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Constitutional Challenge in courts



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Jaysus, I read the thread title and got really excited that someone had an Idea as to how we take the sleazy bunch of traitors in the dail to task for sellin this nation out from under us, I've ben porin over Bunreacht na Heirann mself lookin for inspiration,, imagine my dissapointment when I read the thread, the excitement quickly dies when I saw reference to article 44.

    I am of the opinion that the only debate weshould behaving regardsthis element of the constitution is how to remove it and all references to spurious mythological fairytales.

    However fair balls OP, if there was even te slightest chance that this had legs I'd be up outside the Supreme Court with you, but your 'evience' of the Second Coming is a bit sketchy there now, I am willin to Drive to Navan* to meet with this Jeebus fella and have a few pints with him/Her/It/HisHoliness, exactly how does one address the saviour of the world? but is there any chance of a more central location meetup, maybe the next Boards beers??

    *Primarily and exclusivley for the opportunity to meet the Second coming of Christ for a Pint, there is no other reason to ever entertain the notion of Travellin to Naaaaaaaaaaavan

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,897 ✭✭✭MagicSean

    Op are you the second coming by any chance? I notice your initials are J.C.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,219 ✭✭✭Lab_Mouse

    Oh FFS. Do I move this to Conspiracy Theories or After Hours? :D

    recycle bin tbh:pac:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    ah no, if a poster cant explore a more 'esoteric' Theory here then where can he??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭Duke Leonal Felmet

    His posting style is reminiscent of a poster called JC, of the famed 'Bible, Creationism and Prophesy' thread.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,922 ✭✭✭hooradiation

    His posting style is reminiscent of a poster called JC, of the famed 'Bible, Creationism and Prophesy' thread.


    Everyone knows that JC is simply a quite complex python script.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,088 ✭✭✭marketty

    Everyone knows that JC is simply a quite complex python script.

    He's NOT the messiah..............

  • Registered Users Posts: 191 ✭✭Avatargh

    selfrep wrote: »
    I find your response typical of one the reasons I would be bringing the case in the first place....I wouldnt be doing it for me I would be doing it for the citizens of Ireland and thus I am asking for assistance from ordinary citizens that use these boards and tips based on their knowledge, we are all a team and the reason our country is in the state its in is because people like you make blaise unwarranted comments such as the above without firmly knowing the seriousness of the situation.....if you want to know the seriousness read article 6.1, 44.1 and the preamble to the irish constitution and when you read these artcicles I would say its most unlikely youll make a decent fist of understanding the severity of this ....

    “ For the Glory of God and Honour of Ireland” “Dochum Gloire de agus onora na hEireann” - Last Line Irish Constitution

    Yeah...ok...and then later we see the basis of your apparently serious and important constitutional case is that "Jesus is back in Ireland for his second coming, the proof is below and attached and Fine Gael and Labour stood in the way of this unique event for the people of Ireland.

    Good luck again!

    Edit: Holy I've actually looked at what you posted since. I sincerely wish that you bring this case. It will, if anything, be entertaining.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    There is a huge differance between the truth and the people of Ireland not being able to handle or understand the truth, I simply asked you to read the evidence free of charge before casting judgements at me, if any of you were accused of a crime you didnt commit you would like to be presumed innocent before found guilty and if you had evidence you were innocent you would appreciate it if your fellow citizens read the evidence..... I ask you to extend the same courtesy to me

    At that link you will find untenable proof in the form of the book entitled The Second Coming part 1 and part 2 and you will also see a book entitled " The Kingdom of Ireland" which details our new flag, new currency and our 32 county Kingdom of Peace why any of you would want to doubt this will happen and not assist with it is beyond me, I repeat : Our new Flag, New Currency and 32 county Kingdom......or would you rather we stay in the EURO until it collapses and with it the EU as a whole and would you rather the British continue to own 6 of our counties? You people are in for quite the shock....Also at that link you will find a book entitled "Gardai and Government "Judgment Day" all free to download UNTENABLE PROOF

    If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels.".....Mark 8:38.......But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven....matthew 10:33.......For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. Matthew 16:27.......

    Just because you wernt prepared for a second coming doesnt mean it wont happen, everything I have typed on this forum is true and your all ignoring the truth to suit the fact you wernt ready for a second coming.....

    Now I would ask all of you smart Hoo Hums that said nasty things to read the evidence at the link.....fear of,disbelief and ignorance to the truth is no reason to avoid it.......the only thing standing between you unprepared souls and the truth is your fear of it....... None of you are above God and there are many with the marking of the beast 666 who think they are

    KIndest regards
    .....Psalm 110

    But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. Luke 17:25


    Ophiuchus, the man battling the serpent in the sky the unknown 13th Sign of the zodiac, the fulfillment of the Mazzaroth.....21-12-2012

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,397 ✭✭✭✭FreudianSlippers

    Untenable proof? Written by whom?

    Oh, and btw, the number of the beast is 616, not 666. Papyrus 115 and the even older Ephraemi Rescriptus both state ἑξακόσιοι δέκα ἕξ, hexakosioi deka hex (lit. "six hundred and sixteen")

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,397 ✭✭✭✭FreudianSlippers

    Furthermore, if you dispute that 616 is the actual number of the beast and state that it is, in fact 666; then I have untenable proof that the pope is the antichrist. Andreas Helwig showed that Vicarius Filii Dei (the pope) carries the number of the beast:

    Vicarius Filii Dei adds up to 666 :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    The first thing we know about deciphering this symbolic code is that it calls for wisdom and understanding and we also know these are two gifts that come from God in the form of the Holy Spirit. Therefore it is safe to assume that the person who explains the meaning of the 666 marking of the beast has the wisdom and understanding gifts of the Holy Spirit and he will share his knowledge with us, knowledge being another gift of the Spirit.

    The second thing we know about the 666 marking of the beast is that nobody can buy or sell unless they have the marking which is strange because everyone around the world needs to buy and sell in some way shape or form.

    Many believe the marking of the beast is a very clever code created by God to prove to the world that every human on earth is born with the ability to sin as a result of the curse placed on mankind for Eve sinning. God will eventually explain the 666 marking to us and prove we are all sinners in his eyes. When the son returns he will explain the marking of the beast to us and naturally just as Jesus was accused of being demonic so too will the son be during his second coming. If you ask anyone in the world do they have the marking of the beast 666 the response will be no but what if God could prove everyone had it without them knowing because it was our punishment for the original sin of Eve? What if the marking of the beast denotes the ability to sin and offend God then surely everyone is guilty of having this mark? What if when the Son returns and he announces to the world and members of the Vatican and Catholic Church including Priests “You all have the marking of the beast 666” surely we would denounce such a man and call him the beast? In doing so we would be accusing the son of man of being the beast and thus God when in reality it is us with the marking.

    Original sin in its simplest form means that as a result of Adam and Eve sinning everyone born on earth thereafter was born with the ability to sin and offend God, God made us weak and allowed us to be marked with the ability to sin as punishment. The Fall of man as it is termed. Thus meaning we all have the mark of the beast, the beast sinned against God and we all have the ability to do the same. We also all have the ability to not sin against God if we so chose. Sin is an act of foolishness, arrogance and pride. For instance if one was to explain to a Priest that he has the marking of the beast 666, he would laugh and say no purely out of pride as too would billions of others around the world. In order to get rid of the marking of the beast which we all have we would have to come before God and seek forgiveness for our sins and weaknesses, admit we are miserable sinners and ask him to strengthen our weaknesses and allow us back to Eden. Those whom do this will be rewarded by God and forgiven because his Son was punished on our behalf for the sins we commit and those whom do not will continue to have the marking of the beast. The only two people we know about in the bible born without the ability to sin are Mary and Jesus. Revelation also tells us that during the second coming the beast tries to devour the son and his Mother comes to save him. This is why many believe the Son of Man will return to earth a sinner and Mary will save him with her supernatural divine abilities and he will teach us then all about the marking of the beast.

    666 appears in scripture in another section that many people are unaware of. When God gave instructions to Moses about how the breastplate of the High Priest was to be designed he said “The number of the threads and the order of the colors were, according to the "Targums" one of gold, six of blue, six of purple, and six of scarlet”. Thats, one 666. The breastplate was also known as the Holy Place where God spoke to his chosen High Priest. When the Son of Man returns as he is a High Priest forever under the <snip> he will know all about the breastplate and the meaning of the 666 and explain it to us. He will also be called the beast because the generation he explains it too must reject him thus showing they did indeed have the marking of the beast and were disobedient to God and his Son. The Breastplate of the High Priest also included precious stones upon which were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel and these the same type of stones mentioned in revelation upon which the foundation is laid for the building of the New Jerusalem.

    In short the Son returns in the New Jerusalem, he will have full knowledge of the breastplate, explain the meaning of 666 to us, we will denounce him as Satan because we don’t want to accept that we all have the marking of the beast and we won’t accept that God devised this clever plan to teach us. As a result of denouncing the son and rejecting the most important stone we are chastised by God.

    The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents. Kings 10:14

    And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six, 666.

    Revelation 16:18
    Many believe the man who explains we all have the marking of the beast is accused of being the beast himself not because he is the beast but because people are so afraid it might be right and don’t want to admit they have the marking of the beast so it easier for them to accuse someone else of having it. The son of man when he returns will be accused of blasphemy and of being the beast just as Jesus was in his day. The beast in revelation 16 is not Satan, it’s the man we accuse of being the beast because we have the marking 666 but not the wisdom or understanding to believe it. In accusing the Son of being the beast we are also accusing God of being the beast thus showing how infected we are by the marking. The Man we accuse of being the beast is actually the Messiah. That is how clever God truly is. God has planned all this since the beginning so we will truly understand his power when it is fulfilled.

    The book of revelation is full of mystical codes and symbols that will be understoord by the son of Man when he returns and invites us to attend his great supernatural divine wedding banquet. Knowing the Son he will perform a miracle at said event and probably turn the wine of his last supper into the water of life and also on the menu at this banquet will be nourishment from the bread of life as he tells us what the Eucharist really meant and serves up a whole heap of Judgements on the living and the dead as just desserts. Everyone around the world will be invited to join in this wedding celebration and we will also get to meet the Bride that has been chosen for the son. Many are invited, few are chosen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,397 ✭✭✭✭FreudianSlippers

    So you refute the legitimacy of Ephraemi Rescriptus and Papyrus 115?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars : Luke 21:25

    Each of the 12 constellations with the Zodiac or Mazzaroth also
    has within it what we call decans or three major stars that are
    attributes which define that constellations meaning in the sky
    and the role it plays in the divine plan. In total that means
    there are 36 decans within these constellations. The sum of
    the first 36 numbers is 666. 1+2+3....+34+35+36 = 666.

    The Mystery
    of the
    Mazzaroth :
    God’s Gospel in the sky.
    Astrological Secrets


    He has decided the number of the stars and calls each one by
    name. Psalm 147:4.

    Canst thou bind the chains of the Pleiades, or loose the bands
    of Orion? Canst thou lead forth the Mazzaroth in their
    season? Or canst thou guide the Bear with her sons (If you
    can‟t then you should listen)

    Do you know the ordinances of the heavens; can you
    put into effect their plan on the earth? JOB 38-31:33.

    Before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars of
    the heaven were made, His name was named before the Lord
    of Spirits (1 En. 48:3)

    The Mazzaroth is a name that few people are aware of but if
    one was to say The Zodiac all would understand. In ancient
    times going as far back as Adam and Enoch, the Zodiac was
    called the Mazzaroth and there was a firm belief that the
    message of God was spelled out in the constellation of the
    stars and we would understand it when we were ready or
    rather when God was ready to explain it. God did not create all
    the stars in the sky for no reason. They were accurately placed
    in the sky for our benefit. They told a story and God wanted
    everyone to eventually realise what that story was which in
    simple English is “I rule and control everything” and God
    would prove this by linking the story in the stars to the second
    coming of his Son brought to us by a virgin and together they
    crush the serpent.

    All this would be told in the skies by the
    stars God created and in this way no matter what they do to
    his son the second time there is nothing anyone of any race or
    religion can do to the stars. They will remain in the firmament
    of the sky forever for all to understand his Kingdom has no
    end. The study of the stars in the sky; better known as the
    science of astronomy goes as far back as the days of Adam,
    Seth and Enoch and throughout the ages many calendars were
    built around the sun, moon and stars.

    What we must remember is that before books were invented
    there was no bible and God created the stars in the sky as one
    method of guiding his people. The Mazzaroth was known as
    The Gospel in the Skies before Gospels about Jesus were
    written. The stars were in place way before Jesus and as we
    know continued to be there after he had gone. Overtime the
    people of the world stopped paying attention to the sky but the
    sky was the method used as calculating various calendars for
    many races across the world and they were highly accurate
    calendars too. It is only in modern times that mankind stepped
    in and started creating their own version of events and
    discounted the message spelt out in the sky by God for us. The
    word Mazzaroth is Hebrew and the Greek equivalent is Zodiac.
    It is important to state that this is all based on Astronomy, the
    science or study of the stars and not astrology which is a form
    of fortune telling about the prediction of future events.

    There is a big difference between Astronomy and Astrology and the
    Mazzaroth was a form of Astronomy, a very important one.
    Astrology is a twisted form of Astronomy that does not
    understand the true meaning of the 12 constellations. You can
    be guaranteed if they don‟t understand the 12, they certainly
    won‟t understand the 13th.

    It is believed the story about The Mazzaroth was told to Adam
    and passed down through generations by word of mouth and it
    told the story of the Messiah that was to come not once but
    twice. It began with the story of the constellation Virgo and
    ended with the constellation Leo and we know the Virgin
    (Virgo) brought us the Messiah and the lion (Leo) represents
    the Messiah, Esdras 13:32. It told the story of the stars that
    wrapped around the skies and were referred to as the signs
    from God. When translated Mazzaroth or Zodiac means, „The
    Signs‟, „The Way‟ or „Crown of Stars‟. The ancient Hebrew
    calendar year began in September and not in January as it
    does now. Virgo represents September.

    A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,
    and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Revelation 12:1.
    As Virgo is the first and Leo is the last this gives credence to
    the statement Jesus said on behalf of God, “I am the first and
    the last, the beginning and the end” Each constellation was
    also associated with a precious stone, similar stones that are
    referred to as the foundation stones for The New Jerusalem
    and the same ones in the breastplate of the High Priest
    discussed later.

    Many believe the New Jerusalem is established when we
    unravel the mystery of The Mazzaroth and we build this new
    city upon the information we receive from the Son when he
    returns. Each one of these 12 foundation stones represents
    one of the tribes of Israel and they also represent a stone from
    the High Priests Breastplate. The Son of Man as we know is a
    high Priest forever under the <snip>. It is
    in this way the people will understand that the Son is the
    bread of life as he can feed us with the word of God. Each
    stone also refers to an Apostle and when the New Jerusalem is
    established the son will chose 12 new Apostles which will fulfil
    the prophecy of La Salette which is discussed later. When the
    Son returns with this vast amount of Divine knowledge we will
    know it is him and we will also know that it should be God we
    praise and not the Son as the Son simply shared with us what
    the Father told him

    Each of the 12 constellations with the Zodiac or Mazzaroth also
    has within it what we call decans or three major stars that are
    attributes which define that constellations meaning in the sky
    and the role it plays in the divine plan. In total that means
    there are 36 decans within these constellations. The sum of
    the first 36 numbers is 666. 1+2+3....+34+35+36 = 666.
    Ophiuchus which is not included in the Mazzaroth depicts a
    man battling a serpent and many believe this reflects the
    return of the son of man for his second coming and the
    serpent he has to battle is mankind, everyone with the
    marking of the beast; 666. Whilst there are many stars within
    each constellation the decans are the three most important

    The tables below names the main stars or decans within each
    constellation, their meanings in English, original Hebrew and
    Biblical quotes they fulfil.

    By his knowledge he set the sky in place. Proverbs 3:19.


    Virgo :

    The constellation Virgo is described as The Virgin, branch or
    seed and is depicted in the skies as a woman with a branch in
    the right hand and ears of corn in her left, reaping the
    harvest. The word Branch is often referred to in the bible as a
    reference to the Messiah. The promised seed of the woman in
    Gen 3:15 is attributed to refer to Virgo and there is a child
    seated on her lap within this constellation at the decan star
    Coma. Of the twelve tribes of Israel, Virgo is associated with
    Zebulon which is in Nazareth and Mary the Mother of Jesus
    from this area. The Virgin Mary is often associated with this
    constellation and many believe it is the same Virgin Mary who
    according to Isaiah will once again give birth to the Messiah
    without going into labour. Let ye who have ears listen! This
    would be the promised, prophesised and much awaited Star

    How terrible will be the harvest on judgement day when these
    countless ears of corn are threshed out! 2 Esdras 4:32.


    Libra is known as the scales of justice, Jesus was killed but
    was innocent and the scales become balanced when he returns
    and is rewarded for sacrificing his life and gets a second life
    during which he judges justly and administers justice in the
    Kingdom of God. The price he paid was his life and God gives
    him back his life for a second coming so the scales of justice
    become balanced. Libra is associated with the tribe of Levi.
    The price Jesus paid seems deficient until we learn about his
    second coming and when we understand the second coming
    we will understand why Jesus was so passionate. The scales
    also reflect the rider on the black horse in the book of
    revelation which brings famine and death during judgement.


    Scorpio is as its name suggests is a scorpion in the sky that
    wounds the coming one. He is often referred to as the serpent
    which tempted Eve and is seen at the heel of Ophiuchus in the
    sky. Genesis 3:13-16. Scorpio is associated with the tribe of
    Dan. Scorpio also refers to a war or conflict which is the
    conflict mankind will go through when the second coming
    occurs and the war of light versus darkness begins. Scorpio
    represents the evil one, Satan and just above Scorpio lays the
    constellation Ophiuchus featuring a man battling a serpent.
    When the son returns he will crush Satan and help others do
    the same and explain to us the meaning of the Mazzaroth as
    the Son is the unknown 13th sign of the zodiac or Mazzaroth,
    Ophiuchus. Just as God marked the coming of the Messiah
    with a star over Bethlehem, he would mark his second coming
    with a whole constellation. The People of Ireland are known as
    descendents from the tribe of Dan.


    A half man half horse, an archer upon a horse with bow and
    arrow in his hand ready to conquer the evil one. Sagittarius is
    often associated with the white horse mentioned in revelation.
    Sagittarius is associated with the tribe of Asher. The son of
    man is represented as being human but also animal, the
    animal of sacrifice.


    Capricornus tells us the story of the dying goat and living fish.
    The goat represents the judgement when the son returns and
    separates the sheep from the goats. The fish represents the
    living ones who bathe in the water of life. Capricornus is
    located in the part of the sky known as the sea and was often
    credited with being associated with the great flood, Noah and
    The Ark and also holds great meaning to the Ark of the new
    covenant, Mary. The Fish also represents the people that the
    son will fish out when he returns. Capricornus is associated
    with the tribe of Naphtali.


    The Son of Man when he returns will bring us the water of life
    and Aquarius is also known as the water bearer. Acquarius is
    associated with the tribe of Reuben. The water pouring out
    signifies the promise from God regarding his Holy Spirit.


    Pisces is represented by two fishes tied together and signal a
    divided Kingdom. The Kingdom is divided in many ways, those
    whom don‟t believe in Jesus or in a second coming, those who
    do believe in Jesus and a second coming but reject him and
    those whom disbelieved all along but believe and accept him
    when he returns. The fishes represent the people and the son
    of man goes fishing for the people when he returns. Pisces is
    associated with the tribe of Simeon. The fish are held together
    by a band, it is this band that ties the people to sin which the
    son of man will release them from when he returns.


    Traditionally known as the ram Aries was originally called the
    Lamb but it was changed to ram by the Romans, not by God or
    one of his prophets. The Lamb is of course the Son who
    sacrifices his life for our behalf so we better understand God
    his Father and how God forgives us from sin and cleanses us
    with his Holy Spirit. Also depicted in this constellation is a
    seated Queen which represents the Queen of the skies, Mary.


    Traditionally known as the bull Taurus is referred to as being
    an Ox which in Hebrew means The Ruler. It is associated with
    the tribe of Joseph. Many believe when the Son of Man returns
    he will be born under the protection of this constellation i.e. in
    the Month of May. May of course dedicated to Mary and is
    represented by a green or emerald gemstone, the same
    gemstone mentioned in revelation and the breastplate of the
    High Priest. Taurus contains the seven stars called the Pleiades
    and these seven stars are also mentioned in revelation. The
    Pleiades have long been associated with divine Knowledge,
    soul awakenings and rebirth in the spirit of God. When the son
    returns those whom doubt him might as well be waving a red
    flag at a bull.

    In revelation 1 John describes the Son of Man as one holding
    seven stars in his right hand and a sharp two edged sword
    came out of his mouth "The seven stars are the angels of the
    seven churches, and the seven lamp stands are the seven
    churches." Rev 1:20. The sword refers to his sharp tongue that
    he uses to judge the world


    The Pleiades
    “flock of Doves”

    Out of all the constellations within the Mazzaroth the Pleiades
    is the most important one of all and contains the most
    important star that is out there. AlcyOne is the name of the
    star or AO. In the book of revelation when John wrote it he did
    not write I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last he
    wrote I am the AO and overtime this was thought to represent
    the Greek letters Alpha and Omega but it was referring to the
    Alcyone Star in the Pleiades cluster. They are located within
    Taurus right on the shoulder of the bull and for many it brings
    to mind the cross Jesus carried on his shoulder when he came
    to earth not once but twice to teach people about God. The
    name of the Pleiades is derived from the Greek word for flock
    of doves or The Holy Spirit. God did not do anything by chance
    so the placing of the Pleiades and Alcyone will become
    apparent when God is ready to reveal this mystery to us.
    Alcyone is said to be the centre of gravitation and where God
    has his throne. As everything revolves around it we position
    Alcyone in the middle of the Mazzaroth ring and this can also
    represent the star child to come, the son of God back to earth
    as prophesised. All these stars are located in Taurus...

    Unknown to many people the whole universe revolves around
    this one star and everything is based around it, the sun, moon,
    stars and planets including earth. This star is the centre of the
    universe and God placed it there for a reason. The Pleiades is
    mentioned several times in the bible by God‟s chosen prophets
    including JOB, Amos, Book of Revelation and the Book of

    He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the
    constellations of the south. JOB 9:9

    Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades? Can you loose the cords
    of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or
    canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? JOB 38:31-32 (
    three stars from the belt of Orion point towards the

    He who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns blackness into
    dawn and darkens day into night, who calls for the waters of
    the sea and pours them out over the face of the land--the
    LORD is his name. Amos 5:8

    And behold a bull came forth from the earth (Taurus) – Book
    of Enoch

    I saw there seven stars like great burning mountains, and to
    me, when I inquired regarding them, The angel said: 'This
    place is the end of heaven and earth: this has become a
    prison for the stars and the host of heaven. (GOD) Book of

    And the whole order of the stars shall be concealed from the
    sinners, and the thoughts of those on the earth shall err
    concerning them. Book of Enoch

    Enoch it is believed was shown the astrological secrets to come
    by God and he recorded all he saw.

    In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth
    came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun
    shining in all its brilliance. Revelation 1:16

    In brief all these bible passages are telling us that the mystery
    of God centres around his whole creation including the stars
    and he will obtain victory when his son returns and explains to
    us the full story of the Mazzaroth.

    You will not find any other constellation of stars that has had
    so much attention paid to it. The Newgrange tombs in Meath
    were built to bring our attention to the alignment of the earth
    and sun with Alcyone on December 21st 2012 as too were the
    Mayan Tombs in Chichen Itza, Mexico. The pyramids in Egypt
    are aligned with the Pleiades also. Another star in this
    constellation is called Maia and it is from this star the Mayans
    took their name i.e. they were being guided by the God of the
    sun moon and stars. Their whole celestial calendar which ends
    on December 21st 2012 is based on the Pleiades and their
    calendar began with the rise of Venus.

    On May 20th 2012 there will be a unique precision based solar eclipse, an
    alignment of the sun and moon with earth and the Pleiades.
    Venus the bright morning star will be the closest it has ever
    been to the Pleaides in 2012 also. Venus many believe
    represents the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

    I will also give him the morning star. Revelation 2:28

    I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the
    churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the
    bright Morning Star. Revelation 22:16

    They pour out drink offerings to
    other gods to provoke me to anger. Jeremiah 7:18

    On December 21, 2012 which coincides with the Winter
    Solstice as the Sun sets west of Chichen-Itza, Mexico, a
    pattern of shadow and light will project the Plumed Serpent
    (Quetzalcoatl) descending on the stairs of the pyramid that has
    a large head of a serpent sculpted in rock at the base. This
    occurs twice in Chichen Itza every year but on the Winter
    Solstice of December 21, 2012 something very special will
    happen. As the Sun sets in the early afternoon, the shadow of
    the pyramid's northwest edge will project a moving pattern of
    light that joins and illuminates the sculpted feathered serpent
    head at the base of the stairway. Within a thirty-four minute
    period, the feathered serpent, formed by this play of light and
    shadow will appear to descend to the earth, as the sun leaves
    each stair, going from the top to the bottom. This combined
    effect creates the visual appearance of the body of the
    feathered serpent descending the pyramid. In addition, on
    December 21, 2012, the tail of the feathered serpent projected
    up from the top of the pyramid will be pointing precisely to the
    star cluster Pleiades. Meanwhile over in Ireland at the
    Newgrange tombs the sun will bring attention to the royal
    county of Meath with no serpent effect thus meaning God is
    using his sun to bring our attention to the crushing of the
    serpent, the second coming of his son. On top of this the sun
    will be located just below Ophiuchus, the man battling the
    serpent and reflects the battle the son of Man will have with
    mankind when he returns for his second coming.
    Also important to note in this cluster is the horns of the bull
    formed by the cluster called The Hyades, they form a V for
    victory sign and located right between the two eyes of the bull
    is the Aldebaran star, the third eye which is also known as the
    eye of God.


    Twins or United Ones represent this constellation and it depicts
    the story of the mission of the son during the first and second
    coming and also refers to the people of the world. The son will
    have the same mission the second time, a twin mission, to get
    people to believe he is the Messiah and speaking the word of
    God. The people during the second coming will be like many of
    the people during the first one; they will doubt and laugh at
    the son. The twins are interesting because very often they are
    depicted as one twin being inside the milky way and one just
    outside of it showing that some people will partake in the
    second coming and some will stay away from it, much to their
    detriment. Gemini is also said to refer to the Grandsons of
    Abraham, Jacob and Esau. Jacob was twin brother of Esau and
    was born holding the heel of Esau.

    Esau represents the end of this age, and Jacob represents the
    beginning of the new age. So if Jacobs hand is the beginning
    and Esau‟s heel is the end, do not try to find a space in between


    Although shaped and referred to as being a crab when
    translated it means sheepfold, a sheep‟s pen or a place of
    holding. It is associated with the tribe of Issachar. It is a
    holding pen for the last sign, Leo the Lion from the Tribe of
    Judah, The Messiah.


    The Lion relates to the tribe of Judah and the bible tells us the
    Messiah will be a branch from this tribe. Leo is the last of the
    12 signs, Virgo the first and God said through Jesus “I am the
    first and last”.

    he heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaims its
    builder's craft. One day to the next conveys that message; one
    night to the next imparts that knowledge. There is no word or
    sound; no voice is heard; yet their report goes forth through
    all the earth, their message, to the ends of the world. God has
    pitched there a tent for the sun; it comes forth like a
    bridegroom from his chamber, and like an athlete joyfully
    runs its course. Psalm 19:2-6.

    When he established the heavens I was there, when he
    marked out the vault over the face of the deep; When he
    made firm the skies above, when he fixed fast the foundations
    of the earth; When he set for the sea its limit, so that the
    waters should not transgress his command; Then was I beside
    him as his craftsman, and I was his delight day by day, Playing
    before him all the while, playing on the surface of his earth;
    and I found delight in the sons of men. Proverbs 8:27-31

    The clear vault of the sky shines forth like heaven itself, a
    vision of glory. The orb of the sun, resplendent at its rising:
    what a wonderful work of the Most High! At noon it seethes
    the surface of the earth, and who can bear its fiery heat? Like
    a blazing furnace of solid metal, it sets the mountains aflame
    with its rays; by its fiery darts the land is consumed; the eyes
    are dazzled by its light. Great indeed is the LORD who made it,
    at whose orders it urges on its steeds. The moon, too, that
    marks the changing times, governing the seasons, their lasting
    sign, By which we know the feast days and fixed dates, this
    light-giver which wanes in its course: As its name says, each
    month it renews itself; how wondrous in this change! The
    beauty, the glory, of the heavens are the stars that adorn with
    their sparkling the heights of God, at whose command they
    keep their place and never relax in their vigils. A weapon
    against the flood waters stored on high, lighting up the
    firmament by its brilliance, Behold the rainbow! Then bless its
    Maker, for majestic indeed is its splendour; it spans the
    heavens with its glory, this bow bent by the mighty hand of
    God. Sirach 43:1-12

    But all men are vain, in whom there is not the knowledge of
    God: and who by these good things that are seen, could not
    understand him that is, neither by attending to the works have
    acknowledged who was the workman. But have imagined
    either the fire, or the wind, or the swift air, or the circle of the
    stars, or the great water, or the sun and moon, to be the gods
    that rule the world. Wisdom 13:1-2.

    God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to
    divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs,
    and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for
    lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the
    earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the
    greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the
    night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the
    firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to
    rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light
    from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the
    evening and the morning were the fourth day. Gen 1:14-19.
    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament
    showeth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and
    night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech or
    language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out
    through all the earth and their words to the end of the world.
    In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a
    bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a
    strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of
    the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is
    nothing hid from the heat thereof. Psalm 19:1-6.

    Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the
    heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou
    shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as
    a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed:
    But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.
    Psalm 25:27.


    Ophiuchus - the 13th sign of the zodiac - the son of man when he returns for his second coming, explains the meaning of the mazzaroth and is rejected by a godless generation.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    So you refute the legitimacy of Ephraemi Rescriptus and Papyrus 115?

    When Jesus returns he returns to fulfil scripture and confirm the legitimacy of his words during the first coming, those whom were led astray by the beast and whom have the marking of the beast 666 will doubt him and try produce evidence that it is not he.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,397 ✭✭✭✭FreudianSlippers

    selfrep wrote: »
    When Jesus returns he returns to fulfil scripture and confirm the legitimacy of his words during the first coming, those whom were led astray by the beast and whom have the marking of the beast 666 will doubt him and try produce evidence that it is not he.....
    I'm afraid it is your good self that has been led astray. The Ephraemi Rescriptus is untainted by the modern church and is closer to the actual word of Jesus if anything.
    The Papyrus 115 fragment which contains Rev 2-3, 5-6, 8-15 dates to the 3rd century; you would claim this is less compelling evidence than a bastardised version of the book created for their own purposes by the First and Second Council of Nicaea

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    I'm afraid it is your good self that has been led astray. The Ephraemi Rescriptus is untainted by the modern church and is closer to the actual word of Jesus if anything.
    The Papyrus 115 fragment which contains Rev 2-3, 5-6, 8-15 dates to the 3rd century; you would claim this is less compelling evidence than a bastardised version of the book created for their own purposes by the First and Second Council of Nicaea

    Firstly dont swear and scripture means the word of God and when jesus returns he will fulfil it and its 666 not 616 read the full post above and stop making a fool of yourself 666 deacons in the mazzaroth, 666 in the breastplate of judgement 666 talents of Gold iN Wisdom 666 marking of the beast

    666 appears in scripture in another section that many people are unaware of. When God gave instructions to Moses about how the breastplate of the High Priest was to be designed he said “The number of the threads and the order of the colors were, according to the "Targums" one of gold, six of blue, six of purple, and six of scarlet”. Thats, one 666. The breastplate was also known as the Holy Place where God spoke to his chosen High Priest. When the Son of Man returns as he is a High Priest forever under the Divine Order of <snip> he will know all about the breastplate and the meaning of the 666 and explain it to us. He will also be called the beast because the generation he explains it too must reject him thus showing they did indeed have the marking of the beast and were disobedient to God and his Son. The Breastplate of the High Priest also included precious stones upon which were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel and these the same type of stones mentioned in revelation upon which the foundation is laid for the building of the New Jerusalem.

    In short the Son returns in the New Jerusalem, he will have full knowledge of the breastplate, explain the meaning of 666 to us, we will denounce him as Satan because we don’t want to accept that we all have the marking of the beast and we won’t accept that God devised this clever plan to teach us. As a result of denouncing the son and rejecting the most important stone we are chastised by God.

    The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents. Kings 10:14

    And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six, 666.

    Each of the 12 constellations with the Zodiac or Mazzaroth also
    has within it what we call decans or three major stars that are
    attributes which define that constellations meaning in the sky
    and the role it plays in the divine plan. In total that means
    there are 36 decans within these constellations. The sum of
    the first 36 numbers is 666. 1+2+3....+34+35+36 = 666.

    the job of anyone with the marking of the beast is to doubt the truth and try discredit it to suit their own agenda.....the beast is very powerful

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,397 ✭✭✭✭FreudianSlippers

    selfrep wrote: »
    Firstly dont swear and scripture means the word of God and when jesus returns he will fulfil it and its 666 not 616 read the full post above and stop making a fool of yourself 666 deacons in the mazzaroth, 666 in the breastplate of judgement 666 talents of Gold iN Wisdom 666 marking of the beast
    There is no such thing as swearing.
    It is most certainly not I that is making a fool of myself.

    It remains a fact that you quote from scripture that has been corrupted by man. The number is clearly 616 based on ancient scripture from the time of Jesus.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    So you refute the legitimacy of Ephraemi Rescriptus and Papyrus 115?


    theres an image of papyrus 115.....two things....Muhammad wrote the whole Quaran.......doesnt make it true and theres nothing stopping someone recording the marking is 616 as you state and nor does it make it true bet your bottom dollar i dont trust a scrawny piece of tattered paper like that.....the job of the beast is to lead people astray and whats to say he didnt lead someone astray and get them to write 616..... Jesus will reveal the truth of 666 or 616 and judging by previous entries in the bible as stated above its most likely to be 666 unless you dear freudian slip can find 616 mentioned in the scriptures either old or new testament then stick with 666 it makes sense..... the mazzaroth is in the sky, no man can tamper with it 12 constellations, 3 deacons in each =36 sum of first 36 numbers = 666,

    Proverbs 9 : 8 Never correct conceited people; they will hate you for it. But if you correct the wise, they will respect you. 9 Anything you say to the wise will make them wiser. Whatever you tell the righteous will add to their knowledge. 10 To be wise you must first have reverence for the Lord. If you know the Holy One, you have understanding. 11 Wisdom will add years to your life. 12 You are the one who will profit if you have wisdom, and if you reject it, you are the one who will suffer. 13 Stupidity is like a loud, ignorant, shameless woman.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    There is no such thing as swearing.
    It is most certainly not I that is making a fool of myself.

    It remains a fact that you quote from scripture that has been corrupted by man. The number is clearly 616 based on ancient scripture from the time of Jesus.

    read the story of the mazzaroth above and then tell me your not making a fool of yourself, you doubt, the book of kells, you doubt the prophecies of malachy, you doubt the vision of knock, you havent read me evidence free of charge at this link and yet you say your not making a fool of yourself...if you were in a jury room and refused to listen to all the evidence and said to the other 11 jury members that you wernt going to listen to the evidence and discard it in favour of your own beliefs they would tell you your not being fair and your making a fool of yourself they might even swear at ya too....

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,039 ✭✭✭rmacm

    selfrep wrote: »
    The constitution is not backward, its the people in 21st century Ireland who turned their back on the constitution.....anyone without christian beliefs in ireland is in breach of the constitution....people who are wrong about God and dont want to accept there will be a second coming do their utmost to prove they are right.....the same God mentioned in our constitution is the same God that will ensure the second coming happens and those whom turned their back on our constitution and stopped being christian will be proven to be the ones whom lived backward lives and will be faced with accepting a reality they didnt know could exist because they had no faith in God....De Valera was a gifted man and liased with the Vatican with the wording of the constitution...he had the gift of the spirit of God.....

    De Velera had no more the gift of god than I do.....ffs. Second coming my bollox, if it does happen then so be it. I'll gladly spend eternity in hell but I'll be taking the rest of you with me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    So when is this all supposed to happen?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    So when is this all supposed to happen?

    Last Wednesday. It was in all the papers.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Vicarius Filii Dei adds up to 666

    VI +C + I + V +I+ L+II +D +I
    6 + 100 +2 +5 +50 +2 +500 +1

    same as the Barney is Satan Proof

    Cvte Pvrple Dinosaur = 666 :D

    Still tho, begs the question why would they change it TO 666? What does 616 match up to???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    So when is this all supposed to happen?

    Emm.....well if your reading this proof surely its happening in the here and now under your nose?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭source

    selfrep wrote: »
    Emm.....well if your reading this proof surely its happening in the here and now under your nose?

    Well if what you're saying is right (It's not), he'd want to hurry up, he apparently only has till Friday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    source wrote: »
    Well if what you're saying is right (It's not), he'd want to hurry up, he apparently only has till Friday.

    ....I think you will find that the nature of this message, all these messages is proof in itself he is trying to hurry up and awaken the sleepy godless people of Ireland and its like poking a bear in hibernation the Godless faithless people of Ireland are cranky and dont want to be awoken to a reality they didnt believe could occur during their lifetime....furthermore he doesnt have until friday.....when Jesus returns he has all the time in the world....its the people who disbelieve him that have very little time.......I would like to emphasise to the members of this forum....Jesus when he returns doesnt have to get anyone to believe him.....his return to earth to judge the faithful and the unfaithful not peoples belief and disbelief to the truth will be totally irrelevant.... ignorance of, fear of and disbelief of the truth are not a defence during judgement day.....

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    selfrep wrote: »
    I would like to emphasise to the members of this forum....Jesus when he returns doesnt have to get anyone to believe him.....his return to earth to judge the faithful and the unfaithful not peoples belief and disbelief to the truth will be totally irrelevant.... ignorance of, fear of and disbelief of the truth are not a defence during judgement day.....

    Never trust anyone who tells you "Now What God Means By This".....

  • Registered Users Posts: 191 ✭✭Avatargh

    Back to the original point. When you draft proceedings, they generally start with a very succint setting out of what the Claim is about, such as

    "The Plaintiff's Claim is for

    1. Damages for breach of contract.
    2. Costs"


    "The Plaintiff's Claim is for

    1. A declaration that s.1 of the Fake Act, 2011 is unconstitutional having regard to [etc, etc]
    2. Costs"

    Why don't you do us all a favour and maybe apply your wonderful mind to the question you originally posed about all this and the constitution. What, in succint terms, is your claim?

    And I'm not asking for a narrative or evidence. I'm asking you tell me what is your complaint as regards the Constitution?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭selfrep

    Di0genes wrote: »
    Never trust anyone who tells you "Now What God Means By This".....

    I didnt say anything like that and your making up words and statements and saying i said god means by this......when you make up lies to discredit another person its you that is discredited

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