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Its about time - IMAT12



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    If memory serves me right a minus calculation on the calibration means that the brake of the pedal has less resistance so your watts will be showing a higher number and more wattage than you are actually pushing out. Ideally a neutral or +.5 calibration would be better.
    I see from the main thread you might need to restest when you can and ideally reset/recalibrate quickly after each interval as Tunney suggests. I am sure you are glad to hear that after the pain of testing first time around;)

    Actually I'm sure its the opposite. A negative calibration of -2 will lower the wattage output seeing as there is less brake resistance. You could also run out of gears too setting it to a minus setting as you have to spin faster to get the power. Best to calibrate to zero and set the brake to +1. + on retesting as RedB I think 230 on the flow is selling yourself short from the readings in your previous posts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Actually I'm sure its the opposite. A negative calibration of -2 will lower the wattage output seeing as there is less brake resistance. You could also run out of gears too setting it to a minus setting as you have to spin faster to get the power. Best to calibrate to zero and set the brake to +1. + on retesting as RedB I think 230 on the flow is selling yourself short from the readings in your previous posts.

    Thanks for the feedback lads as I am a bit in the dark.

    It was my first FTP so I was holding back a bit to ensure I didn't fade. I upped to 250-260w for the last 5mins and was holding a steady tightness in the legs throughout but I definitely didn't die up there. I presume that means I ended up selling myself short as its supposed to be absolutely, completely, 100% all out? For the initial 5min hard period prior to the 20min TT I was holding 270W. For a FTP of 250W I'd have to hold 263W for 20mins (263 x 0.95= 250) but I can't imagine being able to do that! I'll have to retest but I'll have a higher number in mind next time. So if 250W is too much and 230W is too little then 240W will have to do as a FTP benchmark in the meantime ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Mon 5/12 Tri Club Swim Session 2000m :) (Travel to Dublin with work)

    200m WU 4:23, 23-30spl
    Main Set was supposed to be a full up/down pyramid off 2:30 per 100m rt but was shortened as the fast lane had done theirs. I think I made the rt ago but a small bit of traffic made a bit of a wobble in it now and again. I ended up having to pass out a few times and that involved a bit of a sprint so I wasn't breathing bilaterally after those :o.
    100M 1:53, 24-25spl
    200M 4:23, 27-30spl
    300M 6:52, 27-30spl
    400M 9:42, 29-33spl:o
    200M 5:00, 29-35spl:(
    Slowed down near the end.
    8 X 50M Kick drill with Fins
    Went like a speedboat with the fins :D. Think I was fastest in my lane as I was powering by everyone, coming in on 0:50-1:00 per 100m.
    200M WD
    Enjoyed this session :)

    Tues 6/12 0:45min AM run, 8.82km, 5:06/km. V cool and damp out. (Travel to Carlow with work)

    Wed 7/12 0:45min Turbo 100+rpm

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Thurs 8/12 12.25km, 0:58:30, 4:47/km :)

    V happy with this as it was as a decent pace for me. I'm putting it down to good running form as I did the 'slight tilted stance' trick again. I could feel the 'strain' on my core so now I'm going to have to do some work on that! Only got out at 9pm after getting the kids off. It was very cool out and it started to rain for the last few minutes so I just turned in when passing the house instead of making the hour mark :rolleyes:. Still have a brain freeze type headache :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Fri 9/12 Rest. Had intended a swim but the day got ahead of me. Gaa club kids xmas party was the nearest I got to a workout.

    Sat. 10/12 Turbo 2:00 avg 186w at +2 setting , 0 calibration. Had intended 192w (80% Ftp endurance ride) but found the +2 a bit of a challenge and hard to get the average up after a while. Disappointed upon mature reflection.

    Sun. 11/12 turbo 1:45 avg 200w at same setting + 5min WU/calibration. Happy but tired.
    Run 1:00 11.15km, 5:24/km. Tired run. V cold.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Mon 12/12 Tri Club Swim 1900m
    200m WU (1 X 50M bk, 1 X 50M fc) x 2
    200m Drills with fins (2 x 50m kick, 2 x 50m superman on 6 kicks)
    300m fc ( 6 x 50m with 5 x push ups off deep end deck)
    3 x 400m on 10min. Struggled with these and only got a rhythm going near the end of the 2nd one :(

    Tues 13/12 1:00 run, 11.47km, 5:24/km. Cold am run. Feel flat :o. (Travel to Wexford / Clonmel with work).

    Was zonked yesterday evening as I had no sooner got home from work than I had to turn around again and go out to do some chores. Only got to chill out late in the evening and I was overcooked by then. A lot of racing around these days and not enough quality sleep. Viscous circle :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Wed 14/12 rest. Was in bits.

    Thur 15/12 2000m swim
    400m wu
    10*50m kick
    10*50m pullbuoy
    6*100m off 2:45
    Elbow dodgy again but felt good after

    Fri 16/12 1:00 100+rpm Turbo 206w avg
    0:10 wu at 0 setting, 186w avg
    0:20 at +2 setting , 215w avg
    0:05 easy at 0 setting 180w avg
    0:20 at +2 setting , 215w avg
    0:05 wd at 0 setting 175w avg
    Travel to Dublin with work

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Sat 17/12 1:00 Run 12.2km 4:55/km
    Messed up on the Garmin front and only copped that I hadn't a signal when I got to my usual 1M landmark in 8:2x and no lap split appeared so stopped and reset it. Remaining 10.58km in 51:35 was in my 'new' forward leaning stance with core engaged and worked out at 4:53/km. Minor slippy patches on the paths/roads but nothing too extreme. Happy enough with that pace but missed out on a run this week so slightly concerned if I'm falling behind. However I have a few weeks 'slack' in the schedule so I'll review over Christmas and reschedule if appropriate.

    Sun 18/12 Rest.
    Missed a long cycle also as icy roads early in the morning, then Munster match, then Family stuff for the rest of the day. I could have squeezed it in on the Turbo very early but glad I didn't push it as trying to keep all base training low key especially coming up to Christmas where its mad busy anyway. This tactic seems to be bearing fruit as MrsB enquired this week about what the logistics are for getting to Austria :):):). I've been keeping my head down on that front apart from when asked what I wanted for Christmas. Obviously a 'green light' for IMAT was top of my list :D. Several options were discussed and we might actually be making some of the bookings in the near future. Complications on the school front where No1 is 'graduating' from NS the week of IMAT so I might have to go out early in the week and they might follow a few days later. Further complicated by the need to 'piggyback' a family holiday onto the trip with Italy being the intended destination. Car hire and accomodation for the clan are further issues but all surmountable. The omens are starting to look good for part of this adventure anyway, its now just a small matter of putting in a lot more miles, hours and effort (and dosh). Simple really ;).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Mon 19/12 Tri Club Swim 1700M (Travel to Portlaoise with Work)

    100m WU (50m superman, 50m FC)
    7 X 200m (Hard/Easy/Hard/Hard/Easy/Hard/Hard) Hard with 40sec rest, easy with 20 sec rest.
    1) 4:10, 26spl, 2:10/100m
    2) 4:35, 27spl, 2:17/100m
    3) GAGA Reading (150m in 2:06:confused:)
    4) 4:23, more gaga readings on spl, etc
    5) 4:41, 27spl, 2:20/100m
    6) 4:46, gaga data
    7) 4:39, 28spl, 2:19/100m
    Not a very accurate picture as there was a bit of traffic in the lane and I was held up on a few occasions. That caused the watch to go a bit gaga as I switched to breaststroke midlength or even stopped in the shallow end.
    2 x 50m with 8 people swimming in a bunch (Tri style ;))
    2 x 50m WD

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Tues 21/12 1 hour Turbo 100+rpm, Avg 203w
    10min wu at 0 setting, avg 180w.
    Set cal at 0
    20 min at +2 setting, avg 210w
    5 min at 0 setting, avg 175w
    20 min at +2 setting, avg 215w
    5 min wd at 0 setting, avg 170w

    Booked the family holiday in northern Italy......only 2.5 hrs from Klagenfurt. WE'RE LOOKING GOOD HEUSTON!

    The 'holidays' are coming!!!!...... the 'holidays' are coming!!!! :D

    Just a small matter of final flights and...... <cough>.... accomodation in Austria :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Well, its been a bit of a gap and mainly down to sporadic training over the Xmas period plus a bit of minding myself.

    Wed 21/12 Rest
    Thurs 22/12 Run 10.5km, 57:50, 5:30/km (Travel to Dublin. Run pre-Xmas work night out.)
    Fri 23/12 Rest. Travelled home.
    Sat 24/12 Turbo 1:00 100+RPM, Avg 209W
    10min WU
    Calibrate to 0,
    Set at +3, 20 min at 220w. Tough going spinning at this setting.
    Reset to 0, 5 min at 190w
    Reset to +2, 20 min at 215w
    Reset to 0, 5 min at 190w
    Sun 25/12 Rest

    Mon 26/12 Limerick County Open 10mile Road Race. 16.47km, 1:20:27, 4:53/km
    I randomly felt something 'go' in my ankle the morning of the race but it wasn't serious enough to stop me running. The course was slightly long as I was targeting sub 8min/mile and pretty much hit that or better. There was a big crowd of 170+ and they ran out of pins and race numbers. I even ended up donating a ream of paper to help them print out the entry forms :rolleyes:. My buddy BB was there and was targeting 75min so I let him go from the off. A small bit of up and down out towards Cratloe into a very slight breeze and I struggled for the first 4-5M. I couldn't find a rhythm and slogged my way out feeling every morsel of my massive Xmas dinner weighing me down. Thankfully I got going then (plus it was slightly downhill with the breeze behind me :))and cruised for a few miles before feeling my lack of long runs from 8M. I was gradually reeling in a few people but was surprised to catch BB who had burnt out after going out too fast and had to walk some of it. I had to grit the teeth for the last mile or so as I haven't gone longer than 12km in months and definitely not at race pace. While satisfied with the run I was disappointed not to make the official results as my handwritten number mustn't have been recorded at the finish line. They also stopped recording times after 1:19 so I don't have a definite position either. I'm going to claim approx 95-100th place as BB was 116th a few minutes later. The ankle was a bit sore afterwards :o
    1M 7:53 (4:54/KM)
    2M 8:01 (4:59/KM)
    3M 8:08 (5:03/KM)
    4M 7:55 (4:55/KM)
    5M 8:00 (4:58/KM)
    6M 7:42 (4:47/KM)
    7M 7:50 (4:52/KM)
    8M 7:49 (4:51/KM)
    9M 7:43 (4:48/KM)
    10M 7:40 (4:46/KM)
    0.25M 1:47 (4:41/KM)

    Tues 27/12 I must be committed to this IM stuff as I signed up for 6month membership of UL Pool/Gym :D. Had been using it casually (literally) up to now so it just got serious! Well, as the tread title says -its about time :). I can't remember now what I actually did (last years diary :rolleyes:) but I do remember feeling very heavy and sluggish. I've not been shy around the table for the last week or two and its started to show. I'll be good in 2012 ;).

    Wed 28/12 Rest - Travel to Dublin to visit in-laws.
    Thurs 29/12 Rest (if battling around Dundrum S.C. can be deemed rest :p)
    Fri 30/12 Rest.
    Sat 31/12 11.2km Run, 1:00:04, 5:22/km. Ankle still sore :o. Pulled something in my back mid-run but kept going :(.
    Sun 1/1 Rest.

    OK upon mature reflection I know that the last 2 weeks have been poor on the training front but it was always going to be like that and that is why I built some 'slack' into the programme. So I'm cashing in 2 of my 4 weeks of 'float' and rescheduling. That means I'm now back to Week 7 Base 2. I'm allowing another 2 weeks for contingency such as illness, injury, work or family stuff as well as a mental comfort blanket :). However, I now can't be as loose about missing sessions so hopefully my time management will improve and I'll stick to the schedule more. I've bad habits such as going to bed too late and I intend trying to get 7-8 hours sleep regularly as a New Years Resolution :rolleyes:. That and eat properly. So far so good but adjusting to new bed times as the holidays end is challanging :o. 2.30am, 1.30am, 12.30 am, 11.30pm. Anyway the training and food parts are on track.

    Week 7 of 30 - Base 2 Week 3

    Mon 2/1 1000m swim. 3 x 200m, 4 x 100m. Snuck in a couple of lengths while the kids were swimming and playing on the giant inflatable. Will have to keep an eye out for it again as win/win. Not a proper session but still time in water which I need.

    Tues 3/1 1600m swim and 1:00 run
    Swam before work. 400m wu (9:2x), 12 x 100m on 2:30
    Ran home after work. 1:00:01, 11.32km, 5:18/km. Took a long cut to make the hour. Had big wind behind me. Cool and damp.

    Weds 4/1 Brick
    5min wu and cal to 0
    45min at +2 setting, 201W avg
    34:21 run to work (Approx 4m, 8:35/m, 5:22/km)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Thurs 5/1 2100m am swim and 1:00 pm Turbo 100+rpm

    300m WU
    8 X 50M Drills (Chest Lean, Superman, Catch Up, Fist)
    1 x 300m, 40sec rest (6:52, 2:17/100m, 25-29spl)
    3 x 200m, 30sec rest (4:40, 2:20/100m, 26-29spl / 4:39, 2:20/100, 27-29spl / 4:38, 2:19/100, 26-29spl)
    1 x 300m, 40sec rest (7:07, 2:22/100m, ?spl)
    200m wd - Breast and Back Stroke

    10min wu, set cal to 0
    20min at 233w avg at +2 setting
    5min at 195w avg at +0 setting
    20min at 237w avg at +2 setting
    5min at 200w avg at +0 setting
    Avg for 50min 230W :)
    Good session hitting 250w and 110prm for periods. Sweatfest and in the pain cave early on the 2nd set. Time slows down there :o.

    Fri 6/1 Run 1:16, 15km, 5:04/km
    Steady run in nice early morning mist. Dancing eye dots for last mile :(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Sat 7/1 Long slow cycle with small hill or two
    66.85km 2:51:18 23.4/km
    Boarmans Hill to Rear Cross to Cappamore route with neighbours. Handy 1st cycle back outdoors in weeks. Felt strange to be steering, braking and coasting compared to the turbo :). Legs had been stiff from Friday run but easy cycle helped clear them out.

    Sun 8/1 Long slow run
    15km 1:17:35 5:10/km
    Very sluggish legs for the first half hour but eased open after that.

    Solid enough weeks training. 11hr week - 2.5hr swim / 4.5hrs cycle / 4hrs run

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Mon 9/1 1900M Tri Club swim
    Was working in Dublin and got delayed leaving so arrived home in a rush, said hi/bye :o, grabbed gearbag but still got to pool too late for 200m WU.
    4 X 50M Kick with fins
    13 x 100m off 2:30-2:40
    1:54 / 23 SPL
    1:59 / 25 SPL
    2:03 / 26 SPL
    2:08 / 27 SPL
    2:08 / 26 SPL
    2:15 / 28 SPL
    2:18 / ? SPL
    2:14 / 27 SPL
    2:14 / 27 SPL
    2:18 / 28 SPL
    2:16 / 27 SPL
    2:09 / 26 SPL
    2:15 / ? SPL
    300m WD

    It was supposed to be 16 x 100m but didn't have time to finish it out. I gave up the bilateral breathing after the first 2-3 as I was gasping and trying to avoid holding up the lane. We spread out anyway but a small bit of traffic at times. A very sluggish swim but given that I'd just jumped out of a car after a long days work it'll do :rolleyes:.

    Flights are booked to Italy for the Thursday before IMAT and plan on driving up, staying 5 nights and coming back down to a Keycamp resort near Venice for the next 9 nights :). Made contact with an Austrian re apartment renting but still need to book.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Tues 10/1 12km am run, 1:03, 5:15/km. Sluggish. Travel to Kerry with Work.

    Wed 11/1 1 hour am Brick
    5min WU, Cal to 0, Set +2
    40min Pyramid x 2-3 up the gears for 2mins initially and then 1 min hitting Max 300W+. Avg 232W.
    15:20 run, 3,17km, 4:51/km.
    Still sluggish. Heading to Carlow / Wexford with work.

    I am the better of improving sleep habits but still need to do better there in terms of quantity and quality. Feeling a bit stiff and tight a lot these days so I'm considering getting recovery compression tights and a foam roller. I also need to start doing some core and stretching work as I feel I'm being held back now also by weaknesses in those areas too given the 'proper' level of training I'm aiming for compared to my previous hit and miss levels. Plenty to do so :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Red B -I'm really struggling with logistics to Klangenfurt, where are you flying to Italy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Verona with Ryanair

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Get some compression gear on you as soon as you can. I have to say i am finding it very good particularly after a gruelling run or bike session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    I was a bit wiped out last week after 3 days driving around the country with work and training suffered as a result but that's life

    Thurs 12/1/12
    Turbo 100+rpm 1:00

    10 min WU, cal to 0
    20 min at 225w at +2 setting
    5 min at 200w at 0 setting
    20 min at 220w at +1 setting
    5 min at 200w at 0 setting
    Avg 214w.
    Poor session. Was feeling flat and tired throughout.

    Fri 13/1/12
    12km am Run, 1:00:18, 5:01/km

    1900m pm Swim
    200m WU
    8x50m Drills (Fist, Catchup, Kick, Side one arm)
    300m, 6:42, 2:14/100m, 28spl
    200m, 4:26, 2:13/100m, 29spl
    200m, 4:44, 2:22/100m, 29spl
    200m, 4:35, 2:18/100m, 28spl,
    300m, 7:25, 2:29/100m, 30spl,
    100m wd

    Sat 14/1/12
    65km cycle, 2:22, 27.4kph
    Ballyneety, Bruff, Caherconlish circuit. Windy on the way out but hit 40kph on way back :)

    Sun 15/1/12
    Rest. Monday is the scheduled rest day but with the Tri swim now that day, it being a recovery week plus residual tiredness from a busy work week I decided to shift the schedule slightly and miss a run. I felt sluggish but that may have been due to a few pints at the Munster game the night before :rolleyes:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Last 2 weeks of base training ahead of me but not sure what to call the 'cycle' as its normally a four week rota of 3 on / 1 recovery but this cycle overlaps base and build :confused:

    Mon 16/1/12
    12km am Run, 1:03:18, 5:16/km. Sluggish over first half as legs woke up.

    1700m? Tri Club Swim
    4x50m WU
    4x50m Drills (Catchup, One arm Side)
    200m, 4:15, 2:08/100m, 27spl
    200m, 4:36, 2:19/100m, 28spl
    200m, ?
    200m, 4:54, 2:27/100m, 30spl,
    200m, 4:47, 2:24/100m, 29spl
    3x100m WD
    Watch went a bit wonky mid session and thought I did 6x200m but may have only done 5 :o.

    Really feel like I need to up my game a lot on the swimming front as I'm only making gradual gains. More quality sessions per week are necessary if I'm to make sub 1:30 in IMAT as I'm having reservations about my current ability to hit that target. I'm still hanging out in the slow lane and last night the coach was asking what distances people were aiming for e.g. try-a-tri, sprint, and her eyes nearly popped out when I told her I was targeting IM. More specific training was suggested and I know I'm not really making sufficient inroads at the moment :(.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Were you in UL on Friday evening with a white hat? (not stalking) just recognised the hat from the Monday night session?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Really feel like I need to up my game a lot on the swimming front as I'm only making gradual gains. More quality sessions per week are necessary if I'm to make sub 1:30 in IMAT as I'm having reservations about my current ability to hit that target. I'm still hanging out in the slow lane and last night the coach was asking what distances people were aiming for e.g. try-a-tri, sprint, and her eyes nearly popped out when I told her I was targeting IM. More specific training was suggested and I know I'm not really making sufficient inroads at the moment

    Don't worry about the swimming, it'll come to you. There are still 20 weeks of swim training to go which is over 100,000m:). The fact you are getting coaching advice is all the better. My swimming for my first IM didn't start to come good until a couple of weeks out (if you can call my swimming good:rolleyes:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Were you in UL on Friday evening with a white hat? (not stalking) just recognised the hat from the Monday night session?

    Yep, that was me. Hiding in the slow lane that night too if I recollect.

    Are you at the club sessions too Benny?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    RedB how often are you swimming per week?
    How long is yoru longest set at this point usually?
    Do you have endurancefocus in any of your session specifically?

    IMO for IMAT you need 3 swims a week minimum with one specifically working on building the distance. Your 5*200s the otehr night started at 2:08 pace and ended at 2:28 pace. What do you think is the reason for the fade? Your technique was good enough on the first 200 to show that 1:30 IM swim is possible with that stroke? Winter is generally a time to work on weaknesses and the Monday night tech sessions sounds good. However if in the next 6 weeks you are still seeing minor gains and you feel endurance is not progressing as you would like. I'd drop the tech session and replace it with another endurance session. Aim to progress one of those endurance sessions to 3-4k straight. Others may not agree with me but I feel that hitting that mark in a pool will give you a stamp of confidence in the IMAT swim and you will feel great about getting the wetsuit on and getting a few long OW swims in May/June.

    I'm not advocating an abandonment of technique. You can still make your 3rd session drill/technically focused. You can also bring a single specific technical focus into longer endurance sets.

    Lastly, I've said it before and I'll say it again, quit hiding and get thee to the Club session M,W or F mornings if you can. It ill bring your fitness along faster than the hero hans solo way, trust me ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    griffin100 wrote: »

    Don't worry about the swimming, it'll come to you. There are still 20 weeks of swim training to go which is over 100,000m:). The fact you are getting coaching advice is all the better. My swimming for my first IM didn't start to come good until a couple of weeks out (if you can call my swimming good:rolleyes:)

    Thanks griffin100 but its more a group session than coaching advice.
    I'm reasonably confident I'll be able to make the distance (with a lot more training :o) but its just whether it'll take longer or sap more energy from me than it should. My technique is rough and my fitness is poor for the task ahead. While I've pretty much followed Fink's proper base training for Cycle and Run sessions, I haven't even come close to clocking up the required distance for swimming. I could barely pass 1500m straight right now but I should be doing 2500m :(. The solution is more pool time and probably to jump onto the back of a masters session but I find that daunting.
    HTFU time Red ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I am very skeptical of your swimming Red, I hear these tales of woe and grim swim reports early every year and inevitably you come in not far off the 2 minute average pace on the day. I wouold be fairly sure with some consistent swimming behind you over the next few months you should be looking to be closer to 1.15 than 1.30

    Is it a case of perhaps you are more suited to the open water - i feel myself the wetsuit is a huge help on the day as regards my position.

    Your running is going far better than me at the moment, I will be a while getting down to sub 5 min k's for Zone 2

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    RedB how often are you swimming per week?
    How long is yoru longest set at this point usually?
    Do you have endurancefocus in any of your session specifically?

    IMO for IMAT you need 3 swims a week minimum with one specifically working on building the distance. Your 5*200s the otehr night started at 2:08 pace and ended at 2:28 pace. What do you think is the reason for the fade? Your technique was good enough on the first 200 to show that 1:30 IM swim is possible with that stroke? Winter is generally a time to work on weaknesses and the Monday night tech sessions sounds good. However if in the next 6 weeks you are still seeing minor gains and you feel endurance is not progressing as you would like. I'd drop the tech session and replace it with another endurance session. Aim to progress one of those endurance sessions to 3-4k straight. Others may not agree with me but I feel that hitting that mark in a pool will give you a stamp of confidence in the IMAT swim and you will feel great about getting the wetsuit on and getting a few long OW swims in May/June.

    I'm not advocating an abandonment of technique. You can still make your 3rd session drill/technically focused. You can also bring a single specific technical focus into longer endurance sets.

    Lastly, I've said it before and I'll say it again, quit hiding and get thee to the Club session M,W or F mornings if you can. It ill bring your fitness along faster than the hero hans solo way, trust me ;)

    See above also but only Swimming twice per week but know more is required. The sets I've been doing haven't been targeted at anything really, more just splash and dash :(.

    I'll be at the pool in the morning Luke but I'll need to feel the force :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    catweazle wrote: »
    I am very skeptical of your swimming Red, I hear these tales of woe and grim swim reports early every year and inevitably you come in not far off the 2 minute average pace on the day. I wouold be fairly sure with some consistent swimming behind you over the next few months you should be looking to be closer to 1.15 than 1.30

    Is it a case of perhaps you are more suited to the open water - i feel myself the wetsuit is a huge help on the day as regards my position.

    Your running is going far better than me at the moment, I will be a while getting down to sub 5 min k's for Zone 2

    It amazes me too but body position with the wetsuit in open water probably contributes hugely to those ok splits after a long period of 'training' with a poor position and developing reasonable upper body and leg strength rather than good technique . I'm targeting 1:20 after a 35min HIM split but that particular HIM swim felt like heaven on the day but that feeling never seems to come in the pool.

    Who said anything about Zone 2 for the sub 5 min k's? ;):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    RedB wrote: »
    See above also but only Swimming twice per week but know more is required. The sets I've been doing haven't been targeted at anything really, more just splash and dash :(.

    I'll be at the pool in the morning Luke but I'll need to feel the force :D

    Good man

    If I don't spot you at the tail end of the LTC lane next to me in the morning (They swim off 2:00 to 1:55 pace), I'll point your face out to the Coach and rest assured he will give you the evils every time you set foot in the Arena Muhawhawhaw :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Tues 17/1 - Does a 13hr+ work day count as rest? No training :mad:. In Dublin with work and had to do a Family thing also.

    Weds 18/1 - 2,100m Masters AM Swim :)
    Well, I couldn't have MCOS with his evil laugh getting the evil eye put on me ;). I was waiting for the pool to open at 7am and trying not to look like a complete rookie. Not a bad introduction and I wasn't as far off the back as I feared I would be. I joined the end of the slowest lane and the guy and girl just ahead of me were very friendly and put me at ease straight away. I swopped places with him a few times but we were dropped from the main bunch soon enough :o. Anyway, I enjoyed it and made sure to give MCOS a big wave.

    10 x 50m Kick with board and fins
    2 x 300m (6:29/2:10pace/28spl and 6:42/2:14pace/29spl)
    1 x 200m (4:23/2:11pace/30spl)
    2 x 100m (2:16/30spl and 2:13/30spl)
    4? x 50m Breaststroke
    2 x 50m HARD (1:05/28spl and 0:55/25spl) Supposed to do more but cramped bad on 3rd and got out.
    300m WD in slow lane.

    Travel to Carlow with Work and had a community meeting in evening so missed my Turbo session. :( Tired from 500+ miles driving in past 2 days.

    Thurs 19/1 1:00am Run 12.24km 4:56/km. Happy with this. Really felt I was moving and connected with the road.

    I must relocate my HRM strap as I misplaced it in the house several weeks ago and am in the dark re Zones right now.
