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The Official After Hours Presidential Election Thread **POLL RESET 23/10**



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,273 ✭✭✭Morlar

    I can't wait for the Post-Gallagher Presidency years.

    So much reality tv . . So Little time.

    'I am an ex-President Get me out of here', that one should be a keeper.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,554 ✭✭✭steve9859

    retalivity wrote: »
    I weep for the country.
    After this morning, im starting to feel that although I miss it, i really am better off out of it, if people are prepared to vote this clown in.
    Peopl talk about him being the only one with ideas and innovation and jobs etc... ITS A CERMONIAL ROLE. what the hell is he goig to do as president to create jobs? apart from possibly awarding cushy redevelopment contracts to his ff mates, taking 'advisors' on junkets round the world.
    Makes me sick.

    It is a marketing role first and foremost, and what we need SG for. Presidents join major trade delegations all the time. Picture the scene: Pre dinner drinks in Beijing or Moscow or Washington DC, with local business leaders, and the various Irish business bodies looking for contracts. Who do you want 'hob-nobbing' with the foreign businessmen? MDH or SG? I would go SG every time, to give the impression of an entrepreneurial Ireland hungry for investment. THAT is the most important thing for the presidency right now IMO

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,273 ✭✭✭Morlar

    steve9859 wrote: »
    It is a marketing role first and foremost, and what we need SG for. Presidents join major trade delegations all the time. Picture the scene: Pre dinner drinks in Beijing or Moscow or Washington DC, with local business leaders, and the various Irish business bodies looking for contracts. Who do you want 'hob-nobbing' with the foreign businessmen? MDH or SG? I would go SG every time, to give the impression of an entrepreneurial Ireland hungry for investment. THAT is the most important thing for the presidency right now IMO

    The more posts like that I read the more my stomach turns. I can't believe some Irish voters have so short a memory. This reminds me of abused wife syndrome. Women who are so battered and broken down that they go running back to their abusers at the first opportunity. Unfcuking believable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,298 ✭✭✭✭retalivity

    steve9859 wrote: »
    Who do you want 'hob-nobbing' with the foreign businessmen? MDH or SG?

    Shane McGowan. Daniel O'Donnell. Dustin the Bloody Turkey

    Anyone but some F FAIL crony. Cut from the same cloth as the rest who promised wealth & jobs for everyone a few years ago as 'trickle down' investment. pity they plugged the holes after they took their cut so noone else benefitted.

    that shower should be tried and jailed, not rewarded with a poition of (limited) power less than 9 months (!!!!) after they were shunted out

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,661 ✭✭✭✭Helix

    im not allowed to vote due to the fact that ireland is a backwards joke

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  • Registered Users Posts: 51,921 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    steve9859 wrote: »
    I am one of them. I've had to leave the country to get work in london. But I am not letting hatred cloud my judgement and I am voting for a man what i believe to be on his merits and not along party political lines.

    So let me get this straight.

    You had to leave to get work but you are not bitter.
    You do not hold any grudges and are prepared to vote for someone connected closely to the crowd who caused the damage which caused you to leave.
    You are voting on his merits.
    AND you are not letting it cloud your judgement.

    Did you fall on your head recently ??
    That's the worse post I have ever read here.
    If he had any merits or skills why did he not use them previously ??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,318 ✭✭✭Fishooks12

    geetar wrote: »

    what a ridiculous thing to bring up in a presidential debate in 2011.

    if that were really the case, would the population keep voting them in?

    ireland was a poor country, but not because of FF, well.. until now...:pac:

    but ill stress this has nothing to with the presidential worthiness of SG who was not a member of/nor had any role in decision making within FF.

    after all this is a non-political position. are you really suggesting that we dont vote for someone through association of an already disgraced political party? sean gallagher isnt dwelling on the past and neither should you. if you listen to the man, youll see hes thinking forward which is the only way out of this mess.

    he would be rejuvenating to this country.

    the president is only a figure head, but it does hold a metaphorical power. i think electing a young entrepeneur would be representitive of the mindset this country needs to escape this resession and get back on track.

    we certainly dont need to return to a gerontocratic die hard catholic society by voting in higgins. he would have made a good president in the 60's, but we need to move on and evolve as a county. unlike dana's family issues and norris's ex-lovers, McGuiness' past is very important, and should be examined by the people. it appears the people have spoken on that regard and wont be voting him in, regardless of the usual republican consensus on AH.

    that money was repaid, and its common practise, although frowned upon. he was releasing money for private investment. some of that money was owed to him from his company for rents and patent liscences.

    he repayed the money within the 6 months allowed, so dont make it out to be a personal salary, it wasnt.

    gallagher is by no means under the radar. mcguiness is getting scrutiny, but rightly so. his past is by far the most controversial and emotionally attatched to the people of ireland.

    it has been made very clear. but it appears the majority of people dont care. they can keep drilling the point, but this presidency is not about connections to has been political parties. its about moving on and finding a suitable representitive for this country in the toughest economic times weve ever faced.

    gallagher is ideal for that role.

    excellent post, and that's coming from someone who's giving Michael D my number 1

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,554 ✭✭✭steve9859

    Sorry lads, I know where you are coming from, but I am not in the business of cutting off my nose to spite my face!

    Don't get me wrong - I am not anti MDH. I think he would do a perfectly fine job. But I have been involved in some trade delegations and chamber of commerce dinners round Europe and the UK, and I know what kind of character would get attention at these things. On that basis SG would get my number one.

    I know I have had to leave, but to those who rant on about how everyone associated with FF should be jailed, I just say........,well, I have nothing to say. I can't argue with that kind of logic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,397 ✭✭✭Paparazzo

    steve9859 wrote: »
    Sorry lads, I know where you are coming from, but I am not in the business of cutting off my nose to spite my face!

    Don't get me wrong - I am not anti MDH. I think he would do a perfectly fine job. But I have been involved in some trade delegations and chamber of commerce dinners round Europe and the UK, and I know what kind of character would get attention at these things. On that basis SG would get my number one.

    I know I have had to leave, but to those who rant on about how everyone associated with FF should be jailed, I just say........,well, I have nothing to say. I can't argue with that kind of logic.

    On the contrary, I think they'll see straight through Sean Gallagher's bullshíte, and think ireland is even more of a joke than they thought if they voted a failed corrupt businessman in as president and won't touch us with a bargepole.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,485 ✭✭✭dj jarvis

    im voting sean gallagher, the best of a bad lot imo. i hope he can follow on some of his promises like encouraging greater innovation in young people, and that he can attract some employment with all the trade fares that he will going to. he seems a very genuine guy as well, likeable and honest.

    you do know that word means don't you ?

    the revelations about his " business " practices alone should be enough of a warning bell for the people - but oh no we hear **** like " well hes on dragons den and i like that so ill vote for him "
    well i liked bosco but does not mean i would ever vote for him as first citizen

    i will spell it out -

    FF = SG = FF = SG = FF = SG

    now is that clear enough for the undecided voters
    lets face it, he kept his allegiances very quiet until it was dragged out of him - dinners for brian cowan ? enough said my friends
    why ?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,554 ✭✭✭steve9859

    Paparazzo wrote: »

    On the contrary, I think they'll see straight through Sean Gallagher's bullshíte, and think ireland is even more of a joke than they thought if they voted a failed corrupt businessman in as president and won't touch us with a bargepole.

    I hear what you are saying, but the presidential role in these things is pretty superficial, and just a bit of chat. Any deeper discussion would be handled by others. And I think the Irish overestimate both the international knowledge and the international interest in the bad aspects of FF policy during the boom. You only have to look at how much Bertie Ahern charges on the speaking circuit in the US to see that

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,492 ✭✭✭Sir Oxman

    Just saw a piece in everbody's favourite rag for links (the Indo ) that Gallagher as part of a list of bullet points bigging up himself and his connections, boasted that he worked directly with Haughey for two years as part of his almost 30 years work on behalf of FF :
    NEC twice
    Leader of OgraFF
    FF HQ money raiser
    campaign manager for Kirk
    political secretary to O'Hanlon
    cheerleader for various FF candidates Feb 2011 - not at all 'deeply' involved in FF at all, at all sure begorrah wink nod etc

    "I have a long record of involvement and commitment to Fianna Fail over the past 30 years", said the man who says out the other side of his mouth that he 'drifted' in and out of FF and really wasn't involved at all and he was only the same as the poor grassroots eejits who pound the boreens and main streets dropping in leaflets every 5 years.
    Sure every canvasser gets a spot on the FF NEC twice, has the ear of three FF taoisigh on the NEC and in the corridors, leads the youth wing of that party, is fulltime political secretary to a senior FF minister and raises money fulltime at the FF HQ.
    He's not connected at all!, only to the 'grassroots' - not to those big bad senior hurlers, no way - he's Sean Gallagher, self-styled serial entrepreNAYer with a 'can-do' encyclopaedic knowledge of every shytespeak business buzzword in the English language, you know those mouth vomits you hear from your underachieving middle manager who has a firm grip on the slippery pole but knows fck all of which he/she speaks? Yeah, those buzzwords.
    He'll get us jobs, YES! to Gallagher for jobs! - ring a bell??

    But, to be fair - he's a man of the people is Sean, living on 212pw last year sure wouldn't he be better off on a govt Jobbridge Internship by 26 notes pw? Not to be sniffed at in these times and sure he has no experience at all in politics according to himself - Jobbridge is perfect for such a man who finds himself in hard times.
    Maybe if he'd do the Prez's job for 50 quid above the dole he could show some actual leadership and some of that buzzy and fuzzy can-do attitude to the people of Ireland?
    Just like he did with that poster plank of his campaign that so many lapped up - oh wait, his face is plastered all over rubbish bins across the country. Don't forget he had to pay to rent those thousands of spaces instead of 3quid a pop for a poster up a lamppost and so his campaign expenses will be very high but no bother, he's on course to get 200k of it back through your wallet!

    Now that's an entrepraynayr for ya bhoy! And don't you forget it come Thursday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,921 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    steve9859 wrote: »
    I hear what you are saying, but the presidential role in these things is pretty superficial, and just a bit of chat. Any deeper discussion would be handled by others. And I think the Irish overestimate both the international knowledge and the international interest in the bad aspects of FF policy during the boom. You only have to look at how much Bertie Ahern charges on the speaking circuit in the US to see that

    Now i know you are having us on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭foxyboxer

    A priority to create jobs?

    Don't we have a Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment anymore? :confused:

    "Welcome back your Majesty. I've a bunch of cv's here with me, can I leave them there with Phillip?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,246 ✭✭✭rc28

    geetar wrote: »

    we certainly dont need to return to a gerontocratic die hard catholic society by voting in higgins. he would have made a good president in the 60's, but we need to move on and evolve as a county.
    What are you on about - Michael D Higgins is NOT some conservative old catholic - he has always been a progressive liberal.

    I get the impression you know absolutely nothing about Higgins, you have simply presumed that because he is old then he must be part of the older, out of touch generation.
    Look at the following videos (look at them right through) and see how passionately he argues for people's civil rights. This is a man of decency who would be perfect for the presidency, a new Mary Robinson.
    In the above video he is arguing in favour of the Civil Partnership Bill in 2006 (which was being blocked by certain fianna fail members at the time) - his comments near the end about high house prices (etc) are so true.

    While I realise the following video has been complied by Labour, it is nonetheless a good compilation of all the campaings he has been involved in over the last few decades.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,391 ✭✭✭✭mikom

    geetar wrote: »

    we certainly dont need to return to a gerontocratic die hard catholic society by voting in higgins.

    A die hard doobie smoking catholic .....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,554 ✭✭✭steve9859

    steve9859 wrote: »
    I hear what you are saying, but the presidential role in these things is pretty superficial, and just a bit of chat. Any deeper discussion would be handled by others. And I think the Irish overestimate both the international knowledge and the international interest in the bad aspects of FF policy during the boom. You only have to look at how much Bertie Ahern charges on the speaking circuit in the US to see that

    Now i know you are having us on.

    No. I'm serious. I've travelled a lot. And it is a fact the Bertie remains a sought after public speaker outside of Europe. Ireland barely gets column inches outside of Europe and people do not know what happened with FF. SG will not be tainted with FF in the eyes of foreign delegates

  • Registered Users Posts: 305 ✭✭ellinguistico

    geetar wrote: »

    what a ridiculous thing to bring up in a presidential debate in 2011.

    if that were really the case, would the population keep voting them in?

    ireland was a poor country, but not because of FF, well.. until now...:pac:

    but ill stress this has nothing to with the presidential worthiness of SG who was not a member of/nor had any role in decision making within FF.

    after all this is a non-political position. are you really suggesting that we dont vote for someone through association of an already disgraced political party? sean gallagher isnt dwelling on the past and neither should you. if you listen to the man, youll see hes thinking forward which is the only way out of this mess.

    he would be rejuvenating to this country.

    the president is only a figure head, but it does hold a metaphorical power. i think electing a young entrepeneur would be representitive of the mindset this country needs to escape this resession and get back on track.

    we certainly dont need to return to a gerontocratic die hard catholic society by voting in higgins. he would have made a good president in the 60's, but we need to move on and evolve as a county. unlike dana's family issues and norris's ex-lovers, McGuiness' past is very important, and should be examined by the people. it appears the people have spoken on that regard and wont be voting him in, regardless of the usual republican consensus on AH.

    that money was repaid, and its common practise, although frowned upon. he was releasing money for private investment. some of that money was owed to him from his company for rents and patent liscences.

    he repayed the money within the 6 months allowed, so dont make it out to be a personal salary, it wasnt.

    gallagher is by no means under the radar. mcguiness is getting scrutiny, but rightly so. his past is by far the most controversial and emotionally attatched to the people of ireland.

    it has been made very clear. but it appears the majority of people dont care. they can keep drilling the point, but this presidency is not about connections to has been political parties. its about moving on and finding a suitable representitive for this country in the toughest economic times weve ever faced.

    gallagher is ideal for that role.

    Oh sweet Jesus how many of you are there out there???? MDH is a million miles the most progressive candidate out there when it comes to anti-Iraq, pro-women's rights, pro our culture, pro jobs, It's so sad to think how many people like you must be out there not having a clue what the candidates actually stand for. This is scarily tragic

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 8,490 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fluorescence

    steve9859 wrote: »
    No. I'm serious. I've travelled a lot. And it is a fact the Bertie remains a sought after public speaker outside of Europe. Ireland barely gets column inches outside of Europe and people do not know what happened with FF. SG will not be tainted with FF in the eyes of foreign delegates

    He may not be tainted by his FF relations, but he will be tainted by his track record as a poor businessman (how is SmartHomes going again?).

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,921 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    steve9859 wrote: »
    No. I'm serious. I've travelled a lot. And it is a fact the Bertie remains a sought after public speaker outside of Europe. Ireland barely gets column inches outside of Europe and people do not know what happened with FF. SG will not be tainted with FF in the eyes of foreign delegates

    Bertie ?? Now dis does dismay me dat dis man is making money out of his time in Government during which he took as much money as he could from everyone and didn't even have a bank account. Public Speaking now dat is unbelievable.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 469 ✭✭geetar

    this thread is filled with too many FF bashing thank whores...


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,485 ✭✭✭dj jarvis

    geetar wrote: »
    this thread is filled with too many FF bashing thank whores...


    off ya go to the FF lovin thread ...................... oh wait

    its not a FF bashing thread - its a SG is a scumbag cheating dirt bag thread

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 GFJD

    (This is the first time ive expressed this publicly , and i was aware of gallaghers loan of 20grand which he didnt repay, before it came out in the media)
    Let me tell you honestly about Gallagher.
    No small business owner (of which i am one) could get any grants or loan grants from the Louth Enterprise board (bar a handful of token gestures by them)
    That smarmy gallagher bully had it all sewn up. He opened and closed several businesses under different names and in different locations , getting grant aid every time from the same grant giving boards , headed and controlled by the same idiots. I got a local elected official to intervene and enquire as to why our proposal (which needlesstosay I since carried out and exceeded expectation and performance results) had not been considered. I was shocked to hear that, off the record he said (he was not a FF counsilor) , about gallaghers buddies .
    He guarantees 5-10 jobs , gets the grant , makes a fortune , closes the company and makes the 5-10 people unemployed as he fills his coffers.
    One particular company he has done this with on more than 3 occasions.

    The next time I heard his name was linked to going for president.
    Even more surprising you may like to know I am Louth and Cavan family. I have no reason to lie. This IS the case. Trust me.

    I am besides myself that he is the leading man in the running. Over the years I have been astounded by the choices of Irish people in elections , we all have our own angle , but this would be the worst ever if he was to succeed.

    He is a product of Capatilistic Fianna Failers . He would have been a leading pusher of what has failed us.
    His business buddies and businesses will be the big winner if he is elected. He cant help himself. He has seen that work for him. The only problem is, the bubble that bursts, as we have seen , is not worth it.

    I wish I was in a position were we had equality and that this was published and investigated to the extent of Norris , Dana and McGuinness (non establishment candidates) have been investigated and bullyed.

    Edit - I want to just add something to this. I also believe and understand that the reason that individual politicians (esp. in Louth) have not exposed alot of this in relation to Gallagher is that they have all been looked after also by the Enterprise boards. FG' members , SF members, FF members , who have businesses and are influencing supporters of the parties concerned , have ALL got looked after. Gallagher was prominent though along with 1 other (of a different party) in ripping the pish out of it.

    Please understand when you are voting to take this into consideration. You can talk about the secrecy and truthfullness of various candidates. I would be willing to hold my head up and state 110% that GALLAGHER IS THEE BIGGEST CON-ARTIST AND LIAR of the lot. He would have more skeletons in the closet than Tiger woods has had birdies (on and off the course)haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,246 ✭✭✭rc28

    geetar wrote: »
    this thread is filled with too many FF bashing thank whores...


    Hilarious- you cannot even address the fact that you are totally wrong about Michael D Higgins. Pathetic, but why am I not surprised when it comes to people like you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,554 ✭✭✭steve9859

    I'm leaving this thread. I don't see the point in it any more. Everyone's positions are completely entrenched and it is no longer a debate. All it is achieving is all of us p*ssing each other off!

    I'm voting SG number 1, despite the fact that, yes, I have been forced to leave the country to find work. I've made it very clear what I think he will bring to the table, which others won't, and I am not going to let myself be blinkered by some blind hate of anything FF like most on this thread.

    That said, I think MDH is a shoo-in for the Aras. With the weight of his party rolling in behind him in the final 48 hours, he will bounce in the polls. SG does not have that to rely on. I think the use of the party machine is against what a presidential election is supposed to be about. But it is what it is, and I think MDH will do a perfectly good job.

    They are my one and two, and I shant be giving any other preferences. MMcG is a former terrorist and unsuitable for the Aras - I think there are many that he would meet, especially in countries with a current terrorism / seccessionist problem of their own, who would have a real problem with him. GM is clueless, and the other 3 are a joke.

    Of the top 2, both would do a good job, but IMO, SG would be the man I would want in trade delegations and other such visits, which are now so so important for Ireland.

    And with that.....I'm out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 469 ✭✭geetar

    rc28 wrote: »
    Hilarious- you cannot even address the fact that you are totally wrong about Michael D Higgins. Pathetic, but why am I not surprised when it comes to people like you?

    hmm well i was going to post just there saying that i agree that higgins is a worthy president. i know about higgins and what he has contributed to this country. im not anti-higgins, i am anti-anti-gallagher on the basis of his association with FF.

    i stand by my belief though, that Higgins would be counter-productive as a figure head from a symbolic perspective. he is no doubt worthy, (the same cant be said for many candidates), but i would like the young, entrepeneurial spirit associated with gallagher to add a bit of vibrancy to the country, both at home and abroad. least i am discussing relevant opinions to do with the candidates and what they are going to do for the country, both symbolically and physically.

    it is my opinion that SG should be the next president, but i would respect Higgins, he is infact my no.2 after all (although , you seem to think im putting down satan instead...:rolleyes:)

    so you need to relax when it comes to "people like me."

    i am being reasonable, and have reasonable views on the preisdential race. im not obsessed with FF bashing and trying to put people down because they dont agree with my choice. i dont care about SG's connections with FF, as ive already explained earlier.

    this thread is just people saying how awful it is that people want to vote for SG because of fianna fail, and then the same 20 odd people thank them. its boring, thats why i unsubbed... but i came back to correct your attack at me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,373 ✭✭✭tonycascarino

    steve9859 wrote: »

    I'm voting SG number 1, despite the fact that, yes, I have been forced to leave the country to find work. I've made it very clear what I think he will bring to the table, which others won't, and I am not going to let myself be blinkered by some blind hate of anything FF like most on this thread.

    The only word to describe this is ''unbelievable''

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,512 ✭✭✭Ellis Dee

    jaykay74 wrote: »
    I am shocked that the Danas car wasnt tampered with. The Guards must be in on the murder attempt too. I think it warrants further investigation :pac:

    Yes, and I propose we call in outside experts to help with the investigation. Wallander och Beck kanske?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,069 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    McGuinness is tearing Gallagher apart here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭ninebeanrows

    that was epic.

This discussion has been closed.