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Childrens intuition or pscyic ability??

  • 10-10-2011 10:55am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭

    I have a 9yr old son who appears to be more and more psychic every day! I use that term quite flippantly, but there is something about him and I'd love your opinions...most of it appears to be coincidence, but I'm begining to wonder...

    Giving you some examples might explain better what I'm talking about...

    He only mentions a song, or sings it out loud, and it will come on the radio or tv within minutes (this happens almost every time we are in the car - this morning, he was singing a tune as we got into the car which isn't a recent hit - we turned on the radio, and it was the next song)
    He often wakes saying he 'can just feel' that something good is going to happen today and it inevitably does (he'll score a goal or we'll get some good news that day...)
    He will tell me as we are driving into carparks to 'Go to row 3 mam, you'll get a space there...' and he's always right!
    He will often dream of someone we haven't seen in a while, and they'll knock on the door unexpectedly very soon after...
    Twice in his life he told me he said to me 'Mam, I feel like there's going to be a miracle today'...the first time he said it was the day that plane landed in the Hudson River (he told me this early that day so it was hours before the incident) and the second time was when a friend of mine (who he hardly knows) got word that her second twin was alive and well in her womb, having been told the week before that the twin had died...

    I could go on and on - I am unsure if it's just a childs intuition or something a bit more....

    Today, after he picked up on the song on the radio ten minutes before it was played he said he had a feeling that teacher wouldn't be in today...and when we got to his school, he was right:eek:


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    He poisoned his teacher

    If your son was truly psychic to the extent you described he would probably be in par with Jesus or some sort of Xman. These things happen to me all the time but I note them at the back if my mind and therefore recognise them.

    If I wake up and think that something good will happen to me I will attribute whatever positive event that takes place to my prediction. I think you are doing this with your son. If he can tell you that kind of detail surely he can start doing your lotto numbers. If you are a multimillionaire next Friday I'll eat my words ....... That's a prediction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭Fittle

    Riamfada wrote: »
    He poisoned his teacher

    If your son was truly psychic to the extent you described he would probably be in par with Jesus or some sort of Xman. These things happen to me all the time but I note them at the back if my mind and therefore recognise them.

    If I wake up and think that something good will happen to me I will attribute whatever positive event that takes place to my prediction. I think you are doing this with your son. If he can tell you that kind of detail surely he can start doing your lotto numbers. If you are a multimillionaire next Friday I'll eat my words ....... That's a prediction.

    I have asked him before to tell me the lotto numbers. His answer was that I can't tell him to think the good thoughts - they have to come to him directly.

    On a serious note, all those incidents are true - I wasn't and am not exaggerating any of them. I do believe that kids are more tuned in that us adults and I wasn't saying he was psychic, I was merely asking if it's intuition with him or something else?

    Honestly, these things happen to me alot too (I'll think of someone and I'll see them that day etc), but it's more than that with him.

    He was singing Tracy Chapmans 'Baby can I hold you tonight' as we left the house today and I was asking him how he knew it...he said I used to play it all the time (he's 9, my guess is I played it regularly when he was two!) - and we turned on the radio and it came on the radio!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭sambuka41

    Its hard to know for sure, its human nature to look for meaning/ reason when all there is coincidences. It could also be a thing that you are noticing these things when it happens to come true, like how many times a day would he sing a song and it not come on the radio? You may not pay attention to that cause it didn't come true.
    Fittle wrote: »
    I have asked him before to tell me the lotto numbers. His answer was that I can't tell him to think the good thoughts - they have to come to him directly.

    You got to love the innocence of children who manage to speak such truth without even realizing it. He may have been talking more in a 'psychic' sense but what a true statement, no one can MAKE you think good thoughts, either you are positive at that time or you are not.

    Maybe your son isn't psychic maybe he is more intuitive, either way I would keep encouraging him. As we grow up I think we learn to rely on reason far more then feeling/intuitions; and while there is a place for reason there needs to be a balance. The only thing I would say is that children love to think they are special in some way, be careful not to fill his head too much with 'psychic' abilities as he will try to live up to that expectation, and be very upset if he cant.

    Its one thing to say "son you have great instincts, listen to them" than "son you have the ability to see the future" :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭Fittle

    sambuka41 wrote: »
    Its one thing to say "son you have great instincts, listen to them" than "son you have the ability to see the future" :)

    I'd never say that to him - you are right, I encourage the good feelings he gets, but don't tell him it's special in any way.

    Of course I pick up on the thoughts when something good does happen - and you're right, it's not every single song, nor is it every single good thought.

    How do you encourage intuition though? I know I was similar as a child - I used to be able to feel and see myself floating above my bed when I was a child - as I got older of course, that got knocked out of me and I've since been told that perhaps that was my way of dealing with anxiety etc - so I don't know what it was really, but alot of the stuff I told my parents was dismissed (I often had crazy dreams that came through as a child) how do I encourage the intuition that he has?

    The thing is, he doesn't always say about a good day, today was the first day he ever said he thought teacher wouldn't be in (he often hopes she's not in, but never said he felt she wouldn't be in etc)..

    And the random song in his head that came on the radio 15 minutes later freaked me out completely..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,354 ✭✭✭Urizen

    Everything you've said can be explained as coincidence. And most of us here can probably say at least half that has happened to them. I know I can. But some schools of thought believe that simply tuning into the subconscious is the basis of psychic ability.

    There are exercises that can be done to theoretically enhance one's connection to the subconscious, but they are aimed at adults with the intent to learn, not children.

    The only encouragement you can really give is to not let him think he's different or unusual, and just go with it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Fittle wrote: »
    I have asked him before to tell me the lotto numbers. His answer was that I can't tell him to think the good thoughts - they have to come to him directly.

    Sounds a bit to me like you want the child to be psychic, and he's picking up on this and playing it up. A bit of confirmation bias later, and hey-presto, you've got a psychic child !

    He often wakes saying he 'can just feel' that something good is going to happen today and it inevitably does (he'll score a goal or we'll get some good news that day...)

    What's your criteria for "something good"? I'll bet on any given day you could find something that you could call "good", so no matter when he says something good will happen, you'll be able to find something to suit.

    Also consider that a positive attitude can have an effect on daily occurances. For example going into a football match thinking you're going to play well and score is more likely to result in you getting a goal than if you go in thinking you're going to play crap! So in some cases perhaps it's self-perpetuating.
    He will tell me as we are driving into carparks to 'Go to row 3 mam, you'll get a space there...' and he's always right!

    You say he tells you this as you are driving into the carpark; so, after you've found a space, do you then go on to check the rest of the rows? Doubt it! You're probably just happy to have one, and even happier that your child is psychic! Maybe there's spaces in all the rows!

    And is he ever wrong? What's his hit vs miss ratio? Better than random chance?

    Other occurances can be put down to coincidence, or may have other rational explanations that aren't immediately apparent without all the facts.

    Your child isn't psychic I'm afraid. Best not to perpetuate the idea that he is, or he might end up carrying it with him.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,293 ✭✭✭Fuzzy Clam

    Aren't we all psychic?;)

    How many times as we're reading a paper/mag/book, do we read a word (often an obscure word) at exactly the same instant that it is uttered on the radio or TV? Happens to me quite regular. Or you're thinking of somebody, maybe thinking of phoning them, and next second they ring you.
    So many small instances over a long period can lead to belief of adnormal behaviour but really it's quite usual.

    Not saying it doesn't happen, it just happens all the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 96 ✭✭Melodi

    Actually, it does sound to me like you son may have gifts, but the best way to deal with this in a young child is just to accept what he says, recognize when something occurs but not make a big fuss over it.

    In other words, you accept that this is happening, the same way you do when he learns to ride a bike or climb a tree. It is worthy of note at the time, but not a big reaction either.

    It is big reactions (positive or negative) on the part of parents that can take a nice, gradual unfolding of a gift and turn it into a problem. Either because the child is now terrified of what they are "seeing/feeling/dreaming" (and may even think they are "bad") or because they get so much praise from anything they start confusing what they are "see/feeling/dreaming" with fantasy and come up with things just to win praise from their beloved adults.

    Being human, it is impossible not to do a bit of one or the other (especially if a "hit" is somewhat amazing) but take it from someone who dreamed plane crashes while they were happening and used to see colored lights around everything, children sometimes do have these experiences. But like most of the experiences of children, they just want to share them with someone "bigger" and then go on; because they don't have the life experience to know just how within or out of the usual it maybe.

    Whatever you do, please don't ask your son for lotto numbers or gambling help, I have a friend (now in his 60's) whose parents used to use him in Los Vegas as a child, they got somewhat addicted to his gifts and were very upset and blamed him when around age 13, the ability to gamble correctly went away.

    When I say it is good not to make a big deal of children's gifts, do listen to them and if there is a "warning dream" or something, take precautions as you (as the adult) feel are required. Most of the time it doesn't matter much if you take a different route to school or shop on a different days, sometimes it does and that is ultimately YOUR decision, not the child's.

    However, you don't want to underplay the "specialness" of this sort of thing, both so the child does not get either fearful or "spoiled" but also because like my friend, many children undergo a period of "suppression" around puberty.

    Really obvious and profound gifts (in my friends case moving dice around with his mind and affecting the outcome on parental command) sometimes simply go away and they may or may not reappear on the other side of childhood.

    This doesn't always happen, and a good number of people actually start having psychic experiences during puberty (in my experience and no this is not scientific, just my own observations), In extreme cases this can lead to various sorts of paranormal activity in the home (poltergeist) but this is very rare. More often it takes the form of scary dreams (that sometimes come true), premonitions and in rare cases mediumistic experiences with spirit guides or the dead.

    There is a reason that 13 to 15 is the traditional age in many cultures for personal vision quests and ordeals. That is an age when a child is changing to a physical adult and the mind adjusts as well.

    But for some reason in very psychic children, the gift may simply go "dormant" for three to ten years, then it usually comes bouncing back but not always in the same form it had as a child.

    As an adult, my friend is a gifted card reader and often experiences telepathy and sometimes strong premonitions; but has never regained any ability with dice or cards. Something he has joked about when we actually were in Las Vegas a couple of decades ago when he set aside 100 dollars to cheerfully "loose" at the tables, which he did and enjoyed himself anyway.

    If you son becomes scared, upset or otherwise confused; there are simply exercises for psychic protection, warding and blocking that are perfectly safe to teach a child.

    The simplest one is to imagine himself surrounded by an egg or circle of white light that keeps him warm and safe; and makes anything cold, dark or bad go away.

    If you need some other ones, feel free to PM me; and there are also some pretty good books out there that are written for adults, but can be modified for children.

    If you are religious, prayer is also another simple way that children can use to deal with "the scary stuff" (works for adults too).

    Finally, some of the things your son "feels" or "sees" will be simple accidents of timing; but then that is true of adult psychics as well. The fact that sometimes things have a personal "rational" explanation or that a child may have trouble sometimes telling belief/desire from actual premonition/dream does not mean sometimes they are not actually happening as well.

    But this is another reason to just be accepting but not overly fussy about his gifts (even when you are personally blown away) because you want to sit back and let him learn his way. If his gifts seem to be getting out of hand, then it may be time to consult someone about them; but otherwise just let him grow and mature on his own time-table.

    Ignore people that are highly critical, but also ignore people who seem super-eager to use your son as a child prodigy. Whatever you do, please resists any temptations to let him do things for show (the exception being if he wants to learn REAL STAGE magic, many young psychics do and that's great, it will give them experience in understand how the material word can be manipulated in perfectly physical ways to appear super-natural when it isn't).

    But as a rule of thumb, no doing psychic fairs or other public work at least until 18, though personally I recommend people be at least in their early 20's before doing this on a professional level.

    Again, please feel free to PM me if you like, I am not an expert but I may be able to direct you to people with more information (or at least some books).

    Take care,

    Melodi in the Midlands
