorrow but not going to let that ruin my whole week , heres hoping i am much happier next tuesday after the wegih in :)

    Go and enjoy the wedding and pick up after that on SW. You really gotta forget about the past gains and concentrate on the future losses, and try to be prepared. If you buy in & plan your meals, then you won't stray. Last Monday, I bought some salad and a salmon fillet on my way home from work...started cooking it for my dinner at around 7pm & thought to myself that if I didn't have them bought, I would have ordered a Thai curry or something else instead. But I won't waste so I ate it and 2 minutes later the idea of a take-away was gone! Good luck Polly ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,805 ✭✭✭robo

    @Carolinespring - thanks for sharing your food tips. Great to read how others are doing and what helps them. plus I am always at a loss with some ideas for lunch and dinner (I am not a picky eater).

    Thanks all for your well wishes for my 1 stone last night...fortunately I did not put on weight but I also didn't lose weight. So I am still waiting on my stone (hopefully next week). In fairness, after a bank holiday weekend, that is good. I probably went over my syns on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. But my walking the remainder of the time helped my to maintain. So I can't really complain. Actually I will never complain when I maintain...cos then I have to think that if I didn't have my hour walk (usually 4-6 times a week) or watched my food, I may put up. And also, I think back to when I wasn't in SW and wasn't walking - I must have put up a good few pounds each week :eek: So maintaining sometimes is not that bad.

    Sorry for my rambling...

    On the excercise front - thanks for your comments, I think if you are very strict, you could lose lots without excercising but like Dee, I wanna feel healthy and not out of breathe so will continue with the walking. And I have to say that it is no longer a chore...I enjoy walking!

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Layla0509

    ToniTuddle wrote: »
    The response has been mighty but more and more folks are checking out SW and feeling the benefits and spreading the word!

    Are you on any medication or anything? They can sometimes mess with your weight.

    hi ToniTuddle thanks no not on any medication had a check up with my doc and had bloods and everything checked and nothing popped up its baffling but I'm back on plan this wk so fingers crossed for WI on Monday

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    Had my WI this morning was up half a pound, suppose it could have been worse.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8 Sammiel54

    I'm thinking of joining SW tomorrow. Need motivation and discipline. It's fairly confusing to see if it suits me. I don't eat breakfast cereal and am not a fruit or yogurt fan, but I'd manage it once a week at a push. Can you have eggs/ bacon toast etc most mornings? If I fall off the wagon in the morning I'm fecked for the day then!

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