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Its about time - IMAT12



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Mammoth cycle RedB, you just about picked all of the hard hill around the county and up the Shalee after the step is a kick in the nads. The step is hard enough to climb but I agree the descent of it is impossible, you are literally on the brakes hard the whole way. A long straight or slowly winding descent with that gradient would be a white knuckle bit of fun though!

    Well done, that session will stand to you in a few weeks, no question and IMAT will not be as hard

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Savage ride! Well done. And great use of emoticons - perhaps the most I've seen in one post yet - and I love how they visually add color to the otherwise black and white post. But more to the point, you earned that rest day on Sunday. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    just savage sir, fair play:
    I am mapping that spin out and will attempt it soon (not looking forward to it)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Thats some spin Red. Fair play, you'll be flying come July.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Just when I think I'm managing to keep within sight of what youre doing you go and up the ante again. Fair play to ya. Strong as a horse you are. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Thanks for all of the above flattering feedback folks. Much appreciated - keep it coming ;)

    Mon 21/5/12 am Swim and 1:00 lunchtime Run with 4 x 6min fast / 2min easy after 0:10

    500m WU
    10x50m Drills
    3x400m off 10min - in on 9:11,9:08,8:58, Avg 29spl
    6x50m Drills
    200m WD with fins

    12.13km, 1:00:00, 4:57/km with fast splits of 4:30/km, 4:20/km, 4:29/km, 4:27/km

    Happy with both of these sessions especially the run as I struggle with finding and maintaining a steady 'fast' pace but these were just hard enough yet steady with a few testing inclines. In my head I was swapping the lyrics in LMFAO's party rock anthem over and back from shuffling to suffering (Everyday I'm Shufflin'/Suffering :)) and sucking it up :rolleyes: Either way I can see my future :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Tues 22/05/12 - Rest. Travelled to Wexford with work.
    I had a 1.5hr turbo brick planned for early morning but had slept badly Sunday night so decided to leave off the alarm and just let the body wake when it was ready. I needed to be up at 6am to make it happen but the body said no :o. Instead I spent the evening chasing the session but it was after 10pm before a slot opened up and with a LSR planned for early the next morning I begrudgingly decided to let it go and focus on having a quality long run for the greater good.

    Wed 23/05/12 - am LSR.
    28.74km, 2:33:42, 5:21/km
    Woke before the alarm at 5:30am and was dressed and out the door 10mins later after chugging 500ml water :cool:. It was a warm morning and I was sweating early which was a slight worry as I had a long sleeved heavyish running top on. I considered going topless :D as my route was very rural but decided to park that idea :). It was fine after the first hour as either I acclimatised or it got cooler. I headed out the Mountshannon Rd to Castleconnell and went over the footbridge near the playground, back into Clonlara, Corbally and along the river bank to UL and home. A beautiful, peaceful run in lush green countryside that I had mainly to myself and a few cows and bunnies. Very enjoyable and comfortable. Took Isogels at 60, 90 and 120 mins and carried 500ml water but only drank half it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    YOu seem to be flying now, Red - you'll find the IMAT bike course a lot easier than your epic spins over the Silvermines...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Izoard wrote: »
    YOu seem to be flying now, Red - you'll find the IMAT bike course a lot easier than your epic spins over the Silvermines...

    More like epic fails over the Silvermines :rolleyes:.................

    Every week I miss sessions which bothers me a bit but I try to make the key ones, stay focused and do what I can. The clock is ticking very quickly these days and as Oryx mentioned, I don't think I've got enough long stuff in so I'm trying to cram. As the saying goes - A lot done, a lot more to do :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    RedB wrote: »
    More like epic fails over the Silvermines :rolleyes:.................

    Every week I miss sessions which bothers me a bit but I try to make the key ones, stay focused and do what I can. The clock is ticking very quickly these days and as Oryx mentioned, I don't think I've got enough long stuff in so I'm trying to cram. As the saying goes - A lot done, a lot more to do :)
    Ive been keeping track, and I reckon youre exactly where you need to be*. I mean, it will never feel like its enough, but it will be enough on the day. Youll see. :)

    *which scares me because Im not doing as well as you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Wed 23/05/12 (cont'd) pm 1 hr Cycle

    It was a lovely evening and a slot opened up so I jumped in :). Out to Birdhill and back trying to stay spinning easy at 100rpm and keep down on the aerobars. Passed 2 separate cyclists heading from Birdhill as I was approaching it and thought 'hmmmmmm' :rolleyes:. Hit the lap button going round the roundabout and went into pursuit mode :D. There was a small headwind on the way back and I was keeping low and spinning fast while trying to keep the effort Z2. Caught the first guy at the CastleOaks junction and the second guy at Finnegans but they had both probably sat up so it was only myself I was really 'racing'.:P
    34km, 1:04, 31.8kph

    The spin helped loosen up the legs after the mornings LSR so I did a bit of foam work later as well.

    Thurs 25/05/12 am Swim
    500m WU
    10x50m usual Drills
    6x200m off 4:45-5:00. In on 4:13, 4:26, 4:17, 4:14, 4:22, 4:19. 28-30spl
    6x50m Drills with fins
    200m WD with fins

    Legs were tired to start with and arms and shoulders are tired now so sounds about right for this time of the year ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Thurs 24/05/12 (cont'd) pm 1:00 2x20 Turbo

    10min WU, Cal to 0, set at +1
    20min at 275W
    5min easy
    20min at 285W
    5min WD

    Out the back on a very warm evening. Didn't really want to do it but knew I needed to. Was after 9:30pm starting so I could barely read the display finishing. Tired and low on motivation starting <insert usual Thurs eve moan here> and found it tough going as a result but it seemed to get easier or else I just HTFU'd and got used to it for the second set. I changed gears then so instead of maintaining the target wattage by spinning 'fast', I did it by slightly 'grinding' a lower gear which even allowed me to push up the target without having to throw as many bananas at the pain monkey :). I'd be interested to know which is the better strategy for preserving the legs for the run - I suspect it might be the spinning approach. Anyway it was quite warm and as I idly made shapes out of the growing sweat pool (turned out to be a love heart in the end :rolleyes:), I also wondered how I'm going to manage in the IMAT heat as I much prefer the cold. I'm thinking electrolytes in my bike drinks initially but the idea of salt tablets led me to this kind of advice here and here which say the sports drinks should be adequate (and also recommends not taking ibuprofen which I also wondered about) but that everyone is different and test it out. Hopefully this recent good weather will help that even though its a bit yuk to exercise in with all that sweating going on :p. It will probably be a significant factor for me especially on the run so I want to maximise my chances. Obviously staying hydrated, sunscreen and sponges will also be part of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Fri 25/05/12 1:15 lunchtime run

    This was meant to be a 1:30 run with 10min hard and probaby should have been done this morning but after a well earned beer last night I decided to pass up on an early morning session. Its a strange scenario when your OH says to you first thing in the morning "What are you doing here?":rolleyes::D. I'll be out for an early cycle on Sat and then bringing Cubs on a Camping Trip that evening so there'll be probably be limited sleep there(if any :eek:). Anyway the run got altered and damnnnnn but it was hot (25 Deg C ?). I had a strange feeling in my calfs initially like I was just off the bike and was bouncing along quicker than I intended. Did the first 8km in 40:26 (5:03/km) and then was drowning in a sea of self-pity, sweat and increasing RPE :(. Decided that 10min hard wasn't going to happen and decided to practice my run/walk strategy for sufferfest occasions :o. This had a very positive effect on RPE with sustainable 5:30/km run paces for 8-9 mins and 10:00/km walk paces for 1 min and feeling much happier. I found the heat and sun a real struggle but I'm happier now that I can adapt to it.

    14km, 1:14:28, 5:19/km incl 3x1min walks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    HA very like my run today, first 3k at 4.50 pace and then a world of pain that saw me walking at 8k to get the heart rate down. Even at 6.10 pace my heart rate was in the 160's. Struggled home with an overall 5.31 pace - tough weekend ahead but a recovery week next week - which is probably my first so looking forward to it - i think i need it

    great weather though (but not for training)

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    RedB wrote: »
    Fri 25/05/12 1:15 lunchtime run

    This was meant to be a 1:30 run with 10min hard and probaby should have been done this morning but after a well earned beer last night I decided to pass up on an early morning session. Its a strange scenario when your OH says to you first thing in the morning "What are you doing here?":rolleyes::D. I'll be out for an early cycle on Sat and then bringing Cubs on a Camping Trip that evening so there'll be probably be limited sleep there(if any :eek:). Anyway the run got altered and damnnnnn but it was hot (25 Deg C ?). I had a strange feeling in my calfs initially like I was just off the bike and was bouncing along quicker than I intended. Did the first 8km in 40:26 (5:03/km) and then was drowning in a sea of self-pity, sweat and increasing RPE :(. Decided that 10min hard wasn't going to happen and decided to practice my run/walk strategy for sufferfest occasions :o. This had a very positive effect on RPE with sustainable 5:30/km run paces for 8-9 mins and 10:00/km walk paces for 1 min and feeling much happier. I found the heat and sun a real struggle but I'm happier now that I can adapt to it.

    14km, 1:14:28, 5:19/km incl 3x1min walks

    Its amazing how the heat knocks the wind out of your sails, your mind says run faster but the body doesn't repsond. I ran friday night and it was twice as warm of the previous friday and i struggled big time, NOT want I wanted with Austria so close :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    My intended Friday pm swim was dropped as we were invited to a neighbours BBQ due to the fine weather which again involved plenty of carbo-loading but nearly 1am getting to sleep. :o

    Sat 26/05/12 Long Cycle with hills - 3 Counties Challange Part Deux - once more with feeling! :)
    145.19km, 6:16:51, 23.1kph, 1943m ascending

    Mr Alps had to bail out at the last minute but 2 other lads were coming for parts of the spins and were easy about the route so I decided to go around last weeks' circuit again with some minor mods. Off at 6:30am and up Woodcock and Gallows Hills from the Woodcock Hill Road side this time which seems a shorter, steeper ascent (?), fast descent into Sixmilebridge and round again to Meelick and Parteen where we said goodbye to the Commuter. Stopped for a few mins after approx 2 hours (49km) to put on sunscreen, have a banana and fill up a water bottle at a garage and off then towards Broadford. Forgot to mention last week that we also included a long drag through Kyle in this section. We were loving the glorious day with loads of sun and heat but also a reasonable headwind at times. Sharp right coming into Broadford and then turned for Kilbane and over the Gap to Killaloe again. Still a very tough climb but I did find it a bit more manageable and I was a lot happier on the desent in the dry. Said goodbye to the Banker in Killaloe and headed towards Silvermines via N7, R499. Found I was running out of energy so took a gel on 4 hours (89km :eek:) which I realise was too late. My cunning plan for Silvermines involved a planned stop at the Carpark where I had another gel, water and applied more sunscreen before attempting the final section. After my rest I was going to head to the top and then retrace my steps as the descent on the other side is crap. However I only got about 400m before I had to turn as I just could not stay climbing and I wasn't going to walk it again :(. Had to avoid a tractor on the way down and lean on the brakes a lot but it was much better than the other side. Headed to Killoscully then via L2110 road (MCOS's Shallee climb?) and on to Newport and home. Went through 109km on 5hours and wanted to hit the 6 hour barrier but was mindful of my time slot closing due to the 2 stops. However as I was 2km from home I got a big salute from the family going the opposite direction in the car so I thought 'ok they won't be back for another few minutes' ;) so I added in another loop via UL and more 'climbing' up Castletroy hill, Golf Links Road and Schoolhouse road which were a doddle :p. My legs were in good shape but my rear, shoulders and back were aching bigtime. I suppose its a time issue but I also wonder about the recent bike fit which I'm generally happy about. Anyway, I had been dreaming of it so as soon as I got home I hopped into the kids paddling pool which was quite chilly, with a cold beer and savoured the moment :rolleyes:.

    I'm happy enough with that level of climbing but the time it took gives me cause for concern w.r.t. my original target time. The road surfaces were poor enough for long sections and there was a bit of wind but it may work out closer to 6:30hrs in IMAT rather than 6:15hrs even allowing for better road conditions as I will also need to ride conservatively and keep reserves for the run. IMAT apparently has 1700m climbing and measures 175km so 27kph would give me 6.5hrs. My original swim target has slipped but I've got a better handle on T1/T2 :rolleyes:. The realisation of the effect of sun/heat is also causing me to reassess my expected run split so realistically I may be targeting sub13 on this basis:

    Swim - 1:27:00
    T1- 0:07:30
    Cycle - 6:35:00
    T2 - 0:04:30
    Run - 4:45:00
    Total -12:59:00

    I think I'd be ok with that.

    Went camping that afternoon with the Cubs and was plagued by midges that night as we tired to contain sugar-fuelled kids living the dream. Not a lot of sleep but a good time was had.

    Sun 27/05/12 - Rest (of sorts)

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    RedB wrote: »
    Swim - 1:27:00
    T1- 0:07:30
    Cycle - 6:35:00
    T2 - 0:04:30
    Run - 4:45:00
    Total -12:59:00

    I think I'd be ok with that.

    Hey Red B - Are you having a nap in T1 ;), plus I think your being very conservative on the bike time - the road surfaces in Austria alone will be worth a few mph to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    handangeo wrote: »
    Hey Red B - Are you having a nap in T1 ;), plus I think your being very conservative on the bike time - the road surfaces in Austria alone will be worth a few mph to you.

    Most Irish splits from last years results in my range were actually longer!

    Think I may actually have to increase those transition times :D

    I am being conservative but having done 23kph at the weekend I was allowing 26.5kph for the better roads while still keeping something back for the run. I could go faster no doubt but if I hit 30kph, wouldn't I be goosed for the run then :confused:. Although I anticipate a lot of shuffling / walking anyway, so do I blow my wad and go for glory ;)? I'll show them who's emotionally insure with my stellar pacing!:cool: :D:p

    Also spotted this IMAT reccy which I found helpful.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Mon 28/05/12 - am 1:00 run with 5x6min hard/2min easy and pm OW swim

    Was still bushed from the weekends lack of sleep so my run had a bit of a nightmare feel about it. Just couldn't get going and my 'hard' splits were embarassingly slow :o.
    12km, 1:01:58, 5:09/km. Hard splits 4:48, 5:01:eek:, 4:53, 4:38 and 4:24. Some inclines/declines in there :rolleyes:.

    OW swim was ok but need to do longer. Did about 1500m in 40mins at Worlds End incl some stopping and regrouping. MCOS and co disappeared into the distance as about 10 of us turned. Felt like a plank initially and took a good while to stop gasping and get regular breathing going. Lovely evening and warm water but got a bit dizzy at one stage with the sun shining straight into my eye as I breathed to one side. Also was a bit concerned about the motor boat that passed with the rowers. And goggles need adjusting a few times too. Hopefully I'll be up for a longer distance next week :)

    Tues 29/05/12 - am 1:30 run
    16.5km, 1:30:12, 5:28/km

    Slow, tired run with painful quads :confused:. Need more sleep as the weekend took more out of me than I thought :o.

    Irrational fear starting to build, probably due to tiredness :(. A bit of demon fighting too :o.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Tues 29/05/12 (cont'd) - pm 1:26 Brick

    Free slot opened up due to rescheduling of kids GAA sessions and it was such a lovely evening I opted for a quick spin to Birdhill with 2x20min hard reps. MrsB advised that I could go longer as long as she was able to get out for a run after so I decided to tag on another quick run for a tasty brick session :). Had a weird sudden drop in tyre pressure after hitting a stone 3/4 way through the 2nd rep and had to stop and pump it back up so just headed easy straight for home then as I was doubtful it'd hold. Just did a 5km run to ensure I was home in good time.

    11min WU - 28.5kph
    20min Fast - 35.1kph
    (Above mainly with tailwind)
    5min Easy - 24.3kph
    15min Fast - 31.4kph
    9min Easy - 26.1kph
    (Above with fair headwind)
    1min transition
    5km run - 25:04 - 5:01/km

    Happy with that. Got a salute from Tri-an-Mhi winner Mike O'Brien as he passed opposite doing his own much faster brick :D. Poetry in motion.

    Wed 30/05/12 am 2:45 LSR
    Lovely, mild, cloudy morning for it but again, sweating early. Quads were slightly painful from the start and shoulders were tense for a long time. Local loop first and then a repeat of last weeks Castleconnell, Clonlara, Corbally, Riverbank, UL route which has a few nice inclines buried in there too. No particular bother apart from faded slightly near the end. Had music with me again which was nice for a change. Took Isogels on 60, 90 and 120mins again and carried 330ml water which was grand. Nice easy run and happy to have reached another landmark :rolleyes:.

    30.01km, 2:47:09, 5:34/km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Thurs 31/05/12 am Long Swim
    3km?, 1:09? 2:18/100m? plus 6x50m Drills and 200m WD with fins

    I wasn't sure what I was going to do getting into the water as the legs were a small bit sore and tired from yesterdays LSR and I hadn't been in the pool in a week. As I was doing my warmup I had a nice feel for the water and decided to just keep going slow and steady as the lane was relatively quiet and I wouldn't be holding up too many :). Checked my watch after 30min and it was off despite having charged it and turned it on :mad: so rebooted it quickly and kept going. This threw me a bit as I lost faith for a while in my counting and timekeeping but got it together again. Could have kept going but decided to leave something in the tank for tomorrow :rolleyes:. Watch was off again at the end so no reliable numbers :mad:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    A bit of a tiredness bomb went off on Thurs and I didn't push to get in another session :(. Fri got away from me too as I opted for a lie-in and had a bit of a rush around sorting things for the w'end :o, headed to Kerry and was wedding anniversary. Poor planning on my part as I should have lined things up better. Tried to make up for it then on Sat :rolleyes:.

    Fri 01/06/12 - Rest . Travel to Banna

    Sat 02/06/12 - Long Cycle
    173.16km, 7:04:06, 24.5kph, 1669m ascending
    Headed off early on my own on a dry, mild morning but felt rough from the start on slightly bumpy road into the wind as had opted for old Tri Shorts with minimal padding rather than usual cycling gear. The road to Blennerville was ok but it was very bumpy then from there to the Conor Pass and my rear was NOT happy as I had to get out of the saddle several times on the flat :(. I had shelter from the wind on lots of this section but it wasn't a nice cycle. Did 26.5km in 1st hour and 24km in 2nd as I was climbing by then. Nice steady climb into the rain over the Conor Pass and careful descent into Dingle but the rain persisted and the wind was back. Headed out to Ventry and by the time I got to Dun Quinn it was fairly grim with the wind and rain stinging me straight off the Atlantic. Had a couple of 'howling at the wind' moments and was shivering for hours as I pressed on to Murreagh and took in Feohanagh too for the craic :rolleyes:. I was like a drowned miserable cat by the time I made it back to Dingle but was sufficiently numb in body and mind to keep going :). Did 26km in 3rd hour and 25km in 4th. Back over the Conor Pass again and a bit more of a struggle this time but manageable. 19km for the 5th hour :o. Rain rain rain. Numb numb numb. On on on. Back onto the very bumpy section back to Blennervile and again we're not liking this :mad:. Tried txting MrsB to let her know ETA but hopeless in the rain :rolleyes: (did I mention it was raining? :)). Relief of sorts when the road into Tralee improved but my back and shoulders are burning. Handy 26km each in 6th and 7th hours and home to the crazy gang :p. Stayed raining for the day. Eat like a starved horse for the next 2 days, mainly sugary junk food. Had a PB Bar on 2.5hrs and 3.5hrs, Banana on 4.5hrs, Gels on 5.5hrs and 6.5hrs as well as 750ml Energy Drink. Didn't stop once. Horrible cycle :(.

    Sun 03/06/12 - Rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    RedB wrote: »
    . Horrible cycle :(.

    But a very funny report of it :D Just think how warm and less windy it will be in a few weeks time...

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Right now Im doing that 'were not worthy' thing down on the ground.

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Sounded like a real HTFU session there, you really grinded out that one - RESPECT!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    That has reminded me why I'm thinking of giving IM a miss this year. Well done, that'll stand you in good stead come the big day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    But a very funny report of it :D Just think how warm and less windy it will be in a few weeks time...

    That's what I'm banking on :D. I figure its all credit in the IM Bank so I don't really have a problem with those kind of wet and windy conditions. The Wicklow200 last year was even worse as it was cooler, longer and a lot more climbing so I just got on with it. I'll be getting a new pair of Tri shorts though with some padding ;)
    Oryx wrote: »
    Right now Im doing that 'were not worthy' thing down on the ground.
    Ehhhhhh, thanks but I don't think so :rolleyes: Your cracking run split in Athy has shown me what I'm really supposed to be aiming for. My main limiter is still endurance across all 3 legs whereas you've got the power to run strong over distance which is where I should be aiming for. My aim is to finish with the least amount of pain possible but I should be trying to have a decent run. I finally managed to do it for Oly distance but HIM/IM were/will be about survival rather than running :o
    handangeo wrote: »
    Sounded like a real HTFU session there, you really grinded out that one - RESPECT!

    It was more a case of keeping the head down and embracing the discomfort rather than battling through any pain. The legs were good throughout and I was happy doing it in a weird kind of way as I was thinking 'Is that all you've got because I can do this ALL day :D'. I just ran out of road :)
    griffin100 wrote: »
    That has reminded me why I'm thinking of giving IM a miss this year. Well done, that'll stand you in good stead come the big day.

    Cheers. I figure that's my bike endurance box ticked now.

    Mon 05/06/12 lunchtime run and pm OW swim

    Handy out and back aero run towards Ballyheigue. Didn't have my plan with me so neglected any hard splits.
    12km, 1:00:25, 5:02/km

    Late getting back from Kerry but as I arrived at Worlds End a departing clubmate told me there were a few just headed out and there were a few cars there so I suited up and headed off. I quickly spotted 2 swimmers coming towards me but they were motoring and I figured there must be a bigger group further on. I kept going, enjoying a stress free swim but there was still no-one to be seen so I turned after 26mins. A single rower had come against me on the way out and I'd kept well in to the side but I started to get a bit concerned then about being on my own :o. Sighting was poor at times and cramp was hovering in my right calf near the end so I was glad to see the pier eventually. Just a dogwalker there as I got out so probably a bit dodgy to be out like that :o. Total 54mins at easy pace = 2300m?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Tues 05/06/12 - pm Turbo
    It seems my Turbo was "accidently" left outside overnight last week by a senior family member :rolleyes: and it got a soaking by the time I spotted it the following morning :eek:. So I hesitantly plugged it in last night and crossed my fingers but its fecked:(. Water sloshing around in the display and the motor thing is making a screeching noise so I unplugged it rapid. I still got up and did a medium resistance session that had me sweating steadily but no numbers apart from time.
    1:15 at 200-250W?

    Wed 06/06/12 - LSR
    32.1km, 3:00:03, 5:36/km
    No particular difficulties, just tiring by the end. Same route as last week with extra Vistacon loop at the end. Was not feeling great for first hour+ with a bit of GI issues and clunky legs but kept plodding away and concentrating on form as I tired. Took High 5 Isogels on 75min, 105min and 135min and carried 330ml water again which was fine. Tried keeping a steady RPE and made myself slow down a few times with 5:30/km being my rough target pace but this drifted out to 5:40+/km over the last 6km. Happy to have reached 32km milestone. Just throw another 10ish km onto that and I'm home and hosed. (Small matter of a little swim and cycle too of course :))

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Thurs 07/06/12 - Rest. Travel to Dublin with work. Long day, thumping headache, aching back, overtired, couldn't sleep :o

    Fri 08/06/12 - am swim and lunchtime run

    Not doing a lot of swimming these days (or ever :rolleyes:) and lost the feel for the water with clunky form and poor breathing / fitness

    500m WU
    10x50m Drills
    10x100m off 2:30

    17.75km, 1:30:13, 5:05/km incl 10min hard (4:13/km with tailwind) at 1:10

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Sat 09/06/12 - pm Swim
    Out late Fri night so had a slow day. Got a swim in with the kids so all good.

    500m WU
    10x50m Drills
    10x100m off 2:30

    Sun 10/06/12 - Long Cycle
    Probable 168km?, 6:20?, 26.5kph?, 1400m+ ascending? (watch off from Parkway to Sixmilebridge - Approx 20km at 30kph?)
    Recorded 148.25km, 5:42:11, 26kph, 1396m ascending
    Out at 6:30am with Mr Alps as he's off to the Alps on Thurs and just wanted to go till 10am, then I hooked up with the Tri Club for their spin and then added on my Abington loop on my own.
    Out the old road to Castleconnell, O'Briens Bridge, turned right in Bridgetown and went over The Gap in the opposite direction to the last few times. It seems a shorter, steeper climb and the descent is then longer so I lost Mr Alps for a few KM as he disappeared down the hill and into the distance while I went a bit more gingerly at max 45kph :o. I was feeling very flat, disinterested, bored and 'low batteries' about the whole ride and was just viewing it as a chore :( but at least it wasn't raining :). It was dry, warm, mainly sunny with just a little wind. On to Broadford and Sixmilebridge and back up to GallowsHill again in the opposite direction to the last few times. Normally a fast descent, it was a steady climb and I think is what some of the Tri Club IMAT group do regularly. Down fast (max 57.5kph :D) by Cratloe Woods and back fast-ish (in mid30's) into Limerick along the dual carriageway and Condel Road. Said bye to Mr Alps at Parkway but then did a small loop while waiting for Tri Group. Stopped up for several minutes there as they finally gathered and back out Condel Road to Sixmilebridge, Newmarketonfergus, Shannon and back in dual carriageway again. Only realised in Sixmilebridge I'd forgotton to turn back on my watch after meeting the Tri Club. Died going up a hill out of Shannon and got spat out the back rapid :( as the group broke for a short spell, regathered and then split again when the hammer went down. Gathered up with the stragglers and spun home easy :o. Thought I'd a bit more time so tacked on another loop by Abington, Boher Church but had a semi-puncture experience again 10km from home. Limped back on low pressure when couldn't get it pumped up but not worth changing as was late now :o. Home for 1pm, a quick T2 of sorts and 15mins later I'm showered and on my way to a Camogie Blitz while shoveling fruit, nuts and biscuits into my gob as fast as I can :rolleyes:. The initial 'flatness' did leave me after a few hours and I enjoyed most of the rest of the cycle. Didn't feel particularly tired afterwards which is great compared to the wastedness and crankyness associated with earlier, shorter rides. There must be something in that old 'consistant training theory' after all :D
